2022-05-16 16:45:45 +00:00

6913 lines
518 KiB

var EJS = function(_0x574f5e) {
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return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(_0x1ed01a, _0x4abf0b);
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! function(_0x36fa8f) {
'use strict';
var _0x519c5e = function() {},
_0x21c4c0 = {
'getType': function() {
return 'null';
'isSupported': function() {
return !0x1;
'update': _0x519c5e
_0x51f790 = function(_0x961a83) {
var _0x21c4c0 = this,
_0x55f0e2 = window;
this.update = _0x519c5e, this.requestAnimationFrame = _0x961a83 || _0x55f0e2.requestAnimationFrame || _0x55f0e2.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || _0x55f0e2.mozRequestAnimationFrame, this.tickFunction = function() {
_0x21c4c0.update(), _0x21c4c0.startTicker();
}, this.startTicker = function() {
_0x21c4c0.requestAnimationFrame.apply(_0x55f0e2, [_0x21c4c0.tickFunction]);
_0x51f790.prototype.start = function(_0x17a8e5) {
this.update = _0x17a8e5 || _0x519c5e, this.startTicker();
var _0x594d89 = function() {};
_0x594d89.prototype.update = _0x519c5e, _0x594d89.prototype.start = function(_0x39fdd2) {
this.update = _0x39fdd2 || _0x519c5e;
var _0x2ff982 = function(_0x2b1a98, _0x4f87ba) {
this.listener = _0x2b1a98, this.gamepadGetter = _0x4f87ba, this.knownGamepads = [];
_0x2ff982.factory = function(_0xc62323) {
var _0x519c5e = _0x21c4c0,
_0x2c02e1 = window && window.navigator;
return _0x2c02e1 && (void 0x0 !== _0x2c02e1.getGamepads ? _0x519c5e = new _0x2ff982(_0xc62323, function() {
return _0x2c02e1.getGamepads();
}) : void 0x0 !== _0x2c02e1.webkitGamepads ? _0x519c5e = new _0x2ff982(_0xc62323, function() {
return _0x2c02e1.webkitGamepads();
}) : void 0x0 !== _0x2c02e1.webkitGetGamepads && (_0x519c5e = new _0x2ff982(_0xc62323, function() {
return _0x2c02e1.webkitGetGamepads();
}))), _0x519c5e;
}, _0x2ff982.getType = function() {
return 'WebKit';
}, _0x2ff982.prototype.getType = function() {
return _0x2ff982.getType();
}, _0x2ff982.prototype.isSupported = function() {
return true;
}, _0x2ff982.prototype.update = function() {
var _0x36fa8f, _0x519c5e, _0x21c4c0 = Array.prototype.slice.call(this.gamepadGetter(), 0x0);
for (_0x519c5e = this.knownGamepads.length - 0x1; _0x519c5e >= 0x0; _0x519c5e--) _0x36fa8f = this.knownGamepads[_0x519c5e], _0x21c4c0.indexOf(_0x36fa8f) < 0x0 && (this.knownGamepads.splice(_0x519c5e, 0x1), this.listener._disconnect(_0x36fa8f));
for (_0x519c5e = 0x0; _0x519c5e < _0x21c4c0.length; _0x519c5e++)(_0x36fa8f = _0x21c4c0[_0x519c5e]) && this.knownGamepads.indexOf(_0x36fa8f) < 0x0 && (this.knownGamepads.push(_0x36fa8f), this.listener._connect(_0x36fa8f));
var _0x2f4e6b = function(_0x3d65fc) {
this.listener = _0x3d65fc, window.addEventListener('gamepadconnected', function(_0x44ea49) {
}), window.addEventListener('gamepaddisconnected', function(_0xfb7aa0) {
_0x2f4e6b.factory = function(_0x4c832a) {
var _0x519c5e = _0x21c4c0;
return window && void 0x0 !== window.addEventListener && (_0x519c5e = new _0x2f4e6b(_0x4c832a)), _0x519c5e;
}, _0x2f4e6b.getType = function() {
return 'Firefox';
}, _0x2f4e6b.prototype.getType = function() {
return _0x2f4e6b.getType();
}, _0x2f4e6b.prototype.isSupported = function() {
return -0x1 !== (window && window.navigator).userAgent.indexOf('Firefox');
}, _0x2f4e6b.prototype.update = _0x519c5e;
var _0x5633cb = function(_0x1f6314) {
this.updateStrategy = _0x1f6314 || new _0x51f790(), this.gamepads = [], this.listeners = {}, this.platform = _0x21c4c0, this.deadzone = 0.03, this.maximizeThreshold = 0.97;
_0x5633cb.UpdateStrategies = {
'AnimFrameUpdateStrategy': _0x51f790,
'ManualUpdateStrategy': _0x594d89
}, _0x5633cb.PlatformFactories = [_0x2f4e6b.factory, _0x2ff982.factory], _0x5633cb.Type = {
'N64': 'n64',
'PLAYSTATION': 'playstation',
'LOGITECH': 'logitech',
'XBOX': 'xbox',
'ECKA': 'ecka',
'UNKNOWN': 'unknown'
}, _0x5633cb.Event = {
'CONNECTED': 'connected',
'UNSUPPORTED': 'unsupported',
'DISCONNECTED': 'disconnected',
'TICK': 'tick',
'BUTTON_DOWN': 'button-down',
'BUTTON_UP': 'button-up',
'AXIS_CHANGED': 'axis-changed'
var _0x11b15e, _0x1380fc = function(_0x2a091d, _0x396791, _0x49a80e) {
return _0x396791 < _0x2a091d.length ? _0x2a091d[_0x396791] : _0x49a80e + (_0x396791 - _0x2a091d.length + 0x1);
_0x5633cb.StandardMapping = {
'env': {},
'buttons': {
'byButton': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]
'axes': {
'byAxis': [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3]
}, _0x5633cb.Mappings = [{
'env': {
'platform': _0x2f4e6b.getType(),
'type': _0x5633cb.Type.N64
'buttons': {
'byButton': [0x2, 0x1, 0x3, 0x0, 0x4, 0x5, -0x1, -0x1, 0x8, 0x9, -0x1, -0x1, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf, -0x1]
'axes': {
'byAxis': [0x1, 0x2, -0x1, -0x1]
}, {
'env': {
'platform': _0x2ff982.getType(),
'type': _0x5633cb.Type.N64
'buttons': {
'byButton': [0x2, 0x1, 0x3, 0x0, 0x4, 0x5, -0x1, -0x1, 0x8, 0x9, -0x1, -0x1, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf, -0x1]
'axes': {
'byAxis': [0x0, 0x1, -0x1, -0x1]
}, {
'env': {
'platform': _0x2f4e6b.getType(),
'type': _0x5633cb.Type.XBOX
'buttons': {
'byButton': [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0xf, 0x10, 0x9, 0x8, 0x6, 0x7, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xa]
'axes': {
'byAxis': [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3]
}, {
'env': {
'platform': _0x2f4e6b.getType(),
'type': _0x5633cb.Type.PLAYSTATION
'buttons': {
'byButton': [0xe, 0xd, 0xf, 0xc, 0xa, 0xb, 0x8, 0x9, 0x0, 0x3, 0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x6, 0x7, 0x5, 0x10]
'axes': {
'byAxis': [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3]
}, {
'env': {
'platform': _0x2ff982.getType(),
'type': _0x5633cb.Type.LOGITECH
'buttons': {
'byButton': [0x1, 0x2, 0x0, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xa]
'axes': {
'byAxis': [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3]
}, {
'env': {
'platform': _0x2f4e6b.getType(),
'type': _0x5633cb.Type.LOGITECH
'buttons': {
'byButton': [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, -0x1, -0x1, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xa],
'byAxis': [-0x1, -0x1, -0x1, -0x1, -0x1, -0x1, [0x2, 0x0, 0x1],
[0x2, 0x0, -0x1]
'axes': {
'byAxis': [0x0, 0x1, 0x3, 0x4]
}, {
'env': {
'platform': _0x2ff982.getType(),
'type': _0x5633cb.Type.ECKA
'buttons': {
'byButton': [0x2, 0x1, 0x3, 0x0, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xa],
'byAxis': [-0x1, -0x1, -0x1, -0x1, -0x1, -0x1, [0x2, 0x0, 0x1],
[0x2, 0x0, -0x1]
'axes': {
'byAxis': [0x0, 0x1, 0x3, 0x4]
}, {
'env': {
'platform': _0x2ff982.getType(),
'type': _0x5633cb.Type.UNKNOWN
'buttons': {
'byButton': [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, -0x1, -0x1, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf, 0x10, 0x11, 0xa]
'axes': {
'byAxis': [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x5]
}], _0x5633cb.prototype.init = function() {
var _0x36fa8f = _0x5633cb.resolvePlatform(this),
_0x519c5e = this;
return this.platform = _0x36fa8f, this.updateStrategy.start(function() {
}), this.buttonState = [], this.extraButtonState = [], _0x36fa8f.isSupported();
}, _0x5633cb.prototype.bind = function(_0x1ad7a3, _0x381962) {
return void 0x0 === this.listeners[_0x1ad7a3] && (this.listeners[_0x1ad7a3] = []), this.listeners[_0x1ad7a3].push(_0x381962), this;
}, _0x5633cb.prototype.unbind = function(_0x1e8e29, _0x14faad) {
if (void 0x0 !== _0x1e8e29) {
if (void 0x0 !== _0x14faad) {
if (void 0x0 === this.listeners[_0x1e8e29]) return !0x1;
for (var _0x21c4c0 = 0x0; _0x21c4c0 < this.listeners[_0x1e8e29].length; _0x21c4c0++)
if (this.listeners[_0x1e8e29][_0x21c4c0] === _0x14faad) return this.listeners[_0x1e8e29].splice(_0x21c4c0, 0x1), true;
return !0x1;
this.listeners[_0x1e8e29] = [];
} else this.listeners = {};
}, _0x5633cb.prototype.count = function() {
return this.gamepads.length;
}, _0x5633cb.prototype._fire = function(_0x4ccbe8, _0x5d1f53) {
if (void 0x0 !== this.listeners[_0x4ccbe8]) {
for (var _0x21c4c0 = 0x0; _0x21c4c0 < this.listeners[_0x4ccbe8].length; _0x21c4c0++) this.listeners[_0x4ccbe8][_0x21c4c0].apply(this.listeners[_0x4ccbe8][_0x21c4c0], [_0x5d1f53]);
var _0x2be19b = this;
_0x5d1f53.gamepad && _0x5d1f53.gamepad.extra_buttons && _0x5d1f53.gamepad.extra_buttons.forEach(function(_0xef3dc7, _0x4315f4) {
_0x2be19b.extraButtonState[_0x5d1f53.gamepad.index] || (_0x2be19b.extraButtonState[_0x5d1f53.gamepad.index] = []), _0x2be19b.extraButtonState[_0x5d1f53.gamepad.index][_0x4315f4] = _0xef3dc7;
}, _0x5633cb.getNullPlatform = function() {
return Object.create(_0x21c4c0);
}, _0x5633cb.resolvePlatform = function(_0x3528ec) {
var _0x519c5e, _0x1ff0c4 = _0x21c4c0;
for (_0x519c5e = 0x0; !_0x1ff0c4.isSupported() && _0x519c5e < _0x5633cb.PlatformFactories.length; _0x519c5e++) _0x1ff0c4 = _0x5633cb.PlatformFactories[_0x519c5e](_0x3528ec);
return _0x1ff0c4;
}, _0x5633cb.prototype._connect = function(_0x1606a1) {
var _0x519c5e, _0x21c4c0, _0x3108dc = this._resolveMapping(_0x1606a1);
for (_0x1606a1.state = {}, _0x1606a1.lastState = {}, _0x1606a1.updater = [], this.buttonState[_0x1606a1.index] || (this.buttonState[_0x1606a1.index] = []), this.extraButtonState[_0x1606a1.index] || (this.extraButtonState[_0x1606a1.index] = []), _0x519c5e = _0x3108dc.buttons.byButton.length, _0x21c4c0 = 0x0; _0x21c4c0 < _0x519c5e; _0x21c4c0++) this._addButtonUpdater(_0x1606a1, _0x3108dc, _0x21c4c0);
for (_0x519c5e = _0x3108dc.axes.byAxis.length, _0x21c4c0 = 0x0; _0x21c4c0 < _0x519c5e; _0x21c4c0++) this._addAxisUpdater(_0x1606a1, _0x3108dc, _0x21c4c0);
if (this.gamepads[_0x1606a1.index] = _0x1606a1, !this.gamepads[_0x1606a1.index].extra_buttons)
for (this.gamepads[_0x1606a1.index].extra_buttons = [], _0x21c4c0 = _0x1606a1.buttons.length; _0x21c4c0 < 0x10; _0x21c4c0++) this.extraButtonState[_0x1606a1.index][_0x21c4c0] ? this.gamepads[_0x1606a1.index].extra_buttons[_0x21c4c0] = this.extraButtonState[_0x1606a1.index][_0x21c4c0] : this.gamepads[_0x1606a1.index].extra_buttons[_0x21c4c0] = {
'pressed': !0x1,
'value': 0x0
this._fire(_0x5633cb.Event.CONNECTED, _0x1606a1);
}, _0x5633cb.prototype._addButtonUpdater = function(_0x19541b, _0x3a8718, _0x2e14e2) {
var _0x14879d, _0x49f481 = _0x1380fc(_0x5633cb.StandardButtons, _0x2e14e2, 'EXTRA_BUTTON_'),
_0x220cd5 = this._createButtonGetter(_0x19541b, _0x3a8718.buttons, _0x2e14e2),
_0x1fe059 = this,
_0x2ff716 = {
'gamepad': _0x19541b,
'control': _0x49f481,
'index': _0x2e14e2,
'gamepadIndex': _0x19541b.index
_0x19541b.state[_0x49f481] = 0x0, _0x19541b.lastState[_0x49f481] = 0x0, null == this.buttonState[_0x19541b.index][_0x49f481] && (this.buttonState[_0x19541b.index][_0x49f481] = 0x0), _0x14879d = function() {
var _0x3a8718 = _0x220cd5(),
_0x2e14e2 = _0x19541b.lastState[_0x49f481],
_0x11e126 = _0x3a8718 > 0.5,
_0x1078e7 = _0x2e14e2 > 0.5;
_0x19541b.state[_0x49f481] = _0x3a8718, _0x11e126 && !_0x1078e7 ? _0x1fe059._fire(_0x5633cb.Event.BUTTON_DOWN, Object.create(_0x2ff716)) : !_0x11e126 && _0x1078e7 ? _0x1fe059._fire(_0x5633cb.Event.BUTTON_UP, Object.create(_0x2ff716)) : _0x1fe059.buttonState[_0x19541b.index][_0x49f481] != _0x3a8718 && _0x1fe059._fire(_0x5633cb.Event.BUTTON_UP, Object.create(_0x2ff716)), 0x0 !== _0x3a8718 && 0x1 !== _0x3a8718 && _0x3a8718 !== _0x2e14e2 && _0x1fe059._fireAxisChangedEvent(_0x19541b, _0x49f481, _0x3a8718), _0x19541b.lastState[_0x49f481] = _0x3a8718, _0x1fe059.buttonState[_0x19541b.index][_0x49f481] = _0x3a8718;
}, _0x19541b.updater.push(_0x14879d);
}, _0x5633cb.prototype._addAxisUpdater = function(_0x54e7b0, _0x2a7b73, _0x8f3c6d) {
var _0x180376, _0x32658f = _0x1380fc(_0x5633cb.StandardAxes, _0x8f3c6d, 'EXTRA_AXIS_'),
_0x4a1dfc = this._createAxisGetter(_0x54e7b0, _0x2a7b73.axes, _0x8f3c6d),
_0x11e62a = this;
_0x54e7b0.state[_0x32658f] = 0x0, _0x54e7b0.lastState[_0x32658f] = 0x0, null == this.buttonState[_0x54e7b0.index][_0x32658f] && (this.buttonState[_0x54e7b0.index][_0x32658f] = 0x0), _0x180376 = function() {
var _0x2a7b73 = _0x4a1dfc(),
_0x8f3c6d = _0x11e62a.buttonState[_0x54e7b0.index][_0x32658f];
_0x54e7b0.state[_0x32658f] = _0x2a7b73, _0x2a7b73 !== _0x8f3c6d && _0x11e62a._fireAxisChangedEvent(_0x54e7b0, _0x32658f, _0x2a7b73), _0x54e7b0.lastState[_0x32658f] = _0x2a7b73, _0x11e62a.buttonState[_0x54e7b0.index][_0x32658f] = _0x2a7b73;
}, _0x54e7b0.updater.push(_0x180376);
}, _0x5633cb.prototype._fireAxisChangedEvent = function(_0x1b1af6, _0x297863, _0x310ce0) {
var _0x181122 = {
'gamepad': _0x1b1af6,
'axis': _0x297863,
'value': _0x310ce0
this._fire(_0x5633cb.Event.AXIS_CHANGED, _0x181122);
}, _0x5633cb.prototype._createButtonGetter = (_0x11b15e = function() {
return 0x0;
}, function(_0x8afe40, _0x4912fb, _0x78724a) {
var _0x57e1d5, _0x2126da, _0xbc04b4 = _0x11b15e,
_0x4f004d = this;
return -0x1 !== (_0x57e1d5 = _0x4912fb.byButton[_0x78724a]) ? 'number' == typeof _0x57e1d5 && _0x57e1d5 < _0x8afe40.buttons.length && (_0xbc04b4 = function() {
var _0x4912fb = _0x8afe40.buttons[_0x57e1d5];
return 'number' == typeof _0x4912fb ? _0x4912fb : 'number' == typeof _0x4912fb.value ? _0x4912fb.value : 0x0;
}) : _0x4912fb.byAxis && _0x78724a < _0x4912fb.byAxis.length && (_0x57e1d5 = _0x4912fb.byAxis[_0x78724a], _0x2126da = _0x57e1d5, '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(_0x2126da) && 0x3 == _0x57e1d5.length && _0x57e1d5[0x0] < _0x8afe40.axes.length && (_0xbc04b4 = function(_0x41d3e7, _0xfe6d41, _0x1c883a) {
var _0x23be26 = _0x11b15e;
return _0xfe6d41 < _0x1c883a ? _0x23be26 = function() {
var _0x5bba97 = _0x1c883a - _0xfe6d41,
_0x23be85 = _0x41d3e7();
return (_0x23be85 = (_0x23be85 - _0xfe6d41) / _0x5bba97) < 0x0 ? 0x0 : _0x23be85;
} : _0x1c883a < _0xfe6d41 && (_0x23be26 = function() {
var _0xd24650 = _0xfe6d41 - _0x1c883a,
_0x183f73 = _0x41d3e7();
return (_0x183f73 = (_0x183f73 - _0x1c883a) / _0xd24650) > 0x1 ? 0x0 : 0x1 - _0x183f73;
}), _0x23be26;
}(_0xbc04b4 = function() {
var _0x4912fb = _0x8afe40.axes[_0x57e1d5[0x0]];
return _0x4f004d._applyDeadzoneMaximize(_0x4912fb);
}, _0x57e1d5[0x1], _0x57e1d5[0x2]))), _0xbc04b4;
}), _0x5633cb.prototype._createAxisGetter = function() {
var _0x36fa8f = function() {
return 0x0;
return function(_0x2d14b3, _0x6afd0e, _0x20eff1) {
var _0x1b8acf, _0x2b1b0a = _0x36fa8f,
_0x101060 = this;
return -0x1 !== (_0x1b8acf = _0x6afd0e.byAxis[_0x20eff1]) && 'number' == typeof _0x1b8acf && _0x1b8acf < _0x2d14b3.axes.length && (_0x2b1b0a = function() {
var _0x36fa8f = _0x2d14b3.axes[_0x1b8acf];
return _0x101060._applyDeadzoneMaximize(_0x36fa8f);
}), _0x2b1b0a;
}(), _0x5633cb.prototype._disconnect = function(_0x116fb9) {
var _0x519c5e, _0x21c4c0 = [];
for (void 0x0 !== this.gamepads[_0x116fb9.index] && delete this.gamepads[_0x116fb9.index], _0x519c5e = 0x0; _0x519c5e < this.gamepads.length; _0x519c5e++) void 0x0 !== this.gamepads[_0x519c5e] && (_0x21c4c0[_0x519c5e] = this.gamepads[_0x519c5e]);
this.gamepads = _0x21c4c0, this._fire(_0x5633cb.Event.DISCONNECTED, _0x116fb9);
}, _0x5633cb.prototype._resolveControllerType = function(_0x582727) {
return -0x1 !== (_0x582727 = _0x582727.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')).indexOf('playstation') ? _0x5633cb.Type.PLAYSTATION : -0x1 !== _0x582727.indexOf('logitech') || -0x1 !== _0x582727.indexOf('wireless gamepad') ? _0x5633cb.Type.LOGITECH : -0x1 !== _0x582727.indexOf('xbox') || -0x1 !== _0x582727.indexOf('360') ? _0x5633cb.Type.XBOX : -0x1 !== _0x582727.indexOf('79-6-generic') && -0x1 !== _0x582727.indexOf('joystick') || -0x1 !== _0x582727.indexOf('vendor: 0079 product: 0006') && -0x1 !== _0x582727.indexOf('generic usb joystick') ? _0x5633cb.Type.N64 : 'usb joystick (vendor: 0e8f product: 0002)' === _0x582727 ? _0x5633cb.Type.ECKA : _0x5633cb.Type.UNKNOWN;
}, _0x5633cb.prototype._resolveMapping = function(_0x13e45d) {
var _0x519c5e, _0x21c4c0, _0x4d3f81 = _0x5633cb.Mappings,
_0x1d4264 = null,
_0xebffe5 = {
'platform': this.platform.getType(),
'type': this._resolveControllerType(_0x13e45d.id)
for (_0x519c5e = 0x0; !_0x1d4264 && _0x519c5e < _0x4d3f81.length; _0x519c5e++) _0x21c4c0 = _0x4d3f81[_0x519c5e], _0x5633cb.envMatchesFilter(_0x21c4c0.env, _0xebffe5) && (_0x1d4264 = _0x21c4c0);
return _0x1d4264 || _0x5633cb.StandardMapping;
}, _0x5633cb.envMatchesFilter = function(_0x26e73d, _0x55c334) {
var _0x21c4c0, _0x514a3a = true;
for (_0x21c4c0 in _0x26e73d) _0x26e73d[_0x21c4c0] !== _0x55c334[_0x21c4c0] && (_0x514a3a = !0x1);
return _0x514a3a;
}, _0x5633cb.prototype._update = function() {
this.platform.update(), this.gamepads.forEach(function(_0x415bf6) {
_0x415bf6 && _0x415bf6.updater.forEach(function(_0x39f57c) {
}), this.gamepads.length > 0x0 && this._fire(_0x5633cb.Event.TICK, this.gamepads);
}, _0x5633cb.prototype._applyDeadzoneMaximize = function(_0x5b561d, _0x55976e, _0x5df97a) {
return _0x55976e = void 0x0 !== _0x55976e ? _0x55976e : this.deadzone, _0x5df97a = void 0x0 !== _0x5df97a ? _0x5df97a : this.maximizeThreshold, _0x5b561d >= 0x0 ? _0x5b561d < _0x55976e ? _0x5b561d = 0x0 : _0x5b561d > _0x5df97a && (_0x5b561d = 0x1) : _0x5b561d > -_0x55976e ? _0x5b561d = 0x0 : _0x5b561d < -_0x5df97a && (_0x5b561d = -0x1), _0x5b561d;
}, _0x36fa8f.Gamepad = _0x5633cb;
}(_0x3982a1.exports || window);
}, null, null, null, null, function(module, _0x4f5203, _0x5028a6) {
var _0x33171 = function(url, opts) {
var url;
try {url=new URL(url)}catch(e){};
if (url && !['http:', 'https:'].includes(url.protocol)) {
return new Promise(async function(resolve, reject) {
if (opts.method === 'HEAD') {
try {
var res = await fetch(url);
if (opts.type && opts.type.toLowerCase() === 'arraybuffer') {
res = await res.arrayBuffer();
} else {
res = await res.text();
try {res = JSON.parse(res)} catch(e) {}
} catch(e) {
data: res,
headers: {}
} else {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === xhr.DONE) {
var data = xhr.response;
try {data=JSON.parse(data)}catch(e){}
data: data,
headers: {
"content-length": xhr.getResponseHeader('content-length'),
"content-type": xhr.getResponseHeader('content-type'),
"last-modified": xhr.getResponseHeader('last-modified')
xhr.responseType = opts.type;
xhr.onerror = reject;
xhr.open(opts.method, url, true);
module.exports = {
a: {
get: async function(url, set) {
var type = (set && set.responseType)?(set && set.responseType):'text';
var res = _0x33171(url, {method:"GET", type:type});
return res;
head: async function(url, set) {
var type = (set && set.responseType)?(set && set.responseType):'text';
var res = _0x33171(url, {method:"HEAD", type:type});
return res;
}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, function(_0x25e628, _0x2f1ee1) {
var _0x2fbe1c;
_0x2fbe1c = function() {
return this;
try {
_0x2fbe1c = _0x2fbe1c || new Function('return this')();
} catch (_0x36c4d5) {
'object' == typeof window && (_0x2fbe1c = window);
_0x25e628.exports = _0x2fbe1c;
}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, function(_0x4f4230, _0x181c20) {
var _0x4b3a38, _0x30dbdf, _0x40240d = _0x4f4230.exports = {};
function _0x508793() {
throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined');
function _0x1e140b() {
throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined');
function _0x58e592(_0x1e83f0) {
if (_0x4b3a38 === setTimeout) return setTimeout(_0x1e83f0, 0x0);
if ((_0x4b3a38 === _0x508793 || !_0x4b3a38) && setTimeout) return _0x4b3a38 = setTimeout, setTimeout(_0x1e83f0, 0x0);
try {
return _0x4b3a38(_0x1e83f0, 0x0);
} catch (_0x4743cf) {
try {
return _0x4b3a38.call(null, _0x1e83f0, 0x0);
} catch (_0x53620e) {
return _0x4b3a38.call(this, _0x1e83f0, 0x0);
}! function() {
try {
_0x4b3a38 = 'function' == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : _0x508793;
} catch (_0x2ba20e) {
_0x4b3a38 = _0x508793;
try {
_0x30dbdf = 'function' == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : _0x1e140b;
} catch (_0x5202a1) {
_0x30dbdf = _0x1e140b;
var _0x493e74, _0x501f0f = [],
_0x3ba731 = !0x1,
_0x21c3e3 = -0x1;
function _0x21e6b7() {
_0x3ba731 && _0x493e74 && (_0x3ba731 = !0x1, _0x493e74.length ? _0x501f0f = _0x493e74.concat(_0x501f0f) : _0x21c3e3 = -0x1, _0x501f0f.length && _0x30d6c8());
function _0x30d6c8() {
if (!_0x3ba731) {
var _0x4f4230 = _0x58e592(_0x21e6b7);
_0x3ba731 = true;
for (var _0x181c20 = _0x501f0f.length; _0x181c20;) {
for (_0x493e74 = _0x501f0f, _0x501f0f = []; ++_0x21c3e3 < _0x181c20;) _0x493e74 && _0x493e74[_0x21c3e3].run();
_0x21c3e3 = -0x1, _0x181c20 = _0x501f0f.length;
_0x493e74 = null, _0x3ba731 = !0x1,
function(_0x294b98) {
if (_0x30dbdf === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(_0x294b98);
if ((_0x30dbdf === _0x1e140b || !_0x30dbdf) && clearTimeout) return _0x30dbdf = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(_0x294b98);
try {
} catch (_0x353086) {
try {
return _0x30dbdf.call(null, _0x294b98);
} catch (_0x430227) {
return _0x30dbdf.call(this, _0x294b98);
function _0x5b9c05(_0x1d5ae2, _0x5b9ff8) {
this.fun = _0x1d5ae2, this.array = _0x5b9ff8;
function _0x11873d() {}
_0x40240d.nextTick = function(_0x14ed62) {
var _0x181c20 = new Array(arguments.length - 0x1);
if (arguments.length > 0x1)
for (var _0x1c0f88 = 0x1; _0x1c0f88 < arguments.length; _0x1c0f88++) _0x181c20[_0x1c0f88 - 0x1] = arguments[_0x1c0f88];
_0x501f0f.push(new _0x5b9c05(_0x14ed62, _0x181c20)), 0x1 !== _0x501f0f.length || _0x3ba731 || _0x58e592(_0x30d6c8);
}, _0x5b9c05.prototype.run = function() {
this.fun.apply(null, this.array);
}, _0x40240d.title = 'browser', _0x40240d.browser = true, _0x40240d.env = {}, _0x40240d.argv = [], _0x40240d.version = '', _0x40240d.versions = {}, _0x40240d.on = _0x11873d, _0x40240d.addListener = _0x11873d, _0x40240d.once = _0x11873d, _0x40240d.off = _0x11873d, _0x40240d.removeListener = _0x11873d, _0x40240d.removeAllListeners = _0x11873d, _0x40240d.emit = _0x11873d, _0x40240d.prependListener = _0x11873d, _0x40240d.prependOnceListener = _0x11873d, _0x40240d.listeners = function(_0x4a7ed5) {
return [];
}, _0x40240d.binding = function(_0x4fe55f) {
throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');
}, _0x40240d.cwd = function() {
return '/';
}, _0x40240d.chdir = function(_0x33049c) {
throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');
}, _0x40240d.umask = function() {
return 0x0;
}, function(_0x1a44a7, _0x4ac7e9, _0x593123) {
function _0x4b9021(_0x2123d8) {
if (_0x2123d8) return function(_0x1b1adb) {
for (var _0x4ac7e9 in _0x4b9021.prototype) _0x1b1adb[_0x4ac7e9] = _0x4b9021.prototype[_0x4ac7e9];
return _0x1b1adb;
_0x1a44a7.exports = _0x4b9021, _0x4b9021.prototype.on = _0x4b9021.prototype.addEventListener = function(_0x29301b, _0x2f1a0e) {
return this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}, (this._callbacks['$' + _0x29301b] = this._callbacks['$' + _0x29301b] || []).push(_0x2f1a0e), this;
}, _0x4b9021.prototype.once = function(_0x564851, _0x1acab3) {
function _0x34ab1a() {
this.off(_0x564851, _0x34ab1a), _0x1acab3.apply(this, arguments);
return _0x34ab1a.fn = _0x1acab3, this.on(_0x564851, _0x34ab1a), this;
}, _0x4b9021.prototype.off = _0x4b9021.prototype.removeListener = _0x4b9021.prototype.removeAllListeners = _0x4b9021.prototype.removeEventListener = function(_0x2d346e, _0x1e1270) {
if (this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}, 0x0 == arguments.length) return this._callbacks = {}, this;
var _0x593123, _0xcc89ce = this._callbacks['$' + _0x2d346e];
if (!_0xcc89ce) return this;
if (0x1 == arguments.length) return delete this._callbacks['$' + _0x2d346e], this;
for (var _0x4a034c = 0x0; _0x4a034c < _0xcc89ce.length; _0x4a034c++)
if ((_0x593123 = _0xcc89ce[_0x4a034c]) === _0x1e1270 || _0x593123.fn === _0x1e1270) {
_0xcc89ce.splice(_0x4a034c, 0x1);
return this;
}, _0x4b9021.prototype.emit = function(_0x11e87b) {
this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {};
var _0x4ac7e9 = [].slice.call(arguments, 0x1),
_0x593123 = this._callbacks['$' + _0x11e87b];
if (_0x593123)
for (var _0x5f39b5 = 0x0, _0x2c676b = (_0x593123 = _0x593123.slice(0x0)).length; _0x5f39b5 < _0x2c676b; ++_0x5f39b5) _0x593123[_0x5f39b5].apply(this, _0x4ac7e9);
return this;
}, _0x4b9021.prototype.listeners = function(_0x13f1ad) {
return this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}, this._callbacks['$' + _0x13f1ad] || [];
}, _0x4b9021.prototype.hasListeners = function(_0x4d5e81) {
return !!this.listeners(_0x4d5e81).length;
}, function(_0x17fcb0, _0x57a6d9, _0x11917a) {
var _0xb1d7ff, _0x102f83 = _0x11917a(0x17e),
_0x303be9 = _0x11917a(0x97),
_0x377dd5 = _0x11917a(0x180),
_0x3f4757 = _0x11917a(0x181),
_0x4e3990 = _0x11917a(0x182);
'undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer && (_0xb1d7ff = _0x11917a(0x183));
var _0x365139 = 'undefined' != typeof navigator && /Android/i .test(navigator.userAgent),
_0x2576a1 = 'undefined' != typeof navigator && /PhantomJS/i .test(navigator.userAgent),
_0x1a05af = _0x365139 || _0x2576a1;
_0x57a6d9.protocol = 0x3;
var _0xd4e8bf = _0x57a6d9.packets = {
'open': 0x0,
'close': 0x1,
'ping': 0x2,
'pong': 0x3,
'message': 0x4,
'upgrade': 0x5,
'noop': 0x6
_0x3fbab8 = _0x102f83(_0xd4e8bf),
_0x101fcb = {
'type': 'error',
'data': 'parser error'
_0x471b7a = _0x11917a(0x184);
function _0x110f9e(_0x44e139, _0x36abb3, _0x30c294) {
for (var _0x572a75 = new Array(_0x44e139.length), _0x479f6f = _0x3f4757(_0x44e139.length, _0x30c294), _0x5799ad = function(_0x156e03, _0x20b63e, _0x2d1c34) {
_0x36abb3(_0x20b63e, function(_0x523791, _0x116ebb) {
_0x572a75[_0x156e03] = _0x116ebb, _0x2d1c34(_0x523791, _0x572a75);
}, _0xfc8ee6 = 0x0; _0xfc8ee6 < _0x44e139.length; _0xfc8ee6++) _0x5799ad(_0xfc8ee6, _0x44e139[_0xfc8ee6], _0x479f6f);
_0x57a6d9.encodePacket = function(_0x1142af, _0x5821bf, _0x659af4, _0x1b4b55) {
'function' == typeof _0x5821bf && (_0x1b4b55 = _0x5821bf, _0x5821bf = !0x1), 'function' == typeof _0x659af4 && (_0x1b4b55 = _0x659af4, _0x659af4 = null);
var _0x60a259 = void 0x0 === _0x1142af.data ? void 0x0 : _0x1142af.data.buffer || _0x1142af.data;
if ('undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer && _0x60a259 instanceof ArrayBuffer) return function(_0x49eba2, _0x19305a, _0xb2b571) {
if (!_0x19305a) return _0x57a6d9.encodeBase64Packet(_0x49eba2, _0xb2b571);
var _0x1b4b55 = _0x49eba2.data,
_0x217a22 = new Uint8Array(_0x1b4b55),
_0xbb433b = new Uint8Array(0x1 + _0x1b4b55.byteLength);
_0xbb433b[0x0] = _0xd4e8bf[_0x49eba2.type];
for (var _0x45294d = 0x0; _0x45294d < _0x217a22.length; _0x45294d++) _0xbb433b[_0x45294d + 0x1] = _0x217a22[_0x45294d];
return _0xb2b571(_0xbb433b.buffer);
}(_0x1142af, _0x5821bf, _0x1b4b55);
if (void 0x0 !== _0x471b7a && _0x60a259 instanceof _0x471b7a) return function(_0x5aef69, _0x127790, _0x36795e) {
if (!_0x127790) return _0x57a6d9.encodeBase64Packet(_0x5aef69, _0x36795e);
if (_0x1a05af) return function(_0x78a5e0, _0x2993f1, _0x49a61d) {
if (!_0x2993f1) return _0x57a6d9.encodeBase64Packet(_0x78a5e0, _0x49a61d);
var _0x1b4b55 = new FileReader();
return _0x1b4b55.onload = function() {
'type': _0x78a5e0.type,
'data': _0x1b4b55.result
}, _0x2993f1, true, _0x49a61d);
}, _0x1b4b55.readAsArrayBuffer(_0x78a5e0.data);
}(_0x5aef69, _0x127790, _0x36795e);
var _0x1b4b55 = new Uint8Array(0x1);
_0x1b4b55[0x0] = _0xd4e8bf[_0x5aef69.type];
var _0x21d91b = new _0x471b7a([_0x1b4b55.buffer, _0x5aef69.data]);
return _0x36795e(_0x21d91b);
}(_0x1142af, _0x5821bf, _0x1b4b55);
if (_0x60a259 && _0x60a259.base64) return function(_0x231991, _0x18922e) {
var _0x659af4 = 'b' + _0x57a6d9.packets[_0x231991.type] + _0x231991.data.data;
return _0x18922e(_0x659af4);
}(_0x1142af, _0x1b4b55);
var _0x23ee8c = _0xd4e8bf[_0x1142af.type];
return void 0x0 !== _0x1142af.data && (_0x23ee8c += _0x659af4 ? _0x4e3990.encode(String(_0x1142af.data), {
'strict': !0x1
}) : String(_0x1142af.data)), _0x1b4b55('' + _0x23ee8c);
}, _0x57a6d9.encodeBase64Packet = function(_0x3151db, _0x19c006) {
var _0x432941, _0x50869a = 'b' + _0x57a6d9.packets[_0x3151db.type];
if (void 0x0 !== _0x471b7a && _0x3151db.data instanceof _0x471b7a) {
var _0x88eff0 = new FileReader();
return _0x88eff0.onload = function() {
var _0x3151db = _0x88eff0.result.split(',')[0x1];
_0x19c006(_0x50869a + _0x3151db);
}, _0x88eff0.readAsDataURL(_0x3151db.data);
try {
_0x432941 = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(_0x3151db.data));
} catch (_0xc11f90) {
for (var _0x1ad34e = new Uint8Array(_0x3151db.data), _0x28c923 = new Array(_0x1ad34e.length), _0x31c9f7 = 0x0; _0x31c9f7 < _0x1ad34e.length; _0x31c9f7++) _0x28c923[_0x31c9f7] = _0x1ad34e[_0x31c9f7];
_0x432941 = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, _0x28c923);
return _0x50869a += btoa(_0x432941), _0x19c006(_0x50869a);
}, _0x57a6d9.decodePacket = function(_0x1cb4f7, _0x404d11, _0x5c122a) {
if (void 0x0 === _0x1cb4f7) return _0x101fcb;
if ('string' == typeof _0x1cb4f7) {
if ('b' === _0x1cb4f7.charAt(0x0)) return _0x57a6d9.decodeBase64Packet(_0x1cb4f7.substr(0x1), _0x404d11);
if (_0x5c122a && !0x1 === (_0x1cb4f7 = function(_0x4e7d4f) {
try {
_0x4e7d4f = _0x4e3990.decode(_0x4e7d4f, {
'strict': !0x1
} catch (_0x2d4a50) {
return !0x1;
return _0x4e7d4f;
}(_0x1cb4f7))) return _0x101fcb;
var _0xa94e1 = _0x1cb4f7.charAt(0x0);
return Number(_0xa94e1) == _0xa94e1 && _0x3fbab8[_0xa94e1] ? _0x1cb4f7.length > 0x1 ? {
'type': _0x3fbab8[_0xa94e1],
'data': _0x1cb4f7.substring(0x1)
} : {
'type': _0x3fbab8[_0xa94e1]
} : _0x101fcb;
_0xa94e1 = new Uint8Array(_0x1cb4f7)[0x0];
var _0x577088 = _0x377dd5(_0x1cb4f7, 0x1);
return _0x471b7a && 'blob' === _0x404d11 && (_0x577088 = new _0x471b7a([_0x577088])), {
'type': _0x3fbab8[_0xa94e1],
'data': _0x577088
}, _0x57a6d9.decodeBase64Packet = function(_0x5eac6f, _0x38a34c) {
var _0x11917a = _0x3fbab8[_0x5eac6f.charAt(0x0)];
if (!_0xb1d7ff) return {
'type': _0x11917a,
'data': {
'base64': true,
'data': _0x5eac6f.substr(0x1)
var _0x4b45f0 = _0xb1d7ff.decode(_0x5eac6f.substr(0x1));
return 'blob' === _0x38a34c && _0x471b7a && (_0x4b45f0 = new _0x471b7a([_0x4b45f0])), {
'type': _0x11917a,
'data': _0x4b45f0
}, _0x57a6d9.encodePayload = function(_0x13561c, _0x2ef839, _0x13e7a2) {
'function' == typeof _0x2ef839 && (_0x13e7a2 = _0x2ef839, _0x2ef839 = null);
var _0x885c27 = _0x303be9(_0x13561c);
if (_0x2ef839 && _0x885c27) return _0x471b7a && !_0x1a05af ? _0x57a6d9.encodePayloadAsBlob(_0x13561c, _0x13e7a2) : _0x57a6d9.encodePayloadAsArrayBuffer(_0x13561c, _0x13e7a2);
if (!_0x13561c.length) return _0x13e7a2('0:');
_0x110f9e(_0x13561c, function(_0x45d8fb, _0x1a9422) {
_0x57a6d9.encodePacket(_0x45d8fb, !!_0x885c27 && _0x2ef839, !0x1, function(_0x4ca409) {
_0x1a9422(null, function(_0x329351) {
return _0x329351.length + ':' + _0x329351;
}, function(_0x144bad, _0x20c93d) {
return _0x13e7a2(_0x20c93d.join(''));
}, _0x57a6d9.decodePayload = function(_0x1ba2e3, _0x1923ee, _0x4b1529) {
if ('string' != typeof _0x1ba2e3) return _0x57a6d9.decodePayloadAsBinary(_0x1ba2e3, _0x1923ee, _0x4b1529);
var _0xa68d0e;
if ('function' == typeof _0x1923ee && (_0x4b1529 = _0x1923ee, _0x1923ee = null), '' === _0x1ba2e3) return _0x4b1529(_0x101fcb, 0x0, 0x1);
for (var _0x11df48, _0x34a89a, _0x2b42e5 = '', _0xd05e2 = 0x0, _0x23a5c5 = _0x1ba2e3.length; _0xd05e2 < _0x23a5c5; _0xd05e2++) {
var _0x5ed313 = _0x1ba2e3.charAt(_0xd05e2);
if (':' === _0x5ed313) {
if ('' === _0x2b42e5 || _0x2b42e5 != (_0x11df48 = Number(_0x2b42e5))) return _0x4b1529(_0x101fcb, 0x0, 0x1);
if (_0x2b42e5 != (_0x34a89a = _0x1ba2e3.substr(_0xd05e2 + 0x1, _0x11df48)).length) return _0x4b1529(_0x101fcb, 0x0, 0x1);
if (_0x34a89a.length) {
if (_0xa68d0e = _0x57a6d9.decodePacket(_0x34a89a, _0x1923ee, !0x1), _0x101fcb.type === _0xa68d0e.type && _0x101fcb.data === _0xa68d0e.data) return _0x4b1529(_0x101fcb, 0x0, 0x1);
if (!0x1 === _0x4b1529(_0xa68d0e, _0xd05e2 + _0x11df48, _0x23a5c5)) return;
_0xd05e2 += _0x11df48, _0x2b42e5 = '';
} else _0x2b42e5 += _0x5ed313;
return '' !== _0x2b42e5 ? _0x4b1529(_0x101fcb, 0x0, 0x1) : void 0x0;
}, _0x57a6d9.encodePayloadAsArrayBuffer = function(_0x2c52b8, _0x55d1cd) {
if (!_0x2c52b8.length) return _0x55d1cd(new ArrayBuffer(0x0));
_0x110f9e(_0x2c52b8, function(_0x38855b, _0x9369b5) {
_0x57a6d9.encodePacket(_0x38855b, true, true, function(_0x391506) {
return _0x9369b5(null, _0x391506);
}, function(_0x39b4ce, _0x4a29ab) {
var _0x3067ce = _0x4a29ab.reduce(function(_0x29e4a9, _0x3d4915) {
var _0x55d1cd;
return _0x29e4a9 + (_0x55d1cd = 'string' == typeof _0x3d4915 ? _0x3d4915.length : _0x3d4915.byteLength).toString().length + _0x55d1cd + 0x2;
}, 0x0),
_0x3ca7a1 = new Uint8Array(_0x3067ce),
_0x5e2399 = 0x0;
return _0x4a29ab.forEach(function(_0x437d9b) {
var _0x4a29ab = 'string' == typeof _0x437d9b,
_0x55d1cd = _0x437d9b;
if (_0x4a29ab) {
for (var _0x383c62 = new Uint8Array(_0x437d9b.length), _0x45ccda = 0x0; _0x45ccda < _0x437d9b.length; _0x45ccda++) _0x383c62[_0x45ccda] = _0x437d9b.charCodeAt(_0x45ccda);
_0x55d1cd = _0x383c62.buffer;
_0x3ca7a1[_0x5e2399++] = _0x4a29ab ? 0x0 : 0x1;
var _0x18ea5e = _0x55d1cd.byteLength.toString();
for (_0x45ccda = 0x0; _0x45ccda < _0x18ea5e.length; _0x45ccda++) _0x3ca7a1[_0x5e2399++] = parseInt(_0x18ea5e[_0x45ccda]);
_0x3ca7a1[_0x5e2399++] = 0xff;
for (_0x383c62 = new Uint8Array(_0x55d1cd), _0x45ccda = 0x0; _0x45ccda < _0x383c62.length; _0x45ccda++) _0x3ca7a1[_0x5e2399++] = _0x383c62[_0x45ccda];
}), _0x55d1cd(_0x3ca7a1.buffer);
}, _0x57a6d9.encodePayloadAsBlob = function(_0x2d1881, _0x1f5c21) {
_0x110f9e(_0x2d1881, function(_0x2e98a1, _0xd68984) {
_0x57a6d9.encodePacket(_0x2e98a1, true, true, function(_0x30901a) {
var _0x57a6d9 = new Uint8Array(0x1);
if (_0x57a6d9[0x0] = 0x1, 'string' == typeof _0x30901a) {
for (var _0x3553ea = new Uint8Array(_0x30901a.length), _0x5b0da7 = 0x0; _0x5b0da7 < _0x30901a.length; _0x5b0da7++) _0x3553ea[_0x5b0da7] = _0x30901a.charCodeAt(_0x5b0da7);
_0x30901a = _0x3553ea.buffer, _0x57a6d9[0x0] = 0x0;
var _0x51048b = (_0x30901a instanceof ArrayBuffer ? _0x30901a.byteLength : _0x30901a.size).toString(),
_0x39f7ee = new Uint8Array(_0x51048b.length + 0x1);
for (_0x5b0da7 = 0x0; _0x5b0da7 < _0x51048b.length; _0x5b0da7++) _0x39f7ee[_0x5b0da7] = parseInt(_0x51048b[_0x5b0da7]);
if (_0x39f7ee[_0x51048b.length] = 0xff, _0x471b7a) {
var _0x59ca80 = new _0x471b7a([_0x57a6d9.buffer, _0x39f7ee.buffer, _0x30901a]);
_0xd68984(null, _0x59ca80);
}, function(_0x3dd244, _0x28a42d) {
return _0x1f5c21(new _0x471b7a(_0x28a42d));
}, _0x57a6d9.decodePayloadAsBinary = function(_0x1dfa58, _0x57e0fe, _0x4814f7) {
'function' == typeof _0x57e0fe && (_0x4814f7 = _0x57e0fe, _0x57e0fe = null);
for (var _0x251442 = _0x1dfa58, _0x406d22 = []; _0x251442.byteLength > 0x0;) {
for (var _0x27bd3c = new Uint8Array(_0x251442), _0x1afdb0 = 0x0 === _0x27bd3c[0x0], _0x24891f = '', _0x3e0304 = 0x1; 0xff !== _0x27bd3c[_0x3e0304]; _0x3e0304++) {
if (_0x24891f.length > 0x136) return _0x4814f7(_0x101fcb, 0x0, 0x1);
_0x24891f += _0x27bd3c[_0x3e0304];
_0x251442 = _0x377dd5(_0x251442, 0x2 + _0x24891f.length), _0x24891f = parseInt(_0x24891f);
var _0x2e8958 = _0x377dd5(_0x251442, 0x0, _0x24891f);
if (_0x1afdb0) try {
_0x2e8958 = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(_0x2e8958));
} catch (_0x497c47) {
var _0x25fc6f = new Uint8Array(_0x2e8958);
_0x2e8958 = '';
for (_0x3e0304 = 0x0; _0x3e0304 < _0x25fc6f.length; _0x3e0304++) _0x2e8958 += String.fromCharCode(_0x25fc6f[_0x3e0304]);
_0x406d22.push(_0x2e8958), _0x251442 = _0x377dd5(_0x251442, _0x24891f);
var _0x462829 = _0x406d22.length;
_0x406d22.forEach(function(_0x382392, _0x27b9c6) {
_0x4814f7(_0x57a6d9.decodePacket(_0x382392, _0x57e0fe, true), _0x27b9c6, _0x462829);
}, function(_0x4960ba, _0x134516, _0x3caa3d) {
var _0x1f6b2a = _0x3caa3d(0x175),
_0x44cbb8 = _0x3caa3d(0x69),
_0x3bf69e = _0x3caa3d(0x94),
_0x30559c = _0x3caa3d(0x4a)('socket.io-client');
_0x4960ba.exports = _0x134516 = _0x21cbc3;
var _0x43bfb1 = _0x134516.managers = {};
function _0x21cbc3(_0x27e015, _0x5cb5ab) {
'object' == typeof _0x27e015 && (_0x5cb5ab = _0x27e015, _0x27e015 = void 0x0), _0x5cb5ab = _0x5cb5ab || {};
var _0x3caa3d, _0x421f2a = _0x1f6b2a(_0x27e015),
_0x5ee311 = _0x421f2a.source,
_0x2cc4d8 = _0x421f2a.id,
_0x534fc0 = _0x421f2a.path,
_0x1f4250 = _0x43bfb1[_0x2cc4d8] && _0x534fc0 in _0x43bfb1[_0x2cc4d8].nsps;
return _0x5cb5ab.forceNew || _0x5cb5ab['force new connection'] || !0x1 === _0x5cb5ab.multiplex || _0x1f4250 ? (_0x30559c('ignoring socket cache for %s', _0x5ee311), _0x3caa3d = _0x3bf69e(_0x5ee311, _0x5cb5ab)) : (_0x43bfb1[_0x2cc4d8] || (_0x30559c('new io instance for %s', _0x5ee311), _0x43bfb1[_0x2cc4d8] = _0x3bf69e(_0x5ee311, _0x5cb5ab)), _0x3caa3d = _0x43bfb1[_0x2cc4d8]), _0x421f2a.query && !_0x5cb5ab.query && (_0x5cb5ab.query = _0x421f2a.query), _0x3caa3d.socket(_0x421f2a.path, _0x5cb5ab);
_0x134516.protocol = _0x44cbb8.protocol, _0x134516.connect = _0x21cbc3, _0x134516.Manager = _0x3caa3d(0x94), _0x134516.Socket = _0x3caa3d(0x9a);
}, null, null, null, null, function(_0x2e240f, _0x5b82af, _0x39b24a) {
var _0xafdfe, _0x133983;
! function(_0xcb4965, _0x3924c5, _0x2b6d6d) {
'use strict';
void 0x0 === (_0x133983 = 'function' == typeof(_0xafdfe = function() {
var _0x2e240f = function(_0x207df4) {
throw _0x207df4;
_0x5b82af = function() {},
_0x39b24a = {
'storeName': 'Store',
'storePrefix': 'IDBWrapper-',
'dbVersion': 0x1,
'keyPath': 'id',
'autoIncrement': true,
'onStoreReady': function() {},
'onError': _0x2e240f,
'indexes': [],
'implementationPreference': ['indexedDB', 'webkitIndexedDB', 'mozIndexedDB', 'shimIndexedDB']
_0x2b9783 = function(_0x1e2bea, _0x1aa4eb) {
for (var _0x19e5d1 in void 0x0 === _0x1aa4eb && 'function' == typeof _0x1e2bea && (_0x1aa4eb = _0x1e2bea), '[object Object]' != Object.prototype.toString.call(_0x1e2bea) && (_0x1e2bea = {}), _0x39b24a) this[_0x19e5d1] = void 0x0 !== _0x1e2bea[_0x19e5d1] ? _0x1e2bea[_0x19e5d1] : _0x39b24a[_0x19e5d1];
this.dbName = this.storePrefix + this.storeName, this.dbVersion = parseInt(this.dbVersion, 0xa) || 0x1, _0x1aa4eb && (this.onStoreReady = _0x1aa4eb);
var _0x346822 = 'object' == typeof window ? window : self,
_0xcb4965 = this.implementationPreference.filter(function(_0x1ee9de) {
return _0x1ee9de in _0x346822;
this.implementation = _0xcb4965[0x0], this.idb = _0x346822[this.implementation], this.keyRange = _0x346822.IDBKeyRange || _0x346822.webkitIDBKeyRange || _0x346822.mozIDBKeyRange, this.consts = {
'READ_ONLY': 'readonly',
'READ_WRITE': 'readwrite',
'VERSION_CHANGE': 'versionchange',
'NEXT': 'next',
'NEXT_NO_DUPLICATE': 'nextunique',
'PREV': 'prev',
'PREV_NO_DUPLICATE': 'prevunique'
}, this.openDB();
_0x28a590 = {
'constructor': _0x2b9783,
'version': '1.7.2',
'db': null,
'dbName': null,
'dbVersion': null,
'store': null,
'storeName': null,
'storePrefix': null,
'keyPath': null,
'autoIncrement': null,
'indexes': null,
'implementationPreference': null,
'implementation': '',
'onStoreReady': null,
'onError': null,
'_insertIdCount': 0x0,
'openDB': function() {
var _0x2e240f = this.idb.open(this.dbName, this.dbVersion),
_0x5b82af = !0x1;
_0x2e240f.onerror = function(_0x2923e1) {
if (function(_0x46ec43) {
if ('error' in _0x46ec43.target) return 'VersionError' == _0x46ec43.target.error.name;
if ('errorCode' in _0x46ec43.target) return 0xc == _0x46ec43.target.errorCode;
return !0x1;
}(_0x2923e1)) this.onError(new Error('The version number provided is lower than the existing one.'));
else {
var _0x5b82af;
if (_0x2923e1.target.error) _0x5b82af = _0x2923e1.target.error;
else {
var _0x39b24a = 'IndexedDB unknown error occurred when opening DB ' + this.dbName + ' version ' + this.dbVersion;
'errorCode' in _0x2923e1.target && (_0x39b24a += ' with error code ' + _0x2923e1.target.errorCode), _0x5b82af = new Error(_0x39b24a);
}.bind(this), _0x2e240f.onsuccess = function(_0x3e2c2e) {
if (!_0x5b82af)
if (this.db) this.onStoreReady();
else if (this.db = _0x3e2c2e.target.result, 'string' != typeof this.db.version)
if (this.db.objectStoreNames.contains(this.storeName)) {
var _0x39b24a = this.db.transaction([this.storeName], this.consts.READ_ONLY);
this.store = _0x39b24a.objectStore(this.storeName);
var _0x59b9b8 = Array.prototype.slice.call(this.getIndexList());
this.indexes.forEach(function(_0x350dd3) {
var _0x39b24a = _0x350dd3.name;
if (!_0x39b24a) return _0x5b82af = true, void this.onError(new Error('Cannot create index: No index name given.'));
if (this.normalizeIndexData(_0x350dd3), this.hasIndex(_0x39b24a)) {
var _0xa01269 = this.store.index(_0x39b24a);
this.indexComplies(_0xa01269, _0x350dd3) || (_0x5b82af = true, this.onError(new Error('Cannot modify index "' + _0x39b24a + '" for current version. Please bump version number to ' + (this.dbVersion + 0x1) + '.'))), _0x59b9b8.splice(_0x59b9b8.indexOf(_0x39b24a), 0x1);
} else _0x5b82af = true, this.onError(new Error('Cannot create new index "' + _0x39b24a + '" for current version. Please bump version number to ' + (this.dbVersion + 0x1) + '.'));
}, this), _0x59b9b8.length && (_0x5b82af = true, this.onError(new Error('Cannot delete index(es) "' + _0x59b9b8.toString() + '" for current version. Please bump version number to ' + (this.dbVersion + 0x1) + '.'))), _0x5b82af || this.onStoreReady();
} else this.onError(new Error('Object store couldn\'t be created.'));
else this.onError(new Error('The IndexedDB implementation in this browser is outdated. Please upgrade your browser.'));
}.bind(this), _0x2e240f.onupgradeneeded = function(_0x24bbe5) {
if (this.db = _0x24bbe5.target.result, this.db.objectStoreNames.contains(this.storeName)) this.store = _0x24bbe5.target.transaction.objectStore(this.storeName);
else {
var _0x39b24a = {
'autoIncrement': this.autoIncrement
null !== this.keyPath && (_0x39b24a.keyPath = this.keyPath), this.store = this.db.createObjectStore(this.storeName, _0x39b24a);
var _0x29403f = Array.prototype.slice.call(this.getIndexList());
this.indexes.forEach(function(_0x33fe6f) {
var _0x39b24a = _0x33fe6f.name;
if (_0x39b24a || (_0x5b82af = true, this.onError(new Error('Cannot create index: No index name given.'))), this.normalizeIndexData(_0x33fe6f), this.hasIndex(_0x39b24a)) {
var _0x34a15e = this.store.index(_0x39b24a);
this.indexComplies(_0x34a15e, _0x33fe6f) || (this.store.deleteIndex(_0x39b24a), this.store.createIndex(_0x39b24a, _0x33fe6f.keyPath, {
'unique': _0x33fe6f.unique,
'multiEntry': _0x33fe6f.multiEntry
})), _0x29403f.splice(_0x29403f.indexOf(_0x39b24a), 0x1);
} else this.store.createIndex(_0x39b24a, _0x33fe6f.keyPath, {
'unique': _0x33fe6f.unique,
'multiEntry': _0x33fe6f.multiEntry
}, this), _0x29403f.length && _0x29403f.forEach(function(_0x57fb9c) {
}, this);
'deleteDatabase': function(_0x65ce5d, _0x56cb3e) {
if (this.idb.deleteDatabase) {
var _0x39b24a = this.idb.deleteDatabase(this.dbName);
_0x39b24a.onsuccess = _0x65ce5d, _0x39b24a.onerror = _0x56cb3e;
} else _0x56cb3e(new Error('Browser does not support IndexedDB deleteDatabase!'));
'put': function(_0x35bd36, _0x54aa09, _0x251b8c, _0x409d32) {
null !== this.keyPath && (_0x409d32 = _0x251b8c, _0x251b8c = _0x54aa09, _0x54aa09 = _0x35bd36), _0x409d32 || (_0x409d32 = _0x2e240f), _0x251b8c || (_0x251b8c = _0x5b82af);
var _0x2ad006, _0x2b6d6d = !0x1,
_0x1a9aae = null,
_0x499fa5 = this.db.transaction([this.storeName], this.consts.READ_WRITE);
return _0x499fa5.oncomplete = function() {
(_0x2b6d6d ? _0x251b8c : _0x409d32)(_0x1a9aae);
}, _0x499fa5.onabort = _0x409d32, _0x499fa5.onerror = _0x409d32, null !== this.keyPath ? (this._addIdPropertyIfNeeded(_0x54aa09), _0x2ad006 = _0x499fa5.objectStore(this.storeName).put(_0x54aa09)) : _0x2ad006 = _0x499fa5.objectStore(this.storeName).put(_0x54aa09, _0x35bd36), _0x2ad006.onsuccess = function(_0xed2c3c) {
_0x2b6d6d = true, _0x1a9aae = _0xed2c3c.target.result;
}, _0x2ad006.onerror = _0x409d32, _0x499fa5;
'get': function(_0x3696ba, _0x4d8d90, _0x322eb3) {
_0x322eb3 || (_0x322eb3 = _0x2e240f), _0x4d8d90 || (_0x4d8d90 = _0x5b82af);
var _0xcb4965 = !0x1,
_0x2ad006 = null,
_0x2b6d6d = this.db.transaction([this.storeName], this.consts.READ_ONLY);
_0x2b6d6d.oncomplete = function() {
(_0xcb4965 ? _0x4d8d90 : _0x322eb3)(_0x2ad006);
}, _0x2b6d6d.onabort = _0x322eb3, _0x2b6d6d.onerror = _0x322eb3;
var _0x13d850 = _0x2b6d6d.objectStore(this.storeName).get(_0x3696ba);
return _0x13d850.onsuccess = function(_0x34b965) {
_0xcb4965 = true, _0x2ad006 = _0x34b965.target.result;
}, _0x13d850.onerror = _0x322eb3, _0x2b6d6d;
'remove': function(_0x22011d, _0x5b1f45, _0x459b00) {
_0x459b00 || (_0x459b00 = _0x2e240f), _0x5b1f45 || (_0x5b1f45 = _0x5b82af);
var _0xcb4965 = !0x1,
_0x2ad006 = null,
_0x2b6d6d = this.db.transaction([this.storeName], this.consts.READ_WRITE);
_0x2b6d6d.oncomplete = function() {
(_0xcb4965 ? _0x5b1f45 : _0x459b00)(_0x2ad006);
}, _0x2b6d6d.onabort = _0x459b00, _0x2b6d6d.onerror = _0x459b00;
var _0x2994f6 = _0x2b6d6d.objectStore(this.storeName).delete(_0x22011d);
return _0x2994f6.onsuccess = function(_0x25907f) {
_0xcb4965 = true, _0x2ad006 = _0x25907f.target.result;
}, _0x2994f6.onerror = _0x459b00, _0x2b6d6d;
'batch': function(_0x4d6e5e, _0x33f461, _0x3440ab) {
if (_0x3440ab || (_0x3440ab = _0x2e240f), _0x33f461 || (_0x33f461 = _0x5b82af), '[object Array]' != Object.prototype.toString.call(_0x4d6e5e)) _0x3440ab(new Error('dataArray argument must be of type Array.'));
else if (0x0 === _0x4d6e5e.length) return _0x33f461(true);
var _0xcb4965 = _0x4d6e5e.length,
_0x2ad006 = !0x1,
_0x2b6d6d = !0x1,
_0x244be0 = this.db.transaction([this.storeName], this.consts.READ_WRITE);
_0x244be0.oncomplete = function() {
(_0x2b6d6d ? _0x33f461 : _0x3440ab)(_0x2b6d6d);
}, _0x244be0.onabort = _0x3440ab, _0x244be0.onerror = _0x3440ab;
var _0x5a0c6a = function() {
0x0 !== --_0xcb4965 || _0x2ad006 || (_0x2ad006 = true, _0x2b6d6d = true);
return _0x4d6e5e.forEach(function(_0x2a2f2b) {
var _0x5b82af = _0x2a2f2b.type,
_0x4d6e5e = _0x2a2f2b.key,
_0x33f461 = _0x2a2f2b.value,
_0xcb4965 = function(_0x2b3ae7) {
_0x244be0.abort(), _0x2ad006 || (_0x2ad006 = true, _0x3440ab(_0x2b3ae7, _0x5b82af, _0x4d6e5e));
if ('remove' == _0x5b82af) {
var _0x2b6d6d = _0x244be0.objectStore(this.storeName).delete(_0x4d6e5e);
_0x2b6d6d.onsuccess = _0x5a0c6a, _0x2b6d6d.onerror = _0xcb4965;
} else if ('put' == _0x5b82af) {
var _0x51ca22;
null !== this.keyPath ? (this._addIdPropertyIfNeeded(_0x33f461), _0x51ca22 = _0x244be0.objectStore(this.storeName).put(_0x33f461)) : _0x51ca22 = _0x244be0.objectStore(this.storeName).put(_0x33f461, _0x4d6e5e), _0x51ca22.onsuccess = _0x5a0c6a, _0x51ca22.onerror = _0xcb4965;
}, this), _0x244be0;
'putBatch': function(_0x51b697, _0x14766d, _0x512afb) {
var _0x4f224b = _0x51b697.map(function(_0x2e83b2) {
return {
'type': 'put',
'value': _0x2e83b2
return this.batch(_0x4f224b, _0x14766d, _0x512afb);
'upsertBatch': function(_0x13fd8a, _0x5c23ce, _0x1cec44, _0x539771) {
'function' == typeof _0x5c23ce && (_0x539771 = _0x1cec44 = _0x5c23ce, _0x5c23ce = {}), _0x539771 || (_0x539771 = _0x2e240f), _0x1cec44 || (_0x1cec44 = _0x5b82af), _0x5c23ce || (_0x5c23ce = {}), '[object Array]' != Object.prototype.toString.call(_0x13fd8a) && _0x539771(new Error('dataArray argument must be of type Array.'));
var _0x2ad006 = _0x5c23ce.keyField || this.keyPath,
_0x2b6d6d = _0x13fd8a.length,
_0x2232f4 = !0x1,
_0x307131 = !0x1,
_0x5914d3 = 0x0,
_0x10a4b5 = this.db.transaction([this.storeName], this.consts.READ_WRITE);
_0x10a4b5.oncomplete = function() {
_0x307131 ? _0x1cec44(_0x13fd8a) : _0x539771(!0x1);
}, _0x10a4b5.onabort = _0x539771, _0x10a4b5.onerror = _0x539771;
var _0x47ba06 = function(_0x15b9da) {
_0x13fd8a[_0x5914d3++][_0x2ad006] = _0x15b9da.target.result, 0x0 !== --_0x2b6d6d || _0x2232f4 || (_0x2232f4 = true, _0x307131 = true);
return _0x13fd8a.forEach(function(_0x32a8bd) {
var _0x5b82af, _0x13fd8a = _0x32a8bd.key;
null !== this.keyPath ? (this._addIdPropertyIfNeeded(_0x32a8bd), _0x5b82af = _0x10a4b5.objectStore(this.storeName).put(_0x32a8bd)) : _0x5b82af = _0x10a4b5.objectStore(this.storeName).put(_0x32a8bd, _0x13fd8a), _0x5b82af.onsuccess = _0x47ba06, _0x5b82af.onerror = function(_0x378bb4) {
_0x10a4b5.abort(), _0x2232f4 || (_0x2232f4 = true, _0x539771(_0x378bb4));
}, this), _0x10a4b5;
'removeBatch': function(_0x4a038d, _0x3ba0b8, _0x251e88) {
var _0x540626 = _0x4a038d.map(function(_0x330621) {
return {
'type': 'remove',
'key': _0x330621
return this.batch(_0x540626, _0x3ba0b8, _0x251e88);
'getBatch': function(_0x3a8a3a, _0x46ef82, _0x24a69f, _0x4d4052) {
if (_0x24a69f || (_0x24a69f = _0x2e240f), _0x46ef82 || (_0x46ef82 = _0x5b82af), _0x4d4052 || (_0x4d4052 = 'sparse'), '[object Array]' != Object.prototype.toString.call(_0x3a8a3a)) _0x24a69f(new Error('keyArray argument must be of type Array.'));
else if (0x0 === _0x3a8a3a.length) return _0x46ef82([]);
var _0x2ad006 = [],
_0x2b6d6d = _0x3a8a3a.length,
_0xeccdf0 = !0x1,
_0x27f627 = null,
_0x763dce = this.db.transaction([this.storeName], this.consts.READ_ONLY);
_0x763dce.oncomplete = function() {
(_0xeccdf0 ? _0x46ef82 : _0x24a69f)(_0x27f627);
}, _0x763dce.onabort = _0x24a69f, _0x763dce.onerror = _0x24a69f;
var _0x4f1954 = function(_0x5dcefc) {
_0x5dcefc.target.result || 'dense' == _0x4d4052 ? _0x2ad006.push(_0x5dcefc.target.result) : 'sparse' == _0x4d4052 && _0x2ad006.length++, 0x0 === --_0x2b6d6d && (true, _0xeccdf0 = true, _0x27f627 = _0x2ad006);
return _0x3a8a3a.forEach(function(_0x438c01) {
var _0x5b82af = _0x763dce.objectStore(this.storeName).get(_0x438c01);
_0x5b82af.onsuccess = _0x4f1954, _0x5b82af.onerror = function(_0x22fee1) {
true, _0x27f627 = _0x22fee1, _0x24a69f(_0x22fee1), _0x763dce.abort();
}, this), _0x763dce;
'getAll': function(_0x4f6d5c, _0x20de05) {
_0x20de05 || (_0x20de05 = _0x2e240f), _0x4f6d5c || (_0x4f6d5c = _0x5b82af);
var _0x354639 = this.db.transaction([this.storeName], this.consts.READ_ONLY),
_0xcb4965 = _0x354639.objectStore(this.storeName);
return _0xcb4965.getAll ? this._getAllNative(_0x354639, _0xcb4965, _0x4f6d5c, _0x20de05) : this._getAllCursor(_0x354639, _0xcb4965, _0x4f6d5c, _0x20de05), _0x354639;
'_getAllNative': function(_0x41a196, _0x29efcc, _0x29de64, _0x147f7b) {
var _0x6643e4 = !0x1,
_0xcb4965 = null;
_0x41a196.oncomplete = function() {
(_0x6643e4 ? _0x29de64 : _0x147f7b)(_0xcb4965);
}, _0x41a196.onabort = _0x147f7b, _0x41a196.onerror = _0x147f7b;
var _0x2ad006 = _0x29efcc.getAll();
_0x2ad006.onsuccess = function(_0x2fcfde) {
_0x6643e4 = true, _0xcb4965 = _0x2fcfde.target.result;
}, _0x2ad006.onerror = _0x147f7b;
'_getAllCursor': function(_0x57bef8, _0x4284f4, _0x1e015d, _0x27d344) {
var _0x34dcf5 = [],
_0xcb4965 = !0x1,
_0x2ad006 = null;
_0x57bef8.oncomplete = function() {
(_0xcb4965 ? _0x1e015d : _0x27d344)(_0x2ad006);
}, _0x57bef8.onabort = _0x27d344, _0x57bef8.onerror = _0x27d344;
var _0x2b6d6d = _0x4284f4.openCursor();
_0x2b6d6d.onsuccess = function(_0x4ea7bf) {
var _0x4284f4 = _0x4ea7bf.target.result;
_0x4284f4 ? (_0x34dcf5.push(_0x4284f4.value), _0x4284f4.continue()) : (_0xcb4965 = true, _0x2ad006 = _0x34dcf5);
}, _0x2b6d6d.onError = _0x27d344;
'clear': function(_0x18f252, _0x409346) {
_0x409346 || (_0x409346 = _0x2e240f), _0x18f252 || (_0x18f252 = _0x5b82af);
var _0x536ee6 = !0x1,
_0xcb4965 = null,
_0x2ad006 = this.db.transaction([this.storeName], this.consts.READ_WRITE);
_0x2ad006.oncomplete = function() {
(_0x536ee6 ? _0x18f252 : _0x409346)(_0xcb4965);
}, _0x2ad006.onabort = _0x409346, _0x2ad006.onerror = _0x409346;
var _0x2b6d6d = _0x2ad006.objectStore(this.storeName).clear();
return _0x2b6d6d.onsuccess = function(_0x4947d5) {
_0x536ee6 = true, _0xcb4965 = _0x4947d5.target.result;
}, _0x2b6d6d.onerror = _0x409346, _0x2ad006;
'_addIdPropertyIfNeeded': function(_0x41f848) {
void 0x0 === _0x41f848[this.keyPath] && (_0x41f848[this.keyPath] = this._insertIdCount++ + Date.now());
'getIndexList': function() {
return this.store.indexNames;
'hasIndex': function(_0x1c4ba1) {
return this.store.indexNames.contains(_0x1c4ba1);
'normalizeIndexData': function(_0xf965ee) {
_0xf965ee.keyPath = _0xf965ee.keyPath || _0xf965ee.name, _0xf965ee.unique = !!_0xf965ee.unique, _0xf965ee.multiEntry = !!_0xf965ee.multiEntry;
'indexComplies': function(_0x4b67b0, _0x24b195) {
return ['keyPath', 'unique', 'multiEntry'].every(function(_0xfc173c) {
if ('multiEntry' == _0xfc173c && void 0x0 === _0x4b67b0[_0xfc173c] && !0x1 === _0x24b195[_0xfc173c]) return true;
if ('keyPath' == _0xfc173c && '[object Array]' == Object.prototype.toString.call(_0x24b195[_0xfc173c])) {
var _0x22060c = _0x24b195.keyPath,
_0x1a6e38 = _0x4b67b0.keyPath;
if ('string' == typeof _0x1a6e38) return _0x22060c.toString() == _0x1a6e38;
if ('function' != typeof _0x1a6e38.contains && 'function' != typeof _0x1a6e38.indexOf) return !0x1;
if (_0x1a6e38.length !== _0x22060c.length) return !0x1;
for (var _0xcb4965 = 0x0, _0x2ad006 = _0x22060c.length; _0xcb4965 < _0x2ad006; _0xcb4965++)
if (!(_0x1a6e38.contains && _0x1a6e38.contains(_0x22060c[_0xcb4965]) || _0x1a6e38.indexOf(-0x1 !== _0x22060c[_0xcb4965]))) return !0x1;
return true;
return _0x24b195[_0xfc173c] == _0x4b67b0[_0xfc173c];
'iterate': function(_0x1cb264, _0x42cd9d) {
var _0x38e5c3 = 'desc' == (_0x42cd9d = _0x2ad006({
'index': null,
'order': 'ASC',
'autoContinue': true,
'filterDuplicates': !0x1,
'keyRange': null,
'writeAccess': !0x1,
'onEnd': null,
'onError': _0x2e240f,
'limit': 0x1 / 0x0,
'offset': 0x0,
'allowItemRejection': !0x1
}, _0x42cd9d || {})).order.toLowerCase() ? 'PREV' : 'NEXT';
_0x42cd9d.filterDuplicates && (_0x38e5c3 += '_NO_DUPLICATE');
var _0x5b5b48 = !0x1,
_0xcb4965 = this.db.transaction([this.storeName], this.consts[_0x42cd9d.writeAccess ? 'READ_WRITE' : 'READ_ONLY']),
_0x2b6d6d = _0xcb4965.objectStore(this.storeName);
_0x42cd9d.index && (_0x2b6d6d = _0x2b6d6d.index(_0x42cd9d.index));
var _0x523630 = 0x0;
_0xcb4965.oncomplete = function() {
_0x5b5b48 ? _0x42cd9d.onEnd ? _0x42cd9d.onEnd() : _0x1cb264(null) : _0x42cd9d.onError(null);
}, _0xcb4965.onabort = _0x42cd9d.onError, _0xcb4965.onerror = _0x42cd9d.onError;
var _0x3ac163 = _0x2b6d6d.openCursor(_0x42cd9d.keyRange, this.consts[_0x38e5c3]);
return _0x3ac163.onerror = _0x42cd9d.onError, _0x3ac163.onsuccess = function(_0x4f183f) {
var _0xe7af78 = _0x4f183f.target.result;
if (_0xe7af78)
if (_0x42cd9d.offset) _0xe7af78.advance(_0x42cd9d.offset), _0x42cd9d.offset = 0x0;
else {
var _0x2ad006 = _0x1cb264(_0xe7af78.value, _0xe7af78, _0xcb4965);
_0x42cd9d.allowItemRejection && !0x1 === _0x2ad006 || _0x523630++, _0x42cd9d.autoContinue && (_0x523630 + _0x42cd9d.offset < _0x42cd9d.limit ? _0xe7af78.continue() : _0x5b5b48 = true);
else _0x5b5b48 = true;
}, _0xcb4965;
'query': function(_0x2bc5fc, _0x39354f) {
var _0x39b24a = [],
_0x47cb91 = 0x0;
return (_0x39354f = _0x39354f || {}).autoContinue = true, _0x39354f.writeAccess = !0x1, _0x39354f.allowItemRejection = !!_0x39354f.filter, _0x39354f.onEnd = function() {
_0x2bc5fc(_0x39b24a, _0x47cb91);
}, this.iterate(function(_0x13e82f) {
var _0x4bb504 = !_0x39354f.filter || _0x39354f.filter(_0x13e82f);
return !0x1 !== _0x4bb504 && _0x39b24a.push(_0x13e82f), _0x4bb504;
}, _0x39354f);
'count': function(_0x26682d, _0x7fbfc6) {
var _0x26315e = (_0x7fbfc6 = _0x2ad006({
'index': null,
'keyRange': null
}, _0x7fbfc6 || {})).onError || _0x2e240f,
_0x18a616 = !0x1,
_0xcb4965 = null,
_0x2b6d6d = this.db.transaction([this.storeName], this.consts.READ_ONLY);
_0x2b6d6d.oncomplete = function() {
(_0x18a616 ? _0x26682d : _0x26315e)(_0xcb4965);
}, _0x2b6d6d.onabort = _0x26315e, _0x2b6d6d.onerror = _0x26315e;
var _0x2eb015 = _0x2b6d6d.objectStore(this.storeName);
_0x7fbfc6.index && (_0x2eb015 = _0x2eb015.index(_0x7fbfc6.index));
var _0xfff48 = _0x2eb015.count(_0x7fbfc6.keyRange);
return _0xfff48.onsuccess = function(_0x4a9790) {
_0x18a616 = true, _0xcb4965 = _0x4a9790.target.result;
}, _0xfff48.onError = _0x26315e, _0x2b6d6d;
'makeKeyRange': function(_0x18e1e0) {
var _0x5b82af, _0x39b24a = void 0x0 !== _0x18e1e0.lower,
_0x2d70fb = void 0x0 !== _0x18e1e0.upper;
switch (true) {
case void 0x0 !== _0x18e1e0.only:
_0x5b82af = this.keyRange.only(_0x18e1e0.only);
case _0x39b24a && _0x2d70fb:
_0x5b82af = this.keyRange.bound(_0x18e1e0.lower, _0x18e1e0.upper, _0x18e1e0.excludeLower, _0x18e1e0.excludeUpper);
case _0x39b24a:
_0x5b82af = this.keyRange.lowerBound(_0x18e1e0.lower, _0x18e1e0.excludeLower);
case _0x2d70fb:
_0x5b82af = this.keyRange.upperBound(_0x18e1e0.upper, _0x18e1e0.excludeUpper);
throw new Error('Cannot create KeyRange. Provide one or both of "lower" or "upper" value, or an "only" value.');
return _0x5b82af;
_0xcb4965 = {};
function _0x2ad006(_0x4910d7, _0x179cd8) {
var _0x39b24a, _0x3e1f3f;
for (_0x39b24a in _0x179cd8)(_0x3e1f3f = _0x179cd8[_0x39b24a]) !== _0xcb4965[_0x39b24a] && _0x3e1f3f !== _0x4910d7[_0x39b24a] && (_0x4910d7[_0x39b24a] = _0x3e1f3f);
return _0x4910d7;
return _0x2b9783.prototype = _0x28a590, _0x2b9783.version = _0x28a590.version, _0x2b9783;
}) ? _0xafdfe.call(_0x5b82af, _0x39b24a, _0x5b82af, _0x2e240f) : _0xafdfe) || (_0x2e240f.exports = _0x133983);
}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, function(_0x5cc7da, _0xd81f9c, _0x5928dc) {
* The buffer module from node.js, for the browser.
* @author Feross Aboukhadijeh <feross@feross.org> <http://feross.org>
* @license MIT
!function(){return function t(r,e,n){function i(f,u){if(!e[f]){if(!r[f]){var s="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!u&&s)return s(f,!0);if(o)return o(f,!0);var h=new Error("Cannot find module '"+f+"'");throw h.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",h}var a=e[f]={exports:{}};r[f][0].call(a.exports,function(t){return i(r[f][1][t]||t)},a,a.exports,t,r,e,n)}return e[f].exports}for(var o="function"==typeof require&&require,f=0;f<n.length;f++)i(n[f]);return i}}()({1:[function(t,r,e){_0xd81f9c.Buffer=t("buffer").Buffer},{buffer:3}],2:[function(t,r,e){"use strict";e.byteLength=function(t){var r=h(t),e=r[0],n=r[1];return 3*(e+n)/4-n},e.toByteArray=function(t){var r,e,n=h(t),f=n[0],u=n[1],s=new o(function(t,r,e){return 3*(r+e)/4-e}(0,f,u)),a=0,c=u>0?f-4:f;for(e=0;e<c;e+=4)r=i[t.charCodeAt(e)]<<18|i[t.charCodeAt(e+1)]<<12|i[t.charCodeAt(e+2)]<<6|i[t.charCodeAt(e+3)],s[a++]=r>>16&255,s[a++]=r>>8&255,s[a++]=255&r;2===u&&(r=i[t.charCodeAt(e)]<<2|i[t.charCodeAt(e+1)]>>4,s[a++]=255&r);1===u&&(r=i[t.charCodeAt(e)]<<10|i[t.charCodeAt(e+1)]<<4|i[t.charCodeAt(e+2)]>>2,s[a++]=r>>8&255,s[a++]=255&r);return s},e.fromByteArray=function(t){for(var r,e=t.length,i=e%3,o=[],f=0,u=e-i;f<u;f+=16383)o.push(a(t,f,f+16383>u?u:f+16383));1===i?(r=t[e-1],o.push(n[r>>2]+n[r<<4&63]+"==")):2===i&&(r=(t[e-2]<<8)+t[e-1],o.push(n[r>>10]+n[r>>4&63]+n[r<<2&63]+"="));return o.join("")};for(var n=[],i=[],o="undefined"!=typeof Uint8Array?Uint8Array:Array,f="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",u=0,s=f.length;u<s;++u)n[u]=f[u],i[f.charCodeAt(u)]=u;function h(t){var r=t.length;if(r%4>0)throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");var e=t.indexOf("=");return-1===e&&(e=r),[e,e===r?0:4-e%4]}function a(t,r,e){for(var i,o,f=[],u=r;u<e;u+=3)i=(t[u]<<16&16711680)+(t[u+1]<<8&65280)+(255&t[u+2]),f.push(n[(o=i)>>18&63]+n[o>>12&63]+n[o>>6&63]+n[63&o]);return f.join("")}i["-".charCodeAt(0)]=62,i["_".charCodeAt(0)]=63},{}],3:[function(t,r,e){(function(r){(function(){"use strict";var r=t("base64-js"),n=t("ieee754");e.Buffer=f,e.SlowBuffer=function(t){+t!=t&&(t=0);return f.alloc(+t)},e.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES=50;var i=2147483647;function o(t){if(t>i)throw new RangeError('The value "'+t+'" is invalid for option "size"');var r=new Uint8Array(t);return r.__proto__=f.prototype,r}function f(t,r,e){if("number"==typeof t){if("string"==typeof r)throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number');return h(t)}return u(t,r,e)}function u(t,r,e){if("string"==typeof t)return function(t,r){"string"==typeof r&&""!==r||(r="utf8");if(!f.isEncoding(r))throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+r);var e=0|p(t,r),n=o(e),i=n.write(t,r);i!==e&&(n=n.slice(0,i));return n}(t,r);if(ArrayBuffer.isView(t))return a(t);if(null==t)throw TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type "+typeof t);if(z(t,ArrayBuffer)||t&&z(t.buffer,ArrayBuffer))return function(t,r,e){if(r<0||t.byteLength<r)throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds');if(t.byteLength<r+(e||0))throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds');var n;n=void 0===r&&void 0===e?new Uint8Array(t):void 0===e?new Uint8Array(t,r):new Uint8Array(t,r,e);return n.__proto__=f.prototype,n}(t,r,e);if("number"==typeof t)throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number');var n=t.valueOf&&t.valueOf();if(null!=n&&n!==t)return f.from(n,r,e);var i=function(t){if(f.isBuffer(t)){var r=0|c(t.length),e=o(r);return 0===e.length?e:(t.copy(e,0,0,r),e)}if(void 0!==t.length)return"number"!=typeof t.length||D(t.length)?o(0):a(t);if("Buffer"===t.type&&Array.isArray(t.data))return a(t.data)}(t);if(i)return i;if("undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&null!=Symbol.toPrimitive&&"function"==typeof t[Symbol.toPrimitive])return f.from(t[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"),r,e);throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type "+typeof t)}function s(t){if("number"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number');if(t<0)throw new RangeError('The value "'+t+'" is invalid for option "size"')}function h(t){return s(t),o(t<0?0:0|c(t))}function a(t){for(var r=t.length<0?0:0|c(t.length),e=o(r),n=0;n<r;n+=1)e[n]=255&t[n];return e}function c(t){if(t>=i)throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x"+i.toString(16)+" bytes");return 0|t}function p(t,r){if(f.isBuffer(t))return t.length;if(ArrayBuffer.isView(t)||z(t,ArrayBuffer))return t.byteLength;if("string"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type '+typeof t);var e=t.length,n=arguments.length>2&&!0===arguments[2];if(!n&&0===e)return 0;for(var i=!1;;)switch(r){case"ascii":case"latin1":case"binary":return e;case"utf8":case"utf-8":return N(t).length;case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return 2*e;case"hex":return e>>>1;case"base64":return P(t).length;default:if(i)return n?-1:N(t).length;r=(""+r).toLowerCase(),i=!0}}function l(t,r,e){var n=t[r];t[r]=t[e],t[e]=n}function y(t,r,e,n,i){if(0===t.length)return-1;if("string"==typeof e?(n=e,e=0):e>2147483647?e=2147483647:e<-2147483648&&(e=-2147483648),D(e=+e)&&(e=i?0:t.length-1),e<0&&(e=t.length+e),e>=t.length){if(i)return-1;e=t.length-1}else if(e<0){if(!i)return-1;e=0}if("string"==typeof r&&(r=f.from(r,n)),f.isBuffer(r))return 0===r.length?-1:g(t,r,e,n,i);if("number"==typeof r)return r&=255,"function"==typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf?i?Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf.call(t,r,e):Uint8Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(t,r,e):g(t,[r],e,n,i);throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer")}function g(t,r,e,n,i){var o,f=1,u=t.length,s=r.length;if(void 0!==n&&("ucs2"===(n=String(n).toLowerCase())||"ucs-2"===n||"utf16le"===n||"utf-16le"===n)){if(t.length<2||r.length<2)return-1;f=2,u/=2,s/=2,e/=2}function h(t,r){return 1===f?t[r]:t.readUInt16BE(r*f)}if(i){var a=-1;for(o=e;o<u;o++)if(h(t,o)===h(r,-1===a?0:o-a)){if(-1===a&&(a=o),o-a+1===s)return a*f}else-1!==a&&(o-=o-a),a=-1}else for(e+s>u&&(e=u-s),o=e;o>=0;o--){for(var c=!0,p=0;p<s;p++)if(h(t,o+p)!==h(r,p)){c=!1;break}if(c)return o}return-1}function w(t,r,e,n){e=Number(e)||0;var i=t.length-e;n?(n=Number(n))>i&&(n=i):n=i;var o=r.length;n>o/2&&(n=o/2);for(var f=0;f<n;++f){var u=parseInt(r.substr(2*f,2),16);if(D(u))return f;t[e+f]=u}return f}function d(t,r,e,n){return j(N(r,t.length-e),t,e,n)}function v(t,r,e,n){return j(function(t){for(var r=[],e=0;e<t.length;++e)r.push(255&t.charCodeAt(e));return r}(r),t,e,n)}function b(t,r,e,n){return v(t,r,e,n)}function m(t,r,e,n){return j(P(r),t,e,n)}function E(t,r,e,n){return j(function(t,r){for(var e,n,i,o=[],f=0;f<t.length&&!((r-=2)<0);++f)e=t.charCodeAt(f),n=e>>8,i=e%256,o.push(i),o.push(n);return o}(r,t.length-e),t,e,n)}function A(t,e,n){return 0===e&&n===t.length?r.fromByteArray(t):r.fromByteArray(t.slice(e,n))}function B(t,r,e){e=Math.min(t.length,e);for(var n=[],i=r;i<e;){var o,f,u,s,h=t[i],a=null,c=h>239?4:h>223?3:h>191?2:1;if(i+c<=e)switch(c){case 1:h<128&&(a=h);break;case 2:128==(192&(o=t[i+1]))&&(s=(31&h)<<6|63&o)>127&&(a=s);break;case 3:o=t[i+1],f=t[i+2],128==(192&o)&&128==(192&f)&&(s=(15&h)<<12|(63&o)<<6|63&f)>2047&&(s<55296||s>57343)&&(a=s);break;case 4:o=t[i+1],f=t[i+2],u=t[i+3],128==(192&o)&&128==(192&f)&&128==(192&u)&&(s=(15&h)<<18|(63&o)<<12|(63&f)<<6|63&u)>65535&&s<1114112&&(a=s)}null===a?(a=65533,c=1):a>65535&&(a-=65536,n.push(a>>>10&1023|55296),a=56320|1023&a),n.push(a),i+=c}return function(t){var r=t.length;if(r<=U)return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,t);var e="",n=0;for(;n<r;)e+=String.fromCharCode.apply(String,t.slice(n,n+=U));return e}(n)}e.kMaxLength=i,f.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT=function(){try{var t=new Uint8Array(1);return t.__proto__={__proto__:Uint8Array.prototype,foo:function(){return 42}},42===t.foo()}catch(t){return!1}}(),f.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||"undefined"==typeof console||"function"!=typeof console.error||console.error("This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support."),Object.defineProperty(f.prototype,"parent",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){if(f.isBuffer(this))return this.buffer}}),Object.defineProperty(f.prototype,"offset",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){if(f.isBuffer(this))return this.byteOffset}}),"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&null!=Symbol.species&&f[Symbol.species]===f&&Object.defineProperty(f,Symbol.species,{value:null,configurable:!0,enumerable:!1,writable:!1}),f.poolSize=8192,f.from=function(t,r,e){return u(t,r,e)},f.prototype.__proto__=Uint8Array.prototype,f.__proto__=Uint8Array,f.alloc=function(t,r,e){return function(t,r,e){return s(t),t<=0?o(t):void 0!==r?"string"==typeof e?o(t).fill(r,e):o(t).fill(r):o(t)}(t,r,e)},f.allocUnsafe=function(t){return h(t)},f.allocUnsafeSlow=function(t){return h(t)},f.isBuffer=function(t){return null!=t&&!0===t._isBuffer&&t!==f.prototype},f.compare=function(t,r){if(z(t,Uint8Array)&&(t=f.from(t,t.offset,t.byteLength)),z(r,Uint8Array)&&(r=f.from(r,r.offset,r.byteLength)),!f.isBuffer(t)||!f.isBuffer(r))throw new TypeError('The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array');if(t===r)return 0;for(var e=t.length,n=r.length,i=0,o=Math.min(e,n);i<o;++i)if(t[i]!==r[i]){e=t[i],n=r[i];break}return e<n?-1:n<e?1:0},f.isEncoding=function(t){switch(String(t).toLowerCase()){case"hex":case"utf8":case"utf-8":case"ascii":case"latin1":case"binary":case"base64":case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return!0;default:return!1}},f.concat=function(t,r){if(!Array.isArray(t))throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');if(0===t.length)return f.alloc(0);var e;if(void 0===r)for(r=0,e=0;e<t.length;++e)r+=t[e].length;var n=f.allocUnsafe(r),i=0;for(e=0;e<t.length;++e){var o=t[e];if(z(o,Uint8Array)&&(o=f.from(o)),!f.isBuffer(o))throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');o.copy(n,i),i+=o.length}return n},f.byteLength=p,f.prototype._isBuffer=!0,f.prototype.swap16=function(){var t=this.length;if(t%2!=0)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");for(var r=0;r<t;r+=2)l(this,r,r+1);return this},f.prototype.swap32=function(){var t=this.length;if(t%4!=0)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");for(var r=0;r<t;r+=4)l(this,r,r+3),l(this,r+1,r+2);return this},f.prototype.swap64=function(){var t=this.length;if(t%8!=0)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");for(var r=0;r<t;r+=8)l(this,r,r+7),l(this,r+1,r+6),l(this,r+2,r+5),l(this,r+3,r+4);return this},f.prototype.toString=function(){var t=this.length;return 0===t?"":0===arguments.length?B(this,0,t):function(t,r,e){var n=!1;if((void 0===r||r<0)&&(r=0),r>this.length)return"";if((void 0===e||e>this.length)&&(e=this.length),e<=0)return"";if((e>>>=0)<=(r>>>=0))return"";for(t||(t="utf8");;)switch(t){case"hex":return I(this,r,e);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return B(this,r,e);case"ascii":return _(this,r,e);case"latin1":case"binary":return T(this,r,e);case"base64":return A(this,r,e);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return S(this,r,e);default:if(n)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+t);t=(t+"").toLowerCase(),n=!0}}.apply(this,arguments)},f.prototype.toLocaleString=f.prototype.toString,f.prototype.equals=function(t){if(!f.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");return this===t||0===f.compare(this,t)},f.prototype.inspect=function(){var t="",r=e.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;return t=this.toString("hex",0,r).replace(/(.{2})/g,"$1 ").trim(),this.length>r&&(t+=" ... "),"<Buffer "+t+">"},f.prototype.compare=function(t,r,e,n,i){if(z(t,Uint8Array)&&(t=f.from(t,t.offset,t.byteLength)),!f.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type '+typeof t);if(void 0===r&&(r=0),void 0===e&&(e=t?t.length:0),void 0===n&&(n=0),void 0===i&&(i=this.length),r<0||e>t.length||n<0||i>this.length)throw new RangeError("out of range index");if(n>=i&&r>=e)return 0;if(n>=i)return-1;if(r>=e)return 1;if(this===t)return 0;for(var o=(i>>>=0)-(n>>>=0),u=(e>>>=0)-(r>>>=0),s=Math.min(o,u),h=this.slice(n,i),a=t.slice(r,e),c=0;c<s;++c)if(h[c]!==a[c]){o=h[c],u=a[c];break}return o<u?-1:u<o?1:0},f.prototype.includes=function(t,r,e){return-1!==this.indexOf(t,r,e)},f.prototype.indexOf=function(t,r,e){return y(this,t,r,e,!0)},f.prototype.lastIndexOf=function(t,r,e){return y(this,t,r,e,!1)},f.prototype.write=function(t,r,e,n){if(void 0===r)n="utf8",e=this.length,r=0;else if(void 0===e&&"string"==typeof r)n=r,e=this.length,r=0;else{if(!isFinite(r))throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported");r>>>=0,isFinite(e)?(e>>>=0,void 0===n&&(n="utf8")):(n=e,e=void 0)}var i=this.length-r;if((void 0===e||e>i)&&(e=i),t.length>0&&(e<0||r<0)||r>this.length)throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");n||(n="utf8");for(var o=!1;;)switch(n){case"hex":return w(this,t,r,e);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return d(this,t,r,e);case"ascii":return v(this,t,r,e);case"latin1":case"binary":return b(this,t,r,e);case"base64":return m(this,t,r,e);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return E(this,t,r,e);default:if(o)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+n);n=(""+n).toLowerCase(),o=!0}},f.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{type:"Buffer",data:Array.prototype.slice.call(this._arr||this,0)}};var U=4096;function _(t,r,e){var n="";e=Math.min(t.length,e);for(var i=r;i<e;++i)n+=String.fromCharCode(127&t[i]);return n}function T(t,r,e){var n="";e=Math.min(t.length,e);for(var i=r;i<e;++i)n+=String.fromCharCode(t[i]);return n}function I(t,r,e){var n=t.length;(!r||r<0)&&(r=0),(!e||e<0||e>n)&&(e=n);for(var i="",o=r;o<e;++o)i+=k(t[o]);return i}function S(t,r,e){for(var n=t.slice(r,e),i="",o=0;o<n.length;o+=2)i+=String.fromCharCode(n[o]+256*n[o+1]);return i}function C(t,r,e){if(t%1!=0||t<0)throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");if(t+r>e)throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length")}function L(t,r,e,n,i,o){if(!f.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');if(r>i||r<o)throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds');if(e+n>t.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range")}function R(t,r,e,n,i,o){if(e+n>t.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range");if(e<0)throw new RangeError("Index out of range")}function x(t,r,e,i,o){return r=+r,e>>>=0,o||R(t,0,e,4),n.write(t,r,e,i,23,4),e+4}function M(t,r,e,i,o){return r=+r,e>>>=0,o||R(t,0,e,8),n.write(t,r,e,i,52,8),e+8}f.prototype.slice=function(t,r){var e=this.length;(t=~~t)<0?(t+=e)<0&&(t=0):t>e&&(t=e),(r=void 0===r?e:~~r)<0?(r+=e)<0&&(r=0):r>e&&(r=e),r<t&&(r=t);var n=this.subarray(t,r);return n.__proto__=f.prototype,n},f.prototype.readUIntLE=function(t,r,e){t>>>=0,r>>>=0,e||C(t,r,this.length);for(var n=this[t],i=1,o=0;++o<r&&(i*=256);)n+=this[t+o]*i;return n},f.prototype.readUIntBE=function(t,r,e){t>>>=0,r>>>=0,e||C(t,r,this.length);for(var n=this[t+--r],i=1;r>0&&(i*=256);)n+=this[t+--r]*i;return n},f.prototype.readUInt8=function(t,r){return t>>>=0,r||C(t,1,this.length),this[t]},f.prototype.readUInt16LE=function(t,r){return t>>>=0,r||C(t,2,this.length),this[t]|this[t+1]<<8},f.prototype.readUInt16BE=function(t,r){return t>>>=0,r||C(t,2,this.length),this[t]<<8|this[t+1]},f.prototype.readUInt32LE=function(t,r){return t>>>=0,r||C(t,4,this.length),(this[t]|this[t+1]<<8|this[t+2]<<16)+16777216*this[t+3]},f.prototype.readUInt32BE=function(t,r){return t>>>=0,r||C(t,4,this.length),16777216*this[t]+(this[t+1]<<16|this[t+2]<<8|this[t+3])},f.prototype.readIntLE=function(t,r,e){t>>>=0,r>>>=0,e||C(t,r,this.length);for(var n=this[t],i=1,o=0;++o<r&&(i*=256);)n+=this[t+o]*i;return n>=(i*=128)&&(n-=Math.pow(2,8*r)),n},f.prototype.readIntBE=function(t,r,e){t>>>=0,r>>>=0,e||C(t,r,this.length);for(var n=r,i=1,o=this[t+--n];n>0&&(i*=256);)o+=this[t+--n]*i;return o>=(i*=128)&&(o-=Math.pow(2,8*r)),o},f.prototype.readInt8=function(t,r){return t>>>=0,r||C(t,1,this.length),128&this[t]?-1*(255-this[t]+1):this[t]},f.prototype.readInt16LE=function(t,r){t>>>=0,r||C(t,2,this.length);var e=this[t]|this[t+1]<<8;return 32768&e?4294901760|e:e},f.prototype.readInt16BE=function(t,r){t>>>=0,r||C(t,2,this.length);var e=this[t+1]|this[t]<<8;return 32768&e?4294901760|e:e},f.prototype.readInt32LE=function(t,r){return t>>>=0,r||C(t,4,this.length),this[t]|this[t+1]<<8|this[t+2]<<16|this[t+3]<<24},f.prototype.readInt32BE=function(t,r){return t>>>=0,r||C(t,4,this.length),this[t]<<24|this[t+1]<<16|this[t+2]<<8|this[t+3]},f.prototype.readFloatLE=function(t,r){return t>>>=0,r||C(t,4,this.length),n.read(this,t,!0,23,4)},f.prototype.readFloatBE=function(t,r){return t>>>=0,r||C(t,4,this.length),n.read(this,t,!1,23,4)},f.prototype.readDoubleLE=function(t,r){return t>>>=0,r||C(t,8,this.length),n.read(this,t,!0,52,8)},f.prototype.readDoubleBE=function(t,r){return t>>>=0,r||C(t,8,this.length),n.read(this,t,!1,52,8)},f.prototype.writeUIntLE=function(t,r,e,n){(t=+t,r>>>=0,e>>>=0,n)||L(this,t,r,e,Math.pow(2,8*e)-1,0);var i=1,o=0;for(this[r]=255&t;++o<e&&(i*=256);)this[r+o]=t/i&255;return r+e},f.prototype.writeUIntBE=function(t,r,e,n){(t=+t,r>>>=0,e>>>=0,n)||L(this,t,r,e,Math.pow(2,8*e)-1,0);var i=e-1,o=1;for(this[r+i]=255&t;--i>=0&&(o*=256);)this[r+i]=t/o&255;return r+e},f.prototype.writeUInt8=function(t,r,e){return t=+t,r>>>=0,e||L(this,t,r,1,255,0),this[r]=255&t,r+1},f.prototype.writeUInt16LE=function(t,r,e){return t=+t,r>>>=0,e||L(this,t,r,2,65535,0),this[r]=255&t,this[r+1]=t>>>8,r+2},f.prototype.writeUInt16BE=function(t,r,e){return t=+t,r>>>=0,e||L(this,t,r,2,65535,0),this[r]=t>>>8,this[r+1]=255&t,r+2},f.prototype.writeUInt32LE=function(t,r,e){return t=+t,r>>>=0,e||L(this,t,r,4,4294967295,0),this[r+3]=t>>>24,this[r+2]=t>>>16,this[r+1]=t>>>8,this[r]=255&t,r+4},f.prototype.writeUInt32BE=function(t,r,e){return t=+t,r>>>=0,e||L(this,t,r,4,4294967295,0),this[r]=t>>>24,this[r+1]=t>>>16,this[r+2]=t>>>8,this[r+3]=255&t,r+4},f.prototype.writeIntLE=function(t,r,e,n){if(t=+t,r>>>=0,!n){var i=Math.pow(2,8*e-1);L(this,t,r,e,i-1,-i)}var o=0,f=1,u=0;for(this[r]=255&t;++o<e&&(f*=256);)t<0&&0===u&&0!==this[r+o-1]&&(u=1),this[r+o]=(t/f>>0)-u&255;return r+e},f.prototype.writeIntBE=function(t,r,e,n){if(t=+t,r>>>=0,!n){var i=Math.pow(2,8*e-1);L(this,t,r,e,i-1,-i)}var o=e-1,f=1,u=0;for(this[r+o]=255&t;--o>=0&&(f*=256);)t<0&&0===u&&0!==this[r+o+1]&&(u=1),this[r+o]=(t/f>>0)-u&255;return r+e},f.prototype.writeInt8=function(t,r,e){return t=+t,r>>>=0,e||L(this,t,r,1,127,-128),t<0&&(t=255+t+1),this[r]=255&t,r+1},f.prototype.writeInt16LE=function(t,r,e){return t=+t,r>>>=0,e||L(this,t,r,2,32767,-32768),this[r]=255&t,this[r+1]=t>>>8,r+2},f.prototype.writeInt16BE=function(t,r,e){return t=+t,r>>>=0,e||L(this,t,r,2,32767,-32768),this[r]=t>>>8,this[r+1]=255&t,r+2},f.prototype.writeInt32LE=function(t,r,e){return t=+t,r>>>=0,e||L(this,t,r,4,2147483647,-2147483648),this[r]=255&t,this[r+1]=t>>>8,this[r+2]=t>>>16,this[r+3]=t>>>24,r+4},f.prototype.writeInt32BE=function(t,r,e){return t=+t,r>>>=0,e||L(this,t,r,4,2147483647,-2147483648),t<0&&(t=4294967295+t+1),this[r]=t>>>24,this[r+1]=t>>>16,this[r+2]=t>>>8,this[r+3]=255&t,r+4},f.prototype.writeFloatLE=function(t,r,e){return x(this,t,r,!0,e)},f.prototype.writeFloatBE=function(t,r,e){return x(this,t,r,!1,e)},f.prototype.writeDoubleLE=function(t,r,e){return M(this,t,r,!0,e)},f.prototype.writeDoubleBE=function(t,r,e){return M(this,t,r,!1,e)},f.prototype.copy=function(t,r,e,n){if(!f.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer");if(e||(e=0),n||0===n||(n=this.length),r>=t.length&&(r=t.length),r||(r=0),n>0&&n<e&&(n=e),n===e)return 0;if(0===t.length||0===this.length)return 0;if(r<0)throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");if(e<0||e>=this.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range");if(n<0)throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");n>this.length&&(n=this.length),t.length-r<n-e&&(n=t.length-r+e);var i=n-e;if(this===t&&"function"==typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin)this.copyWithin(r,e,n);else if(this===t&&e<r&&r<n)for(var o=i-1;o>=0;--o)t[o+r]=this[o+e];else Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(t,this.subarray(e,n),r);return i},f.prototype.fill=function(t,r,e,n){if("string"==typeof t){if("string"==typeof r?(n=r,r=0,e=this.length):"string"==typeof e&&(n=e,e=this.length),void 0!==n&&"string"!=typeof n)throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string");if("string"==typeof n&&!f.isEncoding(n))throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+n);if(1===t.length){var i=t.charCodeAt(0);("utf8"===n&&i<128||"latin1"===n)&&(t=i)}}else"number"==typeof t&&(t&=255);if(r<0||this.length<r||this.length<e)throw new RangeError("Out of range index");if(e<=r)return this;var o;if(r>>>=0,e=void 0===e?this.length:e>>>0,t||(t=0),"number"==typeof t)for(o=r;o<e;++o)this[o]=t;else{var u=f.isBuffer(t)?t:f.from(t,n),s=u.length;if(0===s)throw new TypeError('The value "'+t+'" is invalid for argument "value"');for(o=0;o<e-r;++o)this[o+r]=u[o%s]}return this};var O=/[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g;function k(t){return t<16?"0"+t.toString(16):t.toString(16)}function N(t,r){var e;r=r||1/0;for(var n=t.length,i=null,o=[],f=0;f<n;++f){if((e=t.charCodeAt(f))>55295&&e<57344){if(!i){if(e>56319){(r-=3)>-1&&o.push(239,191,189);continue}if(f+1===n){(r-=3)>-1&&o.push(239,191,189);continue}i=e;continue}if(e<56320){(r-=3)>-1&&o.push(239,191,189),i=e;continue}e=65536+(i-55296<<10|e-56320)}else i&&(r-=3)>-1&&o.push(239,191,189);if(i=null,e<128){if((r-=1)<0)break;o.push(e)}else if(e<2048){if((r-=2)<0)break;o.push(e>>6|192,63&e|128)}else if(e<65536){if((r-=3)<0)break;o.push(e>>12|224,e>>6&63|128,63&e|128)}else{if(!(e<1114112))throw new Error("Invalid code point");if((r-=4)<0)break;o.push(e>>18|240,e>>12&63|128,e>>6&63|128,63&e|128)}}return o}function P(t){return r.toByteArray(function(t){if((t=(t=t.split("=")[0]).trim().replace(O,"")).length<2)return"";for(;t.length%4!=0;)t+="=";return t}(t))}function j(t,r,e,n){for(var i=0;i<n&&!(i+e>=r.length||i>=t.length);++i)r[i+e]=t[i];return i}function z(t,r){return t instanceof r||null!=t&&null!=t.constructor&&null!=t.constructor.name&&t.constructor.name===r.name}function D(t){return t!=t}}).call(this)}).call(this,t("buffer").Buffer)},{"base64-js":2,buffer:3,ieee754:4}],4:[function(t,r,e){e.read=function(t,r,e,n,i){var o,f,u=8*i-n-1,s=(1<<u)-1,h=s>>1,a=-7,c=e?i-1:0,p=e?-1:1,l=t[r+c];for(c+=p,o=l&(1<<-a)-1,l>>=-a,a+=u;a>0;o=256*o+t[r+c],c+=p,a-=8);for(f=o&(1<<-a)-1,o>>=-a,a+=n;a>0;f=256*f+t[r+c],c+=p,a-=8);if(0===o)o=1-h;else{if(o===s)return f?NaN:1/0*(l?-1:1);f+=Math.pow(2,n),o-=h}return(l?-1:1)*f*Math.pow(2,o-n)},e.write=function(t,r,e,n,i,o){var f,u,s,h=8*o-i-1,a=(1<<h)-1,c=a>>1,p=23===i?Math.pow(2,-24)-Math.pow(2,-77):0,l=n?0:o-1,y=n?1:-1,g=r<0||0===r&&1/r<0?1:0;for(r=Math.abs(r),isNaN(r)||r===1/0?(u=isNaN(r)?1:0,f=a):(f=Math.floor(Math.log(r)/Math.LN2),r*(s=Math.pow(2,-f))<1&&(f--,s*=2),(r+=f+c>=1?p/s:p*Math.pow(2,1-c))*s>=2&&(f++,s/=2),f+c>=a?(u=0,f=a):f+c>=1?(u=(r*s-1)*Math.pow(2,i),f+=c):(u=r*Math.pow(2,c-1)*Math.pow(2,i),f=0));i>=8;t[e+l]=255&u,l+=y,u/=256,i-=8);for(f=f<<i|u,h+=i;h>0;t[e+l]=255&f,l+=y,f/=256,h-=8);t[e+l-y]|=128*g}},{}]},{},[1]);
}, function(_0x419a6c, _0x12e3ba, _0xde43cb) {
_0x419a6c.exports = _0xde43cb(0x4d);
}, function(_0x5ab42d, _0x57fa8d) {
_0x57fa8d.encode = function(_0x1cf897) {
var _0x57fa8d = '';
for (var _0x1313ec in _0x1cf897) _0x1cf897.hasOwnProperty(_0x1313ec) && (_0x57fa8d.length && (_0x57fa8d += '&'), _0x57fa8d += encodeURIComponent(_0x1313ec) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(_0x1cf897[_0x1313ec]));
return _0x57fa8d;
}, _0x57fa8d.decode = function(_0x549421) {
for (var _0x57fa8d = {}, _0x5519be = _0x549421.split('&'), _0x52ea21 = 0x0, _0x4da549 = _0x5519be.length; _0x52ea21 < _0x4da549; _0x52ea21++) {
var _0x109035 = _0x5519be[_0x52ea21].split('=');
_0x57fa8d[decodeURIComponent(_0x109035[0x0])] = decodeURIComponent(_0x109035[0x1]);
return _0x57fa8d;
}, function(_0x116932, _0x5135ae) {
_0x116932.exports = function(_0x3506c9, _0x409dbf) {
var _0x2b8213 = function() {};
_0x2b8213.prototype = _0x409dbf.prototype, _0x3506c9.prototype = new _0x2b8213(), _0x3506c9.prototype.constructor = _0x3506c9;
}, function(_0x2a3209, _0x1433a1, _0xc63c2a) {
(function(_0x5b1d96) {
function _0x24c86c() {
var _0x2a3209;
try {
_0x2a3209 = _0x1433a1.storage.debug;
} catch (_0x10d35f) {}
return !_0x2a3209 && void 0x0 !== _0x5b1d96 && 'env' in _0x5b1d96 && (_0x2a3209 = _0x5b1d96.env.DEBUG), _0x2a3209;
}(_0x1433a1 = _0x2a3209.exports = _0xc63c2a(0x185)).log = function() {
return 'object' == typeof console && console.log && Function.prototype.apply.call(console.log, console, arguments);
}, _0x1433a1.formatArgs = function(_0x59cd77) {
var _0xc63c2a = this.useColors;
if (_0x59cd77[0x0] = (_0xc63c2a ? '%c' : '') + this.namespace + (_0xc63c2a ? ' %c' : ' ') + _0x59cd77[0x0] + (_0xc63c2a ? '%c ' : ' ') + '+' + _0x1433a1.humanize(this.diff), !_0xc63c2a) return;
var _0x5b1d96 = 'color: ' + this.color;
_0x59cd77.splice(0x1, 0x0, _0x5b1d96, 'color: inherit');
var _0x239418 = 0x0,
_0x2e6b73 = 0x0;
_0x59cd77[0x0].replace(/%[a-zA-Z%]/g, function(_0x304fe3) {
'%%' !== _0x304fe3 && (_0x239418++, '%c' === _0x304fe3 && (_0x2e6b73 = _0x239418));
}), _0x59cd77.splice(_0x2e6b73, 0x0, _0x5b1d96);
}, _0x1433a1.save = function(_0x30e46f) {
try {
null == _0x30e46f ? _0x1433a1.storage.removeItem('debug') : _0x1433a1.storage.debug = _0x30e46f;
} catch (_0x4c1aa8) {}
}, _0x1433a1.load = _0x24c86c, _0x1433a1.useColors = function() {
if ('undefined' != typeof window && window.process && 'renderer' === window.process.type) return true;
if ('undefined' != typeof navigator && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(edge|trident)\/(\d+)/)) return !0x1;
return 'undefined' != typeof document && document.documentElement && document.documentElement.style && document.documentElement.style.WebkitAppearance || 'undefined' != typeof window && window.console && (window.console.firebug || window.console.exception && window.console.table) || 'undefined' != typeof navigator && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 0xa) >= 0x1f || 'undefined' != typeof navigator && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/applewebkit\/(\d+)/);
}, _0x1433a1.storage = 'undefined' != typeof chrome && void 0x0 !== chrome.storage ? chrome.storage.local : function() {
try {
return window.localStorage;
} catch (_0x3e7267) {}
}(), _0x1433a1.colors = ['#0000CC', '#0000FF', '#0033CC', '#0033FF', '#0066CC', '#0066FF', '#0099CC', '#0099FF', '#00CC00', '#00CC33', '#00CC66', '#00CC99', '#00CCCC', '#00CCFF', '#3300CC', '#3300FF', '#3333CC', '#3333FF', '#3366CC', '#3366FF', '#3399CC', '#3399FF', '#33CC00', '#33CC33', '#33CC66', '#33CC99', '#33CCCC', '#33CCFF', '#6600CC', '#6600FF', '#6633CC', '#6633FF', '#66CC00', '#66CC33', '#9900CC', '#9900FF', '#9933CC', '#9933FF', '#99CC00', '#99CC33', '#CC0000', '#CC0033', '#CC0066', '#CC0099', '#CC00CC', '#CC00FF', '#CC3300', '#CC3333', '#CC3366', '#CC3399', '#CC33CC', '#CC33FF', '#CC6600', '#CC6633', '#CC9900', '#CC9933', '#CCCC00', '#CCCC33', '#FF0000', '#FF0033', '#FF0066', '#FF0099', '#FF00CC', '#FF00FF', '#FF3300', '#FF3333', '#FF3366', '#FF3399', '#FF33CC', '#FF33FF', '#FF6600', '#FF6633', '#FF9900', '#FF9933', '#FFCC00', '#FFCC33'], _0x1433a1.formatters.j = function(_0x42eda5) {
try {
return JSON.stringify(_0x42eda5);
} catch (_0x264669) {
return '[UnexpectedJSONParseError]: ' + _0x264669.message;
}, _0x1433a1.enable(_0x24c86c());
}.call(this, _0xc63c2a(0x31)));
}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, function(_0x35f344, _0x3ad3d7) {
var _0x72045c = 0x3e8,
_0xc57066 = 0x3c * _0x72045c,
_0x323d4b = 0x3c * _0xc57066,
_0x38920f = 0x18 * _0x323d4b,
_0x566b42 = 365.25 * _0x38920f;
function _0x4800bf(_0x2cb263, _0x4c8e79, _0x532290) {
if (!(_0x2cb263 < _0x4c8e79)) return _0x2cb263 < 1.5 * _0x4c8e79 ? Math.floor(_0x2cb263 / _0x4c8e79) + ' ' + _0x532290 : Math.ceil(_0x2cb263 / _0x4c8e79) + ' ' + _0x532290 + 's';
_0x35f344.exports = function(_0xbec06f, _0x53ea0e) {
_0x53ea0e = _0x53ea0e || {};
var _0x493ae8, _0x53bf8f = typeof _0xbec06f;
if ('string' === _0x53bf8f && _0xbec06f.length > 0x0) return function(_0x270427) {
if ((_0x270427 = String(_0x270427)).length > 0x64) return;
var _0x53ea0e = /^((?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i .exec(_0x270427);
if (!_0x53ea0e) return;
var _0x57adda = parseFloat(_0x53ea0e[0x1]);
switch ((_0x53ea0e[0x2] || 'ms').toLowerCase()) {
case 'years':
case 'year':
case 'yrs':
case 'yr':
case 'y':
return _0x57adda * _0x566b42;
case 'days':
case 'day':
case 'd':
return _0x57adda * _0x38920f;
case 'hours':
case 'hour':
case 'hrs':
case 'hr':
case 'h':
return _0x57adda * _0x323d4b;
case 'minutes':
case 'minute':
case 'mins':
case 'min':
case 'm':
return _0x57adda * _0xc57066;
case 'seconds':
case 'second':
case 'secs':
case 'sec':
case 's':
return _0x57adda * _0x72045c;
case 'milliseconds':
case 'millisecond':
case 'msecs':
case 'msec':
case 'ms':
return _0x57adda;
if ('number' === _0x53bf8f && !0x1 === isNaN(_0xbec06f)) return _0x53ea0e.long ? _0x4800bf(_0x493ae8 = _0xbec06f, _0x38920f, 'day') || _0x4800bf(_0x493ae8, _0x323d4b, 'hour') || _0x4800bf(_0x493ae8, _0xc57066, 'minute') || _0x4800bf(_0x493ae8, _0x72045c, 'second') || _0x493ae8 + ' ms' : function(_0x158258) {
if (_0x158258 >= _0x38920f) return Math.round(_0x158258 / _0x38920f) + 'd';
if (_0x158258 >= _0x323d4b) return Math.round(_0x158258 / _0x323d4b) + 'h';
if (_0x158258 >= _0xc57066) return Math.round(_0x158258 / _0xc57066) + 'm';
if (_0x158258 >= _0x72045c) return Math.round(_0x158258 / _0x72045c) + 's';
return _0x158258 + 'ms';
throw new Error('val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val=' + JSON.stringify(_0xbec06f));
}, function(_0x2c4885, _0x725d2f, _0x21813f) {
var _0x18d304 = _0x21813f(0x177)('socket.io-parser'),
_0x220779 = _0x21813f(0x32),
_0x31f804 = _0x21813f(0x179),
_0x1b7bdd = _0x21813f(0x93);
function _0x1a1e93() {}
_0x725d2f.protocol = 0x4, _0x725d2f.types = ['CONNECT', 'DISCONNECT', 'EVENT', 'ACK', 'ERROR', 'BINARY_EVENT', 'BINARY_ACK'], _0x725d2f.CONNECT = 0x0, _0x725d2f.DISCONNECT = 0x1, _0x725d2f.EVENT = 0x2, _0x725d2f.ACK = 0x3, _0x725d2f.ERROR = 0x4, _0x725d2f.BINARY_EVENT = 0x5, _0x725d2f.BINARY_ACK = 0x6, _0x725d2f.Encoder = _0x1a1e93, _0x725d2f.Decoder = _0x2f6c3c;
var _0x220ca7 = _0x725d2f.ERROR + '"encode error"';
function _0x2313c1(_0x1f6ed6) {
var _0x21813f = '' + _0x1f6ed6.type;
if (_0x725d2f.BINARY_EVENT !== _0x1f6ed6.type && _0x725d2f.BINARY_ACK !== _0x1f6ed6.type || (_0x21813f += _0x1f6ed6.attachments + '-'), _0x1f6ed6.nsp && '/' !== _0x1f6ed6.nsp && (_0x21813f += _0x1f6ed6.nsp + ','), null != _0x1f6ed6.id && (_0x21813f += _0x1f6ed6.id), null != _0x1f6ed6.data) {
var _0x186069 = function(_0x2ffd69) {
try {
return JSON.stringify(_0x2ffd69);
} catch (_0x6d5f6e) {
return !0x1;
if (!0x1 === _0x186069) return _0x220ca7;
_0x21813f += _0x186069;
return _0x18d304('encoded %j as %s', _0x1f6ed6, _0x21813f), _0x21813f;
function _0x2f6c3c() {
this.reconstructor = null;
function _0x2963cc(_0x2f717e) {
this.reconPack = _0x2f717e, this.buffers = [];
function _0x385ca8(_0x142a32) {
return {
'type': _0x725d2f.ERROR,
'data': 'parser error: ' + _0x142a32
_0x1a1e93.prototype.encode = function(_0x4372dd, _0x474c99) {
(_0x18d304('encoding packet %j', _0x4372dd), _0x725d2f.BINARY_EVENT === _0x4372dd.type || _0x725d2f.BINARY_ACK === _0x4372dd.type) ? function(_0x3dca2f, _0x54599a) {
_0x31f804.removeBlobs(_0x3dca2f, function(_0xe9a859) {
var _0x474c99 = _0x31f804.deconstructPacket(_0xe9a859),
_0x3b9ac4 = _0x2313c1(_0x474c99.packet),
_0x515f97 = _0x474c99.buffers;
_0x515f97.unshift(_0x3b9ac4), _0x54599a(_0x515f97);
}(_0x4372dd, _0x474c99) : _0x474c99([_0x2313c1(_0x4372dd)]);
}, _0x220779(_0x2f6c3c.prototype), _0x2f6c3c.prototype.add = function(_0x4207af) {
var _0x21813f;
if ('string' == typeof _0x4207af) _0x21813f = function(_0x2d3f59) {
var _0x21813f = 0x0,
_0x55018d = {
'type': Number(_0x2d3f59.charAt(0x0))
if (null == _0x725d2f.types[_0x55018d.type]) return _0x385ca8('unknown packet type ' + _0x55018d.type);
if (_0x725d2f.BINARY_EVENT === _0x55018d.type || _0x725d2f.BINARY_ACK === _0x55018d.type) {
for (var _0x4e40c0 = '';
'-' !== _0x2d3f59.charAt(++_0x21813f) && (_0x4e40c0 += _0x2d3f59.charAt(_0x21813f), _0x21813f != _0x2d3f59.length););
if (_0x4e40c0 != Number(_0x4e40c0) || '-' !== _0x2d3f59.charAt(_0x21813f)) throw new Error('Illegal attachments');
_0x55018d.attachments = Number(_0x4e40c0);
if ('/' === _0x2d3f59.charAt(_0x21813f + 0x1))
for (_0x55018d.nsp = ''; ++_0x21813f;) {
if (',' === (_0x1ef5d6 = _0x2d3f59.charAt(_0x21813f))) break;
if (_0x55018d.nsp += _0x1ef5d6, _0x21813f === _0x2d3f59.length) break;
} else _0x55018d.nsp = '/';
var _0x335234 = _0x2d3f59.charAt(_0x21813f + 0x1);
if ('' !== _0x335234 && Number(_0x335234) == _0x335234) {
for (_0x55018d.id = ''; ++_0x21813f;) {
var _0x1ef5d6;
if (null == (_0x1ef5d6 = _0x2d3f59.charAt(_0x21813f)) || Number(_0x1ef5d6) != _0x1ef5d6) {
if (_0x55018d.id += _0x2d3f59.charAt(_0x21813f), _0x21813f === _0x2d3f59.length) break;
_0x55018d.id = Number(_0x55018d.id);
if (_0x2d3f59.charAt(++_0x21813f)) {
var _0x49a0f5 = function(_0x55df57) {
try {
return JSON.parse(_0x55df57);
} catch (_0x465994) {
return !0x1;
if (!(!0x1 !== _0x49a0f5 && (_0x55018d.type === _0x725d2f.ERROR || Array.isArray(_0x49a0f5)))) return _0x385ca8('invalid payload');
_0x55018d.data = _0x49a0f5;
return _0x18d304('decoded %s as %j', _0x2d3f59, _0x55018d), _0x55018d;
}(_0x4207af), _0x725d2f.BINARY_EVENT === _0x21813f.type || _0x725d2f.BINARY_ACK === _0x21813f.type ? (this.reconstructor = new _0x2963cc(_0x21813f), 0x0 === this.reconstructor.reconPack.attachments && this.emit('decoded', _0x21813f)) : this.emit('decoded', _0x21813f);
else {
if (!_0x1b7bdd(_0x4207af) && !_0x4207af.base64) throw new Error('Unknown type: ' + _0x4207af);
if (!this.reconstructor) throw new Error('got binary data when not reconstructing a packet');
(_0x21813f = this.reconstructor.takeBinaryData(_0x4207af)) && (this.reconstructor = null, this.emit('decoded', _0x21813f));
}, _0x2f6c3c.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.reconstructor && this.reconstructor.finishedReconstruction();
}, _0x2963cc.prototype.takeBinaryData = function(_0x3fb1e6) {
if (this.buffers.push(_0x3fb1e6), this.buffers.length === this.reconPack.attachments) {
var _0x725d2f = _0x31f804.reconstructPacket(this.reconPack, this.buffers);
return this.finishedReconstruction(), _0x725d2f;
return null;
}, _0x2963cc.prototype.finishedReconstruction = function() {
this.reconPack = null, this.buffers = [];
}, function(_0x39d475, _0x2fba83, _0x5f3ec5) {
var _0x1970ae = _0x5f3ec5(0x17c);
_0x39d475.exports = function(_0x2ec49f) {
var _0x2fba83 = _0x2ec49f.xdomain,
_0x5f3ec5 = _0x2ec49f.xscheme,
_0x4e3764 = _0x2ec49f.enablesXDR;
try {
if ('undefined' != typeof XMLHttpRequest && (!_0x2fba83 || _0x1970ae)) return new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch (_0x30eed8) {}
try {
if ('undefined' != typeof XDomainRequest && !_0x5f3ec5 && _0x4e3764) return new XDomainRequest();
} catch (_0x95e9b9) {}
if (!_0x2fba83) try {
return new self[(['Active'].concat('Object').join('X'))]('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
} catch (_0x3580de) {}
}, function(_0x4ebbc6, _0x5b254e, _0x2a0057) {
var _0x1d963d = _0x2a0057(0x33),
_0x3b2976 = _0x2a0057(0x32);
function _0xf1098e(_0xf9b6a3) {
this.path = _0xf9b6a3.path, this.hostname = _0xf9b6a3.hostname, this.port = _0xf9b6a3.port, this.secure = _0xf9b6a3.secure, this.query = _0xf9b6a3.query, this.timestampParam = _0xf9b6a3.timestampParam, this.timestampRequests = _0xf9b6a3.timestampRequests, this.readyState = '', this.agent = _0xf9b6a3.agent || !0x1, this.socket = _0xf9b6a3.socket, this.enablesXDR = _0xf9b6a3.enablesXDR, this.pfx = _0xf9b6a3.pfx, this.key = _0xf9b6a3.key, this.passphrase = _0xf9b6a3.passphrase, this.cert = _0xf9b6a3.cert, this.ca = _0xf9b6a3.ca, this.ciphers = _0xf9b6a3.ciphers, this.rejectUnauthorized = _0xf9b6a3.rejectUnauthorized, this.forceNode = _0xf9b6a3.forceNode, this.isReactNative = _0xf9b6a3.isReactNative, this.extraHeaders = _0xf9b6a3.extraHeaders, this.localAddress = _0xf9b6a3.localAddress;
_0x4ebbc6.exports = _0xf1098e, _0x3b2976(_0xf1098e.prototype), _0xf1098e.prototype.onError = function(_0x11268a, _0x2588cc) {
var _0x2a0057 = new Error(_0x11268a);
return _0x2a0057.type = 'TransportError', _0x2a0057.description = _0x2588cc, this.emit('error', _0x2a0057), this;
}, _0xf1098e.prototype.open = function() {
return 'closed' !== this.readyState && '' !== this.readyState || (this.readyState = 'opening', this.doOpen()), this;
}, _0xf1098e.prototype.close = function() {
return 'opening' !== this.readyState && 'open' !== this.readyState || (this.doClose(), this.onClose()), this;
}, _0xf1098e.prototype.send = function(_0x236dad) {
if ('open' !== this.readyState) throw new Error('Transport not open');
}, _0xf1098e.prototype.onOpen = function() {
this.readyState = 'open', this.writable = true, this.emit('open');
}, _0xf1098e.prototype.onData = function(_0x3cc869) {
var _0x5b254e = _0x1d963d.decodePacket(_0x3cc869, this.socket.binaryType);
}, _0xf1098e.prototype.onPacket = function(_0x6814c9) {
this.emit('packet', _0x6814c9);
}, _0xf1098e.prototype.onClose = function() {
this.readyState = 'closed', this.emit('close');
}, function(_0x3c2d7f, _0xde42f6, _0xe9214) {
(function(_0xd366e5) {
var _0x1fff1c, _0x1e3d28, _0x1b3f4a;
_0x1e3d28 = [], void 0x0 === (_0x1b3f4a = 'function' == typeof(_0x1fff1c = function() {
'use strict';
function _0x37c5be(_0x5e536f, _0x567b6b, _0x491390) {
var _0x57044d = new XMLHttpRequest();
_0x57044d.open('GET', _0x5e536f), _0x57044d.responseType = 'blob', _0x57044d.onload = function() {
_0x2b5ff0(_0x57044d.response, _0x567b6b, _0x491390);
}, _0x57044d.onerror = function() {
console.error('could not download file');
}, _0x57044d.send();
function _0x5bc189(_0x1999e8) {
var _0x37c5be = new XMLHttpRequest();
_0x37c5be.open('HEAD', _0x1999e8, !0x1);
try {
} catch (_0x25e840) {}
return 0xc8 <= _0x37c5be.status && 0x12b >= _0x37c5be.status;
function _0x2834a3(_0x172cc9) {
try {
_0x172cc9.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));
} catch (_0x299cf7) {
var _0x37c5be = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
_0x37c5be.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x50, 0x14, !0x1, !0x1, !0x1, !0x1, 0x0, null), _0x172cc9.dispatchEvent(_0x37c5be);
var _0xfa1868 = 'object' == typeof window && window.window === window ? window : 'object' == typeof self && self.self === self ? self : 'object' == typeof _0xd366e5 && _0xd366e5.global === _0xd366e5 ? _0xd366e5 : void 0x0,
_0x2b5ff0 = _0xfa1868.saveAs || ('object' != typeof window || window !== _0xfa1868 ? function() {} : 'download' in HTMLAnchorElement.prototype ? function(_0x2613b4, _0x3d781a, _0x2f7130) {
var _0x471704 = _0xfa1868.URL || _0xfa1868.webkitURL,
_0x1abc3a = document.createElement('a');
_0x3d781a = _0x3d781a || _0x2613b4.name || 'download', _0x1abc3a.download = _0x3d781a, _0x1abc3a.rel = 'noopener', 'string' == typeof _0x2613b4 ? (_0x1abc3a.href = _0x2613b4, _0x1abc3a.origin === location.origin ? _0x2834a3(_0x1abc3a) : _0x5bc189(_0x1abc3a.href) ? _0x37c5be(_0x2613b4, _0x3d781a, _0x2f7130) : _0x2834a3(_0x1abc3a, _0x1abc3a.target = '_blank')) : (_0x1abc3a.href = _0x471704.createObjectURL(_0x2613b4), setTimeout(function() {
}, 0x9c40), setTimeout(function() {
}, 0x0));
} : 'msSaveOrOpenBlob' in navigator ? function(_0x4a7eab, _0x1faa7e, _0x215f9c) {
if (_0x1faa7e = _0x1faa7e || _0x4a7eab.name || 'download', 'string' != typeof _0x4a7eab) navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(function(_0x5a7841, _0x4208a6) {
return void 0x0 === _0x4208a6 ? _0x4208a6 = {
'autoBom': !0x1
} : 'object' != typeof _0x4208a6 && (console.warn('Deprecated: Expected third argument to be a object'), _0x4208a6 = {
'autoBom': !_0x4208a6
}), _0x4208a6.autoBom && /^\s*(?:text\/\S*|application\/xml|\S*\/\S*\+xml)\s*;.*charset\s*=\s*utf-8/i .test(_0x5a7841.type) ? new Blob(['\ufeff', _0x5a7841], {
'type': _0x5a7841.type
}) : _0x5a7841;
}(_0x4a7eab, _0x215f9c), _0x1faa7e);
else if (_0x5bc189(_0x4a7eab)) _0x37c5be(_0x4a7eab, _0x1faa7e, _0x215f9c);
else {
var _0x8cf946 = document.createElement('a');
_0x8cf946.href = _0x4a7eab, _0x8cf946.target = '_blank', setTimeout(function() {
} : function(_0x42e90d, _0x40b0dc, _0x4aae28, _0x5295d0) {
if ((_0x5295d0 = _0x5295d0 || open('', '_blank')) && (_0x5295d0.document.title = _0x5295d0.document.body.innerText = 'downloading...'), 'string' == typeof _0x42e90d) return _0x37c5be(_0x42e90d, _0x40b0dc, _0x4aae28);
var _0x3eae7e = 'application/octet-stream' === _0x42e90d.type,
_0x39f873 = /constructor/i .test(_0xfa1868.HTMLElement) || _0xfa1868.safari,
_0x2728f0 = /CriOS\/[\d]+/ .test(navigator.userAgent);
if ((_0x2728f0 || _0x3eae7e && _0x39f873) && 'object' == typeof FileReader) {
var _0x25c586 = new FileReader();
_0x25c586.onloadend = function() {
var _0x42e90d = _0x25c586.result;
_0x42e90d = _0x2728f0 ? _0x42e90d : _0x42e90d.replace(/^data:[^;]*;/, 'data:attachment/file;'), _0x5295d0 ? _0x5295d0.location.href = _0x42e90d : location = _0x42e90d, _0x5295d0 = null;
}, _0x25c586.readAsDataURL(_0x42e90d);
} else {
var _0x3bd26f = _0xfa1868.URL || _0xfa1868.webkitURL,
_0x1f6967 = _0x3bd26f.createObjectURL(_0x42e90d);
_0x5295d0 ? _0x5295d0.location = _0x1f6967 : location.href = _0x1f6967, _0x5295d0 = null, setTimeout(function() {
}, 0x9c40);
_0xfa1868.saveAs = _0x2b5ff0.saveAs = _0x2b5ff0, _0x3c2d7f.exports = _0x2b5ff0;
}) ? _0x1fff1c.apply(_0xde42f6, _0x1e3d28) : _0x1fff1c) || (_0x3c2d7f.exports = _0x1b3f4a);
}.call(this, _0xe9214(0x1f)));
}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, function(_0x5e1357, _0x334b04) {
_0x5e1357.exports = function(_0x1bfcef) {
return _0x1bfcef.webpackPolyfill || (_0x1bfcef.deprecate = function() {}, _0x1bfcef.paths = [], _0x1bfcef.children || (_0x1bfcef.children = []), Object.defineProperty(_0x1bfcef, 'loaded', {
'enumerable': true,
'get': function() {
return _0x1bfcef.l;
}), Object.defineProperty(_0x1bfcef, 'id', {
'enumerable': true,
'get': function() {
return _0x1bfcef.i;
}), _0x1bfcef.webpackPolyfill = 0x1), _0x1bfcef;
}, function(_0xac5f55, _0x6036c7) {
(function(_0x5be4df) {
_0xac5f55.exports = _0x5be4df;
}.call(this, {}));
}, function(_0x4ec5a7, _0x33ecee) {
var _0x19ca29 = /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)(http|https|ws|wss):\/\/)?((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?((?:[a-f0-9]{0,4}:){2,7}[a-f0-9]{0,4}|[^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/,
_0x1a949e = ['source', 'protocol', 'authority', 'userInfo', 'user', 'password', 'host', 'port', 'relative', 'path', 'directory', 'file', 'query', 'anchor'];
_0x4ec5a7.exports = function(_0x4856e6) {
var _0x33ecee = _0x4856e6,
_0x38f530 = _0x4856e6.indexOf('['),
_0x355bbb = _0x4856e6.indexOf(']'); - 0x1 != _0x38f530 && -0x1 != _0x355bbb && (_0x4856e6 = _0x4856e6.substring(0x0, _0x38f530) + _0x4856e6.substring(_0x38f530, _0x355bbb).replace(/:/g, ';') + _0x4856e6.substring(_0x355bbb, _0x4856e6.length));
for (var _0x29b9ed = _0x19ca29.exec(_0x4856e6 || ''), _0x9b13be = {}, _0x53543f = 0xe; _0x53543f--;) _0x9b13be[_0x1a949e[_0x53543f]] = _0x29b9ed[_0x53543f] || '';
return -0x1 != _0x38f530 && -0x1 != _0x355bbb && (_0x9b13be.source = _0x33ecee, _0x9b13be.host = _0x9b13be.host.substring(0x1, _0x9b13be.host.length - 0x1).replace(/;/g, ':'), _0x9b13be.authority = _0x9b13be.authority.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace(/;/g, ':'), _0x9b13be.ipv6uri = true), _0x9b13be;
}, null, function(_0x2c2eeb, _0x56a6e0, _0xc97944) {
(function(_0x40d6b1) {
_0x2c2eeb.exports = function(_0x14674e) {
return _0xc97944 && _0x40d6b1.isBuffer(_0x14674e) || _0x1de14d && (_0x14674e instanceof ArrayBuffer || _0x2019de(_0x14674e));
var _0xc97944 = 'function' == typeof _0x40d6b1 && 'function' == typeof _0x40d6b1.isBuffer,
_0x1de14d = 'function' == typeof ArrayBuffer,
_0x2019de = function(_0x1dd50b) {
return 'function' == typeof ArrayBuffer.isView ? ArrayBuffer.isView(_0x1dd50b) : _0x1dd50b.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer;
}.call(this, _0xc97944(0x49).Buffer));
}, function(_0x567f36, _0x27b732, _0x20e984) {
var _0xb80e1d = _0x20e984(0x17a),
_0x1b1e2c = _0x20e984(0x9a),
_0x1c5609 = _0x20e984(0x32),
_0x3380b3 = _0x20e984(0x69),
_0x32f5b6 = _0x20e984(0x9b),
_0x3c17e8 = _0x20e984(0x9c),
_0x58142b = _0x20e984(0x4a)('socket.io-client:manager'),
_0x4d56eb = _0x20e984(0x99),
_0xe3c717 = _0x20e984(0x18a),
_0xcb2b9b = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function _0x2a2bdc(_0x524c38, _0x42f75e) {
if (!(this instanceof _0x2a2bdc)) return new _0x2a2bdc(_0x524c38, _0x42f75e);
_0x524c38 && 'object' == typeof _0x524c38 && (_0x42f75e = _0x524c38, _0x524c38 = void 0x0), (_0x42f75e = _0x42f75e || {}).path = _0x42f75e.path || '/socket.io', this.nsps = {}, this.subs = [], this.opts = _0x42f75e, this.reconnection(!0x1 !== _0x42f75e.reconnection), this.reconnectionAttempts(_0x42f75e.reconnectionAttempts || 0x1 / 0x0), this.reconnectionDelay(_0x42f75e.reconnectionDelay || 0x3e8), this.reconnectionDelayMax(_0x42f75e.reconnectionDelayMax || 0x1388), this.randomizationFactor(_0x42f75e.randomizationFactor || 0.5), this.backoff = new _0xe3c717({
'min': this.reconnectionDelay(),
'max': this.reconnectionDelayMax(),
'jitter': this.randomizationFactor()
}), this.timeout(null == _0x42f75e.timeout ? 0x4e20 : _0x42f75e.timeout), this.readyState = 'closed', this.uri = _0x524c38, this.connecting = [], this.lastPing = null, this.encoding = !0x1, this.packetBuffer = [];
var _0x20e984 = _0x42f75e.parser || _0x3380b3;
this.encoder = new _0x20e984[('Encoder')](), this.decoder = new _0x20e984.Decoder(), this.autoConnect = !0x1 !== _0x42f75e.autoConnect, this.autoConnect && this.open();
_0x567f36.exports = _0x2a2bdc, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.emitAll = function() {
for (var _0x567f36 in this.emit.apply(this, arguments), this.nsps) _0xcb2b9b.call(this.nsps, _0x567f36) && this.nsps[_0x567f36].emit.apply(this.nsps[_0x567f36], arguments);
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.updateSocketIds = function() {
for (var _0x567f36 in this.nsps) _0xcb2b9b.call(this.nsps, _0x567f36) && (this.nsps[_0x567f36].id = this.generateId(_0x567f36));
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.generateId = function(_0x4085a2) {
return ('/' === _0x4085a2 ? '' : _0x4085a2 + '#') + this.engine.id;
}, _0x1c5609(_0x2a2bdc.prototype), _0x2a2bdc.prototype.reconnection = function(_0x2800dc) {
return arguments.length ? (this._reconnection = !!_0x2800dc, this) : this._reconnection;
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.reconnectionAttempts = function(_0x2a8b3d) {
return arguments.length ? (this._reconnectionAttempts = _0x2a8b3d, this) : this._reconnectionAttempts;
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.reconnectionDelay = function(_0x4c2023) {
return arguments.length ? (this._reconnectionDelay = _0x4c2023, this.backoff && this.backoff.setMin(_0x4c2023), this) : this._reconnectionDelay;
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.randomizationFactor = function(_0x5ee6a7) {
return arguments.length ? (this._randomizationFactor = _0x5ee6a7, this.backoff && this.backoff.setJitter(_0x5ee6a7), this) : this._randomizationFactor;
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.reconnectionDelayMax = function(_0x33c4cb) {
return arguments.length ? (this._reconnectionDelayMax = _0x33c4cb, this.backoff && this.backoff.setMax(_0x33c4cb), this) : this._reconnectionDelayMax;
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.timeout = function(_0x5a7c5d) {
return arguments.length ? (this._timeout = _0x5a7c5d, this) : this._timeout;
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.maybeReconnectOnOpen = function() {
!this.reconnecting && this._reconnection && 0x0 === this.backoff.attempts && this.reconnect();
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.open = _0x2a2bdc.prototype.connect = function(_0x2ab01b, _0xa74075) {
if (_0x58142b('readyState %s', this.readyState), ~this.readyState.indexOf('open')) return this;
_0x58142b('opening %s', this.uri), this.engine = _0xb80e1d(this.uri, this.opts);
var _0x20e984 = this.engine,
_0x328b67 = this;
this.readyState = 'opening', this.skipReconnect = !0x1;
var _0x84348b = _0x32f5b6(_0x20e984, 'open', function() {
_0x328b67.onopen(), _0x2ab01b && _0x2ab01b();
_0x5a5a57 = _0x32f5b6(_0x20e984, 'error', function(_0x1739ea) {
if (_0x58142b('connect_error'), _0x328b67.cleanup(), _0x328b67.readyState = 'closed', _0x328b67.emitAll('connect_error', _0x1739ea), _0x2ab01b) {
var _0x20e984 = new Error('Connection error');
_0x20e984.data = _0x1739ea, _0x2ab01b(_0x20e984);
} else _0x328b67.maybeReconnectOnOpen();
if (!0x1 !== this._timeout) {
var _0x11a5a2 = this._timeout;
_0x58142b('connect attempt will timeout after %d', _0x11a5a2);
var _0x3a9e8a = setTimeout(function() {
_0x58142b('connect attempt timed out after %d', _0x11a5a2), _0x84348b.destroy(), _0x20e984.close(), _0x20e984.emit('error', 'timeout'), _0x328b67.emitAll('connect_timeout', _0x11a5a2);
}, _0x11a5a2);
'destroy': function() {
return this.subs.push(_0x84348b), this.subs.push(_0x5a5a57), this;
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.onopen = function() {
_0x58142b('open'), this.cleanup(), this.readyState = 'open', this.emit('open');
var _0x567f36 = this.engine;
this.subs.push(_0x32f5b6(_0x567f36, 'data', _0x3c17e8(this, 'ondata'))), this.subs.push(_0x32f5b6(_0x567f36, 'ping', _0x3c17e8(this, 'onping'))), this.subs.push(_0x32f5b6(_0x567f36, 'pong', _0x3c17e8(this, 'onpong'))), this.subs.push(_0x32f5b6(_0x567f36, 'error', _0x3c17e8(this, 'onerror'))), this.subs.push(_0x32f5b6(_0x567f36, 'close', _0x3c17e8(this, 'onclose'))), this.subs.push(_0x32f5b6(this.decoder, 'decoded', _0x3c17e8(this, 'ondecoded')));
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.onping = function() {
this.lastPing = new Date(), this.emitAll('ping');
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.onpong = function() {
this.emitAll('pong', new Date() - this.lastPing);
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.ondata = function(_0x5be075) {
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.ondecoded = function(_0xa0af25) {
this.emit('packet', _0xa0af25);
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.onerror = function(_0x3a6f82) {
_0x58142b('error', _0x3a6f82), this.emitAll('error', _0x3a6f82);
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.socket = function(_0x3a991a, _0x1605c1) {
var _0x20e984 = this.nsps[_0x3a991a];
if (!_0x20e984) {
_0x20e984 = new _0x1b1e2c(this, _0x3a991a, _0x1605c1), this.nsps[_0x3a991a] = _0x20e984;
var _0x48b44a = this;
_0x20e984.on('connecting', _0x2e85fd), _0x20e984.on('connect', function() {
_0x20e984.id = _0x48b44a.generateId(_0x3a991a);
}), this.autoConnect && _0x2e85fd();
function _0x2e85fd() {
~_0x4d56eb(_0x48b44a.connecting, _0x20e984) || _0x48b44a.connecting.push(_0x20e984);
return _0x20e984;
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.destroy = function(_0x64794) {
var _0x27b732 = _0x4d56eb(this.connecting, _0x64794);
~_0x27b732 && this.connecting.splice(_0x27b732, 0x1), this.connecting.length || this.close();
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.packet = function(_0x499681) {
_0x58142b('writing packet %j', _0x499681);
var _0x27b732 = this;
_0x499681.query && 0x0 === _0x499681.type && (_0x499681.nsp += '?' + _0x499681.query), _0x27b732.encoding ? _0x27b732.packetBuffer.push(_0x499681) : (_0x27b732.encoding = true, this.encoder.encode(_0x499681, function(_0x3a7336) {
for (var _0x3540d7 = 0x0; _0x3540d7 < _0x3a7336.length; _0x3540d7++) _0x27b732.engine.write(_0x3a7336[_0x3540d7], _0x499681.options);
_0x27b732.encoding = !0x1, _0x27b732.processPacketQueue();
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.processPacketQueue = function() {
if (this.packetBuffer.length > 0x0 && !this.encoding) {
var _0x567f36 = this.packetBuffer.shift();
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.cleanup = function() {
for (var _0x567f36 = this.subs.length, _0x27b732 = 0x0; _0x27b732 < _0x567f36; _0x27b732++) {
this.packetBuffer = [], this.encoding = !0x1, this.lastPing = null, this.decoder.destroy();
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.close = _0x2a2bdc.prototype.disconnect = function() {
_0x58142b('disconnect'), this.skipReconnect = true, this.reconnecting = !0x1, 'opening' === this.readyState && this.cleanup(), this.backoff.reset(), this.readyState = 'closed', this.engine && this.engine.close();
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.onclose = function(_0x3c8adf) {
_0x58142b('onclose'), this.cleanup(), this.backoff.reset(), this.readyState = 'closed', this.emit('close', _0x3c8adf), this._reconnection && !this.skipReconnect && this.reconnect();
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.reconnect = function() {
if (this.reconnecting || this.skipReconnect) return this;
var _0x567f36 = this;
if (this.backoff.attempts >= this._reconnectionAttempts) _0x58142b('reconnect failed'), this.backoff.reset(), this.emitAll('reconnect_failed'), this.reconnecting = !0x1;
else {
var _0x27b732 = this.backoff.duration();
_0x58142b('will wait %dms before reconnect attempt', _0x27b732), this.reconnecting = true;
var _0x20e984 = setTimeout(function() {
_0x567f36.skipReconnect || (_0x58142b('attempting reconnect'), _0x567f36.emitAll('reconnect_attempt', _0x567f36.backoff.attempts), _0x567f36.emitAll('reconnecting', _0x567f36.backoff.attempts), _0x567f36.skipReconnect || _0x567f36.open(function(_0x4a2bc7) {
_0x4a2bc7 ? (_0x58142b('reconnect attempt error'), _0x567f36.reconnecting = !0x1, _0x567f36.reconnect(), _0x567f36.emitAll('reconnect_error', _0x4a2bc7.data)) : (_0x58142b('reconnect success'), _0x567f36.onreconnect());
}, _0x27b732);
'destroy': function() {
}, _0x2a2bdc.prototype.onreconnect = function() {
var _0x567f36 = this.backoff.attempts;
this.reconnecting = !0x1, this.backoff.reset(), this.updateSocketIds(), this.emitAll('reconnect', _0x567f36);
}, function(_0x34c89e, _0x1cf572, _0x3c5cf2) {
var _0x2e68e3 = _0x3c5cf2(0x6a),
_0x1d6ad9 = _0x3c5cf2(0x17d),
_0x10aef4 = _0x3c5cf2(0x186),
_0x2674ce = _0x3c5cf2(0x187);
_0x1cf572.polling = function(_0x3b8d56) {
var _0x1cf572 = !0x1,
_0x3c5cf2 = !0x1,
_0x1315b3 = !0x1 !== _0x3b8d56.jsonp;
if ('undefined' != typeof location) {
var _0x4c7618 = 'https:' === location.protocol,
_0x322bce = location.port;
_0x322bce || (_0x322bce = _0x4c7618 ? 0x1bb : 0x50), _0x1cf572 = _0x3b8d56.hostname !== location.hostname || _0x322bce !== _0x3b8d56.port, _0x3c5cf2 = _0x3b8d56.secure !== _0x4c7618;
if (_0x3b8d56.xdomain = _0x1cf572, _0x3b8d56.xscheme = _0x3c5cf2, 'open' in new _0x2e68e3(_0x3b8d56) && !_0x3b8d56.forceJSONP) return new _0x1d6ad9(_0x3b8d56);
if (!_0x1315b3) throw new Error('JSONP disabled');
return new _0x10aef4(_0x3b8d56);
}, _0x1cf572.websocket = _0x2674ce;
}, function(_0x490b09, _0x42405d, _0x5b2bc3) {
var _0x3759a8 = _0x5b2bc3(0x6b),
_0x1937bf = _0x5b2bc3(0x4b),
_0x2e6854 = _0x5b2bc3(0x33),
_0x8749f4 = _0x5b2bc3(0x4c),
_0xee4850 = _0x5b2bc3(0x98),
_0x36e392 = _0x5b2bc3(0x4d)('engine.io-client:polling');
_0x490b09.exports = _0x2f3628;
var _0x1c9df1 = null != new(_0x5b2bc3(0x6a))({
'xdomain': !0x1
function _0x2f3628(_0x117864) {
var _0x42405d = _0x117864 && _0x117864.forceBase64;
_0x1c9df1 && !_0x42405d || (this.supportsBinary = !0x1), _0x3759a8.call(this, _0x117864);
_0x8749f4(_0x2f3628, _0x3759a8), _0x2f3628.prototype.name = 'polling', _0x2f3628.prototype.doOpen = function() {
}, _0x2f3628.prototype.pause = function(_0x818e1c) {
var _0x42405d = this;
function _0x2d73c4() {
_0x36e392('paused'), _0x42405d.readyState = 'paused', _0x818e1c();
if (this.readyState = 'pausing', this.polling || !this.writable) {
var _0x4affdc = 0x0;
this.polling && (_0x36e392('we are currently polling - waiting to pause'), _0x4affdc++, this.once('pollComplete', function() {
_0x36e392('pre-pause polling complete'), --_0x4affdc || _0x2d73c4();
})), this.writable || (_0x36e392('we are currently writing - waiting to pause'), _0x4affdc++, this.once('drain', function() {
_0x36e392('pre-pause writing complete'), --_0x4affdc || _0x2d73c4();
} else _0x2d73c4();
}, _0x2f3628.prototype.poll = function() {
_0x36e392('polling'), this.polling = true, this.doPoll(), this.emit('poll');
}, _0x2f3628.prototype.onData = function(_0xd2e44e) {
var _0x42405d = this;
_0x36e392('polling got data %s', _0xd2e44e);
_0x2e6854.decodePayload(_0xd2e44e, this.socket.binaryType, function(_0x51173a, _0x321c9d, _0x3add4c) {
if ('opening' === _0x42405d.readyState && _0x42405d.onOpen(), 'close' === _0x51173a.type) return _0x42405d.onClose(), !0x1;
}), 'closed' !== this.readyState && (this.polling = !0x1, this.emit('pollComplete'), 'open' === this.readyState ? this.poll() : _0x36e392('ignoring poll - transport state "%s"', this.readyState));
}, _0x2f3628.prototype.doClose = function() {
var _0x490b09 = this;
function _0x2e96b3() {
_0x36e392('writing close packet'), _0x490b09.write([{
'type': 'close'
'open' === this.readyState ? (_0x36e392('transport open - closing'), _0x2e96b3()) : (_0x36e392('transport not open - deferring close'), this.once('open', _0x2e96b3));
}, _0x2f3628.prototype.write = function(_0x383447) {
var _0x42405d = this;
this.writable = !0x1;
var _0x5b2bc3 = function() {
_0x42405d.writable = true, _0x42405d.emit('drain');
_0x2e6854.encodePayload(_0x383447, this.supportsBinary, function(_0x47aff0) {
_0x42405d.doWrite(_0x47aff0, _0x5b2bc3);
}, _0x2f3628.prototype.uri = function() {
var _0x490b09 = this.query || {},
_0x42405d = this.secure ? 'https' : 'http',
_0x5b2bc3 = '';
return !0x1 !== this.timestampRequests && (_0x490b09[this.timestampParam] = _0xee4850()), this.supportsBinary || _0x490b09.sid || (_0x490b09.b64 = 0x1), _0x490b09 = _0x1937bf.encode(_0x490b09), this.port && ('https' === _0x42405d && 0x1bb !== Number(this.port) || 'http' === _0x42405d && 0x50 !== Number(this.port)) && (_0x5b2bc3 = ':' + this.port), _0x490b09.length && (_0x490b09 = '?' + _0x490b09), _0x42405d + '://' + (-0x1 !== this.hostname.indexOf(':') ? '[' + this.hostname + ']' : this.hostname) + _0x5b2bc3 + this.path + _0x490b09;
}, function(_0x4ab1ca, _0x27a37c, _0x25b44a) {
(function(_0x4420c0) {
var _0xdabc15 = Object.prototype.toString,
_0x45ae25 = 'function' == typeof Blob || 'undefined' != typeof Blob && '[object BlobConstructor]' === _0xdabc15.call(Blob),
_0x1f95e5 = 'function' == typeof File || 'undefined' != typeof File && '[object FileConstructor]' === _0xdabc15.call(File);
_0x4ab1ca.exports = function _0x4ab1ca(_0x14b4f9) {
if (!_0x14b4f9 || 'object' != typeof _0x14b4f9) return !0x1;
if (Array.isArray(_0x14b4f9)) {
for (var _0x33e703 = 0x0, _0x25ac30 = _0x14b4f9.length; _0x33e703 < _0x25ac30; _0x33e703++)
if (_0x4ab1ca(_0x14b4f9[_0x33e703])) return true;
return !0x1;
if ('function' == typeof _0x4420c0 && _0x4420c0.isBuffer && _0x4420c0.isBuffer(_0x14b4f9) || 'function' == typeof ArrayBuffer && _0x14b4f9 instanceof ArrayBuffer || _0x45ae25 && _0x14b4f9 instanceof Blob || _0x1f95e5 && _0x14b4f9 instanceof File) return true;
if (_0x14b4f9.toJSON && 'function' == typeof _0x14b4f9.toJSON && 0x1 === arguments.length) return _0x4ab1ca(_0x14b4f9.toJSON(), true);
for (var _0x5226c8 in _0x14b4f9)
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(_0x14b4f9, _0x5226c8) && _0x4ab1ca(_0x14b4f9[_0x5226c8])) return true;
return !0x1;
}.call(this, _0x25b44a(0x49).Buffer));
}, function(_0xa72342, _0x175eee, _0x10fb4c) {
'use strict';
var _0x767f92, _0x5df01c = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_' .split(''),
_0x5df0c7 = 0x40,
_0x1db733 = {},
_0x523155 = 0x0,
_0x4674d7 = 0x0;
function _0x168e06(_0x2125da) {
var _0x175eee = '';
do {
_0x175eee = _0x5df01c[_0x2125da % _0x5df0c7] + _0x175eee, _0x2125da = Math.floor(_0x2125da / _0x5df0c7);
} while (_0x2125da > 0x0);
return _0x175eee;
function _0x36a2a0() {
var _0xa72342 = _0x168e06(+new Date());
return _0xa72342 !== _0x767f92 ? (_0x523155 = 0x0, _0x767f92 = _0xa72342) : _0xa72342 + '.' + _0x168e06(_0x523155++);
for (; _0x4674d7 < _0x5df0c7; _0x4674d7++) _0x1db733[_0x5df01c[_0x4674d7]] = _0x4674d7;
_0x36a2a0.encode = _0x168e06, _0x36a2a0.decode = function(_0x2fdfe5) {
var _0x175eee = 0x0;
for (_0x4674d7 = 0x0; _0x4674d7 < _0x2fdfe5.length; _0x4674d7++) _0x175eee = _0x175eee * _0x5df0c7 + _0x1db733[_0x2fdfe5.charAt(_0x4674d7)];
return _0x175eee;
}, _0xa72342.exports = _0x36a2a0;
}, function(_0x1bc94c, _0x4a7130) {
var _0x1980e6 = [].indexOf;
_0x1bc94c.exports = function(_0x271548, _0x396609) {
if (_0x1980e6) return _0x271548.indexOf(_0x396609);
for (var _0x4efe42 = 0x0; _0x4efe42 < _0x271548.length; ++_0x4efe42)
if (_0x271548[_0x4efe42] === _0x396609) return _0x4efe42;
return -0x1;
}, function(_0x558852, _0x5b8dc2, _0x509289) {
var _0x5efe1b = _0x509289(0x69),
_0x42c7d0 = _0x509289(0x32),
_0x53a800 = _0x509289(0x189),
_0x47048b = _0x509289(0x9b),
_0x1dc99a = _0x509289(0x9c),
_0x4e4e41 = _0x509289(0x4a)('socket.io-client:socket'),
_0x31bb1a = _0x509289(0x4b),
_0x4ca2db = _0x509289(0x97);
_0x558852.exports = _0x2ce65f;
var _0x219899 = {
'connect': 0x1,
'connect_error': 0x1,
'connect_timeout': 0x1,
'connecting': 0x1,
'disconnect': 0x1,
'error': 0x1,
'reconnect': 0x1,
'reconnect_attempt': 0x1,
'reconnect_failed': 0x1,
'reconnect_error': 0x1,
'reconnecting': 0x1,
'ping': 0x1,
'pong': 0x1
_0x4cf437 = _0x42c7d0.prototype.emit;
function _0x2ce65f(_0xcc821f, _0x1ccbf0, _0x9c83f8) {
this.io = _0xcc821f, this.nsp = _0x1ccbf0, this.json = this, this.ids = 0x0, this.acks = {}, this.receiveBuffer = [], this.sendBuffer = [], this.connected = !0x1, this.disconnected = true, this.flags = {}, _0x9c83f8 && _0x9c83f8.query && (this.query = _0x9c83f8.query), this.io.autoConnect && this.open();
_0x42c7d0(_0x2ce65f.prototype), _0x2ce65f.prototype.subEvents = function() {
if (!this.subs) {
var _0x558852 = this.io;
this.subs = [_0x47048b(_0x558852, 'open', _0x1dc99a(this, 'onopen')), _0x47048b(_0x558852, 'packet', _0x1dc99a(this, 'onpacket')), _0x47048b(_0x558852, 'close', _0x1dc99a(this, 'onclose'))];
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.open = _0x2ce65f.prototype.connect = function() {
return this.connected ? this : (this.subEvents(), this.io.open(), 'open' === this.io.readyState && this.onopen(), this.emit('connecting'), this);
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.send = function() {
var _0x558852 = _0x53a800(arguments);
return _0x558852.unshift('message'), this.emit.apply(this, _0x558852), this;
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.emit = function(_0x32e269) {
if (_0x219899.hasOwnProperty(_0x32e269)) return _0x4cf437.apply(this, arguments), this;
var _0x5b8dc2 = _0x53a800(arguments),
_0x509289 = {
'type': (void 0x0 !== this.flags.binary ? this.flags.binary : _0x4ca2db(_0x5b8dc2)) ? _0x5efe1b.BINARY_EVENT : _0x5efe1b.EVENT,
'data': _0x5b8dc2,
'options': {}
return _0x509289.options.compress = !this.flags || !0x1 !== this.flags.compress, 'function' == typeof _0x5b8dc2[_0x5b8dc2.length - 0x1] && (_0x4e4e41('emitting packet with ack id %d', this.ids), this.acks[this.ids] = _0x5b8dc2.pop(), _0x509289.id = this.ids++), this.connected ? this.packet(_0x509289) : this.sendBuffer.push(_0x509289), this.flags = {}, this;
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.packet = function(_0x4e2e07) {
_0x4e2e07.nsp = this.nsp, this.io.packet(_0x4e2e07);
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.onopen = function() {
if (_0x4e4e41('transport is open - connecting'), '/' !== this.nsp)
if (this.query) {
var _0x558852 = 'object' == typeof this.query ? _0x31bb1a.encode(this.query) : this.query;
_0x4e4e41('sending connect packet with query %s', _0x558852), this.packet({
'type': _0x5efe1b.CONNECT,
'query': _0x558852
} else this.packet({
'type': _0x5efe1b.CONNECT
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.onclose = function(_0x16d230) {
_0x4e4e41('close (%s)', _0x16d230), this.connected = !0x1, this.disconnected = true, delete this.id, this.emit('disconnect', _0x16d230);
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.onpacket = function(_0x42f3b6) {
var _0x5b8dc2 = _0x42f3b6.nsp === this.nsp,
_0x509289 = _0x42f3b6.type === _0x5efe1b.ERROR && '/' === _0x42f3b6.nsp;
if (_0x5b8dc2 || _0x509289) switch (_0x42f3b6.type) {
case _0x5efe1b.CONNECT:
case _0x5efe1b.EVENT:
case _0x5efe1b.BINARY_EVENT:
case _0x5efe1b.ACK:
case _0x5efe1b.BINARY_ACK:
case _0x5efe1b.DISCONNECT:
case _0x5efe1b.ERROR:
this.emit('error', _0x42f3b6.data);
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.onevent = function(_0x14327d) {
var _0x5b8dc2 = _0x14327d.data || [];
_0x4e4e41('emitting event %j', _0x5b8dc2), null != _0x14327d.id && (_0x4e4e41('attaching ack callback to event'), _0x5b8dc2.push(this.ack(_0x14327d.id))), this.connected ? _0x4cf437.apply(this, _0x5b8dc2) : this.receiveBuffer.push(_0x5b8dc2);
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.ack = function(_0x1a9ab4) {
var _0x5b8dc2 = this,
_0x509289 = !0x1;
return function() {
if (!_0x509289) {
_0x509289 = true;
var _0x2d88d4 = _0x53a800(arguments);
_0x4e4e41('sending ack %j', _0x2d88d4), _0x5b8dc2.packet({
'type': _0x4ca2db(_0x2d88d4) ? _0x5efe1b.BINARY_ACK : _0x5efe1b.ACK,
'id': _0x1a9ab4,
'data': _0x2d88d4
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.onack = function(_0x26a99f) {
var _0x5b8dc2 = this.acks[_0x26a99f.id];
'function' == typeof _0x5b8dc2 ? (_0x4e4e41('calling ack %s with %j', _0x26a99f.id, _0x26a99f.data), _0x5b8dc2.apply(this, _0x26a99f.data), delete this.acks[_0x26a99f.id]) : _0x4e4e41('bad ack %s', _0x26a99f.id);
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.onconnect = function() {
this.connected = true, this.disconnected = !0x1, this.emit('connect'), this.emitBuffered();
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.emitBuffered = function() {
var _0x558852;
for (_0x558852 = 0x0; _0x558852 < this.receiveBuffer.length; _0x558852++) _0x4cf437.apply(this, this.receiveBuffer[_0x558852]);
for (this.receiveBuffer = [], _0x558852 = 0x0; _0x558852 < this.sendBuffer.length; _0x558852++) this.packet(this.sendBuffer[_0x558852]);
this.sendBuffer = [];
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.ondisconnect = function() {
_0x4e4e41('server disconnect (%s)', this.nsp), this.destroy(), this.onclose('io server disconnect');
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.destroy = function() {
if (this.subs) {
for (var _0x558852 = 0x0; _0x558852 < this.subs.length; _0x558852++) this.subs[_0x558852].destroy();
this.subs = null;
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.close = _0x2ce65f.prototype.disconnect = function() {
return this.connected && (_0x4e4e41('performing disconnect (%s)', this.nsp), this.packet({
'type': _0x5efe1b.DISCONNECT
})), this.destroy(), this.connected && this.onclose('io client disconnect'), this;
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.compress = function(_0x32a2ca) {
return this.flags.compress = _0x32a2ca, this;
}, _0x2ce65f.prototype.binary = function(_0x1bf052) {
return this.flags.binary = _0x1bf052, this;
}, function(_0x3ce01e, _0x37c685) {
_0x3ce01e.exports = function(_0x1e9e79, _0x14fd23, _0x38b021) {
return _0x1e9e79.on(_0x14fd23, _0x38b021), {
'destroy': function() {
_0x1e9e79.removeListener(_0x14fd23, _0x38b021);
}, function(_0x26c200, _0x40b7f6) {
var _0x4c26f8 = [].slice;
_0x26c200.exports = function(_0x47b2d3, _0x44e831) {
if ('string' == typeof _0x44e831 && (_0x44e831 = _0x47b2d3[_0x44e831]), 'function' != typeof _0x44e831) throw new Error('bind() requires a function');
var _0x34c502 = _0x4c26f8.call(arguments, 0x2);
return function() {
return _0x44e831.apply(_0x47b2d3, _0x34c502.concat(_0x4c26f8.call(arguments)));
}, function(_0xc6a4b0, _0x7437ff, _0x459722) {
var _0x4bddd8;
! function() {
'use strict';
var _0x459722 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
function _0x428a46() {
for (var _0xc6a4b0 = [], _0x7437ff = 0x0; _0x7437ff < arguments.length; _0x7437ff++) {
var _0x26c9fe = arguments[_0x7437ff];
if (_0x26c9fe) {
var _0x53e692 = typeof _0x26c9fe;
if ('string' === _0x53e692 || 'number' === _0x53e692) _0xc6a4b0.push(this && this[_0x26c9fe] || _0x26c9fe);
else if (Array.isArray(_0x26c9fe)) _0xc6a4b0.push(_0x428a46.apply(this, _0x26c9fe));
else if ('object' === _0x53e692)
for (var _0x12d444 in _0x26c9fe) _0x459722.call(_0x26c9fe, _0x12d444) && _0x26c9fe[_0x12d444] && _0xc6a4b0.push(this && this[_0x12d444] || _0x12d444);
return _0xc6a4b0.join(' ');
_0xc6a4b0.exports ? (_0x428a46.default = _0x428a46, _0xc6a4b0.exports = _0x428a46) : void 0x0 === (_0x4bddd8 = function() {
return _0x428a46;
}.apply(_0x7437ff, [])) || (_0xc6a4b0.exports = _0x4bddd8);
}, function(_0x4fe39b, _0x3af40d, _0x2af07b) {
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}, function(_0xfb1bcc, _0x54234e, _0x2fab2f) {
var _0x19304b, _0x101743, _0x30cf42;
function _0x5b8580(_0x55a2a2) {
return (_0x5b8580 = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(_0x2b66f2) {
return typeof _0x2b66f2;
} : function(_0x4d77c3) {
return _0x4d77c3 && 'function' == typeof Symbol && _0x4d77c3.constructor === Symbol && _0x4d77c3 !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof _0x4d77c3;
}! function(_0x55acb1) {
'object' == _0x5b8580(_0x54234e) && void 0x0 !== _0xfb1bcc ? _0xfb1bcc.exports = _0x55acb1() : (_0x101743 = [], void 0x0 === (_0x30cf42 = 'function' == typeof(_0x19304b = _0x55acb1) ? _0x19304b.apply(_0x54234e, _0x101743) : _0x19304b) || (_0xfb1bcc.exports = _0x30cf42));
}(function() {
function _0x3fa093() {}
function _0x472eae(_0x245243, _0xb70880) {
return this.identifier = _0xb70880.identifier, this.position = _0xb70880.position, this.frontPosition = _0xb70880.frontPosition, this.collection = _0x245243, this.defaults = {
'size': 0x64,
'threshold': 0.1,
'color': 'white',
'fadeTime': 0xfa,
'dataOnly': !0x1,
'restJoystick': true,
'restOpacity': 0.5,
'mode': 'dynamic',
'zone': document.body,
'lockX': !0x1,
'lockY': !0x1
}, this.config(_0xb70880), 'dynamic' === this.options.mode && (this.options.restOpacity = 0x0), this.id = _0x472eae.id, _0x472eae.id += 0x1, this.buildEl().stylize(), this.instance = {
'el': this.ui.el,
'on': this.on.bind(this),
'off': this.off.bind(this),
'show': this.show.bind(this),
'hide': this.hide.bind(this),
'add': this.addToDom.bind(this),
'remove': this.removeFromDom.bind(this),
'destroy': this.destroy.bind(this),
'resetDirection': this.resetDirection.bind(this),
'computeDirection': this.computeDirection.bind(this),
'trigger': this.trigger.bind(this),
'position': this.position,
'frontPosition': this.frontPosition,
'ui': this.ui,
'identifier': this.identifier,
'id': this.id,
'options': this.options
}, this.instance;
function _0x16647e(_0xa2b08, _0x5f1598) {
var _0x3eabe7 = this;
return _0x3eabe7.nipples = [], _0x3eabe7.idles = [], _0x3eabe7.actives = [], _0x3eabe7.ids = [], _0x3eabe7.pressureIntervals = {}, _0x3eabe7.manager = _0xa2b08, _0x3eabe7.id = _0x16647e.id, _0x16647e.id += 0x1, _0x3eabe7.defaults = {
'zone': document.body,
'multitouch': !0x1,
'maxNumberOfNipples': 0xa,
'mode': 'dynamic',
'position': {
'top': 0x0,
'left': 0x0
'catchDistance': 0xc8,
'size': 0x64,
'threshold': 0.1,
'color': 'white',
'fadeTime': 0xfa,
'dataOnly': !0x1,
'restJoystick': true,
'restOpacity': 0.5,
'lockX': !0x1,
'lockY': !0x1
}, _0x3eabe7.config(_0x5f1598), 'static' !== _0x3eabe7.options.mode && 'semi' !== _0x3eabe7.options.mode || (_0x3eabe7.options.multitouch = !0x1), _0x3eabe7.options.multitouch || (_0x3eabe7.options.maxNumberOfNipples = 0x1), _0x3eabe7.updateBox(), _0x3eabe7.prepareNipples(), _0x3eabe7.bindings(), _0x3eabe7.begin(), _0x3eabe7.nipples;
function _0x239176(_0x314d03) {
var _0x472eae, _0x16647e = this;
return _0x16647e.ids = {}, _0x16647e.index = 0x0, _0x16647e.collections = [], _0x16647e.config(_0x314d03), _0x16647e.prepareCollections(), _0x58adb3.bindEvt(window, 'resize', function(_0x286619) {
clearTimeout(_0x472eae), _0x472eae = setTimeout(function() {
var _0x286619, _0x472eae = _0x58adb3.getScroll();
_0x16647e.collections.forEach(function(_0x51b063) {
_0x51b063.forEach(function(_0xac9967) {
_0x286619 = _0xac9967.el.getBoundingClientRect(), _0xac9967.position = {
'x': _0x472eae.x + _0x286619.left,
'y': _0x472eae.y + _0x286619.top
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_0xfaede4 = !!window.MSPointerEvent,
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'end': 'mouseup'
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'start': 'pointerdown',
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'end': 'pointerup, pointercancel'
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'start': 'MSPointerDown',
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'end': 'MSPointerUp'
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'start': 'touchstart',
'move': 'touchmove',
'end': 'touchend, touchcancel'
}, _0x3ab23c = _0x436e84) : _0x57280e = _0x436e84;
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'distance': function(_0xe2d137, _0x4a91b4) {
var _0x16647e = _0x4a91b4.x - _0xe2d137.x,
_0x69f31c = _0x4a91b4.y - _0xe2d137.y;
return Math.sqrt(_0x16647e * _0x16647e + _0x69f31c * _0x69f31c);
'angle': function(_0x33e493, _0x9d3464) {
var _0x16647e = _0x9d3464.x - _0x33e493.x,
_0x41214c = _0x9d3464.y - _0x33e493.y;
return _0x58adb3.degrees(Math.atan2(_0x41214c, _0x16647e));
'findCoord': function(_0x3b9179, _0x54b275, _0x5b7648) {
var _0x3183ba = {
'x': 0x0,
'y': 0x0
return _0x5b7648 = _0x58adb3.radians(_0x5b7648), _0x3183ba.x = _0x3b9179.x - _0x54b275 * Math.cos(_0x5b7648), _0x3183ba.y = _0x3b9179.y - _0x54b275 * Math.sin(_0x5b7648), _0x3183ba;
'radians': function(_0x32b21c) {
return _0x32b21c * (Math.PI / 0xb4);
'degrees': function(_0x5a7b5a) {
return _0x5a7b5a * (0xb4 / Math.PI);
'bindEvt': function(_0x33d8ea, _0x4f8b23, _0x3e6d3a) {
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'trigger': function(_0x1c4995, _0x1374ef, _0x20bf72) {
var _0x8fde6e = new CustomEvent(_0x1374ef, _0x20bf72);
'prepareEvent': function(_0x3f48af) {
return _0x3f48af.preventDefault(), _0x3f48af.type.match(/^touch/) ? _0x3f48af.changedTouches : _0x3f48af;
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if (_0x1356a5.hasOwnProperty(_0x7f9207))
if ('string' == typeof _0x4fa4c7) _0x1356a5[_0x7f9207] = _0x4fa4c7 + ' ' + _0xfe6b69;
else {
for (var _0x2df8ef = '', _0x14e123 = 0x0, _0x19b35e = _0x4fa4c7.length; _0x14e123 < _0x19b35e; _0x14e123 += 0x1) _0x2df8ef += _0x4fa4c7[_0x14e123] + ' ' + _0xfe6b69 + ', ';
_0x1356a5[_0x7f9207] = _0x2df8ef.slice(0x0, -0x2);
return _0x1356a5;
'getVendorStyle': function(_0x54efd6, _0x3ce7bf) {
var _0x16647e = _0x58adb3.configStylePropertyObject(_0x54efd6);
for (var _0x3f54f3 in _0x16647e) _0x16647e.hasOwnProperty(_0x3f54f3) && (_0x16647e[_0x3f54f3] = _0x3ce7bf);
return _0x16647e;
'configStylePropertyObject': function(_0x483453) {
var _0x472eae = {};
return _0x472eae[_0x483453] = '', ['webkit', 'Moz', 'o'].forEach(function(_0x5285f6) {
_0x472eae[_0x5285f6 + _0x483453.charAt(0x0).toUpperCase() + _0x483453.slice(0x1)] = '';
}), _0x472eae;
'extend': function(_0x4a9a4d, _0x406e9b) {
for (var _0x16647e in _0x406e9b) _0x406e9b.hasOwnProperty(_0x16647e) && (_0x4a9a4d[_0x16647e] = _0x406e9b[_0x16647e]);
return _0x4a9a4d;
'safeExtend': function(_0x96b22, _0x393dc2) {
var _0x16647e = {};
for (var _0x5586ca in _0x96b22) _0x96b22.hasOwnProperty(_0x5586ca) && _0x393dc2.hasOwnProperty(_0x5586ca) ? _0x16647e[_0x5586ca] = _0x393dc2[_0x5586ca] : _0x96b22.hasOwnProperty(_0x5586ca) && (_0x16647e[_0x5586ca] = _0x96b22[_0x5586ca]);
return _0x16647e;
'map': function(_0x3d3efe, _0x174497) {
if (_0x3d3efe.length)
for (var _0x16647e = 0x0, _0x577b31 = _0x3d3efe.length; _0x16647e < _0x577b31; _0x16647e += 0x1) _0x174497(_0x3d3efe[_0x16647e]);
else _0x174497(_0x3d3efe);
_0x3fa093.prototype.on = function(_0x2bb1a4, _0x55f49f) {
var _0x16647e, _0x584142 = this,
_0x21f57b = _0x2bb1a4.split(/[ ,]+/g);
_0x584142._handlers_ = _0x584142._handlers_ || {};
for (var _0x271586 = 0x0; _0x271586 < _0x21f57b.length; _0x271586 += 0x1) _0x16647e = _0x21f57b[_0x271586], _0x584142._handlers_[_0x16647e] = _0x584142._handlers_[_0x16647e] || [], _0x584142._handlers_[_0x16647e].push(_0x55f49f);
return _0x584142;
}, _0x3fa093.prototype.off = function(_0x241550, _0xc2215a) {
var _0x16647e = this;
return _0x16647e._handlers_ = _0x16647e._handlers_ || {}, void 0x0 === _0x241550 ? _0x16647e._handlers_ = {} : void 0x0 === _0xc2215a ? _0x16647e._handlers_[_0x241550] = null : _0x16647e._handlers_[_0x241550] && _0x16647e._handlers_[_0x241550].indexOf(_0xc2215a) >= 0x0 && _0x16647e._handlers_[_0x241550].splice(_0x16647e._handlers_[_0x241550].indexOf(_0xc2215a), 0x1), _0x16647e;
}, _0x3fa093.prototype.trigger = function(_0x38a190, _0x828e63) {
var _0x16647e, _0xcf280d = this,
_0xaa0dc6 = _0x38a190.split(/[ ,]+/g);
_0xcf280d._handlers_ = _0xcf280d._handlers_ || {};
for (var _0x5c0574 = 0x0; _0x5c0574 < _0xaa0dc6.length; _0x5c0574 += 0x1) _0x16647e = _0xaa0dc6[_0x5c0574], _0xcf280d._handlers_[_0x16647e] && _0xcf280d._handlers_[_0x16647e].length && _0xcf280d._handlers_[_0x16647e].forEach(function(_0xd6a234) {
_0xd6a234.call(_0xcf280d, {
'type': _0x16647e,
'target': _0xcf280d
}, _0x828e63);
}, _0x3fa093.prototype.config = function(_0x4c598e) {
var _0x472eae = this;
_0x472eae.options = _0x472eae.defaults || {}, _0x4c598e && (_0x472eae.options = _0x58adb3.safeExtend(_0x472eae.options, _0x4c598e));
}, _0x3fa093.prototype.bindEvt = function(_0x1ada9c, _0x498cf5) {
var _0x16647e = this;
return _0x16647e._domHandlers_ = _0x16647e._domHandlers_ || {}, _0x16647e._domHandlers_[_0x498cf5] = function() {
'function' == typeof _0x16647e['on' + _0x498cf5] ? _0x16647e['on' + _0x498cf5].apply(_0x16647e, arguments) : console.warn('[WARNING] : Missing "on' + _0x498cf5 + '" handler.');
}, _0x58adb3.bindEvt(_0x1ada9c, _0x57280e[_0x498cf5], _0x16647e._domHandlers_[_0x498cf5]), _0x3ab23c[_0x498cf5] && _0x58adb3.bindEvt(_0x1ada9c, _0x3ab23c[_0x498cf5], _0x16647e._domHandlers_[_0x498cf5]), _0x16647e;
}, _0x3fa093.prototype.unbindEvt = function(_0x5d5ea4, _0x581a68) {
var _0x16647e = this;
return _0x16647e._domHandlers_ = _0x16647e._domHandlers_ || {}, _0x58adb3.unbindEvt(_0x5d5ea4, _0x57280e[_0x581a68], _0x16647e._domHandlers_[_0x581a68]), _0x3ab23c[_0x581a68] && _0x58adb3.unbindEvt(_0x5d5ea4, _0x3ab23c[_0x581a68], _0x16647e._domHandlers_[_0x581a68]), delete _0x16647e._domHandlers_[_0x581a68], this;
}, _0x472eae.prototype = new _0x3fa093(), _0x472eae.constructor = _0x472eae, _0x472eae.id = 0x0, _0x472eae.prototype.buildEl = function(_0x2b6936) {
return this.ui = {}, this.options.dataOnly ? this : (this.ui.el = document.createElement('div'), this.ui.back = document.createElement('div'), this.ui.front = document.createElement('div'), this.ui.el.className = 'nipple collection_' + this.collection.id, this.ui.back.className = 'back', this.ui.front.className = 'front', this.ui.el.setAttribute('id', 'nipple_' + this.collection.id + '_' + this.id), this.ui.el.appendChild(this.ui.back), this.ui.el.appendChild(this.ui.front), this);
}, _0x472eae.prototype.stylize = function() {
if (this.options.dataOnly) return this;
var _0x3fa093 = this.options.fadeTime + 'ms',
_0x472eae = _0x58adb3.getVendorStyle('borderRadius', '50%'),
_0x16647e = _0x58adb3.getTransitionStyle('transition', 'opacity', _0x3fa093),
_0x344f45 = {};
return _0x344f45.el = {
'position': 'absolute',
'opacity': this.options.restOpacity,
'display': 'block',
'zIndex': 0x3e7
}, _0x344f45.back = {
'position': 'absolute',
'display': 'block',
'width': this.options.size + 'px',
'height': this.options.size + 'px',
'marginLeft': -this.options.size / 0x2 + 'px',
'marginTop': -this.options.size / 0x2 + 'px',
'background': this.options.color,
'opacity': '.5'
}, _0x344f45.front = {
'width': this.options.size / 0x2 + 'px',
'height': this.options.size / 0x2 + 'px',
'position': 'absolute',
'display': 'block',
'marginLeft': -this.options.size / 0x4 + 'px',
'marginTop': -this.options.size / 0x4 + 'px',
'background': this.options.color,
'opacity': '.5'
}, _0x58adb3.extend(_0x344f45.el, _0x16647e), _0x58adb3.extend(_0x344f45.back, _0x472eae), _0x58adb3.extend(_0x344f45.front, _0x472eae), this.applyStyles(_0x344f45), this;
}, _0x472eae.prototype.applyStyles = function(_0x3381ee) {
for (var _0x472eae in this.ui)
if (this.ui.hasOwnProperty(_0x472eae))
for (var _0x16647e in _0x3381ee[_0x472eae]) this.ui[_0x472eae].style[_0x16647e] = _0x3381ee[_0x472eae][_0x16647e];
return this;
}, _0x472eae.prototype.addToDom = function() {
return this.options.dataOnly || document.body.contains(this.ui.el) ? this : (this.options.zone.appendChild(this.ui.el), this);
}, _0x472eae.prototype.removeFromDom = function() {
return this.options.dataOnly || !document.body.contains(this.ui.el) ? this : (this.options.zone.removeChild(this.ui.el), this);
}, _0x472eae.prototype.destroy = function() {
clearTimeout(this.removeTimeout), clearTimeout(this.showTimeout), clearTimeout(this.restTimeout), this.trigger('destroyed', this.instance), this.removeFromDom(), this.off();
}, _0x472eae.prototype.show = function(_0x6bda29) {
var _0x472eae = this;
return _0x472eae.options.dataOnly ? _0x472eae : (clearTimeout(_0x472eae.removeTimeout), clearTimeout(_0x472eae.showTimeout), clearTimeout(_0x472eae.restTimeout), _0x472eae.addToDom(), _0x472eae.restCallback(), setTimeout(function() {
_0x472eae.ui.el.style.opacity = 0x1;
}, 0x0), _0x472eae.showTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
_0x472eae.trigger('shown', _0x472eae.instance), 'function' == typeof _0x6bda29 && _0x6bda29.call(this);
}, _0x472eae.options.fadeTime), _0x472eae);
}, _0x472eae.prototype.hide = function(_0x5d40e9) {
var _0x472eae = this;
return _0x472eae.options.dataOnly ? _0x472eae : (_0x472eae.ui.el.style.opacity = _0x472eae.options.restOpacity, clearTimeout(_0x472eae.removeTimeout), clearTimeout(_0x472eae.showTimeout), clearTimeout(_0x472eae.restTimeout), _0x472eae.removeTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
var _0x16647e = 'dynamic' === _0x472eae.options.mode ? 'none' : 'block';
_0x472eae.ui.el.style.display = _0x16647e, 'function' == typeof _0x5d40e9 && _0x5d40e9.call(_0x472eae), _0x472eae.trigger('hidden', _0x472eae.instance);
}, _0x472eae.options.fadeTime), _0x472eae.options.restJoystick && _0x472eae.restPosition(), _0x472eae);
}, _0x472eae.prototype.restPosition = function(_0x535ac8) {
var _0x472eae = this;
_0x472eae.frontPosition = {
'x': 0x0,
'y': 0x0
var _0x16647e = _0x472eae.options.fadeTime + 'ms',
_0x274bb9 = {};
_0x274bb9.front = _0x58adb3.getTransitionStyle('transition', ['top', 'left'], _0x16647e);
var _0x4998bc = {
'front': {}
_0x4998bc.front = {
'left': _0x472eae.frontPosition.x + 'px',
'top': _0x472eae.frontPosition.y + 'px'
}, _0x472eae.applyStyles(_0x274bb9), _0x472eae.applyStyles(_0x4998bc), _0x472eae.restTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
'function' == typeof _0x535ac8 && _0x535ac8.call(_0x472eae), _0x472eae.restCallback();
}, _0x472eae.options.fadeTime);
}, _0x472eae.prototype.restCallback = function() {
var _0x3fa093 = this,
_0x472eae = {};
_0x472eae.front = _0x58adb3.getTransitionStyle('transition', 'none', ''), _0x3fa093.applyStyles(_0x472eae), _0x3fa093.trigger('rested', _0x3fa093.instance);
}, _0x472eae.prototype.resetDirection = function() {
this.direction = {
'x': !0x1,
'y': !0x1,
'angle': !0x1
}, _0x472eae.prototype.computeDirection = function(_0x43e5d8) {
var _0x472eae, _0x16647e, _0xfc023b, _0xee7b86 = _0x43e5d8.angle.radian,
_0x22a09e = Math.PI / 0x4,
_0xc76eb4 = Math.PI / 0x2;
if (_0xee7b86 > _0x22a09e && _0xee7b86 < 0x3 * _0x22a09e && !_0x43e5d8.lockX ? _0x472eae = 'up' : _0xee7b86 > -_0x22a09e && _0xee7b86 <= _0x22a09e && !_0x43e5d8.lockY ? _0x472eae = 'left' : _0xee7b86 > 0x3 * -_0x22a09e && _0xee7b86 <= -_0x22a09e && !_0x43e5d8.lockX ? _0x472eae = 'down' : _0x43e5d8.lockY || (_0x472eae = 'right'), _0x43e5d8.lockY || (_0x16647e = _0xee7b86 > -_0xc76eb4 && _0xee7b86 < _0xc76eb4 ? 'left' : 'right'), _0x43e5d8.lockX || (_0xfc023b = _0xee7b86 > 0x0 ? 'up' : 'down'), _0x43e5d8.force > this.options.threshold) {
var _0x3e5187 = {};
for (var _0x28b8ad in this.direction) this.direction.hasOwnProperty(_0x28b8ad) && (_0x3e5187[_0x28b8ad] = this.direction[_0x28b8ad]);
var _0x2939ab = {};
for (var _0x28b8ad in this.direction = {
'x': _0x16647e,
'y': _0xfc023b,
'angle': _0x472eae
}, _0x43e5d8.direction = this.direction, _0x3e5187) _0x3e5187[_0x28b8ad] === this.direction[_0x28b8ad] && (_0x2939ab[_0x28b8ad] = true);
if (_0x2939ab.x && _0x2939ab.y && _0x2939ab.angle) return _0x43e5d8;
_0x2939ab.x && _0x2939ab.y || this.trigger('plain', _0x43e5d8), _0x2939ab.x || this.trigger('plain:' + _0x16647e, _0x43e5d8), _0x2939ab.y || this.trigger('plain:' + _0xfc023b, _0x43e5d8), _0x2939ab.angle || this.trigger('dir dir:' + _0x472eae, _0x43e5d8);
return _0x43e5d8;
}, _0x16647e.prototype = new _0x3fa093(), _0x16647e.constructor = _0x16647e, _0x16647e.id = 0x0, _0x16647e.prototype.prepareNipples = function() {
var _0x3fa093 = this,
_0x472eae = _0x3fa093.nipples;
_0x472eae.on = _0x3fa093.on.bind(_0x3fa093), _0x472eae.off = _0x3fa093.off.bind(_0x3fa093), _0x472eae.options = _0x3fa093.options, _0x472eae.destroy = _0x3fa093.destroy.bind(_0x3fa093), _0x472eae.ids = _0x3fa093.ids, _0x472eae.id = _0x3fa093.id, _0x472eae.processOnMove = _0x3fa093.processOnMove.bind(_0x3fa093), _0x472eae.processOnEnd = _0x3fa093.processOnEnd.bind(_0x3fa093), _0x472eae.get = function(_0x551448) {
if (void 0x0 === _0x551448) return _0x472eae[0x0];
for (var _0x16647e = 0x0, _0x189014 = _0x472eae.length; _0x16647e < _0x189014; _0x16647e += 0x1)
if (_0x472eae[_0x16647e].identifier === _0x551448) return _0x472eae[_0x16647e];
return !0x1;
}, _0x16647e.prototype.bindings = function() {
var _0x3fa093 = this;
_0x3fa093.bindEvt(_0x3fa093.options.zone, 'start'), _0x3fa093.options.zone.style.touchAction = 'none', _0x3fa093.options.zone.style.msTouchAction = 'none';
}, _0x16647e.prototype.begin = function() {
var _0x3fa093 = this,
_0x472eae = _0x3fa093.options;
if ('static' === _0x472eae.mode) {
var _0x16647e = _0x3fa093.createNipple(_0x472eae.position, _0x3fa093.manager.getIdentifier());
_0x16647e.add(), _0x3fa093.idles.push(_0x16647e);
}, _0x16647e.prototype.createNipple = function(_0xc0ab75, _0x5ce020) {
var _0x386a33 = this,
_0x173c13 = _0x58adb3.getScroll(),
_0x3c5320 = {},
_0x500442 = _0x386a33.options;
if (_0xc0ab75.x && _0xc0ab75.y) _0x3c5320 = {
'x': _0xc0ab75.x - (_0x173c13.x + _0x386a33.box.left),
'y': _0xc0ab75.y - (_0x173c13.y + _0x386a33.box.top)
else if (_0xc0ab75.top || _0xc0ab75.right || _0xc0ab75.bottom || _0xc0ab75.left) {
var _0x549507 = document.createElement('DIV');
_0x549507.style.display = 'hidden', _0x549507.style.top = _0xc0ab75.top, _0x549507.style.right = _0xc0ab75.right, _0x549507.style.bottom = _0xc0ab75.bottom, _0x549507.style.left = _0xc0ab75.left, _0x549507.style.position = 'absolute', _0x500442.zone.appendChild(_0x549507);
var _0x399802 = _0x549507.getBoundingClientRect();
_0x500442.zone.removeChild(_0x549507), _0x3c5320 = _0xc0ab75, _0xc0ab75 = {
'x': _0x399802.left + _0x173c13.x,
'y': _0x399802.top + _0x173c13.y
var _0x1efaec = new _0x472eae(_0x386a33, {
'color': _0x500442.color,
'size': _0x500442.size,
'threshold': _0x500442.threshold,
'fadeTime': _0x500442.fadeTime,
'dataOnly': _0x500442.dataOnly,
'restJoystick': _0x500442.restJoystick,
'restOpacity': _0x500442.restOpacity,
'mode': _0x500442.mode,
'identifier': _0x5ce020,
'position': _0xc0ab75,
'zone': _0x500442.zone,
'frontPosition': {
'x': 0x0,
'y': 0x0
return _0x500442.dataOnly || (_0x58adb3.applyPosition(_0x1efaec.ui.el, _0x3c5320), _0x58adb3.applyPosition(_0x1efaec.ui.front, _0x1efaec.frontPosition)), _0x386a33.nipples.push(_0x1efaec), _0x386a33.trigger('added ' + _0x1efaec.identifier + ':added', _0x1efaec), _0x386a33.manager.trigger('added ' + _0x1efaec.identifier + ':added', _0x1efaec), _0x386a33.bindNipple(_0x1efaec), _0x1efaec;
}, _0x16647e.prototype.updateBox = function() {
this.box = this.options.zone.getBoundingClientRect();
}, _0x16647e.prototype.bindNipple = function(_0xf4e27d) {
var _0x472eae, _0x16647e = this,
_0x4afd5b = function(_0x15dccf, _0xc9235b) {
_0x472eae = _0x15dccf.type + ' ' + _0xc9235b.id + ':' + _0x15dccf.type, _0x16647e.trigger(_0x472eae, _0xc9235b);
_0xf4e27d.on('destroyed', _0x16647e.onDestroyed.bind(_0x16647e)), _0xf4e27d.on('shown hidden rested dir plain', _0x4afd5b), _0xf4e27d.on('dir:up dir:right dir:down dir:left', _0x4afd5b), _0xf4e27d.on('plain:up plain:right plain:down plain:left', _0x4afd5b);
}, _0x16647e.prototype.pressureFn = function(_0x136ce1, _0xc3b871, _0x2644f5) {
var _0x19ef4e = this,
_0xa70739 = 0x0;
clearInterval(_0x19ef4e.pressureIntervals[_0x2644f5]), _0x19ef4e.pressureIntervals[_0x2644f5] = setInterval(function() {
var _0x2644f5 = _0x136ce1.force || _0x136ce1.pressure || _0x136ce1.webkitForce || 0x0;
_0x2644f5 !== _0xa70739 && (_0xc3b871.trigger('pressure', _0x2644f5), _0x19ef4e.trigger('pressure ' + _0xc3b871.identifier + ':pressure', _0x2644f5), _0xa70739 = _0x2644f5);
}.bind(_0x19ef4e), 0x64);
}, _0x16647e.prototype.onstart = function(_0x5699c2) {
var _0x472eae = this,
_0x16647e = _0x472eae.options;
_0x5699c2 = _0x58adb3.prepareEvent(_0x5699c2), _0x472eae.updateBox();
return _0x58adb3.map(_0x5699c2, function(_0x17a155) {
_0x472eae.actives.length < _0x16647e.maxNumberOfNipples && _0x472eae.processOnStart(_0x17a155);
}), _0x472eae.manager.bindDocument(), !0x1;
}, _0x16647e.prototype.processOnStart = function(_0x4d7333) {
var _0x472eae, _0x16647e = this,
_0x1c6bd6 = _0x16647e.options,
_0x5a237d = _0x16647e.manager.getIdentifier(_0x4d7333),
_0x4afe2c = _0x4d7333.force || _0x4d7333.pressure || _0x4d7333.webkitForce || 0x0,
_0x47c07e = {
'x': _0x4d7333.pageX,
'y': _0x4d7333.pageY
_0xd40c11 = _0x16647e.getOrCreate(_0x5a237d, _0x47c07e);
_0xd40c11.identifier !== _0x5a237d && _0x16647e.manager.removeIdentifier(_0xd40c11.identifier), _0xd40c11.identifier = _0x5a237d;
var _0x5e158d = function(_0x3f02f1) {
_0x3f02f1.trigger('start', _0x3f02f1), _0x16647e.trigger('start ' + _0x3f02f1.id + ':start', _0x3f02f1), _0x3f02f1.show(), _0x4afe2c > 0x0 && _0x16647e.pressureFn(_0x4d7333, _0x3f02f1, _0x3f02f1.identifier), _0x16647e.processOnMove(_0x4d7333);
if ((_0x472eae = _0x16647e.idles.indexOf(_0xd40c11)) >= 0x0 && _0x16647e.idles.splice(_0x472eae, 0x1), _0x16647e.actives.push(_0xd40c11), _0x16647e.ids.push(_0xd40c11.identifier), 'semi' !== _0x1c6bd6.mode) _0x5e158d(_0xd40c11);
else {
if (!(_0x58adb3.distance(_0x47c07e, _0xd40c11.position) <= _0x1c6bd6.catchDistance)) return _0xd40c11.destroy(), void _0x16647e.processOnStart(_0x4d7333);
return _0xd40c11;
}, _0x16647e.prototype.getOrCreate = function(_0x265630, _0x4759b2) {
var _0x16647e, _0x2f9720 = this,
_0x11375b = _0x2f9720.options;
return /(semi|static)/ .test(_0x11375b.mode) ? (_0x16647e = _0x2f9720.idles[0x0]) ? (_0x2f9720.idles.splice(0x0, 0x1), _0x16647e) : 'semi' === _0x11375b.mode ? _0x2f9720.createNipple(_0x4759b2, _0x265630) : (console.warn('Coudln\x27t find the needed nipple.'), !0x1) : _0x16647e = _0x2f9720.createNipple(_0x4759b2, _0x265630);
}, _0x16647e.prototype.processOnMove = function(_0x15a60f) {
var _0x472eae = this,
_0x16647e = _0x472eae.options,
_0x1a29a3 = _0x472eae.manager.getIdentifier(_0x15a60f),
_0x117854 = _0x472eae.nipples.get(_0x1a29a3);
if (!_0x117854) return console.error('Found zombie joystick with ID ' + _0x1a29a3), void _0x472eae.manager.removeIdentifier(_0x1a29a3);
_0x117854.identifier = _0x1a29a3;
var _0x2f202f = _0x117854.options.size / 0x2,
_0x4cd3e8 = {
'x': _0x15a60f.pageX,
'y': _0x15a60f.pageY
_0xb2440c = _0x58adb3.distance(_0x4cd3e8, _0x117854.position),
_0x2f6ab9 = _0x58adb3.angle(_0x4cd3e8, _0x117854.position),
_0x266647 = _0x58adb3.radians(_0x2f6ab9),
_0x55efdf = _0xb2440c / _0x2f202f;
_0xb2440c > _0x2f202f && (_0xb2440c = _0x2f202f, _0x4cd3e8 = _0x58adb3.findCoord(_0x117854.position, _0xb2440c, _0x2f6ab9));
var _0x2c7232 = _0x4cd3e8.x - _0x117854.position.x,
_0x179519 = _0x4cd3e8.y - _0x117854.position.y;
_0x16647e.lockX && (_0x179519 = 0x0), _0x16647e.lockY && (_0x2c7232 = 0x0), _0x117854.frontPosition = {
'x': _0x2c7232,
'y': _0x179519
}, _0x16647e.dataOnly || _0x58adb3.applyPosition(_0x117854.ui.front, _0x117854.frontPosition);
var _0x2d347e = {
'identifier': _0x117854.identifier,
'position': _0x4cd3e8,
'force': _0x55efdf,
'pressure': _0x15a60f.force || _0x15a60f.pressure || _0x15a60f.webkitForce || 0x0,
'distance': _0xb2440c,
'angle': {
'radian': _0x266647,
'degree': _0x2f6ab9
'instance': _0x117854,
'lockX': _0x16647e.lockX,
'lockY': _0x16647e.lockY
(_0x2d347e = _0x117854.computeDirection(_0x2d347e)).angle = {
'radian': _0x58adb3.radians(0xb4 - _0x2f6ab9),
'degree': 0xb4 - _0x2f6ab9
}, _0x117854.trigger('move', _0x2d347e), _0x472eae.trigger('move ' + _0x117854.id + ':move', _0x2d347e);
}, _0x16647e.prototype.processOnEnd = function(_0x17d221) {
var _0x472eae = this,
_0x16647e = _0x472eae.options,
_0xfa275e = _0x472eae.manager.getIdentifier(_0x17d221),
_0x184c33 = _0x472eae.nipples.get(_0xfa275e),
_0x3c0d87 = _0x472eae.manager.removeIdentifier(_0x184c33.identifier);
_0x184c33 && (_0x16647e.dataOnly || _0x184c33.hide(function() {
'dynamic' === _0x16647e.mode && (_0x184c33.trigger('removed', _0x184c33), _0x472eae.trigger('removed ' + _0x184c33.id + ':removed', _0x184c33), _0x472eae.manager.trigger('removed ' + _0x184c33.id + ':removed', _0x184c33), _0x184c33.destroy());
}), clearInterval(_0x472eae.pressureIntervals[_0x184c33.identifier]), _0x184c33.resetDirection(), _0x184c33.trigger('end', _0x184c33), _0x472eae.trigger('end ' + _0x184c33.id + ':end', _0x184c33), _0x472eae.ids.indexOf(_0x184c33.identifier) >= 0x0 && _0x472eae.ids.splice(_0x472eae.ids.indexOf(_0x184c33.identifier), 0x1), _0x472eae.actives.indexOf(_0x184c33) >= 0x0 && _0x472eae.actives.splice(_0x472eae.actives.indexOf(_0x184c33), 0x1), /(semi|static)/ .test(_0x16647e.mode) ? _0x472eae.idles.push(_0x184c33) : _0x472eae.nipples.indexOf(_0x184c33) >= 0x0 && _0x472eae.nipples.splice(_0x472eae.nipples.indexOf(_0x184c33), 0x1), _0x472eae.manager.unbindDocument(), /(semi|static)/ .test(_0x16647e.mode) && (_0x472eae.manager.ids[_0x3c0d87.id] = _0x3c0d87.identifier));
}, _0x16647e.prototype.onDestroyed = function(_0x19ea83, _0x59a0c6) {
var _0x16647e = this;
_0x16647e.nipples.indexOf(_0x59a0c6) >= 0x0 && _0x16647e.nipples.splice(_0x16647e.nipples.indexOf(_0x59a0c6), 0x1), _0x16647e.actives.indexOf(_0x59a0c6) >= 0x0 && _0x16647e.actives.splice(_0x16647e.actives.indexOf(_0x59a0c6), 0x1), _0x16647e.idles.indexOf(_0x59a0c6) >= 0x0 && _0x16647e.idles.splice(_0x16647e.idles.indexOf(_0x59a0c6), 0x1), _0x16647e.ids.indexOf(_0x59a0c6.identifier) >= 0x0 && _0x16647e.ids.splice(_0x16647e.ids.indexOf(_0x59a0c6.identifier), 0x1), _0x16647e.manager.removeIdentifier(_0x59a0c6.identifier), _0x16647e.manager.unbindDocument();
}, _0x16647e.prototype.destroy = function() {
var _0x3fa093 = this;
for (var _0x472eae in _0x3fa093.unbindEvt(_0x3fa093.options.zone, 'start'), _0x3fa093.nipples.forEach(function(_0x658e68) {
}), _0x3fa093.pressureIntervals) _0x3fa093.pressureIntervals.hasOwnProperty(_0x472eae) && clearInterval(_0x3fa093.pressureIntervals[_0x472eae]);
_0x3fa093.trigger('destroyed', _0x3fa093.nipples), _0x3fa093.manager.unbindDocument(), _0x3fa093.off();
}, _0x239176.prototype = new _0x3fa093(), _0x239176.constructor = _0x239176, _0x239176.prototype.prepareCollections = function() {
var _0x3fa093 = this;
_0x3fa093.collections.create = _0x3fa093.create.bind(_0x3fa093), _0x3fa093.collections.on = _0x3fa093.on.bind(_0x3fa093), _0x3fa093.collections.off = _0x3fa093.off.bind(_0x3fa093), _0x3fa093.collections.destroy = _0x3fa093.destroy.bind(_0x3fa093), _0x3fa093.collections.get = function(_0x1ddafb) {
var _0x16647e;
return _0x3fa093.collections.every(function(_0x14c8e1) {
return !(_0x16647e = _0x14c8e1.get(_0x1ddafb));
}), _0x16647e;
}, _0x239176.prototype.create = function(_0x46af65) {
return this.createCollection(_0x46af65);
}, _0x239176.prototype.createCollection = function(_0x252eb1) {
var _0x472eae = this,
_0x58e8ba = new _0x16647e(_0x472eae, _0x252eb1);
return _0x472eae.bindCollection(_0x58e8ba), _0x472eae.collections.push(_0x58e8ba), _0x58e8ba;
}, _0x239176.prototype.bindCollection = function(_0x56e9ba) {
var _0x472eae, _0x16647e = this,
_0x87b125 = function(_0x7e6251, _0x2c4076) {
_0x472eae = _0x7e6251.type + ' ' + _0x2c4076.id + ':' + _0x7e6251.type, _0x16647e.trigger(_0x472eae, _0x2c4076);
_0x56e9ba.on('destroyed', _0x16647e.onDestroyed.bind(_0x16647e)), _0x56e9ba.on('shown hidden rested dir plain', _0x87b125), _0x56e9ba.on('dir:up dir:right dir:down dir:left', _0x87b125), _0x56e9ba.on('plain:up plain:right plain:down plain:left', _0x87b125);
}, _0x239176.prototype.bindDocument = function() {
var _0x3fa093 = this;
_0x3fa093.binded || (_0x3fa093.bindEvt(document, 'move').bindEvt(document, 'end'), _0x3fa093.binded = true);
}, _0x239176.prototype.unbindDocument = function(_0x1b19b9) {
var _0x472eae = this;
Object.keys(_0x472eae.ids).length && true !== _0x1b19b9 || (_0x472eae.unbindEvt(document, 'move').unbindEvt(document, 'end'), _0x472eae.binded = !0x1);
}, _0x239176.prototype.getIdentifier = function(_0x5b021b) {
var _0x472eae;
return _0x5b021b ? void 0x0 === (_0x472eae = void 0x0 === _0x5b021b.identifier ? _0x5b021b.pointerId : _0x5b021b.identifier) && (_0x472eae = this.latest || 0x0) : _0x472eae = this.index, void 0x0 === this.ids[_0x472eae] && (this.ids[_0x472eae] = this.index, this.index += 0x1), this.latest = _0x472eae, this.ids[_0x472eae];
}, _0x239176.prototype.removeIdentifier = function(_0x371920) {
var _0x472eae = {};
for (var _0x16647e in this.ids)
if (this.ids[_0x16647e] === _0x371920) {
_0x472eae.id = _0x16647e, _0x472eae.identifier = this.ids[_0x16647e], delete this.ids[_0x16647e];
return _0x472eae;
}, _0x239176.prototype.onmove = function(_0x591f10) {
return this.onAny('move', _0x591f10), !0x1;
}, _0x239176.prototype.onend = function(_0x383c4e) {
return this.onAny('end', _0x383c4e), !0x1;
}, _0x239176.prototype.oncancel = function(_0x4ff5ab) {
return this.onAny('end', _0x4ff5ab), !0x1;
}, _0x239176.prototype.onAny = function(_0x223496, _0x1bbc17) {
var _0x16647e, _0x91a6ff = this,
_0x348841 = 'processOn' + _0x223496.charAt(0x0).toUpperCase() + _0x223496.slice(0x1);
_0x1bbc17 = _0x58adb3.prepareEvent(_0x1bbc17);
var _0xcd5113 = function(_0x578516, _0x470568, _0x2652b6) {
_0x2652b6.ids.indexOf(_0x470568) >= 0x0 && (_0x2652b6[_0x348841](_0x578516), _0x578516._found_ = true);
return _0x58adb3.map(_0x1bbc17, function(_0x22d50b) {
_0x16647e = _0x91a6ff.getIdentifier(_0x22d50b), _0x58adb3.map(_0x91a6ff.collections, _0xcd5113.bind(null, _0x22d50b, _0x16647e)), _0x22d50b._found_ || _0x91a6ff.removeIdentifier(_0x16647e);
}), !0x1;
}, _0x239176.prototype.destroy = function() {
var _0x3fa093 = this;
_0x3fa093.unbindDocument(true), _0x3fa093.ids = {}, _0x3fa093.index = 0x0, _0x3fa093.collections.forEach(function(_0x2b7da3) {
}), _0x3fa093.off();
}, _0x239176.prototype.onDestroyed = function(_0x31c290, _0x2339d4) {
var _0x16647e = this;
if (_0x16647e.collections.indexOf(_0x2339d4) < 0x0) return !0x1;
_0x16647e.collections.splice(_0x16647e.collections.indexOf(_0x2339d4), 0x1);
var _0x5c2a4b = new _0x239176();
return {
'create': function(_0x19c0dc) {
return _0x5c2a4b.create(_0x19c0dc);
'factory': _0x5c2a4b
}, function(_0x58785f, _0x269d2d, _0x36e800) {
(function(_0x514d66, _0x61dde9, _0x179a8a) {
var _0x1e876b;
function _0x37ea03(_0xc47df6) {
return (_0x37ea03 = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(_0x3452dd) {
return typeof _0x3452dd;
} : function(_0xf9423c) {
return _0xf9423c && 'function' == typeof Symbol && _0xf9423c.constructor === Symbol && _0xf9423c !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof _0xf9423c;
}! function() {
'use strict';
var _0x497ce1 = 'input is invalid type',
_0x22b8cf = 'object' === ('undefined' == typeof window ? 'undefined' : _0x37ea03(window)),
_0x149fcb = _0x22b8cf ? window : {};
_0x149fcb.JS_MD5_NO_WINDOW && (_0x22b8cf = !0x1);
var _0x5a9bb1 = !_0x22b8cf && 'object' === ('undefined' == typeof self ? 'undefined' : _0x37ea03(self)),
_0x9c7cc0 = !_0x149fcb.JS_MD5_NO_NODE_JS && 'object' === (void 0x0 === _0x514d66 ? 'undefined' : _0x37ea03(_0x514d66)) && _0x514d66.versions && _0x514d66.versions.node;
_0x9c7cc0 ? _0x149fcb = _0x61dde9 : _0x5a9bb1 && (_0x149fcb = self);
var _0x178f75 = !_0x149fcb.JS_MD5_NO_COMMON_JS && 'object' === _0x37ea03(_0x179a8a) && _0x179a8a.exports,
_0x256e04 = _0x36e800(0x90),
_0x3204dd = !_0x149fcb.JS_MD5_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER && 'undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer,
_0x13a835 = '0123456789abcdef' .split(''),
_0x48470a = [0x80, 0x8000, 0x800000, -0x80000000],
_0x349fda = [0x0, 0x8, 0x10, 0x18],
_0x41150a = ['hex', 'array', 'digest', 'buffer', 'arrayBuffer', 'base64'],
_0x41cf2e = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/' .split(''),
_0x232b50 = [],
if (_0x3204dd) {
var _0x7a5fbb = new ArrayBuffer(0x44);
_0x42d3ec = new Uint8Array(_0x7a5fbb), _0x232b50 = new Uint32Array(_0x7a5fbb);
}!_0x149fcb.JS_MD5_NO_NODE_JS && Array.isArray || (Array.isArray = function(_0x4ac178) {
return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(_0x4ac178);
}), !_0x3204dd || !_0x149fcb.JS_MD5_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER_IS_VIEW && ArrayBuffer.isView || (ArrayBuffer.isView = function(_0x27f298) {
return 'object' === _0x37ea03(_0x27f298) && _0x27f298.buffer && _0x27f298.buffer.constructor === ArrayBuffer;
var _0x23df61 = function(_0x3b5d61) {
return function(_0x2f213a) {
return new _0x52468b(true).update(_0x2f213a)[_0x3b5d61]();
_0x3a7f83 = function() {
var _0x5c6b67 = _0x23df61('hex');
_0x9c7cc0 && (_0x5c6b67 = _0x2c5426(_0x5c6b67)), _0x5c6b67.create = function() {
return new _0x52468b();
}, _0x5c6b67.update = function(_0x3df208) {
return _0x5c6b67.create().update(_0x3df208);
for (var _0x2f6a43 = 0x0; _0x2f6a43 < _0x41150a.length; ++_0x2f6a43) {
var _0x31f7a7 = _0x41150a[_0x2f6a43];
_0x5c6b67[_0x31f7a7] = _0x23df61(_0x31f7a7);
return _0x5c6b67;
_0x2c5426 = function _0x2c5426(_0x4a1bfd) {
var _0x4bbc7e = require('crypto'),
_0x5a9763 = require('buffer').Buffer,
_0x27c8cc = function(_0x4bb699) {
if ('string' == typeof _0x4bb699) return _0x4bbc7e.createHash('md5').update(_0x4bb699, 'utf8').digest('hex');
if (null == _0x4bb699) throw _0x497ce1;
return _0x4bb699.constructor === ArrayBuffer && (_0x4bb699 = new Uint8Array(_0x4bb699)), Array.isArray(_0x4bb699) || ArrayBuffer.isView(_0x4bb699) || _0x4bb699.constructor === _0x5a9763 ? _0x4bbc7e.createHash('md5').update(new _0x5a9763(_0x4bb699)).digest('hex') : _0x4a1bfd(_0x4bb699);
return _0x27c8cc;
function _0x52468b(_0x49f6ae) {
if (_0x49f6ae) _0x232b50[0x0] = _0x232b50[0x10] = _0x232b50[0x1] = _0x232b50[0x2] = _0x232b50[0x3] = _0x232b50[0x4] = _0x232b50[0x5] = _0x232b50[0x6] = _0x232b50[0x7] = _0x232b50[0x8] = _0x232b50[0x9] = _0x232b50[0xa] = _0x232b50[0xb] = _0x232b50[0xc] = _0x232b50[0xd] = _0x232b50[0xe] = _0x232b50[0xf] = 0x0, this.blocks = _0x232b50, this.buffer8 = _0x42d3ec;
else if (_0x3204dd) {
var _0x47c30c = new ArrayBuffer(0x44);
this.buffer8 = new Uint8Array(_0x47c30c), this.blocks = new Uint32Array(_0x47c30c);
} else this.blocks = [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0];
this.h0 = this.h1 = this.h2 = this.h3 = this.start = this.bytes = this.hBytes = 0x0, this.finalized = this.hashed = !0x1, this.first = true;
_0x52468b.prototype.update = function(_0x4b25f7) {
if (!this.finalized) {
var _0x560880, _0x34611f = _0x37ea03(_0x4b25f7);
if ('string' !== _0x34611f) {
if ('object' !== _0x34611f) throw _0x497ce1;
if (null === _0x4b25f7) throw _0x497ce1;
if (_0x3204dd && _0x4b25f7.constructor === ArrayBuffer) _0x4b25f7 = new Uint8Array(_0x4b25f7);
else if (!(Array.isArray(_0x4b25f7) || _0x3204dd && ArrayBuffer.isView(_0x4b25f7))) throw _0x497ce1;
_0x560880 = true;
for (var _0x419f10, _0x3a9793, _0x39ee4a = 0x0, _0x5506c6 = _0x4b25f7.length, _0xe0faf3 = this.blocks, _0x1d2007 = this.buffer8; _0x39ee4a < _0x5506c6;) {
if (this.hashed && (this.hashed = !0x1, _0xe0faf3[0x0] = _0xe0faf3[0x10], _0xe0faf3[0x10] = _0xe0faf3[0x1] = _0xe0faf3[0x2] = _0xe0faf3[0x3] = _0xe0faf3[0x4] = _0xe0faf3[0x5] = _0xe0faf3[0x6] = _0xe0faf3[0x7] = _0xe0faf3[0x8] = _0xe0faf3[0x9] = _0xe0faf3[0xa] = _0xe0faf3[0xb] = _0xe0faf3[0xc] = _0xe0faf3[0xd] = _0xe0faf3[0xe] = _0xe0faf3[0xf] = 0x0), _0x560880)
if (_0x3204dd)
for (_0x3a9793 = this.start; _0x39ee4a < _0x5506c6 && _0x3a9793 < 0x40; ++_0x39ee4a) _0x1d2007[_0x3a9793++] = _0x4b25f7[_0x39ee4a];
for (_0x3a9793 = this.start; _0x39ee4a < _0x5506c6 && _0x3a9793 < 0x40; ++_0x39ee4a) _0xe0faf3[_0x3a9793 >> 0x2] |= _0x4b25f7[_0x39ee4a] << _0x349fda[0x3 & _0x3a9793++];
else if (_0x3204dd)
for (_0x3a9793 = this.start; _0x39ee4a < _0x5506c6 && _0x3a9793 < 0x40; ++_0x39ee4a)(_0x419f10 = _0x4b25f7.charCodeAt(_0x39ee4a)) < 0x80 ? _0x1d2007[_0x3a9793++] = _0x419f10 : _0x419f10 < 0x800 ? (_0x1d2007[_0x3a9793++] = 0xc0 | _0x419f10 >> 0x6, _0x1d2007[_0x3a9793++] = 0x80 | 0x3f & _0x419f10) : _0x419f10 < 0xd800 || _0x419f10 >= 0xe000 ? (_0x1d2007[_0x3a9793++] = 0xe0 | _0x419f10 >> 0xc, _0x1d2007[_0x3a9793++] = 0x80 | _0x419f10 >> 0x6 & 0x3f, _0x1d2007[_0x3a9793++] = 0x80 | 0x3f & _0x419f10) : (_0x419f10 = 0x10000 + ((0x3ff & _0x419f10) << 0xa | 0x3ff & _0x4b25f7.charCodeAt(++_0x39ee4a)), _0x1d2007[_0x3a9793++] = 0xf0 | _0x419f10 >> 0x12, _0x1d2007[_0x3a9793++] = 0x80 | _0x419f10 >> 0xc & 0x3f, _0x1d2007[_0x3a9793++] = 0x80 | _0x419f10 >> 0x6 & 0x3f, _0x1d2007[_0x3a9793++] = 0x80 | 0x3f & _0x419f10);
for (_0x3a9793 = this.start; _0x39ee4a < _0x5506c6 && _0x3a9793 < 0x40; ++_0x39ee4a)(_0x419f10 = _0x4b25f7.charCodeAt(_0x39ee4a)) < 0x80 ? _0xe0faf3[_0x3a9793 >> 0x2] |= _0x419f10 << _0x349fda[0x3 & _0x3a9793++] : _0x419f10 < 0x800 ? (_0xe0faf3[_0x3a9793 >> 0x2] |= (0xc0 | _0x419f10 >> 0x6) << _0x349fda[0x3 & _0x3a9793++], _0xe0faf3[_0x3a9793 >> 0x2] |= (0x80 | 0x3f & _0x419f10) << _0x349fda[0x3 & _0x3a9793++]) : _0x419f10 < 0xd800 || _0x419f10 >= 0xe000 ? (_0xe0faf3[_0x3a9793 >> 0x2] |= (0xe0 | _0x419f10 >> 0xc) << _0x349fda[0x3 & _0x3a9793++], _0xe0faf3[_0x3a9793 >> 0x2] |= (0x80 | _0x419f10 >> 0x6 & 0x3f) << _0x349fda[0x3 & _0x3a9793++], _0xe0faf3[_0x3a9793 >> 0x2] |= (0x80 | 0x3f & _0x419f10) << _0x349fda[0x3 & _0x3a9793++]) : (_0x419f10 = 0x10000 + ((0x3ff & _0x419f10) << 0xa | 0x3ff & _0x4b25f7.charCodeAt(++_0x39ee4a)), _0xe0faf3[_0x3a9793 >> 0x2] |= (0xf0 | _0x419f10 >> 0x12) << _0x349fda[0x3 & _0x3a9793++], _0xe0faf3[_0x3a9793 >> 0x2] |= (0x80 | _0x419f10 >> 0xc & 0x3f) << _0x349fda[0x3 & _0x3a9793++], _0xe0faf3[_0x3a9793 >> 0x2] |= (0x80 | _0x419f10 >> 0x6 & 0x3f) << _0x349fda[0x3 & _0x3a9793++], _0xe0faf3[_0x3a9793 >> 0x2] |= (0x80 | 0x3f & _0x419f10) << _0x349fda[0x3 & _0x3a9793++]);
this.lastByteIndex = _0x3a9793, this.bytes += _0x3a9793 - this.start, _0x3a9793 >= 0x40 ? (this.start = _0x3a9793 - 0x40, this.hash(), this.hashed = true) : this.start = _0x3a9793;
return this.bytes > 0xffffffff && (this.hBytes += this.bytes / 0x100000000 << 0x0, this.bytes = this.bytes % 0x100000000), this;
}, _0x52468b.prototype.finalize = function() {
if (!this.finalized) {
this.finalized = true;
var _0x1173a3 = this.blocks,
_0x5660dd = this.lastByteIndex;
_0x1173a3[_0x5660dd >> 0x2] |= _0x48470a[0x3 & _0x5660dd], _0x5660dd >= 0x38 && (this.hashed || this.hash(), _0x1173a3[0x0] = _0x1173a3[0x10], _0x1173a3[0x10] = _0x1173a3[0x1] = _0x1173a3[0x2] = _0x1173a3[0x3] = _0x1173a3[0x4] = _0x1173a3[0x5] = _0x1173a3[0x6] = _0x1173a3[0x7] = _0x1173a3[0x8] = _0x1173a3[0x9] = _0x1173a3[0xa] = _0x1173a3[0xb] = _0x1173a3[0xc] = _0x1173a3[0xd] = _0x1173a3[0xe] = _0x1173a3[0xf] = 0x0), _0x1173a3[0xe] = this.bytes << 0x3, _0x1173a3[0xf] = this.hBytes << 0x3 | this.bytes >>> 0x1d, this.hash();
}, _0x52468b.prototype.hash = function() {
var _0x300239, _0x465f5a, _0x1c9d0, _0x58f351, _0x5c6cd7, _0xb38ae4, _0x2e1661 = this.blocks;
this.first ? _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a = ((_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 = _0x2e1661[0x0] - 0x28955b89) << 0x7 | _0x300239 >>> 0x19) - 0x10325477 << 0x0) ^ (_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 = (-0x10325477 ^ (_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 = (-0x67452302 ^ 0x77777777 & _0x300239) + _0x2e1661[0x1] - 0x705f434) << 0xc | _0x58f351 >>> 0x14) + _0x300239 << 0x0) & (-0x10325477 ^ _0x300239)) + _0x2e1661[0x2] - 0x4324b227) << 0x11 | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0xf) + _0x58f351 << 0x0) & (_0x58f351 ^ _0x300239)) + _0x2e1661[0x3] - 0x4e748589) << 0x16 | _0x465f5a >>> 0xa) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0 : (_0x300239 = this.h0, _0x465f5a = this.h1, _0x1c9d0 = this.h2, _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += ((_0x58f351 = this.h3) ^ _0x465f5a & (_0x1c9d0 ^ _0x58f351)) + _0x2e1661[0x0] - 0x28955b88) << 0x7 | _0x300239 >>> 0x19) + _0x465f5a << 0x0) ^ (_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0x465f5a ^ (_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += (_0x1c9d0 ^ _0x300239 & (_0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0)) + _0x2e1661[0x1] - 0x173848aa) << 0xc | _0x58f351 >>> 0x14) + _0x300239 << 0x0) & (_0x300239 ^ _0x465f5a)) + _0x2e1661[0x2] + 0x242070db) << 0x11 | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0xf) + _0x58f351 << 0x0) & (_0x58f351 ^ _0x300239)) + _0x2e1661[0x3] - 0x3e423112) << 0x16 | _0x465f5a >>> 0xa) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0), _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += (_0x58f351 ^ _0x465f5a & (_0x1c9d0 ^ _0x58f351)) + _0x2e1661[0x4] - 0xa83f051) << 0x7 | _0x300239 >>> 0x19) + _0x465f5a << 0x0) ^ (_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0x465f5a ^ (_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += (_0x1c9d0 ^ _0x300239 & (_0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0)) + _0x2e1661[0x5] + 0x4787c62a) << 0xc | _0x58f351 >>> 0x14) + _0x300239 << 0x0) & (_0x300239 ^ _0x465f5a)) + _0x2e1661[0x6] - 0x57cfb9ed) << 0x11 | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0xf) + _0x58f351 << 0x0) & (_0x58f351 ^ _0x300239)) + _0x2e1661[0x7] - 0x2b96aff) << 0x16 | _0x465f5a >>> 0xa) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += (_0x58f351 ^ _0x465f5a & (_0x1c9d0 ^ _0x58f351)) + _0x2e1661[0x8] + 0x698098d8) << 0x7 | _0x300239 >>> 0x19) + _0x465f5a << 0x0) ^ (_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0x465f5a ^ (_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += (_0x1c9d0 ^ _0x300239 & (_0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0)) + _0x2e1661[0x9] - 0x74bb0851) << 0xc | _0x58f351 >>> 0x14) + _0x300239 << 0x0) & (_0x300239 ^ _0x465f5a)) + _0x2e1661[0xa] - 0xa44f) << 0x11 | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0xf) + _0x58f351 << 0x0) & (_0x58f351 ^ _0x300239)) + _0x2e1661[0xb] - 0x76a32842) << 0x16 | _0x465f5a >>> 0xa) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += (_0x58f351 ^ _0x465f5a & (_0x1c9d0 ^ _0x58f351)) + _0x2e1661[0xc] + 0x6b901122) << 0x7 | _0x300239 >>> 0x19) + _0x465f5a << 0x0) ^ (_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0x465f5a ^ (_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += (_0x1c9d0 ^ _0x300239 & (_0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0)) + _0x2e1661[0xd] - 0x2678e6d) << 0xc | _0x58f351 >>> 0x14) + _0x300239 << 0x0) & (_0x300239 ^ _0x465f5a)) + _0x2e1661[0xe] - 0x5986bc72) << 0x11 | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0xf) + _0x58f351 << 0x0) & (_0x58f351 ^ _0x300239)) + _0x2e1661[0xf] + 0x49b40821) << 0x16 | _0x465f5a >>> 0xa) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += (_0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0 & ((_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += (_0x1c9d0 ^ _0x58f351 & (_0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0)) + _0x2e1661[0x1] - 0x9e1da9e) << 0x5 | _0x300239 >>> 0x1b) + _0x465f5a << 0x0) ^ _0x465f5a)) + _0x2e1661[0x6] - 0x3fbf4cc0) << 0x9 | _0x58f351 >>> 0x17) + _0x300239 << 0x0) ^ _0x300239 & ((_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0x300239 ^ _0x465f5a & (_0x58f351 ^ _0x300239)) + _0x2e1661[0xb] + 0x265e5a51) << 0xe | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0x12) + _0x58f351 << 0x0) ^ _0x58f351)) + _0x2e1661[0x0] - 0x16493856) << 0x14 | _0x465f5a >>> 0xc) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += (_0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0 & ((_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += (_0x1c9d0 ^ _0x58f351 & (_0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0)) + _0x2e1661[0x5] - 0x29d0efa3) << 0x5 | _0x300239 >>> 0x1b) + _0x465f5a << 0x0) ^ _0x465f5a)) + _0x2e1661[0xa] + 0x2441453) << 0x9 | _0x58f351 >>> 0x17) + _0x300239 << 0x0) ^ _0x300239 & ((_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0x300239 ^ _0x465f5a & (_0x58f351 ^ _0x300239)) + _0x2e1661[0xf] - 0x275e197f) << 0xe | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0x12) + _0x58f351 << 0x0) ^ _0x58f351)) + _0x2e1661[0x4] - 0x182c0438) << 0x14 | _0x465f5a >>> 0xc) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += (_0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0 & ((_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += (_0x1c9d0 ^ _0x58f351 & (_0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0)) + _0x2e1661[0x9] + 0x21e1cde6) << 0x5 | _0x300239 >>> 0x1b) + _0x465f5a << 0x0) ^ _0x465f5a)) + _0x2e1661[0xe] - 0x3cc8f82a) << 0x9 | _0x58f351 >>> 0x17) + _0x300239 << 0x0) ^ _0x300239 & ((_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0x300239 ^ _0x465f5a & (_0x58f351 ^ _0x300239)) + _0x2e1661[0x3] - 0xb2af279) << 0xe | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0x12) + _0x58f351 << 0x0) ^ _0x58f351)) + _0x2e1661[0x8] + 0x455a14ed) << 0x14 | _0x465f5a >>> 0xc) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += (_0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0 & ((_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += (_0x1c9d0 ^ _0x58f351 & (_0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0)) + _0x2e1661[0xd] - 0x561c16fb) << 0x5 | _0x300239 >>> 0x1b) + _0x465f5a << 0x0) ^ _0x465f5a)) + _0x2e1661[0x2] - 0x3105c08) << 0x9 | _0x58f351 >>> 0x17) + _0x300239 << 0x0) ^ _0x300239 & ((_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0x300239 ^ _0x465f5a & (_0x58f351 ^ _0x300239)) + _0x2e1661[0x7] + 0x676f02d9) << 0xe | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0x12) + _0x58f351 << 0x0) ^ _0x58f351)) + _0x2e1661[0xc] - 0x72d5b376) << 0x14 | _0x465f5a >>> 0xc) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0xb38ae4 = (_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += ((_0x5c6cd7 = _0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0) ^ (_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += (_0x5c6cd7 ^ _0x58f351) + _0x2e1661[0x5] - 0x5c6be) << 0x4 | _0x300239 >>> 0x1c) + _0x465f5a << 0x0)) + _0x2e1661[0x8] - 0x788e097f) << 0xb | _0x58f351 >>> 0x15) + _0x300239 << 0x0) ^ _0x300239) ^ (_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0xb38ae4 ^ _0x465f5a) + _0x2e1661[0xb] + 0x6d9d6122) << 0x10 | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0x10) + _0x58f351 << 0x0)) + _0x2e1661[0xe] - 0x21ac7f4) << 0x17 | _0x465f5a >>> 0x9) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0xb38ae4 = (_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += ((_0x5c6cd7 = _0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0) ^ (_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += (_0x5c6cd7 ^ _0x58f351) + _0x2e1661[0x1] - 0x5b4115bc) << 0x4 | _0x300239 >>> 0x1c) + _0x465f5a << 0x0)) + _0x2e1661[0x4] + 0x4bdecfa9) << 0xb | _0x58f351 >>> 0x15) + _0x300239 << 0x0) ^ _0x300239) ^ (_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0xb38ae4 ^ _0x465f5a) + _0x2e1661[0x7] - 0x944b4a0) << 0x10 | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0x10) + _0x58f351 << 0x0)) + _0x2e1661[0xa] - 0x41404390) << 0x17 | _0x465f5a >>> 0x9) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0xb38ae4 = (_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += ((_0x5c6cd7 = _0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0) ^ (_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += (_0x5c6cd7 ^ _0x58f351) + _0x2e1661[0xd] + 0x289b7ec6) << 0x4 | _0x300239 >>> 0x1c) + _0x465f5a << 0x0)) + _0x2e1661[0x0] - 0x155ed806) << 0xb | _0x58f351 >>> 0x15) + _0x300239 << 0x0) ^ _0x300239) ^ (_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0xb38ae4 ^ _0x465f5a) + _0x2e1661[0x3] - 0x2b10cf7b) << 0x10 | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0x10) + _0x58f351 << 0x0)) + _0x2e1661[0x6] + 0x4881d05) << 0x17 | _0x465f5a >>> 0x9) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0xb38ae4 = (_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += ((_0x5c6cd7 = _0x465f5a ^ _0x1c9d0) ^ (_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += (_0x5c6cd7 ^ _0x58f351) + _0x2e1661[0x9] - 0x262b2fc7) << 0x4 | _0x300239 >>> 0x1c) + _0x465f5a << 0x0)) + _0x2e1661[0xc] - 0x1924661b) << 0xb | _0x58f351 >>> 0x15) + _0x300239 << 0x0) ^ _0x300239) ^ (_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0xb38ae4 ^ _0x465f5a) + _0x2e1661[0xf] + 0x1fa27cf8) << 0x10 | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0x10) + _0x58f351 << 0x0)) + _0x2e1661[0x2] - 0x3b53a99b) << 0x17 | _0x465f5a >>> 0x9) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += (_0x465f5a ^ ((_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += (_0x1c9d0 ^ (_0x465f5a | ~_0x58f351)) + _0x2e1661[0x0] - 0xbd6ddbc) << 0x6 | _0x300239 >>> 0x1a) + _0x465f5a << 0x0) | ~_0x1c9d0)) + _0x2e1661[0x7] + 0x432aff97) << 0xa | _0x58f351 >>> 0x16) + _0x300239 << 0x0) ^ ((_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0x300239 ^ (_0x58f351 | ~_0x465f5a)) + _0x2e1661[0xe] - 0x546bdc59) << 0xf | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0x11) + _0x58f351 << 0x0) | ~_0x300239)) + _0x2e1661[0x5] - 0x36c5fc7) << 0x15 | _0x465f5a >>> 0xb) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += (_0x465f5a ^ ((_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += (_0x1c9d0 ^ (_0x465f5a | ~_0x58f351)) + _0x2e1661[0xc] + 0x655b59c3) << 0x6 | _0x300239 >>> 0x1a) + _0x465f5a << 0x0) | ~_0x1c9d0)) + _0x2e1661[0x3] - 0x70f3336e) << 0xa | _0x58f351 >>> 0x16) + _0x300239 << 0x0) ^ ((_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0x300239 ^ (_0x58f351 | ~_0x465f5a)) + _0x2e1661[0xa] - 0x100b83) << 0xf | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0x11) + _0x58f351 << 0x0) | ~_0x300239)) + _0x2e1661[0x1] - 0x7a7ba22f) << 0x15 | _0x465f5a >>> 0xb) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += (_0x465f5a ^ ((_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += (_0x1c9d0 ^ (_0x465f5a | ~_0x58f351)) + _0x2e1661[0x8] + 0x6fa87e4f) << 0x6 | _0x300239 >>> 0x1a) + _0x465f5a << 0x0) | ~_0x1c9d0)) + _0x2e1661[0xf] - 0x1d31920) << 0xa | _0x58f351 >>> 0x16) + _0x300239 << 0x0) ^ ((_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0x300239 ^ (_0x58f351 | ~_0x465f5a)) + _0x2e1661[0x6] - 0x5cfebcec) << 0xf | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0x11) + _0x58f351 << 0x0) | ~_0x300239)) + _0x2e1661[0xd] + 0x4e0811a1) << 0x15 | _0x465f5a >>> 0xb) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, _0x465f5a = ((_0x465f5a += ((_0x58f351 = ((_0x58f351 += (_0x465f5a ^ ((_0x300239 = ((_0x300239 += (_0x1c9d0 ^ (_0x465f5a | ~_0x58f351)) + _0x2e1661[0x4] - 0x8ac817e) << 0x6 | _0x300239 >>> 0x1a) + _0x465f5a << 0x0) | ~_0x1c9d0)) + _0x2e1661[0xb] - 0x42c50dcb) << 0xa | _0x58f351 >>> 0x16) + _0x300239 << 0x0) ^ ((_0x1c9d0 = ((_0x1c9d0 += (_0x300239 ^ (_0x58f351 | ~_0x465f5a)) + _0x2e1661[0x2] + 0x2ad7d2bb) << 0xf | _0x1c9d0 >>> 0x11) + _0x58f351 << 0x0) | ~_0x300239)) + _0x2e1661[0x9] - 0x14792c6f) << 0x15 | _0x465f5a >>> 0xb) + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, this.first ? (this.h0 = _0x300239 + 0x67452301 << 0x0, this.h1 = _0x465f5a - 0x10325477 << 0x0, this.h2 = _0x1c9d0 - 0x67452302 << 0x0, this.h3 = _0x58f351 + 0x10325476 << 0x0, this.first = !0x1) : (this.h0 = this.h0 + _0x300239 << 0x0, this.h1 = this.h1 + _0x465f5a << 0x0, this.h2 = this.h2 + _0x1c9d0 << 0x0, this.h3 = this.h3 + _0x58f351 << 0x0);
}, _0x52468b.prototype.hex = function() {
var _0x4dad8a = this.h0,
_0x2c4342 = this.h1,
_0xb03471 = this.h2,
_0x321760 = this.h3;
return _0x13a835[_0x4dad8a >> 0x4 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[0xf & _0x4dad8a] + _0x13a835[_0x4dad8a >> 0xc & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x4dad8a >> 0x8 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x4dad8a >> 0x14 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x4dad8a >> 0x10 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x4dad8a >> 0x1c & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x4dad8a >> 0x18 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x2c4342 >> 0x4 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[0xf & _0x2c4342] + _0x13a835[_0x2c4342 >> 0xc & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x2c4342 >> 0x8 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x2c4342 >> 0x14 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x2c4342 >> 0x10 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x2c4342 >> 0x1c & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x2c4342 >> 0x18 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0xb03471 >> 0x4 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[0xf & _0xb03471] + _0x13a835[_0xb03471 >> 0xc & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0xb03471 >> 0x8 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0xb03471 >> 0x14 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0xb03471 >> 0x10 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0xb03471 >> 0x1c & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0xb03471 >> 0x18 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x321760 >> 0x4 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[0xf & _0x321760] + _0x13a835[_0x321760 >> 0xc & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x321760 >> 0x8 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x321760 >> 0x14 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x321760 >> 0x10 & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x321760 >> 0x1c & 0xf] + _0x13a835[_0x321760 >> 0x18 & 0xf];
}, _0x52468b.prototype.toString = _0x52468b.prototype.hex, _0x52468b.prototype.digest = function() {
var _0x499395 = this.h0,
_0x56399c = this.h1,
_0x742cc9 = this.h2,
_0x23afbe = this.h3;
return [0xff & _0x499395, _0x499395 >> 0x8 & 0xff, _0x499395 >> 0x10 & 0xff, _0x499395 >> 0x18 & 0xff, 0xff & _0x56399c, _0x56399c >> 0x8 & 0xff, _0x56399c >> 0x10 & 0xff, _0x56399c >> 0x18 & 0xff, 0xff & _0x742cc9, _0x742cc9 >> 0x8 & 0xff, _0x742cc9 >> 0x10 & 0xff, _0x742cc9 >> 0x18 & 0xff, 0xff & _0x23afbe, _0x23afbe >> 0x8 & 0xff, _0x23afbe >> 0x10 & 0xff, _0x23afbe >> 0x18 & 0xff];
}, _0x52468b.prototype.array = _0x52468b.prototype.digest, _0x52468b.prototype.arrayBuffer = function() {
var _0x15f454 = new ArrayBuffer(0x10),
_0x15cf0e = new Uint32Array(_0x15f454);
return _0x15cf0e[0x0] = this.h0, _0x15cf0e[0x1] = this.h1, _0x15cf0e[0x2] = this.h2, _0x15cf0e[0x3] = this.h3, _0x15f454;
}, _0x52468b.prototype.buffer = _0x52468b.prototype.arrayBuffer, _0x52468b.prototype.base64 = function() {
for (var _0x205cc3, _0x5abd40, _0x213dac, _0x501a73 = '', _0x56610d = this.array(), _0x3a9ef2 = 0x0; _0x3a9ef2 < 0xf;) _0x205cc3 = _0x56610d[_0x3a9ef2++], _0x5abd40 = _0x56610d[_0x3a9ef2++], _0x213dac = _0x56610d[_0x3a9ef2++], _0x501a73 += _0x41cf2e[_0x205cc3 >>> 0x2] + _0x41cf2e[0x3f & (_0x205cc3 << 0x4 | _0x5abd40 >>> 0x4)] + _0x41cf2e[0x3f & (_0x5abd40 << 0x2 | _0x213dac >>> 0x6)] + _0x41cf2e[0x3f & _0x213dac];
return _0x205cc3 = _0x56610d[_0x3a9ef2], _0x501a73 += _0x41cf2e[_0x205cc3 >>> 0x2] + _0x41cf2e[_0x205cc3 << 0x4 & 0x3f] + '==';
var _0x269d2d = _0x3a7f83();
_0x178f75 ? _0x179a8a.exports = _0x269d2d : (_0x149fcb.md5 = _0x269d2d, _0x256e04 && (_0x1e876b = function() {
return _0x269d2d;
}.call(_0x269d2d, _0x36e800, _0x269d2d, _0x179a8a), void 0x0 === _0x1e876b || (_0x179a8a.exports = _0x1e876b)));
}.call(this, _0x36e800(0x31), _0x36e800(0x1f), _0x36e800(0x8f)(_0x58785f)));
}, function(_0x14da87, _0x57407e, _0x2fa590) {
'use strict';
(function(_0x227bc8, _0x21b268, _0x521a09) {
var _0x3313ca = _0x2fa590(0x34),
_0x31267b = _0x2fa590.n(_0x3313ca);
function _0x4ffbab(_0x13a3d0) {
return (_0x4ffbab = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(_0x5f01ef) {
return typeof _0x5f01ef;
} : function(_0x1020c7) {
return _0x1020c7 && 'function' == typeof Symbol && _0x1020c7.constructor === Symbol && _0x1020c7 !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof _0x1020c7;
function _0x375f8a() {
var _0x227bc8 = this,
_0x57407e = new _0x9828fc();
_0x227bc8.chunks = {}, _0x227bc8.users = {}, _0x227bc8.readAsArrayBuffer = function(_0x58dfb2, _0x7626c2, _0x4af133) {
var _0x12911b = {
'file': _0x58dfb2,
'earlyCallback': function(_0x12782b) {
_0x7626c2(_0x7086f7(_0x12782b, {
'currentPosition': -0x1
'extra': _0x4af133 || {
'userid': 0x0
_0x58dfb2.extra && Object.keys(_0x58dfb2.extra).length && Object.keys(_0x58dfb2.extra).forEach(function(_0x558fd0) {
_0x12911b.extra[_0x558fd0] = _0x58dfb2.extra[_0x558fd0];
}), _0x57407e.readAsArrayBuffer(_0x227bc8, _0x12911b);
}, _0x227bc8.getNextChunk = function(_0x37ae5a, _0x7972ae, _0x4c7a43) {
var _0x604a41;
void 0x0 !== _0x37ae5a.currentPosition && (_0x604a41 = _0x37ae5a.currentPosition, _0x37ae5a = _0x37ae5a.uuid);
var _0x476bde = _0x227bc8.chunks[_0x37ae5a];
if (_0x476bde) {
void 0x0 !== _0x4c7a43 ? (_0x227bc8.users[_0x4c7a43 + ''] || (_0x227bc8.users[_0x4c7a43 + ''] = {
'fileUUID': _0x37ae5a,
'userid': _0x4c7a43,
'currentPosition': -0x1
}), void 0x0 !== _0x604a41 && (_0x227bc8.users[_0x4c7a43 + ''].currentPosition = _0x604a41), _0x227bc8.users[_0x4c7a43 + ''].currentPosition++, _0x604a41 = _0x227bc8.users[_0x4c7a43 + ''].currentPosition) : (void 0x0 !== _0x604a41 && (_0x227bc8.chunks[_0x37ae5a].currentPosition = _0x604a41), _0x227bc8.chunks[_0x37ae5a].currentPosition++, _0x604a41 = _0x227bc8.chunks[_0x37ae5a].currentPosition);
var _0x24854d = _0x476bde[_0x604a41];
if (!_0x24854d) return delete _0x227bc8.chunks[_0x37ae5a], void _0x227bc8.convertToArrayBuffer({
'chunkMissing': true,
'currentPosition': _0x604a41,
'uuid': _0x37ae5a
}, _0x7972ae);
_0x24854d = _0x7086f7(_0x24854d), void 0x0 !== _0x4c7a43 && (_0x24854d.remoteUserId = _0x4c7a43 + ''), _0x24854d.start && _0x227bc8.onBegin(_0x24854d), _0x24854d.end && _0x227bc8.onEnd(_0x24854d), _0x227bc8.onProgress(_0x24854d), _0x227bc8.convertToArrayBuffer(_0x24854d, function(_0x28aba8) {
_0x24854d.currentPosition != _0x24854d.maxChunks ? _0x7972ae(_0x28aba8, !0x1) : _0x7972ae(_0x28aba8, true);
var _0x2fa590 = new _0x16cb0d(_0x227bc8);
function _0x7086f7(_0x5ae569, _0x132129) {
if (null == _0x5ae569 || 'object' != _0x4ffbab(_0x5ae569)) return _0x5ae569;
if (_0x5ae569.constructor != Object && _0x5ae569.constructor != Array) return _0x5ae569;
if (_0x5ae569.constructor == Date || _0x5ae569.constructor == RegExp || _0x5ae569.constructor == Function || _0x5ae569.constructor == String || _0x5ae569.constructor == Number || _0x5ae569.constructor == Boolean) return new _0x5ae569[('constructor')](_0x5ae569);
for (var _0x2fa590 in _0x132129 = _0x132129 || new _0x5ae569[('constructor')](), _0x5ae569) _0x132129[_0x2fa590] = void 0x0 === _0x132129[_0x2fa590] ? _0x7086f7(_0x5ae569[_0x2fa590], null) : _0x132129[_0x2fa590];
return _0x132129;
_0x227bc8.addChunk = function(_0x1d353d, _0x2f8a6d) {
_0x1d353d && _0x2fa590.receive(_0x1d353d, function(_0x3b5f53) {
'readyForNextChunk': true,
'currentPosition': _0x3b5f53.currentPosition,
'uuid': _0x3b5f53.uuid
}, _0x2f8a6d);
}, _0x227bc8.chunkMissing = function(_0x335036) {
delete _0x2fa590.chunks[_0x335036.uuid], delete _0x2fa590.chunksWaiters[_0x335036.uuid];
}, _0x227bc8.onBegin = function() {}, _0x227bc8.onEnd = function() {}, _0x227bc8.onProgress = function() {}, _0x227bc8.convertToObject = _0x312465.ConvertToObject, _0x227bc8.convertToArrayBuffer = _0x312465.ConvertToArrayBuffer, _0x227bc8.setMultipleUsers = function() {};
function _0x9828fc() {
this.readAsArrayBuffer = function(_0x4dd34e, _0x4dcd47) {
var _0x2fa590 = _0x4dcd47.earlyCallback;
delete _0x4dcd47.earlyCallback,
function(_0x10728e, _0x4af117) {
_0x4af117 = _0x4af117 || function(_0x1b86cb) {
var _0x2fa590 = _0x10728e.file;
_0x2fa590.uuid || (_0x2fa590.uuid = (0x64 * Math.random()).toString().replace(/\./g, ''));
var _0x21b268 = _0x10728e.chunkSize || 0x3a98;
_0x10728e.extra && _0x10728e.extra.chunkSize && (_0x21b268 = _0x10728e.extra.chunkSize);
var _0x521a09, _0x501fda = 0x0,
_0x58b232 = _0x21b268,
_0x41e8e7 = Math.floor(Math.min(0x5f5e100, _0x58b232) / _0x21b268) * _0x21b268,
_0x24144f = Math.ceil(_0x2fa590.size / _0x21b268);
_0x2fa590.maxChunks = _0x24144f;
var _0x3a1fa3 = 0x0,
_0x36783 = [];
'currentPosition': _0x3a1fa3,
'uuid': _0x2fa590.uuid,
'maxChunks': _0x24144f,
'size': _0x2fa590.size,
'name': _0x2fa590.name,
'type': _0x2fa590.type,
'lastModifiedDate': (_0x2fa590.lastModifiedDate || new Date()).toString(),
'start': true
var _0x14ba6c, _0x11a93b = new FileReader();
_0x11a93b.onloadend = function(_0x5ab3c3) {
_0x5ab3c3.target.readyState == FileReader.DONE && function(_0x1a8ac9, _0x25d2e6, _0x3fea4f) {
_0x521a09 = Math.ceil(_0x25d2e6.byteLength / _0x21b268);
for (var _0x26fcc7 = 0x0; _0x26fcc7 < _0x521a09; _0x26fcc7++) {
var _0x198455 = _0x26fcc7 * _0x21b268;
_0x36783[_0x3a1fa3] = _0x25d2e6.slice(_0x198455, Math.min(_0x198455 + _0x21b268, _0x25d2e6.byteLength)), _0x4af117({
'uuid': _0x2fa590.uuid,
'buffer': _0x36783[_0x3a1fa3],
'currentPosition': _0x3a1fa3,
'maxChunks': _0x24144f,
'size': _0x2fa590.size,
'name': _0x2fa590.name,
'lastModifiedDate': (_0x2fa590.lastModifiedDate || new Date()).toString(),
'type': _0x2fa590.type
}), _0x3a1fa3++;
_0x3a1fa3 == _0x24144f && true, _0x3fea4f();
}(_0x2fa590.name, _0x5ab3c3.target.result, function() {
(++_0x501fda + 0x1) * _0x41e8e7 < _0x2fa590.size ? (_0x14ba6c = _0x2fa590.slice(_0x501fda * _0x41e8e7, (_0x501fda + 0x1) * _0x41e8e7), _0x11a93b.readAsArrayBuffer(_0x14ba6c)) : _0x501fda * _0x41e8e7 < _0x2fa590.size ? (_0x14ba6c = _0x2fa590.slice(_0x501fda * _0x41e8e7, _0x2fa590.size), _0x11a93b.readAsArrayBuffer(_0x14ba6c)) : (_0x2fa590.url = URL.createObjectURL(_0x2fa590), _0x4af117({
'currentPosition': _0x3a1fa3,
'uuid': _0x2fa590.uuid,
'maxChunks': _0x24144f,
'size': _0x2fa590.size,
'name': _0x2fa590.name,
'lastModifiedDate': (_0x2fa590.lastModifiedDate || new Date()).toString(),
'url': URL.createObjectURL(_0x2fa590),
'type': _0x2fa590.type,
'end': true
}, _0x3a1fa3 += 0x1, _0x14ba6c = _0x2fa590.slice(_0x501fda * _0x41e8e7, (_0x501fda + 0x1) * _0x41e8e7), _0x11a93b.readAsArrayBuffer(_0x14ba6c);
}(_0x4dcd47, function(_0x4a4561) {
_0x4dd34e.chunks[_0x4a4561.uuid] || (_0x4dd34e.chunks[_0x4a4561.uuid] = {
'currentPosition': -0x1
}), _0x4dcd47.extra = _0x4dcd47.extra || {
'userid': 0x0
}, _0x4a4561.userid = _0x4dcd47.userid || _0x4dcd47.extra.userid || 0x0, _0x4a4561.extra = _0x4dcd47.extra, _0x4dd34e.chunks[_0x4a4561.uuid][_0x4a4561.currentPosition] = _0x4a4561, _0x4a4561.end && _0x2fa590 && (_0x2fa590(_0x4a4561.uuid), _0x2fa590 = null), _0x4a4561.maxChunks > 0xc8 && 0xc8 == _0x4a4561.currentPosition && _0x2fa590 && (_0x2fa590(_0x4a4561.uuid), _0x2fa590 = null);
function _0x2e28ea() {
var _0x227bc8 = this,
_0x57407e = function() {};
function _0x35adf9(_0x1e577f, _0x35d31a, _0x142c1a) {
_0x1e577f = _0x1e577f || function() {};
var _0x9eb682 = document.createElement('input');
_0x9eb682.type = 'file', _0x35d31a && (_0x9eb682.multiple = true), _0x142c1a && (_0x9eb682.webkitdirectory = true), _0x9eb682.accept = _0x227bc8.accept, _0x9eb682.onclick = function() {
_0x9eb682.clickStarted = true;
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setTimeout(function() {
_0x9eb682.clickStarted && (_0x9eb682.clickStarted = !0x1, _0x9eb682.value || _0x57407e());
}, 0x1f4);
}, _0x9eb682.onchange = function() {
if (_0x35d31a) {
if (!_0x9eb682.files.length) return void console.error('No file selected.');
var _0x227bc8 = [];
return Array.from(_0x9eb682.files).forEach(function(_0x2af58c) {
_0x2af58c.url = _0x2af58c.webkitRelativePath, _0x227bc8.push(_0x2af58c);
}), void _0x1e577f(_0x227bc8);
_0x9eb682.files[0x0] ? (_0x1e577f(_0x9eb682.files[0x0]), _0x9eb682.parentNode.removeChild(_0x9eb682)) : console.error('No file selected.');
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function(_0x19672d) {
if ('function' == typeof _0x19672d.click) return void _0x19672d.click();
if ('function' == typeof _0x19672d.change) return void _0x19672d.change();
if (void 0x0 !== document.createEvent('Event')) {
if ('function' == typeof(_0x57407e = document.createEvent('Event')).initEvent && 'function' == typeof _0x19672d.dispatchEvent) return _0x57407e.initEvent('click', true, true), void _0x19672d.dispatchEvent(_0x57407e);
var _0x57407e = new MouseEvent('click', {
'view': window,
'bubbles': true,
'cancelable': true
_0x227bc8.selectSingleFile = function(_0x4fa940, _0x591d34) {
_0x591d34 && (_0x57407e = _0x591d34), _0x35adf9(_0x4fa940);
}, _0x227bc8.selectMultipleFiles = function(_0x425e11, _0x2ac31d) {
_0x2ac31d && (_0x57407e = _0x2ac31d), _0x35adf9(_0x425e11, true);
}, _0x227bc8.selectDirectory = function(_0x37cf39, _0x415668) {
_0x415668 && (_0x57407e = _0x415668), _0x35adf9(_0x37cf39, true, true);
}, _0x227bc8.accept = '*.*';
function _0x16cb0d(_0x8e4e9f) {
var _0x57407e = this;
_0x57407e.chunks = {}, _0x57407e.chunksWaiters = {}, _0x57407e.receive = function _0x2fa590(_0x15cb17, _0x5d669f) {
if (_0x15cb17.uuid) {
if (_0x15cb17.start && !_0x57407e.chunks[_0x15cb17.uuid] && (_0x57407e.chunks[_0x15cb17.uuid] = {}, _0x8e4e9f.onBegin && _0x8e4e9f.onBegin(_0x15cb17)), !_0x15cb17.end && _0x15cb17.buffer && (_0x57407e.chunks[_0x15cb17.uuid][_0x15cb17.currentPosition] = _0x15cb17.buffer), _0x15cb17.end) {
var _0x31fb82 = _0x57407e.chunks[_0x15cb17.uuid],
_0x32838f = [];
Object.keys(_0x31fb82).forEach(function(_0x5c3abb, _0x23c1e3) {
var _0x2545f2 = new Blob(_0x32838f, {
'type': _0x15cb17.type
(_0x2545f2 = _0x1e6a28(_0x2545f2, _0x15cb17)).url = URL.createObjectURL(_0x2545f2), _0x2545f2.uuid = _0x15cb17.uuid, _0x2545f2.size || console.error('Something went wrong. Blob Size is 0.'), _0x8e4e9f.onEnd && _0x8e4e9f.onEnd(_0x2545f2), delete _0x57407e.chunks[_0x15cb17.uuid], delete _0x57407e.chunksWaiters[_0x15cb17.uuid];
_0x15cb17.buffer && _0x8e4e9f.onProgress && _0x8e4e9f.onProgress(_0x15cb17), _0x15cb17.end || (_0x5d669f(_0x15cb17), _0x57407e.chunksWaiters[_0x15cb17.uuid] = function() {
setTimeout(function _0x8e4e9f() {
_0x15cb17.buffer && _0x57407e.chunks[_0x15cb17.uuid] && (_0x15cb17.currentPosition == _0x15cb17.maxChunks || _0x57407e.chunks[_0x15cb17.uuid][_0x15cb17.currentPosition] || (_0x5d669f(_0x15cb17), setTimeout(_0x8e4e9f, 0x1388)));
}, 0x1388);
}, _0x57407e.chunksWaiters[_0x15cb17.uuid]());
} else _0x8e4e9f.convertToObject(_0x15cb17, function(_0x2fa56c) {
var _0x312465 = {
'ConvertToArrayBuffer': function(_0x561864, _0x85e2e2) {
_0x4928e6.pack(_0x561864, function(_0xc97573) {
'ConvertToObject': function(_0xbedec5, _0x48182e) {
_0x4928e6.unpack(_0xbedec5, _0x48182e);
function _0x1e6a28(_0x51381f, _0x26556f) {
if (_0x51381f || (_0x51381f = {}), !_0x26556f) return _0x51381f;
for (var _0x2fa590 in _0x26556f) try {
_0x51381f[_0x2fa590] = _0x26556f[_0x2fa590];
} catch (_0x1cadcb) {}
return _0x51381f;
var _0x37e2da = Uint8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
_0x49bb1a = Uint16Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
_0x4929a3 = Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
_0x437498 = {
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'NUMBER': 0x3,
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'OBJECT': 0x6,
'INT8ARRAY': 0x7,
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'INT32ARRAY': 0x9,
'UINT8ARRAY': 0xa,
'UINT16ARRAY': 0xb,
'UINT32ARRAY': 0xc,
'FLOAT32ARRAY': 0xd,
'FLOAT64ARRAY': 0xe,
'BLOB': 0x10,
'FILE': 0x10,
'BUFFER': 0x11
_0xb2a130 = [null, null, 'Uint16', 'Float64', 'Uint8', null, null, 'Int8', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'Uint8', 'Uint16', 'Uint32', 'Float32', 'Float64', 'Uint8', 'Uint8', 'Uint8'],
_0x274b69 = function(_0x297fe0) {
var _0x57407e = 0x0,
_0x2fa590 = 0x0,
_0x21b268 = 0x0,
_0x521a09 = new ArrayBuffer(_0x297fe0[0x0].byte_length + _0x297fe0[0x0].header_size),
_0x5e7442 = new DataView(_0x521a09);
for (_0x2fa590 = 0x0; _0x2fa590 < _0x297fe0.length; _0x2fa590++) {
var _0x2227f0 = _0x297fe0[_0x2fa590].type,
_0x37072f = _0x297fe0[_0x2fa590].length,
_0x4841f8 = _0x297fe0[_0x2fa590].value,
_0x4015d6 = _0x297fe0[_0x2fa590].byte_length,
_0x5da52f = _0xb2a130[_0x2227f0],
_0x1b9cc6 = null === _0x5da52f ? 0x0 : window[_0x5da52f + 'Array'].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
switch (_0x2227f0 === _0x437498.BUFFER ? _0x5e7442.setUint8(_0x57407e, _0x437498.BLOB, !0x1) : _0x5e7442.setUint8(_0x57407e, _0x2227f0, !0x1), _0x57407e += _0x37e2da, _0x2227f0 !== _0x437498.ARRAY && _0x2227f0 !== _0x437498.OBJECT || (_0x5e7442.setUint16(_0x57407e, _0x37072f, !0x1), _0x57407e += _0x49bb1a), _0x5e7442.setUint32(_0x57407e, _0x4015d6, !0x1), _0x57407e += _0x4929a3, _0x2227f0) {
case _0x437498.NULL:
case _0x437498.UNDEFINED:
case _0x437498.STRING:
for (_0x21b268 = 0x0; _0x21b268 < _0x37072f; _0x21b268++, _0x57407e += _0x1b9cc6) _0x5e7442.setUint16(_0x57407e, _0x4841f8.charCodeAt(_0x21b268), !0x1);
case _0x437498.NUMBER:
case _0x437498.BOOLEAN:
0x0, _0x5e7442['set' + _0x5da52f](_0x57407e, _0x4841f8, !0x1), _0x57407e += _0x1b9cc6;
case _0x437498.INT8ARRAY:
case _0x437498.INT16ARRAY:
case _0x437498.INT32ARRAY:
case _0x437498.UINT8ARRAY:
case _0x437498.UINT16ARRAY:
case _0x437498.UINT32ARRAY:
case _0x437498.FLOAT32ARRAY:
case _0x437498.FLOAT64ARRAY:
new Uint8Array(_0x5e7442.buffer, _0x57407e, _0x4015d6).set(new Uint8Array(_0x4841f8.buffer)), _0x57407e += _0x4015d6;
case _0x437498.ARRAYBUFFER:
case _0x437498.BUFFER:
new Uint8Array(_0x5e7442.buffer, _0x57407e, _0x4015d6).set(new Uint8Array(_0x4841f8)), _0x57407e += _0x4015d6;
case _0x437498.BLOB:
case _0x437498.ARRAY:
case _0x437498.OBJECT:
throw 'TypeError: Unexpected type found.';
return _0x5e7442;
_0x2e9e54 = function _0x57407e(_0x37452e, _0x38040a) {
var _0x521a09, _0x26deb8, _0xfbd54a, _0x3f6107, _0x1535e7, _0x406eb5 = 0x0;
_0x521a09 = _0x37452e.getUint8(_0x38040a, !0x1), _0x38040a += _0x37e2da, _0x521a09 !== _0x437498.ARRAY && _0x521a09 !== _0x437498.OBJECT || (_0x26deb8 = _0x37452e.getUint16(_0x38040a, !0x1), _0x38040a += _0x49bb1a), _0xfbd54a = _0x37452e.getUint32(_0x38040a, !0x1), _0x38040a += _0x4929a3;
var _0x3b56e7 = _0xb2a130[_0x521a09],
_0x5b8ec5 = null === _0x3b56e7 ? 0x0 : window[_0x3b56e7 + 'Array'].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
switch (_0x521a09) {
case _0x437498.NULL:
case _0x437498.UNDEFINED:
0x0, _0x3f6107 = null;
case _0x437498.STRING:
_0x26deb8 = _0xfbd54a / _0x5b8ec5;
var _0x3316fc = [];
for (_0x406eb5 = 0x0; _0x406eb5 < _0x26deb8; _0x406eb5++) {
var _0x35da1f = _0x37452e.getUint16(_0x38040a, !0x1);
_0x38040a += _0x5b8ec5, _0x3316fc.push(String.fromCharCode(_0x35da1f));
_0x3f6107 = _0x3316fc.join('');
case _0x437498.NUMBER:
_0x3f6107 = _0x37452e.getFloat64(_0x38040a, !0x1), _0x38040a += _0x5b8ec5;
case _0x437498.BOOLEAN:
_0x3f6107 = 0x1 === _0x37452e.getUint8(_0x38040a, !0x1), _0x38040a += _0x5b8ec5;
case _0x437498.INT8ARRAY:
case _0x437498.INT16ARRAY:
case _0x437498.INT32ARRAY:
case _0x437498.UINT8ARRAY:
case _0x437498.UINT16ARRAY:
case _0x437498.UINT32ARRAY:
case _0x437498.FLOAT32ARRAY:
case _0x437498.FLOAT64ARRAY:
case _0x437498.ARRAYBUFFER:
_0x1535e7 = _0x37452e.buffer.slice(_0x38040a, _0x38040a + _0xfbd54a), _0x38040a += _0xfbd54a, _0x3f6107 = _0x521a09 === _0x437498.ARRAYBUFFER ? _0x1535e7 : new window[_0x3b56e7 + ('Array')](_0x1535e7);
case _0x437498.BLOB:
if (window.Blob) {
var _0x2161f5 = _0x57407e(_0x37452e, _0x38040a),
_0x5f11ba = _0x57407e(_0x37452e, _0x2161f5.cursor);
_0x38040a = _0x5f11ba.cursor, _0x3f6107 = new Blob([_0x5f11ba.value], {
'type': _0x2161f5.value
} else _0x1535e7 = _0x37452e.buffer.slice(_0x38040a, _0x38040a + _0xfbd54a), _0x38040a += _0xfbd54a, _0x3f6107 = new _0x227bc8(_0x1535e7);
case _0x437498.ARRAY:
for (_0x3f6107 = [], _0x406eb5 = 0x0; _0x406eb5 < _0x26deb8; _0x406eb5++) _0x38040a = (_0x1535e7 = _0x57407e(_0x37452e, _0x38040a)).cursor, _0x3f6107.push(_0x1535e7.value);
case _0x437498.OBJECT:
for (_0x3f6107 = {}, _0x406eb5 = 0x0; _0x406eb5 < _0x26deb8; _0x406eb5++) {
var _0x4fee35 = _0x57407e(_0x37452e, _0x38040a),
_0x118c66 = _0x57407e(_0x37452e, _0x4fee35.cursor);
_0x38040a = _0x118c66.cursor, _0x3f6107[_0x4fee35.value] = _0x118c66.value;
throw 'TypeError: Type not supported.';
return {
'value': _0x3f6107,
'cursor': _0x38040a
_0x3cd888 = function(_0x7f4367, _0x498c64) {
for (var _0x2fa590 = _0x7f4367.length, _0x21b268 = [], _0x521a09 = 0x0, _0x3fb688 = 0x0, _0x48740b = 0x0; _0x48740b < _0x7f4367.length; _0x48740b++) ! function(_0x48a8b8) {
_0x131344(_0x7f4367[_0x48a8b8], function(_0x118c9f) {
if (_0x21b268[_0x48a8b8] = _0x118c9f, _0x3fb688 += _0x118c9f[0x0].header_size + _0x118c9f[0x0].byte_length, ++_0x521a09 === _0x2fa590) {
for (var _0x341601 = [], _0x44bc9f = 0x0; _0x44bc9f < _0x21b268.length; _0x44bc9f++) _0x341601 = _0x341601.concat(_0x21b268[_0x44bc9f]);
_0x498c64(_0x341601, _0x3fb688);
_0x131344 = function(_0x26bbec, _0x41d66e) {
var _0x21b268, _0x521a09, _0xcfca39 = _0x37e2da + _0x4929a3,
_0x1c90b5 = 0x0,
_0x5a7868 = 0x0,
_0x23293e = _0x26bbec;
switch (_0x521a09 = function(_0x54f8b4) {
var _0x41d66e = void 0x0;
if (void 0x0 === _0x54f8b4) _0x41d66e = _0x437498.UNDEFINED;
else if (null === _0x54f8b4) _0x41d66e = _0x437498.NULL;
else {
var _0x21b268 = _0x54f8b4.constructor.name,
_0x521a09 = _0x54f8b4.constructor.toString().match(/\w+/g)[0x1];
if (void 0x0 !== _0x21b268 && void 0x0 !== _0x437498[_0x21b268.toUpperCase()]) _0x41d66e = _0x437498[_0x21b268.toUpperCase()];
else if (void 0x0 !== _0x521a09 && void 0x0 !== _0x437498[_0x521a09.toUpperCase()]) _0x41d66e = _0x437498[_0x521a09.toUpperCase()];
else switch (_0x4ffbab(_0x54f8b4)) {
case 'string':
_0x41d66e = _0x437498.STRING;
case 'number':
_0x41d66e = _0x437498.NUMBER;
case 'boolean':
_0x41d66e = _0x437498.BOOLEAN;
case 'object':
_0x54f8b4 instanceof Array ? _0x41d66e = _0x437498.ARRAY : _0x54f8b4 instanceof Int8Array ? _0x41d66e = _0x437498.INT8ARRAY : _0x54f8b4 instanceof Int16Array ? _0x41d66e = _0x437498.INT16ARRAY : _0x54f8b4 instanceof Int32Array ? _0x41d66e = _0x437498.INT32ARRAY : _0x54f8b4 instanceof Uint8Array ? _0x41d66e = _0x437498.UINT8ARRAY : _0x54f8b4 instanceof Uint16Array ? _0x41d66e = _0x437498.UINT16ARRAY : _0x54f8b4 instanceof Uint32Array ? _0x41d66e = _0x437498.UINT32ARRAY : _0x54f8b4 instanceof Float32Array ? _0x41d66e = _0x437498.FLOAT32ARRAY : _0x54f8b4 instanceof Float64Array ? _0x41d66e = _0x437498.FLOAT64ARRAY : _0x54f8b4 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? _0x41d66e = _0x437498.ARRAYBUFFER : _0x54f8b4 instanceof Blob ? _0x41d66e = _0x437498.BLOB : _0x54f8b4 instanceof _0x227bc8 ? _0x41d66e = _0x437498.BUFFER : _0x54f8b4 instanceof Object && (_0x41d66e = _0x437498.OBJECT);
return _0x41d66e;
}(_0x26bbec), _0x21b268 = null == _0xb2a130[_0x521a09] ? 0x0 : window[_0xb2a130[_0x521a09] + 'Array'].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, _0x521a09) {
case _0x437498.UNDEFINED:
case _0x437498.NULL:
case _0x437498.NUMBER:
case _0x437498.BOOLEAN:
_0x1c90b5 = _0x21b268;
case _0x437498.STRING:
_0x1c90b5 += (_0x5a7868 = _0x26bbec.length) * _0x21b268;
case _0x437498.INT8ARRAY:
case _0x437498.INT16ARRAY:
case _0x437498.INT32ARRAY:
case _0x437498.UINT8ARRAY:
case _0x437498.UINT16ARRAY:
case _0x437498.UINT32ARRAY:
case _0x437498.FLOAT32ARRAY:
case _0x437498.FLOAT64ARRAY:
_0x1c90b5 += (_0x5a7868 = _0x26bbec.length) * _0x21b268;
case _0x437498.ARRAY:
return void _0x3cd888(_0x26bbec, function(_0x4ce812, _0x3cc28c) {
'type': _0x521a09,
'length': _0x26bbec.length,
'header_size': _0xcfca39 + _0x49bb1a,
'byte_length': _0x3cc28c,
'value': null
case _0x437498.OBJECT:
var _0x1eb997 = [];
for (var _0x501244 in _0x26bbec) _0x26bbec.hasOwnProperty(_0x501244) && (_0x1eb997.push(_0x501244), _0x1eb997.push(_0x26bbec[_0x501244]), _0x5a7868++);
return void _0x3cd888(_0x1eb997, function(_0x57eeb8, _0x18e5d9) {
'type': _0x521a09,
'length': _0x5a7868,
'header_size': _0xcfca39 + _0x49bb1a,
'byte_length': _0x18e5d9,
'value': null
case _0x437498.ARRAYBUFFER:
_0x1c90b5 += _0x26bbec.byteLength;
case _0x437498.BLOB:
var _0x485cd2 = _0x26bbec.type,
_0x15ca13 = new FileReader();
return _0x15ca13.onload = function(_0x238bf7) {
_0x3cd888([_0x485cd2, _0x238bf7.target.result], function(_0x2faa2d, _0x5dc863) {
'type': _0x521a09,
'length': _0x5a7868,
'header_size': _0xcfca39,
'byte_length': _0x5dc863,
'value': null
}, _0x15ca13.onerror = function(_0x18343b) {
throw 'FileReader Error: ' + _0x18343b;
}, void _0x15ca13.readAsArrayBuffer(_0x26bbec);
case _0x437498.BUFFER:
_0x1c90b5 += _0x26bbec.length;
throw 'TypeError: Type "' + _0x26bbec.constructor.name + '" not supported.';
'type': _0x521a09,
'length': _0x5a7868,
'header_size': _0xcfca39,
'byte_length': _0x1c90b5,
'value': _0x23293e
_0x1913f9 = function(_0xbd3651, _0x26d417) {
var _0x2fa590 = _0xbd3651 instanceof DataView ? _0xbd3651 : new DataView(_0xbd3651);
return _0x2e9e54(_0x2fa590, 0x0).value;
var _0x4928e6 = {
'pack': function(_0x5aea7d, _0x22db9e) {
try {
_0x131344(_0x5aea7d, function(_0xf0091e) {
catch (_0x5adeaa) {
throw _0x5adeaa;
'unpack': function(_0x458a5d, _0x3c312b) {
try {
var _0x2fa590 = _0x1913f9(_0x458a5d);
0x0, _0x3c312b(_0x2fa590);
} catch (_0x11220e) {
throw _0x11220e;
_0x57407e.a = function(_0x1056a5, _0x326931) {
var _0x3a9045;
function _0x45c30f(_0xa98659, _0x1eb953) {
function _0x535f92(_0x27aced) {
return !_0x27aced.audio && !_0x27aced.video && !_0x27aced.screen && _0x27aced.data;
var _0x21b268 = '';
_0x21b268 += '?userid=' + _0xa98659.userid, _0x21b268 += '&sessionid=' + _0xa98659.sessionid, _0x21b268 += '&msgEvent=' + _0xa98659.socketMessageEvent, _0x21b268 += '&socketCustomEvent=' + _0xa98659.socketCustomEvent, _0x21b268 += '&autoCloseEntireSession=' + !!_0xa98659.autoCloseEntireSession, true === _0xa98659.session.broadcast && (_0x21b268 += '&oneToMany=true'), _0x21b268 += '&maxParticipantsAllowed=' + _0xa98659.maxParticipantsAllowed, _0xa98659.enableScalableBroadcast && (_0x21b268 += '&enableScalableBroadcast=true', _0x21b268 += '&maxRelayLimitPerUser=' + (_0xa98659.maxRelayLimitPerUser || 0x2)), _0x21b268 += '&extra=' + JSON.stringify(_0xa98659.extra || {}), _0xa98659.socketCustomParameters && (_0x21b268 += _0xa98659.socketCustomParameters);
try {
_0x31267b.a.sockets = {};
} catch (_0x16f64d) {}
if (_0xa98659.socketURL || (_0xa98659.socketURL = '/'), '/' != _0xa98659.socketURL.substr(_0xa98659.socketURL.length - 0x1, 0x1)) throw '"socketURL" MUST end with a slash.';
_0xa98659.enableLogs && ('/' == _0xa98659.socketURL ? console.info('socket.io url is: ', location.origin + '/') : console.info('socket.io url is: ', _0xa98659.socketURL));
try {
_0xa98659.socket = _0x31267b()(_0xa98659.socketURL + _0x21b268);
} catch (_0x5463d4) {
_0xa98659.socket = _0x31267b.a.connect(_0xa98659.socketURL + _0x21b268, _0xa98659.socketOptions);
var _0x521a09 = _0xa98659.multiPeersHandler;
function _0x370cbb(_0x2c02cf, _0x6d0458) {
_0xa98659.peersBackup[_0x2c02cf] || (_0xa98659.peersBackup[_0x2c02cf] = {
'userid': _0x2c02cf,
'extra': {}
}), _0xa98659.peersBackup[_0x2c02cf].extra = _0x6d0458;
_0xa98659.socket.on('extra-data-updated', function(_0x9c9848, _0x58a2b1) {
_0xa98659.peers[_0x9c9848] && (_0xa98659.peers[_0x9c9848].extra = _0x58a2b1, _0xa98659.onExtraDataUpdated({
'userid': _0x9c9848,
'extra': _0x58a2b1
}), _0x370cbb(_0x9c9848, _0x58a2b1));
}), _0xa98659.socket.on(_0xa98659.socketMessageEvent, function _0x1eb953(_0x42ad3e) {
if (_0x42ad3e.remoteUserId == _0xa98659.userid)
if (_0xa98659.peers[_0x42ad3e.sender] && _0xa98659.peers[_0x42ad3e.sender].extra != _0x42ad3e.message.extra && (_0xa98659.peers[_0x42ad3e.sender].extra = _0x42ad3e.extra, _0xa98659.onExtraDataUpdated({
'userid': _0x42ad3e.sender,
'extra': _0x42ad3e.extra
}), _0x370cbb(_0x42ad3e.sender, _0x42ad3e.extra)), _0x42ad3e.message.streamSyncNeeded && _0xa98659.peers[_0x42ad3e.sender]) {
var _0x12f90b = _0xa98659.streamEvents[_0x42ad3e.message.streamid];
if (!_0x12f90b || !_0x12f90b.stream) return;
var _0x7f592a = _0x42ad3e.message.action;
if ('ended' === _0x7f592a || 'inactive' === _0x7f592a || 'stream-removed' === _0x7f592a) return _0xa98659.peersBackup[_0x12f90b.userid] && (_0x12f90b.extra = _0xa98659.peersBackup[_0x12f90b.userid].extra), void _0xa98659.onstreamended(_0x12f90b);
var _0x43403d = 'both' != _0x42ad3e.message.type ? _0x42ad3e.message.type : null;
'function' == typeof _0x12f90b.stream[_0x7f592a] && _0x12f90b.stream[_0x7f592a](_0x43403d);
} else if ('dropPeerConnection' !== _0x42ad3e.message) {
if (_0x42ad3e.message.allParticipants) return -0x1 === _0x42ad3e.message.allParticipants.indexOf(_0x42ad3e.sender) && _0x42ad3e.message.allParticipants.push(_0x42ad3e.sender), void _0x42ad3e.message.allParticipants.forEach(function(_0x45f777) {
_0x521a09[_0xa98659.peers[_0x45f777] ? 'renegotiatePeer' : 'createNewPeer'](_0x45f777, {
'localPeerSdpConstraints': {
'OfferToReceiveAudio': _0xa98659.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': _0xa98659.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo
'remotePeerSdpConstraints': {
'OfferToReceiveAudio': _0xa98659.session.oneway ? !!_0xa98659.session.audio : _0xa98659.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': _0xa98659.session.oneway ? !!_0xa98659.session.video || !!_0xa98659.session.screen : _0xa98659.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo
'isOneWay': !!_0xa98659.session.oneway || 'one-way' === _0xa98659.direction,
'isDataOnly': _0x535f92(_0xa98659.session)
if (_0x42ad3e.message.newParticipant) {
if (_0x42ad3e.message.newParticipant == _0xa98659.userid) return;
if (_0xa98659.peers[_0x42ad3e.message.newParticipant]) return;
_0x521a09.createNewPeer(_0x42ad3e.message.newParticipant, _0x42ad3e.message.userPreferences || {
'localPeerSdpConstraints': {
'OfferToReceiveAudio': _0xa98659.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': _0xa98659.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo
'remotePeerSdpConstraints': {
'OfferToReceiveAudio': _0xa98659.session.oneway ? !!_0xa98659.session.audio : _0xa98659.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': _0xa98659.session.oneway ? !!_0xa98659.session.video || !!_0xa98659.session.screen : _0xa98659.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo
'isOneWay': !!_0xa98659.session.oneway || 'one-way' === _0xa98659.direction,
'isDataOnly': _0x535f92(_0xa98659.session)
} else if (_0x42ad3e.message.readyForOffer && (_0xa98659.attachStreams.length && (_0xa98659.waitingForLocalMedia = !0x1), _0xa98659.waitingForLocalMedia)) setTimeout(function() {
}, 0x1);
else if (_0x42ad3e.message.newParticipationRequest && _0x42ad3e.sender !== _0xa98659.userid) {
_0xa98659.peers[_0x42ad3e.sender] && _0xa98659.deletePeer(_0x42ad3e.sender);
var _0x8b8a4a = {
'extra': _0x42ad3e.extra || {},
'localPeerSdpConstraints': _0x42ad3e.message.remotePeerSdpConstraints || {
'OfferToReceiveAudio': _0xa98659.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': _0xa98659.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo
'remotePeerSdpConstraints': _0x42ad3e.message.localPeerSdpConstraints || {
'OfferToReceiveAudio': _0xa98659.session.oneway ? !!_0xa98659.session.audio : _0xa98659.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': _0xa98659.session.oneway ? !!_0xa98659.session.video || !!_0xa98659.session.screen : _0xa98659.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo
'isOneWay': void 0x0 !== _0x42ad3e.message.isOneWay ? _0x42ad3e.message.isOneWay : !!_0xa98659.session.oneway || 'one-way' === _0xa98659.direction,
'isDataOnly': void 0x0 !== _0x42ad3e.message.isDataOnly ? _0x42ad3e.message.isDataOnly : _0x535f92(_0xa98659.session),
'dontGetRemoteStream': void 0x0 !== _0x42ad3e.message.isOneWay ? _0x42ad3e.message.isOneWay : !!_0xa98659.session.oneway || 'one-way' === _0xa98659.direction,
'dontAttachLocalStream': !!_0x42ad3e.message.dontGetRemoteStream,
'connectionDescription': _0x42ad3e,
'successCallback': function() {}
_0xa98659.onNewParticipant(_0x42ad3e.sender, _0x8b8a4a);
} else {
if (_0x42ad3e.message.changedUUID && _0xa98659.peers[_0x42ad3e.message.oldUUID] && (_0xa98659.peers[_0x42ad3e.message.newUUID] = _0xa98659.peers[_0x42ad3e.message.oldUUID], delete _0xa98659.peers[_0x42ad3e.message.oldUUID]), _0x42ad3e.message.userLeft) return _0x521a09.onUserLeft(_0x42ad3e.sender), void(_0x42ad3e.message.autoCloseEntireSession && _0xa98659.leave());
_0x521a09.addNegotiatedMessage(_0x42ad3e.message, _0x42ad3e.sender);
} else _0xa98659.deletePeer(_0x42ad3e.sender);
var _0x56cf17 = !0x1;
_0xa98659.socket.resetProps = function() {
_0x56cf17 = !0x1;
}, _0xa98659.socket.on('connect', function() {
_0x56cf17 || (_0x56cf17 = true, _0xa98659.enableLogs && console.info('socket.io connection is opened.'), setTimeout(function() {
_0xa98659.socket.emit('extra-data-updated', _0xa98659.extra);
}, 0x3e8), _0x1eb953 && _0x1eb953(_0xa98659.socket));
}), _0xa98659.socket.on('disconnect', function() {
_0xa98659.enableLogs && console.warn('socket.io connection is closed'), _0xa98659.close();
}), _0xa98659.socket.on('user-disconnected', function(_0x54aa18) {
_0x54aa18 !== _0xa98659.userid && (_0xa98659.onUserStatusChanged({
'userid': _0x54aa18,
'status': 'offline',
'extra': _0xa98659.peers[_0x54aa18] && _0xa98659.peers[_0x54aa18].extra || {}
}), _0xa98659.deletePeer(_0x54aa18));
}), _0xa98659.socket.on('user-connected', function(_0x5ca80a) {
_0x5ca80a !== _0xa98659.userid && _0xa98659.onUserStatusChanged({
'userid': _0x5ca80a,
'status': 'online',
'extra': _0xa98659.peers[_0x5ca80a] && _0xa98659.peers[_0x5ca80a].extra || {}
}), _0xa98659.socket.on('closed-entire-session', function(_0x4808cd, _0x427eb3) {
_0xa98659.leave(), _0xa98659.onEntireSessionClosed({
'sessionid': _0x4808cd,
'userid': _0x4808cd,
'extra': _0x427eb3
}), _0xa98659.socket.on('userid-already-taken', function(_0x420cd1, _0x1408ae) {
_0xa98659.onUserIdAlreadyTaken(_0x420cd1, _0x1408ae);
}), _0xa98659.socket.on('logs', function(_0x5e50a8) {
_0xa98659.enableLogs && console.debug('server-logs', _0x5e50a8);
}), _0xa98659.socket.on('number-of-broadcast-viewers-updated', function(_0x6c7075) {
}), _0xa98659.socket.on('set-isInitiator-true', function(_0x4f8f7b) {
_0x4f8f7b == _0xa98659.sessionid && (_0xa98659.isInitiator = true);
function _0x11ea4f(_0x433d1d) {
var _0x326931 = this,
_0x2fa590 = ['getAllParticipants', 'getLength', 'selectFirst', 'streams', 'send', 'forEach'];
function _0x2aa4ee() {
_0x433d1d.fbr = new _0x375f8a(), _0x433d1d.fbr.onProgress = function(_0x4fd092) {
}, _0x433d1d.fbr.onBegin = function(_0x4d54b6) {
}, _0x433d1d.fbr.onEnd = function(_0x50bc40) {
_0x433d1d.peers = {
'getLength': function() {
var _0x433d1d = 0x0;
for (var _0x326931 in this) - 0x1 == _0x2fa590.indexOf(_0x326931) && _0x433d1d++;
return _0x433d1d;
'selectFirst': function() {
var _0x433d1d;
for (var _0x326931 in this) - 0x1 == _0x2fa590.indexOf(_0x326931) && (_0x433d1d = this[_0x326931]);
return _0x433d1d;
'getAllParticipants': function(_0x3c84ce) {
var _0x326931 = [];
for (var _0x2aa4ee in this) - 0x1 == _0x2fa590.indexOf(_0x2aa4ee) && _0x2aa4ee != _0x3c84ce && _0x326931.push(_0x2aa4ee);
return _0x326931;
'forEach': function(_0x3602ec) {
this.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(_0x5a1e0f) {
'send': function(_0x5ba79e, _0x17c086) {
var _0x521a09 = this;
if (!_0x3b94ab(_0x5ba79e.size) && !_0x3b94ab(_0x5ba79e.type)) {
if (_0x433d1d.enableFileSharing) return void _0x326931.shareFile(_0x5ba79e, _0x17c086);
'string' != typeof _0x5ba79e && (_0x5ba79e = JSON.stringify(_0x5ba79e));
if ('text' === _0x5ba79e.type || _0x5ba79e instanceof ArrayBuffer || _0x5ba79e instanceof DataView) {
if ('text' === _0x5ba79e.type && (_0x5ba79e = JSON.stringify(_0x5ba79e)), _0x17c086) {
var _0x53f36f = _0x433d1d.peers[_0x17c086];
if (_0x53f36f) return _0x53f36f.channels.length ? void _0x53f36f.channels.forEach(function(_0x157888) {
}) : (_0x433d1d.peers[_0x17c086].createDataChannel(), _0x433d1d.renegotiate(_0x17c086), void setTimeout(function() {
_0x521a09.send(_0x5ba79e, _0x17c086);
}, 0xbb8));
this.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(_0x20abac) {
if (!_0x521a09[_0x20abac].channels.length) return _0x433d1d.peers[_0x20abac].createDataChannel(), _0x433d1d.renegotiate(_0x20abac), void setTimeout(function() {
_0x521a09[_0x20abac].channels.forEach(function(_0x3e199c) {
}, 0xbb8);
_0x521a09[_0x20abac].channels.forEach(function(_0x35ed8c) {
} else _0x21703b.send({
'text': _0x5ba79e,
'channel': this,
'connection': _0x433d1d,
'remoteUserId': _0x17c086
}, this.uuid = _0x433d1d.userid, this.getLocalConfig = function(_0x137423, _0x261ef, _0x2d10e4) {
return _0x2d10e4 || (_0x2d10e4 = {}), {
'streamsToShare': _0x2d10e4.streamsToShare || {},
'rtcMultiConnection': _0x433d1d,
'connectionDescription': _0x2d10e4.connectionDescription,
'userid': _0x261ef,
'localPeerSdpConstraints': _0x2d10e4.localPeerSdpConstraints,
'remotePeerSdpConstraints': _0x2d10e4.remotePeerSdpConstraints,
'dontGetRemoteStream': !!_0x2d10e4.dontGetRemoteStream,
'dontAttachLocalStream': !!_0x2d10e4.dontAttachLocalStream,
'renegotiatingPeer': !!_0x2d10e4.renegotiatingPeer,
'peerRef': _0x2d10e4.peerRef,
'channels': _0x2d10e4.channels || [],
'onLocalSdp': function(_0x44a3ae) {
_0x326931.onNegotiationNeeded(_0x44a3ae, _0x261ef);
'onLocalCandidate': function(_0x405c4b) {
(_0x405c4b = _0x2b9f47.processCandidates(_0x433d1d, _0x405c4b)) && _0x326931.onNegotiationNeeded(_0x405c4b, _0x261ef);
'remoteSdp': _0x137423,
'onDataChannelMessage': function(_0x149155) {
if (!_0x433d1d.fbr && _0x433d1d.enableFileSharing && _0x2aa4ee(), 'string' != typeof _0x149155 && _0x433d1d.enableFileSharing) {
var _0x2d10e4 = this;
_0x149155 instanceof ArrayBuffer || _0x149155 instanceof DataView ? _0x433d1d.fbr.convertToObject(_0x149155, function(_0x2664a9) {
}) : _0x149155.readyForNextChunk ? _0x433d1d.fbr.getNextChunk(_0x149155, function(_0x1453bf, _0x8de0f1) {
_0x433d1d.peers[_0x261ef].channels.forEach(function(_0x5f29e7) {
}, _0x261ef) : _0x149155.chunkMissing ? _0x433d1d.fbr.chunkMissing(_0x149155) : _0x433d1d.fbr.addChunk(_0x149155, function(_0x8e01c9) {
} else _0x326931.onDataChannelMessage(_0x149155, _0x261ef);
'onDataChannelError': function(_0x300f94) {
_0x326931.onDataChannelError(_0x300f94, _0x261ef);
'onDataChannelOpened': function(_0x5919e5) {
_0x326931.onDataChannelOpened(_0x5919e5, _0x261ef);
'onDataChannelClosed': function(_0x37c3b1) {
_0x326931.onDataChannelClosed(_0x37c3b1, _0x261ef);
'onRemoteStream': function(_0x44e333) {
_0x433d1d.peers[_0x261ef] && _0x433d1d.peers[_0x261ef].streams.push(_0x44e333), _0x326931.onGettingRemoteMedia(_0x44e333, _0x261ef);
'onRemoteStreamRemoved': function(_0x1e2862) {
_0x326931.onRemovingRemoteMedia(_0x1e2862, _0x261ef);
'onPeerStateChanged': function(_0x483374) {
_0x326931.onPeerStateChanged(_0x483374), 'new' === _0x483374.iceConnectionState && _0x326931.onNegotiationStarted(_0x261ef, _0x483374), 'connected' === _0x483374.iceConnectionState && _0x326931.onNegotiationCompleted(_0x261ef, _0x483374), -0x1 !== _0x483374.iceConnectionState.search(/closed|failed/gi) && (_0x326931.onUserLeft(_0x261ef), _0x326931.disconnectWith(_0x261ef));
}, this.createNewPeer = function(_0x4f4c1b, _0x54114b) {
if (!(_0x433d1d.maxParticipantsAllowed <= _0x433d1d.getAllParticipants().length)) {
if (_0x54114b = _0x54114b || {}, _0x433d1d.isInitiator && _0x433d1d.session.audio && 'two-way' === _0x433d1d.session.audio && !_0x54114b.streamsToShare && (_0x54114b.isOneWay = !0x1, _0x54114b.isDataOnly = !0x1, _0x54114b.session = _0x433d1d.session), !_0x54114b.isOneWay && !_0x54114b.isDataOnly) return _0x54114b.isOneWay = true, void this.onNegotiationNeeded({
'enableMedia': true,
'userPreferences': _0x54114b
}, _0x4f4c1b);
_0x54114b = _0x433d1d.setUserPreferences(_0x54114b, _0x4f4c1b);
var _0x2aa4ee = this.getLocalConfig(null, _0x4f4c1b, _0x54114b);
_0x433d1d.peers[_0x4f4c1b] = new _0x4c6fdb(_0x2aa4ee);
}, this.createAnsweringPeer = function(_0x432071, _0x5d1056, _0x4e2b15) {
_0x4e2b15 = _0x433d1d.setUserPreferences(_0x4e2b15 || {}, _0x5d1056);
var _0x521a09 = this.getLocalConfig(_0x432071, _0x5d1056, _0x4e2b15);
_0x433d1d.peers[_0x5d1056] = new _0x4c6fdb(_0x521a09);
}, this.renegotiatePeer = function(_0xf6c803, _0x597405, _0x29d9b2) {
if (_0x433d1d.peers[_0xf6c803]) {
_0x597405 || (_0x597405 = {}), _0x597405.renegotiatingPeer = true, _0x597405.peerRef = _0x433d1d.peers[_0xf6c803].peer, _0x597405.channels = _0x433d1d.peers[_0xf6c803].channels;
var _0x521a09 = this.getLocalConfig(_0x29d9b2, _0xf6c803, _0x597405);
_0x433d1d.peers[_0xf6c803] = new _0x4c6fdb(_0x521a09);
} else _0x433d1d.enableLogs && console.error('Peer (' + _0xf6c803 + ') does not exist. Renegotiation skipped.');
}, this.replaceTrack = function(_0x110184, _0x52c3ce, _0x25f6eb) {
if (!_0x433d1d.peers[_0x52c3ce]) throw 'This peer (' + _0x52c3ce + ') does not exist.';
var _0x521a09 = _0x433d1d.peers[_0x52c3ce].peer;
_0x521a09.getSenders && 'function' == typeof _0x521a09.getSenders && _0x521a09.getSenders().length ? _0x521a09.getSenders().forEach(function(_0x96ed5f) {
_0x25f6eb && 'video' === _0x96ed5f.track.kind && (_0x433d1d.peers[_0x52c3ce].peer.lastVideoTrack = _0x96ed5f.track, _0x96ed5f.replaceTrack(_0x110184)), _0x25f6eb || 'audio' !== _0x96ed5f.track.kind || (_0x433d1d.peers[_0x52c3ce].peer.lastAudioTrack = _0x96ed5f.track, _0x96ed5f.replaceTrack(_0x110184));
}) : (console.warn('RTPSender.replaceTrack is NOT supported.'), this.renegotiatePeer(_0x52c3ce));
}, this.onNegotiationNeeded = function(_0x33db7a, _0x5f4a7c) {}, this.addNegotiatedMessage = function(_0x1d484a, _0x448bd9) {
if (_0x1d484a.type && _0x1d484a.sdp) return 'answer' == _0x1d484a.type && _0x433d1d.peers[_0x448bd9] && _0x433d1d.peers[_0x448bd9].addRemoteSdp(_0x1d484a), 'offer' == _0x1d484a.type && (_0x1d484a.renegotiatingPeer ? this.renegotiatePeer(_0x448bd9, null, _0x1d484a) : this.createAnsweringPeer(_0x1d484a, _0x448bd9)), void(_0x433d1d.enableLogs && console.log('Remote peer\x27s sdp:', _0x1d484a.sdp));
if (_0x1d484a.candidate) return _0x433d1d.peers[_0x448bd9] && _0x433d1d.peers[_0x448bd9].addRemoteCandidate(_0x1d484a), void(_0x433d1d.enableLogs && console.log('Remote peer\'s candidate pairs:', _0x1d484a.candidate));
if (_0x1d484a.enableMedia) {
_0x433d1d.session = _0x1d484a.userPreferences.session || _0x433d1d.session, _0x433d1d.session.oneway && _0x433d1d.attachStreams.length && (_0x433d1d.attachStreams = []), _0x1d484a.userPreferences.isDataOnly && _0x433d1d.attachStreams.length && (_0x433d1d.attachStreams.length = []);
var _0x521a09 = {};
_0x433d1d.attachStreams.forEach(function(_0x549219) {
_0x521a09[_0x549219.streamid] = {
'isAudio': !!_0x549219.isAudio,
'isVideo': !!_0x549219.isVideo,
'isScreen': !!_0x549219.isScreen
}), _0x1d484a.userPreferences.streamsToShare = _0x521a09, _0x326931.onNegotiationNeeded({
'readyForOffer': true,
'userPreferences': _0x1d484a.userPreferences
}, _0x448bd9);
_0x1d484a.readyForOffer && _0x433d1d.onReadyForOffer(_0x448bd9, _0x1d484a.userPreferences);
}, this.onGettingRemoteMedia = function(_0x1d2a39, _0x50fcf9) {}, this.onRemovingRemoteMedia = function(_0x2c048b, _0x238637) {}, this.onGettingLocalMedia = function(_0x10860a) {}, this.onLocalMediaError = function(_0x33725e, _0x45b7ee) {
_0x433d1d.onMediaError(_0x33725e, _0x45b7ee);
}, this.shareFile = function(_0x458906, _0x775c6c) {
_0x2aa4ee(), _0x433d1d.fbr.readAsArrayBuffer(_0x458906, function(_0x2c744c) {
var _0x2aa4ee = _0x433d1d.getAllParticipants();
_0x775c6c && (_0x2aa4ee = [_0x775c6c]), _0x2aa4ee.forEach(function(_0x3a9de3) {
_0x433d1d.fbr.getNextChunk(_0x2c744c, function(_0x2b3a4a) {
_0x433d1d.peers[_0x3a9de3].channels.forEach(function(_0x2356aa) {
}, _0x3a9de3);
}, {
'userid': _0x433d1d.userid,
'chunkSize': 'Firefox' === DetectRTC.browser.name ? 0x3a98 : _0x433d1d.chunkSize || 0x0
var _0x521a09 = new _0x342039(_0x433d1d);
this.onDataChannelMessage = function(_0x5f266f, _0x384695) {
_0x521a09.receive(JSON.parse(_0x5f266f), _0x384695, _0x433d1d.peers[_0x384695] ? _0x433d1d.peers[_0x384695].extra : {});
}, this.onDataChannelClosed = function(_0x5448c4, _0x5c5d37) {
_0x5448c4.userid = _0x5c5d37, _0x5448c4.extra = _0x433d1d.peers[_0x5c5d37] ? _0x433d1d.peers[_0x5c5d37].extra : {}, _0x433d1d.onclose(_0x5448c4);
}, this.onDataChannelError = function(_0x2a9d6, _0x55de25) {
_0x2a9d6.userid = _0x55de25, event.extra = _0x433d1d.peers[_0x55de25] ? _0x433d1d.peers[_0x55de25].extra : {}, _0x433d1d.onerror(_0x2a9d6);
}, this.onDataChannelOpened = function(_0x5d5514, _0x255c92) {
_0x433d1d.peers[_0x255c92].channels.length ? _0x433d1d.peers[_0x255c92].channels = [_0x5d5514] : (_0x433d1d.peers[_0x255c92].channels.push(_0x5d5514), _0x433d1d.onopen({
'userid': _0x255c92,
'extra': _0x433d1d.peers[_0x255c92] ? _0x433d1d.peers[_0x255c92].extra : {},
'channel': _0x5d5514
}, this.onPeerStateChanged = function(_0x463911) {
}, this.onNegotiationStarted = function(_0x134c39, _0x554768) {}, this.onNegotiationCompleted = function(_0x40ab4e, _0x24f174) {}, this.getRemoteStreams = function(_0x196151) {
return _0x196151 = _0x196151 || _0x433d1d.peers.getAllParticipants()[0x0], _0x433d1d.peers[_0x196151] ? _0x433d1d.peers[_0x196151].streams : [];
function _0x121233(_0x421b61, _0x4c65b9, _0x1382be) {
if ('undefined' != typeof CustomEvent) {
var _0x21b268 = new CustomEvent(_0x4c65b9, {
'arguments': _0x1382be,
'__exposedProps__': _0x1382be
function _0x57b754(_0x51d3ee, _0x17d2b8) {
_0x17d2b8.stream && _0x17d2b8.stream && _0x17d2b8.stream.addEventListener && (_0x17d2b8.stream.addEventListener('mute', function(_0x20fbf4) {
(_0x20fbf4 = _0x51d3ee.streamEvents[_0x17d2b8.streamid]).session = {
'audio': 'audio' === _0x20fbf4.muteType,
'video': 'video' === _0x20fbf4.muteType
}, _0x51d3ee.onmute(_0x20fbf4);
}, !0x1), _0x17d2b8.stream.addEventListener('unmute', function(_0x5b824c) {
(_0x5b824c = _0x51d3ee.streamEvents[_0x17d2b8.streamid]).session = {
'audio': 'audio' === _0x5b824c.unmuteType,
'video': 'video' === _0x5b824c.unmuteType
}, _0x51d3ee.onunmute(_0x5b824c);
}, !0x1));
function _0x5b8d5d() {
if (window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues && -0x1 === navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari')) {
for (var _0x1056a5 = window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(0x3)), _0x326931 = '', _0x2fa590 = 0x0, _0x21b268 = _0x1056a5.length; _0x2fa590 < _0x21b268; _0x2fa590++) _0x326931 += _0x1056a5[_0x2fa590].toString(0x24);
return _0x326931;
return (Math.random() * new Date().getTime()).toString(0x24).replace(/\./g, '');
function _0x412d65(_0x385896, _0x40a9c8, _0x449aca) {
if (_0x449aca.autoCreateMediaElement) {
var _0x21b268 = !0x1;
_0x2cbba5(_0x385896, 'video').length || _0x385896.isVideo || _0x385896.isScreen || (_0x21b268 = true), 'Firefox' === DetectRTC.browser.name && (_0x449aca.session.video || _0x449aca.session.screen) && (_0x21b268 = !0x1);
var _0x521a09 = document.createElement(_0x21b268 ? 'audio' : 'video');
_0x521a09.srcObject = _0x385896;
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_0x521a09.setAttributeNode(document.createAttribute('autoplay')), _0x521a09.setAttributeNode(document.createAttribute('playsinline')), _0x521a09.setAttributeNode(document.createAttribute('controls'));
} catch (_0x1440db) {
_0x521a09.setAttribute('autoplay', true), _0x521a09.setAttribute('playsinline', true), _0x521a09.setAttribute('controls', true);
if ('Firefox' === DetectRTC.browser.name) {
var _0x5e279f = 'ended';
'oninactive' in _0x521a09 && (_0x5e279f = 'inactive'), _0x521a09.addEventListener(_0x5e279f, function() {
if (currentUserMediaRequest.remove(_0x385896.idInstance), 'local' === _0x385896.type) {
_0x5e279f = 'ended', 'oninactive' in _0x385896 && (_0x5e279f = 'inactive'), _0x25e82e.onSyncNeeded(_0x385896.streamid, _0x5e279f), _0x449aca.attachStreams.forEach(function(_0x30209b, _0x17c711) {
_0x385896.streamid === _0x30209b.streamid && delete _0x449aca.attachStreams[_0x17c711];
var _0x40a9c8 = [];
_0x449aca.attachStreams.forEach(function(_0x2dbc3e) {
_0x2dbc3e && _0x40a9c8.push(_0x2dbc3e);
}), _0x449aca.attachStreams = _0x40a9c8;
var _0x21b268 = _0x449aca.streamEvents[_0x385896.streamid];
if (_0x21b268) return void _0x449aca.onstreamended(_0x21b268);
this.parentNode && this.parentNode.removeChild(this);
}, !0x1);
var _0x2b737d = _0x521a09.play();
if (void 0x0 !== _0x2b737d) {
var _0x1e20a0 = !0x1;
setTimeout(function() {
_0x1e20a0 || (_0x1e20a0 = true, _0x40a9c8(_0x521a09));
}, 0x3e8), _0x2b737d.then(function() {
_0x1e20a0 || (_0x1e20a0 = true, _0x40a9c8(_0x521a09));
}).catch(function(_0x336a06) {
_0x1e20a0 || (_0x1e20a0 = true, _0x40a9c8(_0x521a09));
} else _0x40a9c8(_0x521a09);
} else _0x40a9c8({});
function _0x1cbceb(_0x84132f, _0xd43fb8) {
window.removeEventListener(_0x84132f, _0xd43fb8), window.addEventListener(_0x84132f, _0xd43fb8, !0x1);
function _0xf3acd(_0x3d2706) {
var _0x326931 = [];
return _0x3d2706.forEach(function(_0x1e0ee0) {
_0x1e0ee0 && _0x326931.push(_0x1e0ee0);
}), _0x326931;
function _0x5deab2(_0x58c43e) {
return !_0x58c43e.audio && !_0x58c43e.video && !_0x58c43e.screen && _0x58c43e.data;
function _0x3b94ab(_0x3fc589) {
return void 0x0 === _0x3fc589;
}(_0x3a9045 = void 0x0 !== _0x21b268 ? _0x21b268 : null) && 'undefined' == typeof window && void 0x0 !== _0x21b268 && (_0x21b268.navigator = {
'userAgent': 'Fake/5.0 (FakeOS) AppleWebKit/123 (KHTML, like Gecko) Fake/12.3.4567.89 Fake/123.45',
'getUserMedia': function() {}
}, _0x21b268.console || (_0x21b268.console = {}), void 0x0 === _0x21b268.console.debug && (_0x21b268.console.debug = _0x21b268.console.info = _0x21b268.console.error = _0x21b268.console.log = _0x21b268.console.log || function() {
}), 'undefined' == typeof document && (_0x3a9045.document = {}, document.createElement = document.captureStream = document.mozCaptureStream = function() {
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'getContext': function() {
return _0x1056a5;
'play': function() {},
'pause': function() {},
'drawImage': function() {},
'toDataURL': function() {
return '';
return _0x1056a5;
}, document.addEventListener = document.removeEventListener = _0x3a9045.addEventListener = _0x3a9045.removeEventListener = function() {}, _0x3a9045.HTMLVideoElement = _0x3a9045.HTMLMediaElement = function() {}), void 0x0 === _0x31267b.a && (_0x3a9045.io = function() {
return {
'on': function(_0x5e1368, _0xf87dfc) {
_0xf87dfc = _0xf87dfc || function() {}, 'connect' === _0x5e1368 && _0xf87dfc();
'emit': function(_0x20d335, _0x35266d, _0x4a91e0) {
_0x4a91e0 = _0x4a91e0 || function() {}, 'open-room' !== _0x20d335 && 'join-room' !== _0x20d335 || _0x4a91e0(true, _0x35266d.sessionid, null);
}), 'undefined' == typeof location && (_0x3a9045.location = {
'protocol': 'file:',
'href': '',
'hash': '',
'origin': 'self'
}), 'undefined' == typeof screen && (_0x3a9045.screen = {
'width': 0x0,
'height': 0x0
}), 'undefined' == typeof URL && (_0x3a9045.URL = {
'createObjectURL': function() {
return '';
'revokeObjectURL': function() {
return '';
}), _0x3a9045.window = _0x21b268),
function() {
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if (_0x3f6d71 = 'object' === (void 0x0 === _0x521a09 ? 'undefined' : _0x4ffbab(_0x521a09)) && 'object' === _0x4ffbab(_0x521a09.versions) && _0x521a09.versions.node && !_0x521a09.browser) {
var _0x326931 = _0x521a09.versions.node.toString().replace('v', '');
_0x1056a5 = 'Nodejs/' + _0x326931 + ' (NodeOS) AppleWebKit/' + _0x326931 + ' (KHTML, like Gecko) Nodejs/' + _0x326931 + ' Nodejs/' + _0x326931;
}! function(_0x3f410a) {
'undefined' == typeof window && ('undefined' == typeof window && void 0x0 !== _0x21b268 && (_0x21b268.navigator = {
'userAgent': _0x1056a5,
'getUserMedia': function() {}
}, _0x3f410a.window = _0x21b268), 'undefined' == typeof location && (_0x3f410a.location = {
'protocol': 'file:',
'href': '',
'hash': ''
}), 'undefined' == typeof screen && (_0x3f410a.screen = {
'width': 0x0,
'height': 0x0
}(void 0x0 !== _0x21b268 ? _0x21b268 : window);
var _0xd38ed = window.navigator;
void 0x0 !== _0xd38ed ? (void 0x0 !== _0xd38ed.webkitGetUserMedia && (_0xd38ed.getUserMedia = _0xd38ed.webkitGetUserMedia), void 0x0 !== _0xd38ed.mozGetUserMedia && (_0xd38ed.getUserMedia = _0xd38ed.mozGetUserMedia)) : _0xd38ed = {
'getUserMedia': function() {},
'userAgent': _0x1056a5
var _0x4aed46 = !!/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BB10|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini|Mobile|mobile/i .test(_0xd38ed.userAgent || ''),
_0x4ba312 = !(-0x1 === _0xd38ed.userAgent.indexOf('Edge') || !_0xd38ed.msSaveOrOpenBlob && !_0xd38ed.msSaveBlob),
_0xa57f33 = !!window.opera || _0xd38ed.userAgent.indexOf(' OPR/') >= 0x0,
_0x111853 = void 0x0 !== window.InstallTrigger,
_0x2920ae = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i .test(_0xd38ed.userAgent),
_0x5e24f4 = !!window.chrome && !_0xa57f33,
_0x566860 = 'undefined' != typeof document && !!document.documentMode && !_0x4ba312;
function _0x8a78df(_0x409296, _0x319fb9) {
var _0x2fa590 = 0x0,
_0x21b268 = !0x1,
_0x521a09 = window.setInterval(function() {
_0x409296() && (window.clearInterval(_0x521a09), _0x319fb9(_0x21b268)), _0x2fa590++ > 0x32 && (window.clearInterval(_0x521a09), _0x319fb9(_0x21b268 = true));
}, 0xa);
var _0x25725b = {
'Android': function() {
return _0xd38ed.userAgent.match(/Android/i);
'BlackBerry': function() {
return _0xd38ed.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry|BB10/i);
'iOS': function() {
return _0xd38ed.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i);
'Opera': function() {
return _0xd38ed.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i);
'Windows': function() {
return _0xd38ed.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i);
'any': function() {
return _0x25725b.Android() || _0x25725b.BlackBerry() || _0x25725b.iOS() || _0x25725b.Opera() || _0x25725b.Windows();
'getOsName': function() {
var _0x1056a5 = 'Unknown OS';
return _0x25725b.Android() && (_0x1056a5 = 'Android'), _0x25725b.BlackBerry() && (_0x1056a5 = 'BlackBerry'), _0x25725b.iOS() && (_0x1056a5 = 'iOS'), _0x25725b.Opera() && (_0x1056a5 = 'Opera Mini'), _0x25725b.Windows() && (_0x1056a5 = 'Windows'), _0x1056a5;
var _0xfabbbb = 'Unknown OS',
_0x533b2e = 'Unknown OS Version';
var _0x373254, _0x3c966e, _0x47d25f = function() {
for (var _0x1056a5, _0x326931 = _0xd38ed.appVersion, _0x2fa590 = _0xd38ed.userAgent, _0x21b268 = '-', _0x521a09 = [{
's': 'Windows 10',
'r': /(Windows 10.0|Windows NT 10.0)/
}, {
's': 'Windows 8.1',
'r': /(Windows 8.1|Windows NT 6.3)/
}, {
's': 'Windows 8',
'r': /(Windows 8|Windows NT 6.2)/
}, {
's': 'Windows 7',
'r': /(Windows 7|Windows NT 6.1)/
}, {
's': 'Windows Vista',
'r': /Windows NT 6.0/
}, {
's': 'Windows Server 2003',
'r': /Windows NT 5.2/
}, {
's': 'Windows XP',
'r': /(Windows NT 5.1|Windows XP)/
}, {
's': 'Windows 2000',
'r': /(Windows NT 5.0|Windows 2000)/
}, {
's': 'Windows ME',
'r': /(Win 9x 4.90|Windows ME)/
}, {
's': 'Windows 98',
'r': /(Windows 98|Win98)/
}, {
's': 'Windows 95',
'r': /(Windows 95|Win95|Windows_95)/
}, {
's': 'Windows NT 4.0',
'r': /(Windows NT 4.0|WinNT4.0|WinNT|Windows NT)/
}, {
's': 'Windows CE',
'r': /Windows CE/
}, {
's': 'Windows 3.11',
'r': /Win16/
}, {
's': 'Android',
'r': /Android/
}, {
's': 'Open BSD',
'r': /OpenBSD/
}, {
's': 'Sun OS',
'r': /SunOS/
}, {
's': 'Linux',
'r': /(Linux|X11)/
}, {
's': 'iOS',
'r': /(iPhone|iPad|iPod)/
}, {
's': 'Mac OS X',
'r': /Mac OS X/
}, {
's': 'Mac OS',
'r': /(MacPPC|MacIntel|Mac_PowerPC|Macintosh)/
}, {
's': 'QNX',
'r': /QNX/
}, {
's': 'UNIX',
'r': /UNIX/
}, {
's': 'BeOS',
'r': /BeOS/
}, {
's': 'OS/2',
'r': /OS\/2/
}, {
's': 'Search Bot',
'r': /(nuhk|Googlebot|Yammybot|Openbot|Slurp|MSNBot|Ask Jeeves\/Teoma|ia_archiver)/
}], _0x443861 = 0x0; _0x1056a5 = _0x521a09[_0x443861]; _0x443861++)
if (_0x1056a5.r.test(_0x2fa590)) {
_0x21b268 = _0x1056a5.s;
var _0x434d96 = '-';
switch (/Windows/ .test(_0x21b268) && (/Windows (.*)/ .test(_0x21b268) && (_0x434d96 = /Windows (.*)/ .exec(_0x21b268)[0x1]), _0x21b268 = 'Windows'), _0x21b268) {
case 'Mac OS X':
/Mac OS X (10[\.\_\d]+)/ .test(_0x2fa590) && (_0x434d96 = /Mac OS X (10[\.\_\d]+)/ .exec(_0x2fa590)[0x1]);
case 'Android':
/Android ([\.\_\d]+)/ .test(_0x2fa590) && (_0x434d96 = /Android ([\.\_\d]+)/ .exec(_0x2fa590)[0x1]);
case 'iOS':
/OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/ .test(_0x2fa590) && (_0x434d96 = (_0x434d96 = /OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/ .exec(_0x326931))[0x1] + '.' + _0x434d96[0x2] + '.' + (0x0 | _0x434d96[0x3]));
return {
'osName': _0x21b268,
'osVersion': _0x434d96
_0x47d25f && _0x47d25f.osName && '-' != _0x47d25f.osName ? (_0xfabbbb = _0x47d25f.osName, _0x533b2e = _0x47d25f.osVersion) : _0x25725b.any() && 'Android' == (_0xfabbbb = _0x25725b.getOsName()) && (_0x533b2e = !!(_0x3c966e = (_0x373254 = (_0x373254 || _0xd38ed.userAgent).toLowerCase()).match(/android\s([0-9\.]*)/)) && _0x3c966e[0x1]);
var _0x3f6d71 = 'object' === (void 0x0 === _0x521a09 ? 'undefined' : _0x4ffbab(_0x521a09)) && 'object' === _0x4ffbab(_0x521a09.versions) && _0x521a09.versions.node;
'Unknown OS' === _0xfabbbb && _0x3f6d71 && (_0xfabbbb = 'Nodejs', _0x533b2e = _0x521a09.versions.node.toString().replace('v', ''));
var _0x233149 = !0x1,
_0x467217 = !0x1;
['captureStream', 'mozCaptureStream', 'webkitCaptureStream'].forEach(function(_0x2dba73) {
'undefined' != typeof document && 'function' == typeof document.createElement && (!_0x233149 && _0x2dba73 in document.createElement('canvas') && (_0x233149 = true), !_0x467217 && _0x2dba73 in document.createElement('video') && (_0x467217 = true));
var _0x327730 = /^(192\.168\.|169\.254\.|10\.|172\.(1[6-9]|2\d|3[01]))/,
_0x39bfae = /([0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})/,
_0xe1f7d = /[a-f0-9]{1,4}(:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){7}/;
var _0x37c2dd = [],
_0x47e1c4 = [],
_0x1e709a = [],
_0x536d10 = [];
_0xd38ed.mediaDevices && _0xd38ed.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices && (_0xd38ed.enumerateDevices = function(_0x101328) {
var _0x326931 = _0xd38ed.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
_0x326931 && _0x326931.then ? _0xd38ed.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then(_0x101328).catch(function() {
}) : _0x101328([]);
var _0x1ec78f = !0x1;
void 0x0 !== _0x1d01b4 && 'getSources' in _0x1d01b4 ? _0x1ec78f = true : _0xd38ed.mediaDevices && _0xd38ed.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices && (_0x1ec78f = true);
var _0x1e6405 = !0x1,
_0x20f7ce = !0x1,
_0x528a8d = !0x1,
_0x242003 = !0x1,
_0x1583d5 = !0x1;
function _0x5a290a(_0x5b8353) {
if (_0x1ec78f)
if (!_0xd38ed.enumerateDevices && window.MediaStreamTrack && window.MediaStreamTrack.getSources && (_0xd38ed.enumerateDevices = window.MediaStreamTrack.getSources.bind(window.MediaStreamTrack)), !_0xd38ed.enumerateDevices && _0xd38ed.enumerateDevices && (_0xd38ed.enumerateDevices = _0xd38ed.enumerateDevices.bind(_0xd38ed)), _0xd38ed.enumerateDevices) {
_0x37c2dd = [], _0x47e1c4 = [], _0x1e709a = [], _0x536d10 = [], _0x1e6405 = !0x1, _0x20f7ce = !0x1, _0x528a8d = !0x1, _0x242003 = !0x1, _0x1583d5 = !0x1;
var _0x326931 = {};
_0xd38ed.enumerateDevices(function(_0x11a0f9) {
_0x11a0f9.forEach(function(_0x210fa4) {
var _0x11a0f9 = {};
for (var _0x21b268 in _0x210fa4) try {
'function' != typeof _0x210fa4[_0x21b268] && (_0x11a0f9[_0x21b268] = _0x210fa4[_0x21b268]);
} catch (_0x1914ff) {}
_0x326931[_0x11a0f9.deviceId + _0x11a0f9.label + _0x11a0f9.kind] || ('audio' === _0x11a0f9.kind && (_0x11a0f9.kind = 'audioinput'), 'video' === _0x11a0f9.kind && (_0x11a0f9.kind = 'videoinput'), _0x11a0f9.deviceId || (_0x11a0f9.deviceId = _0x11a0f9.id), _0x11a0f9.id || (_0x11a0f9.id = _0x11a0f9.deviceId), _0x11a0f9.label ? ('videoinput' !== _0x11a0f9.kind || _0x1583d5 || (_0x1583d5 = true), 'audioinput' !== _0x11a0f9.kind || _0x242003 || (_0x242003 = true)) : (_0x11a0f9.isCustomLabel = true, 'videoinput' === _0x11a0f9.kind ? _0x11a0f9.label = 'Camera ' + (_0x536d10.length + 0x1) : 'audioinput' === _0x11a0f9.kind ? _0x11a0f9.label = 'Microphone ' + (_0x47e1c4.length + 0x1) : 'audiooutput' === _0x11a0f9.kind ? _0x11a0f9.label = 'Speaker ' + (_0x1e709a.length + 0x1) : _0x11a0f9.label = 'Please invoke getUserMedia once.', void 0x0 !== _0x444319 && _0x444319.browser.isChrome && _0x444319.browser.version >= 0x2e && !/^(https:|chrome-extension:)$/g .test(location.protocol || '') && 'undefined' != typeof document && 'string' == typeof document.domain && document.domain.search && -0x1 === document.domain.search(/localhost|127.0./g) && (_0x11a0f9.label = 'HTTPs is required to get label of this ' + _0x11a0f9.kind + ' device.')), 'audioinput' === _0x11a0f9.kind && (_0x1e6405 = true, -0x1 === _0x47e1c4.indexOf(_0x11a0f9) && _0x47e1c4.push(_0x11a0f9)), 'audiooutput' === _0x11a0f9.kind && (_0x20f7ce = true, -0x1 === _0x1e709a.indexOf(_0x11a0f9) && _0x1e709a.push(_0x11a0f9)), 'videoinput' === _0x11a0f9.kind && (_0x528a8d = true, -0x1 === _0x536d10.indexOf(_0x11a0f9) && _0x536d10.push(_0x11a0f9)), _0x37c2dd.push(_0x11a0f9), _0x326931[_0x11a0f9.deviceId + _0x11a0f9.label + _0x11a0f9.kind] = _0x11a0f9);
}), void 0x0 !== _0x444319 && (_0x444319.MediaDevices = _0x37c2dd, _0x444319.hasMicrophone = _0x1e6405, _0x444319.hasSpeakers = _0x20f7ce, _0x444319.hasWebcam = _0x528a8d, _0x444319.isWebsiteHasWebcamPermissions = _0x1583d5, _0x444319.isWebsiteHasMicrophonePermissions = _0x242003, _0x444319.audioInputDevices = _0x47e1c4, _0x444319.audioOutputDevices = _0x1e709a, _0x444319.videoInputDevices = _0x536d10), _0x5b8353 && _0x5b8353();
} else _0x5b8353 && _0x5b8353();
else _0x5b8353 && _0x5b8353();
var _0x444319 = window.DetectRTC || {};
_0x444319.browser = function() {
var _0x1056a5, _0x326931, _0x2fa590, _0x21b268 = _0xd38ed.userAgent,
_0x521a09 = _0xd38ed.appName,
_0x441e45 = '' + parseFloat(_0xd38ed.appVersion),
_0x174a5c = parseInt(_0xd38ed.appVersion, 0xa);
if (_0x2920ae && !_0x5e24f4 && -0x1 !== _0x21b268.indexOf('CriOS') && (_0x2920ae = !0x1, _0x5e24f4 = true), _0xa57f33) {
_0x521a09 = 'Opera';
try {
_0x174a5c = (_0x441e45 = _0xd38ed.userAgent.split('OPR/')[0x1].split(' ')[0x0]).split('.')[0x0];
} catch (_0xbb1615) {
_0x441e45 = '', _0x174a5c = 0x0;
} else _0x566860 ? ((_0x326931 = _0x21b268.indexOf('rv:')) > 0x0 ? _0x441e45 = _0x21b268.substring(_0x326931 + 0x3) : (_0x326931 = _0x21b268.indexOf('MSIE'), _0x441e45 = _0x21b268.substring(_0x326931 + 0x5)), _0x521a09 = 'IE') : _0x5e24f4 ? (_0x326931 = _0x21b268.indexOf('Chrome'), _0x521a09 = 'Chrome', _0x441e45 = _0x21b268.substring(_0x326931 + 0x7)) : _0x2920ae ? (_0x326931 = _0x21b268.indexOf('Safari'), _0x521a09 = 'Safari', _0x441e45 = _0x21b268.substring(_0x326931 + 0x7), -0x1 !== (_0x326931 = _0x21b268.indexOf('Version')) && (_0x441e45 = _0x21b268.substring(_0x326931 + 0x8)), -0x1 !== _0xd38ed.userAgent.indexOf('Version/') && (_0x441e45 = _0xd38ed.userAgent.split('Version/')[0x1].split(' ')[0x0])) : _0x111853 ? (_0x326931 = _0x21b268.indexOf('Firefox'), _0x521a09 = 'Firefox', _0x441e45 = _0x21b268.substring(_0x326931 + 0x8)) : (_0x1056a5 = _0x21b268.lastIndexOf(' ') + 0x1) < (_0x326931 = _0x21b268.lastIndexOf('/')) && (_0x521a09 = _0x21b268.substring(_0x1056a5, _0x326931), _0x441e45 = _0x21b268.substring(_0x326931 + 0x1), _0x521a09.toLowerCase() === _0x521a09.toUpperCase() && (_0x521a09 = _0xd38ed.appName));
return _0x4ba312 && (_0x521a09 = 'Edge', _0x441e45 = _0xd38ed.userAgent.split('Edge/')[0x1]), -0x1 !== (_0x2fa590 = _0x441e45.search(/[; \)]/)) && (_0x441e45 = _0x441e45.substring(0x0, _0x2fa590)), _0x174a5c = parseInt('' + _0x441e45, 0xa), isNaN(_0x174a5c) && (_0x441e45 = '' + parseFloat(_0xd38ed.appVersion), _0x174a5c = parseInt(_0xd38ed.appVersion, 0xa)), {
'fullVersion': _0x441e45,
'version': _0x174a5c,
'name': _0x521a09,
'isPrivateBrowsing': !0x1
function(_0xbf5986) {
var _0x326931;
try {
if (window.webkitRequestFileSystem) window.webkitRequestFileSystem(window.TEMPORARY, 0x1, function() {
_0x326931 = !0x1;
}, function(_0x57feb9) {
_0x326931 = true;
else if (window.indexedDB && /Firefox/ .test(window.navigator.userAgent)) {
var _0x2fa590;
try {
(_0x2fa590 = window.indexedDB.open('test')).onerror = function() {
return true;
} catch (_0xe0bac4) {
_0x326931 = true;
void 0x0 === _0x326931 && _0x8a78df(function() {
return 'done' === _0x2fa590.readyState;
}, function(_0x236923) {
_0x236923 || (_0x326931 = !_0x2fa590.result);
} else if (function(_0x8e13f) {
var _0x326931 = _0x8e13f.toLowerCase();
if (0x0 === _0x326931.indexOf('msie') && 0x0 === _0x326931.indexOf('trident')) return !0x1;
var _0x2fa590 = /(?:msie|rv:)\s?([\d\.]+)/ .exec(_0x326931);
return !!(_0x2fa590 && parseInt(_0x2fa590[0x1], 0xa) >= 0xa);
}(window.navigator.userAgent)) {
_0x326931 = !0x1;
try {
window.indexedDB || (_0x326931 = true);
} catch (_0x4d0f1c) {
_0x326931 = true;
} else if (window.localStorage && /Safari/ .test(window.navigator.userAgent)) {
try {
window.localStorage.setItem('test', 0x1);
} catch (_0x217100) {
_0x326931 = true;
void 0x0 === _0x326931 && (_0x326931 = !0x1, window.localStorage.removeItem('test'));
} catch (_0x54458d) {
_0x326931 = !0x1;
_0x8a78df(function() {
return void 0x0 !== _0x326931;
}, function(_0x139aa5) {
}(function(_0x82ccf2) {
_0x444319.browser.isPrivateBrowsing = !!_0x82ccf2;
}), _0x444319.browser['is' + _0x444319.browser.name] = true, _0x444319.osName = _0xfabbbb, _0x444319.osVersion = _0x533b2e;
'object' === (void 0x0 === _0x521a09 ? 'undefined' : _0x4ffbab(_0x521a09)) && 'object' === _0x4ffbab(_0x521a09.versions) && _0x521a09.versions['node-webkit'];
var _0xb774b1 = !0x1;
['RTCPeerConnection', 'webkitRTCPeerConnection', 'mozRTCPeerConnection', 'RTCIceGatherer'].forEach(function(_0x1a220e) {
_0xb774b1 || _0x1a220e in window && (_0xb774b1 = true);
}), _0x444319.isWebRTCSupported = _0xb774b1, _0x444319.isORTCSupported = 'undefined' != typeof RTCIceGatherer;
var _0x20eef3 = !0x1;
(_0x444319.browser.isChrome && _0x444319.browser.version >= 0x23 ? _0x20eef3 = true : _0x444319.browser.isFirefox && _0x444319.browser.version >= 0x22 ? _0x20eef3 = true : _0x444319.browser.isEdge && _0x444319.browser.version >= 0x11 ? _0x20eef3 = true : 'Android' === _0x444319.osName && _0x444319.browser.isChrome && (_0x20eef3 = true), /^(https:|chrome-extension:)$/g .test(location.protocol || '')) || ('undefined' != typeof document && 'string' == typeof document.domain && document.domain.search && -0x1 === document.domain.search(/localhost|127.0./g) && (_0x444319.browser.isChrome || _0x444319.browser.isEdge || _0x444319.browser.isOpera) ? _0x20eef3 = !0x1 : _0x444319.browser.isFirefox && (_0x20eef3 = !0x1));
_0x444319.isScreenCapturingSupported = _0x20eef3;
var _0x41f5bd = {
'isSupported': !0x1,
'isCreateMediaStreamSourceSupported': !0x1
['AudioContext', 'webkitAudioContext', 'mozAudioContext', 'msAudioContext'].forEach(function(_0x6f8ee8) {
_0x41f5bd.isSupported || _0x6f8ee8 in window && (_0x41f5bd.isSupported = true, window[_0x6f8ee8] && 'createMediaStreamSource' in window[_0x6f8ee8].prototype && (_0x41f5bd.isCreateMediaStreamSourceSupported = true));
}), _0x444319.isAudioContextSupported = _0x41f5bd.isSupported, _0x444319.isCreateMediaStreamSourceSupported = _0x41f5bd.isCreateMediaStreamSourceSupported;
var _0x3c8f54 = !0x1;
_0x444319.browser.isChrome && _0x444319.browser.version > 0x1f && (_0x3c8f54 = true), _0x444319.isRtpDataChannelsSupported = _0x3c8f54;
var _0x4e0543 = !0x1;
_0x444319.browser.isFirefox && _0x444319.browser.version > 0x1c ? _0x4e0543 = true : _0x444319.browser.isChrome && _0x444319.browser.version > 0x19 ? _0x4e0543 = true : _0x444319.browser.isOpera && _0x444319.browser.version >= 0xb && (_0x4e0543 = true), _0x444319.isSctpDataChannelsSupported = _0x4e0543, _0x444319.isMobileDevice = _0x4aed46;
var _0x27c37d = !0x1;
_0xd38ed.getUserMedia ? _0x27c37d = true : _0xd38ed.mediaDevices && _0xd38ed.mediaDevices.getUserMedia && (_0x27c37d = true), _0x444319.browser.isChrome && _0x444319.browser.version >= 0x2e && !/^(https:|chrome-extension:)$/g .test(location.protocol || '') && 'undefined' != typeof document && 'string' == typeof document.domain && document.domain.search && -0x1 === document.domain.search(/localhost|127.0./g) && (_0x27c37d = 'Requires HTTPs'), 'Nodejs' === _0x444319.osName && (_0x27c37d = !0x1), _0x444319.isGetUserMediaSupported = _0x27c37d;
var _0x5d3017, _0x4c1193, _0x5997d1, _0x4bd937 = '';
screen.width && (_0x4bd937 += (screen.width ? screen.width : '') + ' x ' + (screen.height ? screen.height : ''));
_0x444319.displayResolution = _0x4bd937, _0x444319.displayAspectRatio = (_0x5d3017 = screen.width, _0x4c1193 = screen.height, _0x5997d1 = function _0x1056a5(_0x9f77a2, _0x157ff4) {
return 0x0 == _0x157ff4 ? _0x9f77a2 : _0x1056a5(_0x157ff4, _0x9f77a2 % _0x157ff4);
}(_0x5d3017, _0x4c1193), _0x5d3017 / _0x5997d1 / (_0x4c1193 / _0x5997d1)).toFixed(0x2), _0x444319.isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing = _0x233149, _0x444319.isVideoSupportsStreamCapturing = _0x467217, 'Chrome' == _0x444319.browser.name && _0x444319.browser.version >= 0x35 && (_0x444319.isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing || (_0x444319.isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing = 'Requires chrome flag: enable-experimental-web-platform-features'), _0x444319.isVideoSupportsStreamCapturing || (_0x444319.isVideoSupportsStreamCapturing = 'Requires chrome flag: enable-experimental-web-platform-features')), _0x444319.DetectLocalIPAddress = function(_0x527d6a, _0x3e6338) {
if (_0x444319.isWebRTCSupported) {
var _0x2fa590 = true,
_0x21b268 = true;
! function(_0x169ed4, _0x457465) {
if ('undefined' == typeof document || 'function' != typeof document.getElementById) return;
var _0x2fa590 = {},
_0x21b268 = window.RTCPeerConnection || window.mozRTCPeerConnection || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection;
if (!_0x21b268) {
var _0x521a09 = document.getElementById('iframe');
if (!_0x521a09) return;
var _0x57dce2 = _0x521a09.contentWindow;
_0x21b268 = _0x57dce2.RTCPeerConnection || _0x57dce2.mozRTCPeerConnection || _0x57dce2.webkitRTCPeerConnection;
if (!_0x21b268) return;
var _0x1ebe24 = null;
'Chrome' === _0x444319.browser && _0x444319.browser.version < 0x3a && (_0x1ebe24 = {
'optional': [{
'RtpDataChannels': true
var _0x355289 = new _0x21b268({
'iceServers': [{
'urls': 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'
}, _0x1ebe24);
_0x457465 && (_0x355289.addStream ? _0x355289.addStream(_0x457465) : _0x355289.addTrack && _0x457465.getTracks()[0x0] && _0x355289.addTrack(_0x457465.getTracks()[0x0], _0x457465));
function _0x367cf9(_0x23abd1) {
var _0x21b268 = _0x39bfae.exec(_0x23abd1);
if (_0x21b268) {
var _0x521a09 = _0x21b268[0x1],
_0x2faf0b = _0x23abd1.match(_0x327730);
void 0x0 === _0x2fa590[_0x521a09] && _0x169ed4(_0x521a09, _0x2faf0b, true), _0x2fa590[_0x521a09] = true;
if (_0x355289.onicecandidate = function(_0xd7031e) {
_0xd7031e.candidate && _0x367cf9(_0xd7031e.candidate.candidate);
}, !_0x457465) try {
_0x355289.createDataChannel('sctp', {});
} catch (_0x1edf47) {}
_0x444319.isPromisesSupported ? _0x355289.createOffer().then(function(_0xedec09) {
}) : _0x355289.createOffer(function(_0xf8592b) {
_0x355289.setLocalDescription(_0xf8592b, _0x45699b, function() {});
}, function() {});
function _0x45699b() {
_0x355289.localDescription.sdp.split('\n').forEach(function(_0x4e78ca) {
0x0 === _0x4e78ca.indexOf('a=candidate:') && _0x367cf9(_0x4e78ca);
}(function(_0x2a2630) {
_0x2a2630.match(_0x327730) ? _0x527d6a('Local: ' + _0x2a2630, _0x2fa590 = !0x1, _0x21b268) : _0x2a2630.match(_0xe1f7d) ? _0x527d6a('Public: ' + _0x2a2630, _0x2fa590, _0x21b268 = !0x1) : _0x527d6a('Public: ' + _0x2a2630, _0x2fa590, _0x21b268);
}, _0x3e6338);
}, _0x444319.isWebSocketsSupported = 'WebSocket' in window && 0x2 === window.WebSocket.CLOSING, _0x444319.isWebSocketsBlocked = !_0x444319.isWebSocketsSupported, 'Nodejs' === _0x444319.osName && (_0x444319.isWebSocketsSupported = true, _0x444319.isWebSocketsBlocked = !0x1), _0x444319.checkWebSocketsSupport = function(_0x1102a1) {
_0x1102a1 = _0x1102a1 || function() {};
try {
var _0x326931, _0x2fa590 = new WebSocket('wss://echo.websocket.org:443/');
_0x2fa590.onopen = function() {
_0x444319.isWebSocketsBlocked = !0x1, _0x326931 = new Date().getTime(), _0x2fa590.send('ping');
}, _0x2fa590.onmessage = function() {
_0x444319.WebsocketLatency = new Date().getTime() - _0x326931 + 'ms', _0x1102a1(), _0x2fa590.close(), _0x2fa590 = null;
}, _0x2fa590.onerror = function() {
_0x444319.isWebSocketsBlocked = true, _0x1102a1();
} catch (_0x11ac18) {
_0x444319.isWebSocketsBlocked = true, _0x1102a1();
}, _0x444319.load = function(_0x83e5e9) {
_0x5a290a(_0x83e5e9 = _0x83e5e9 || function() {});
}, _0x444319.MediaDevices = void 0x0 !== _0x37c2dd ? _0x37c2dd : [], _0x444319.hasMicrophone = _0x1e6405, _0x444319.hasSpeakers = _0x20f7ce, _0x444319.hasWebcam = _0x528a8d, _0x444319.isWebsiteHasWebcamPermissions = _0x1583d5, _0x444319.isWebsiteHasMicrophonePermissions = _0x242003, _0x444319.audioInputDevices = _0x47e1c4, _0x444319.audioOutputDevices = _0x1e709a, _0x444319.videoInputDevices = _0x536d10;
var _0x5da020 = !0x1;
'undefined' != typeof document && 'function' == typeof document.createElement && 'setSinkId' in document.createElement('video') && (_0x5da020 = true), _0x444319.isSetSinkIdSupported = _0x5da020;
var _0x1b0b81 = !0x1;
_0x444319.browser.isFirefox && 'undefined' != typeof mozRTCPeerConnection ? 'getSenders' in mozRTCPeerConnection.prototype && (_0x1b0b81 = true) : _0x444319.browser.isChrome && 'undefined' != typeof webkitRTCPeerConnection && 'getSenders' in webkitRTCPeerConnection.prototype && (_0x1b0b81 = true), _0x444319.isRTPSenderReplaceTracksSupported = _0x1b0b81;
var _0x83ded = !0x1;
_0x444319.browser.isFirefox && _0x444319.browser.version > 0x26 && (_0x83ded = true), _0x444319.isRemoteStreamProcessingSupported = _0x83ded;
var _0x51520c = !0x1;
void 0x0 !== _0x1d01b4 && 'applyConstraints' in _0x1d01b4.prototype && (_0x51520c = true), _0x444319.isApplyConstraintsSupported = _0x51520c;
var _0x298a09 = !0x1;
_0x444319.browser.isFirefox && _0x444319.browser.version >= 0x2b && (_0x298a09 = true), _0x444319.isMultiMonitorScreenCapturingSupported = _0x298a09, _0x444319.isPromisesSupported = !!('Promise' in window), _0x444319.version = '1.3.7', void 0x0 === _0x444319 && (window.DetectRTC = {});
var _0x187d8a = window.MediaStream;
void 0x0 === _0x187d8a && 'undefined' != typeof webkitMediaStream && (_0x187d8a = webkitMediaStream), _0x444319.MediaStream = void 0x0 !== _0x187d8a && 'function' == typeof _0x187d8a && Object.keys(_0x187d8a.prototype), _0x444319.MediaStreamTrack = void 0x0 !== _0x1d01b4 && Object.keys(_0x1d01b4.prototype);
var _0x5898a3 = window.RTCPeerConnection || window.mozRTCPeerConnection || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection;
_0x444319.RTCPeerConnection = void 0x0 !== _0x5898a3 && Object.keys(_0x5898a3.prototype), window.DetectRTC = _0x444319, 'function' == typeof define && _0x2fa590(0x90) && define('DetectRTC', [], function() {
return _0x444319;
}(), 'undefined' != typeof cordova && (DetectRTC.isMobileDevice = true, DetectRTC.browser.name = 'Chrome'), navigator && navigator.userAgent && -0x1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Crosswalk') && (DetectRTC.isMobileDevice = true, DetectRTC.browser.name = 'Chrome'), window.addEventListener || (window.addEventListener = function(_0x1e341e, _0x410d8a, _0x164ba3) {
_0x1e341e.attachEvent && _0x1e341e.attachEvent('on' + _0x410d8a, _0x164ba3);
}), window.attachEventListener = function(_0x28f783, _0xf32336, _0x5ddd69, _0x1e62b3) {
_0x28f783.addEventListener(_0xf32336, _0x5ddd69, _0x1e62b3);
var _0x1d809b = window.MediaStream;
function _0x93df62(_0x128905, _0x2d6fa0) {
return (!_0x128905.session.audio || 'two-way' !== _0x128905.session.audio) && ('Firefox' === DetectRTC.browser.name && !0x1 !== _0x2d6fa0 || !('Chrome' !== DetectRTC.browser.name || DetectRTC.browser.version < 0x32) && (true === typeof _0x2d6fa0 || !(void 0x0 !== _0x2d6fa0 || !_0x128905.session.audio || !_0x128905.session.screen || _0x128905.session.video) && (_0x2d6fa0 = true, true)));
function _0x405170(_0x53fd0a) {
return 'Firefox' === DetectRTC.browser.name || 'Chrome' === DetectRTC.browser.name && {
'mandatory': {
'chromeMediaSource': _0x53fd0a.mandatory.chromeMediaSource,
'chromeMediaSourceId': _0x53fd0a.mandatory.chromeMediaSourceId
function _0x2cbba5(_0x5f06c5, _0x3f8518) {
return _0x5f06c5 && _0x5f06c5.getTracks ? _0x5f06c5.getTracks().filter(function(_0x12aae8) {
return _0x12aae8.kind === (_0x3f8518 || 'audio');
}) : [];
function _0x5407aa() {
var _0x1056a5 = !0x1;
try {
if ('undefined' == typeof RTCRtpTransceiver) return !0x1;
if (!('currentDirection' in RTCRtpTransceiver.prototype)) return !0x1;
var _0x326931 = new _0x2a4be1();
try {
_0x326931.addTransceiver('audio'), _0x1056a5 = true;
} catch (_0x365290) {}
} catch (_0x4e12a1) {
_0x1056a5 = !0x1;
return _0x1056a5 && function() {
var _0x1056a5 = !0x1;
try {
var _0x326931 = new _0x2a4be1({
'sdpSemantics': 'unified-plan'
try {
var _0x2fa590 = _0x326931.getConfiguration();
_0x1056a5 = 'unified-plan' == _0x2fa590.sdpSemantics || (_0x2fa590.sdpSemantics, !0x1);
} catch (_0x1ddaa9) {
_0x1056a5 = !0x1;
} catch (_0x30213a) {
_0x1056a5 = !0x1;
return _0x1056a5;
function _0x2eda5b() {
if ('undefined' != typeof cordova && void 0x0 !== cordova.plugins && void 0x0 !== cordova.plugins.iosrtc) {
var _0x1056a5 = cordova.plugins.iosrtc;
window.webkitRTCPeerConnection = _0x1056a5.RTCPeerConnection, window.RTCSessionDescription = _0x1056a5.RTCSessionDescription, window.RTCIceCandidate = _0x1056a5.RTCIceCandidate, window.MediaStream = _0x1056a5.MediaStream, window.MediaStreamTrack = _0x1056a5.MediaStreamTrack, navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.webkitGetUserMedia = _0x1056a5.getUserMedia, _0x1056a5.debug.enable('iosrtc*'), 'function' == typeof _0x1056a5.selectAudioOutput && _0x1056a5.selectAudioOutput(window.iOSDefaultAudioOutputDevice || 'speaker'), _0x1056a5.registerGlobals();
void 0x0 === _0x1d809b && 'undefined' != typeof webkitMediaStream && (_0x1d809b = webkitMediaStream), void 0x0 !== _0x1d809b && ('stop' in _0x1d809b.prototype || (_0x1d809b.prototype.stop = function() {
this.getTracks().forEach(function(_0x484c2d) {
})), window.iOSDefaultAudioOutputDevice = window.iOSDefaultAudioOutputDevice || 'speaker', document.addEventListener('deviceready', _0x2eda5b, !0x1), _0x2eda5b();
var _0x2a4be1, _0x394dad = {};
function _0xe7bfb2(_0x5b2014) {
return {
'OfferToReceiveAudio': !!_0x5b2014.OfferToReceiveAudio,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': !!_0x5b2014.OfferToReceiveVideo
void 0x0 !== window.RTCPeerConnection ? _0x2a4be1 = window.RTCPeerConnection : 'undefined' != typeof mozRTCPeerConnection ? _0x2a4be1 = mozRTCPeerConnection : 'undefined' != typeof webkitRTCPeerConnection && (_0x2a4be1 = webkitRTCPeerConnection);
var _0x28d3c1 = window.RTCSessionDescription || window.mozRTCSessionDescription,
_0x437c06 = window.RTCIceCandidate || window.mozRTCIceCandidate,
_0x1d01b4 = window.MediaStreamTrack;
function _0x4c6fdb(_0xeb3993) {
if (void 0x0 !== window.RTCPeerConnection ? _0x2a4be1 = window.RTCPeerConnection : 'undefined' != typeof mozRTCPeerConnection ? _0x2a4be1 = mozRTCPeerConnection : 'undefined' != typeof webkitRTCPeerConnection && (_0x2a4be1 = webkitRTCPeerConnection), _0x28d3c1 = window.RTCSessionDescription || window.mozRTCSessionDescription, _0x437c06 = window.RTCIceCandidate || window.mozRTCIceCandidate, _0x1d01b4 = window.MediaStreamTrack, !_0x2a4be1) throw 'WebRTC 1.0 (RTCPeerConnection) API are NOT available in this browser.';
var _0x326931 = _0xeb3993.rtcMultiConnection;
this.extra = _0xeb3993.remoteSdp ? _0xeb3993.remoteSdp.extra : _0x326931.extra, this.userid = _0xeb3993.userid, this.streams = [], this.channels = _0xeb3993.channels || [], this.connectionDescription = _0xeb3993.connectionDescription, this.addStream = function(_0x500ec1) {
_0x326931.addStream(_0x500ec1, _0x2fa590.userid);
}, this.removeStream = function(_0x1bebfb) {
_0x326931.removeStream(_0x1bebfb, _0x2fa590.userid);
var _0x2fa590 = this;
_0xeb3993.remoteSdp && (this.connectionDescription = _0xeb3993.remoteSdp.connectionDescription);
var _0x21b268, _0x521a09 = {};
_0x394dad.sdpConstraints = _0xe7bfb2({
'OfferToReceiveAudio': true,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': true
var _0x53652f = !!_0xeb3993.renegotiatingPeer;
_0xeb3993.remoteSdp && (_0x53652f = !!_0xeb3993.remoteSdp.renegotiatingPeer);
var _0x5aa3f5 = [];
if (_0x326931.attachStreams.forEach(function(_0x37ab43) {
_0x37ab43 && _0x5aa3f5.push(_0x37ab43);
}), _0x53652f) _0x21b268 = _0xeb3993.peerRef;
else {
var _0x3802e4 = 'all';
(_0x326931.candidates.turn || _0x326931.candidates.relay) && (_0x326931.candidates.stun || _0x326931.candidates.reflexive || _0x326931.candidates.host || (_0x3802e4 = 'relay'));
try {
var _0xa206a4 = {
'iceServers': _0x326931.iceServers,
'iceTransportPolicy': _0x326931.iceTransportPolicy || _0x3802e4
void 0x0 !== _0x326931.iceCandidatePoolSize && (_0xa206a4.iceCandidatePoolSize = _0x326931.iceCandidatePoolSize), void 0x0 !== _0x326931.bundlePolicy && (_0xa206a4.bundlePolicy = _0x326931.bundlePolicy), void 0x0 !== _0x326931.rtcpMuxPolicy && (_0xa206a4.rtcpMuxPolicy = _0x326931.rtcpMuxPolicy), 'Chrome' === DetectRTC.browser.name && (_0xa206a4.sdpSemantics = _0x326931.sdpSemantics || 'unified-plan'), _0x326931.iceServers && _0x326931.iceServers.length || (_0xa206a4 = null, _0x326931.optionalArgument = null), _0x21b268 = new _0x2a4be1(_0xa206a4, _0x326931.optionalArgument);
} catch (_0x2cdc2c) {
try {
_0xa206a4 = {
'iceServers': _0x326931.iceServers
_0x21b268 = new _0x2a4be1(_0xa206a4);
} catch (_0x1cd6f4) {
_0x21b268 = new _0x2a4be1();
}!_0x21b268.getRemoteStreams && _0x21b268.getReceivers && (_0x21b268.getRemoteStreams = function() {
var _0xeb3993 = new _0x1d809b();
return _0x21b268.getReceivers().forEach(function(_0x210865) {
}), [_0xeb3993];
}), !_0x21b268.getLocalStreams && _0x21b268.getSenders && (_0x21b268.getLocalStreams = function() {
var _0xeb3993 = new _0x1d809b();
return _0x21b268.getSenders().forEach(function(_0x4bc1bd) {
}), [_0xeb3993];
}), _0x21b268.onicecandidate = function(_0x345d0e) {
if (_0x345d0e.candidate) _0x326931.trickleIce && _0xeb3993.onLocalCandidate({
'candidate': _0x345d0e.candidate.candidate,
'sdpMid': _0x345d0e.candidate.sdpMid,
'sdpMLineIndex': _0x345d0e.candidate.sdpMLineIndex
else if (!_0x326931.trickleIce) {
var _0x5cad6b = _0x21b268.localDescription;
'type': _0x5cad6b.type,
'sdp': _0x5cad6b.sdp,
'remotePeerSdpConstraints': _0xeb3993.remotePeerSdpConstraints || !0x1,
'renegotiatingPeer': !!_0xeb3993.renegotiatingPeer || !0x1,
'connectionDescription': _0x2fa590.connectionDescription,
'dontGetRemoteStream': !!_0xeb3993.dontGetRemoteStream,
'extra': _0x326931 ? _0x326931.extra : {},
'streamsToShare': _0x5ed0e1
}, _0x5aa3f5.forEach(function(_0x20e839) {
_0xeb3993.remoteSdp && _0xeb3993.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints && _0xeb3993.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints.dontGetRemoteStream || _0xeb3993.dontAttachLocalStream || (_0x20e839 = _0x326931.beforeAddingStream(_0x20e839, _0x2fa590)) && (_0x21b268.getLocalStreams().forEach(function(_0x37c67d) {
_0x20e839 && _0x37c67d.id == _0x20e839.id && (_0x20e839 = null);
}), _0x20e839 && _0x20e839.getTracks && _0x20e839.getTracks().forEach(function(_0x891f5b) {
try {
_0x21b268.addTrack(_0x891f5b, _0x20e839);
} catch (_0x13e107) {}
}), _0x21b268.oniceconnectionstatechange = _0x21b268.onsignalingstatechange = function() {
var _0x521a09 = _0x2fa590.extra;
_0x326931.peers[_0x2fa590.userid] && (_0x521a09 = _0x326931.peers[_0x2fa590.userid].extra || _0x521a09), _0x21b268 && (_0xeb3993.onPeerStateChanged({
'iceConnectionState': _0x21b268.iceConnectionState,
'iceGatheringState': _0x21b268.iceGatheringState,
'signalingState': _0x21b268.signalingState,
'extra': _0x521a09,
'userid': _0x2fa590.userid
}), _0x21b268 && _0x21b268.iceConnectionState && -0x1 !== _0x21b268.iceConnectionState.search(/closed|failed/gi) && _0x2fa590.streams instanceof Array && _0x2fa590.streams.forEach(function(_0x5d55e7) {
var _0x2fa590 = _0x326931.streamEvents[_0x5d55e7.id] || {
'streamid': _0x5d55e7.id,
'stream': _0x5d55e7,
'type': 'remote'
var _0x57365f = {
'OfferToReceiveAudio': !!_0x5aa3f5.length,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': !!_0x5aa3f5.length
_0xeb3993.localPeerSdpConstraints && (_0x57365f = _0xeb3993.localPeerSdpConstraints), _0x394dad.sdpConstraints = _0xe7bfb2(_0x57365f);
var _0x7e19c5 = {};
_0x21b268.ontrack = function(_0x5f3745) {
if (_0x5f3745 && 'track' === _0x5f3745.type)
if (_0x5f3745.stream = _0x5f3745.streams[_0x5f3745.streams.length - 0x1], _0x5f3745.stream.id || (_0x5f3745.stream.id = _0x5f3745.track.id), _0x7e19c5[_0x5f3745.stream.id] && 'Safari' !== DetectRTC.browser.name) _0x5f3745.track && (_0x5f3745.track.onended = function() {
else {
_0x7e19c5[_0x5f3745.stream.id] = _0x5f3745.stream.id;
var _0x2fa590 = {};
_0xeb3993.remoteSdp && _0xeb3993.remoteSdp.streamsToShare ? _0x2fa590 = _0xeb3993.remoteSdp.streamsToShare : _0xeb3993.streamsToShare && (_0x2fa590 = _0xeb3993.streamsToShare);
var _0x3dbe04 = _0x2fa590[_0x5f3745.stream.id];
_0x3dbe04 ? (_0x5f3745.stream.isAudio = _0x3dbe04.isAudio, _0x5f3745.stream.isVideo = _0x3dbe04.isVideo, _0x5f3745.stream.isScreen = _0x3dbe04.isScreen) : (_0x5f3745.stream.isVideo = !!_0x2cbba5(_0x5f3745.stream, 'video').length, _0x5f3745.stream.isAudio = !_0x5f3745.stream.isVideo, _0x5f3745.stream.isScreen = !0x1), _0x5f3745.stream.streamid = _0x5f3745.stream.id, _0x521a09[_0x5f3745.stream.id] = _0x5f3745.stream, _0xeb3993.onRemoteStream(_0x5f3745.stream), _0x5f3745.stream.getTracks().forEach(function(_0x4eaf37) {
_0x4eaf37.onended = function() {
}), _0x5f3745.stream.onremovetrack = function() {
}, _0x21b268.onremovestream = function(_0x5131d7) {
_0x5131d7.stream.streamid = _0x5131d7.stream.id, _0x521a09[_0x5131d7.stream.id] && delete _0x521a09[_0x5131d7.stream.id], _0xeb3993.onRemoteStreamRemoved(_0x5131d7.stream);
}, 'function' != typeof _0x21b268.removeStream && (_0x21b268.removeStream = function(_0x659c28) {
_0x659c28.getTracks().forEach(function(_0x592b51) {
_0x21b268.removeTrack(_0x592b51, _0x659c28);
}), this.addRemoteCandidate = function(_0x3baf5e) {
_0x21b268.addIceCandidate(new _0x437c06(_0x3baf5e));
}, this.addRemoteSdp = function(_0x5132c2, _0x2483a6) {
_0x2483a6 = _0x2483a6 || function() {}, 'Safari' !== DetectRTC.browser.name && (_0x5132c2.sdp = _0x326931.processSdp(_0x5132c2.sdp)), _0x21b268.setRemoteDescription(new _0x28d3c1(_0x5132c2)).then(_0x2483a6, function(_0xe5feda) {
_0x326931.enableLogs && console.error('setRemoteDescription failed', '\n', _0xe5feda, '\n', _0x5132c2.sdp), _0x2483a6();
}).catch(function(_0x3f508b) {
_0x326931.enableLogs && console.error('setRemoteDescription failed', '\n', _0x3f508b, '\n', _0x5132c2.sdp), _0x2483a6();
var _0x2c7e5e = true;
function _0x2e887d(_0xfe9b95) {
_0xfe9b95.binaryType = 'arraybuffer', _0xfe9b95.onmessage = function(_0x4397bd) {
}, _0xfe9b95.onopen = function() {
}, _0xfe9b95.onerror = function(_0xa12ba0) {
}, _0xfe9b95.onclose = function(_0x30e29d) {
}, _0xfe9b95.internalSend = _0xfe9b95.send, _0xfe9b95.send = function(_0x2c62da) {
'open' === _0xfe9b95.readyState && _0xfe9b95.internalSend(_0x2c62da);
}, _0x21b268.channel = _0xfe9b95;
_0xeb3993.remoteSdp && (_0x2c7e5e = !0x1), this.createDataChannel = function() {
_0x2e887d(_0x21b268.createDataChannel('sctp', {}));
}, true !== _0x326931.session.data || _0x53652f || (_0x2c7e5e ? this.createDataChannel() : _0x21b268.ondatachannel = function(_0x4c5e51) {
}), this.enableDisableVideoEncoding = function(_0x3d2379) {
var _0x326931;
if (_0x21b268.getSenders().forEach(function(_0x4212ea) {
_0x326931 || 'video' !== _0x4212ea.track.kind || (_0x326931 = _0x4212ea);
}), _0x326931 && _0x326931.getParameters) {
var _0x2fa590 = _0x326931.getParameters();
_0x2fa590.encodings[0x1] && (_0x2fa590.encodings[0x1].active = !!_0x3d2379), _0x2fa590.encodings[0x2] && (_0x2fa590.encodings[0x2].active = !!_0x3d2379), _0x326931.setParameters(_0x2fa590);
}, _0xeb3993.remoteSdp && (_0xeb3993.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints && (_0x57365f = _0xeb3993.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints), _0x394dad.sdpConstraints = _0xe7bfb2(_0x57365f), this.addRemoteSdp(_0xeb3993.remoteSdp, function() {
})), 'two-way' != _0x326931.session.audio && 'two-way' != _0x326931.session.video && 'two-way' != _0x326931.session.screen || (_0x394dad.sdpConstraints = _0xe7bfb2({
'OfferToReceiveAudio': 'two-way' == _0x326931.session.audio || _0xeb3993.remoteSdp && _0xeb3993.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints && _0xeb3993.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints.OfferToReceiveAudio,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': 'two-way' == _0x326931.session.video || 'two-way' == _0x326931.session.screen || _0xeb3993.remoteSdp && _0xeb3993.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints && _0xeb3993.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints.OfferToReceiveAudio
var _0x5ed0e1 = {};
function _0x308f2d(_0x41a457) {
_0x21b268[_0x41a457](_0x394dad.sdpConstraints).then(function(_0x2f9b8b) {
'Safari' !== DetectRTC.browser.name && (_0x2f9b8b.sdp = _0x326931.processSdp(_0x2f9b8b.sdp)), _0x21b268.setLocalDescription(_0x2f9b8b).then(function() {
_0x326931.trickleIce && (_0xeb3993.onLocalSdp({
'type': _0x2f9b8b.type,
'sdp': _0x2f9b8b.sdp,
'remotePeerSdpConstraints': _0xeb3993.remotePeerSdpConstraints || !0x1,
'renegotiatingPeer': !!_0xeb3993.renegotiatingPeer || !0x1,
'connectionDescription': _0x2fa590.connectionDescription,
'dontGetRemoteStream': !!_0xeb3993.dontGetRemoteStream,
'extra': _0x326931 ? _0x326931.extra : {},
'streamsToShare': _0x5ed0e1
}), _0x326931.onSettingLocalDescription(_0x2fa590));
}, function(_0x41064c) {
_0x326931.enableLogs && console.error('setLocalDescription error', _0x41064c);
}, function(_0x31a9a8) {
_0x326931.enableLogs && console.error('sdp-error', _0x31a9a8);
_0x21b268.getLocalStreams().forEach(function(_0x4ee107) {
_0x5ed0e1[_0x4ee107.streamid] = {
'isAudio': !!_0x4ee107.isAudio,
'isVideo': !!_0x4ee107.isVideo,
'isScreen': !!_0x4ee107.isScreen
}), _0x2c7e5e && _0x308f2d('createOffer'), _0x21b268.nativeClose = _0x21b268.close, _0x21b268.close = function() {
if (_0x21b268) {
try {
_0x21b268.nativeClose !== _0x21b268.close && _0x21b268.nativeClose();
} catch (_0x3c28da) {}
_0x21b268 = null, _0x2fa590.peer = null;
}, this.peer = _0x21b268;
var _0x42fdaa = function() {
function _0x572b26(_0x16547c, _0x12b3cb) {
var _0x3623e4 = _0x5c82c5(_0x16547c);
return _0x3623e4.videoCodecNumbers ? 'vp8' === _0x12b3cb && _0x3623e4.vp8LineNumber === _0x3623e4.videoCodecNumbers[0x0] ? _0x16547c : 'vp9' === _0x12b3cb && _0x3623e4.vp9LineNumber === _0x3623e4.videoCodecNumbers[0x0] ? _0x16547c : 'h264' === _0x12b3cb && _0x3623e4.h264LineNumber === _0x3623e4.videoCodecNumbers[0x0] ? _0x16547c : _0x16547c = _0x249ace(_0x16547c, _0x12b3cb, _0x3623e4) : _0x16547c;
function _0x249ace(_0x536ba9, _0x3e10ca, _0x141d2f, _0x1f707f) {
var _0x3623e4 = '';
if ('vp8' === _0x3e10ca) {
if (!_0x141d2f.vp8LineNumber) return _0x536ba9;
_0x3623e4 = _0x141d2f.vp8LineNumber;
if ('vp9' === _0x3e10ca) {
if (!_0x141d2f.vp9LineNumber) return _0x536ba9;
_0x3623e4 = _0x141d2f.vp9LineNumber;
if ('h264' === _0x3e10ca) {
if (!_0x141d2f.h264LineNumber) return _0x536ba9;
_0x3623e4 = _0x141d2f.h264LineNumber;
var _0x314bfa = _0x141d2f.videoCodecNumbersOriginal.split('SAVPF')[0x0] + 'SAVPF ',
_0x52ac96 = [_0x3623e4];
return _0x1f707f && (_0x52ac96 = []), _0x141d2f.videoCodecNumbers.forEach(function(_0x43af74) {
_0x43af74 !== _0x3623e4 && _0x52ac96.push(_0x43af74);
}), _0x314bfa += _0x52ac96.join(' '), _0x536ba9 = _0x536ba9.replace(_0x141d2f.videoCodecNumbersOriginal, _0x314bfa);
function _0x5c82c5(_0x370eaf) {
var _0x249ace = {};
return _0x370eaf.split('\n').forEach(function(_0x42cf6b) {
0x0 === _0x42cf6b.indexOf('m=video') && (_0x249ace.videoCodecNumbers = [], _0x42cf6b.split('SAVPF')[0x1].split(' ').forEach(function(_0x340dfa) {
(_0x340dfa = _0x340dfa.trim()) && _0x340dfa.length && (_0x249ace.videoCodecNumbers.push(_0x340dfa), _0x249ace.videoCodecNumbersOriginal = _0x42cf6b);
})), -0x1 === _0x42cf6b.indexOf('VP8/90000') || _0x249ace.vp8LineNumber || (_0x249ace.vp8LineNumber = _0x42cf6b.replace('a=rtpmap:', '').split(' ')[0x0]), -0x1 === _0x42cf6b.indexOf('VP9/90000') || _0x249ace.vp9LineNumber || (_0x249ace.vp9LineNumber = _0x42cf6b.replace('a=rtpmap:', '').split(' ')[0x0]), -0x1 === _0x42cf6b.indexOf('H264/90000') || _0x249ace.h264LineNumber || (_0x249ace.h264LineNumber = _0x42cf6b.replace('a=rtpmap:', '').split(' ')[0x0]);
}), _0x249ace;
function _0x4526d0(_0x39207b, _0x23a46a, _0x1ebb9d) {
return function(_0x20ed55, _0x5132ac, _0xcecfcd, _0x8459a8, _0x27ad22) {
for (var _0x2dbfb3 = -0x1 !== _0xcecfcd ? _0xcecfcd : _0x20ed55.length, _0x160b11 = _0x5132ac; _0x160b11 < _0x2dbfb3; ++_0x160b11)
if (0x0 === _0x20ed55[_0x160b11].indexOf(_0x8459a8) && (!_0x27ad22 || -0x1 !== _0x20ed55[_0x160b11].toLowerCase().indexOf(_0x27ad22.toLowerCase()))) return _0x160b11;
return null;
}(_0x39207b, 0x0, -0x1, _0x23a46a, _0x1ebb9d);
function _0x3623e4(_0x46fa44) {
var _0x249ace = new RegExp('a=rtpmap:(\d+) \w+\/\d+'),
_0x5c82c5 = _0x46fa44.match(_0x249ace);
return _0x5c82c5 && 0x2 === _0x5c82c5.length ? _0x5c82c5[0x1] : null;
return {
'removeVPX': function(_0x59de0e) {
var _0x4526d0 = _0x5c82c5(_0x59de0e);
return _0x59de0e = _0x249ace(_0x59de0e, 'vp9', _0x4526d0, true), _0x59de0e = _0x249ace(_0x59de0e, 'vp8', _0x4526d0, true);
'disableNACK': function(_0x376b0e) {
if (!_0x376b0e || 'string' != typeof _0x376b0e) throw 'Invalid arguments.';
return _0x376b0e = (_0x376b0e = (_0x376b0e = (_0x376b0e = _0x376b0e.replace('a=rtcp-fb:126 nack\r\n', '')).replace('a=rtcp-fb:126 nack pli\x0d\n', 'a=rtcp-fb:126 pli\x0d\n')).replace('a=rtcp-fb:97 nack\r\n', '')).replace('a=rtcp-fb:97 nack pli\r\n', 'a=rtcp-fb:97 pli\r\n');
'prioritize': function(_0x238652, _0x23ac58) {
if (_0x23ac58 && _0x23ac58.getSenders && _0x23ac58.getSenders().length) {
if (!_0x238652 || 'string' != typeof _0x238652) throw 'Invalid arguments.';
_0x23ac58.getSenders().forEach(function(_0x4c4f96) {
for (var _0x5c82c5 = _0x4c4f96.getParameters(), _0x4526d0 = 0x0; _0x4526d0 < _0x5c82c5.codecs.length; _0x4526d0++)
if (_0x5c82c5.codecs[_0x4526d0].mimeType == _0x238652) {
_0x5c82c5.codecs.unshift(_0x5c82c5.codecs.splice(_0x4526d0, 0x1));
'removeNonG722': function(_0x49005b) {
return _0x49005b.replace(/m=audio ([0-9]+) RTP\/SAVPF ([0-9 ]*)/g, 'm=audio $1 RTP/SAVPF 9');
'setApplicationSpecificBandwidth': function(_0xa77e44, _0x517ea3, _0x4de140) {
return function(_0x58398a, _0x84509d, _0x378779) {
return _0x84509d ? void 0x0 !== _0x5c498f && _0x5c498f ? _0x58398a : (_0x378779 && (_0x84509d.screen ? _0x84509d.screen < 0x12c && console.warn('It seems that you are using wrong bandwidth value for screen. Screen sharing is expected to fail.') : console.warn('It seems that you are not using bandwidth for screen. Screen sharing is expected to fail.')), _0x84509d.screen && _0x378779 && (_0x58398a = (_0x58398a = _0x58398a.replace(/b=AS([^\r\n]+\r\n)/g, '')).replace(/a=mid:video\r\n/g, 'a=mid:video\r\nb=AS:' + _0x84509d.screen + '\x0d\n')), (_0x84509d.audio || _0x84509d.video) && (_0x58398a = _0x58398a.replace(/b=AS([^\r\n]+\r\n)/g, '')), _0x84509d.audio && (_0x58398a = _0x58398a.replace(/a=mid:audio\r\n/g, 'a=mid:audio\r\nb=AS:' + _0x84509d.audio + '\x0d\n')), _0x84509d.screen ? _0x58398a = _0x58398a.replace(/a=mid:video\r\n/g, 'a=mid:video\r\nb=AS:' + _0x84509d.screen + '\x0d\n') : _0x84509d.video && (_0x58398a = _0x58398a.replace(/a=mid:video\r\n/g, 'a=mid:video\r\nb=AS:' + _0x84509d.video + '\x0d\n')), _0x58398a) : _0x58398a;
}(_0xa77e44, _0x517ea3, _0x4de140);
'setVideoBitrates': function(_0x6898ff, _0xf38daa) {
return function(_0x4260bb, _0x46dc63) {
var _0x5c82c5, _0xcddf99 = (_0x46dc63 = _0x46dc63 || {}).min,
_0x4d9e07 = _0x46dc63.max,
_0x1e0ad5 = _0x4260bb.split('\x0d\n'),
_0x4e244d = _0x4526d0(_0x1e0ad5, 'a=rtpmap', 'VP8/90000');
if (_0x4e244d && (_0x5c82c5 = _0x3623e4(_0x1e0ad5[_0x4e244d])), !_0x5c82c5) return _0x4260bb;
var _0x4a75e7, _0x5d5b05 = _0x4526d0(_0x1e0ad5, 'a=rtpmap', 'rtx/90000');
if (_0x5d5b05 && (_0x4a75e7 = _0x3623e4(_0x1e0ad5[_0x5d5b05])), !_0x5d5b05) return _0x4260bb;
var _0x56e025 = _0x4526d0(_0x1e0ad5, 'a=fmtp:' + _0x4a75e7.toString());
if (null !== _0x56e025) {
var _0x30c498 = '\x0d\n';
_0x30c498 += 'a=fmtp:' + _0x5c82c5 + ' x-google-min-bitrate=' + (_0xcddf99 || '228') + '; x-google-max-bitrate=' + (_0x4d9e07 || '228'), _0x1e0ad5[_0x56e025] = _0x1e0ad5[_0x56e025].concat(_0x30c498), _0x4260bb = _0x1e0ad5.join('\x0d\n');
return _0x4260bb;
}(_0x6898ff, _0xf38daa);
'setOpusAttributes': function(_0x553630, _0x553bce) {
return function(_0x48ec07, _0x1e35c6) {
_0x1e35c6 = _0x1e35c6 || {};
var _0x5c82c5, _0x1be3e1 = _0x48ec07.split('\x0d\n'),
_0x456381 = _0x4526d0(_0x1be3e1, 'a=rtpmap', 'opus/48000');
if (_0x456381 && (_0x5c82c5 = _0x3623e4(_0x1be3e1[_0x456381])), !_0x5c82c5) return _0x48ec07;
var _0x2d8ac5 = _0x4526d0(_0x1be3e1, 'a=fmtp:' + _0x5c82c5.toString());
if (null === _0x2d8ac5) return _0x48ec07;
var _0x8350e7 = '';
return _0x8350e7 += '; stereo=' + (void 0x0 !== _0x1e35c6.stereo ? _0x1e35c6.stereo : '1'), _0x8350e7 += '; sprop-stereo=' + (void 0x0 !== _0x1e35c6['sprop-stereo'] ? _0x1e35c6['sprop-stereo'] : '1'), void 0x0 !== _0x1e35c6.maxaveragebitrate && (_0x8350e7 += '; maxaveragebitrate=' + (_0x1e35c6.maxaveragebitrate || 0x100000)), void 0x0 !== _0x1e35c6.maxplaybackrate && (_0x8350e7 += '; maxplaybackrate=' + (_0x1e35c6.maxplaybackrate || 0x100000)), void 0x0 !== _0x1e35c6.cbr && (_0x8350e7 += '; cbr=' + (void 0x0 !== _0x1e35c6.cbr ? _0x1e35c6.cbr : '1')), void 0x0 !== _0x1e35c6.useinbandfec && (_0x8350e7 += '; useinbandfec=' + _0x1e35c6.useinbandfec), void 0x0 !== _0x1e35c6.usedtx && (_0x8350e7 += '; usedtx=' + _0x1e35c6.usedtx), void 0x0 !== _0x1e35c6.maxptime && (_0x8350e7 += '\x0d\na=maxptime:' + _0x1e35c6.maxptime), _0x1be3e1[_0x2d8ac5] = _0x1be3e1[_0x2d8ac5].concat(_0x8350e7), _0x48ec07 = _0x1be3e1.join('\x0d\n');
}(_0x553630, _0x553bce);
'preferVP9': function(_0x18deb7) {
return _0x572b26(_0x18deb7, 'vp9');
'preferCodec': _0x572b26,
'forceStereoAudio': function(_0x14ddc9) {
for (var _0x249ace = _0x14ddc9.split('\x0d\n'), _0x5c82c5 = null, _0x4526d0 = 0x0; _0x4526d0 < _0x249ace.length; _0x4526d0++)
if (-0x1 !== _0x249ace[_0x4526d0].search('opus/48000')) {
var _0x3623e4 = extractSdp(_0x249ace[_0x4526d0], /:(\d+) opus\/48000/i);
for (_0x4526d0 = 0x0; _0x4526d0 < _0x249ace.length; _0x4526d0++) {
if (-0x1 !== _0x249ace[_0x4526d0].search('a=fmtp'))
if (extractSdp(_0x249ace[_0x4526d0], /a=fmtp:(\d+)/) === _0x3623e4) {
_0x5c82c5 = _0x4526d0;
return null === _0x5c82c5 ? _0x14ddc9 : (_0x249ace[_0x5c82c5] = _0x249ace[_0x5c82c5].concat('; stereo=1; sprop-stereo=1'), _0x14ddc9 = _0x249ace.join('\x0d\n'));
window.BandwidthHandler = _0x42fdaa;
var _0x2b9f47 = {
'processCandidates': function(_0x3bf1a2, _0x390036) {
var _0x2fa590 = _0x390036.candidate,
_0x21b268 = _0x3bf1a2.candidates,
_0x521a09 = _0x21b268.stun,
_0x3e00fc = _0x21b268.turn;
if (_0x3b94ab(_0x21b268.reflexive) || (_0x521a09 = _0x21b268.reflexive), _0x3b94ab(_0x21b268.relay) || (_0x3e00fc = _0x21b268.relay), (_0x21b268.host || !_0x2fa590.match(/typ host/g)) && (_0x3e00fc || !_0x2fa590.match(/typ relay/g)) && (_0x521a09 || !_0x2fa590.match(/typ srflx/g))) {
var _0x2b6e29 = _0x3bf1a2.iceProtocols;
if ((_0x2b6e29.udp || !_0x2fa590.match(/ udp /g)) && (_0x2b6e29.tcp || !_0x2fa590.match(/ tcp /g))) return _0x3bf1a2.enableLogs && console.debug('Your candidate pairs:', _0x2fa590), {
'candidate': _0x2fa590,
'sdpMid': _0x390036.sdpMid,
'sdpMLineIndex': _0x390036.sdpMLineIndex
_0x3b9609 = {
'getIceServers': function(_0x488e7f) {
return [{
'urls': ['stun:webrtcweb.com:7788'],
'username': 'muazkh',
'credential': 'muazkh'
}, {
'urls': ['turn:webrtcweb.com:7788', 'turn:webrtcweb.com:8877', 'turn:webrtcweb.com:4455'],
'username': 'muazkh',
'credential': 'muazkh'
}, {
'urls': ['stun:stun.l.google.com:19302', 'stun:stun1.l.google.com:19302', 'stun:stun2.l.google.com:19302', 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302?transport=udp']
function _0x5adfda(_0x283137) {
if (true !== currentUserMediaRequest.mutex) {
currentUserMediaRequest.mutex = true;
var _0x326931 = JSON.stringify(_0x283137.localMediaConstraints);
if (currentUserMediaRequest.streams[_0x326931]) _0x196d8c(currentUserMediaRequest.streams[_0x326931].stream, true);
else {
if (!!/BB10|BlackBerry/i .test(navigator.userAgent || '') || void 0x0 === navigator.mediaDevices || 'function' != typeof navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) return navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia, void navigator.getUserMedia(_0x283137.localMediaConstraints, function(_0x470b2a) {
_0x470b2a.streamid = _0x470b2a.streamid || _0x470b2a.id || _0x5b8d5d(), _0x470b2a.idInstance = _0x326931, _0x196d8c(_0x470b2a);
}, function(_0x3fd14c) {
_0x283137.onLocalMediaError(_0x3fd14c, _0x283137.localMediaConstraints);
if (void 0x0 === navigator.mediaDevices) {
navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia;
var _0x2fa590, _0x21b268, _0x521a09 = function() {};
navigator.mediaDevices = {
'getUserMedia': function(_0x1ddd61) {
return navigator.getUserMedia(_0x1ddd61, function(_0x4a0936) {
_0x4a0936(stream), _0x2fa590 = stream;
}, function(_0x15c59c) {
_0x521a09(_0x15c59c), _0x21b268 = _0x15c59c;
}), {
'then': function(_0x3e20ef) {
if (!_0x2fa590) return _0x3e20ef, {
'then': function(_0x444f48) {
_0x21b268 ? _0x444f48(_0x21b268) : _0x521a09 = _0x444f48;
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(_0x283137.localMediaConstraints).then(function(_0x5a25ab) {
_0x5a25ab.streamid = _0x5a25ab.streamid || _0x5a25ab.id || _0x5b8d5d(), _0x5a25ab.idInstance = _0x326931, _0x196d8c(_0x5a25ab);
}).catch(function(_0x5f1ad4) {
_0x283137.onLocalMediaError(_0x5f1ad4, _0x283137.localMediaConstraints);
} else currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests.push(_0x283137);
function _0x196d8c(_0x1f527b, _0x58cd7c) {
! function(_0x3b5a94, _0x299595) {
_0x3b5a94.mandatory && _0x3b5a94.mandatory.chromeMediaSource ? _0x299595.isScreen = true : _0x3b5a94.mozMediaSource || _0x3b5a94.mediaSource ? _0x299595.isScreen = true : _0x3b5a94.video ? _0x299595.isVideo = true : _0x3b5a94.audio && (_0x299595.isAudio = true);
}(_0x283137.localMediaConstraints, _0x1f527b);
var _0x521a09 = 'ended';
'oninactive' in _0x1f527b && (_0x521a09 = 'inactive'), _0x1f527b.addEventListener(_0x521a09, function() {
delete currentUserMediaRequest.streams[_0x326931], currentUserMediaRequest.mutex = !0x1, currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests.indexOf(_0x283137) && (delete currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests[currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests.indexOf(_0x283137)], currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests = _0xf3acd(currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests));
}, !0x1), currentUserMediaRequest.streams[_0x326931] = {
'stream': _0x1f527b
}, currentUserMediaRequest.mutex = !0x1, currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests.length && _0x5adfda(currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests.shift()), _0x283137.onGettingLocalMedia(_0x1f527b, _0x58cd7c);
window.currentUserMediaRequest = {
'streams': [],
'mutex': !0x1,
'queueRequests': [],
'remove': function(_0x1b91c8) {
this.mutex = !0x1;
var _0x326931 = this.streams[_0x1b91c8];
if (_0x326931) {
var _0x2fa590 = (_0x326931 = _0x326931.stream).currentUserMediaRequestOptions;
this.queueRequests.indexOf(_0x2fa590) && (delete this.queueRequests[this.queueRequests.indexOf(_0x2fa590)], this.queueRequests = _0xf3acd(this.queueRequests)), this.streams[_0x1b91c8].stream = null, delete this.streams[_0x1b91c8];
var _0x25e82e = function() {
function _0xc80ee1(_0x19f0b1) {
if (_0x19f0b1) return 'string' == typeof _0x19f0b1 || void 0x0 === _0x19f0b1 ? _0x19f0b1 : _0x19f0b1.audio && _0x19f0b1.video ? null : _0x19f0b1.audio ? 'audio' : _0x19f0b1.video ? 'video' : void 0x0;
return {
'setHandlers': function(_0x3d58a4, _0x57b7e9, _0x2faad3) {
if (_0x3d58a4 && _0x3d58a4.addEventListener) {
if (void 0x0 === _0x57b7e9 || 0x1 == _0x57b7e9) {
var _0x521a09 = 'ended';
'oninactive' in _0x3d58a4 && (_0x521a09 = 'inactive'), _0x3d58a4.addEventListener(_0x521a09, function() {
_0x25e82e.onSyncNeeded(this.streamid, _0x521a09);
}, !0x1);
_0x3d58a4.mute = function(_0x393c28, _0xb2bd8c) {
_0x393c28 = _0xc80ee1(_0x393c28), void 0x0 !== _0xb2bd8c && (_0x57b7e9 = _0xb2bd8c), void 0x0 !== _0x393c28 && 'audio' != _0x393c28 || _0x2cbba5(_0x3d58a4, 'audio').forEach(function(_0x3bbe2d) {
_0x3bbe2d.enabled = !0x1, _0x2faad3.streamEvents[_0x3d58a4.streamid].isAudioMuted = true;
}), void 0x0 !== _0x393c28 && 'video' != _0x393c28 || _0x2cbba5(_0x3d58a4, 'video').forEach(function(_0x2ba091) {
_0x2ba091.enabled = !0x1;
}), void 0x0 !== _0x57b7e9 && 0x1 != _0x57b7e9 || _0x25e82e.onSyncNeeded(_0x3d58a4.streamid, 'mute', _0x393c28), _0x2faad3.streamEvents[_0x3d58a4.streamid].muteType = _0x393c28 || 'both', _0x121233(_0x3d58a4, 'mute', _0x393c28);
}, _0x3d58a4.unmute = function(_0x557e65, _0x2dc6b7) {
_0x557e65 = _0xc80ee1(_0x557e65), void 0x0 !== _0x2dc6b7 && (_0x57b7e9 = _0x2dc6b7),
function() {
if (!_0x2faad3.streamEvents[_0x3d58a4.streamid].mediaElement) return;
var _0xc80ee1 = _0x2faad3.streamEvents[_0x3d58a4.streamid].mediaElement;
_0xc80ee1.volume = 0x0,
function _0xc80ee1(_0x537992, _0x12ab30, _0x212c93, _0x44a2b5) {
_0x44a2b5 = (_0x44a2b5 || 0x0) + 0x1;
if (_0x44a2b5 >= _0x12ab30) return;
setTimeout(function() {
_0x212c93(), _0xc80ee1(_0x537992, _0x12ab30, _0x212c93, _0x44a2b5);
}, _0x537992);
}(0xc8, 0x5, function() {
try {
_0xc80ee1.volume += 0.2;
} catch (_0x111824) {
_0xc80ee1.volume = 0x1;
}(), void 0x0 !== _0x557e65 && 'audio' != _0x557e65 || _0x2cbba5(_0x3d58a4, 'audio').forEach(function(_0x39cdcf) {
_0x39cdcf.enabled = true, _0x2faad3.streamEvents[_0x3d58a4.streamid].isAudioMuted = !0x1;
}), void 0x0 !== _0x557e65 && 'video' != _0x557e65 || (_0x2cbba5(_0x3d58a4, 'video').forEach(function(_0x1bc1ac) {
_0x1bc1ac.enabled = true;
}), void 0x0 !== _0x557e65 && 'video' == _0x557e65 && _0x2faad3.streamEvents[_0x3d58a4.streamid].isAudioMuted && function _0xc80ee1(_0x2a12fa) {
_0x2a12fa || (_0x2a12fa = 0x0), ++_0x2a12fa < 0x64 && _0x2faad3.streamEvents[_0x3d58a4.streamid].isAudioMuted && (_0x3d58a4.mute('audio'), setTimeout(function() {
}, 0x32));
}()), void 0x0 !== _0x57b7e9 && 0x1 != _0x57b7e9 || _0x25e82e.onSyncNeeded(_0x3d58a4.streamid, 'unmute', _0x557e65), _0x2faad3.streamEvents[_0x3d58a4.streamid].unmuteType = _0x557e65 || 'both', _0x121233(_0x3d58a4, 'unmute', _0x557e65);
'onSyncNeeded': function(_0x1963f6, _0x4e7716, _0x3963b) {}
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throw new Error('PermissionDeniedError');
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_0x14f9e0('screen' != _0x301abf);
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function _0x1c050b(_0xe24308, _0x3ebcd4) {
if (_0x5c498f) return _0xe24308(null, {
'mozMediaSource': 'window',
'mediaSource': 'window'
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'chromeMediaSource': _0x301abf,
'maxWidth': screen.width > 0x780 ? screen.width : 0x780,
'maxHeight': screen.height > 0x438 ? screen.height : 0x438
'optional': []
'desktop' != _0x301abf || _0x427b66 ? ('desktop' == _0x301abf && (_0x2fa590.mandatory.chromeMediaSourceId = _0x427b66), _0xe24308(null, _0x2fa590)) : _0x3ebcd4 ? function(_0x16e1da) {
if (!_0x16e1da) throw '"callback" parameter is mandatory.';
if (_0x427b66) return _0x16e1da(_0x427b66);
_0x467e9d = _0x16e1da, window.postMessage('audio-plus-tab', '*');
}(function(_0x240030, _0x41af1b) {
_0x2fa590.mandatory.chromeMediaSourceId = _0x240030, _0x41af1b && (_0x2fa590.canRequestAudioTrack = true), _0xe24308('PermissionDeniedError' == _0x240030 ? _0x240030 : null, _0x2fa590);
}) : function(_0x465509) {
if (!_0x465509) throw '"callback" parameter is mandatory.';
if (_0x427b66) return _0x465509(_0x427b66);
_0x467e9d = _0x465509, window.postMessage('get-sourceId', '*');
}(function(_0x13bb7e) {
_0x2fa590.mandatory.chromeMediaSourceId = _0x13bb7e, _0xe24308('PermissionDeniedError' == _0x13bb7e ? _0x13bb7e : null, _0x2fa590);
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var _0x326931 = {};
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'receive': function(_0x5d1473, _0x43133d, _0x584294) {
var _0x547cf6 = _0x5d1473.uuid;
if (_0x326931[_0x547cf6] || (_0x326931[_0x547cf6] = []), _0x326931[_0x547cf6].push(_0x5d1473.message), _0x5d1473.last) {
var _0x967e71 = _0x326931[_0x547cf6].join('');
_0x5d1473.isobject && (_0x967e71 = JSON.parse(_0x967e71));
var _0x33399d = {
'data': _0x967e71,
'userid': _0x43133d,
'extra': _0x584294,
'latency': new Date().getTime() - _0x5d1473.sendingTime
_0x4dbb06.autoTranslateText ? (_0x33399d.original = _0x33399d.data, _0x4dbb06.Translator.TranslateText(_0x33399d.data, function(_0x420bda) {
_0x33399d.data = _0x420bda, _0x4dbb06.onmessage(_0x33399d);
})) : _0x4dbb06.onmessage(_0x33399d), delete _0x326931[_0x547cf6];
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'send': function(_0x3eb04b) {
var _0x326931 = _0x3eb04b.connection,
_0x2fa590 = _0x3eb04b.channel,
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_0x521a09 = _0x3eb04b.text,
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_0x2406ca = '',
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'string' != typeof _0x521a09 && (_0x2b3340 = true, _0x521a09 = JSON.stringify(_0x521a09));
var _0x5093c5 = _0x5b8d5d(),
_0x53bd37 = new Date().getTime();
! function _0x3eb04b(_0x452fc6, _0x2486ef) {
var _0x4068b1 = {
'type': 'text',
'uuid': _0x5093c5,
'sendingTime': _0x53bd37
_0x452fc6 && (_0x2486ef = _0x452fc6, _0x4068b1.packets = parseInt(_0x2486ef.length / _0x477fc1));
_0x2486ef.length > _0x477fc1 ? _0x4068b1.message = _0x2486ef.slice(0x0, _0x477fc1) : (_0x4068b1.message = _0x2486ef, _0x4068b1.last = true, _0x4068b1.isobject = _0x2b3340);
_0x2fa590.send(_0x4068b1, _0x21b268);
_0x2406ca = _0x2486ef.slice(_0x4068b1.message.length);
_0x2406ca.length && setTimeout(function() {
_0x3eb04b(null, _0x2406ca);
}, _0x326931.chunkInterval || 0x64);
_0x2cf1f3 = {
'handle': function(_0x519a30) {
var _0x326931 = {};
_0x519a30.onFileStart = function(_0x2a3aa7) {
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'div': _0x21b268,
'progress': _0x21b268.querySelector('progress'),
'label': _0x21b268.querySelector('label')
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_0x326931[_0x2a3aa7.uuid] || (_0x326931[_0x2a3aa7.uuid] = {}), _0x326931[_0x2a3aa7.uuid][_0x2a3aa7.remoteUserId] = {
'div': _0x21b268,
'progress': _0x21b268.querySelector('progress'),
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}, _0x519a30.onFileProgress = function(_0x4330ac) {
var _0x2fa590 = _0x326931[_0x4330ac.uuid];
_0x2fa590 && (_0x4330ac.remoteUserId && !(_0x2fa590 = _0x326931[_0x4330ac.uuid][_0x4330ac.remoteUserId]) || (_0x2fa590.progress.value = _0x4330ac.currentPosition || _0x4330ac.maxChunks || _0x2fa590.progress.max, function(_0x5df338, _0x284eff) {
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_0x284eff.innerHTML = _0x2fa590 + '%';
}(_0x2fa590.progress, _0x2fa590.label)));
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var _0x2fa590 = _0x326931[_0x60ee3b.uuid];
if (_0x2fa590) {
if (!_0x60ee3b.remoteUserId || (_0x2fa590 = _0x326931[_0x60ee3b.uuid][_0x60ee3b.remoteUserId])) {
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'TranslateText': function(_0x211215, _0x254987) {
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window[_0x4a4191] = function(_0x9cc9a) {
_0x9cc9a.data && _0x9cc9a.data.translations[0x0] && _0x254987 ? _0x254987(_0x9cc9a.data.translations[0x0].translatedText) : _0x9cc9a.error && 'Daily Limit Exceeded' === _0x9cc9a.error.message ? console.error('Text translation failed. Error message: "Daily Limit Exceeded."') : _0x9cc9a.error ? console.error(_0x9cc9a.error.message) : console.error(_0x9cc9a);
var _0xfca442 = 'https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?key=' + _0x386b1a.googKey + '&target=' + (_0x386b1a.language || 'en-US') + '&callback=window.' + _0x4a4191 + '&q=' + _0x521a09;
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'getListOfLanguages': function(_0x36cf7f) {
var _0x2fa590 = new XMLHttpRequest();
_0x2fa590.onreadystatechange = function() {
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if (_0x386b1a.error && 'Daily Limit Exceeded' === _0x386b1a.error.message) return void console.error('Text translation failed. Error message: "Daily Limit Exceeded."');
if (_0x386b1a.error) return void console.error(_0x386b1a.error.message);
var _0x21b268 = 'https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2/languages?key=' + _0x386b1a.googKey + '&target=en';
_0x2fa590.open('GET', _0x21b268, true), _0x2fa590.send(null);
! function(_0x51c1c9) {
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'useDefaultDevices': true
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var _0x21b268 = new _0x11ea4f(_0x51c1c9),
_0x521a09 = {};
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if (_0x51c1c9.socketAutoReConnect = true, _0x51c1c9.socket) _0x3112a3 && _0x3112a3(_0x51c1c9.socket);
else {
if (void 0x0 === _0x45c30f)
if ('undefined' != typeof FirebaseConnection) window.SocketConnection = FirebaseConnection;
else {
if ('undefined' == typeof PubNubConnection) throw 'SocketConnection.js seems missed.';
window.SocketConnection = PubNubConnection;
new _0x45c30f(_0x51c1c9, function(_0xbc287b) {
_0x3112a3 && _0x3112a3(_0x51c1c9.socket);
function _0x6a70ac(_0x2eb7ca, _0x54a40d) {
_0x51c1c9.socket.emit('join-room', {
'sessionid': _0x51c1c9.sessionid,
'session': _0x51c1c9.session,
'mediaConstraints': _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints,
'sdpConstraints': _0x51c1c9.sdpConstraints,
'streams': _0x3121c9(),
'extra': _0x51c1c9.extra,
'password': void 0x0 !== _0x51c1c9.password && 'object' !== _0x4ffbab(_0x51c1c9.password) ? _0x51c1c9.password : ''
}, function(_0x35f814, _0x1c1c0b) {
if (true === _0x35f814) {
if (_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.log('isRoomJoined: ', _0x35f814, ' roomid: ', _0x51c1c9.sessionid), _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x51c1c9.sessionid]) return;
}!0x1 === _0x35f814 && _0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.warn('isRoomJoined: ', _0x1c1c0b, ' roomid: ', _0x51c1c9.sessionid), _0x54a40d(_0x35f814, _0x51c1c9.sessionid, _0x1c1c0b);
function _0x484896(_0xaeb629) {
_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.log('Sending open-room signal to socket.io'), _0x51c1c9.waitingForLocalMedia = !0x1, _0x51c1c9.socket.emit('open-room', {
'sessionid': _0x51c1c9.sessionid,
'session': _0x51c1c9.session,
'mediaConstraints': _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints,
'sdpConstraints': _0x51c1c9.sdpConstraints,
'streams': _0x3121c9(),
'extra': _0x51c1c9.extra,
'identifier': _0x51c1c9.publicRoomIdentifier,
'password': void 0x0 !== _0x51c1c9.password && 'object' !== _0x4ffbab(_0x51c1c9.password) ? _0x51c1c9.password : ''
}, function(_0x5de645, _0x24b2b1) {
true === _0x5de645 && (_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.log('isRoomOpened: ', _0x5de645, ' roomid: ', _0x51c1c9.sessionid), _0xaeb629(_0x5de645, _0x51c1c9.sessionid)), !0x1 === _0x5de645 && (_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.warn('isRoomOpened: ', _0x24b2b1, ' roomid: ', _0x51c1c9.sessionid), _0xaeb629(_0x5de645, _0x51c1c9.sessionid, _0x24b2b1));
function _0x3121c9() {
try {
return _0x51c1c9.streamEvents.selectAll('local').map(function(_0x4301e9) {
return {
'streamid': _0x4301e9.streamid,
'tracks': _0x4301e9.stream.getTracks().length
} catch (_0x64ac4b) {
return [];
function _0x373dce(_0x510ce7, _0xd10b33) {
if (_0x51c1c9.dontCaptureUserMedia || _0x510ce7.isDataOnly) _0xd10b33();
else {
var _0x521a09 = {};
_0x510ce7.localPeerSdpConstraints.OfferToReceiveAudio && (_0x521a09.audio = _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio), _0x510ce7.localPeerSdpConstraints.OfferToReceiveVideo && (_0x521a09.video = _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video);
var _0x27fd08 = _0x510ce7.session || _0x51c1c9.session;
_0x27fd08.oneway && 'two-way' !== _0x27fd08.audio && 'two-way' !== _0x27fd08.video && 'two-way' !== _0x27fd08.screen ? _0xd10b33() : (_0x27fd08.oneway && _0x27fd08.audio && 'two-way' === _0x27fd08.audio && (_0x27fd08 = {
'audio': true
}), (_0x27fd08.audio || _0x27fd08.video || _0x27fd08.screen) && (_0x27fd08.screen ? 'Edge' === DetectRTC.browser.name ? navigator.getDisplayMedia({
'video': true,
'audio': _0x93df62(_0x51c1c9)
}).then(function(_0xceda9e) {
_0xceda9e.isScreen = true, _0x21b268.onGettingLocalMedia(_0xceda9e), !_0x27fd08.audio && !_0x27fd08.video || _0x93df62(_0x51c1c9) ? _0xd10b33(_0xceda9e) : _0x51c1c9.invokeGetUserMedia(null, _0xd10b33);
}, function(_0x15d180) {
console.error('Unable to capture screen on Edge. HTTPs and version 17+ is required.');
}) : _0x51c1c9.getScreenConstraints(function(_0x81d091, _0x38bce3) {
'audio': !!_0x93df62(_0x51c1c9) && _0x405170(_0x38bce3),
'video': _0x38bce3,
'isScreen': true
}, !_0x27fd08.audio && !_0x27fd08.video || _0x93df62(_0x51c1c9) ? _0xd10b33 : _0x51c1c9.invokeGetUserMedia(null, _0xd10b33));
}) : (_0x27fd08.audio || _0x27fd08.video) && _0x51c1c9.invokeGetUserMedia(null, _0xd10b33, _0x27fd08)));
function _0x2559f7(_0x54aa63, _0x15ef31) {
_0x54aa63 ? (_0x15ef31.audio && _0x2cbba5(_0x54aa63, 'audio').forEach(function(_0x3eb0f7) {
}), _0x15ef31.video && _0x2cbba5(_0x54aa63, 'video').forEach(function(_0x404e22) {
})) : _0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.error('No stream to applyConstraints.');
function _0x44cd42(_0xa4ae78, _0xd64125, _0x3b5c67) {
_0xd64125 ? _0x21b268.replaceTrack(_0xa4ae78, _0xd64125, _0x3b5c67) : _0x51c1c9.peers.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(_0x67f7c1) {
_0x21b268.replaceTrack(_0xa4ae78, _0x67f7c1, _0x3b5c67);
_0x21b268.onGettingLocalMedia = function(_0x399d43, _0x84fca0) {
if (_0x84fca0 = _0x84fca0 || function() {}, _0x521a09[_0x399d43.streamid]) _0x84fca0();
else {
_0x521a09[_0x399d43.streamid] = true;
try {
_0x399d43.type = 'local';
} catch (_0x17f6f2) {}
_0x51c1c9.setStreamEndHandler(_0x399d43), _0x412d65(_0x399d43, function(_0x2ad0da) {
_0x2ad0da.id = _0x399d43.streamid, _0x2ad0da.muted = true, _0x2ad0da.volume = 0x0, -0x1 === _0x51c1c9.attachStreams.indexOf(_0x399d43) && _0x51c1c9.attachStreams.push(_0x399d43), void 0x0 !== _0x25e82e && _0x25e82e.setHandlers(_0x399d43, true, _0x51c1c9), _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x399d43.streamid] = {
'stream': _0x399d43,
'type': 'local',
'mediaElement': _0x2ad0da,
'userid': _0x51c1c9.userid,
'extra': _0x51c1c9.extra,
'streamid': _0x399d43.streamid,
'isAudioMuted': true
try {
! function(_0x535d1c, _0x240dfe) {
if (_0x240dfe.stream && _0x2cbba5(_0x240dfe.stream, 'audio').length) {
if (!_0x535d1c || !_0x240dfe) throw 'Both arguments are required.';
if (_0x535d1c.onspeaking && _0x535d1c.onsilence) {
if ('undefined' == typeof hark) throw 'hark.js not found.';
hark(_0x240dfe.stream, {
'onspeaking': function() {
'onsilence': function() {
'onvolumechange': function(_0x114490, _0x4f35b0) {
_0x535d1c.onvolumechange && _0x535d1c.onvolumechange(_0x1e6a28({
'volume': _0x114490,
'threshold': _0x4f35b0
}, _0x240dfe));
}(_0x51c1c9, _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x399d43.streamid]), _0x57b754(_0x51c1c9, _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x399d43.streamid]), _0x51c1c9.onstream(_0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x399d43.streamid]);
} catch (_0x459936) {}
}, _0x51c1c9);
}, _0x21b268.onGettingRemoteMedia = function(_0x54dff5, _0x2bab67) {
try {
_0x54dff5.type = 'remote';
} catch (_0x2b68f0) {}
_0x51c1c9.setStreamEndHandler(_0x54dff5, 'remote-stream'), _0x412d65(_0x54dff5, function(_0x291e4f) {
_0x291e4f.id = _0x54dff5.streamid, void 0x0 !== _0x25e82e && _0x25e82e.setHandlers(_0x54dff5, !0x1, _0x51c1c9), _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x54dff5.streamid] = {
'stream': _0x54dff5,
'type': 'remote',
'userid': _0x2bab67,
'extra': _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x2bab67] ? _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x2bab67].extra : {},
'mediaElement': _0x291e4f,
'streamid': _0x54dff5.streamid
}, _0x57b754(_0x51c1c9, _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x54dff5.streamid]), _0x51c1c9.onstream(_0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x54dff5.streamid]);
}, _0x51c1c9);
}, _0x21b268.onRemovingRemoteMedia = function(_0x5e7396, _0x1a735c) {
var _0x21b268 = _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x5e7396.streamid];
_0x21b268 || (_0x21b268 = {
'stream': _0x5e7396,
'type': 'remote',
'userid': _0x1a735c,
'extra': _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x1a735c] ? _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x1a735c].extra : {},
'streamid': _0x5e7396.streamid,
'mediaElement': _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x5e7396.streamid] ? _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x5e7396.streamid].mediaElement : null
}), _0x51c1c9.peersBackup[_0x21b268.userid] && (_0x21b268.extra = _0x51c1c9.peersBackup[_0x21b268.userid].extra), _0x51c1c9.onstreamended(_0x21b268), delete _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x5e7396.streamid];
}, _0x21b268.onNegotiationNeeded = function(_0x2d936f, _0x4e2d94, _0x5d7bb5) {
_0x5d7bb5 = _0x5d7bb5 || function() {};
var _0x521a09 = {
'remoteUserId': _0x4e2d94 = _0x4e2d94 || _0x2d936f.remoteUserId,
'message': _0x2d936f = _0x2d936f || '',
'sender': _0x51c1c9.userid
_0x2d936f.remoteUserId && _0x2d936f.message && _0x2d936f.sender && (_0x521a09 = _0x2d936f), _0x2db9d8(function() {
_0x51c1c9.socket.emit(_0x51c1c9.socketMessageEvent, _0x521a09, _0x5d7bb5);
}, _0x21b268.onUserLeft = function(_0x76e281) {
}, _0x21b268.disconnectWith = function(_0x88879c, _0x323747) {
_0x51c1c9.socket && _0x51c1c9.socket.emit('disconnect-with', _0x88879c, _0x323747 || function() {}), _0x51c1c9.deletePeer(_0x88879c);
}, _0x51c1c9.socketOptions = {
'transport': 'polling'
}, _0x51c1c9.openOrJoin = function(_0x66fc69, _0xba3fb1) {
_0xba3fb1 = _0xba3fb1 || function() {}, _0x51c1c9.checkPresence(_0x66fc69, function(_0x1c5cec, _0x207cb3) {
if (_0x1c5cec) {
_0x51c1c9.sessionid = _0x207cb3;
var _0x521a09, _0x429662, _0x22a5af = !!_0x51c1c9.session.oneway,
_0x5851c5 = _0x5deab2(_0x51c1c9.session);
_0x429662 = {
'OfferToReceiveAudio': _0x51c1c9.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': _0x51c1c9.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo
}, _0x521a09 = {
'OfferToReceiveAudio': _0x22a5af ? !!_0x51c1c9.session.audio : _0x51c1c9.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': _0x22a5af ? !!_0x51c1c9.session.video || !!_0x51c1c9.session.screen : _0x51c1c9.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo
var _0x3fb79d = {
'remoteUserId': _0x51c1c9.sessionid,
'message': {
'newParticipationRequest': true,
'isOneWay': _0x22a5af,
'isDataOnly': _0x5851c5,
'localPeerSdpConstraints': _0x521a09,
'remotePeerSdpConstraints': _0x429662
'sender': _0x51c1c9.userid
_0x373dce(_0x3fb79d.message, function() {
_0x6a70ac(_0x3fb79d, _0xba3fb1);
} else _0x51c1c9.waitingForLocalMedia = true, _0x51c1c9.isInitiator = true, _0x51c1c9.sessionid = _0x207cb3 || _0x51c1c9.sessionid, _0x5deab2(_0x51c1c9.session) ? _0x484896(_0xba3fb1) : _0x51c1c9.captureUserMedia(function() {
}, _0x51c1c9.waitingForLocalMedia = !0x1, _0x51c1c9.open = function(_0x572e80, _0x37b154) {
_0x37b154 = _0x37b154 || function() {}, _0x51c1c9.waitingForLocalMedia = true, _0x51c1c9.isInitiator = true, _0x51c1c9.sessionid = _0x572e80 || _0x51c1c9.sessionid, _0x2db9d8(function() {
_0x5deab2(_0x51c1c9.session) ? _0x484896(_0x37b154) : _0x51c1c9.captureUserMedia(function() {
}, _0x51c1c9.peersBackup = {}, _0x51c1c9.deletePeer = function(_0x31e4e4) {
if (_0x31e4e4 && _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x31e4e4]) {
var _0x326931 = {
'userid': _0x31e4e4,
'extra': _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x31e4e4] ? _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x31e4e4].extra : {}
if (_0x51c1c9.peersBackup[_0x326931.userid] && (_0x326931.extra = _0x51c1c9.peersBackup[_0x326931.userid].extra), _0x51c1c9.onleave(_0x326931), _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x31e4e4]) {
_0x51c1c9.peers[_0x31e4e4].streams.forEach(function(_0x424150) {
var _0x21b268 = _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x31e4e4].peer;
if (_0x21b268 && 'closed' !== _0x21b268.iceConnectionState) try {
} catch (_0x24b95f) {}
_0x51c1c9.peers[_0x31e4e4] && (_0x51c1c9.peers[_0x31e4e4].peer = null, delete _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x31e4e4]);
}, _0x51c1c9.rejoin = function(_0x22fd47) {
if (!_0x51c1c9.isInitiator && _0x22fd47 && Object.keys(_0x22fd47).length) {
var _0x326931 = {};
_0x51c1c9.peers[_0x22fd47.remoteUserId] && (_0x326931 = _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x22fd47.remoteUserId].extra, _0x51c1c9.deletePeer(_0x22fd47.remoteUserId)), _0x22fd47 && _0x22fd47.remoteUserId && (_0x51c1c9.join(_0x22fd47.remoteUserId), _0x51c1c9.onReConnecting({
'userid': _0x22fd47.remoteUserId,
'extra': _0x326931
}, _0x51c1c9.join = function(_0x4b656a, _0x35b82f) {
_0x51c1c9.sessionid = !!_0x4b656a && (_0x4b656a.sessionid || _0x4b656a.remoteUserId || _0x4b656a) || _0x51c1c9.sessionid, _0x51c1c9.sessionid += '';
var _0x21b268 = !0x1,
_0x521a09 = !0x1,
_0x20e7ef = !0x1,
_0x4b614d = !0x1;
if (_0x4b656a && _0x4b656a.session || !_0x4b656a || 'string' == typeof _0x4b656a) {
var _0x447147 = _0x4b656a && _0x4b656a.session || _0x51c1c9.session;
_0x20e7ef = !!_0x447147.oneway, _0x4b614d = _0x5deab2(_0x447147), _0x521a09 = {
'OfferToReceiveAudio': _0x51c1c9.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': _0x51c1c9.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo
}, _0x21b268 = {
'OfferToReceiveAudio': _0x20e7ef ? !!_0x51c1c9.session.audio : _0x51c1c9.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': _0x20e7ef ? !!_0x51c1c9.session.video || !!_0x51c1c9.session.screen : _0x51c1c9.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo
var _0x13518b = function() {};
'function' == typeof(_0x35b82f = _0x35b82f || {}) && (_0x13518b = _0x35b82f, _0x35b82f = {}), void 0x0 !== _0x35b82f.localPeerSdpConstraints && (_0x21b268 = _0x35b82f.localPeerSdpConstraints), void 0x0 !== _0x35b82f.remotePeerSdpConstraints && (_0x521a09 = _0x35b82f.remotePeerSdpConstraints), void 0x0 !== _0x35b82f.isOneWay && (_0x20e7ef = _0x35b82f.isOneWay), void 0x0 !== _0x35b82f.isDataOnly && (_0x4b614d = _0x35b82f.isDataOnly);
var _0xcceebc = {
'remoteUserId': _0x51c1c9.sessionid,
'message': {
'newParticipationRequest': true,
'isOneWay': _0x20e7ef,
'isDataOnly': _0x4b614d,
'localPeerSdpConstraints': _0x21b268,
'remotePeerSdpConstraints': _0x521a09
'sender': _0x51c1c9.userid
return _0x373dce(_0xcceebc.message, function() {
_0x2db9d8(function() {
_0x6a70ac(_0xcceebc, _0x13518b);
}), _0xcceebc;
}, _0x51c1c9.publicRoomIdentifier = '', _0x51c1c9.getUserMedia = _0x51c1c9.captureUserMedia = function(_0x3ae868, _0x4adbb1) {
_0x3ae868 = _0x3ae868 || function() {};
var _0x521a09 = _0x4adbb1 || _0x51c1c9.session;
_0x51c1c9.dontCaptureUserMedia || _0x5deab2(_0x521a09) ? _0x3ae868() : (_0x521a09.audio || _0x521a09.video || _0x521a09.screen) && (_0x521a09.screen ? 'Edge' === DetectRTC.browser.name ? navigator.getDisplayMedia({
'video': true,
'audio': _0x93df62(_0x51c1c9)
}).then(function(_0x31597a) {
if (_0x31597a.isScreen = true, _0x21b268.onGettingLocalMedia(_0x31597a), !_0x521a09.audio && !_0x521a09.video || _0x93df62(_0x51c1c9)) _0x3ae868(_0x31597a);
else {
var _0x76c694 = {};
for (var _0x1bab2d in _0x521a09) 'screen' !== _0x1bab2d && (_0x76c694[_0x1bab2d] = _0x521a09[_0x1bab2d]);
_0x51c1c9.invokeGetUserMedia(_0x4adbb1, _0x3ae868, _0x76c694);
}, function(_0x286f92) {
console.error('Unable to capture screen on Edge. HTTPs and version 17+ is required.');
}) : _0x51c1c9.getScreenConstraints(function(_0x33fd74, _0x4af197) {
if (_0x33fd74) throw _0x33fd74;
'audio': !!_0x93df62(_0x51c1c9) && _0x405170(_0x4af197),
'video': _0x4af197,
'isScreen': true
}, function(_0x295451) {
if (!_0x521a09.audio && !_0x521a09.video || _0x93df62(_0x51c1c9)) _0x3ae868(_0x295451);
else {
var _0x4af197 = {};
for (var _0x3fbf75 in _0x521a09) 'screen' !== _0x3fbf75 && (_0x4af197[_0x3fbf75] = _0x521a09[_0x3fbf75]);
_0x51c1c9.invokeGetUserMedia(_0x4adbb1, _0x3ae868, _0x4af197);
}) : (_0x521a09.audio || _0x521a09.video) && _0x51c1c9.invokeGetUserMedia(_0x4adbb1, _0x3ae868, _0x521a09));
}, _0x51c1c9.onbeforeunload = function(_0x403853, _0xcfe5cf) {
_0x51c1c9.closeBeforeUnload && (_0x51c1c9.peers.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(_0x135225) {
'userLeft': true
}, _0x135225), _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x135225] && _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x135225].peer && _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x135225].peer.close(), delete _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x135225];
}), _0xcfe5cf || _0x51c1c9.closeSocket(), _0x51c1c9.isInitiator = !0x1);
}, window.ignoreBeforeUnload ? _0x51c1c9.closeBeforeUnload = !0x1 : (_0x51c1c9.closeBeforeUnload = true, window.addEventListener('beforeunload', _0x51c1c9.onbeforeunload, !0x1)), _0x51c1c9.userid = _0x5b8d5d(), _0x51c1c9.changeUserId = function(_0x305ce9, _0x4c71e8) {
_0x4c71e8 = _0x4c71e8 || function() {}, _0x51c1c9.userid = _0x305ce9 || _0x5b8d5d(), _0x51c1c9.socket.emit('changed-uuid', _0x51c1c9.userid, _0x4c71e8);
}, _0x51c1c9.extra = {}, _0x51c1c9.attachStreams = [], _0x51c1c9.session = {
'audio': true,
'video': true
}, _0x51c1c9.enableFileSharing = !0x1, _0x51c1c9.bandwidth = {
'screen': !0x1,
'audio': !0x1,
'video': !0x1
}, _0x51c1c9.codecs = {
'audio': 'opus',
'video': 'VP9'
}, _0x51c1c9.processSdp = function(_0xec5090) {
return _0x5407aa() ? _0xec5090 : 'Safari' === DetectRTC.browser.name ? _0xec5090 : ('VP8' === _0x51c1c9.codecs.video.toUpperCase() && (_0xec5090 = _0x42fdaa.preferCodec(_0xec5090, 'vp8')), 'VP9' === _0x51c1c9.codecs.video.toUpperCase() && (_0xec5090 = _0x42fdaa.preferCodec(_0xec5090, 'vp9')), 'H264' === _0x51c1c9.codecs.video.toUpperCase() && (_0xec5090 = _0x42fdaa.preferCodec(_0xec5090, 'h264')), 'G722' === _0x51c1c9.codecs.audio && (_0xec5090 = _0x42fdaa.removeNonG722(_0xec5090)), 'Firefox' === DetectRTC.browser.name ? _0xec5090 : ((_0x51c1c9.bandwidth.video || _0x51c1c9.bandwidth.screen) && (_0xec5090 = _0x42fdaa.setApplicationSpecificBandwidth(_0xec5090, _0x51c1c9.bandwidth, !!_0x51c1c9.session.screen)), _0x51c1c9.bandwidth.video && (_0xec5090 = _0x42fdaa.setVideoBitrates(_0xec5090, {
'min': 0x8 * _0x51c1c9.bandwidth.video * 0x400,
'max': 0x8 * _0x51c1c9.bandwidth.video * 0x400
})), _0x51c1c9.bandwidth.audio && (_0xec5090 = _0x42fdaa.setOpusAttributes(_0xec5090, {
'maxaveragebitrate': 0x8 * _0x51c1c9.bandwidth.audio * 0x400,
'maxplaybackrate': 0x8 * _0x51c1c9.bandwidth.audio * 0x400,
'stereo': 0x1,
'maxptime': 0x3
})), _0xec5090));
}, void 0x0 !== _0x42fdaa && (_0x51c1c9.BandwidthHandler = _0x51c1c9.CodecsHandler = _0x42fdaa), _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints = {
'audio': {
'mandatory': {},
'optional': _0x51c1c9.bandwidth.audio ? [{
'bandwidth': 0x8 * _0x51c1c9.bandwidth.audio * 0x400 || 0x100000
}] : []
'video': {
'mandatory': {},
'optional': _0x51c1c9.bandwidth.video ? [{
'bandwidth': 0x8 * _0x51c1c9.bandwidth.video * 0x400 || 0x100000
}, {
'facingMode': 'user'
}] : [{
'facingMode': 'user'
}, 'Firefox' === DetectRTC.browser.name && (_0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints = {
'audio': true,
'video': true
}), _0x326931.useDefaultDevices || DetectRTC.isMobileDevice || DetectRTC.load(function() {
var _0x1056a5, _0x326931;
if (DetectRTC.MediaDevices.forEach(function(_0x1e1549) {
'audioinput' === _0x1e1549.kind && !0x1 !== _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio && (_0x1056a5 = _0x1e1549), 'videoinput' === _0x1e1549.kind && !0x1 !== _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video && (_0x326931 = _0x1e1549);
}), _0x1056a5) {
if ('Firefox' === DetectRTC.browser.name) return void(true !== _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio ? _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio.deviceId = _0x1056a5.id : _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio = {
'deviceId': _0x1056a5.id
0x1 == _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio && (_0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio = {
'mandatory': {},
'optional': []
}), _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio.optional || (_0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio.optional = []);
var _0x21b268 = [{
'sourceId': _0x1056a5.id
_0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio.optional = _0x21b268.concat(_0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio.optional);
if (_0x326931) {
if ('Firefox' === DetectRTC.browser.name) return void(true !== _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video ? _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video.deviceId = _0x326931.id : _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video = {
'deviceId': _0x326931.id
0x1 == _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video && (_0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video = {
'mandatory': {},
'optional': []
}), _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video.optional || (_0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video.optional = []);
_0x21b268 = [{
'sourceId': _0x326931.id
_0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video.optional = _0x21b268.concat(_0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video.optional);
}), _0x51c1c9.sdpConstraints = {
'mandatory': {
'OfferToReceiveAudio': true,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': true
'optional': [{
'VoiceActivityDetection': !0x1
}, _0x51c1c9.sdpSemantics = null, _0x51c1c9.iceCandidatePoolSize = null, _0x51c1c9.bundlePolicy = null, _0x51c1c9.rtcpMuxPolicy = null, _0x51c1c9.iceTransportPolicy = null, _0x51c1c9.optionalArgument = {
'optional': [{
'DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement': true
}, {
'googImprovedWifiBwe': true
}, {
'googScreencastMinBitrate': 0x12c
}, {
'googIPv6': true
}, {
'googDscp': true
}, {
'googCpuUnderuseThreshold': 0x37
}, {
'googCpuOveruseThreshold': 0x55
}, {
'googSuspendBelowMinBitrate': true
}, {
'googCpuOveruseDetection': true
'mandatory': {}
}, _0x51c1c9.iceServers = _0x3b9609.getIceServers(_0x51c1c9), _0x51c1c9.candidates = {
'host': true,
'stun': true,
'turn': true
}, _0x51c1c9.iceProtocols = {
'tcp': true,
'udp': true
}, _0x51c1c9.onopen = function(_0x44d923) {
_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.info('Data connection has been opened between you & ', _0x44d923.userid);
}, _0x51c1c9.onclose = function(_0x4bc33b) {
_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.warn('Data connection has been closed between you & ', _0x4bc33b.userid);
}, _0x51c1c9.onerror = function(_0x119131) {
_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.error(_0x119131.userid, 'data-error', _0x119131);
}, _0x51c1c9.onmessage = function(_0x377929) {
_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.debug('data-message', _0x377929.userid, _0x377929.data);
}, _0x51c1c9.send = function(_0x21e29b, _0x2e0c9a) {
_0x51c1c9.peers.send(_0x21e29b, _0x2e0c9a);
}, _0x51c1c9.close = _0x51c1c9.disconnect = _0x51c1c9.leave = function() {
_0x51c1c9.onbeforeunload(!0x1, true);
}, _0x51c1c9.closeEntireSession = function(_0x5971f7) {
_0x5971f7 = _0x5971f7 || function() {}, _0x51c1c9.socket.emit('close-entire-session', function _0x326931() {
_0x51c1c9.getAllParticipants().length ? setTimeout(_0x326931, 0x64) : (_0x51c1c9.onEntireSessionClosed({
'sessionid': _0x51c1c9.sessionid,
'userid': _0x51c1c9.userid,
'extra': _0x51c1c9.extra
}), _0x51c1c9.changeUserId(null, function() {
_0x51c1c9.close(), _0x5971f7();
}, _0x51c1c9.onEntireSessionClosed = function(_0x308fc8) {
_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.info('Entire session is closed: ', _0x308fc8.sessionid, _0x308fc8.extra);
}, _0x51c1c9.onstream = function(_0x2795c9) {
var _0x326931 = _0x51c1c9.videosContainer;
_0x326931.insertBefore(_0x2795c9.mediaElement, _0x326931.firstChild);
var _0x21b268 = _0x2795c9.mediaElement.play();
void 0x0 === _0x21b268 ? setTimeout(function() {
}, 0x7d0) : _0x21b268.catch(function() {}).then(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0x7d0);
}, _0x51c1c9.onstreamended = function(_0x22b684) {
_0x22b684.mediaElement || (_0x22b684.mediaElement = document.getElementById(_0x22b684.streamid)), _0x22b684.mediaElement && _0x22b684.mediaElement.parentNode && _0x22b684.mediaElement.parentNode.removeChild(_0x22b684.mediaElement);
}, _0x51c1c9.direction = 'many-to-many', _0x51c1c9.removeStream = function(_0x5af7be, _0x17537a) {
var _0x21b268;
_0x51c1c9.attachStreams.forEach(function(_0xc4fbb0) {
_0xc4fbb0.id === _0x5af7be && (_0x21b268 = _0xc4fbb0);
}), _0x21b268 ? (_0x51c1c9.peers.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(_0x2bd479) {
if (!_0x17537a || _0x2bd479 === _0x17537a) {
var _0x521a09 = _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x2bd479];
try {
} catch (_0x159ea4) {}
}), _0x51c1c9.renegotiate()) : console.warn('No such stream exist.', _0x5af7be);
}, _0x51c1c9.addStream = function(_0x44d589, _0x5d1f28) {
if (_0x44d589.getTracks) return -0x1 === _0x51c1c9.attachStreams.indexOf(_0x44d589) && (_0x44d589.streamid || (_0x44d589.streamid = _0x44d589.id), _0x51c1c9.attachStreams.push(_0x44d589)), void _0x51c1c9.renegotiate(_0x5d1f28);
function _0x5a47df(_0x4cd18b) {
_0x44d589.streamCallback && _0x44d589.streamCallback(_0x4cd18b), _0x51c1c9.renegotiate(_0x5d1f28);
_0x5deab2(_0x44d589) ? _0x51c1c9.renegotiate(_0x5d1f28) : (_0x44d589.audio || _0x44d589.video || _0x44d589.screen) && (_0x44d589.screen ? 'Edge' === DetectRTC.browser.name ? navigator.getDisplayMedia({
'video': true,
'audio': _0x93df62(_0x51c1c9)
}).then(function(_0x3bef4d) {
_0x3bef4d.isScreen = true, _0x21b268.onGettingLocalMedia(_0x3bef4d), !_0x44d589.audio && !_0x44d589.video || _0x93df62(_0x51c1c9) ? _0x5a47df(_0x3bef4d) : _0x51c1c9.invokeGetUserMedia(null, function(_0x108d5e) {
}, function(_0x107d05) {
console.error('Unable to capture screen on Edge. HTTPs and version 17+ is required.');
}) : _0x51c1c9.getScreenConstraints(function(_0x247e33, _0x20dba5) {
if (_0x247e33) return 'PermissionDeniedError' === _0x247e33 ? (_0x44d589.streamCallback && _0x44d589.streamCallback(null), void(_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.error('User rejected to share his screen.'))) : alert(_0x247e33);
'audio': !!_0x93df62(_0x51c1c9) && _0x405170(_0x20dba5),
'video': _0x20dba5,
'isScreen': true
}, function(_0x3558fb) {
!_0x44d589.audio && !_0x44d589.video || _0x93df62(_0x51c1c9) ? _0x5a47df(_0x3558fb) : _0x51c1c9.invokeGetUserMedia(null, function(_0x301cff) {
}) : (_0x44d589.audio || _0x44d589.video) && _0x51c1c9.invokeGetUserMedia(null, _0x5a47df));
}, _0x51c1c9.invokeGetUserMedia = function(_0x39db84, _0x4c2007, _0x587a84) {
_0x587a84 || (_0x587a84 = _0x51c1c9.session), _0x39db84 || (_0x39db84 = _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints), _0x5adfda({
'onGettingLocalMedia': function(_0x4608af) {
var _0x587a84 = _0x39db84.video;
_0x587a84 && (_0x587a84.mediaSource || _0x587a84.mozMediaSource ? _0x4608af.isScreen = true : _0x587a84.mandatory && _0x587a84.mandatory.chromeMediaSource && (_0x4608af.isScreen = true)), _0x4608af.isScreen || (_0x4608af.isVideo = !!_0x2cbba5(_0x4608af, 'video').length, _0x4608af.isAudio = !_0x4608af.isVideo && _0x2cbba5(_0x4608af, 'audio').length), _0x21b268.onGettingLocalMedia(_0x4608af, function() {
'function' == typeof _0x4c2007 && _0x4c2007(_0x4608af);
'onLocalMediaError': function(_0x290ef1, _0x3a75f5) {
_0x21b268.onLocalMediaError(_0x290ef1, _0x3a75f5);
'localMediaConstraints': _0x39db84 || {
'audio': !!_0x587a84.audio && _0x39db84.audio,
'video': !!_0x587a84.video && _0x39db84.video
}, _0x51c1c9.applyConstraints = function(_0x314dfa, _0x295b4a) {
if (_0x1d01b4 && _0x1d01b4.prototype.applyConstraints) {
var _0x21b268;
if (_0x295b4a) return _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x295b4a] && (_0x21b268 = _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x295b4a].stream), void _0x2559f7(_0x21b268, _0x314dfa);
_0x51c1c9.attachStreams.forEach(function(_0x4e7a56) {
_0x2559f7(_0x4e7a56, _0x314dfa);
} else alert('track.applyConstraints is NOT supported in your browser.');
}, _0x51c1c9.replaceTrack = function(_0x3642cb, _0xd04c26, _0x485038) {
if (_0x3642cb = _0x3642cb || {}, _0x2a4be1.prototype.getSenders)
if (_0x3642cb instanceof _0x1d01b4) _0x44cd42(_0x3642cb, _0xd04c26, _0x485038);
else {
if (_0x3642cb instanceof _0x1d809b) return _0x2cbba5(_0x3642cb, 'video').length && _0x44cd42(_0x2cbba5(_0x3642cb, 'video')[0x0], _0xd04c26, true), void(_0x2cbba5(_0x3642cb, 'audio').length && _0x44cd42(_0x2cbba5(_0x3642cb, 'audio')[0x0], _0xd04c26, !0x1));
if (_0x5deab2(_0x3642cb)) throw 'connection.replaceTrack requires audio and/or video and/or screen.';
(_0x3642cb.audio || _0x3642cb.video || _0x3642cb.screen) && (_0x3642cb.screen ? 'Edge' === DetectRTC.browser.name ? navigator.getDisplayMedia({
'video': true,
'audio': _0x93df62(_0x51c1c9)
}).then(function(_0x675faf) {
_0x675faf.isScreen = true, _0x21b268.onGettingLocalMedia(_0x675faf), !_0x3642cb.audio && !_0x3642cb.video || _0x93df62(_0x51c1c9) ? _0x564a08(_0x675faf) : _0x51c1c9.invokeGetUserMedia(null, _0x564a08);
}, function(_0x4219c9) {
console.error('Unable to capture screen on Edge. HTTPs and version 17+ is required.');
}) : _0x51c1c9.getScreenConstraints(function(_0x38cb24, _0x2fa66e) {
if (_0x38cb24) return alert(_0x38cb24);
'audio': !!_0x93df62(_0x51c1c9) && _0x405170(_0x2fa66e),
'video': _0x2fa66e,
'isScreen': true
}, !_0x3642cb.audio && !_0x3642cb.video || _0x93df62(_0x51c1c9) ? _0x564a08 : _0x51c1c9.invokeGetUserMedia(null, _0x564a08));
}) : (_0x3642cb.audio || _0x3642cb.video) && _0x51c1c9.invokeGetUserMedia(null, _0x564a08));
else _0x51c1c9.addStream(_0x3642cb);
function _0x564a08(_0x547ff0) {
_0x51c1c9.replaceTrack(_0x547ff0, _0xd04c26, _0x485038 || _0x3642cb.video || _0x3642cb.screen);
}, _0x51c1c9.resetTrack = function(_0x1215de, _0x3d0c09) {
_0x1215de || (_0x1215de = _0x51c1c9.getAllParticipants()), 'string' == typeof _0x1215de && (_0x1215de = [_0x1215de]), _0x1215de.forEach(function(_0x17e765) {
var _0x21b268 = _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x17e765].peer;
void 0x0 !== _0x3d0c09 && true !== _0x3d0c09 || !_0x21b268.lastVideoTrack || _0x51c1c9.replaceTrack(_0x21b268.lastVideoTrack, _0x17e765, true), void 0x0 !== _0x3d0c09 && !0x1 !== _0x3d0c09 || !_0x21b268.lastAudioTrack || _0x51c1c9.replaceTrack(_0x21b268.lastAudioTrack, _0x17e765, !0x1);
}, _0x51c1c9.renegotiate = function(_0x2ea770) {
_0x2ea770 ? _0x21b268.renegotiatePeer(_0x2ea770) : _0x51c1c9.peers.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(_0x428915) {
}, _0x51c1c9.setStreamEndHandler = function(_0x46fab4, _0x3cea1b) {
if (_0x46fab4 && _0x46fab4.addEventListener && (_0x3cea1b = !!_0x3cea1b, !_0x46fab4.alreadySetEndHandler)) {
_0x46fab4.alreadySetEndHandler = true;
var _0x21b268 = 'ended';
'oninactive' in _0x46fab4 && (_0x21b268 = 'inactive'), _0x46fab4.addEventListener(_0x21b268, function() {
if (_0x46fab4.idInstance && currentUserMediaRequest.remove(_0x46fab4.idInstance), !_0x3cea1b) {
var _0x21b268 = [];
_0x51c1c9.attachStreams.forEach(function(_0x35d5da) {
_0x35d5da.id != _0x46fab4.id && _0x21b268.push(_0x35d5da);
}), _0x51c1c9.attachStreams = _0x21b268;
var _0x521a09 = _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x46fab4.streamid];
if (_0x521a09 || (_0x521a09 = {
'stream': _0x46fab4,
'streamid': _0x46fab4.streamid,
'type': _0x3cea1b ? 'remote' : 'local',
'userid': _0x51c1c9.userid,
'extra': _0x51c1c9.extra,
'mediaElement': _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x46fab4.streamid] ? _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x46fab4.streamid].mediaElement : null
}), _0x3cea1b && _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x521a09.userid]) {
var _0x38a800 = _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x521a09.userid].peer;
_0x21b268 = [];
_0x38a800.getRemoteStreams().forEach(function(_0x59d565) {
_0x59d565.id != _0x46fab4.id && _0x21b268.push(_0x59d565);
}), _0x51c1c9.peers[_0x521a09.userid].streams = _0x21b268;
_0x521a09.userid === _0x51c1c9.userid && 'remote' === _0x521a09.type || (_0x51c1c9.peersBackup[_0x521a09.userid] && (_0x521a09.extra = _0x51c1c9.peersBackup[_0x521a09.userid].extra), _0x51c1c9.onstreamended(_0x521a09), delete _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x46fab4.streamid]);
}, !0x1);
}, _0x51c1c9.onMediaError = function(_0x77c67c, _0x3533b2) {
_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.error(_0x77c67c, _0x3533b2);
}, _0x51c1c9.autoCloseEntireSession = !0x1, _0x51c1c9.filesContainer = _0x51c1c9.videosContainer = document.body || document.documentElement, _0x51c1c9.isInitiator = !0x1, _0x51c1c9.shareFile = _0x21b268.shareFile, void 0x0 !== _0x2cf1f3 && _0x2cf1f3.handle(_0x51c1c9), void 0x0 !== _0x400337 && _0x400337.handle(_0x51c1c9), _0x51c1c9.token = _0x5b8d5d, _0x51c1c9.onNewParticipant = function(_0xeb9f65, _0xbff370) {
_0x51c1c9.acceptParticipationRequest(_0xeb9f65, _0xbff370);
}, _0x51c1c9.acceptParticipationRequest = function(_0xdc5fa8, _0x444726) {
_0x444726.successCallback && (_0x444726.successCallback(), delete _0x444726.successCallback), _0x21b268.createNewPeer(_0xdc5fa8, _0x444726);
}, void 0x0 !== _0x25e82e && (_0x51c1c9.StreamsHandler = _0x25e82e), _0x51c1c9.onleave = function(_0x256c0a) {}, _0x51c1c9.invokeSelectFileDialog = function(_0x54e1d5) {
var _0x326931 = new _0x2e28ea();
_0x326931.accept = '*.*', _0x326931.selectSingleFile(_0x54e1d5);
}, _0x51c1c9.onmute = function(_0x4cea9f) {
if (_0x4cea9f && _0x4cea9f.mediaElement)
if ('both' === _0x4cea9f.muteType || 'video' === _0x4cea9f.muteType) {
_0x4cea9f.mediaElement.src = null;
var _0x326931 = _0x4cea9f.mediaElement.pause();
void 0x0 !== _0x326931 ? _0x326931.then(function() {
_0x4cea9f.mediaElement.poster = _0x4cea9f.snapshot || 'https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/images/muted.png';
}) : _0x4cea9f.mediaElement.poster = _0x4cea9f.snapshot || 'https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/images/muted.png';
} else 'audio' === _0x4cea9f.muteType && (_0x4cea9f.mediaElement.muted = true);
}, _0x51c1c9.onunmute = function(_0x59c1a4) {
_0x59c1a4 && _0x59c1a4.mediaElement && _0x59c1a4.stream && ('both' === _0x59c1a4.unmuteType || 'video' === _0x59c1a4.unmuteType ? (_0x59c1a4.mediaElement.poster = null, _0x59c1a4.mediaElement.srcObject = _0x59c1a4.stream, _0x59c1a4.mediaElement.play()) : 'audio' === _0x59c1a4.unmuteType && (_0x59c1a4.mediaElement.muted = !0x1));
}, _0x51c1c9.onExtraDataUpdated = function(_0x429b15) {
_0x429b15.status = 'online', _0x51c1c9.onUserStatusChanged(_0x429b15, true);
}, _0x51c1c9.getAllParticipants = function(_0x57626c) {
return _0x51c1c9.peers.getAllParticipants(_0x57626c);
}, void 0x0 !== _0x25e82e && (_0x25e82e.onSyncNeeded = function(_0x45be06, _0x6b0c44, _0xe6bdb1) {
_0x51c1c9.peers.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(_0x26b256) {
'streamid': _0x45be06,
'action': _0x6b0c44,
'streamSyncNeeded': true,
'type': _0xe6bdb1 || 'both'
}, _0x26b256);
}), _0x51c1c9.connectSocket = function(_0x5d44b4) {
}, _0x51c1c9.closeSocket = function() {
try {
_0x31267b.a.sockets = {};
} catch (_0x3aa9a3) {}
_0x51c1c9.socket && ('function' == typeof _0x51c1c9.socket.disconnect && _0x51c1c9.socket.disconnect(), 'function' == typeof _0x51c1c9.socket.resetProps && _0x51c1c9.socket.resetProps(), _0x51c1c9.socket = null);
}, _0x51c1c9.getSocket = function(_0x456c98) {
return !_0x456c98 && _0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.warn('getSocket.callback paramter is required.'), _0x456c98 = _0x456c98 || function() {}, _0x51c1c9.socket ? _0x456c98(_0x51c1c9.socket) : _0x2db9d8(function() {
}), _0x51c1c9.socket;
}, _0x51c1c9.getRemoteStreams = _0x21b268.getRemoteStreams;
var _0x521c36 = ['selectFirst', 'selectAll', 'forEach'];
if (_0x51c1c9.streamEvents = {
'selectFirst': function(_0x38ce07) {
return _0x51c1c9.streamEvents.selectAll(_0x38ce07)[0x0];
'selectAll': function(_0x4b13fa) {
_0x4b13fa || (_0x4b13fa = {
'local': true,
'remote': true,
'isScreen': true,
'isAudio': true,
'isVideo': true
}), 'local' == _0x4b13fa && (_0x4b13fa = {
'local': true
}), 'remote' == _0x4b13fa && (_0x4b13fa = {
'remote': true
}), 'screen' == _0x4b13fa && (_0x4b13fa = {
'isScreen': true
}), 'audio' == _0x4b13fa && (_0x4b13fa = {
'isAudio': true
}), 'video' == _0x4b13fa && (_0x4b13fa = {
'isVideo': true
var _0x326931 = [];
return Object.keys(_0x51c1c9.streamEvents).forEach(function(_0x59aced) {
var _0x521a09 = _0x51c1c9.streamEvents[_0x59aced];
if (-0x1 === _0x521c36.indexOf(_0x59aced)) {
var _0x293b8c = true;
_0x4b13fa.local && 'local' === _0x521a09.type && (_0x293b8c = !0x1), _0x4b13fa.remote && 'remote' === _0x521a09.type && (_0x293b8c = !0x1), _0x4b13fa.isScreen && _0x521a09.stream.isScreen && (_0x293b8c = !0x1), _0x4b13fa.isVideo && _0x521a09.stream.isVideo && (_0x293b8c = !0x1), _0x4b13fa.isAudio && _0x521a09.stream.isAudio && (_0x293b8c = !0x1), _0x4b13fa.userid && _0x521a09.userid === _0x4b13fa.userid && (_0x293b8c = !0x1), !0x1 === _0x293b8c && _0x326931.push(_0x521a09);
}), _0x326931;
}, _0x51c1c9.socketURL = '/', _0x51c1c9.socketMessageEvent = 'RTCMultiConnection-Message', _0x51c1c9.socketCustomEvent = 'RTCMultiConnection-Custom-Message', _0x51c1c9.DetectRTC = DetectRTC, _0x51c1c9.setCustomSocketEvent = function(_0x1a650b) {
_0x1a650b && (_0x51c1c9.socketCustomEvent = _0x1a650b), _0x51c1c9.socket && _0x51c1c9.socket.emit('set-custom-socket-event-listener', _0x51c1c9.socketCustomEvent);
}, _0x51c1c9.getNumberOfBroadcastViewers = function(_0x2acdba, _0x377d0c) {
_0x51c1c9.socket && _0x2acdba && _0x377d0c && _0x51c1c9.socket.emit('get-number-of-users-in-specific-broadcast', _0x2acdba, _0x377d0c);
}, _0x51c1c9.onNumberOfBroadcastViewersUpdated = function(_0x617e81) {
_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && _0x51c1c9.isInitiator && console.info('Number of broadcast (', _0x617e81.broadcastId, ') viewers', _0x617e81.numberOfBroadcastViewers);
}, _0x51c1c9.onUserStatusChanged = function(_0x49e25f, _0x405028) {
_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && !_0x405028 && console.info(_0x49e25f.userid, _0x49e25f.status);
}, _0x51c1c9.getUserMediaHandler = _0x5adfda, _0x51c1c9.multiPeersHandler = _0x21b268, _0x51c1c9.enableLogs = true, _0x51c1c9.setCustomSocketHandler = function(_0x5840b1) {
void 0x0 !== _0x45c30f && (_0x45c30f = _0x5840b1);
}, _0x51c1c9.chunkSize = 0x9c40, _0x51c1c9.maxParticipantsAllowed = 0x3e8, _0x51c1c9.disconnectWith = _0x21b268.disconnectWith, _0x51c1c9.checkPresence = function(_0x2c66c1, _0xdf4545) {
_0x2c66c1 = _0x2c66c1 || _0x51c1c9.sessionid, 'SSEConnection' !== _0x45c30f.name ? _0x51c1c9.socket ? _0x51c1c9.socket.emit('check-presence', _0x2c66c1 + '', function(_0x4d585b, _0xfb6315, _0x414b29) {
_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.log('checkPresence.isRoomExist: ', _0x4d585b, ' roomid: ', _0xfb6315), _0xdf4545(_0x4d585b, _0xfb6315, _0x414b29);
}) : _0x51c1c9.connectSocket(function() {
_0x51c1c9.checkPresence(_0x2c66c1, _0xdf4545);
}) : SSEConnection.checkPresence(_0x2c66c1, function(_0x2d2553, _0x169410, _0x48e686) {
if (!_0x51c1c9.socket) return _0x2d2553 || (_0x51c1c9.userid = _0x169410), void _0x51c1c9.connectSocket(function() {
_0xdf4545(_0x2d2553, _0x169410, _0x48e686);
_0xdf4545(_0x2d2553, _0x169410);
}, _0x51c1c9.onReadyForOffer = function(_0x3f207b, _0x32ccc2) {
_0x51c1c9.multiPeersHandler.createNewPeer(_0x3f207b, _0x32ccc2);
}, _0x51c1c9.setUserPreferences = function(_0x371937) {
return _0x51c1c9.dontAttachStream && (_0x371937.dontAttachLocalStream = true), _0x51c1c9.dontGetRemoteStream && (_0x371937.dontGetRemoteStream = true), _0x371937;
}, _0x51c1c9.updateExtraData = function() {
_0x51c1c9.socket.emit('extra-data-updated', _0x51c1c9.extra);
}, _0x51c1c9.enableScalableBroadcast = !0x1, _0x51c1c9.maxRelayLimitPerUser = 0x3, _0x51c1c9.dontCaptureUserMedia = !0x1, _0x51c1c9.dontAttachStream = !0x1, _0x51c1c9.dontGetRemoteStream = !0x1, _0x51c1c9.onReConnecting = function(_0x4ffc93) {
_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.info('ReConnecting with', _0x4ffc93.userid, '...');
}, _0x51c1c9.beforeAddingStream = function(_0xdd57a4) {
return _0xdd57a4;
}, _0x51c1c9.beforeRemovingStream = function(_0x191d70) {
return _0x191d70;
}, _0x51c1c9.checkIfChromeExtensionAvailable = _0x53da88, 'undefined' != typeof isFirefoxExtensionAvailable && (_0x51c1c9.checkIfChromeExtensionAvailable = isFirefoxExtensionAvailable), _0x51c1c9.getChromeExtensionStatus = _0x1f670d, _0x51c1c9.getScreenConstraints = function(_0x3b0f5e, _0x32535a) {
_0x93df62(_0x51c1c9, _0x32535a) && (_0x32535a = true), _0x1c050b(function(_0x19ad7c, _0x5c7f16) {
_0x19ad7c || (_0x5c7f16 = _0x51c1c9.modifyScreenConstraints(_0x5c7f16), _0x3b0f5e(_0x19ad7c, _0x5c7f16));
}, _0x32535a);
}, _0x51c1c9.modifyScreenConstraints = function(_0x13a10e) {
return _0x13a10e;
}, _0x51c1c9.onPeerStateChanged = function(_0x5d030a) {
_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && -0x1 !== _0x5d030a.iceConnectionState.search(/closed|failed/gi) && console.error('Peer connection is closed between you & ', _0x5d030a.userid, _0x5d030a.extra, 'state:', _0x5d030a.iceConnectionState);
}, _0x51c1c9.isOnline = true, _0x1cbceb('online', function() {
_0x51c1c9.isOnline = true;
}), _0x1cbceb('offline', function() {
_0x51c1c9.isOnline = !0x1;
}), _0x51c1c9.isLowBandwidth = !0x1, navigator && navigator.connection && navigator.connection.type && (_0x51c1c9.isLowBandwidth = -0x1 !== navigator.connection.type.toString().toLowerCase().search(/wifi|cell/g), _0x51c1c9.isLowBandwidth)) {
if (_0x51c1c9.bandwidth = {
'audio': !0x1,
'video': !0x1,
'screen': !0x1
}, _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio && _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio.optional && _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio.optional.length) {
var _0x4c7586 = [];
_0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio.optional.forEach(function(_0x330c5b) {
void 0x0 === _0x330c5b.bandwidth && _0x4c7586.push(_0x330c5b);
}), _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.audio.optional = _0x4c7586;
if (_0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video && _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video.optional && _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video.optional.length) {
_0x4c7586 = [];
_0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video.optional.forEach(function(_0x427f57) {
void 0x0 === _0x427f57.bandwidth && _0x4c7586.push(_0x427f57);
}), _0x51c1c9.mediaConstraints.video.optional = _0x4c7586;
_0x51c1c9.getExtraData = function(_0xeb7d85, _0x11bbdf) {
if (!_0xeb7d85) throw 'remoteUserId is required.';
if (!_0x11bbdf) return _0x51c1c9.peers[_0xeb7d85] ? _0x51c1c9.peers[_0xeb7d85].extra : _0x51c1c9.peersBackup[_0xeb7d85] ? _0x51c1c9.peersBackup[_0xeb7d85].extra : {};
_0x51c1c9.socket.emit('get-remote-user-extra-data', _0xeb7d85, function(_0x2b3ef8, _0x272a14, _0x50b4c5) {
_0x11bbdf(_0x2b3ef8, _0x272a14, _0x50b4c5);
}, _0x326931.autoOpenOrJoin && _0x51c1c9.openOrJoin(_0x51c1c9.sessionid), _0x51c1c9.onUserIdAlreadyTaken = function(_0x375333, _0x594a1c) {
_0x51c1c9.close(), _0x51c1c9.closeSocket(), _0x51c1c9.isInitiator = !0x1, _0x51c1c9.userid = _0x51c1c9.token(), _0x51c1c9.join(_0x51c1c9.sessionid), _0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.warn('Userid already taken.', _0x375333, 'Your new userid:', _0x51c1c9.userid);
}, _0x51c1c9.trickleIce = true, _0x51c1c9.version = '3.6.5', _0x51c1c9.onSettingLocalDescription = function(_0x5cd808) {
_0x51c1c9.enableLogs && console.info('Set local description for remote user', _0x5cd808.userid);
}, _0x51c1c9.resetScreen = function() {
_0x427b66 = null, DetectRTC && DetectRTC.screen && delete DetectRTC.screen.sourceId, currentUserMediaRequest = {
'streams': [],
'mutex': !0x1,
'queueRequests': []
}, _0x51c1c9.autoCreateMediaElement = true, _0x51c1c9.password = null, _0x51c1c9.setPassword = function(_0x3fec38, _0x196913) {
_0x196913 = _0x196913 || function() {}, _0x51c1c9.socket ? _0x51c1c9.socket.emit('set-password', _0x3fec38, _0x196913) : (_0x51c1c9.password = _0x3fec38, _0x196913(true, _0x51c1c9.sessionid, null));
}, _0x51c1c9.errors = {
'ROOM_NOT_AVAILABLE': 'Room not available',
'INVALID_PASSWORD': 'Invalid password',
'USERID_NOT_AVAILABLE': 'User ID does not exist',
'ROOM_PERMISSION_DENIED': 'Room permission denied',
'ROOM_FULL': 'Room full',
'DID_NOT_JOIN_ANY_ROOM': 'Did not join any room yet',
'INVALID_SOCKET': 'Invalid socket',
'PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_MISSING': 'publicRoomIdentifier is required',
'INVALID_ADMIN_CREDENTIAL': 'Invalid username or password attempted'
}.call(this, _0x2fa590(0x49).Buffer, _0x2fa590(0x1f), _0x2fa590(0x31)));
}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, function(_0x27927d, _0x28eced) {
_0x27927d.exports = function(_0x2da20d) {
var _0x28eced = [];
return _0x28eced.toString = function() {
return this.map(function(_0x375981) {
var _0x413325 = function(_0x5f5847, _0x5366c6) {
var _0x48f7cd = _0x5f5847[0x1] || '',
_0x237fae = _0x5f5847[0x3];
if (!_0x237fae) return _0x48f7cd;
if (_0x5366c6 && 'function' == typeof btoa) {
var _0x489b4a = (_0x5a6547 = _0x237fae, '/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,' + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(_0x5a6547)))) + ' */'),
_0x16964a = _0x237fae.sources.map(function(_0x481092) {
return '/*# sourceURL=' + _0x237fae.sourceRoot + _0x481092 + ' */';
return [_0x48f7cd].concat(_0x16964a).concat([_0x489b4a]).join('\n');
var _0x5a6547;
return [_0x48f7cd].join('\n');
}(_0x375981, _0x2da20d);
return _0x375981[0x2] ? '@media ' + _0x375981[0x2] + '{' + _0x413325 + '}' : _0x413325;
}, _0x28eced.i = function(_0x4ea1ba, _0x43f363) {
'string' == typeof _0x4ea1ba && (_0x4ea1ba = [
[null, _0x4ea1ba, '']
for (var _0x4e8d12 = {}, _0x35e98e = 0x0; _0x35e98e < this.length; _0x35e98e++) {
var _0x19ebdf = this[_0x35e98e][0x0];
'number' == typeof _0x19ebdf && (_0x4e8d12[_0x19ebdf] = true);
for (_0x35e98e = 0x0; _0x35e98e < _0x4ea1ba.length; _0x35e98e++) {
var _0xb1dcac = _0x4ea1ba[_0x35e98e];
'number' == typeof _0xb1dcac[0x0] && _0x4e8d12[_0xb1dcac[0x0]] || (_0x43f363 && !_0xb1dcac[0x2] ? _0xb1dcac[0x2] = _0x43f363 : _0x43f363 && (_0xb1dcac[0x2] = '(' + _0xb1dcac[0x2] + ') and (' + _0x43f363 + ')'), _0x28eced.push(_0xb1dcac));
}, _0x28eced;
}, null, function(_0x4e27b5, _0x3956c2) {
_0x4e27b5.exports = function(_0x11cd8b) {
var _0x3956c2 = 'undefined' != typeof window && window.location;
if (!_0x3956c2) throw new Error('fixUrls requires window.location');
if (!_0x11cd8b || 'string' != typeof _0x11cd8b) return _0x11cd8b;
var _0x371ce6 = _0x3956c2.protocol + '//' + _0x3956c2.host,
_0x4e9f2b = _0x371ce6 + _0x3956c2.pathname.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '/');
return _0x11cd8b.replace(/url\s*\(((?:[^)(]|\((?:[^)(]+|\([^)(]*\))*\))*)\)/gi, function(_0x59c920, _0x2064b3) {
var _0x164a12, _0x104643 = _0x2064b3.trim().replace(/^"(.*)"$/, function(_0x130848, _0x1d01cb) {
return _0x1d01cb;
}).replace(/^'(.*)'$/, function(_0x22c858, _0xf25b24) {
return _0xf25b24;
return /^(#|data:|http:\/\/|https:\/\/|file:\/\/\/|\s*$)/i .test(_0x104643) ? _0x59c920 : (_0x164a12 = 0x0 === _0x104643.indexOf('//') ? _0x104643 : 0x0 === _0x104643.indexOf('/') ? _0x371ce6 + _0x104643 : _0x4e9f2b + _0x104643.replace(/^\.\//, ''), 'url(' + JSON.stringify(_0x164a12) + ')');
}, function(_0x1f7a9b, _0x35e9c1, _0x4e9120) {
'use strict';
_0x35e9c1.byteLength = function(_0x222212) {
var _0x35e9c1 = _0xebc8e4(_0x222212),
_0x4e9120 = _0x35e9c1[0x0],
_0x23993b = _0x35e9c1[0x1];
return 0x3 * (_0x4e9120 + _0x23993b) / 0x4 - _0x23993b;
}, _0x35e9c1.toByteArray = function(_0x5ab0cd) {
var _0x35e9c1, _0x4e9120, _0x3d1e0c = _0xebc8e4(_0x5ab0cd),
_0x3de087 = _0x3d1e0c[0x0],
_0x56570e = _0x3d1e0c[0x1],
_0x35cd5b = new _0x1526d9(function(_0x219861, _0x3962e0, _0x439409) {
return 0x3 * (_0x3962e0 + _0x439409) / 0x4 - _0x439409;
}(0x0, _0x3de087, _0x56570e)),
_0x50face = 0x0,
_0x909a98 = _0x56570e > 0x0 ? _0x3de087 - 0x4 : _0x3de087;
for (_0x4e9120 = 0x0; _0x4e9120 < _0x909a98; _0x4e9120 += 0x4) _0x35e9c1 = _0x363090[_0x5ab0cd.charCodeAt(_0x4e9120)] << 0x12 | _0x363090[_0x5ab0cd.charCodeAt(_0x4e9120 + 0x1)] << 0xc | _0x363090[_0x5ab0cd.charCodeAt(_0x4e9120 + 0x2)] << 0x6 | _0x363090[_0x5ab0cd.charCodeAt(_0x4e9120 + 0x3)], _0x35cd5b[_0x50face++] = _0x35e9c1 >> 0x10 & 0xff, _0x35cd5b[_0x50face++] = _0x35e9c1 >> 0x8 & 0xff, _0x35cd5b[_0x50face++] = 0xff & _0x35e9c1;
0x2 === _0x56570e && (_0x35e9c1 = _0x363090[_0x5ab0cd.charCodeAt(_0x4e9120)] << 0x2 | _0x363090[_0x5ab0cd.charCodeAt(_0x4e9120 + 0x1)] >> 0x4, _0x35cd5b[_0x50face++] = 0xff & _0x35e9c1);
0x1 === _0x56570e && (_0x35e9c1 = _0x363090[_0x5ab0cd.charCodeAt(_0x4e9120)] << 0xa | _0x363090[_0x5ab0cd.charCodeAt(_0x4e9120 + 0x1)] << 0x4 | _0x363090[_0x5ab0cd.charCodeAt(_0x4e9120 + 0x2)] >> 0x2, _0x35cd5b[_0x50face++] = _0x35e9c1 >> 0x8 & 0xff, _0x35cd5b[_0x50face++] = 0xff & _0x35e9c1);
return _0x35cd5b;
}, _0x35e9c1.fromByteArray = function(_0xd0488e) {
for (var _0x35e9c1, _0x4e9120 = _0xd0488e.length, _0x34415e = _0x4e9120 % 0x3, _0x4bc8fc = [], _0x5bce44 = 0x0, _0x58739f = _0x4e9120 - _0x34415e; _0x5bce44 < _0x58739f; _0x5bce44 += 0x3fff) _0x4bc8fc.push(_0x48ea44(_0xd0488e, _0x5bce44, _0x5bce44 + 0x3fff > _0x58739f ? _0x58739f : _0x5bce44 + 0x3fff));
0x1 === _0x34415e ? (_0x35e9c1 = _0xd0488e[_0x4e9120 - 0x1], _0x4bc8fc.push(_0x1e6251[_0x35e9c1 >> 0x2] + _0x1e6251[_0x35e9c1 << 0x4 & 0x3f] + '==')) : 0x2 === _0x34415e && (_0x35e9c1 = (_0xd0488e[_0x4e9120 - 0x2] << 0x8) + _0xd0488e[_0x4e9120 - 0x1], _0x4bc8fc.push(_0x1e6251[_0x35e9c1 >> 0xa] + _0x1e6251[_0x35e9c1 >> 0x4 & 0x3f] + _0x1e6251[_0x35e9c1 << 0x2 & 0x3f] + '='));
return _0x4bc8fc.join('');
for (var _0x1e6251 = [], _0x363090 = [], _0x1526d9 = 'undefined' != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array, _0x5a86b6 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/', _0x1f872e = 0x0, _0x5a9cb9 = _0x5a86b6.length; _0x1f872e < _0x5a9cb9; ++_0x1f872e) _0x1e6251[_0x1f872e] = _0x5a86b6[_0x1f872e], _0x363090[_0x5a86b6.charCodeAt(_0x1f872e)] = _0x1f872e;
function _0xebc8e4(_0x1dbeba) {
var _0x35e9c1 = _0x1dbeba.length;
if (_0x35e9c1 % 0x4 > 0x0) throw new Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4');
var _0x4e9120 = _0x1dbeba.indexOf('=');
return -0x1 === _0x4e9120 && (_0x4e9120 = _0x35e9c1), [_0x4e9120, _0x4e9120 === _0x35e9c1 ? 0x0 : 0x4 - _0x4e9120 % 0x4];
function _0x48ea44(_0x56c278, _0x4a7346, _0x5f2040) {
for (var _0x50a526, _0xf5d207, _0x7291d9 = [], _0x4a0a0c = _0x4a7346; _0x4a0a0c < _0x5f2040; _0x4a0a0c += 0x3) _0x50a526 = (_0x56c278[_0x4a0a0c] << 0x10 & 0xff0000) + (_0x56c278[_0x4a0a0c + 0x1] << 0x8 & 0xff00) + (0xff & _0x56c278[_0x4a0a0c + 0x2]), _0x7291d9.push(_0x1e6251[(_0xf5d207 = _0x50a526) >> 0x12 & 0x3f] + _0x1e6251[_0xf5d207 >> 0xc & 0x3f] + _0x1e6251[_0xf5d207 >> 0x6 & 0x3f] + _0x1e6251[0x3f & _0xf5d207]);
return _0x7291d9.join('');
_0x363090['-' .charCodeAt(0x0)] = 0x3e, _0x363090['_' .charCodeAt(0x0)] = 0x3f;
}, function(_0x1a2ca1, _0x5ab40f) {
_0x5ab40f.read = function(_0x98ecfb, _0x5ecfd8, _0x15d57f, _0x1459c1, _0x542705) {
var _0x2db62b, _0x395290, _0x1b5e59 = 0x8 * _0x542705 - _0x1459c1 - 0x1,
_0x4819f0 = (0x1 << _0x1b5e59) - 0x1,
_0x297b1a = _0x4819f0 >> 0x1,
_0xf83277 = -0x7,
_0xde96bc = _0x15d57f ? _0x542705 - 0x1 : 0x0,
_0x1e18fd = _0x15d57f ? -0x1 : 0x1,
_0x39dd3e = _0x98ecfb[_0x5ecfd8 + _0xde96bc];
for (_0xde96bc += _0x1e18fd, _0x2db62b = _0x39dd3e & (0x1 << -_0xf83277) - 0x1, _0x39dd3e >>= -_0xf83277, _0xf83277 += _0x1b5e59; _0xf83277 > 0x0; _0x2db62b = 0x100 * _0x2db62b + _0x98ecfb[_0x5ecfd8 + _0xde96bc], _0xde96bc += _0x1e18fd, _0xf83277 -= 0x8);
for (_0x395290 = _0x2db62b & (0x1 << -_0xf83277) - 0x1, _0x2db62b >>= -_0xf83277, _0xf83277 += _0x1459c1; _0xf83277 > 0x0; _0x395290 = 0x100 * _0x395290 + _0x98ecfb[_0x5ecfd8 + _0xde96bc], _0xde96bc += _0x1e18fd, _0xf83277 -= 0x8);
if (0x0 === _0x2db62b) _0x2db62b = 0x1 - _0x297b1a;
else {
if (_0x2db62b === _0x4819f0) return _0x395290 ? NaN : 0x1 / 0x0 * (_0x39dd3e ? -0x1 : 0x1);
_0x395290 += Math.pow(0x2, _0x1459c1), _0x2db62b -= _0x297b1a;
return (_0x39dd3e ? -0x1 : 0x1) * _0x395290 * Math.pow(0x2, _0x2db62b - _0x1459c1);
}, _0x5ab40f.write = function(_0x4ba5be, _0x318108, _0x4685ef, _0x5c1ec6, _0x565bed, _0x42cd0b) {
var _0x4a1cdf, _0x3837e2, _0x50c917, _0x19dbca = 0x8 * _0x42cd0b - _0x565bed - 0x1,
_0x324c08 = (0x1 << _0x19dbca) - 0x1,
_0x523d34 = _0x324c08 >> 0x1,
_0xfab182 = 0x17 === _0x565bed ? Math.pow(0x2, -0x18) - Math.pow(0x2, -0x4d) : 0x0,
_0x370a26 = _0x5c1ec6 ? 0x0 : _0x42cd0b - 0x1,
_0x5bb572 = _0x5c1ec6 ? 0x1 : -0x1,
_0x3be950 = _0x318108 < 0x0 || 0x0 === _0x318108 && 0x1 / _0x318108 < 0x0 ? 0x1 : 0x0;
for (_0x318108 = Math.abs(_0x318108), isNaN(_0x318108) || _0x318108 === 0x1 / 0x0 ? (_0x3837e2 = isNaN(_0x318108) ? 0x1 : 0x0, _0x4a1cdf = _0x324c08) : (_0x4a1cdf = Math.floor(Math.log(_0x318108) / Math.LN2), _0x318108 * (_0x50c917 = Math.pow(0x2, -_0x4a1cdf)) < 0x1 && (_0x4a1cdf--, _0x50c917 *= 0x2), (_0x318108 += _0x4a1cdf + _0x523d34 >= 0x1 ? _0xfab182 / _0x50c917 : _0xfab182 * Math.pow(0x2, 0x1 - _0x523d34)) * _0x50c917 >= 0x2 && (_0x4a1cdf++, _0x50c917 /= 0x2), _0x4a1cdf + _0x523d34 >= _0x324c08 ? (_0x3837e2 = 0x0, _0x4a1cdf = _0x324c08) : _0x4a1cdf + _0x523d34 >= 0x1 ? (_0x3837e2 = (_0x318108 * _0x50c917 - 0x1) * Math.pow(0x2, _0x565bed), _0x4a1cdf += _0x523d34) : (_0x3837e2 = _0x318108 * Math.pow(0x2, _0x523d34 - 0x1) * Math.pow(0x2, _0x565bed), _0x4a1cdf = 0x0)); _0x565bed >= 0x8; _0x4ba5be[_0x4685ef + _0x370a26] = 0xff & _0x3837e2, _0x370a26 += _0x5bb572, _0x3837e2 /= 0x100, _0x565bed -= 0x8);
for (_0x4a1cdf = _0x4a1cdf << _0x565bed | _0x3837e2, _0x19dbca += _0x565bed; _0x19dbca > 0x0; _0x4ba5be[_0x4685ef + _0x370a26] = 0xff & _0x4a1cdf, _0x370a26 += _0x5bb572, _0x4a1cdf /= 0x100, _0x19dbca -= 0x8);
_0x4ba5be[_0x4685ef + _0x370a26 - _0x5bb572] |= 0x80 * _0x3be950;
}, function(_0x7f2027, _0x1e318c) {
var _0x43851d = {}.toString;
_0x7f2027.exports = Array.isArray || function(_0x4397a1) {
return '[object Array]' == _0x43851d.call(_0x4397a1);
}, function(_0x55766d, _0x425397, _0x30fc1c) {
var _0x312e4e = _0x30fc1c(0x91),
_0xfaebef = _0x30fc1c(0x4a)('socket.io-client:url');
_0x55766d.exports = function(_0x1e578e, _0x55621b) {
var _0x30fc1c = _0x1e578e;
_0x55621b = _0x55621b || 'undefined' != typeof location && location, null == _0x1e578e && (_0x1e578e = _0x55621b.protocol + '//' + _0x55621b.host);
'string' == typeof _0x1e578e && ('/' === _0x1e578e.charAt(0x0) && (_0x1e578e = '/' === _0x1e578e.charAt(0x1) ? _0x55621b.protocol + _0x1e578e : _0x55621b.host + _0x1e578e), /^(https?|wss?):\/\// .test(_0x1e578e) || (_0xfaebef('protocol-less url %s', _0x1e578e), _0x1e578e = void 0x0 !== _0x55621b ? _0x55621b.protocol + '//' + _0x1e578e : 'https://' + _0x1e578e), _0xfaebef('parse %s', _0x1e578e), _0x30fc1c = _0x312e4e(_0x1e578e));
_0x30fc1c.port || (/^(http|ws)$/ .test(_0x30fc1c.protocol) ? _0x30fc1c.port = '80' : /^(http|ws)s$/ .test(_0x30fc1c.protocol) && (_0x30fc1c.port = '443'));
_0x30fc1c.path = _0x30fc1c.path || '/';
var _0x259720 = -0x1 !== _0x30fc1c.host.indexOf(':') ? '[' + _0x30fc1c.host + ']' : _0x30fc1c.host;
return _0x30fc1c.id = _0x30fc1c.protocol + '://' + _0x259720 + ':' + _0x30fc1c.port, _0x30fc1c.href = _0x30fc1c.protocol + '://' + _0x259720 + (_0x55621b && _0x55621b.port === _0x30fc1c.port ? '' : ':' + _0x30fc1c.port), _0x30fc1c;
}, function(_0x309003, _0x12598a, _0x6390d0) {
function _0x4bc461(_0x1b6f2f) {
var _0x6390d0;
function _0x4f0f69() {
if (_0x4f0f69.enabled) {
var _0x1b6f2f = _0x4f0f69,
_0x478df4 = +new Date(),
_0x3e9539 = _0x478df4 - (_0x6390d0 || _0x478df4);
_0x1b6f2f.diff = _0x3e9539, _0x1b6f2f.prev = _0x6390d0, _0x1b6f2f.curr = _0x478df4, _0x6390d0 = _0x478df4;
for (var _0x4a107f = new Array(arguments.length), _0x13594f = 0x0; _0x13594f < _0x4a107f.length; _0x13594f++) _0x4a107f[_0x13594f] = arguments[_0x13594f];
_0x4a107f[0x0] = _0x12598a.coerce(_0x4a107f[0x0]), 'string' != typeof _0x4a107f[0x0] && _0x4a107f.unshift('%O');
var _0x3f5695 = 0x0;
_0x4a107f[0x0] = _0x4a107f[0x0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, function(_0x4dd58f, _0x3b0513) {
if ('%%' === _0x4dd58f) return _0x4dd58f;
var _0x1d4539 = _0x12598a.formatters[_0x3b0513];
if ('function' == typeof _0x1d4539) {
var _0x2f3d6f = _0x4a107f[_0x3f5695];
_0x4dd58f = _0x1d4539.call(_0x1b6f2f, _0x2f3d6f), _0x4a107f.splice(_0x3f5695, 0x1), _0x3f5695--;
return _0x4dd58f;
}), _0x12598a.formatArgs.call(_0x1b6f2f, _0x4a107f), (_0x4f0f69.log || _0x12598a.log || console.log.bind(console)).apply(_0x1b6f2f, _0x4a107f);
return _0x4f0f69.namespace = _0x1b6f2f, _0x4f0f69.enabled = _0x12598a.enabled(_0x1b6f2f), _0x4f0f69.useColors = _0x12598a.useColors(), _0x4f0f69.color = function(_0x5aec32) {
var _0x6390d0, _0xe192b3 = 0x0;
for (_0x6390d0 in _0x5aec32) _0xe192b3 = (_0xe192b3 << 0x5) - _0xe192b3 + _0x5aec32.charCodeAt(_0x6390d0), _0xe192b3 |= 0x0;
return _0x12598a.colors[Math.abs(_0xe192b3) % _0x12598a.colors.length];
}(_0x1b6f2f), _0x4f0f69.destroy = _0x41d325, 'function' == typeof _0x12598a.init && _0x12598a.init(_0x4f0f69), _0x12598a.instances.push(_0x4f0f69), _0x4f0f69;
function _0x41d325() {
var _0x309003 = _0x12598a.instances.indexOf(this);
return -0x1 !== _0x309003 && (_0x12598a.instances.splice(_0x309003, 0x1), true);
}(_0x12598a = _0x309003.exports = _0x4bc461.debug = _0x4bc461.default = _0x4bc461).coerce = function(_0x46ff6f) {
return _0x46ff6f instanceof Error ? _0x46ff6f.stack || _0x46ff6f.message : _0x46ff6f;
}, _0x12598a.disable = function() {
}, _0x12598a.enable = function(_0x4f23b1) {
var _0x6390d0;
_0x12598a.save(_0x4f23b1), _0x12598a.names = [], _0x12598a.skips = [];
var _0x199225 = ('string' == typeof _0x4f23b1 ? _0x4f23b1 : '').split(/[\s,]+/),
_0x2a6586 = _0x199225.length;
for (_0x6390d0 = 0x0; _0x6390d0 < _0x2a6586; _0x6390d0++) _0x199225[_0x6390d0] && ('-' === (_0x4f23b1 = _0x199225[_0x6390d0].replace(/\*/g, '.*?'))[0x0] ? _0x12598a.skips.push(new RegExp('^' + _0x4f23b1.substr(0x1) + '$')) : _0x12598a.names.push(new RegExp('^' + _0x4f23b1 + '$')));
for (_0x6390d0 = 0x0; _0x6390d0 < _0x12598a.instances.length; _0x6390d0++) {
var _0x45a46b = _0x12598a.instances[_0x6390d0];
_0x45a46b.enabled = _0x12598a.enabled(_0x45a46b.namespace);
}, _0x12598a.enabled = function(_0xde8aec) {
if ('*' === _0xde8aec[_0xde8aec.length - 0x1]) return true;
var _0x6390d0, _0xf406c9;
for (_0x6390d0 = 0x0, _0xf406c9 = _0x12598a.skips.length; _0x6390d0 < _0xf406c9; _0x6390d0++)
if (_0x12598a.skips[_0x6390d0].test(_0xde8aec)) return !0x1;
for (_0x6390d0 = 0x0, _0xf406c9 = _0x12598a.names.length; _0x6390d0 < _0xf406c9; _0x6390d0++)
if (_0x12598a.names[_0x6390d0].test(_0xde8aec)) return true;
return !0x1;
}, _0x12598a.humanize = _0x6390d0(0x68), _0x12598a.instances = [], _0x12598a.names = [], _0x12598a.skips = [], _0x12598a.formatters = {};
}, function(_0x51bfb5, _0x52ec3c, _0x4a6556) {
_0x51bfb5.exports = _0x4a6556(0x4d);
}, function(_0x54fbaa, _0xb994ca, _0x222313) {
function _0x574a17(_0x160166) {
var _0x222313;
function _0x1f7dd9() {
if (_0x1f7dd9.enabled) {
var _0x160166 = _0x1f7dd9,
_0x525d4f = +new Date(),
_0x394213 = _0x525d4f - (_0x222313 || _0x525d4f);
_0x160166.diff = _0x394213, _0x160166.prev = _0x222313, _0x160166.curr = _0x525d4f, _0x222313 = _0x525d4f;
for (var _0x4f052c = new Array(arguments.length), _0xe076c = 0x0; _0xe076c < _0x4f052c.length; _0xe076c++) _0x4f052c[_0xe076c] = arguments[_0xe076c];
_0x4f052c[0x0] = _0xb994ca.coerce(_0x4f052c[0x0]), 'string' != typeof _0x4f052c[0x0] && _0x4f052c.unshift('%O');
var _0x55ee0e = 0x0;
_0x4f052c[0x0] = _0x4f052c[0x0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, function(_0x1d83d0, _0x1823f2) {
if ('%%' === _0x1d83d0) return _0x1d83d0;
var _0x120817 = _0xb994ca.formatters[_0x1823f2];
if ('function' == typeof _0x120817) {
var _0x12b98d = _0x4f052c[_0x55ee0e];
_0x1d83d0 = _0x120817.call(_0x160166, _0x12b98d), _0x4f052c.splice(_0x55ee0e, 0x1), _0x55ee0e--;
return _0x1d83d0;
}), _0xb994ca.formatArgs.call(_0x160166, _0x4f052c), (_0x1f7dd9.log || _0xb994ca.log || console.log.bind(console)).apply(_0x160166, _0x4f052c);
return _0x1f7dd9.namespace = _0x160166, _0x1f7dd9.enabled = _0xb994ca.enabled(_0x160166), _0x1f7dd9.useColors = _0xb994ca.useColors(), _0x1f7dd9.color = function(_0x41b495) {
var _0x222313, _0x369715 = 0x0;
for (_0x222313 in _0x41b495) _0x369715 = (_0x369715 << 0x5) - _0x369715 + _0x41b495.charCodeAt(_0x222313), _0x369715 |= 0x0;
return _0xb994ca.colors[Math.abs(_0x369715) % _0xb994ca.colors.length];
}(_0x160166), _0x1f7dd9.destroy = _0xafe771, 'function' == typeof _0xb994ca.init && _0xb994ca.init(_0x1f7dd9), _0xb994ca.instances.push(_0x1f7dd9), _0x1f7dd9;
function _0xafe771() {
var _0x54fbaa = _0xb994ca.instances.indexOf(this);
return -0x1 !== _0x54fbaa && (_0xb994ca.instances.splice(_0x54fbaa, 0x1), true);
}(_0xb994ca = _0x54fbaa.exports = _0x574a17.debug = _0x574a17.default = _0x574a17).coerce = function(_0xeef7c3) {
return _0xeef7c3 instanceof Error ? _0xeef7c3.stack || _0xeef7c3.message : _0xeef7c3;
}, _0xb994ca.disable = function() {
}, _0xb994ca.enable = function(_0x136d11) {
var _0x222313;
_0xb994ca.save(_0x136d11), _0xb994ca.names = [], _0xb994ca.skips = [];
var _0xddbc08 = ('string' == typeof _0x136d11 ? _0x136d11 : '').split(/[\s,]+/),
_0xe57337 = _0xddbc08.length;
for (_0x222313 = 0x0; _0x222313 < _0xe57337; _0x222313++) _0xddbc08[_0x222313] && ('-' === (_0x136d11 = _0xddbc08[_0x222313].replace(/\*/g, '.*?'))[0x0] ? _0xb994ca.skips.push(new RegExp('^' + _0x136d11.substr(0x1) + '$')) : _0xb994ca.names.push(new RegExp('^' + _0x136d11 + '$')));
for (_0x222313 = 0x0; _0x222313 < _0xb994ca.instances.length; _0x222313++) {
var _0x1f56d8 = _0xb994ca.instances[_0x222313];
_0x1f56d8.enabled = _0xb994ca.enabled(_0x1f56d8.namespace);
}, _0xb994ca.enabled = function(_0x4167fe) {
if ('*' === _0x4167fe[_0x4167fe.length - 0x1]) return true;
var _0x222313, _0x59df7e;
for (_0x222313 = 0x0, _0x59df7e = _0xb994ca.skips.length; _0x222313 < _0x59df7e; _0x222313++)
if (_0xb994ca.skips[_0x222313].test(_0x4167fe)) return !0x1;
for (_0x222313 = 0x0, _0x59df7e = _0xb994ca.names.length; _0x222313 < _0x59df7e; _0x222313++)
if (_0xb994ca.names[_0x222313].test(_0x4167fe)) return true;
return !0x1;
}, _0xb994ca.humanize = _0x222313(0x68), _0xb994ca.instances = [], _0xb994ca.names = [], _0xb994ca.skips = [], _0xb994ca.formatters = {};
}, function(_0x5ef37b, _0x2bf12f, _0x5e36a8) {
var _0x1896c7 = _0x5e36a8(0x93),
_0x4bc13e = Object.prototype.toString,
_0x1a39df = 'function' == typeof Blob || 'undefined' != typeof Blob && '[object BlobConstructor]' === _0x4bc13e.call(Blob),
_0x1fd000 = 'function' == typeof File || 'undefined' != typeof File && '[object FileConstructor]' === _0x4bc13e.call(File);
_0x2bf12f.deconstructPacket = function(_0x7b453a) {
var _0x2bf12f = [],
_0x5e36a8 = _0x7b453a.data,
_0x480b58 = _0x7b453a;
return _0x480b58.data = function _0x7b453a(_0x2b35ac, _0x5ae562) {
if (!_0x2b35ac) return _0x2b35ac;
if (_0x1896c7(_0x2b35ac)) {
var _0x41f818 = {
'_placeholder': true,
'num': _0x5ae562.length
return _0x5ae562.push(_0x2b35ac), _0x41f818;
if (Array.isArray(_0x2b35ac)) {
for (var _0x3af883 = new Array(_0x2b35ac.length), _0x4c62b6 = 0x0; _0x4c62b6 < _0x2b35ac.length; _0x4c62b6++) _0x3af883[_0x4c62b6] = _0x7b453a(_0x2b35ac[_0x4c62b6], _0x5ae562);
return _0x3af883;
if ('object' == typeof _0x2b35ac && !(_0x2b35ac instanceof Date)) {
_0x3af883 = {};
for (var _0x33a853 in _0x2b35ac) _0x3af883[_0x33a853] = _0x7b453a(_0x2b35ac[_0x33a853], _0x5ae562);
return _0x3af883;
return _0x2b35ac;
}(_0x5e36a8, _0x2bf12f), _0x480b58.attachments = _0x2bf12f.length, {
'packet': _0x480b58,
'buffers': _0x2bf12f
}, _0x2bf12f.reconstructPacket = function(_0x3a9261, _0x4464b6) {
return _0x3a9261.data = function _0x3a9261(_0x5dce45, _0x2d03b7) {
if (!_0x5dce45) return _0x5dce45;
if (_0x5dce45 && _0x5dce45._placeholder) return _0x2d03b7[_0x5dce45.num];
if (Array.isArray(_0x5dce45))
for (var _0x38ca1f = 0x0; _0x38ca1f < _0x5dce45.length; _0x38ca1f++) _0x5dce45[_0x38ca1f] = _0x3a9261(_0x5dce45[_0x38ca1f], _0x2d03b7);
else if ('object' == typeof _0x5dce45)
for (var _0x730ee1 in _0x5dce45) _0x5dce45[_0x730ee1] = _0x3a9261(_0x5dce45[_0x730ee1], _0x2d03b7);
return _0x5dce45;
}(_0x3a9261.data, _0x4464b6), _0x3a9261.attachments = void 0x0, _0x3a9261;
}, _0x2bf12f.removeBlobs = function(_0x4a63fc, _0xb57a00) {
var _0x5e36a8 = 0x0,
_0x204453 = _0x4a63fc;
! function _0x4a63fc(_0x11b7e1, _0x47bee4, _0x1fbe7b) {
if (!_0x11b7e1) return _0x11b7e1;
if (_0x1a39df && _0x11b7e1 instanceof Blob || _0x1fd000 && _0x11b7e1 instanceof File) {
var _0x4af2e1 = new FileReader();
_0x4af2e1.onload = function() {
_0x1fbe7b ? _0x1fbe7b[_0x47bee4] = this.result : _0x204453 = this.result, --_0x5e36a8 || _0xb57a00(_0x204453);
}, _0x4af2e1.readAsArrayBuffer(_0x11b7e1);
} else if (Array.isArray(_0x11b7e1))
for (var _0xe3e0da = 0x0; _0xe3e0da < _0x11b7e1.length; _0xe3e0da++) _0x4a63fc(_0x11b7e1[_0xe3e0da], _0xe3e0da, _0x11b7e1);
else if ('object' == typeof _0x11b7e1 && !_0x1896c7(_0x11b7e1))
for (var _0x45739f in _0x11b7e1) _0x4a63fc(_0x11b7e1[_0x45739f], _0x45739f, _0x11b7e1);
}(_0x204453), _0x5e36a8 || _0xb57a00(_0x204453);
}, function(_0x4110e5, _0xc49d7f, _0x49ae62) {
_0x4110e5.exports = _0x49ae62(0x17b), _0x4110e5.exports.parser = _0x49ae62(0x33);
}, function(_0x34d620, _0x3efa0b, _0x55216d) {
var _0x1fdb83 = _0x55216d(0x95),
_0x9fae3 = _0x55216d(0x32),
_0x148108 = _0x55216d(0x4d)('engine.io-client:socket'),
_0xc49fe6 = _0x55216d(0x99),
_0x423ddf = _0x55216d(0x33),
_0x5022c2 = _0x55216d(0x91),
_0x4dbffe = _0x55216d(0x4b);
function _0x194ddd(_0x4a18d5, _0x4e8077) {
if (!(this instanceof _0x194ddd)) return new _0x194ddd(_0x4a18d5, _0x4e8077);
_0x4e8077 = _0x4e8077 || {}, _0x4a18d5 && 'object' == typeof _0x4a18d5 && (_0x4e8077 = _0x4a18d5, _0x4a18d5 = null), _0x4a18d5 ? (_0x4a18d5 = _0x5022c2(_0x4a18d5), _0x4e8077.hostname = _0x4a18d5.host, _0x4e8077.secure = 'https' === _0x4a18d5.protocol || 'wss' === _0x4a18d5.protocol, _0x4e8077.port = _0x4a18d5.port, _0x4a18d5.query && (_0x4e8077.query = _0x4a18d5.query)) : _0x4e8077.host && (_0x4e8077.hostname = _0x5022c2(_0x4e8077.host).host), this.secure = null != _0x4e8077.secure ? _0x4e8077.secure : 'undefined' != typeof location && 'https:' === location.protocol, _0x4e8077.hostname && !_0x4e8077.port && (_0x4e8077.port = this.secure ? '443' : '80'), this.agent = _0x4e8077.agent || !0x1, this.hostname = _0x4e8077.hostname || ('undefined' != typeof location ? location.hostname : 'localhost'), this.port = _0x4e8077.port || ('undefined' != typeof location && location.port ? location.port : this.secure ? 0x1bb : 0x50), this.query = _0x4e8077.query || {}, 'string' == typeof this.query && (this.query = _0x4dbffe.decode(this.query)), this.upgrade = !0x1 !== _0x4e8077.upgrade, this.path = (_0x4e8077.path || '/engine.io').replace(/\/$/, '') + '/', this.forceJSONP = !!_0x4e8077.forceJSONP, this.jsonp = !0x1 !== _0x4e8077.jsonp, this.forceBase64 = !!_0x4e8077.forceBase64, this.enablesXDR = !!_0x4e8077.enablesXDR, this.timestampParam = _0x4e8077.timestampParam || 't', this.timestampRequests = _0x4e8077.timestampRequests, this.transports = _0x4e8077.transports || ['polling', 'websocket'], this.transportOptions = _0x4e8077.transportOptions || {}, this.readyState = '', this.writeBuffer = [], this.prevBufferLen = 0x0, this.policyPort = _0x4e8077.policyPort || 0x34b, this.rememberUpgrade = _0x4e8077.rememberUpgrade || !0x1, this.binaryType = null, this.onlyBinaryUpgrades = _0x4e8077.onlyBinaryUpgrades, this.perMessageDeflate = !0x1 !== _0x4e8077.perMessageDeflate && (_0x4e8077.perMessageDeflate || {}), true === this.perMessageDeflate && (this.perMessageDeflate = {}), this.perMessageDeflate && null == this.perMessageDeflate.threshold && (this.perMessageDeflate.threshold = 0x400), this.pfx = _0x4e8077.pfx || null, this.key = _0x4e8077.key || null, this.passphrase = _0x4e8077.passphrase || null, this.cert = _0x4e8077.cert || null, this.ca = _0x4e8077.ca || null, this.ciphers = _0x4e8077.ciphers || null, this.rejectUnauthorized = void 0x0 === _0x4e8077.rejectUnauthorized || _0x4e8077.rejectUnauthorized, this.forceNode = !!_0x4e8077.forceNode, this.isReactNative = 'undefined' != typeof navigator && 'string' == typeof navigator.product && 'reactnative' === navigator.product.toLowerCase(), ('undefined' == typeof self || this.isReactNative) && (_0x4e8077.extraHeaders && Object.keys(_0x4e8077.extraHeaders).length > 0x0 && (this.extraHeaders = _0x4e8077.extraHeaders), _0x4e8077.localAddress && (this.localAddress = _0x4e8077.localAddress)), this.id = null, this.upgrades = null, this.pingInterval = null, this.pingTimeout = null, this.pingIntervalTimer = null, this.pingTimeoutTimer = null, this.open();
_0x34d620.exports = _0x194ddd, _0x194ddd.priorWebsocketSuccess = !0x1, _0x9fae3(_0x194ddd.prototype), _0x194ddd.protocol = _0x423ddf.protocol, _0x194ddd.Socket = _0x194ddd, _0x194ddd.Transport = _0x55216d(0x6b), _0x194ddd.transports = _0x55216d(0x95), _0x194ddd.parser = _0x55216d(0x33), _0x194ddd.prototype.createTransport = function(_0x148af1) {
_0x148108('creating transport "%s"', _0x148af1);
var _0x3efa0b = function(_0x45595f) {
var _0x3efa0b = {};
for (var _0x55216d in _0x45595f) _0x45595f.hasOwnProperty(_0x55216d) && (_0x3efa0b[_0x55216d] = _0x45595f[_0x55216d]);
return _0x3efa0b;
_0x3efa0b.EIO = 4, _0x3efa0b.transport = _0x148af1;
var _0x55216d = this.transportOptions[_0x148af1] || {};
return this.id && (_0x3efa0b.sid = this.id), new _0x1fdb83[_0x148af1]({
'query': _0x3efa0b,
'socket': this,
'agent': _0x55216d.agent || this.agent,
'hostname': _0x55216d.hostname || this.hostname,
'port': _0x55216d.port || this.port,
'secure': _0x55216d.secure || this.secure,
'path': _0x55216d.path || this.path,
'forceJSONP': _0x55216d.forceJSONP || this.forceJSONP,
'jsonp': _0x55216d.jsonp || this.jsonp,
'forceBase64': _0x55216d.forceBase64 || this.forceBase64,
'enablesXDR': _0x55216d.enablesXDR || this.enablesXDR,
'timestampRequests': _0x55216d.timestampRequests || this.timestampRequests,
'timestampParam': _0x55216d.timestampParam || this.timestampParam,
'policyPort': _0x55216d.policyPort || this.policyPort,
'pfx': _0x55216d.pfx || this.pfx,
'key': _0x55216d.key || this.key,
'passphrase': _0x55216d.passphrase || this.passphrase,
'cert': _0x55216d.cert || this.cert,
'ca': _0x55216d.ca || this.ca,
'ciphers': _0x55216d.ciphers || this.ciphers,
'rejectUnauthorized': _0x55216d.rejectUnauthorized || this.rejectUnauthorized,
'perMessageDeflate': _0x55216d.perMessageDeflate || this.perMessageDeflate,
'extraHeaders': _0x55216d.extraHeaders || this.extraHeaders,
'forceNode': _0x55216d.forceNode || this.forceNode,
'localAddress': _0x55216d.localAddress || this.localAddress,
'requestTimeout': _0x55216d.requestTimeout || this.requestTimeout,
'protocols': _0x55216d.protocols || void 0x0,
'isReactNative': this.isReactNative
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.open = function() {
var _0x34d620;
if (this.rememberUpgrade && _0x194ddd.priorWebsocketSuccess && -0x1 !== this.transports.indexOf('websocket')) _0x34d620 = 'websocket';
else {
if (0x0 === this.transports.length) {
var _0x3efa0b = this;
return void setTimeout(function() {
_0x3efa0b.emit('error', 'No transports available');
}, 0x0);
_0x34d620 = this.transports[0x0];
this.readyState = 'opening';
try {
_0x34d620 = this.createTransport(_0x34d620);
} catch (_0x5e61e1) {
return this.transports.shift(), void this.open();
_0x34d620.open(), this.setTransport(_0x34d620);
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.setTransport = function(_0xb1579d) {
_0x148108('setting transport %s', _0xb1579d.name);
var _0x3efa0b = this;
this.transport && (_0x148108('clearing existing transport %s', this.transport.name), this.transport.removeAllListeners()), this.transport = _0xb1579d, _0xb1579d.on('drain', function() {
}).on('packet', function(_0x1712a3) {
}).on('error', function(_0x89808c) {
}).on('close', function() {
_0x3efa0b.onClose('transport close');
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.probe = function(_0x501e0f) {
_0x148108('probing transport "%s"', _0x501e0f);
var _0x3efa0b = this.createTransport(_0x501e0f, {
'probe': 0x1
_0x55216d = !0x1,
_0x5f251f = this;
function _0x1eb3ab() {
if (_0x5f251f.onlyBinaryUpgrades) {
var _0x3f12eb = !this.supportsBinary && _0x5f251f.transport.supportsBinary;
_0x55216d = _0x55216d || _0x3f12eb;
_0x55216d || (_0x148108('probe transport "%s" opened', _0x501e0f), _0x3efa0b.send([{
'type': 'ping',
'data': 'probe'
}]), _0x3efa0b.once('packet', function(_0x557c99) {
if (!_0x55216d)
if ('pong' === _0x557c99.type && 'probe' === _0x557c99.data) {
if (_0x148108('probe transport "%s" pong', _0x501e0f), _0x5f251f.upgrading = true, _0x5f251f.emit('upgrading', _0x3efa0b), !_0x3efa0b) return;
_0x194ddd.priorWebsocketSuccess = 'websocket' === _0x3efa0b.name, _0x148108('pausing current transport "%s"', _0x5f251f.transport.name), _0x5f251f.transport.pause(function() {
_0x55216d || 'closed' !== _0x5f251f.readyState && (_0x148108('changing transport and sending upgrade packet'), _0x3f719e(), _0x5f251f.setTransport(_0x3efa0b), _0x3efa0b.send([{
'type': 'upgrade'
}]), _0x5f251f.emit('upgrade', _0x3efa0b), _0x3efa0b = null, _0x5f251f.upgrading = !0x1, _0x5f251f.flush());
} else {
_0x148108('probe transport "%s" failed', _0x501e0f);
var _0x3e6d82 = new Error('probe error');
_0x3e6d82.transport = _0x3efa0b.name, _0x5f251f.emit('upgradeError', _0x3e6d82);
function _0x2b67eb() {
_0x55216d || (_0x55216d = true, _0x3f719e(), _0x3efa0b.close(), _0x3efa0b = null);
function _0x38040c(_0x76e3a6) {
var _0x29c478 = new Error('probe error: ' + _0x76e3a6);
_0x29c478.transport = _0x3efa0b.name, _0x2b67eb(), _0x148108('probe transport "%s" failed because of error: %s', _0x501e0f, _0x76e3a6), _0x5f251f.emit('upgradeError', _0x29c478);
function _0x2e19bc() {
_0x38040c('transport closed');
function _0x548dfa() {
_0x38040c('socket closed');
function _0x50f53d(_0x215597) {
_0x3efa0b && _0x215597.name !== _0x3efa0b.name && (_0x148108('"%s" works - aborting "%s"', _0x215597.name, _0x3efa0b.name), _0x2b67eb());
function _0x3f719e() {
_0x3efa0b.removeListener('open', _0x1eb3ab), _0x3efa0b.removeListener('error', _0x38040c), _0x3efa0b.removeListener('close', _0x2e19bc), _0x5f251f.removeListener('close', _0x548dfa), _0x5f251f.removeListener('upgrading', _0x50f53d);
_0x194ddd.priorWebsocketSuccess = !0x1, _0x3efa0b.once('open', _0x1eb3ab), _0x3efa0b.once('error', _0x38040c), _0x3efa0b.once('close', _0x2e19bc), this.once('close', _0x548dfa), this.once('upgrading', _0x50f53d), _0x3efa0b.open();
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.onOpen = function() {
if (_0x148108('socket open'), this.readyState = 'open', _0x194ddd.priorWebsocketSuccess = 'websocket' === this.transport.name, this.emit('open'), this.flush(), 'open' === this.readyState && this.upgrade && this.transport.pause) {
_0x148108('starting upgrade probes');
for (var _0x34d620 = 0x0, _0x3efa0b = this.upgrades.length; _0x34d620 < _0x3efa0b; _0x34d620++) this.probe(this.upgrades[_0x34d620]);
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.onPacket = function(_0x55a19b) {
if ('opening' === this.readyState || 'open' === this.readyState || 'closing' === this.readyState) switch (_0x148108('socket receive: type "%s", data "%s"', _0x55a19b.type, _0x55a19b.data), this.emit('packet', _0x55a19b), this.emit('heartbeat'), _0x55a19b.type) {
case 'open':
case 'pong':
this.setPing(), this.emit('pong');
case 'error':
var _0x3efa0b = new Error('server error');
_0x3efa0b.code = _0x55a19b.data, this.onError(_0x3efa0b);
case 'message':
this.emit('data', _0x55a19b.data), this.emit('message', _0x55a19b.data);
} else _0x148108('packet received with socket readyState "%s"', this.readyState);
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.onHandshake = function(_0xe7da3a) {
this.emit('handshake', _0xe7da3a), this.id = _0xe7da3a.sid, this.transport.query.sid = _0xe7da3a.sid, this.upgrades = this.filterUpgrades(_0xe7da3a.upgrades), this.pingInterval = _0xe7da3a.pingInterval, this.pingTimeout = _0xe7da3a.pingTimeout, this.onOpen(), 'closed' !== this.readyState && (this.setPing(), this.removeListener('heartbeat', this.onHeartbeat), this.on('heartbeat', this.onHeartbeat));
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.onHeartbeat = function(_0x22b120) {
var _0x3efa0b = this;
_0x3efa0b.pingTimeoutTimer = setTimeout(function() {
'closed' !== _0x3efa0b.readyState && _0x3efa0b.onClose('ping timeout');
}, _0x22b120 || _0x3efa0b.pingInterval + _0x3efa0b.pingTimeout);
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.setPing = function() {
var _0x34d620 = this;
clearTimeout(_0x34d620.pingIntervalTimer), _0x34d620.pingIntervalTimer = setTimeout(function() {
_0x148108('writing ping packet - expecting pong within %sms', _0x34d620.pingTimeout), _0x34d620.ping(), _0x34d620.onHeartbeat(_0x34d620.pingTimeout);
}, _0x34d620.pingInterval);
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.ping = function() {
var _0x34d620 = this;
this.sendPacket('ping', function() {
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.onDrain = function() {
this.writeBuffer.splice(0x0, this.prevBufferLen), this.prevBufferLen = 0x0, 0x0 === this.writeBuffer.length ? this.emit('drain') : this.flush();
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.flush = function() {
'closed' !== this.readyState && this.transport.writable && !this.upgrading && this.writeBuffer.length && (_0x148108('flushing %d packets in socket', this.writeBuffer.length), this.transport.send(this.writeBuffer), this.prevBufferLen = this.writeBuffer.length, this.emit('flush'));
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.write = _0x194ddd.prototype.send = function(_0x484e6e, _0x3a0c43, _0x5b726c) {
return this.sendPacket('message', _0x484e6e, _0x3a0c43, _0x5b726c), this;
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.sendPacket = function(_0x3c238c, _0x20399f, _0xe002a, _0x33074d) {
if ('function' == typeof _0x20399f && (_0x33074d = _0x20399f, _0x20399f = void 0x0), 'function' == typeof _0xe002a && (_0x33074d = _0xe002a, _0xe002a = null), 'closing' !== this.readyState && 'closed' !== this.readyState) {
(_0xe002a = _0xe002a || {}).compress = !0x1 !== _0xe002a.compress;
var _0x486efa = {
'type': _0x3c238c,
'data': _0x20399f,
'options': _0xe002a
this.emit('packetCreate', _0x486efa), this.writeBuffer.push(_0x486efa), _0x33074d && this.once('flush', _0x33074d), this.flush();
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.close = function() {
if ('opening' === this.readyState || 'open' === this.readyState) {
this.readyState = 'closing';
var _0x34d620 = this;
this.writeBuffer.length ? this.once('drain', function() {
this.upgrading ? _0x2d4cad() : _0x492e95();
}) : this.upgrading ? _0x2d4cad() : _0x492e95();
function _0x492e95() {
_0x34d620.onClose('forced close'), _0x148108('socket closing - telling transport to close'), _0x34d620.transport.close();
function _0x3daba2() {
_0x34d620.removeListener('upgrade', _0x3daba2), _0x34d620.removeListener('upgradeError', _0x3daba2), _0x492e95();
function _0x2d4cad() {
_0x34d620.once('upgrade', _0x3daba2), _0x34d620.once('upgradeError', _0x3daba2);
return this;
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.onError = function(_0x293f42) {
_0x148108('socket error %j', _0x293f42), _0x194ddd.priorWebsocketSuccess = !0x1, this.emit('error', _0x293f42), this.onClose('transport error', _0x293f42);
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.onClose = function(_0x505a19, _0x5b9107) {
if ('opening' === this.readyState || 'open' === this.readyState || 'closing' === this.readyState) {
_0x148108('socket close with reason: "%s"', _0x505a19);
clearTimeout(this.pingIntervalTimer), clearTimeout(this.pingTimeoutTimer), this.transport.removeAllListeners('close'), this.transport.close(), this.transport.removeAllListeners(), this.readyState = 'closed', this.id = null, this.emit('close', _0x505a19, _0x5b9107), this.writeBuffer = [], this.prevBufferLen = 0x0;
}, _0x194ddd.prototype.filterUpgrades = function(_0x5f33be) {
for (var _0x3efa0b = [], _0x55216d = 0x0, _0x57bb2f = _0x5f33be.length; _0x55216d < _0x57bb2f; _0x55216d++) ~_0xc49fe6(this.transports, _0x5f33be[_0x55216d]) && _0x3efa0b.push(_0x5f33be[_0x55216d]);
return _0x3efa0b;
}, function(_0x17517c, _0x123023) {
try {
_0x17517c.exports = 'undefined' != typeof XMLHttpRequest && 'withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch (_0x5dcf38) {
_0x17517c.exports = !0x1;
}, function(_0x45792d, _0x4626ed, _0x2c3494) {
var _0x392a8c = _0x2c3494(0x6a),
_0x516d93 = _0x2c3494(0x96),
_0x30a32b = _0x2c3494(0x32),
_0x201202 = _0x2c3494(0x4c),
_0x5b93ba = _0x2c3494(0x4d)('engine.io-client:polling-xhr');
function _0x15789d() {}
function _0x2c7385(_0x548340) {
if (_0x516d93.call(this, _0x548340), this.requestTimeout = _0x548340.requestTimeout, this.extraHeaders = _0x548340.extraHeaders, 'undefined' != typeof location) {
var _0x4626ed = 'https:' === location.protocol,
_0x2c3494 = location.port;
_0x2c3494 || (_0x2c3494 = _0x4626ed ? 0x1bb : 0x50), this.xd = 'undefined' != typeof location && _0x548340.hostname !== location.hostname || _0x2c3494 !== _0x548340.port, this.xs = _0x548340.secure !== _0x4626ed;
function _0x59daee(_0x32ac42) {
this.method = _0x32ac42.method || 'GET', this.uri = _0x32ac42.uri, this.xd = !!_0x32ac42.xd, this.xs = !!_0x32ac42.xs, this.async = !0x1 !== _0x32ac42.async, this.data = void 0x0 !== _0x32ac42.data ? _0x32ac42.data : null, this.agent = _0x32ac42.agent, this.isBinary = _0x32ac42.isBinary, this.supportsBinary = _0x32ac42.supportsBinary, this.enablesXDR = _0x32ac42.enablesXDR, this.requestTimeout = _0x32ac42.requestTimeout, this.pfx = _0x32ac42.pfx, this.key = _0x32ac42.key, this.passphrase = _0x32ac42.passphrase, this.cert = _0x32ac42.cert, this.ca = _0x32ac42.ca, this.ciphers = _0x32ac42.ciphers, this.rejectUnauthorized = _0x32ac42.rejectUnauthorized, this.extraHeaders = _0x32ac42.extraHeaders, this.create();
if (_0x45792d.exports = _0x2c7385, _0x45792d.exports.Request = _0x59daee, _0x201202(_0x2c7385, _0x516d93), _0x2c7385.prototype.supportsBinary = true, _0x2c7385.prototype.request = function(_0x8326ad) {
return (_0x8326ad = _0x8326ad || {}).uri = this.uri(), _0x8326ad.xd = this.xd, _0x8326ad.xs = this.xs, _0x8326ad.agent = this.agent || !0x1, _0x8326ad.supportsBinary = this.supportsBinary, _0x8326ad.enablesXDR = this.enablesXDR, _0x8326ad.pfx = this.pfx, _0x8326ad.key = this.key, _0x8326ad.passphrase = this.passphrase, _0x8326ad.cert = this.cert, _0x8326ad.ca = this.ca, _0x8326ad.ciphers = this.ciphers, _0x8326ad.rejectUnauthorized = this.rejectUnauthorized, _0x8326ad.requestTimeout = this.requestTimeout, _0x8326ad.extraHeaders = this.extraHeaders, new _0x59daee(_0x8326ad);
}, _0x2c7385.prototype.doWrite = function(_0x332d11, _0x37408c) {
var _0x2c3494 = 'string' != typeof _0x332d11 && void 0x0 !== _0x332d11,
_0x3525fb = this.request({
'method': 'POST',
'data': _0x332d11,
'isBinary': _0x2c3494
_0x2b0223 = this;
_0x3525fb.on('success', _0x37408c), _0x3525fb.on('error', function(_0xd90b63) {
_0x2b0223.onError('xhr post error', _0xd90b63);
}), this.sendXhr = _0x3525fb;
}, _0x2c7385.prototype.doPoll = function() {
_0x5b93ba('xhr poll');
var _0x45792d = this.request(),
_0x4626ed = this;
_0x45792d.on('data', function(_0x49eeb5) {
}), _0x45792d.on('error', function(_0x1ab330) {
_0x4626ed.onError('xhr poll error', _0x1ab330);
}), this.pollXhr = _0x45792d;
}, _0x30a32b(_0x59daee.prototype), _0x59daee.prototype.create = function() {
var _0x45792d = {
'agent': this.agent,
'xdomain': this.xd,
'xscheme': this.xs,
'enablesXDR': this.enablesXDR
_0x45792d.pfx = this.pfx, _0x45792d.key = this.key, _0x45792d.passphrase = this.passphrase, _0x45792d.cert = this.cert, _0x45792d.ca = this.ca, _0x45792d.ciphers = this.ciphers, _0x45792d.rejectUnauthorized = this.rejectUnauthorized;
var _0x4626ed = this.xhr = new _0x392a8c(_0x45792d),
_0x2c3494 = this;
try {
_0x5b93ba('xhr open %s: %s', this.method, this.uri), _0x4626ed.open(this.method, this.uri, this.async);
try {
if (this.extraHeaders)
for (var _0x1aa437 in _0x4626ed.setDisableHeaderCheck && _0x4626ed.setDisableHeaderCheck(true), this.extraHeaders) this.extraHeaders.hasOwnProperty(_0x1aa437) && _0x4626ed.setRequestHeader(_0x1aa437, this.extraHeaders[_0x1aa437]);
} catch (_0x594576) {}
if ('POST' === this.method) try {
this.isBinary ? _0x4626ed.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/octet-stream') : _0x4626ed.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8');
} catch (_0x287e44) {}
try {
_0x4626ed.setRequestHeader('Accept', '*/*');
} catch (_0x427204) {}
'withCredentials' in _0x4626ed && (_0x4626ed.withCredentials = true), this.requestTimeout && (_0x4626ed.timeout = this.requestTimeout), this.hasXDR() ? (_0x4626ed.onload = function() {
}, _0x4626ed.onerror = function() {
}) : _0x4626ed.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (0x2 === _0x4626ed.readyState) try {
var _0x45792d = _0x4626ed.getResponseHeader('Content-Type');
_0x2c3494.supportsBinary && 'application/octet-stream' === _0x45792d && (_0x4626ed.responseType = 'arraybuffer');
} catch (_0x191d4d) {}
0x4 === _0x4626ed.readyState && (0xc8 === _0x4626ed.status || 0x4c7 === _0x4626ed.status ? _0x2c3494.onLoad() : setTimeout(function() {
}, 0x0));
}, _0x5b93ba('xhr data %s', this.data), _0x4626ed.send(this.data);
} catch (_0x4ab9a1) {
return void setTimeout(function() {
}, 0x0);
'undefined' != typeof document && (this.index = _0x59daee.requestsCount++, _0x59daee.requests[this.index] = this);
}, _0x59daee.prototype.onSuccess = function() {
this.emit('success'), this.cleanup();
}, _0x59daee.prototype.onData = function(_0xfa89ce) {
this.emit('data', _0xfa89ce), this.onSuccess();
}, _0x59daee.prototype.onError = function(_0x5e8001) {
this.emit('error', _0x5e8001), this.cleanup(true);
}, _0x59daee.prototype.cleanup = function(_0x26dc20) {
if (void 0x0 !== this.xhr && null !== this.xhr) {
if (this.hasXDR() ? this.xhr.onload = this.xhr.onerror = _0x15789d : this.xhr.onreadystatechange = _0x15789d, _0x26dc20) try {
} catch (_0x4343d3) {}
'undefined' != typeof document && delete _0x59daee.requests[this.index], this.xhr = null;
}, _0x59daee.prototype.onLoad = function() {
var _0x45792d;
try {
var _0x4626ed;
try {
_0x4626ed = this.xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type');
} catch (_0x5532aa) {}
_0x45792d = 'application/octet-stream' === _0x4626ed && this.xhr.response || this.xhr.responseText;
} catch (_0x56c59b) {
null != _0x45792d && this.onData(_0x45792d);
}, _0x59daee.prototype.hasXDR = function() {
return 'undefined' != typeof XDomainRequest && !this.xs && this.enablesXDR;
}, _0x59daee.prototype.abort = function() {
}, _0x59daee.requestsCount = 0x0, _0x59daee.requests = {}, 'undefined' != typeof document)
if ('function' == typeof attachEvent) attachEvent('onunload', _0x2c3054);
else if ('function' == typeof addEventListener) {
var _0x5079fe = 'onpagehide' in self ? 'pagehide' : 'unload';
addEventListener(_0x5079fe, _0x2c3054, !0x1);
function _0x2c3054() {
for (var _0x45792d in _0x59daee.requests) _0x59daee.requests.hasOwnProperty(_0x45792d) && _0x59daee.requests[_0x45792d].abort();
}, function(_0x23190e, _0x3c89b0) {
_0x23190e.exports = Object.keys || function(_0x516c5d) {
var _0x3c89b0 = [],
_0x2f9e1d = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
for (var _0x51dcd5 in _0x516c5d) _0x2f9e1d.call(_0x516c5d, _0x51dcd5) && _0x3c89b0.push(_0x51dcd5);
return _0x3c89b0;
}, function(_0x728d4, _0x277c89) {
}, function(_0x3c6f20, _0x261939) {
_0x3c6f20.exports = function(_0x205693, _0x194773, _0x3b1eb5) {
var _0x5d37a7 = _0x205693.byteLength;
if (_0x194773 = _0x194773 || 0x0, _0x3b1eb5 = _0x3b1eb5 || _0x5d37a7, _0x205693.slice) return _0x205693.slice(_0x194773, _0x3b1eb5);
if (_0x194773 < 0x0 && (_0x194773 += _0x5d37a7), _0x3b1eb5 < 0x0 && (_0x3b1eb5 += _0x5d37a7), _0x3b1eb5 > _0x5d37a7 && (_0x3b1eb5 = _0x5d37a7), _0x194773 >= _0x5d37a7 || _0x194773 >= _0x3b1eb5 || 0x0 === _0x5d37a7) return new ArrayBuffer(0x0);
for (var _0x1001c1 = new Uint8Array(_0x205693), _0x5ef208 = new Uint8Array(_0x3b1eb5 - _0x194773), _0x7bc3bd = _0x194773, _0x473143 = 0x0; _0x7bc3bd < _0x3b1eb5; _0x7bc3bd++, _0x473143++) _0x5ef208[_0x473143] = _0x1001c1[_0x7bc3bd];
return _0x5ef208.buffer;
}, function(_0x29396f, _0x544191) {
function _0x2b6d82() {}
_0x29396f.exports = function(_0x5cb977, _0x34b5bc, _0x15f370) {
var _0x51741f = !0x1;
return _0x15f370 = _0x15f370 || _0x2b6d82, _0x3677ac.count = _0x5cb977, 0x0 === _0x5cb977 ? _0x34b5bc() : _0x3677ac;
function _0x3677ac(_0x195369, _0x2de4b0) {
if (_0x3677ac.count <= 0x0) throw new Error('after called too many times');
--_0x3677ac.count, _0x195369 ? (_0x51741f = true, _0x34b5bc(_0x195369), _0x34b5bc = _0x15f370) : 0x0 !== _0x3677ac.count || _0x51741f || _0x34b5bc(null, _0x2de4b0);
}, function(_0x27c0f2, _0x161faf) {
var _0x252312, _0x28e0ec, _0x55ae78, _0x546e19 = String.fromCharCode;
function _0x2206a8(_0x11983a) {
for (var _0x161faf, _0x2a2014, _0x35f89f = [], _0x48ddc3 = 0x0, _0x412ce4 = _0x11983a.length; _0x48ddc3 < _0x412ce4;)(_0x161faf = _0x11983a.charCodeAt(_0x48ddc3++)) >= 0xd800 && _0x161faf <= 0xdbff && _0x48ddc3 < _0x412ce4 ? 0xdc00 == (0xfc00 & (_0x2a2014 = _0x11983a.charCodeAt(_0x48ddc3++))) ? _0x35f89f.push(((0x3ff & _0x161faf) << 0xa) + (0x3ff & _0x2a2014) + 0x10000) : (_0x35f89f.push(_0x161faf), _0x48ddc3--) : _0x35f89f.push(_0x161faf);
return _0x35f89f;
function _0x2b78cd(_0x19c167, _0x5649d7) {
if (_0x19c167 >= 0xd800 && _0x19c167 <= 0xdfff) {
if (_0x5649d7) throw Error('Lone surrogate U+' + _0x19c167.toString(0x10).toUpperCase() + ' is not a scalar value');
return !0x1;
return true;
function _0x55ceec(_0x1705ac, _0xe35948) {
return _0x546e19(_0x1705ac >> _0xe35948 & 0x3f | 0x80);
function _0x29682c(_0x27b905, _0x2da860) {
if (0x0 == (0xffffff80 & _0x27b905)) return _0x546e19(_0x27b905);
var _0x4e33ec = '';
return 0x0 == (0xfffff800 & _0x27b905) ? _0x4e33ec = _0x546e19(_0x27b905 >> 0x6 & 0x1f | 0xc0) : 0x0 == (0xffff0000 & _0x27b905) ? (_0x2b78cd(_0x27b905, _0x2da860) || (_0x27b905 = 0xfffd), _0x4e33ec = _0x546e19(_0x27b905 >> 0xc & 0xf | 0xe0), _0x4e33ec += _0x55ceec(_0x27b905, 0x6)) : 0x0 == (0xffe00000 & _0x27b905) && (_0x4e33ec = _0x546e19(_0x27b905 >> 0x12 & 0x7 | 0xf0), _0x4e33ec += _0x55ceec(_0x27b905, 0xc), _0x4e33ec += _0x55ceec(_0x27b905, 0x6)), _0x4e33ec += _0x546e19(0x3f & _0x27b905 | 0x80);
function _0x116134() {
if (_0x55ae78 >= _0x28e0ec) throw Error('Invalid byte index');
var _0x27c0f2 = 0xff & _0x252312[_0x55ae78];
if (_0x55ae78++, 0x80 == (0xc0 & _0x27c0f2)) return 0x3f & _0x27c0f2;
throw Error('Invalid continuation byte');
function _0x2e6b3a(_0x431721) {
var _0x161faf, _0xab203b;
if (_0x55ae78 > _0x28e0ec) throw Error('Invalid byte index');
if (_0x55ae78 == _0x28e0ec) return !0x1;
if (_0x161faf = 0xff & _0x252312[_0x55ae78], _0x55ae78++, 0x0 == (0x80 & _0x161faf)) return _0x161faf;
if (0xc0 == (0xe0 & _0x161faf)) {
if ((_0xab203b = (0x1f & _0x161faf) << 0x6 | _0x116134()) >= 0x80) return _0xab203b;
throw Error('Invalid continuation byte');
if (0xe0 == (0xf0 & _0x161faf)) {
if ((_0xab203b = (0xf & _0x161faf) << 0xc | _0x116134() << 0x6 | _0x116134()) >= 0x800) return _0x2b78cd(_0xab203b, _0x431721) ? _0xab203b : 0xfffd;
throw Error('Invalid continuation byte');
if (0xf0 == (0xf8 & _0x161faf) && (_0xab203b = (0x7 & _0x161faf) << 0x12 | _0x116134() << 0xc | _0x116134() << 0x6 | _0x116134()) >= 0x10000 && _0xab203b <= 0x10ffff) return _0xab203b;
throw Error('Invalid UTF-8 detected');
_0x27c0f2.exports = {
'version': '2.1.2',
'encode': function(_0x261891, _0x1ac5a7) {
for (var _0x12bdc4 = !0x1 !== (_0x1ac5a7 = _0x1ac5a7 || {}).strict, _0x4f027e = _0x2206a8(_0x261891), _0x1ccefc = _0x4f027e.length, _0x4fb114 = -0x1, _0x257db2 = ''; ++_0x4fb114 < _0x1ccefc;) _0x257db2 += _0x29682c(_0x4f027e[_0x4fb114], _0x12bdc4);
return _0x257db2;
'decode': function(_0x11d8a7, _0x5d4ff2) {
var _0x7f1f3d = !0x1 !== (_0x5d4ff2 = _0x5d4ff2 || {}).strict;
_0x252312 = _0x2206a8(_0x11d8a7), _0x28e0ec = _0x252312.length, _0x55ae78 = 0x0;
for (var _0x1a3efe, _0x45a3c2 = []; !0x1 !== (_0x1a3efe = _0x2e6b3a(_0x7f1f3d));) _0x45a3c2.push(_0x1a3efe);
return function(_0x547381) {
for (var _0x5d4ff2, _0x195dce = _0x547381.length, _0x3e98ca = -0x1, _0x4d6382 = ''; ++_0x3e98ca < _0x195dce;)(_0x5d4ff2 = _0x547381[_0x3e98ca]) > 0xffff && (_0x4d6382 += _0x546e19((_0x5d4ff2 -= 0x10000) >>> 0xa & 0x3ff | 0xd800), _0x5d4ff2 = 0xdc00 | 0x3ff & _0x5d4ff2), _0x4d6382 += _0x546e19(_0x5d4ff2);
return _0x4d6382;
}, function(_0x38d195, _0x4811ee) {
! function() {
'use strict';
for (var _0x38d195 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/', _0x384e68 = new Uint8Array(0x100), _0x31e36b = 0x0; _0x31e36b < _0x38d195.length; _0x31e36b++) _0x384e68[_0x38d195.charCodeAt(_0x31e36b)] = _0x31e36b;
_0x4811ee.encode = function(_0x176f44) {
var _0x55a38a, _0x32742c = new Uint8Array(_0x176f44),
_0x2ae305 = _0x32742c.length,
_0x38d8a6 = '';
for (_0x55a38a = 0x0; _0x55a38a < _0x2ae305; _0x55a38a += 0x3) _0x38d8a6 += _0x38d195[_0x32742c[_0x55a38a] >> 0x2], _0x38d8a6 += _0x38d195[(0x3 & _0x32742c[_0x55a38a]) << 0x4 | _0x32742c[_0x55a38a + 0x1] >> 0x4], _0x38d8a6 += _0x38d195[(0xf & _0x32742c[_0x55a38a + 0x1]) << 0x2 | _0x32742c[_0x55a38a + 0x2] >> 0x6], _0x38d8a6 += _0x38d195[0x3f & _0x32742c[_0x55a38a + 0x2]];
return _0x2ae305 % 0x3 == 0x2 ? _0x38d8a6 = _0x38d8a6.substring(0x0, _0x38d8a6.length - 0x1) + '=' : _0x2ae305 % 0x3 == 0x1 && (_0x38d8a6 = _0x38d8a6.substring(0x0, _0x38d8a6.length - 0x2) + '=='), _0x38d8a6;
}, _0x4811ee.decode = function(_0x2a77ad) {
var _0x4811ee, _0x21a812, _0x4cf0d4, _0x508a77, _0x437e39, _0x2ae0e4 = 0.75 * _0x2a77ad.length,
_0x4ae7ea = _0x2a77ad.length,
_0x3ad7b0 = 0x0;
'=' === _0x2a77ad[_0x2a77ad.length - 0x1] && (_0x2ae0e4--, '=' === _0x2a77ad[_0x2a77ad.length - 0x2] && _0x2ae0e4--);
var _0x424982 = new ArrayBuffer(_0x2ae0e4),
_0x4e04ae = new Uint8Array(_0x424982);
for (_0x4811ee = 0x0; _0x4811ee < _0x4ae7ea; _0x4811ee += 0x4) _0x21a812 = _0x384e68[_0x2a77ad.charCodeAt(_0x4811ee)], _0x4cf0d4 = _0x384e68[_0x2a77ad.charCodeAt(_0x4811ee + 0x1)], _0x508a77 = _0x384e68[_0x2a77ad.charCodeAt(_0x4811ee + 0x2)], _0x437e39 = _0x384e68[_0x2a77ad.charCodeAt(_0x4811ee + 0x3)], _0x4e04ae[_0x3ad7b0++] = _0x21a812 << 0x2 | _0x4cf0d4 >> 0x4, _0x4e04ae[_0x3ad7b0++] = (0xf & _0x4cf0d4) << 0x4 | _0x508a77 >> 0x2, _0x4e04ae[_0x3ad7b0++] = (0x3 & _0x508a77) << 0x6 | 0x3f & _0x437e39;
return _0x424982;
}, function(_0x5840ab, _0x36c0a4) {
var _0x16d045 = void 0x0 !== _0x16d045 ? _0x16d045 : 'undefined' != typeof WebKitBlobBuilder ? WebKitBlobBuilder : 'undefined' != typeof MSBlobBuilder ? MSBlobBuilder : 'undefined' != typeof MozBlobBuilder && MozBlobBuilder,
_0x5325fc = function() {
try {
return 0x2 === new Blob(['hi']).size;
} catch (_0x1ac492) {
return !0x1;
_0x41d4ae = _0x5325fc && function() {
try {
return 0x2 === new Blob([new Uint8Array([0x1, 0x2])]).size;
} catch (_0x502217) {
return !0x1;
_0x1e1873 = _0x16d045 && _0x16d045.prototype.append && _0x16d045.prototype.getBlob;
function _0x4d6846(_0x2a24ff) {
return _0x2a24ff.map(function(_0x5cc924) {
if (_0x5cc924.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
var _0x36c0a4 = _0x5cc924.buffer;
if (_0x5cc924.byteLength !== _0x36c0a4.byteLength) {
var _0x265d40 = new Uint8Array(_0x5cc924.byteLength);
_0x265d40.set(new Uint8Array(_0x36c0a4, _0x5cc924.byteOffset, _0x5cc924.byteLength)), _0x36c0a4 = _0x265d40.buffer;
return _0x36c0a4;
return _0x5cc924;
function _0x3de8c2(_0x4ca3d5, _0x23197b) {
_0x23197b = _0x23197b || {};
var _0x471378 = new _0x16d045();
return _0x4d6846(_0x4ca3d5).forEach(function(_0x445dda) {
}), _0x23197b.type ? _0x471378.getBlob(_0x23197b.type) : _0x471378.getBlob();
function _0x3833cc(_0x1fe744, _0x4f9e18) {
return new Blob(_0x4d6846(_0x1fe744), _0x4f9e18 || {});
'undefined' != typeof Blob && (_0x3de8c2.prototype = Blob.prototype, _0x3833cc.prototype = Blob.prototype), _0x5840ab.exports = _0x5325fc ? _0x41d4ae ? Blob : _0x3833cc : _0x1e1873 ? _0x3de8c2 : void 0x0;
}, function(_0x16e69f, _0x1c3b8a, _0x5a1504) {
function _0x560e41(_0x4d58e2) {
var _0x5a1504;
function _0x3dfc51() {
if (_0x3dfc51.enabled) {
var _0x4d58e2 = _0x3dfc51,
_0x2acf9f = +new Date(),
_0x4da3f6 = _0x2acf9f - (_0x5a1504 || _0x2acf9f);
_0x4d58e2.diff = _0x4da3f6, _0x4d58e2.prev = _0x5a1504, _0x4d58e2.curr = _0x2acf9f, _0x5a1504 = _0x2acf9f;
for (var _0xb2190b = new Array(arguments.length), _0x436528 = 0x0; _0x436528 < _0xb2190b.length; _0x436528++) _0xb2190b[_0x436528] = arguments[_0x436528];
_0xb2190b[0x0] = _0x1c3b8a.coerce(_0xb2190b[0x0]), 'string' != typeof _0xb2190b[0x0] && _0xb2190b.unshift('%O');
var _0x8a4b4e = 0x0;
_0xb2190b[0x0] = _0xb2190b[0x0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, function(_0x80647d, _0x3ded36) {
if ('%%' === _0x80647d) return _0x80647d;
var _0x1f7c83 = _0x1c3b8a.formatters[_0x3ded36];
if ('function' == typeof _0x1f7c83) {
var _0x4e683a = _0xb2190b[_0x8a4b4e];
_0x80647d = _0x1f7c83.call(_0x4d58e2, _0x4e683a), _0xb2190b.splice(_0x8a4b4e, 0x1), _0x8a4b4e--;
return _0x80647d;
}), _0x1c3b8a.formatArgs.call(_0x4d58e2, _0xb2190b), (_0x3dfc51.log || _0x1c3b8a.log || console.log.bind(console)).apply(_0x4d58e2, _0xb2190b);
return _0x3dfc51.namespace = _0x4d58e2, _0x3dfc51.enabled = _0x1c3b8a.enabled(_0x4d58e2), _0x3dfc51.useColors = _0x1c3b8a.useColors(), _0x3dfc51.color = function(_0x3b3a5e) {
var _0x5a1504, _0x46203e = 0x0;
for (_0x5a1504 in _0x3b3a5e) _0x46203e = (_0x46203e << 0x5) - _0x46203e + _0x3b3a5e.charCodeAt(_0x5a1504), _0x46203e |= 0x0;
return _0x1c3b8a.colors[Math.abs(_0x46203e) % _0x1c3b8a.colors.length];
}(_0x4d58e2), _0x3dfc51.destroy = _0x35c174, 'function' == typeof _0x1c3b8a.init && _0x1c3b8a.init(_0x3dfc51), _0x1c3b8a.instances.push(_0x3dfc51), _0x3dfc51;
function _0x35c174() {
var _0x16e69f = _0x1c3b8a.instances.indexOf(this);
return -0x1 !== _0x16e69f && (_0x1c3b8a.instances.splice(_0x16e69f, 0x1), true);
}(_0x1c3b8a = _0x16e69f.exports = _0x560e41.debug = _0x560e41.default = _0x560e41).coerce = function(_0x12a2a8) {
return _0x12a2a8 instanceof Error ? _0x12a2a8.stack || _0x12a2a8.message : _0x12a2a8;
}, _0x1c3b8a.disable = function() {
}, _0x1c3b8a.enable = function(_0x17c742) {
var _0x5a1504;
_0x1c3b8a.save(_0x17c742), _0x1c3b8a.names = [], _0x1c3b8a.skips = [];
var _0xbc47d1 = ('string' == typeof _0x17c742 ? _0x17c742 : '').split(/[\s,]+/),
_0x42ff09 = _0xbc47d1.length;
for (_0x5a1504 = 0x0; _0x5a1504 < _0x42ff09; _0x5a1504++) _0xbc47d1[_0x5a1504] && ('-' === (_0x17c742 = _0xbc47d1[_0x5a1504].replace(/\*/g, '.*?'))[0x0] ? _0x1c3b8a.skips.push(new RegExp('^' + _0x17c742.substr(0x1) + '$')) : _0x1c3b8a.names.push(new RegExp('^' + _0x17c742 + '$')));
for (_0x5a1504 = 0x0; _0x5a1504 < _0x1c3b8a.instances.length; _0x5a1504++) {
var _0x55d6c7 = _0x1c3b8a.instances[_0x5a1504];
_0x55d6c7.enabled = _0x1c3b8a.enabled(_0x55d6c7.namespace);
}, _0x1c3b8a.enabled = function(_0x44c4fb) {
if ('*' === _0x44c4fb[_0x44c4fb.length - 0x1]) return true;
var _0x5a1504, _0x254db3;
for (_0x5a1504 = 0x0, _0x254db3 = _0x1c3b8a.skips.length; _0x5a1504 < _0x254db3; _0x5a1504++)
if (_0x1c3b8a.skips[_0x5a1504].test(_0x44c4fb)) return !0x1;
for (_0x5a1504 = 0x0, _0x254db3 = _0x1c3b8a.names.length; _0x5a1504 < _0x254db3; _0x5a1504++)
if (_0x1c3b8a.names[_0x5a1504].test(_0x44c4fb)) return true;
return !0x1;
}, _0x1c3b8a.humanize = _0x5a1504(0x68), _0x1c3b8a.instances = [], _0x1c3b8a.names = [], _0x1c3b8a.skips = [], _0x1c3b8a.formatters = {};
}, function(_0x11cf35, _0x41c8d5, _0x4c4716) {
(function(_0x112650) {
var _0x128f0e = _0x4c4716(0x96),
_0x49dc48 = _0x4c4716(0x4c);
_0x11cf35.exports = _0x5bcec9;
var _0x233154, _0x550051 = /\n/g,
_0x1c3933 = /\\n/g;
function _0x3cd450() {}
function _0x2c9c81() {
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_0x32f251 = _0x10e67e(0x4c),
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} catch (_0x4733e3) {
return this.emit('error', _0x4733e3);
void 0x0 === this.ws.binaryType && (this.supportsBinary = !0x1), this.ws.supports && this.ws.supports.binary ? (this.supportsBinary = true, this.ws.binaryType = 'nodebuffer') : this.ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer', this.addEventListeners();
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this.ws.onopen = function() {
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_0x7a57a4.onError('websocket error', _0x166cc1);
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_0x1e7302.encodePacket(_0x3cb67e, _0x10e67e.supportsBinary, function(_0x49020d) {
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if (_0x3cb67e.options && (_0x20db56.compress = _0x3cb67e.options.compress), _0x10e67e.perMessageDeflate)('string' == typeof _0x49020d ? _0x47b5ba.byteLength(_0x49020d) : _0x49020d.length) < _0x10e67e.perMessageDeflate.threshold && (_0x20db56.compress = !0x1);
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_0x10e67e.usingBrowserWebSocket ? _0x10e67e.ws.send(_0x49020d) : _0x10e67e.ws.send(_0x49020d, _0x20db56);
} catch (_0x2c9150) {
_0x45793f('websocket closed before onclose event');
}--_0x5c57bc || _0x3e59f3();
function _0x3e59f3() {
_0x10e67e.emit('flush'), setTimeout(function() {
_0x10e67e.writable = true, _0x10e67e.emit('drain');
}, 0x0);
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void 0x0 !== this.ws && this.ws.close();
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var _0x7a57a4 = this.query || {},
_0x47b5ba = this.secure ? 'wss' : 'ws',
_0x10e67e = '';
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return !(!_0x454e2a || '__initialize' in _0x454e2a && this.name === _0x3bf1d2.prototype.name);
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_0x3b75fb.exports = function(_0x548747, _0x2fb4e1) {
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return _0x2caef9;
}, function(_0x51d58b, _0xfab657) {
function _0x17a9ac(_0x206d91) {
_0x206d91 = _0x206d91 || {}, this.ms = _0x206d91.min || 0x64, this.max = _0x206d91.max || 0x2710, this.factor = _0x206d91.factor || 0x2, this.jitter = _0x206d91.jitter > 0x0 && _0x206d91.jitter <= 0x1 ? _0x206d91.jitter : 0x0, this.attempts = 0x0;
_0x51d58b.exports = _0x17a9ac, _0x17a9ac.prototype.duration = function() {
var _0x51d58b = this.ms * Math.pow(this.factor, this.attempts++);
if (this.jitter) {
var _0xfab657 = Math.random(),
_0x414fbb = Math.floor(_0xfab657 * this.jitter * _0x51d58b);
_0x51d58b = 0x0 == (0x1 & Math.floor(0xa * _0xfab657)) ? _0x51d58b - _0x414fbb : _0x51d58b + _0x414fbb;
return 0x0 | Math.min(_0x51d58b, this.max);
}, _0x17a9ac.prototype.reset = function() {
this.attempts = 0x0;
}, _0x17a9ac.prototype.setMin = function(_0x149786) {
this.ms = _0x149786;
}, _0x17a9ac.prototype.setMax = function(_0xed050) {
this.max = _0xed050;
}, _0x17a9ac.prototype.setJitter = function(_0x2d4fd2) {
this.jitter = _0x2d4fd2;
}, null, window.EJS_main]).default;