Ethan O'Brien 6b82289e79
Fix crash
2023-05-09 11:56:26 -05:00

7128 lines
521 KiB

window.EJS_main = function(_0xa88a13, _0x17edbf, _0x2c1832) {
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for (let k in window) {
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'loadState': 'Load State (Shift + F4)',
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'gamepad': 'Control Settings',
'cheat': 'Cheats',
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'normal': 'Normal',
'all': 'All',
'reset': 'Reset',
'disabled': 'Disabled',
'enabled': 'Enabled',
'playNow': 'Start Game'
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'play': null,
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return null != _0x2aa74f ? _0x2aa74f.constructor : null;
_0x1b0c2c = function(_0x8ec039, _0x1cb5ff) {
return Boolean(_0x8ec039 && _0x1cb5ff && _0x8ec039 instanceof _0x1cb5ff);
_0x19f739 = function(_0x3e8e1f) {
return null == _0x3e8e1f;
_0x4fc5a1 = function(_0x37a418) {
return _0x406e79(_0x37a418) === Object;
_0x34f3e8 = function(_0x2d2e5c) {
return _0x406e79(_0x2d2e5c) === String;
_0x1ca546 = function(_0x4d698f) {
return Array.isArray(_0x4d698f);
_0x37cc52 = function(_0x3a8b14) {
return _0x1b0c2c(_0x3a8b14, NodeList);
_0x555ee8 = function(_0x1fde53) {
return _0x19f739(_0x1fde53) || (_0x34f3e8(_0x1fde53) || _0x1ca546(_0x1fde53) || _0x37cc52(_0x1fde53)) && !_0x1fde53.length || _0x4fc5a1(_0x1fde53) && !Object.keys(_0x1fde53).length;
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return _0x406e79(_0x1d08d4) === Number && !Number.isNaN(_0x1d08d4);
'string': _0x34f3e8,
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return _0x406e79(_0x340d71) === Boolean;
'function': function(_0x10f562) {
return _0x406e79(_0x10f562) === Function;
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return _0x1b0c2c(_0x70b79f, WeakMap);
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return _0x1b0c2c(_0x247601, Event);
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return !_0x555ee8(new URL(_0x17edbf).hostname);
} catch (_0x5e6cd2) {
return false;
'empty': _0x555ee8
_0x168698 = function() {
let _0xa88a13 = false;
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let _0x17edbf = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {
'get': function() {
return _0xa88a13 = true, null;
window.addEventListener('test', null, _0x17edbf), window.removeEventListener('test', null, _0x17edbf);
} catch (_0x1db3b5) {}
return _0xa88a13;
function _0x1ef215(_0xa482e6, _0x474854, _0xc30d6e) {
let _0x57056f = this,
_0x3f468e = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] && arguments[3],
_0x79ce58 = !(arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4]) || arguments[4],
_0x23848b = arguments.length > 5 && void 0 !== arguments[5] && arguments[5];
if (_0xa482e6 && 'addEventListener' in _0xa482e6 && !_0x1e2c68.empty(_0x474854) && _0x1e2c68.function(_0xc30d6e)) {
let _0x4a2da0 = _0x474854.split(' '),
_0x40de8d = _0x23848b;
_0x168698 && (_0x40de8d = {
'passive': _0x79ce58,
'capture': _0x23848b
}), _0x4a2da0.forEach(function(_0x487d3c) {
_0x57056f && _0x57056f.eventListeners && _0x3f468e && _0x57056f.eventListeners.push({
'element': _0xa482e6,
'type': _0x487d3c,
'callback': _0xc30d6e,
'options': _0x40de8d
}), _0xa482e6[_0x3f468e ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener'](_0x487d3c, _0xc30d6e);
function _0x1093f4(_0x4d8d94) {
let _0x17edbf = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : '',
_0x2c1832 = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined,
_0x4adcdf = !(arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3]) || arguments[3],
_0x2f85bc = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] && arguments[4];
_0x1ef215.call(this, _0x4d8d94, _0x17edbf, _0x2c1832, true, _0x4adcdf, _0x2f85bc);
function _0x20109b(_0x550b1a) {
let _0x17edbf = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : '',
_0x2c1832 = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined,
_0x5e10a2 = !(arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3]) || arguments[3],
_0x5c9512 = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] && arguments[4];
_0x1ef215.call(this, _0x550b1a, _0x17edbf, _0x2c1832, false, _0x5e10a2, _0x5c9512);
function _0x455c85(_0x4e4b15) {
let _0x17edbf = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : '',
_0x2c1832 = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0,
_0x2b8c91 = !(arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3]) || arguments[3],
_0x23e991 = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] && arguments[4];
_0x1ef215.call(this, _0x4e4b15, _0x17edbf, function _0x5127f4() {
_0x20109b(_0x4e4b15, _0x17edbf, _0x5127f4, _0x2b8c91, _0x23e991);
let _0x1fe440 = arguments.length,
_0x1d3219 = new Array(_0x1fe440);
for (let _0x54457c = 0; _0x54457c < _0x1fe440; _0x54457c++) _0x1d3219[_0x54457c] = arguments[_0x54457c];
_0x2c1832.apply(this, _0x1d3219);
}, true, _0x2b8c91, _0x23e991);
function _0xbae705(_0x975ccc) {
let _0x17edbf = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : '',
_0x2c1832 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2],
_0x57297b = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {};
if (_0x1e2c68.element(_0x975ccc) && !_0x1e2c68.empty(_0x17edbf)) {
let _0x4f631e = new CustomEvent(_0x17edbf, {
'bubbles': _0x2c1832,
'detail': Object.assign({}, _0x57297b, {
'emulator': this
let _0x55349e = _0x2c1832(0x9e),
_0x42870c = _0x2c1832.n(_0x55349e);
function _0x30f85e(_0x3ed035, _0xd96db3) {
return function(_0x18bbf3) {
if (Array.isArray(_0x18bbf3)) return _0x18bbf3;
}(_0x3ed035) || function(_0x2bb2ab, _0x4993ee) {
let _0x2c1832 = [],
_0x629f39 = true,
_0xde5653 = false,
_0x346a0d = undefined;
try {
for (let _0x57d79d, _0x557ef0 = _0x2bb2ab[Symbol.iterator](); !(_0x629f39 = (_0x57d79d = _0x557ef0.next()).done) && (_0x2c1832.push(_0x57d79d.value), !_0x4993ee || _0x2c1832.length !== _0x4993ee); _0x629f39 = true);
} catch (_0x54a546) {
_0xde5653 = true, _0x346a0d = _0x54a546;
} finally {
try {
_0x629f39 || null == _0x557ef0.return || _0x557ef0.return();
} finally {
if (_0xde5653) throw _0x346a0d;
return _0x2c1832;
}(_0x3ed035, _0xd96db3) || function() {
throw new TypeError('Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance');
function _0x580edd(_0x39eb34, _0x86c3db) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x39eb34.length ? _0x39eb34 : [_0x39eb34];
Array.from(_0x2c1832).reverse().forEach(function(_0x35fc48, _0x79e6bf) {
let _0x1510e4 = _0x79e6bf > 0 ? _0x86c3db.cloneNode(true) : _0x86c3db,
_0x247f26 = _0x35fc48.parentNode,
_0x3a5422 = _0x35fc48.nextSibling;
_0x1510e4.appendChild(_0x35fc48), _0x3a5422 ? _0x247f26.insertBefore(_0x1510e4, _0x3a5422) : _0x247f26.appendChild(_0x1510e4);
function _0x154f99(_0x5e4eb3, _0x1acdad) {
_0x1e2c68.element(_0x5e4eb3) && !_0x1e2c68.empty(_0x1acdad) && Object.entries(_0x1acdad).filter(function(_0x37e04b) {
let _0x1acdad = _0x30f85e(_0x37e04b, 2)[1];
return !_0x1e2c68.nullOrUndefined(_0x1acdad);
}).forEach(function(_0x4993dd) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x30f85e(_0x4993dd, 2),
_0x24704f = _0x2c1832[0],
_0x52ac21 = _0x2c1832[1];
return _0x5e4eb3.setAttribute(_0x24704f, _0x52ac21);
function _0x428003(_0x1397c4, _0x1ec8c9, _0x1a02af) {
let _0xca6ad9 = document.createElement(_0x1397c4);
return _0x1e2c68.object(_0x1ec8c9) && _0x154f99(_0xca6ad9, _0x1ec8c9), _0x1e2c68.string(_0x1a02af) && (_0xca6ad9.innerText = _0x1a02af), _0xca6ad9;
function _0x12a55d(_0x27d9d8) {
_0x1e2c68.nodeList(_0x27d9d8) || _0x1e2c68.array(_0x27d9d8) ? Array.from(_0x27d9d8).forEach(_0x12a55d) : _0x1e2c68.element(_0x27d9d8) && _0x1e2c68.element(_0x27d9d8.parentNode) && _0x27d9d8.parentNode.removeChild(_0x27d9d8);
function _0xa949a8(_0x3bc809, _0x215e7f) {
if (!_0x1e2c68.string(_0x3bc809) || _0x1e2c68.empty(_0x3bc809)) return {};
let _0x2c1832 = {},
_0x3ab896 = _0x215e7f;
return _0x3bc809.split(',').forEach(function(_0x2b6c5b) {
let _0x215e7f = _0x2b6c5b.trim(),
_0x2b2f76 = _0x215e7f.replace('.', ''),
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_0x1db3b8 = _0x499377[0],
_0x520bcf = _0x499377.length > 1 ? _0x499377[1].replace(/["']/g, '') : '';
switch (_0x215e7f.charAt(0)) {
case '.':
_0x1e2c68.object(_0x3ab896) && _0x1e2c68.string(_0x3ab896.class) && (_0x3ab896.class += ' ' .concat(_0x2b2f76)), _0x2c1832.class = _0x2b2f76;
case '#':
_0x2c1832.id = _0x215e7f.replace('#', '');
case '[':
_0x2c1832[_0x1db3b8] = _0x520bcf;
}), _0x2c1832;
function _0x132da7(_0x275729, _0x511d6f) {
if (_0x1e2c68.element(_0x275729)) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x511d6f;
_0x1e2c68.boolean(_0x2c1832) || (_0x2c1832 = !_0x275729.hidden), _0x2c1832 ? _0x275729.setAttribute('hidden', '') : _0x275729.removeAttribute('hidden');
function _0x3a8e2f(_0x2bf197, _0x46e2bb, _0x3b6b0b) {
if (_0x1e2c68.nodeList(_0x2bf197)) return Array.from(_0x2bf197).map(function(_0x543362) {
return _0x3a8e2f(_0x543362, _0x46e2bb, _0x3b6b0b);
if (_0x1e2c68.element(_0x2bf197)) {
let _0x34f25e = 'toggle';
return void 0 !== _0x3b6b0b && (_0x34f25e = _0x3b6b0b ? 'add' : 'remove'), _0x2bf197.classList[_0x34f25e](_0x46e2bb), _0x2bf197.classList.contains(_0x46e2bb);
return false;
function _0x350d73(_0x273517, _0x36ffc8) {
return _0x1e2c68.element(_0x273517) && _0x273517.classList.contains(_0x36ffc8);
function _0x13f491(_0x11bf98, _0x674fa2) {
let _0x2c1832 = {
'Element': Element
return (_0x2c1832.matches || _0x2c1832.webkitMatchesSelector || _0x2c1832.mozMatchesSelector || _0x2c1832.msMatchesSelector || function() {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(_0x674fa2)).includes(this);
}).call(_0x11bf98, _0x674fa2);
function _0x23ffa1(_0x16eec8) {
return this.elements.container.querySelectorAll(_0x16eec8);
function _0x530042(_0xbc0da2) {
return this.elements.container.querySelector(_0xbc0da2);
function _0x5e0c7d() {
let _0xa88a13 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : null,
_0x17edbf = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1];
if (_0x1e2c68.element(_0xa88a13)) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x23ffa1.call(this, 'button:not(:disabled), input:not(:disabled), [tabindex]'),
_0x1c6631 = _0x2c1832[0],
_0x52c9df = _0x2c1832[_0x2c1832.length - 1];
_0x1ef215.call(this, this.elements.container, 'keydown', function(_0x1bba02) {
if ('Tab' === _0x1bba02.key && 0x9 === _0x1bba02.keyCode) {
let _0x17edbf = document.activeElement;
_0x17edbf !== _0x52c9df || _0x1bba02.shiftKey ? _0x17edbf === _0x1c6631 && _0x1bba02.shiftKey && (_0x52c9df.focus(), _0x1bba02.preventDefault()) : (_0x1c6631.focus(), _0x1bba02.preventDefault());
}, _0x17edbf, false);
function _0x31cc23() {
let _0xa88a13 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : null,
_0x17edbf = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1];
_0x1e2c68.element(_0xa88a13) && (_0xa88a13.focus(), _0x17edbf && _0x3a8e2f(_0xa88a13, this.config.classNames.tabFocus));
function getClass(_0x589e98) {
return _0x48e5ff.a.bind(_0x42870c.a)(_0x589e98);
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'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd',
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'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend',
'transition': 'transitionend'
}, _0x820caf = Object.keys(_0x5f365a).find(function(_0x5bdb45) {
return void 0 !== _0x32d193.style[_0x5bdb45];
}), !!_0x1e2c68.string(_0x820caf) && _0x5f365a[_0x820caf]);
function _0x2b30e0(_0x1fb76b) {
setTimeout(function() {
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_0x132da7(_0x1fb76b, true), _0x1fb76b.offsetHeight, _0x132da7(_0x1fb76b, false);
} catch (_0x517747) {}
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'isWebkit': 'WebkitAppearance' in document.documentElement.style && !/Edge/ .test(navigator.userAgent),
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'info': function() {
let _0xa88a13 = /(MSIE|(?!Gecko.+)Firefox|(?!AppleWebKit.+Chrome.+)Safari|(?!AppleWebKit.+)Chrome|AppleWebKit(?!.+Chrome|.+Safari)|Gecko(?!.+Firefox))(?: |\/)([\d\.apre]+)/ .exec(navigator.userAgent);
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_0x2d904a = {
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'touch': 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement,
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'reducedMotion': 'matchMedia' in window && window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion)').matches,
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'DETECTED': false
if (!_0xa88a13.DETECTED) {
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let _0x11cb40 = _0x2c1832[_0x44cd27],
_0x26b3b2 = _0x17edbf.getContext(_0x11cb40);
if (_0x26b3b2) {
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_0x40c8fc && (_0xa88a13.WEBGL_VENDOR = _0x26b3b2.getParameter(_0x40c8fc.UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL), _0xa88a13.WEBGL_RENDERER = _0x26b3b2.getParameter(_0x40c8fc.UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL)), _0xa88a13.DETECTED = true;
return _0xa88a13;
'wasm': 'undefined' != typeof WebAssembly && _0x1e2c68.object(WebAssembly),
'audioContext': 'undefined' != typeof AudioContext
function _0x55cbbe(_0x43ca9d, _0x1fbf80, _0x332d13) {
return _0x1fbf80 in _0x43ca9d ? Object.defineProperty(_0x43ca9d, _0x1fbf80, {
'value': _0x332d13,
'enumerable': true,
'configurable': true,
'writable': true
}) : _0x43ca9d[_0x1fbf80] = _0x332d13, _0x43ca9d;
function _0x344e81(_0xa095b0, _0x3d8795) {
return _0x3d8795.split('.').reduce(function(_0x1a1fcd, _0x5112cd) {
return _0x1a1fcd && _0x1a1fcd[_0x5112cd];
}, _0xa095b0);
function _0x5dc0c0() {
let _0xa88a13 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
_0x2c1832 = new Array(_0x17edbf > 1 ? _0x17edbf - 1 : 0);
for (let _0x17edbf = arguments.length, _0x189546 = 1; _0x189546 < _0x17edbf; _0x189546++) _0x2c1832[_0x189546 - 1] = arguments[_0x189546];
if (!_0x2c1832.length) return _0xa88a13;
let _0x279e54 = _0x2c1832.shift();
return _0x1e2c68.object(_0x279e54) ? (Object.keys(_0x279e54).forEach(function(_0x53b45a) {
_0x1e2c68.object(_0x279e54[_0x53b45a]) ? (Object.keys(_0xa88a13).includes(_0x53b45a) || Object.assign(_0xa88a13, _0x55cbbe({}, _0x53b45a, {})), _0x5dc0c0(_0xa88a13[_0x53b45a], _0x279e54[_0x53b45a])) : Object.assign(_0xa88a13, _0x55cbbe({}, _0x53b45a, _0x279e54[_0x53b45a]));
}), _0x5dc0c0.apply(undefined, [_0xa88a13].concat(_0x2c1832))) : _0xa88a13;
function _0x1a0e98() {
let _0xa88a13 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : '',
_0x17edbf = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : '',
_0x2c1832 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : '';
return _0xa88a13.replace(new RegExp(_0x17edbf.toString().replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\x5c$1'), 'g'), _0x2c1832.toString());
function _0x9fdcea() {
let _0xa88a13 = (arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : '').toString();
return (_0xa88a13 = function() {
let _0xa88a13 = (arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : '').toString();
return _0xa88a13 = _0x1a0e98(_0xa88a13, '-', ' '), _0xa88a13 = _0x1a0e98(_0xa88a13, '_', ' '), _0x1a0e98(_0xa88a13 = function() {
return (arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : '').toString().replace(/\w\S*/g, function(_0x5b5cba) {
return _0x5b5cba.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + _0x5b5cba.substr(1).toLowerCase();
}(_0xa88a13), ' ', '');
}(_0xa88a13)).charAt(0).toLowerCase() + _0xa88a13.slice(1);
function _0x419e30(_0x3614ce, _0x5196ee) {
return function(_0x38f65b) {
if (Array.isArray(_0x38f65b)) return _0x38f65b;
}(_0x3614ce) || function(_0x20a132, _0x481bd0) {
let _0x2c1832 = [],
_0x930e75 = true,
_0x40863e = false,
_0xf7a5cf = undefined;
try {
for (let _0x9d4c5a, _0x2f59ed = _0x20a132[Symbol.iterator](); !(_0x930e75 = (_0x9d4c5a = _0x2f59ed.next()).done) && (_0x2c1832.push(_0x9d4c5a.value), !_0x481bd0 || _0x2c1832.length !== _0x481bd0); _0x930e75 = true);
} catch (_0x383181) {
_0x40863e = true, _0xf7a5cf = _0x383181;
} finally {
try {
_0x930e75 || null == _0x2f59ed.return || _0x2f59ed.return();
} finally {
if (_0x40863e) throw _0xf7a5cf;
return _0x2c1832;
}(_0x3614ce, _0x5196ee) || function() {
throw new TypeError('Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance');
let _0xb9b2ff = {
'get': function() {
let _0xa88a13 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : '',
_0x17edbf = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {};
if (_0x1e2c68.empty(_0xa88a13) || _0x1e2c68.empty(_0x17edbf)) return '';
let _0x2c1832 = _0x344e81(_0x17edbf.i18n, _0xa88a13);
if (_0x1e2c68.empty(_0x2c1832)) return '';
let _0x54bf45 = {
'{seektime}': _0x17edbf.seekTime,
'{title}': _0x17edbf.title
return Object.entries(_0x54bf45).forEach(function(_0x34ee43) {
let _0x17edbf = _0x419e30(_0x34ee43, 2),
_0x473ebb = _0x17edbf[0],
_0x56ec0 = _0x17edbf[1];
_0x2c1832 = _0x1a0e98(_0x2c1832, _0x473ebb, _0x56ec0);
}), _0x2c1832;
function _0x4c97b0(_0xb3d5fd, _0x2cda5d) {
for (let _0x2c1832 = 0; _0x2c1832 < _0x2cda5d.length; _0x2c1832++) {
let _0x3f3944 = _0x2cda5d[_0x2c1832];
_0x3f3944.enumerable = _0x3f3944.enumerable || false, _0x3f3944.configurable = true, 'value' in _0x3f3944 && (_0x3f3944.writable = true), Object.defineProperty(_0xb3d5fd, _0x3f3944.key, _0x3f3944);
let _0x2f61ba = function() {
function _0x566dbe(_0x3a7165, _0x3d2e3a) {
! function(_0x48c5c0, _0x2b027d) {
if (!(_0x48c5c0 instanceof _0x2b027d)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function');
}(this, _0x566dbe), this.enabled = true, this.key = _0x3d2e3a;
let _0x17edbf, _0x2c1832, _0x4496fc;
return _0x17edbf = _0x566dbe, _0x4496fc = [{
'key': 'supported',
'get': function() {
try {
return 'localStorage' in window && (window.localStorage.getItem('___test') || window.localStorage.setItem('___test', '___test'), true);
} catch (_0x42cafd) {
return false;
}], (_0x2c1832 = [{
'key': 'get',
'value': function(_0x4ed865) {
if (!_0x566dbe.supported || !this.enabled) return null;
let _0x2c1832 = window.localStorage.getItem(this.key);
if (_0x1e2c68.empty(_0x2c1832)) return null;
let _0x57ebf7 = JSON.parse(_0x2c1832);
return _0x1e2c68.string(_0x4ed865) && _0x4ed865.length ? _0x57ebf7[_0x4ed865] : _0x57ebf7;
}, {
'key': 'set',
'value': function(_0x443e7a) {
if (_0x566dbe.supported && this.enabled && _0x1e2c68.object(_0x443e7a)) {
let _0x2c1832 = this.get();
_0x1e2c68.empty(_0x2c1832) && (_0x2c1832 = {}), _0x5dc0c0(_0x2c1832, _0x443e7a), window.localStorage.setItem(this.key, JSON.stringify(_0x2c1832));
}]) && _0x4c97b0(_0x17edbf.prototype, _0x2c1832), _0x4496fc && _0x4c97b0(_0x17edbf, _0x4496fc), _0x566dbe;
let _0x13fb79,
_0x4ad1c6 = _0x2c1832(6),
_0x4704b1 = _0x2c1832(159),
_0x3a58c8 = _0x2c1832.n(_0x4704b1),
shaders = {
"2xScaleHQ.glslp": "shaders = 1\n\nshader0 = \"2xScaleHQ.glsl\"\nfilter_linear0 = false\nscale_type_0 = source\n",
"4xScaleHQ.glslp": "shaders = 1\n\nshader0 = \"4xScaleHQ.glsl\"\nfilter_linear0 = false\nscale_type_0 = source\n",
"crt-easymode.glslp": "shaders = 1\n\nshader0 = crt-easymode.glsl\nfilter_linear0 = false\nscale_type_0 = source\n",
"crt-aperture.glslp": "shaders = 1\n\nshader0 = crt-aperture.glsl\nfilter_linear0 = false\n",
"crt-geom.glslp": "shaders = 1\n\nshader0 = crt-geom.glsl\nfilter_linear0 = false\nscale_type_0 = source\n",
"crt-mattias.glslp": "\nshaders = 1\nshader0 = crt-mattias.glsl\nfilter_linear0 = false\n",
"2xScaleHQ.glsl": "/*\n2xGLSLHqFilter shader\n\nCopyright (C) 2005 guest(r) - guest.r@gmail.com\n\nThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\nmodify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\nas published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\nof the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\nGNU General Public License for more details.\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\nalong with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\nFoundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n*/\n\n#if defined(VERTEX)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING out\n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying \n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE attribute \n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 VertexCoord;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 COLOR;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 TexCoord;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 COL0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t1;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t2;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t3;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t4;\n\nvec4 _oPosition1; \nuniform mat4 MVPMatrix;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\n\n// compatibility #defines\n#define vTexCoord TEX0.xy\n#define SourceSize vec4(TextureSize, 1.0 / TextureSize) //either TextureSize or InputSize\n#define OutSize vec4(OutputSize, 1.0 / OutputSize)\n\nvoid main()\n{\ngl_Position = MVPMatrix * VertexCoord;\nTEX0.xy = TexCoord.xy;\nfloat x = 0.5 * SourceSize.z;\nfloat y = 0.5 * SourceSize.w;\nvec2 dg1 = vec2( x, y);\nvec2 dg2 = vec2(-x, y);\nvec2 dx = vec2(x, 0.0);\nvec2 dy = vec2(0.0, y);\nt1 = vec4(vTexCoord - dg1, vTexCoord - dy);\nt2 = vec4(vTexCoord - dg2, vTexCoord + dx);\nt3 = vec4(vTexCoord + dg1, vTexCoord + dy);\nt4 = vec4(vTexCoord + dg2, vTexCoord - dx);\n}\n\n#elif defined(FRAGMENT)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\nout vec4 FragColor;\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying\n#define FragColor gl_FragColor\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nprecision highp float;\n#else\nprecision mediump float;\n#endif\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\nuniform sampler2D Texture;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t1;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t2;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t3;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t4;\n\n// compatibility #defines\n#define Source Texture\n#define vTexCoord TEX0.xy\n\n#define SourceSize vec4(TextureSize, 1.0 / TextureSize) //either TextureSize or InputSize\n#define OutSize vec4(OutputSize, 1.0 / OutputSize)\n\nfloat mx = 0.325; // start smoothing wt.\nfloat k = -0.250; // wt. decrease factor\nfloat max_w = 0.25; // max filter weight\nfloat min_w =-0.05; // min filter weight\nfloat lum_add = 0.25; // affects smoothing\nvec3 dt = vec3(1.0);\n\nvoid main()\n{\nvec3 c00 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t1.xy).xyz; \nvec3 c10 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t1.zw).xyz; \nvec3 c20 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t2.xy).xyz; \nvec3 c01 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t4.zw).xyz; \nvec3 c11 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, vTexCoord).xyz; \nvec3 c21 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t2.zw).xyz; \nvec3 c02 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t4.xy).xyz; \nvec3 c12 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t3.zw).xyz; \nvec3 c22 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t3.xy).xyz; \n\nfloat md1 = dot(abs(c00 - c22), dt);\nfloat md2 = dot(abs(c02 - c20), dt);\n\nfloat w1 = dot(abs(c22 - c11), dt) * md2;\nfloat w2 = dot(abs(c02 - c11), dt) * md1;\nfloat w3 = dot(abs(c00 - c11), dt) * md2;\nfloat w4 = dot(abs(c20 - c11), dt) * md1;\n\nfloat t1 = w1 + w3;\nfloat t2 = w2 + w4;\nfloat ww = max(t1, t2) + 0.0001;\n\nc11 = (w1 * c00 + w2 * c20 + w3 * c22 + w4 * c02 + ww * c11) / (t1 + t2 + ww);\n\nfloat lc1 = k / (0.12 * dot(c10 + c12 + c11, dt) + lum_add);\nfloat lc2 = k / (0.12 * dot(c01 + c21 + c11, dt) + lum_add);\n\nw1 = clamp(lc1 * dot(abs(c11 - c10), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);\nw2 = clamp(lc2 * dot(abs(c11 - c21), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);\nw3 = clamp(lc1 * dot(abs(c11 - c12), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);\nw4 = clamp(lc2 * dot(abs(c11 - c01), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);\nFragColor = vec4(w1 * c10 + w2 * c21 + w3 * c12 + w4 * c01 + (1.0 - w1 - w2 - w3 - w4) * c11, 1.0);\n} \n#endif\n",
"4xScaleHQ.glsl": "/*\n4xGLSLHqFilter shader\n\nCopyright (C) 2005 guest(r) - guest.r@gmail.com\n\nThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\nmodify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\nas published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\nof the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\nGNU General Public License for more details.\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\nalong with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\nFoundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n*/\n\n#if defined(VERTEX)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING out\n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying \n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE attribute \n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 VertexCoord;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 COLOR;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 TexCoord;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 COL0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t1;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t2;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t3;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t4;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t5;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t6;\n\nvec4 _oPosition1; \nuniform mat4 MVPMatrix;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\n\n// compatibility #defines\n#define vTexCoord TEX0.xy\n#define SourceSize vec4(TextureSize, 1.0 / TextureSize) //either TextureSize or InputSize\n#define OutSize vec4(OutputSize, 1.0 / OutputSize)\n\nvoid main()\n{\ngl_Position = MVPMatrix * VertexCoord;\nTEX0.xy = TexCoord.xy;\nfloat x = 0.5 * SourceSize.z;\nfloat y = 0.5 * SourceSize.w;\nvec2 dg1 = vec2( x, y);\nvec2 dg2 = vec2(-x, y);\nvec2 sd1 = dg1 * 0.5;\nvec2 sd2 = dg2 * 0.5;\nvec2 ddx = vec2(x, 0.0);\nvec2 ddy = vec2(0.0, y);\nt1 = vec4(vTexCoord - sd1, vTexCoord - ddy);\nt2 = vec4(vTexCoord - sd2, vTexCoord + ddx);\nt3 = vec4(vTexCoord + sd1, vTexCoord + ddy);\nt4 = vec4(vTexCoord + sd2, vTexCoord - ddx);\nt5 = vec4(vTexCoord - dg1, vTexCoord - dg2);\nt6 = vec4(vTexCoord + dg1, vTexCoord + dg2);\n}\n\n#elif defined(FRAGMENT)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\nout vec4 FragColor;\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying\n#define FragColor gl_FragColor\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nprecision highp float;\n#else\nprecision mediump float;\n#endif\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\nuniform sampler2D Texture;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t1;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t2;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t3;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t4;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t5;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t6;\n\n// compatibility #defines\n#define Source Texture\n#define vTexCoord TEX0.xy\n\n#define SourceSize vec4(TextureSize, 1.0 / TextureSize) //either TextureSize or InputSize\n#define OutSize vec4(OutputSize, 1.0 / OutputSize)\n\nfloat mx = 1.0; // start smoothing wt.\nfloat k = -1.10; // wt. decrease factor\nfloat max_w = 0.75; // max filter weight\nfloat min_w = 0.03; // min filter weight\nfloat lum_add = 0.33; // affects smoothing\nvec3 dt = vec3(1.0);\n\nvoid main()\n{\nvec3 c = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, vTexCoord).xyz;\nvec3 i1 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t1.xy).xyz; \nvec3 i2 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t2.xy).xyz; \nvec3 i3 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t3.xy).xyz; \nvec3 i4 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t4.xy).xyz; \nvec3 o1 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t5.xy).xyz; \nvec3 o3 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t6.xy).xyz; \nvec3 o2 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t5.zw).xyz;\nvec3 o4 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t6.zw).xyz;\nvec3 s1 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t1.zw).xyz; \nvec3 s2 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t2.zw).xyz; \nvec3 s3 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t3.zw).xyz; \nvec3 s4 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t4.zw).xyz; \n\nfloat ko1=dot(abs(o1-c),dt);\nfloat ko2=dot(abs(o2-c),dt);\nfloat ko3=dot(abs(o3-c),dt);\nfloat ko4=dot(abs(o4-c),dt);\n\nfloat k1=min(dot(abs(i1-i3),dt),max(ko1,ko3));\nfloat k2=min(dot(abs(i2-i4),dt),max(ko2,ko4));\n\nfloat w1 = k2; if(ko3<ko1) w1*=ko3/ko1;\nfloat w2 = k1; if(ko4<ko2) w2*=ko4/ko2;\nfloat w3 = k2; if(ko1<ko3) w3*=ko1/ko3;\nfloat w4 = k1; if(ko2<ko4) w4*=ko2/ko4;\n\nc=(w1*o1+w2*o2+w3*o3+w4*o4+0.001*c)/(w1+w2+w3+w4+0.001);\nw1 = k*dot(abs(i1-c)+abs(i3-c),dt)/(0.125*dot(i1+i3,dt)+lum_add);\nw2 = k*dot(abs(i2-c)+abs(i4-c),dt)/(0.125*dot(i2+i4,dt)+lum_add);\nw3 = k*dot(abs(s1-c)+abs(s3-c),dt)/(0.125*dot(s1+s3,dt)+lum_add);\nw4 = k*dot(abs(s2-c)+abs(s4-c),dt)/(0.125*dot(s2+s4,dt)+lum_add);\n\nw1 = clamp(w1+mx,min_w,max_w); \nw2 = clamp(w2+mx,min_w,max_w);\nw3 = clamp(w3+mx,min_w,max_w); \nw4 = clamp(w4+mx,min_w,max_w);\n\nFragColor = vec4((w1*(i1+i3)+w2*(i2+i4)+w3*(s1+s3)+w4*(s2+s4)+c)/(2.0*(w1+w2+w3+w4)+1.0), 1.0);\n} \n#endif\n",
"crt-easymode.glsl": "#if defined(VERTEX)\n\n #if __VERSION__ >= 130\n #define COMPAT_VARYING out\n #define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE in\n #define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\n #else\n #define COMPAT_VARYING varying\n #define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE attribute\n #define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n #endif\n \n #ifdef GL_ES\n #define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n #else\n #define COMPAT_PRECISION\n #endif\n COMPAT_VARYING float _frame_rotation;\n struct input_dummy {\n vec2 _video_size;\n vec2 _texture_size;\n vec2 _output_dummy_size;\n float _frame_count;\n float _frame_direction;\n float _frame_rotation;\n };\n vec4 _oPosition1;\n vec4 _r0005;\n COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 VertexCoord;\n COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 TexCoord;\n COMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\n \n uniform mat4 MVPMatrix;\n uniform int FrameDirection;\n uniform int FrameCount;\n uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\n uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\n uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\n void main()\n {\n vec2 _oTex;\n _r0005 = VertexCoord.x*MVPMatrix[0];\n _r0005 = _r0005 + VertexCoord.y*MVPMatrix[1];\n _r0005 = _r0005 + VertexCoord.z*MVPMatrix[2];\n _r0005 = _r0005 + VertexCoord.w*MVPMatrix[3];\n _oPosition1 = _r0005;\n _oTex = TexCoord.xy;\n gl_Position = _r0005;\n TEX0.xy = TexCoord.xy;\n }\n #elif defined(FRAGMENT)\n \n #if __VERSION__ >= 130\n #define COMPAT_VARYING in\n #define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\n out vec4 FragColor;\n #else\n #define COMPAT_VARYING varying\n #define FragColor gl_FragColor\n #define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n #endif\n \n #ifdef GL_ES\n #ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\n precision highp float;\n #else\n precision mediump float;\n #endif\n #define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n #else\n #define COMPAT_PRECISION\n #endif\n COMPAT_VARYING float _frame_rotation;\n struct input_dummy {\n vec2 _video_size;\n vec2 _texture_size;\n vec2 _output_dummy_size;\n float _frame_count;\n float _frame_direction;\n float _frame_rotation;\n };\n vec4 _ret_0;\n float _TMP30;\n float _TMP29;\n float _TMP28;\n float _TMP13;\n float _TMP32;\n float _TMP11;\n float _TMP10;\n float _TMP31;\n float _TMP9;\n float _TMP8;\n float _TMP15;\n float _TMP14;\n float _TMP33;\n vec4 _TMP34;\n vec4 _TMP27;\n vec4 _TMP25;\n vec4 _TMP23;\n vec4 _TMP21;\n vec4 _TMP26;\n vec4 _TMP24;\n vec4 _TMP22;\n vec4 _TMP20;\n float _TMP4;\n vec4 _TMP3;\n vec4 _TMP2;\n float _TMP19;\n float _TMP18;\n float _TMP17;\n float _TMP16;\n vec4 _TMP1;\n vec2 _TMP0;\n uniform sampler2D Texture;\n input_dummy _IN1;\n float _TMP43;\n float _x_step0044;\n float _curve0044;\n float _a0048;\n float _val0052;\n float _a0052;\n vec4 _TMP57;\n vec4 _x0072;\n vec2 _c0086;\n vec4 _x0088;\n vec4 _x0094;\n vec2 _c0098;\n vec4 _x0100;\n vec2 _c0104;\n vec4 _x0106;\n vec4 _sample_min0110;\n vec4 _sample_max0110;\n vec4 _r0112;\n vec4 _TMP117;\n vec2 _co0124;\n vec2 _c0126;\n vec4 _x0128;\n vec4 _x0134;\n vec2 _c0138;\n vec4 _x0140;\n vec2 _c0144;\n vec4 _x0146;\n vec4 _sample_min0150;\n vec4 _sample_max0150;\n vec4 _r0152;\n vec4 _TMP157;\n float _TMP163;\n float _x_step0164;\n float _curve0164;\n float _a0168;\n float _val0172;\n float _a0172;\n float _TMP183;\n float _TMP189;\n float _x0190;\n float _a0196;\n float _x0198;\n vec2 _x0200;\n float _x0208;\n COMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\n \n uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\n uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\n uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\n void main()\n {\n vec2 _dx1;\n vec2 _dy;\n vec2 _pix_co;\n vec2 _tex_co;\n vec2 _dist;\n vec3 _col2;\n vec3 _col21;\n vec4 _coeffs1;\n float _luma;\n float _bright;\n float _scan_weight;\n vec2 _mod_fac;\n int _dot_no;\n vec3 _mask_weight;\n vec3 _TMP37;\n _dx1 = vec2(1.00000000E+00/TextureSize.x, 0.00000000E+00);\n _dy = vec2(0.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00/TextureSize.y);\n _pix_co = TEX0.xy*TextureSize - vec2( 5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01);\n _TMP0 = floor(_pix_co);\n _tex_co = (_TMP0 + vec2( 5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01))/TextureSize;\n _dist = fract(_pix_co);\n _x_step0044 = float((_dist.x >= 5.00000000E-01));\n _a0048 = 2.50000000E-01 - (_dist.x - _x_step0044)*(_dist.x - _x_step0044);\n _TMP33 = inversesqrt(_a0048);\n _TMP14 = 1.00000000E+00/_TMP33;\n _a0052 = 5.00000000E-01 - _dist.x;\n _val0052 = float((_a0052 > 0.00000000E+00));\n _TMP15 = _val0052 - float((_a0052 < 0.00000000E+00));\n _curve0044 = 5.00000000E-01 - _TMP14*_TMP15;\n _TMP43 = _dist.x + 2.50000000E-01*(_curve0044 - _dist.x);\n _coeffs1 = 3.14159274E+00*vec4(1.00000000E+00 + _TMP43, _TMP43, 1.00000000E+00 - _TMP43, 2.00000000E+00 - _TMP43);\n _TMP1 = abs(_coeffs1);\n _TMP57 = max(_TMP1, vec4( 9.99999975E-06, 9.99999975E-06, 9.99999975E-06, 9.99999975E-06));\n _TMP16 = sin(_TMP57.x);\n _TMP17 = sin(_TMP57.y);\n _TMP18 = sin(_TMP57.z);\n _TMP19 = sin(_TMP57.w);\n _TMP2 = vec4(_TMP16, _TMP17, _TMP18, _TMP19);\n _x0072 = _TMP57/2.00000000E+00;\n _TMP16 = sin(_x0072.x);\n _TMP17 = sin(_x0072.y);\n _TMP18 = sin(_x0072.z);\n _TMP19 = sin(_x0072.w);\n _TMP3 = vec4(_TMP16, _TMP17, _TMP18, _TMP19);\n _coeffs1 = ((2.00000000E+00*_TMP2)*_TMP3)/(_TMP57*_TMP57);\n _TMP4 = dot(_coeffs1, vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _coeffs1 = _coeffs1/_TMP4;\n _c0086 = _tex_co - _dx1;\n _TMP20 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _c0086);\n _x0088 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP20 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP21 = _TMP20*_x0088;\n _TMP22 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _tex_co);\n _x0094 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP22 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP23 = _TMP22*_x0094;\n _c0098 = _tex_co + _dx1;\n _TMP24 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _c0098);\n _x0100 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP24 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP25 = _TMP24*_x0100;\n _c0104 = _tex_co + 2.00000000E+00*_dx1;\n _TMP26 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _c0104);\n _x0106 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP26 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP27 = _TMP26*_x0106;\n _r0112 = _coeffs1.x*_TMP21;\n _r0112 = _r0112 + _coeffs1.y*_TMP23;\n _r0112 = _r0112 + _coeffs1.z*_TMP25;\n _r0112 = _r0112 + _coeffs1.w*_TMP27;\n _sample_min0110 = min(_TMP23, _TMP25);\n _sample_max0110 = max(_TMP23, _TMP25);\n _TMP34 = min(_sample_max0110, _r0112);\n _TMP117 = max(_sample_min0110, _TMP34);\n _co0124 = _tex_co + _dy;\n _c0126 = _co0124 - _dx1;\n _TMP20 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _c0126);\n _x0128 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP20 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP21 = _TMP20*_x0128;\n _TMP22 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _co0124);\n _x0134 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP22 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP23 = _TMP22*_x0134;\n _c0138 = _co0124 + _dx1;\n _TMP24 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _c0138);\n _x0140 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP24 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP25 = _TMP24*_x0140;\n _c0144 = _co0124 + 2.00000000E+00*_dx1;\n _TMP26 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _c0144);\n _x0146 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP26 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP27 = _TMP26*_x0146;\n _r0152 = _coeffs1.x*_TMP21;\n _r0152 = _r0152 + _coeffs1.y*_TMP23;\n _r0152 = _r0152 + _coeffs1.z*_TMP25;\n _r0152 = _r0152 + _coeffs1.w*_TMP27;\n _sample_min0150 = min(_TMP23, _TMP25);\n _sample_max0150 = max(_TMP23, _TMP25);\n _TMP34 = min(_sample_max0150, _r0152);\n _TMP157 = max(_sample_min0150, _TMP34);\n _x_step0164 = float((_dist.y >= 5.00000000E-01));\n _a0168 = 2.50000000E-01 - (_dist.y - _x_step0164)*(_dist.y - _x_step0164);\n _TMP33 = inversesqrt(_a0168);\n _TMP14 = 1.00000000E+00/_TMP33;\n _a0172 = 5.00000000E-01 - _dist.y;\n _val0172 = float((_a0172 > 0.00000000E+00));\n _TMP15 = _val0172 - float((_a0172 < 0.00000000E+00));\n _curve0164 = 5.00000000E-01 - _TMP14*_TMP15;\n _TMP163 = _dist.y + (_curve0164 - _dist.y);\n _col2 = _TMP117.xyz + _TMP163*(_TMP157.xyz - _TMP117.xyz);\n _luma = dot(vec3( 2.12599993E-01, 7.15200007E-01, 7.22000003E-02), _col2);\n _TMP8 = max(_col2.y, _col2.z);\n _TMP9 = max(_col2.x, _TMP8);\n _bright = (_TMP9 + _luma)/2.00000000E+00;\n _TMP31 = min(6.49999976E-01, _bright);\n _TMP183 = max(3.49999994E-01, _TMP31);\n _x0190 = _bright*1.50000000E+00;\n _TMP31 = min(1.50000000E+00, _x0190);\n _TMP189 = max(1.50000000E+00, _TMP31);\n _a0196 = TEX0.y*2.00000000E+00*3.14159274E+00*TextureSize.y;\n _TMP10 = cos(_a0196);\n _x0198 = _TMP10*5.00000000E-01 + 5.00000000E-01;\n _TMP11 = pow(_x0198, _TMP189);\n _scan_weight = 1.00000000E+00 - _TMP11;\n _x0200 = (TEX0.xy*OutputSize*TextureSize)/InputSize;\n _mod_fac = floor(_x0200);\n _x0208 = _mod_fac.x/3.00000000E+00;\n _TMP32 = floor(_x0208);\n _TMP13 = _mod_fac.x - 3.00000000E+00*_TMP32;\n _dot_no = int(_TMP13);\n if (_dot_no == 0) {\n _mask_weight = vec3( 1.00000000E+00, 6.99999988E-01, 6.99999988E-01);\n } else {\n if (_dot_no == 1) {\n _mask_weight = vec3( 6.99999988E-01, 1.00000000E+00, 6.99999988E-01);\n } else {\n _mask_weight = vec3( 6.99999988E-01, 6.99999988E-01, 1.00000000E+00);\n }\n }\n if (InputSize.y >= 4.00000000E+02) {\n _scan_weight = 1.00000000E+00;\n }\n _col21 = _col2.xyz;\n _col2 = _col2*vec3(_scan_weight, _scan_weight, _scan_weight);\n _col2 = _col2 + _TMP183*(_col21 - _col2);\n _col2 = _col2*_mask_weight;\n _TMP28 = pow(_col2.x, 5.55555582E-01);\n _TMP29 = pow(_col2.y, 5.55555582E-01);\n _TMP30 = pow(_col2.z, 5.55555582E-01);\n _col2 = vec3(_TMP28, _TMP29, _TMP30);\n _TMP37 = _col2*1.20000005E+00;\n _ret_0 = vec4(_TMP37.x, _TMP37.y, _TMP37.z, 1.00000000E+00);\n FragColor = _ret_0;\n return;\n }\n #endif\n",
"crt-aperture.glsl": "\n/*\nCRT Shader by EasyMode\nLicense: GPL\n*/\n/*\n#pragma parameter SHARPNESS_IMAGE \"Sharpness Image\" 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter SHARPNESS_EDGES \"Sharpness Edges\" 3.0 1.0 5.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter GLOW_WIDTH \"Glow Width\" 0.5 0.05 0.65 0.05\n#pragma parameter GLOW_HEIGHT \"Glow Height\" 0.5 0.05 0.65 0.05\n#pragma parameter GLOW_HALATION \"Glow Halation\" 0.1 0.0 1.0 0.01\n#pragma parameter GLOW_DIFFUSION \"Glow Diffusion\" 0.05 0.0 1.0 0.01\n#pragma parameter MASK_COLORS \"Mask Colors\" 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter MASK_STRENGTH \"Mask Strength\" 0.3 0.0 1.0 0.05\n#pragma parameter MASK_SIZE \"Mask Size\" 1.0 1.0 9.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter SCANLINE_SIZE_MIN \"Scanline Size Min.\" 0.5 0.5 1.5 0.05\n#pragma parameter SCANLINE_SIZE_MAX \"Scanline Size Max.\" 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.05\n#pragma parameter GAMMA_INPUT \"Gamma Input\" 2.4 1.0 5.0 0.1\n#pragma parameter GAMMA_OUTPUT \"Gamma Output\" 2.4 1.0 5.0 0.1\n#pragma parameter BRIGHTNESS \"Brightness\" 1.5 0.0 2.0 0.05\n* */\n\n#define Coord TEX0\n\n#if defined(VERTEX)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define OUT out\n#define IN in\n#define tex2D texture\n#else\n#define OUT varying \n#define IN attribute \n#define tex2D texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#define PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define PRECISION\n#endif\n\nIN vec4 VertexCoord;\nIN vec4 Color;\nIN vec2 TexCoord;\nOUT vec4 color;\nOUT vec2 Coord;\n\nuniform mat4 MVPMatrix;\nuniform PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\n\nvoid main()\n{\ngl_Position = MVPMatrix * VertexCoord;\ncolor = Color;\nCoord = TexCoord;\n}\n\n#elif defined(FRAGMENT)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define IN in\n#define tex2D texture\nout vec4 FragColor;\n#else\n#define IN varying\n#define FragColor gl_FragColor\n#define tex2D texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nprecision highp float;\n#else\nprecision mediump float;\n#endif\n#define PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define PRECISION\n#endif\n\nuniform PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\nuniform sampler2D Texture;\nIN vec2 Coord;\n\n#ifdef PARAMETER_UNIFORM\nuniform PRECISION float SHARPNESS_IMAGE;\nuniform PRECISION float SHARPNESS_EDGES;\nuniform PRECISION float GLOW_WIDTH;\nuniform PRECISION float GLOW_HEIGHT;\nuniform PRECISION float GLOW_HALATION;\nuniform PRECISION float GLOW_DIFFUSION;\nuniform PRECISION float MASK_COLORS;\nuniform PRECISION float MASK_STRENGTH;\nuniform PRECISION float MASK_SIZE;\nuniform PRECISION float SCANLINE_SIZE_MIN;\nuniform PRECISION float SCANLINE_SIZE_MAX;\nuniform PRECISION float GAMMA_INPUT;\nuniform PRECISION float GAMMA_OUTPUT;\nuniform PRECISION float BRIGHTNESS;\n#else\n#define SHARPNESS_IMAGE 1.0\n#define SHARPNESS_EDGES 3.0\n#define GLOW_WIDTH 0.5\n#define GLOW_HEIGHT 0.5\n#define GLOW_HALATION 0.1\n#define GLOW_DIFFUSION 0.05\n#define MASK_COLORS 2.0\n#define MASK_STRENGTH 0.3\n#define MASK_SIZE 1.0\n#define SCANLINE_SIZE_MIN 0.5\n#define SCANLINE_SIZE_MAX 1.5\n#define GAMMA_INPUT 2.4\n#define GAMMA_OUTPUT 2.4\n#define BRIGHTNESS 1.5\n#endif\n\n#define FIX(c) max(abs(c), 1e-5)\n#define PI 3.141592653589\n#define saturate(c) clamp(c, 0.0, 1.0)\n#define TEX2D(c) pow(tex2D(tex, c).rgb, vec3(GAMMA_INPUT))\n\nmat3 get_color_matrix(sampler2D tex, vec2 co, vec2 dx)\n{\nreturn mat3(TEX2D(co - dx), TEX2D(co), TEX2D(co + dx));\n}\n\nvec3 blur(mat3 m, float dist, float rad)\n{\nvec3 x = vec3(dist - 1.0, dist, dist + 1.0) / rad;\nvec3 w = exp2(x * x * -1.0);\n\nreturn (m[0] * w.x + m[1] * w.y + m[2] * w.z) / (w.x + w.y + w.z);\n}\n\nvec3 filter_gaussian(sampler2D tex, vec2 co, vec2 tex_size)\n{\nvec2 dx = vec2(1.0 / tex_size.x, 0.0);\nvec2 dy = vec2(0.0, 1.0 / tex_size.y);\nvec2 pix_co = co * tex_size;\nvec2 tex_co = (floor(pix_co) + 0.5) / tex_size;\nvec2 dist = (fract(pix_co) - 0.5) * -1.0;\n\nmat3 line0 = get_color_matrix(tex, tex_co - dy, dx);\nmat3 line1 = get_color_matrix(tex, tex_co, dx);\nmat3 line2 = get_color_matrix(tex, tex_co + dy, dx);\nmat3 column = mat3(blur(line0, dist.x, GLOW_WIDTH),\n blur(line1, dist.x, GLOW_WIDTH),\n blur(line2, dist.x, GLOW_WIDTH));\n\nreturn blur(column, dist.y, GLOW_HEIGHT);\n}\n\nvec3 filter_lanczos(sampler2D tex, vec2 co, vec2 tex_size, float sharp)\n{\ntex_size.x *= sharp;\n\nvec2 dx = vec2(1.0 / tex_size.x, 0.0);\nvec2 pix_co = co * tex_size - vec2(0.5, 0.0);\nvec2 tex_co = (floor(pix_co) + vec2(0.5, 0.0)) / tex_size;\nvec2 dist = fract(pix_co);\nvec4 coef = PI * vec4(dist.x + 1.0, dist.x, dist.x - 1.0, dist.x - 2.0);\n\ncoef = FIX(coef);\ncoef = 2.0 * sin(coef) * sin(coef / 2.0) / (coef * coef);\ncoef /= dot(coef, vec4(1.0));\n\nvec4 col1 = vec4(TEX2D(tex_co), 1.0);\nvec4 col2 = vec4(TEX2D(tex_co + dx), 1.0);\n\nreturn (mat4(col1, col1, col2, col2) * coef).rgb;\n}\n\nvec3 get_scanline_weight(float x, vec3 col)\n{\nvec3 beam = mix(vec3(SCANLINE_SIZE_MIN), vec3(SCANLINE_SIZE_MAX), col);\nvec3 x_mul = 2.0 / beam;\nvec3 x_offset = x_mul * 0.5;\n\nreturn smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - abs(x * x_mul - x_offset)) * x_offset;\n}\n\nvec3 get_mask_weight(float x)\n{\nfloat i = mod(floor(x * OutputSize.x * TextureSize.x / (InputSize.x * MASK_SIZE)), MASK_COLORS);\n\nif (i == 0.0) return mix(vec3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0), vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), MASK_COLORS - 2.0);\nelse if (i == 1.0) return vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);\nelse return vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n}\n\nvoid main()\n{\nvec3 col_glow = filter_gaussian(Texture, Coord, TextureSize);\nvec3 col_soft = filter_lanczos(Texture, Coord, TextureSize, SHARPNESS_IMAGE);\nvec3 col_sharp = filter_lanczos(Texture, Coord, TextureSize, SHARPNESS_EDGES);\nvec3 col = sqrt(col_sharp * col_soft);\n\ncol *= get_scanline_weight(fract(Coord.y * TextureSize.y), col_soft);\ncol_glow = saturate(col_glow - col);\ncol += col_glow * col_glow * GLOW_HALATION;\ncol = mix(col, col * get_mask_weight(Coord.x) * MASK_COLORS, MASK_STRENGTH);\ncol += col_glow * GLOW_DIFFUSION;\ncol = pow(col * BRIGHTNESS, vec3(1.0 / GAMMA_OUTPUT));\n\nFragColor = vec4(col, 1.0);\n}\n\n#endif\n",
"crt-geom.glsl": "\n/*\nCRT-interlaced\n\nCopyright (C) 2010-2012 cgwg, Themaister and DOLLS\n\nThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\nunder the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free\nSoftware Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)\nany later version.\n\n(cgwg gave their consent to have the original version of this shader\ndistributed under the GPL in this message:\n\nhttp://board.byuu.org/viewtopic.php?p=26075#p26075\n\n\"Feel free to distribute my shaders under the GPL. After all, the\nbarrel distortion code was taken from the Curvature shader, which is\nunder the GPL.\"\n)\nThis shader variant is pre-configured with screen curvature\n*/\n/*\n#pragma parameter CRTgamma \"CRTGeom Target Gamma\" 2.4 0.1 5.0 0.1\n#pragma parameter monitorgamma \"CRTGeom Monitor Gamma\" 2.2 0.1 5.0 0.1\n#pragma parameter d \"CRTGeom Distance\" 1.6 0.1 3.0 0.1\n#pragma parameter CURVATURE \"CRTGeom Curvature Toggle\" 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter R \"CRTGeom Curvature Radius\" 2.0 0.1 10.0 0.1\n#pragma parameter cornersize \"CRTGeom Corner Size\" 0.03 0.001 1.0 0.005\n#pragma parameter cornersmooth \"CRTGeom Corner Smoothness\" 1000.0 80.0 2000.0 100.0\n#pragma parameter x_tilt \"CRTGeom Horizontal Tilt\" 0.0 -0.5 0.5 0.05\n#pragma parameter y_tilt \"CRTGeom Vertical Tilt\" 0.0 -0.5 0.5 0.05\n#pragma parameter overscan_x \"CRTGeom Horiz. Overscan %\" 100.0 -125.0 125.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter overscan_y \"CRTGeom Vert. Overscan %\" 100.0 -125.0 125.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter DOTMASK \"CRTGeom Dot Mask Toggle\" 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.3\n#pragma parameter SHARPER \"CRTGeom Sharpness\" 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter scanline_weight \"CRTGeom Scanline Weight\" 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.05\n*/\n\n#ifndef PARAMETER_UNIFORM\n#define CRTgamma 2.4\n#define monitorgamma 2.2\n#define d 1.6\n#define CURVATURE 1.0\n#define R 2.0\n#define cornersize 0.03\n#define cornersmooth 1000.0\n#define x_tilt 0.0\n#define y_tilt 0.0\n#define overscan_x 100.0\n#define overscan_y 100.0\n#define DOTMASK 0.3\n#define SHARPER 1.0\n#define scanline_weight 0.3\n#endif\n\n#if defined(VERTEX)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING out\n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying \n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE attribute \n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 VertexCoord;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 COLOR;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 TexCoord;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 COL0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\n\nvec4 _oPosition1; \nuniform mat4 MVPMatrix;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\n\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 overscan;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 aspect;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec3 stretch;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 sinangle;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 cosangle;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 one;\nCOMPAT_VARYING float mod_factor;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 ilfac;\n\n#ifdef PARAMETER_UNIFORM\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float CRTgamma;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float monitorgamma;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float d;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float CURVATURE;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float R;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float cornersize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float cornersmooth;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float x_tilt;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float y_tilt;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float overscan_x;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float overscan_y;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float DOTMASK;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float SHARPER;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float scanline_weight;\n#endif\n\n#define FIX(c) max(abs(c), 1e-5);\n\nfloat intersect(vec2 xy)\n{\nfloat A = dot(xy,xy)+d*d;\nfloat B = 2.0*(R*(dot(xy,sinangle)-d*cosangle.x*cosangle.y)-d*d);\nfloat C = d*d + 2.0*R*d*cosangle.x*cosangle.y;\nreturn (-B-sqrt(B*B-4.0*A*C))/(2.0*A);\n}\n\nvec2 bkwtrans(vec2 xy)\n{\nfloat c = intersect(xy);\nvec2 point = vec2(c)*xy;\npoint -= vec2(-R)*sinangle;\npoint /= vec2(R);\nvec2 tang = sinangle/cosangle;\nvec2 poc = point/cosangle;\nfloat A = dot(tang,tang)+1.0;\nfloat B = -2.0*dot(poc,tang);\nfloat C = dot(poc,poc)-1.0;\nfloat a = (-B+sqrt(B*B-4.0*A*C))/(2.0*A);\nvec2 uv = (point-a*sinangle)/cosangle;\nfloat r = R*acos(a);\nreturn uv*r/sin(r/R);\n}\n\nvec2 fwtrans(vec2 uv)\n{\nfloat r = FIX(sqrt(dot(uv,uv)));\nuv *= sin(r/R)/r;\nfloat x = 1.0-cos(r/R);\nfloat D = d/R + x*cosangle.x*cosangle.y+dot(uv,sinangle);\nreturn d*(uv*cosangle-x*sinangle)/D;\n}\n\nvec3 maxscale()\n{\nvec2 c = bkwtrans(-R * sinangle / (1.0 + R/d*cosangle.x*cosangle.y));\nvec2 a = vec2(0.5,0.5)*aspect;\nvec2 lo = vec2(fwtrans(vec2(-a.x,c.y)).x, fwtrans(vec2(c.x,-a.y)).y)/aspect;\nvec2 hi = vec2(fwtrans(vec2(+a.x,c.y)).x, fwtrans(vec2(c.x,+a.y)).y)/aspect;\nreturn vec3((hi+lo)*aspect*0.5,max(hi.x-lo.x,hi.y-lo.y));\n}\n\nvoid main()\n{\n// START of parameters\n\n// gamma of simulated CRT\n//\tCRTgamma = 1.8;\n// gamma of display monitor (typically 2.2 is correct)\n//\tmonitorgamma = 2.2;\n// overscan (e.g. 1.02 for 2% overscan)\noverscan = vec2(1.00,1.00);\n// aspect ratio\naspect = vec2(1.0, 0.75);\n// lengths are measured in units of (approximately) the width\n// of the monitor simulated distance from viewer to monitor\n//\td = 2.0;\n// radius of curvature\n//\tR = 1.5;\n// tilt angle in radians\n// (behavior might be a bit wrong if both components are\n// nonzero)\nconst vec2 angle = vec2(0.0,0.0);\n// size of curved corners\n//\tcornersize = 0.03;\n// border smoothness parameter\n// decrease if borders are too aliased\n//\tcornersmooth = 1000.0;\n\n// END of parameters\n\nvec4 _oColor;\nvec2 _otexCoord;\ngl_Position = VertexCoord.x * MVPMatrix[0] + VertexCoord.y * MVPMatrix[1] + VertexCoord.z * MVPMatrix[2] + VertexCoord.w * MVPMatrix[3];\n_oPosition1 = gl_Position;\n_oColor = COLOR;\n_otexCoord = TexCoord.xy;\nCOL0 = COLOR;\nTEX0.xy = TexCoord.xy;\n\n// Precalculate a bunch of useful values we'll need in the fragment\n// shader.\nsinangle = sin(vec2(x_tilt, y_tilt)) + vec2(0.001);//sin(vec2(max(abs(x_tilt), 1e-3), max(abs(y_tilt), 1e-3)));\ncosangle = cos(vec2(x_tilt, y_tilt)) + vec2(0.001);//cos(vec2(max(abs(x_tilt), 1e-3), max(abs(y_tilt), 1e-3)));\nstretch = maxscale();\n\nilfac = vec2(1.0,clamp(floor(InputSize.y/200.0), 1.0, 2.0));\n\n// The size of one texel, in texture-coordinates.\nvec2 sharpTextureSize = vec2(SHARPER * TextureSize.x, TextureSize.y);\none = ilfac / sharpTextureSize;\n\n// Resulting X pixel-coordinate of the pixel we're drawing.\nmod_factor = TexCoord.x * TextureSize.x * OutputSize.x / InputSize.x;\n\n}\n\n#elif defined(FRAGMENT)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\nout vec4 FragColor;\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying\n#define FragColor gl_FragColor\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nprecision highp float;\n#else\nprecision mediump float;\n#endif\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\nstruct output_dummy {\nvec4 _color;\n};\n\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\nuniform sampler2D Texture;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\n\n// Comment the next line to disable interpolation in linear gamma (and\n// gain speed).\n#define LINEAR_PROCESSING\n\n// Enable screen curvature.\n// #define CURVATURE\n\n// Enable 3x oversampling of the beam profile\n#define OVERSAMPLE\n\n// Use the older, purely gaussian beam profile\n//#define USEGAUSSIAN\n\n// Macros.\n#define FIX(c) max(abs(c), 1e-5);\n#define PI 3.141592653589\n\n#ifdef LINEAR_PROCESSING\n# define TEX2D(c) pow(COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, (c)), vec4(CRTgamma))\n#else\n# define TEX2D(c) COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, (c))\n#endif\n\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 one;\nCOMPAT_VARYING float mod_factor;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 ilfac;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 overscan;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 aspect;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec3 stretch;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 sinangle;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 cosangle;\n\n#ifdef PARAMETER_UNIFORM\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float CRTgamma;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float monitorgamma;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float d;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float CURVATURE;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float R;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float cornersize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float cornersmooth;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float x_tilt;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float y_tilt;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float overscan_x;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float overscan_y;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float DOTMASK;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float SHARPER;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float scanline_weight;\n#endif\n\nfloat intersect(vec2 xy)\n{\nfloat A = dot(xy,xy)+d*d;\nfloat B = 2.0*(R*(dot(xy,sinangle)-d*cosangle.x*cosangle.y)-d*d);\nfloat C = d*d + 2.0*R*d*cosangle.x*cosangle.y;\nreturn (-B-sqrt(B*B-4.0*A*C))/(2.0*A);\n}\n\nvec2 bkwtrans(vec2 xy)\n{\nfloat c = intersect(xy);\nvec2 point = vec2(c)*xy;\npoint -= vec2(-R)*sinangle;\npoint /= vec2(R);\nvec2 tang = sinangle/cosangle;\nvec2 poc = point/cosangle;\nfloat A = dot(tang,tang)+1.0;\nfloat B = -2.0*dot(poc,tang);\nfloat C = dot(poc,poc)-1.0;\nfloat a = (-B+sqrt(B*B-4.0*A*C))/(2.0*A);\nvec2 uv = (point-a*sinangle)/cosangle;\nfloat r = FIX(R*acos(a));\nreturn uv*r/sin(r/R);\n}\n\nvec2 transform(vec2 coord)\n{\ncoord *= TextureSize / InputSize;\ncoord = (coord-vec2(0.5))*aspect*stretch.z+stretch.xy;\nreturn (bkwtrans(coord)/vec2(overscan_x / 100.0, overscan_y / 100.0)/aspect+vec2(0.5)) * InputSize / TextureSize;\n}\n\nfloat corner(vec2 coord)\n{\ncoord *= TextureSize / InputSize;\ncoord = (coord - vec2(0.5)) * vec2(overscan_x / 100.0, overscan_y / 100.0) + vec2(0.5);\ncoord = min(coord, vec2(1.0)-coord) * aspect;\nvec2 cdist = vec2(cornersize);\ncoord = (cdist - min(coord,cdist));\nfloat dist = sqrt(dot(coord,coord));\nreturn clamp((cdist.x-dist)*cornersmooth,0.0, 1.0);\n}\n\n// Calculate the influence of a scanline on the current pixel.\n//\n// 'distance' is the distance in texture coordinates from the current\n// pixel to the scanline in question.\n// 'color' is the colour of the scanline at the horizontal location of\n// the current pixel.\nvec4 scanlineWeights(float distance, vec4 color)\n{\n// \"wid\" controls the width of the scanline beam, for each RGB\n// channel The \"weights\" lines basically specify the formula\n// that gives you the profile of the beam, i.e. the intensity as\n// a function of distance from the vertical center of the\n// scanline. In this case, it is gaussian if width=2, and\n// becomes nongaussian for larger widths. Ideally this should\n// be normalized so that the integral across the beam is\n// independent of its width. That is, for a narrower beam\n// \"weights\" should have a higher peak at the center of the\n// scanline than for a wider beam.\n#ifdef USEGAUSSIAN\nvec4 wid = 0.3 + 0.1 * pow(color, vec4(3.0));\nvec4 weights = vec4(distance / wid);\nreturn 0.4 * exp(-weights * weights) / wid;\n#else\nvec4 wid = 2.0 + 2.0 * pow(color, vec4(4.0));\nvec4 weights = vec4(distance / scanline_weight);\nreturn 1.4 * exp(-pow(weights * inversesqrt(0.5 * wid), wid)) / (0.6 + 0.2 * wid);\n#endif\n}\n\nvoid main()\n{\n// Here's a helpful diagram to keep in mind while trying to\n// understand the code:\n//\n// | | | | |\n// -------------------------------\n// | | | | |\n// | 01 | 11 | 21 | 31 | <-- current scanline\n// | | @ | | |\n// -------------------------------\n// | | | | |\n// | 02 | 12 | 22 | 32 | <-- next scanline\n// | | | | |\n// -------------------------------\n// | | | | |\n//\n// Each character-cell represents a pixel on the output\n// surface, \"@\" represents the current pixel (always somewhere\n// in the bottom half of the current scan-line, or the top-half\n// of the next scanline). The grid of lines represents the\n// edges of the texels of the underlying texture.\n\n// Texture coordinates of the texel containing the active pixel.\nvec2 xy = (CURVATURE > 0.5) ? transform(TEX0.xy) : TEX0.xy;\n\nfloat cval = corner(xy);\n\n// Of all the pixels that are mapped onto the texel we are\n// currently rendering, which pixel are we currently rendering?\nvec2 ilvec = vec2(0.0,ilfac.y > 1.5 ? mod(float(FrameCount),2.0) : 0.0);\nvec2 ratio_scale = (xy * TextureSize - vec2(0.5) + ilvec)/ilfac;\n#ifdef OVERSAMPLE\nfloat filter_ = InputSize.y/OutputSize.y;//fwidth(ratio_scale.y);\n#endif\nvec2 uv_ratio = fract(ratio_scale);\n\n// Snap to the center of the underlying texel.\nxy = (floor(ratio_scale)*ilfac + vec2(0.5) - ilvec) / TextureSize;\n\n// Calculate Lanczos scaling coefficients describing the effect\n// of various neighbour texels in a scanline on the current\n// pixel.\nvec4 coeffs = PI * vec4(1.0 + uv_ratio.x, uv_ratio.x, 1.0 - uv_ratio.x, 2.0 - uv_ratio.x);\n\n// Prevent division by zero.\ncoeffs = FIX(coeffs);\n\n// Lanczos2 kernel.\ncoeffs = 2.0 * sin(coeffs) * sin(coeffs / 2.0) / (coeffs * coeffs);\n\n// Normalize.\ncoeffs /= dot(coeffs, vec4(1.0));\n\n// Calculate the effective colour of the current and next\n// scanlines at the horizontal location of the current pixel,\n// using the Lanczos coefficients above.\nvec4 col = clamp(mat4(\n TEX2D(xy + vec2(-one.x, 0.0)),\n TEX2D(xy),\n TEX2D(xy + vec2(one.x, 0.0)),\n TEX2D(xy + vec2(2.0 * one.x, 0.0))) * coeffs,\n 0.0, 1.0);\nvec4 col2 = clamp(mat4(\n TEX2D(xy + vec2(-one.x, one.y)),\n TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, one.y)),\n TEX2D(xy + one),\n TEX2D(xy + vec2(2.0 * one.x, one.y))) * coeffs,\n 0.0, 1.0);\n\n#ifndef LINEAR_PROCESSING\ncol = pow(col , vec4(CRTgamma));\ncol2 = pow(col2, vec4(CRTgamma));\n#endif\n\n// Calculate the influence of the current and next scanlines on\n// the current pixel.\nvec4 weights = scanlineWeights(uv_ratio.y, col);\nvec4 weights2 = scanlineWeights(1.0 - uv_ratio.y, col2);\n#ifdef OVERSAMPLE\nuv_ratio.y =uv_ratio.y+1.0/3.0*filter_;\nweights = (weights+scanlineWeights(uv_ratio.y, col))/3.0;\nweights2=(weights2+scanlineWeights(abs(1.0-uv_ratio.y), col2))/3.0;\nuv_ratio.y =uv_ratio.y-2.0/3.0*filter_;\nweights=weights+scanlineWeights(abs(uv_ratio.y), col)/3.0;\nweights2=weights2+scanlineWeights(abs(1.0-uv_ratio.y), col2)/3.0;\n#endif\n\nvec3 mul_res = (col * weights + col2 * weights2).rgb * vec3(cval);\n\n// dot-mask emulation:\n// Output pixels are alternately tinted green and magenta.\nvec3 dotMaskWeights = mix(\nvec3(1.0, 1.0 - DOTMASK, 1.0),\nvec3(1.0 - DOTMASK, 1.0, 1.0 - DOTMASK),\nfloor(mod(mod_factor, 2.0))\n);\n\nmul_res *= dotMaskWeights;\n\n// Convert the image gamma for display on our output device.\nmul_res = pow(mul_res, vec3(1.0 / monitorgamma));\n\n// Color the texel.\noutput_dummy _OUT;\n_OUT._color = vec4(mul_res, 1.0);\nFragColor = _OUT._color;\nreturn;\n} \n#endif\n\n",
"crt-mattias.glsl": "\n#pragma parameter CURVATURE \"Curvature\" 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.05\n#pragma parameter SCANSPEED \"Scanline Crawl Speed\" 1.0 0.0 10.0 0.5\n#if defined(VERTEX)\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING out\n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying \n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE attribute \n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 VertexCoord;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 COLOR;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 TexCoord;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 COL0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\n\nvec4 _oPosition1; \nuniform mat4 MVPMatrix;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\n\n#define vTexCoord TEX0.xy\n#define SourceSize vec4(TextureSize, 1.0 / TextureSize) //either TextureSize or InputSize\n#define OutSize vec4(OutputSize, 1.0 / OutputSize)\n\nvoid main()\n{\n gl_Position = MVPMatrix * VertexCoord;\n TEX0.xy = TexCoord.xy;\n}\n\n#elif defined(FRAGMENT)\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nprecision highp float;\n#else\nprecision mediump float;\n#endif\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\nout COMPAT_PRECISION vec4 FragColor;\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying\n#define FragColor gl_FragColor\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\nuniform sampler2D Texture;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\n\n// compatibility #defines\n#define Source Texture\n#define vTexCoord TEX0.xy\n\n#define SourceSize vec4(TextureSize, 1.0 / TextureSize) //either TextureSize or InputSize\n#define OutSize vec4(OutputSize, 1.0 / OutputSize)\n\n#ifdef PARAMETER_UNIFORM\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float CURVATURE, SCANSPEED;\n#else\n#define CURVATURE 0.5\n#define SCANSPEED 1.0\n#endif\n\n#define iChannel0 Texture\n#define iTime (float(FrameCount) / 60.0)\n#define iResolution OutputSize.xy\n#define fragCoord gl_FragCoord.xy\n\nvec3 sample_( sampler2D tex, vec2 tc )\n{\n vec3 s = pow(COMPAT_TEXTURE(tex,tc).rgb, vec3(2.2));\n return s;\n}\n\nvec3 blur(sampler2D tex, vec2 tc, float offs)\n{\n vec4 xoffs = offs * vec4(-2.0, -1.0, 1.0, 2.0) / (iResolution.x * TextureSize.x / InputSize.x);\n vec4 yoffs = offs * vec4(-2.0, -1.0, 1.0, 2.0) / (iResolution.y * TextureSize.y / InputSize.y);\n tc = tc * InputSize / TextureSize;\n \n vec3 color = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.x, yoffs.x)) * 0.00366;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.y, yoffs.x)) * 0.01465;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2( 0.0, yoffs.x)) * 0.02564;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.z, yoffs.x)) * 0.01465;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.w, yoffs.x)) * 0.00366;\n \n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.x, yoffs.y)) * 0.01465;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.y, yoffs.y)) * 0.05861;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2( 0.0, yoffs.y)) * 0.09524;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.z, yoffs.y)) * 0.05861;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.w, yoffs.y)) * 0.01465;\n \n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.x, 0.0)) * 0.02564;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.y, 0.0)) * 0.09524;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2( 0.0, 0.0)) * 0.15018;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.z, 0.0)) * 0.09524;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.w, 0.0)) * 0.02564;\n \n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.x, yoffs.z)) * 0.01465;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.y, yoffs.z)) * 0.05861;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2( 0.0, yoffs.z)) * 0.09524;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.z, yoffs.z)) * 0.05861;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.w, yoffs.z)) * 0.01465;\n \n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.x, yoffs.w)) * 0.00366;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.y, yoffs.w)) * 0.01465;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2( 0.0, yoffs.w)) * 0.02564;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.z, yoffs.w)) * 0.01465;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.w, yoffs.w)) * 0.00366;\n\n return color;\n}\n\nfloat rand(vec2 co)\n{\n float a = 12.9898;\n float b = 78.233;\n float c = 43758.5453;\n float dt= dot(co.xy ,vec2(a,b));\n float sn= mod(dt,3.14);\n return fract(sin(sn) * c);\n}\n\nvec2 curve(vec2 uv)\n{\n uv = (uv - 0.5) * 2.0;\n uv *= 1.1;\t\n uv.x *= 1.0 + pow((abs(uv.y) / 5.0), 2.0);\n uv.y *= 1.0 + pow((abs(uv.x) / 4.0), 2.0);\n uv = (uv / 2.0) + 0.5;\n uv = uv *0.92 + 0.04;\n return uv;\n}\n\nvoid main()\n{\n vec2 q = (vTexCoord.xy * TextureSize.xy / InputSize.xy);//fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;\n vec2 uv = q;\n uv = mix( uv, curve( uv ), CURVATURE ) * InputSize.xy / TextureSize.xy;\n vec3 col;\n float x = sin(0.1*iTime+uv.y*21.0)*sin(0.23*iTime+uv.y*29.0)*sin(0.3+0.11*iTime+uv.y*31.0)*0.0017;\n float o =2.0*mod(fragCoord.y,2.0)/iResolution.x;\n x+=o;\n uv = uv * TextureSize / InputSize;\n col.r = 1.0*blur(iChannel0,vec2(uv.x+0.0009,uv.y+0.0009),1.2).x+0.005;\n col.g = 1.0*blur(iChannel0,vec2(uv.x+0.000,uv.y-0.0015),1.2).y+0.005;\n col.b = 1.0*blur(iChannel0,vec2(uv.x-0.0015,uv.y+0.000),1.2).z+0.005;\n col.r += 0.2*blur(iChannel0,vec2(uv.x+0.0009,uv.y+0.0009),2.25).x-0.005;\n col.g += 0.2*blur(iChannel0,vec2(uv.x+0.000,uv.y-0.0015),1.75).y-0.005;\n col.b += 0.2*blur(iChannel0,vec2(uv.x-0.0015,uv.y+0.000),1.25).z-0.005;\n float ghs = 0.05;\n col.r += ghs*(1.0-0.299)*blur(iChannel0,0.75*vec2(0.01, -0.027)+vec2(uv.x+0.001,uv.y+0.001),7.0).x;\n col.g += ghs*(1.0-0.587)*blur(iChannel0,0.75*vec2(-0.022, -0.02)+vec2(uv.x+0.000,uv.y-0.002),5.0).y;\n col.b += ghs*(1.0-0.114)*blur(iChannel0,0.75*vec2(-0.02, -0.0)+vec2(uv.x-0.002,uv.y+0.000),3.0).z;\n \n \n\n col = clamp(col*0.4+0.6*col*col*1.0,0.0,1.0);\n float vig = (0.0 + 1.0*16.0*uv.x*uv.y*(1.0-uv.x)*(1.0-uv.y));\n vig = pow(vig,0.3);\n col *= vec3(vig);\n\n col *= vec3(0.95,1.05,0.95);\n col = mix( col, col * col, 0.3) * 3.8;\n\n float scans = clamp( 0.35+0.15*sin(3.5*(iTime * SCANSPEED)+uv.y*iResolution.y*1.5), 0.0, 1.0);\n \n float s = pow(scans,0.9);\n col = col*vec3( s) ;\n\n col *= 1.0+0.0015*sin(300.0*iTime);\n \n col*=1.0-0.15*vec3(clamp((mod(fragCoord.x+o, 2.0)-1.0)*2.0,0.0,1.0));\n col *= vec3( 1.0 ) - 0.25*vec3( rand( uv+0.0001*iTime), rand( uv+0.0001*iTime + 0.3 ), rand( uv+0.0001*iTime+ 0.5 ) );\n col = pow(col, vec3(0.45));\n\n if (uv.x < 0.0 || uv.x > 1.0)\n col *= 0.0;\n if (uv.y < 0.0 || uv.y > 1.0)\n col *= 0.0;\n \n\n float comp = smoothstep( 0.1, 0.9, sin(iTime) );\n\n FragColor = vec4(col,1.0);\n} \n#endif\n"
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this.littleEndian ? (this._u8array[this.offset] = 0xff & _0x1bfd8f, this._u8array[this.offset + 1] = _0x1bfd8f >> 0x8) : (this._u8array[this.offset] = _0x1bfd8f >> 0x8, this._u8array[this.offset + 1] = 0xff & _0x1bfd8f), this.offset += 2;
}, _0x3189ba.prototype.writeU24 = function(_0x3d6067) {
this.littleEndian ? (this._u8array[this.offset] = 0xff & _0x3d6067, this._u8array[this.offset + 1] = (0xff00 & _0x3d6067) >> 0x8, this._u8array[this.offset + 2] = (0xff0000 & _0x3d6067) >> 0x10) : (this._u8array[this.offset] = (0xff0000 & _0x3d6067) >> 0x10, this._u8array[this.offset + 1] = (0xff00 & _0x3d6067) >> 0x8, this._u8array[this.offset + 2] = 0xff & _0x3d6067), this.offset += 3;
}, _0x3189ba.prototype.writeU32 = function(_0xa4dd26) {
this.littleEndian ? (this._u8array[this.offset] = 0xff & _0xa4dd26, this._u8array[this.offset + 1] = (0xff00 & _0xa4dd26) >> 0x8, this._u8array[this.offset + 2] = (0xff0000 & _0xa4dd26) >> 0x10, this._u8array[this.offset + 3] = (0xff000000 & _0xa4dd26) >> 0x18) : (this._u8array[this.offset] = (0xff000000 & _0xa4dd26) >> 0x18, this._u8array[this.offset + 1] = (0xff0000 & _0xa4dd26) >> 0x10, this._u8array[this.offset + 2] = (0xff00 & _0xa4dd26) >> 0x8, this._u8array[this.offset + 3] = 0xff & _0xa4dd26), this.offset += 0x4;
}, _0x3189ba.prototype.writeBytes = function(_0x5ad6b9) {
for (let _0x17edbf = 0; _0x17edbf < _0x5ad6b9.length; _0x17edbf++) this._u8array[this.offset + _0x17edbf] = _0x5ad6b9[_0x17edbf];
this.offset += _0x5ad6b9.length;
}, _0x3189ba.prototype.writeString = function(_0x58c146, _0x23e582) {
_0x23e582 = _0x23e582 || _0x58c146.length;
for (let _0x2c1832 = 0; _0x2c1832 < _0x58c146.length && _0x2c1832 < _0x23e582; _0x2c1832++) this._u8array[this.offset + _0x2c1832] = _0x58c146.charCodeAt(_0x2c1832);
for (; _0x2c1832 < _0x23e582; _0x2c1832++) this._u8array[this.offset + _0x2c1832] = 0;
this.offset += _0x23e582;
let _0x863031 = _0x3189ba,
_0x34e7cf = 0;
function _0x454881() {
this.records = [], this.truncate = false;
function _0x288092(_0x1ab789) {
let _0x17edbf = new _0x454881();
for (let _0x2c1832 = 0, _0x195f00 = 0; !_0x1ab789.isEOF();) {
if (0x454f46 === (_0x2c1832 = _0x1ab789.readU24())) {
if (_0x1ab789.isEOF()) break;
if (_0x1ab789.offset + 3 === _0x1ab789.fileSize) {
_0x17edbf.truncate = _0x1ab789.readU24();
}(_0x195f00 = _0x1ab789.readU16()) === _0x34e7cf ? _0x17edbf.addRLERecord(_0x2c1832, _0x1ab789.readU16(), _0x1ab789.readU8()) : _0x17edbf.addSimpleRecord(_0x2c1832, _0x1ab789.readBytes(_0x195f00));
return _0x17edbf;
_0x454881.prototype.addSimpleRecord = function(_0x37166f, _0x2e61e0) {
'offset': _0x37166f,
'type': 1,
'length': _0x2e61e0.length,
'data': _0x2e61e0
}, _0x454881.prototype.addRLERecord = function(_0x4ae2fb, _0x507845, _0x92bb02) {
'offset': _0x4ae2fb,
'type': _0x34e7cf,
'length': _0x507845,
'byte': _0x92bb02
}, _0x454881.prototype.toString = function() {
nSimpleRecords = 0, nRLERecords = 0;
for (let _0xa88a13 = 0; _0xa88a13 < this.records.length; _0xa88a13++) this.records[_0xa88a13].type === _0x34e7cf ? nRLERecords++ : nSimpleRecords++;
let _0x17edbf = 'Simple records: ' + nSimpleRecords;
return _0x17edbf += '\nRLE records: ' + nRLERecords, _0x17edbf += '\nTotal records: ' + this.records.length, this.truncate && (_0x17edbf += '\nTruncate at: 0x' + this.truncate.toString(0x10)), _0x17edbf;
}, _0x454881.prototype.export = function(_0x4d18dc) {
for (let _0x17edbf = 5, _0x2c1832 = 0; _0x2c1832 < this.records.length; _0x2c1832++) this.records[_0x2c1832].type === _0x34e7cf ? _0x17edbf += 0x8 : _0x17edbf += 5 + this.records[_0x2c1832].data.length;
_0x17edbf += 3, this.truncate && (_0x17edbf += 3), tempFile = new _0x863031(_0x17edbf), tempFile.fileName = _0x4d18dc + '.ips', tempFile.writeString('PATCH');
for (_0x2c1832 = 0; _0x2c1832 < this.records.length; _0x2c1832++) {
let _0x512785 = this.records[_0x2c1832];
tempFile.writeU24(_0x512785.offset), _0x512785.type === _0x34e7cf ? (tempFile.writeU16(0), tempFile.writeU16(_0x512785.length), tempFile.writeU8(_0x512785.byte)) : (tempFile.writeU16(_0x512785.data.length), tempFile.writeBytes(_0x512785.data));
return tempFile.writeString('EOF'), _0x512785.truncate && tempFile.writeU24(_0x512785.truncate), tempFile;
}, _0x454881.prototype.apply = function(_0xefa71d) {
let _0x17edbf;
if (this.truncate) _0x17edbf = _0xefa71d.slice(0, this.truncate);
else {
for (let _0x2c1832 = _0xefa71d.fileSize, _0x5a0a71 = 0; _0x5a0a71 < this.records.length; _0x5a0a71++) {
let _0x105576 = this.records[_0x5a0a71];
_0x105576.type === _0x34e7cf ? _0x105576.offset + _0x105576.length > _0x2c1832 && (_0x2c1832 = _0x105576.offset + _0x105576.length) : _0x105576.offset + _0x105576.data.length > _0x2c1832 && (_0x2c1832 = _0x105576.offset + _0x105576.data.length);
_0x2c1832 === _0xefa71d.fileSize ? _0x17edbf = _0xefa71d.slice(0, _0xefa71d.fileSize) : (_0x17edbf = new _0x863031(_0x2c1832), _0xefa71d.copyToFile(_0x17edbf, 0));
for (_0x5a0a71 = 0; _0x5a0a71 < this.records.length; _0x5a0a71++)
if (_0x17edbf.seek(this.records[_0x5a0a71].offset), this.records[_0x5a0a71].type === _0x34e7cf)
for (let _0x729105 = 0; _0x729105 < this.records[_0x5a0a71].length; _0x729105++) _0x17edbf.writeU8(this.records[_0x5a0a71].byte);
else _0x17edbf.writeBytes(this.records[_0x5a0a71].data);
return _0x17edbf;
'0123456789abcdef' .split('');
let _0x1aa7ba = function() {
for (let _0xa88a13, _0x17edbf = [], _0x2c1832 = 0; _0x2c1832 < 0x100; _0x2c1832++) {
_0xa88a13 = _0x2c1832;
for (let _0x32bcf1 = 0; _0x32bcf1 < 0x8; _0x32bcf1++) _0xa88a13 = 1 & _0xa88a13 ? 0xedb88320 ^ _0xa88a13 >>> 1 : _0xa88a13 >>> 1;
_0x17edbf[_0x2c1832] = _0xa88a13;
return _0x17edbf;
function _0x2d78e9(_0x509ecf, _0x4219e1, _0xd66d2b) {
for (let _0x185f93 = _0x4219e1 ? new Uint8Array(_0x509ecf._u8array.buffer, _0x4219e1) : _0x509ecf._u8array, _0x20e2c1 = -1, _0x3d100a = _0xd66d2b ? _0x185f93.length - 4 : _0x185f93.length, _0x56a6e6 = 0; _0x56a6e6 < _0x3d100a; _0x56a6e6++) _0x20e2c1 = _0x20e2c1 >>> 0x8 ^ _0x1aa7ba[0xff & (_0x20e2c1 ^ _0x185f93[_0x56a6e6])];
return (-0x1 ^ _0x20e2c1) >>> 0;
let _0x37eff4 = 0,
_0x34d681 = 1,
_0x4c50e7 = 2,
_0xf9eeea = 3;
function _0x5b02d3() {
this.sourceSize = 0, this.targetSize = 0, this.metaData = '', this.actions = [], this.sourceChecksum = 0, this.targetChecksum = 0, this.patchChecksum = 0;
function _0x356089(_0x1bf770) {
_0x1bf770.readVLV = _0x45da2c, _0x1bf770.littleEndian = true;
let _0x17edbf = new _0x5b02d3();
_0x1bf770.seek(0x4), _0x17edbf.sourceSize = _0x1bf770.readVLV(), _0x17edbf.targetSize = _0x1bf770.readVLV();
let _0x2c1832 = _0x1bf770.readVLV();
_0x2c1832 && (_0x17edbf.metaData = _0x1bf770.readString(_0x2c1832));
for (let _0x157bba = _0x1bf770.fileSize - 0xc; _0x1bf770.offset < _0x157bba;) {
let _0x31dcc2 = _0x1bf770.readVLV(),
_0x21bafe = {
'type': 3 & _0x31dcc2,
'length': 1 + (_0x31dcc2 >> 2)
if (_0x21bafe.type === _0x34d681) _0x21bafe.bytes = _0x1bf770.readBytes(_0x21bafe.length);
else if (_0x21bafe.type === _0x4c50e7 || _0x21bafe.type === _0xf9eeea) {
let _0x4c6327 = _0x1bf770.readVLV();
_0x21bafe.relativeOffset = (0x1 & _0x4c6327 ? -0x1 : 1) * (_0x4c6327 >> 1);
if (_0x17edbf.sourceChecksum = _0x1bf770.readU32(), _0x17edbf.targetChecksum = _0x1bf770.readU32(), _0x17edbf.patchChecksum = _0x1bf770.readU32(), _0x17edbf.patchChecksum !== _0x2d78e9(_0x1bf770, 0, true)) throw new Error('error_crc_patch');
return _0x17edbf;
function _0x45da2c() {
for (let _0xa88a13 = 0, _0x17edbf = 1;;) {
let _0x2c1832 = this.readU8();
if (_0xa88a13 += (0x7f & _0x2c1832) * _0x17edbf, 0x80 & _0x2c1832) break;
_0xa88a13 += _0x17edbf <<= 0x7;
return this._lastRead = _0xa88a13, _0xa88a13;
function _0x152a53(_0x33f58d) {
for (;;) {
let _0x17edbf = 0x7f & _0x33f58d;
if (0x0 === (_0x33f58d >>= 0x7)) {
this.writeU8(0x80 | _0x17edbf);
this.writeU8(_0x17edbf), _0x33f58d--;
function _0x5a4975(_0x221175) {
for (let _0x17edbf = 0;;) {
if (0x0 === (_0x221175 >>= 0x7)) {
_0x17edbf++, _0x221175--;
return _0x17edbf;
function _0x562e68() {
this.offset = 0, this.next = null;
_0x5b02d3.prototype.toString = function() {
let _0xa88a13 = 'Source size: ' + this.sourceSize;
return _0xa88a13 += '\nTarget size: ' + this.targetSize, _0xa88a13 += '\nMetadata: ' + this.metaData, _0xa88a13 += '\n#Actions: ' + this.actions.length;
}, _0x5b02d3.prototype.validateSource = function(_0x48d2df, _0x3c15dd) {
return this.sourceChecksum === _0x2d78e9(_0x48d2df, _0x3c15dd);
}, _0x5b02d3.prototype.apply = function(_0x393f39, _0x76e509) {
if (_0x76e509 && !this.validateSource(_0x393f39)) throw new Error('error_crc_input');
for (let _0x2c1832 = new _0x863031(this.targetSize), _0x4df6ae = 0, _0xad0fa9 = 0, _0x38240a = 0; _0x38240a < this.actions.length; _0x38240a++) {
let _0x4b1026 = this.actions[_0x38240a];
if (_0x4b1026.type === _0x37eff4) _0x393f39.copyToFile(_0x2c1832, _0x2c1832.offset, _0x4b1026.length), _0x2c1832.skip(_0x4b1026.length);
else if (_0x4b1026.type === _0x34d681) _0x2c1832.writeBytes(_0x4b1026.bytes);
else if (_0x4b1026.type === _0x4c50e7) {
_0x4df6ae += _0x4b1026.relativeOffset;
for (let _0x5c2263 = _0x4b1026.length; _0x5c2263--;) _0x2c1832.writeU8(_0x393f39._u8array[_0x4df6ae]), _0x4df6ae++;
} else if (_0x4b1026.type === _0xf9eeea) {
_0xad0fa9 += _0x4b1026.relativeOffset;
for (_0x5c2263 = _0x4b1026.length; _0x5c2263--;) _0x2c1832.writeU8(_0x2c1832._u8array[_0xad0fa9]), _0xad0fa9++;
if (_0x76e509 && this.targetChecksum !== _0x2d78e9(_0x2c1832)) throw new Error('error_crc_output');
return _0x2c1832;
}, _0x5b02d3.prototype.export = function(_0x3e1e58) {
let _0x17edbf = 'BPS1' .length;
_0x17edbf += _0x5a4975(this.sourceSize), _0x17edbf += _0x5a4975(this.targetSize), _0x17edbf += _0x5a4975(this.metaData.length), _0x17edbf += this.metaData.length;
for (let _0x2c1832 = 0; _0x2c1832 < this.actions.length; _0x2c1832++) {
_0x17edbf += _0x5a4975(((_0x38dad6 = this.actions[_0x2c1832]).length - 1 << 2) + _0x38dad6.type), _0x38dad6.type === _0x34d681 ? _0x17edbf += _0x38dad6.length : _0x38dad6.type !== _0x4c50e7 && _0x38dad6.type !== _0xf9eeea || (_0x17edbf += _0x5a4975((Math.abs(_0x38dad6.relativeOffset) << 1) + (_0x38dad6.relativeOffset < 0 ? 1 : 0)));
let _0x2d1555 = new _0x863031(_0x17edbf += 0xc);
_0x2d1555.fileName = _0x3e1e58 + '.bps', _0x2d1555.littleEndian = true, _0x2d1555.writeVLV = _0x152a53, _0x2d1555.writeString('BPS1'), _0x2d1555.writeVLV(this.sourceSize), _0x2d1555.writeVLV(this.targetSize), _0x2d1555.writeVLV(this.metaData.length), _0x2d1555.writeString(this.metaData, this.metaData.length);
for (_0x2c1832 = 0; _0x2c1832 < this.actions.length; _0x2c1832++) {
let _0x38dad6 = this.actions[_0x2c1832];
_0x2d1555.writeVLV((_0x38dad6.length - 1 << 2) + _0x38dad6.type), _0x38dad6.type === _0x34d681 ? _0x2d1555.writeBytes(_0x38dad6.bytes) : _0x38dad6.type !== _0x4c50e7 && _0x38dad6.type !== _0xf9eeea || _0x2d1555.writeVLV((Math.abs(_0x38dad6.relativeOffset) << 1) + (_0x38dad6.relativeOffset < 0 ? 1 : 0));
return _0x2d1555.writeU32(this.sourceChecksum), _0x2d1555.writeU32(this.targetChecksum), _0x2d1555.writeU32(this.patchChecksum), _0x2d1555;
}, _0x562e68.prototype.delete = function() {
this.next && delete this.next;
let _0x7a6485 = 'UPS1';
function _0x42cd9e() {
this.records = [], this.sizeInput = 0, this.sizeOutput = 0, this.checksumInput = 0, this.checksumOutput = 0;
function _0x10dc1d(_0x5d0c48) {
for (;;) {
let _0x17edbf = 0x7f & _0x5d0c48;
if (0x0 === (_0x5d0c48 >>= 0x7)) {
this.writeU8(0x80 | _0x17edbf);
this.writeU8(_0x17edbf), _0x5d0c48 -= 1;
function _0x454043() {
for (let _0xa88a13 = 0, _0x17edbf = 1;;) {
let _0x2c1832 = this.readU8();
if (-0x1 == _0x2c1832) throw new Error('Can\'t read UPS VLV at 0x' + (this.offset - 1).toString(0x10));
if (_0xa88a13 += (0x7f & _0x2c1832) * _0x17edbf, 0 != (0x80 & _0x2c1832)) break;
_0xa88a13 += _0x17edbf <<= 0x7;
return _0xa88a13;
function _0xca245c(_0x459173) {
for (let _0x17edbf = 0;;) {
if (_0x17edbf++, 0 === (_0x459173 >>= 0x7)) break;
_0x459173 -= 1;
return _0x17edbf;
function _0xd2202f(_0x5abb5e) {
let _0x17edbf = new _0x42cd9e();
_0x5abb5e.readVLV = _0x454043, _0x5abb5e.seek(_0x7a6485.length), _0x17edbf.sizeInput = _0x5abb5e.readVLV(), _0x17edbf.sizeOutput = _0x5abb5e.readVLV();
for (; _0x5abb5e.offset < _0x5abb5e.fileSize - 0xc;) {
for (let _0x2c1832 = _0x5abb5e.readVLV(), _0x3bca86 = []; _0x5abb5e.readU8();) _0x3bca86.push(_0x5abb5e._lastRead);
_0x17edbf.addRecord(_0x2c1832, _0x3bca86);
return _0x5abb5e.littleEndian = true, _0x17edbf.checksumInput = _0x5abb5e.readU32(), _0x17edbf.checksumOutput = _0x5abb5e.readU32(), _0x5abb5e.littleEndian = false, _0x17edbf;
_0x42cd9e.prototype.addRecord = function(_0x162ca5, _0x39594d) {
'offset': _0x162ca5,
'XORdata': _0x39594d
}, _0x42cd9e.prototype.toString = function() {
let _0xa88a13 = 'Records: ' + (undefined).records.length;
return _0xa88a13 += '\nInput file size: ' + (undefined).sizeInput, _0xa88a13 += '\nOutput file size: ' + (undefined).sizeOutput, _0xa88a13 += '\nInput file checksum: ' + padZeroes((undefined).checksumInput, 4), _0xa88a13 += '\nOutput file checksum: ' + padZeroes((undefined).checksumOutput, 4);
}, _0x42cd9e.prototype.export = function(_0x1a3e8b) {
let _0x17edbf = _0x7a6485.length;
_0x17edbf += _0xca245c(this.sizeInput), _0x17edbf += _0xca245c(this.sizeOutput);
for (let _0x2c1832 = 0; _0x2c1832 < this.records.length; _0x2c1832++) _0x17edbf += _0xca245c(this.records[_0x2c1832].offset), _0x17edbf += this.records[_0x2c1832].XORdata.length + 1;
_0x17edbf += 0xc, tempFile = new _0x863031(_0x17edbf), tempFile.writeVLV = _0x10dc1d, tempFile.fileName = _0x1a3e8b + '.ups', tempFile.writeString(_0x7a6485), tempFile.writeVLV(this.sizeInput), tempFile.writeVLV(this.sizeOutput);
for (_0x2c1832 = 0; _0x2c1832 < this.records.length; _0x2c1832++) tempFile.writeVLV(this.records[_0x2c1832].offset), tempFile.writeBytes(this.records[_0x2c1832].XORdata), tempFile.writeU8(0);
return tempFile.littleEndian = true, tempFile.writeU32(this.checksumInput), tempFile.writeU32(this.checksumOutput), tempFile.writeU32(_0x2d78e9(tempFile, 0, true)), tempFile;
}, _0x42cd9e.prototype.validateSource = function(_0x25cb26, _0xd0163c) {
return _0x2d78e9(_0x25cb26, _0xd0163c) === this.checksumInput;
}, _0x42cd9e.prototype.apply = function(_0x21d682, _0x41bbac) {
_0x41bbac && this.validateSource(_0x21d682), tempFile = new _0x863031(this.sizeOutput), _0x21d682.copyToFile(tempFile, 0, this.sizeInput), _0x21d682.seek(0);
for (let _0x2c1832 = 0; _0x2c1832 < this.records.length; _0x2c1832++) {
let _0x5ed6c9 = this.records[_0x2c1832];
tempFile.skip(_0x5ed6c9.offset), _0x21d682.skip(_0x5ed6c9.offset);
for (let _0x3faf05 = 0; _0x3faf05 < _0x5ed6c9.XORdata.length; _0x3faf05++) tempFile.writeU8((_0x21d682.isEOF() ? 0 : _0x21d682.readU8()) ^ _0x5ed6c9.XORdata[_0x3faf05]);
tempFile.skip(1), _0x21d682.skip(1);
return _0x41bbac && (_0x2d78e9(tempFile), this.checksumOutput), tempFile;
var _0x4d7024 = {
'_FS': {
'createFolder': function(parent, name, canRead, canWrite) {
if (! _0x4d7024.FS) return;
if (typeof _0x4d7024.FS.mkdir == 'function' && window.PATH) {
let path = PATH.join2(typeof parent === 'string' ? parent : _0x4d7024.FS.getPath(parent), name);
let mode = _0x4d7024.FS.getMode(canRead, canWrite);
_0x4d7024.FS.mkdir(path, mode);
} else {
_0x4d7024.FS.createFolder(parent, name, canRead, canWrite);
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'snes2010': ['smc', 'fig', 'sfc', 'gd3', 'gd7', 'dx2', 'bsx', 'swc'],
'gb': ['gb', 'gbc', 'dmg'],
'gba': ['gb', 'gbc', 'gba'],
'vbanext': ['gba'],
'vb': ['vb', 'vboy', 'bin'],
'3do': ['iso', 'bin', 'cue'],
'lynx': ['lnx'],
'jaguar': ['j64', 'jag', 'rom', 'abs', 'cof', 'bin', 'prg'],
'a7800': ['a78', 'bin'],
'a2600': ['a26', 'bin'],
'ngp': ['ngp', 'ngc'],
'n64': ['n64', 'v64', 'z64', 'bin', 'u1', 'ndd'],
'pce': ['pce', 'bin', 'iso', 'cue', 'ccd', 'img', 'chd'],
'sega': ['mdx', 'md', 'smd', 'gen', 'bin', 'iso', 'cue', 'sms', 'gg', 'sg', '68k', 'chd'],
'segacd': ['mdx', 'md', 'smd', 'gen', 'bin', 'iso', 'cue', 'sms', 'gg', 'sg', '68k', 'chd'],
'32x': ['32x', 'bin', 'gen', 'smd', 'md', 'cue', 'iso', 'sms'],
'saturn': ['bin', 'cue', 'iso'],
'msx': ['rom', 'mx1', 'mx2', 'dsk', 'cas'],
'bluemsx': ['rom', 'ri', 'mx1', 'mx2', 'col', 'dsk', 'cas', 'sg', 'sc', 'm3u'],
'ws': ['ws', 'wsc'],
'arcade': ['zip'],
'fba0.2.97.29': ['zip'],
'mame2003': ['zip'],
'mame': ['zip']
newCores: {
'fceumm': ['fds', 'nes', 'unif', 'unf'],
'snes9x': ['smc', 'sfc', 'swc', 'fig', 'bs', 'st'],
'a5200': ['a52', 'bin'],
'gambatte': ['gb', 'gbc', 'dmg'],
'mgba': ['gb', 'gbc', 'gba'],
'beetle_vb': ['vb', 'vboy', 'bin'],
'mupen64plus_next': ['n64', 'v64', 'z64', 'bin', 'u1', 'ndd', 'gb'],
'fbalpha2012_cps1': ['zip'],
'fbalpha2012_cps2': ['zip'],
'mame2003': ['zip'],
'desmume2015': ['nds', 'bin'],
'melonds': ['nds'],
'mednafen_psx': ['cue', 'toc', 'm3u', 'ccd', 'exe', 'pbp', 'chd'],
'mednafen_psx_hw': ['cue', 'toc', 'm3u', 'ccd', 'exe', 'pbp', 'chd'],
'nestopia': ['fds', 'nes', 'unif', 'unf'],
'opera': ['iso', 'bin', 'chd', 'cue']
_0x29078e = {
oldCores: {
'psx': 'psx',
'nds': 'nds',
'nes': 'nes',
'snes': 'snes',
'snes2002': 'snes2002',
'snes2005': 'snes2005',
'snes2010': 'snes2010',
'gb': 'gb',
'gbc': 'gb',
'gba': 'gba',
'vbanext': 'vbanext',
'vb': 'vb',
'n64': 'n64',
'3do': '3do',
'segaMS': 'sega',
'segaGG': 'sega',
'segaMD': 'sega',
'segaCD': 'segacd',
'sega32x': '32x',
'segaSaturn': 'saturn',
'ngp': 'ngp',
'pce': 'pce',
'msx': 'bluemsx',
'atari2600': 'a2600',
'atari7800': 'a7800',
'atari5200': 'a5200',
'lynx': 'lynx',
'ws': 'ws',
'arcade': 'arcade',
'fba0.2.97.29': 'fba0.2.97.29',
'jaguar': 'jaguar',
'mame2003': 'mame2003'
newCores: {
// The default core to use for each system
'nes': 'fceumm',
'snes': 'snes9x',
'atari5200': 'a5200',
'gb': 'gambatte',
'gba': 'mgba',
'vb': 'beetle_vb',
'n64': 'mupen64plus_next',
'nds': 'desmume2015',
'mame2003': 'mame2003',
'arcade': 'fbalpha2012_cps1', // I need to find a more compatible arcade core
'psx': 'mednafen_psx_hw',
'3do': 'opera'
newCoreTypes = {
'fceumm': 'nes',
'snes9x': 'snes',
'a5200': 'atari5200',
'gambatte': 'gb',
'mgba': 'gba',
'beetle_vb': 'vb',
'mupen64plus_next': 'n64',
'desmume2015': 'nds',
'mame2003': 'mame2003',
'fbalpha2012_cps1': 'arcade',
'fbalpha2012_cps2': 'arcade',
'mednafen_psx': 'psx',
'mednafen_psx_hw': 'psx',
'melonds': 'nds',
'nestopia': 'nes',
'opera': '3do'
getSystem = function(core, notRetroarch) {
if (notRetroarch === true) {
return newCoreTypes[core] || core;
} else if (notRetroarch === 1) {
return _0x29078e.oldCores[core]; // For when core is set to version 1.
return _0x29078e.newCores[core] || core;
_0xc6823 = this,
_0x1143c5 = _0xc6823.system;
window.getSystem = getSystem;
window._0x29078e = _0x29078e;
window._0x1e0766 = _0x1e0766;
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'class': this.config.classNames.loading
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'p4': true
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'type': 'application/javascript'
_0x501a8e = window.URL.createObjectURL(_0x2c1832);
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extractRar = async function(url) {
let fileData = await (await fetch(url)).text();
let _0x2c1832 = '\nlet dataToPass = [];\nModule = {\n monitorRunDependencies: function(left) {\n if (left == 0) {\n setTimeout(function() {\n unrar(dataToPass, null);\n }, 100);\n }\n },\n onRuntimeInitialized: function() {\n },\n locateFile: function(file) {\n return \''+url+'.mem\';\n }\n};\n'+fileData+'\nlet unrar = function(data, password) {\n let cb = function(fileName, fileSize, progress) {\n postMessage({"t":4,"current":progress,"total":fileSize, "name": fileName});\n };\n\n let rarContent = readRARContent(data.map(function(d) {\n return {\n name: d.name,\n content: new Uint8Array(d.content)\n }\n }), password, cb)\n let rec = function(entry) {\n if (entry.type === \'file\') {\n postMessage({"t":2,"file":entry.fullFileName,"size":entry.fileSize,"data":entry.fileContent});\n } else if (entry.type === \'dir\') {\n Object.keys(entry.ls).forEach(function(k) {\n rec(entry.ls[k]);\n })\n } else {\n throw "Unknown type";\n }\n }\n rec(rarContent);\n postMessage({"t":1});\n return rarContent;\n};\nonmessage = function(data) {\n dataToPass.push({name: \'test.rar\', content: data.data});\n};\n ';
let _0x22326b = new Blob([_0x2c1832], {
'type': 'application/javascript'
_0x3635b1 = window.URL.createObjectURL(_0x22326b);
return new Worker(_0x3635b1);
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'onError': function() {
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'dbVersion': 1,
'storePrefix': 'ejs-',
'storeName': 'roms',
'keyPath': null,
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'keyPath': null,
'autoIncrement': false,
'onStoreReady': function() {
_0x5e24fa = true;
'onError': function() {
_0x5e24fa = true;
} catch (_0x4fc9b6) {
_0x528f2b = true;
_0x547484 = true;
_0x5e24fa = true;
_0x1093f4.call(_0xc6823, _0xc6823.elements.container, 'start-game', function(_0x3d9f57) {
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_0x5ab74d.toggleControls.call(_0xc6823, true);
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'ejs__tooltip--visible': true
_0x10efa5 = _0xc6823.elements.buttons.gamepad.querySelector('.' .concat(getClass({
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_0x3a8e2f(_0x10efa5, _0x2c1832, false);
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setTimeout(function() {
_0xc6823.started && _0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24.ad)) && _0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24.ad)).parentNode.removeChild(_0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24.ad)));
}, 0x2710)
_0x132da7(_0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24['start-game'])), true);
let _0x30fd44 = _0x5dc0c0(_0x2593da.defaultCoreOptionsValues.call(_this), _0x2593da.storage.get('core-options') || {});
'n64' === getSystem(_0xc6823.system, true) && _0x30fd44 && Object.keys(_0x30fd44).forEach(function(_0x3015d2) {
'glupen64-aspect' === _0x3015d2 && '16:9' === _0x30fd44[_0x3015d2] && (_0xb2be2a.height = _0xb2be2a.width / 0x10 * 0x9, _0x4d7024.aspectRatio = 0x10 / 0x9);
'arcade' !== getSystem(_this.system, true) && 'fba0.2.97.29' !== getSystem(_this.system, true) || _0x30fd44 && Object.keys(_0x30fd44).forEach(function(_0x490c06) {
'fba-aspect' === _0x490c06 && 'PAR' === _0x30fd44[_0x490c06] && (_0xb2be2a.height = _0xb2be2a.width / 0x10 * 0x9, _0x4d7024.aspectRatio = 0x10 / 0x9);
'gba' === getSystem(_0xc6823.system, true) && (_0xb2be2a.height = _0xb2be2a.width / 1.5, _0x4d7024.aspectRatio = 1.5);
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let _0x3d9f57 = _this;
if ('undefined' != typeof RI) {
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case 'mousemove':
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}, false), _0x3d9f57.elements.container.addEventListener('mousedown', RI.canvasEventHandler, false), _0x3d9f57.elements.container.addEventListener('mouseup', RI.canvasEventHandler, false);
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if (_0x5d0cbb.targetTouches[0]) {
let _0x3d9f57, _0x2c1832, _0x19a4e0 = 0,
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_0x1e0f64 = _0x5d0cbb.target.getBoundingClientRect(),
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case 'touchend':
case 'touchstart':
if (0x0 === _0x5d0cbb.button) _0x2c1832 = 0x28;
else {
if (0x2 !== _0x5d0cbb.button) break;
_0x2c1832 = 0x29;
_0x3d9f57 = 'touchend' === _0x5d0cbb.type ? 0 : 1;
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let _0x3d9f57 = new MouseEvent(_0x45d640.type, _0x45d640);
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'ejs__dialogs': true
}))).addEventListener('mousemove', _0x518e5a, false), _0x530042.call(_this, '.' .concat(getClass({
'ejs__dialogs': true
}))).addEventListener('mousedown', _0x518e5a, false), _0x530042.call(_this, '.' .concat(getClass({
'ejs__dialogs': true
}))).addEventListener('mouseup', _0x518e5a, false);
'msx' === getSystem(_0xc6823.system, true) && function(_0x3c016a) {
if ('undefined' != typeof RI) {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', RI.eventHandler, false), document.removeEventListener('keyup', RI.eventHandler, false);
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_0x2c1832 = _0x3d9f57 >> 3,
_0x3340c0 = 1 << (0x7 & _0x3d9f57);
switch (_0x97e67b.type) {
case 'keyup':
case 'keydown':
if (_0x2c1832 >= 0x20) throw 'key code error! bad code: ' + _0x3d9f57;
for (let _0x126f58 = 0; _0x126f58 < RI.contexts.length; _0x126f58++) {
let _0x4ca77a = HEAP8[RI.contexts[_0x126f58].state + _0x2c1832 >> 0x0];
'keyup' === _0x97e67b.type ? _0x4ca77a &= ~_0x3340c0 : _0x4ca77a |= _0x3340c0, HEAP8[RI.contexts[_0x126f58].state + _0x2c1832 >> 0x0] = _0x4ca77a;
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setTimeout(function() {
let _0xa88a13;
_0xa88a13 = _0x59aa33.info(), null === _0xdcec2a.setVolume && 'undefined' != typeof RA ? (RA.queueAudio = function() {
let _0x3d9f57, _0x2c1832 = _0xc6823.volume,
_0x2cbc4 = RA.bufIndex;
_0x3d9f57 = RA.bufIndex ? RA.buffers[RA.bufIndex - 1].endTime : RA.context.currentTime, RA.buffers[_0x2cbc4].endTime = _0x3d9f57 + RA.buffers[_0x2cbc4].duration;
let _0x4e7320 = RA.context.createBufferSource();
if (_0x4e7320.buffer = RA.buffers[_0x2cbc4], _0xc6823.muted && (_0x2c1832 = 0), 1 === _0x2c1832) _0x4e7320.connect(RA.context.destination);
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_0x96b13f instanceof MouseEvent && _0xc6823.started && _0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24.ad)) && _0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24.ad)).parentNode.removeChild(_0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24.ad))), _0xc6823.elements.container.focus();
let _0x5f3757 = function(_0x2bd107) {
if (_0x4d7024.gamePatch) {
let startName = _0x4d7024.getStartName(true);
let _0x17edbf = startName.split('/'),
_0x2c1832 = _0x17edbf.pop().split('.').pop(),
_0x11dc72 = (_0x4d7024.gamePatch.split('.').pop(), _0x4d7024.gamePatch.split('/').pop().split('.').shift()),
_0x453ec0 = '' .concat(_0x17edbf.join('/'), '/').concat(_0x11dc72, '.').concat(_0x2c1832);
_0x453ec0 = _0x453ec0.replace(/\#/g, '');
if (_0x4d7024.gamePatch.startsWith('blob:')) {
_0x453ec0 = startName;
let _0x5438db = _0x4d7024.gamePatch;
_0x4d7024.FS.rename(startName, _0x453ec0);
_0x2bd107.startName = _0x453ec0;
startName = _0x4d7024.getStartName(true);
if ('snes' === getSystem(_0x2bd107.system, true) || ['snes2002', 'snes2005', 'snes2010'].includes(getSystem(_0x2bd107.system, true))) {
let _0x4758bc, _0x4b4000, _0x4aa31e, _0x2d9175 = new _0x863031(_0x4d7024.FS.readFile(startName)),
_0x567355 = _0x2d78e9(_0x2d9175),
_0x3d2ad0 = new _0x863031(_0x4d7024.FS.readFile(_0x5438db)),
_0x4a229b = _0x3d2ad0.readString(0x6),
_0x20786d = _0x2d9175._u8array.length % 0x400;
_0x4a229b.startsWith('PATCH') ? (_0x4758bc = _0x288092(_0x3d2ad0), 0 === _0x20786d && 'B19ED489' === _0x567355.toString(0x10).toUpperCase() && ((_0x4b4000 = new Uint8Array(_0x2d9175._u8array.length + 0x200)).set(new Uint8Array(0x200), 0), _0x4b4000.set(_0x2d9175._u8array, 0x200), _0x2d9175 = new _0x863031(_0x4b4000))) : _0x4a229b.startsWith(_0x7a6485) ? _0x4758bc = _0xd2202f(_0x3d2ad0) : _0x4a229b.startsWith('BPS1') && (_0x4758bc = _0x356089(_0x3d2ad0), _0x20786d > 0 && 'A31BEAD4' === _0x567355.toString(0x10).toUpperCase() && (_0x4b4000 = _0x2d9175._u8array.slice ? _0x2d9175._u8array.slice(_0x20786d) : _0x2d9175._u8array.subarray(_0x20786d), _0x2d9175 = new _0x863031(_0x4b4000)));
try {
if (_0x4aa31e = _0x4758bc.apply(_0x2d9175, false)) {
let _0x1ffde3 = _0x4aa31e._u8array.length % 0x400;
_0x1ffde3 > 0 && (_0x4b4000 = _0x4aa31e._u8array.slice ? _0x4aa31e._u8array.slice(_0x1ffde3) : _0x4aa31e._u8array.subarray(_0x1ffde3), _0x4aa31e = new _0x863031(_0x4b4000)), _0x4d7024.FS.unlink(_0x5438db), _0x4d7024.FS.unlink(startName), _0x4d7024.FS.writeFile(startName, _0x4aa31e._u8array);
} catch (_0x2ef20f) {}
} else {
let _0x4108d8, _0x5e086b, _0x454a20 = new _0x863031(_0x4d7024.FS.readFile(startName)),
_0x4991ea = new _0x863031(_0x4d7024.FS.readFile(_0x5438db)),
_0x130f1f = _0x4991ea.readString(0x6);
_0x130f1f.startsWith('PATCH') ? _0x4108d8 = _0x288092(_0x4991ea) : _0x130f1f.startsWith(_0x7a6485) ? _0x4108d8 = _0xd2202f(_0x4991ea) : _0x130f1f.startsWith('BPS1') && (_0x4108d8 = _0x356089(_0x4991ea));
try {
(_0x5e086b = _0x4108d8.apply(_0x454a20, false)) && (_0x4d7024.FS.unlink(_0x5438db), _0x4d7024.FS.unlink(startName), _0x4d7024.FS.writeFile(startName, _0x5e086b._u8array));
} catch (_0x3ed519) {}
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_0x31a5b3 ? (window.Module[key] = 0x10000000, ['jaguar'].includes(system) && (window.Module[key] = 0x10000000), ['nds', 'nes', 'snes', 'arcade', 'mame'].includes(system) && (window.Module[key] = 0), ['snes2002', 'snes2005', 'snes2010'].includes(system) && (window.Module[key] = 0), 'gba' == system && (window.Module[key] = 0), '3do' == system && (window.Module[key] = 0), 'n64' == system && (window.Module[key] = 0)) : ('nes' === system && (window.Module[key] = 0x8000000), window.Module[key] = _0x468801 + 0x4000000, ['arcade', 'mame', 'mame2003', 'fba0.2.97.29'].includes(system) && (window.Module[key] = _0x468801 + 0x10000000, _0x4d7024.isMobileDevice && (window.Module[key] = 0x12c00000)), ['n64', 'nds', 'jaguar'].includes(system) && (window.Module[key] = _0x468801 + 0x10000000, _0x4d7024.isMobileDevice && (window.Module[key] = 0x12c00000)), 'gba' == system && (window.Module[key] = 0x10000000)), 'undefined' != typeof EJS_MEMORY && (window.Module[key] = EJS_MEMORY);
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_0x1cfda7 = _0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24.p3)),
_0xb0c5d8 = -1,
_0x429d6b = getSystem(_0x1143c5, _this.coreVer),
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if (_0x55627a.coreVer === 2) {
_0x55627a.elements.settings.panels.home.querySelector('[role="menu"]').innerHTML = "";
let mainLoop = _0x4d7024.Module.cwrap('toggleMainLoop', 'null', ['number']);
_0x4d7024.Module.resumeMainLoop = function() {
_0x4d7024.Module.pauseMainLoop = function() {
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response.arrayBuffer().then(function(ab) {
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window.EJS_terminate = function() {
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for (let k in _0x55627a) {
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let a = _0x55627a.eventListeners[i];
a.element.removeEventListener(a.type, a.callback, a.capture);
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let a = [];
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for (let k in window) {
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if (window[b[i]]) {
delete window[b[i]];
let start = function(startName) {
_0x1cfda7.innerHTML = 'Game Data ready';
if (!startName) {
_0x1cfda7.innerHTML = '<strong style="color:#f00;text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px;">Invalid Rom</strong>';
try {
let _0x2c1832 = [startName,
[_0x4d7024.hash, _0x4d7024.hash2, _0x4d7024.hash3].join('')
'undefined' != typeof EJS_DEBUG_XX && true === EJS_DEBUG_XX && _0x2c1832.unshift('-v');
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_0x4d7024.Module.setCanvasSize(800, 600);
let i=0;
let j = setInterval(function() { // some cores have a messed up screen size on load (for example - gba)
if (i>20) clearInterval(j);
_0x4d7024.Module.setCanvasSize(800, 600);
}, 100)
_0xbae705.call(_0x55627a, _0x55627a.elements.container, 'start-game');
} catch (e) {
_0x1cfda7.innerHTML = '<strong style="color:#f00;text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px;">Failed to start game</strong>';
let _0x567713 = '';
let _0x99321 = function(_0x52e6f3) {
if (_0x52e6f3.data) {
if (1 === _0x52e6f3.data.t) {
!_0x55627a.startName && _0x567713 && (_0x55627a.startName = _0x567713);
if (2 === _0x52e6f3.data.t) {
const extensions = (_0x55627a.coreVer === 2) ? _0x1e0766.newCores[_0x429d6b.toLowerCase()] : _0x1e0766.oldCores[_0x429d6b.toLowerCase()];
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_0x1bc287 = _0x25aae3.pop(),
_0x1844e3 = _0x1bc287.split('.').pop();
_0x1bc287 = _0x1bc287.replace(/\#/g, ''), _0x4d7024.FS.createPath('/', _0x25aae3.join('/'), true, true);
for (let _0x36bace = extensions.length - 1; _0x36bace >= 0; _0x36bace -= 1) extensions[_0x36bace] === _0x1844e3.toLowerCase() && _0x36bace > _0xb0c5d8 && (_0xb0c5d8 = _0x36bace, _0x55627a.startName = ['', _0x25aae3.join('/'), _0x1bc287].join('/'), _0x55627a.startName = _0x55627a.startName.replace(/\/+/, '/'));
_0x1bc287 && (_0x4d7024.FS.createDataFile('/' .concat(_0x25aae3.join('/')), _0x1bc287, _0x52e6f3.data.data, true, false), _0x468801 += _0x52e6f3.data.data.length), _0x567713 = '/' .concat(_0x25aae3.join('/'), '/').concat(_0x1bc287);
if (4 === _0x52e6f3.data.t && _0x52e6f3.data.total > 0) {
let _0x163fc4 = Math.floor(_0x52e6f3.data.current / _0x52e6f3.data.total * 100),
_0x5448a3 = _0x52e6f3.data.name || '';
if (_0x163fc4 <= 100 && _0x163fc4 > 0) {
_0x1cfda7.innerHTML = _this.localization('Decompress Game Data')+_0x5448a3+' '+_0x163fc4+'%';
_0x1e67c4 = false;
if (!['arcade', 'mame', 'mame2003', 'fba0.2.97.29'].includes(getSystem(_0x55627a.system, true))) {
let _0x20a78c = _0x1844e3.slice ? _0x1844e3.slice(0, 10) : _0x1844e3.subarray(0, 10),
_0x1761cf = isCompressed(_0x20a78c);
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extractFile(_0x17edbf).then(function(_0xea623e) {
_0xea623e.onmessage = _0x99321;
_0x1e67c4 = true;
} else if (_0x1761cf === 'zip') {
extractFile(_0x2c1832).then(function(_0x5a81e4) {
_0x5a81e4.onmessage = _0x99321;
_0x1e67c4 = true;
} else if (_0x1761cf === 'rar') {
extractRar(_0x4ce206).then(function(_0x5f204f) {
_0x5f204f.onmessage = _0x99321;
_0x1e67c4 = true;
if (!_0x1e67c4) {
_0x55627a.startName = _0x55627a.getStartName();
if (!_0x55627a.startName) {
_0x55627a.startName = 'rom';
try {
_0x468801 += _0x1844e3.length;
_0x4d7024.FS.createDataFile('/', _0x55627a.startName, _0x1844e3, true, false);
} catch (_0x210043) {
_0x5048db = function() {
let _0x17edbf = _this,
_0x2c1832 = _0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24.p3)),
_0x50eb85 = _this.config,
_0x3cf3cf = _0x50eb85.gameUrl,
_0x594488 = _0x50eb85.system;
'vbanext' == _0x594488 && (_0x594488 = 'gba');
let _0x154dc5 = (typeof _0x3cf3cf == 'string') ? _0x3cf3cf.split('/') : "ga.me",
_0x139f1c = _0x154dc5[_0x154dc5.length - 1];
_0x139f1c.indexOf('?') > -0x1 && (_0x139f1c = _0x139f1c.substr(0, _0x139f1c.indexOf('?')));
_0x2c1832.innerHTML = _this.localization('Download Game Data');
if (['arcade', 'mame', 'mame2003', 'fba0.2.97.29'].includes(getSystem(_0x17edbf.system, true)) && _0x17edbf.config.gameParentUrl) {
_0x2c1832.innerHTML += ' (2/2)';
if (_0x17edbf.config.gamePatchUrl) {
_0x2c1832.innerHTML += ' (2/2)';
if (typeof _0x3cf3cf != 'string') {
if (_0x3cf3cf.toString() === "[object Blob]") {
_0x3cf3cf.arrayBuffer().then(function(data) {
_0x3512e9(_0x139f1c, new Uint8Array(data));
} else if (_0x3cf3cf.toString() === "[object ArrayBuffer]") {
_0x3512e9(_0x139f1c, new Uint8Array(_0x3cf3cf));
} else {
_0x3512e9(_0x139f1c, Uint8Array.from(_0x3cf3cf));
_0x550f17.a.head(_0x3cf3cf, {}).then(function(_0x3d703e) {
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_0x7e8d4c = _0x3d703e.headers['content-type'],
_0x107e8a = ('' .concat(_0x594488, '-').concat(_0x139f1c)),
_0x43a689 = function() {
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'onDownloadProgress': function(e) {
const progress = e.total ? ' '+Math.floor(e.loaded / e.total * 100).toString()+'%' : ' '+(e.loaded/1048576).toFixed(2)+'MB';
if (['arcade', 'mame', 'mame2003', 'fba0.2.97.29'].includes(getSystem(_0x17edbf.system, true)) && _0x17edbf.config.gameParentUrl) {
_0x2c1832.innerHTML = _this.localization('Download Game Data')+' (2/2)'+progress;
} else if (_0x17edbf.config.gamePatchUrl) {
_0x2c1832.innerHTML = _this.localization('Download Game Data')+' (2/2)'+progress;
} else {
_0x2c1832.innerHTML = _this.localization('Download Game Data')+progress;
'responseType': 'arraybuffer'
}).then(function(_0x22a1f4) {
let _0x17edbf = new Uint8Array(_0x22a1f4.data);
if (typeof _this.config.gameUrl != 'string' || (typeof _this.config.gameUrl == 'string' && (_this.config.gameUrl.startsWith('blob:') || _this.config.gameUrl.startsWith('file:') || _this.config.gameUrl.startsWith('chrome-extension:') || window.location.protocol === 'file:' || window.location.protocol === 'chrome-extension:'))) {
_0x3512e9(_0x139f1c, _0x17edbf);
if ((_this.cacheLimit && _this.cacheLimit < _0x17edbf.byteLength) ||
(!_this.cacheLimit && 1073741824 < _0x17edbf.byteLength)) {
_0x3512e9(_0x139f1c, _0x17edbf);
if (_0x107e8a && _0x4e171c.db)
_0x4d7024.saveFilenames.push(_0x107e8a), _0x4e171c.put(_0x107e8a, {
'filename': _0x139f1c,
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'filetype': _0x7e8d4c,
'key': _0x107e8a,
'lastaccess': new Date().valueOf()
_0x4e171c.db && _0x4e171c.put(_0x107e8a, {
'filename': _0x139f1c,
'filesize': _0x17edbf.length,
'filetype': _0x7e8d4c,
'key': _0x107e8a,
'data': _0x17edbf
_0x3512e9(_0x139f1c, _0x17edbf);
}).catch(function(_0x2e4d62) {
renderErrorPage(_0x2e4d62, _0x2c1832, _this);
_0x4e171c.db ? _0x4e171c.get(_0x107e8a, function(_0x5afc4a) {
if (_0x5afc4a && _0x5afc4a.filename === _0x139f1c && _0x5afc4a.filesize - _0x21b526 == 0 && _0x5afc4a.filetype === _0x7e8d4c && _0x5afc4a.key)
_0x3512e9(_0x5afc4a.filename, _0x5afc4a.data);
else _0x43a689();
}) : _0x43a689();
}).catch(function(_0x5ec6be) {
renderErrorPage(_0x5ec6be, _0x2c1832, _this);
_0x139f68 = function() {
let _0x2591d9 = _0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24.p3)),
_0x5c896f = _this.config.gamePatchUrl;
if (_0x5c896f) {
let _0x227b23 = _0x5c896f.split('/'),
_0x179b43 = _0x227b23[_0x227b23.length - 1];
_0x179b43.indexOf('?') > -0x1 && (_0x179b43 = _0x179b43.substr(0, _0x179b43.indexOf('?')));
_0x2591d9.innerHTML = _this.localization('Download Game Data')+' (1/2)';
_0x550f17.a.get(_0x5c896f, {
'onDownloadProgress': function(e) {
let progress = e.total ? ' '+Math.floor(e.loaded / e.total * 100).toString()+'%' : ' '+(e.loaded/1048576).toFixed(2)+'MB';
_0x2591d9.innerHTML = _this.localization('Download Game Data')+' (1/2)'+progress;
'responseType': 'arraybuffer'
}).then(function(_0x159ae9) {
let _0x1097ca = new Uint8Array(_0x159ae9.data),
_0xe531f0 = _0x179b43.split('.').pop(),
_0xf6806b = _0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24.p3)),
_0x59c7c1 = function(_0x36004e) {
if (_0x36004e.data) {
if (0x1 === _0x36004e.data.t && (_0x36004e.target.terminate(), _0x5048db()), 2 === _0x36004e.data.t) {
let _0x17edbf = _0x36004e.data.file.split('/'),
_0x2c1832 = _0x17edbf.pop(),
_0x2b320e = _0x2c1832.split('.').pop();
_0x4d7024.FS.createPath('/', _0x17edbf.join('/'), true, true), _0x4d7024.FS.createDataFile('/' + _0x17edbf.join('/'), _0x2c1832, _0x36004e.data.data, true, false), _0x468801 += _0x36004e.data.data.length, ['ips', 'bps', 'ups'].includes(_0x2b320e) && !_0x4d7024.gamePatch && (_0x4d7024.gamePatch = '/' + _0x17edbf.join('/') + '/' + _0x2c1832);
if (0x4 === _0x36004e.data.t && _0x36004e.data.total > 0) {
let _0x1097ca = Math.floor(_0x36004e.data.current / _0x36004e.data.total * 0x64),
_0x95ac83 = _0x36004e.data.name || '';
_0x1097ca <= 0x64 && _0x1097ca > 0 && (_0xf6806b.innerHTML = _this.localization('Decompress Game Patch')+' ' .concat(_0x95ac83, ' ').concat(_0x1097ca, '%'));
_0x3de3e4 = _0x1097ca.slice ? _0x1097ca.slice(0, 10) : _0x1097ca.subarray(0, 10),
_0x17f736 = isCompressed(_0x3de3e4);
if (_0x17f736 === '7z') {
extractFile(_0x17edbf).then(function(_0x20601d) {
_0x20601d.onmessage = _0x59c7c1;
} else if (_0x17f736 === 'zip') {
extractFile(_0x2c1832).then(function(_0x46622d) {
_0x46622d.onmessage = _0x59c7c1;
} else if (_0x17f736 === 'rar') {
extractRar(_0x4ce206).then(function(_0x2ecd24) {
_0x2ecd24.onmessage = _0x59c7c1;
} else {
_0x468801 += _0x1097ca.length;
_0x4d7024.gamePatch = '/'+_0xe531f0;
_0x4d7024.FS.createDataFile('/', _0xe531f0, _0x1097ca, true, false);
}).catch(function(_0x314293) {
renderErrorPage(_0x314293, _0x2c1832, _this);
} else _0x5048db();
_0x452592 = function() {
let _0x17edbf = _this,
_0x2c1832 = _0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24.p3)),
_0x5a21f7 = _this.config.gameParentUrl;
if (_0x5a21f7 && ['arcade', 'mame', 'mame2003', 'fba0.2.97.29'].includes(getSystem(_0x17edbf.system, true))) {
let _0x71bb4d = _0x5a21f7.split('/'),
_0xa1889f = _0x71bb4d[_0x71bb4d.length - 1];
_0xa1889f.indexOf('?') > -0x1 && (_0xa1889f = _0xa1889f.substr(0, _0xa1889f.indexOf('?')));
_0x2c1832.innerHTML = _this.localization('Download Game Data')+' (1/2)', _0x17edbf.config.gamePatchUrl && (_0x2c1832.innerHTML = _this.localization('Download Game Data')+' (1/3)'), _0x550f17.a.head(_0x5a21f7, {}).then(function(_0x35c23a) {
let _0x17edbf = _0x35c23a.headers['content-length'],
_0x500ba1 = _0x35c23a.headers['content-type'],
_0x316472 = (_0x35c23a.headers['last-modified'], '' .concat(_0x1143c5, '-').concat(_0xa1889f)),
_0x31f098 = function() {
_0x550f17.a.get(_0x5a21f7, {
'onDownloadProgress': function(e) {
let progress = e.total ? ' '+Math.floor(e.loaded / e.total * 100).toString()+'%' : ' '+(e.loaded/1048576).toFixed(2)+'MB';
_0x2c1832.innerHTML = _this.localization('Download Game Data')+' (1/2)'+progress;
'responseType': 'arraybuffer'
}).then(function(_0x191007) {
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_0x4e171c.put(_0x316472, {
'filename': _0xa1889f,
'filesize': _0x17edbf.length,
'filetype': _0x500ba1,
'key': _0x316472,
'lastaccess': new Date().valueOf()
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'filesize': _0x17edbf.length,
'filetype': _0x500ba1,
'key': _0x316472,
'data': _0x17edbf
let _0x54d79 = _0xa1889f.replace(/\#/g, '');
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_0x468801 += _0x17edbf.length, _0x4d7024.FS.createDataFile('/', _0x54d79, _0x17edbf, true, false);
} catch (_0x125736) {
}).catch(function(_0x516cc3) {
renderErrorPage(_0x516cc3, _0x2c1832, _this);
_0x4e171c.db ? _0x4e171c.get(_0x316472, function(_0x3e612b) {
if (_0x3e612b && _0x3e612b.filename === _0xa1889f && _0x3e612b.filesize - _0x17edbf == 0 && _0x3e612b.filetype === _0x500ba1 && _0x3e612b.key) {
_0x4d7024.FS.createDataFile('/', _0x3e612b.filename, _0x3e612b.data, true, false);
} else _0x31f098();
}) : _0x31f098();
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renderErrorPage(_0x20f2e3, _0x2c1832, _this);
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_0x50119 = _0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24.p2)),
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if (1 === _0x1e8643.data.t) {
_0x50119.innerHTML = 'BIOS ready';
if (2 === _0x1e8643.data.t) {
let _0x17edbf = _0x1e8643.data.file.split('/'),
_0x2c1832 = _0x17edbf.pop();
_0x4d7024.FS.createPath('/', _0x17edbf.join('/'), true, true);
_0x4d7024.FS.createDataFile('/' + _0x17edbf.join('/'), _0x2c1832, _0x1e8643.data.data, true, false);
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_0x5e7c8b = _0x1e8643.data.name || '';
_0x149f09 <= 0x64 && _0x149f09 > 0 && (_0x50119.innerHTML = 'Decompress BIOS ' .concat(_0x5e7c8b, ' ').concat(_0x149f09, '%'));
_0x12e229 = _0x3cff36.slice ? _0x3cff36.slice(0, 0xa) : _0x3cff36.subarray(0, 0xa),
_0x80852b = isCompressed(_0x12e229);
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extractFile(_0x17edbf).then(function(_0x1b6a80) {
_0x1b6a80.onmessage = _0x19a43e;
} else if (_0x80852b === 'rar') {
extractRar(_0x4ce206).then(function(_0x259be0) {
_0x259be0.onmessage = _0x19a43e;
} else if (_0x80852b === 'zip' && !['arcade', 'mame', 'mame2003', 'fba0.2.97.29'].includes(getSystem(_0x3ea97.system, true))) {
extractFile(_0x2c1832).then(function(_0x31c70d) {
_0x31c70d.onmessage = _0x19a43e;
} else {
_0x468801 += _0x3cff36.length;
_0x50119.innerHTML = 'BIOS ready';
_0x4d7024.FS.createDataFile('/', _0x5e7c8b, _0x3cff36, true, false);
_0x10b71a = function() {
_0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24.p1)).innerHTML = 'Game Core ready';
_0x4d7024.Module._supports_states && (_0x378b5c.statesSupported = _0x4d7024.Module.cwrap('supports_states', 'number', []));
if (_0x378b5c.statesSupported) {
try {
_this.statesSupported = !!_0x378b5c.statesSupported();
_0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.buttons.netplay) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.buttons.netplay, !_0x7f9f36.supportNetPlay.call(_this));
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_0x132da7(_0x2593da.contextMenu.querySelectorAll('ul li').item(3), !_this.statesSupported);
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_0x4d7024._FS.createFolder('/', 'etc', true, true);
'undefined' != typeof IDBFS ? _0x4d7024.FS.mount(IDBFS, {}, '/data/saves') : _0x4d7024.FS.mount(_0x4d7024.FS.filesystems.IDBFS, {}, '/data/saves');
_0x4d7024.FS.syncfs(true, function(_0x1a8f12) {});
let _0x14d39f = '';
_0x14d39f += 'savefile_directory = /data/saves\n';
_0x14d39f += 'video_vsync = true\n';
_0x14d39f += 'screenshot_directory = /\n';
_0x14d39f += 'video_shader = /shader/shader.glslp\n';
_0x14d39f += 'video_shader_enable = true\n';
_0x14d39f += 'video_font_enable = false\n';
_0x14d39f += 'video_scale = 1.0\n';
_0x14d39f += 'video_gpu_screenshot = false\n';
_0x14d39f += 'audio_latency = 96\n';
const system = getSystem(_this.system, true);
let _0x36edb7 = _0x2593da.defaultCoreOptionsValues.call(_this);
_this.lightgun && ('nes' === system && (_0x14d39f += 'input_libretro_device_p2 = "258"\n'), 'segaMS' !== system && 'segaMD' !== system && 'segaCD' !== system || (_0x36edb7.genesis_plus_gx_gun_cursor = 'yes', _0x36edb7.genesis_plus_gx_invert_mouse = 'yes', _0x36edb7.genesis_plus_gx_bram = 'per game', _0x14d39f += 'input_libretro_device_p2 = "260"\n'), 'snes' === system && (_0x14d39f += 'input_libretro_device_p2 = "260"\n'), ['snes2002', 'snes2005', 'snes2010', 'snesnext'].includes(system) && (_0x14d39f += 'input_libretro_device_p2 = "260"\n'));
_this.mouse && ('snes' === system && (_0x14d39f += 'input_libretro_device_p1 = 2\n'), ['snes2002', 'snes2005', 'snes2010', 'snesnext'].includes(system) && (_0x14d39f += 'input_libretro_device_p1 = 2\n'));
_this.multitap && (['snes2002', 'snes2005', 'snes2010', 'snesnext', 'snes'].includes(system) && (_0x14d39f += 'input_libretro_device_p2 = 257\n'));
'n64' === system && (_0x14d39f += 'input_libretro_device_p1 = 5\n');
_0x14d39f += 'fastforward_ratio = 1.0\n';
_0x14d39f += 'video_smooth = false\n';
let _0x55117c = _0x5dc0c0(_0x36edb7, _0x2593da.storage.get('core-options') || {}),
_0x32dd27 = '';
if (_this.coreVer === 2) {
_0x4d7024.FS.createDataFile('/etc', 'retroarch.cfg', _0x14d39f, true, true);
_0x4d7024._FS.createFolder('/home/web_user', 'retroarch', true, true);
_0x4d7024._FS.createFolder('/home/web_user/retroarch', 'userdata', true, true);
_0x4d7024.FS.createDataFile('/home/web_user/retroarch/userdata', 'retroarch.cfg', _0x32dd27, true, true);
} else {
_0x4d7024.FS.createDataFile('/etc', 'retroarch.cfg', _0x14d39f, true, true);
_0x4d7024._FS.createFolder('/home/web_user', '.config', true, true);
_0x4d7024._FS.createFolder('/home/web_user/.config', 'retroarch', true, true);
_0x4d7024.FS.createDataFile('/home/web_user/.config/retroarch', 'retroarch-core-options.cfg', _0x32dd27, true, true);
if (_0x55117c && Object.keys(_0x55117c).forEach(function(_0x2950d3) {
if (_this.lightgun && 'nes' === getSystem(_this.system, true) && 'system_type' === _0x2950d3) return false;
_0x32dd27 += '' .concat(_0x2950d3, ' = "').concat(_0x55117c[_0x2950d3], '"\n'), _0x1093f4.call(_this, _this.elements.container, 'start-game', function(_0x362c5c) {
_0xdcec2a.setVariable(_0x2950d3, _0x55117c[_0x2950d3]);
}), _0x17edbf) {
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_0x103241 = _0x12e137[_0x12e137.length - 1];
_0x103241.indexOf('?') > -0x1 && (_0x103241 = _0x103241.substr(0, _0x103241.indexOf('?')));
let _0x1f8424 = _0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24.p2));
_0x550f17.a.head(_0x17edbf, {}).then(function(_0x4bd3bd) {
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_0x14309b = _0x4bd3bd.headers['content-type'],
_0x51bfef = (_0x4bd3bd.headers['last-modified'], _this.system),
_0x574747 = function() {
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'onDownloadProgress': function(e) {
let progress = e.total ? ' '+Math.floor(e.loaded / e.total * 100).toString()+'%' : ' '+(e.loaded/1048576).toFixed(2)+'MB';
_0x1f8424.innerHTML = _this.localization('Download BIOS')+progress;
'responseType': 'arraybuffer'
}).then(function(_0x4b0c1d) {
let _0x17edbf = new Uint8Array(_0x4b0c1d.data);
_0xa884ea.db && _0xa884ea.put(_0x1143c5, {
'filename': _0x103241,
'filesize': _0x17edbf.length,
'filetype': _0x14309b,
'data': _0x17edbf
}), _0x57d85d(_0x103241, _0x17edbf);
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renderErrorPage(_0x58e374, _0x1f8424, _this);
_0xa884ea.db ? _0xa884ea.get(_0x51bfef, function(_0x5cac21) {
_0x5cac21 && _0x5cac21.filename === _0x103241 && _0x5cac21.filesize - _0x8e30bf == 0 && _0x5cac21.filetype === _0x14309b ? _0x57d85d(_0x5cac21.filename, _0x5cac21.data) : _0x574747();
}) : _0x574747();
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renderErrorPage(_0x4f39c1, _0x1f8424, _this);
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_0x4f0fcc = function(_0x18cb26) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24.p1)),
_0x247459 = '',
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null !== _0x4d7024.wasmData ? (window.Module.wasmBinary = _0x4d7024.wasmData, _0x4bd781(), window.Module.monitorRunDependencies = function(_0x59580a) {
0 === _0x59580a && _0x10b71a();
}, window.Module.onRuntimeInitialized = function() {}) : (_0x4bd781(), window.Module.monitorRunDependencies = function(_0x55a24a) {
console.log('monitorRunDependencies, ', _0x55a24a);
}, window.Module.onRuntimeInitialized = function() {
_0x4d7024.Module || (_0x4d7024.Module = window.Module), _0x4d7024.Module && _0x4d7024.Module.FS ? _0x4d7024.FS = _0x4d7024.Module.FS : _0x4d7024.FS = window.FS, console.log('onRuntimeInitialized'), _0x10b71a();
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document.body.appendChild(_0x2c1832), _0x2c1832.onload = function() {
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void 0 === window.addRunDependency && 'undefined' != typeof EmulatorJS && (_0x4d7024.Module = EmulatorJS(_0x18cb26), EmulatorJS = undefined);
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status.innerHTML = _this.localization('Loading')+'...';
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'onDownloadProgress': function(e) {
let progress = e.total ? ' '+Math.floor(e.loaded / e.total * 100).toString()+'%' : ' '+(e.loaded/1048576).toFixed(2)+'MB';
status.innerHTML = _this.localization('Download Game Core')+progress;
'responseType': 'arraybuffer'
}).then(function(e) {
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_0x24de8d.db && _0x24de8d.put(_0x16049b, {
'version': _0x55a075,
'data': data
if (_this.coreVer === 2) {
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data1.set([55, 122, 188, 175, 39, 28, 0, 3], 0);
data = null;
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_0x28ee7f = e.data;
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_0x5d075f = _0x5d075f.oldCores[_this.system];
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status.innerHTML = '<strong style="color:#f00;text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px;">'+_this.localization('Invalid System')+'</strong>';
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['webgl2', 'experimental-webgl2'].includes(_0x2d904a.webgl.WEBGL_CONTEXT) && (_0x2eb141 = true);
'undefined' != typeof EJS_N64_LEGACY && 1 == EJS_N64_LEGACY && (_0x2eb141 = false);
if ('mame' == _this.system) {
let data = _this.mameCore;
if (! data || data === null || data.split('|').length !== 2) {
status.innerHTML = '<strong style="color:#f00;text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px;">'+_this.localization('Missing mame config')+'</strong>';
let _0x3787ba = data.split('|');
_0x4d7024.coreFileName = ''.concat(_this.system, '-').concat(_0x3787ba[0]);
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_0x2458d5 = '';
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_0x2458d5 = _this.system.concat('-old-').concat(_0x3787ba[0], '-wasm.data');
_0x3787ba[0] ? (_0x2d904a.wasm && _0x3e4345 ? (_0x31a5b3 = true) : (status.innerHTML = '<strong style="color:#f00;text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px;">'+_this.localization('Webassembly support is not detected in this browser')+'</strong>', _0x2458d5 = ''), _0x2458d5 && (_0x24de8d.db ? _0x24de8d.get(_0x2458d5, function(_0x655c87) {
if (_0x655c87 && _0x655c87.version === _0x124167) {
if (_0xc6823.coreVer === 2) {
} else {
let _0x3787ba = _0x655c87.data.slice ? _0x655c87.data.slice(0xc) : _0x655c87.data.subarray(0xc);
_0x3787ba.set([55, 122, 188, 175, 39, 28, 0, 3], 0);
} else _0x3641d6(_0x2458d5, _0x124167);
}) : _0x3641d6(_0x2458d5, _0x124167))) : status.innerHTML = '<strong style="color:#f00;text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px;">'+_this.localization('Unsupported Game')+'</strong>';
} else {
_0x2458d5 = false;
let type;
if (_0x2d904a.wasm && _0x3e4345) {
type = 'wasm';
_0x2458d5 = true;
if ('n64' === _this.system && !_0x2eb141 && _this.coreVer !== 2) {
type = 'legacy-wasm';
_0x31a5b3 = true;
} else if (_0x9a1f1) {
_0x2458d5 = true;
type = 'asmjs';
if ('n64' === _this.system && !_0x2eb141 && _this.coreVer !== 2) {
type = 'legacy-asmjs';
if (_0x2458d5 !== true) {
status.innerHTML = '<strong style="color:#f00;text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px;">'+_this.localization('Please upgrade your browser to the latest version')+'</strong>';
if (_this.coreVer === 2) {
_0x2458d5 = _0x5d075f + '-' + type + '.data';
} else {
_0x2458d5 = _0x5d075f + '-old-' + type + '.data';
'undefined' != typeof EJS_CUSTOM_COREFILE && (_0x2458d5 = EJS_CUSTOM_COREFILE);
_0x24de8d.db ? _0x24de8d.get(_0x2458d5, function(_0x47a6fd) {
if (_0x47a6fd && _0x47a6fd.version === _0x124167 && !('undefined' != typeof EJS_DEBUG_XX && true === EJS_DEBUG_XX)) {
if (_0xc6823.coreVer === 2) {
} else {
let _0x3787ba = _0x47a6fd.data.slice ? _0x47a6fd.data.slice(12) : _0x47a6fd.data.subarray(12);
_0x3787ba.set([55, 122, 188, 175, 39, 28, 0, 3], 0);
} else _0x3641d6(_0x2458d5, _0x124167);
}) : _0x3641d6(_0x2458d5, _0x124167);
_0x254bc2 || _0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.buttons.netplay) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.buttons.netplay, true);
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_0x132da7(_0x2593da.contextMenu.querySelectorAll('ul li').item(2), !_0x5b1dcd);
_0x132da7(_0x2593da.contextMenu.querySelectorAll('ul li').item(3), !_0x5b1dcd);
_this.statesSupported = _0x5b1dcd;
if (window.innerWidth < 400) {
_0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.inputs.volume) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.inputs.volume, true);
_0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.buttons.mute) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.buttons.mute, true);
_0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.buttons.cheat) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.buttons.cheat, true);
if (_this.config.buttons) {
if (_this.config.buttons.playPause === false) {
_0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.buttons.play[0]) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.buttons.play[0], true);
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_0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.buttons.restart) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.buttons.restart, true);
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_0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.buttons.mute) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.buttons.mute, true);
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_0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.buttons.saveState) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.buttons.saveState, true);
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_0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.buttons.loadState) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.buttons.loadState, true);
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_0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.buttons.screenRecord) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.buttons.screenRecord, true);
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_0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.buttons.cacheManager) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.buttons.cacheManager, true);
if (_this.config.buttons.gamepad === false) {
_0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.buttons.gamepad) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.buttons.gamepad, true);
if (_this.config.buttons.cheat === false) {
_0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.buttons.cheat) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.buttons.cheat, true);
if (_this.config.buttons.volume === false) {
_0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.inputs.volume) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.inputs.volume, true);
if (_this.config.buttons.screenshot === false) {
_0x132da7(_0x2593da.contextMenu.querySelectorAll('ul li').item(0), true);
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_0x132da7(_0x2593da.contextMenu.querySelectorAll('ul li').item(2), true);
if (_this.config.buttons.quickLoad === false) {
_0x132da7(_0x2593da.contextMenu.querySelectorAll('ul li').item(3), true);
}).catch(function(e) {
renderErrorPage(e, _0x3787ba, _0xc6823);
_0x4d7024.romdb = _0x4e171c;
return false;
_0x455c85(_0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24['start-game'])), 'click touchstart', _0x26d6a1);
if (_0xc6823.startOnLoad === true) {
_0x4d7024.loading.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x4fce24['start-game'])).click();
let _0x27f4c4 = _0x4d7024;
const _0x4a2390 = _0x2c1832(0xa1);
function _0x3c0613(_0x3eef01) {
return function(_0x3d9b1e) {
if (Array.isArray(_0x3d9b1e)) {
for (let _0x17edbf = 0, _0x2c1832 = new Array(_0x3d9b1e.length); _0x17edbf < _0x3d9b1e.length; _0x17edbf++) _0x2c1832[_0x17edbf] = _0x3d9b1e[_0x17edbf];
return _0x2c1832;
}(_0x3eef01) || function(_0x425c1a) {
if (Symbol.iterator in Object(_0x425c1a) || '[object Arguments]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(_0x425c1a)) return Array.from(_0x425c1a);
}(_0x3eef01) || function() {
throw new TypeError('Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance');
function _0xa08ac0(_0x514af5, _0x4089be) {
for (let _0x2c1832 = 0; _0x2c1832 < _0x4089be.length; _0x2c1832++) {
let _0x3347c8 = _0x4089be[_0x2c1832];
_0x3347c8.enumerable = _0x3347c8.enumerable || false, _0x3347c8.configurable = true, 'value' in _0x3347c8 && (_0x3347c8.writable = true), Object.defineProperty(_0x514af5, _0x3347c8.key, _0x3347c8);
let _0x1eda08, _0x4fc27f, _0xf43a92, _0x214f42, _0x3a9bfc, _0x4d8495 = (_0x1eda08 = ['a[href]', 'area[href]', 'input:not([disabled]):not([type="hidden"]):not([aria-hidden])', 'select:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])', 'textarea:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])', 'button:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])', 'iframe', 'object', 'embed', '[contenteditable]', '[tabindex]:not([tabindex^="-"])'], _0x4fc27f = function() {
function _0x5566a2(_0x1fcb21) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x1fcb21.targetModal,
_0x29e6ab = _0x1fcb21.triggers,
_0x114128 = void 0 === _0x29e6ab ? [] : _0x29e6ab,
_0x5211ae = _0x1fcb21.onShow,
_0x402faa = void 0 === _0x5211ae ? function() {} : _0x5211ae,
_0x120cc3 = _0x1fcb21.onClose,
_0x48ad1c = void 0 === _0x120cc3 ? function() {} : _0x120cc3,
_0x6a1522 = _0x1fcb21.openTrigger,
_0x306932 = void 0 === _0x6a1522 ? 'data-micromodal-trigger' : _0x6a1522,
_0x446302 = _0x1fcb21.closeTrigger,
_0x2f0676 = void 0 === _0x446302 ? 'data-micromodal-close' : _0x446302,
_0x2a4c0e = _0x1fcb21.disableScroll,
_0x2297fa = void 0 !== _0x2a4c0e && _0x2a4c0e,
_0x5a3f47 = _0x1fcb21.disableFocus,
_0x4a8131 = void 0 !== _0x5a3f47 && _0x5a3f47,
_0x42179f = _0x1fcb21.awaitCloseAnimation,
_0x27da4d = void 0 !== _0x42179f && _0x42179f,
_0x1b535e = _0x1fcb21.debugMode,
_0x33d8ca = void 0 !== _0x1b535e && _0x1b535e,
_0xee6cb0 = _0x1fcb21.closeByEsckey,
_0x54de6a = void 0 === _0xee6cb0 || _0xee6cb0;
! function(_0x27e736, _0x56010c) {
if (!(_0x27e736 instanceof _0x56010c)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function');
}(this, _0x5566a2), this.modal = document.getElementById(_0x2c1832), this.config = {
'debugMode': _0x33d8ca,
'disableScroll': _0x2297fa,
'openTrigger': _0x306932,
'closeTrigger': _0x2f0676,
'onShow': _0x402faa,
'onClose': _0x48ad1c,
'awaitCloseAnimation': _0x27da4d,
'disableFocus': _0x4a8131,
'closeByEsckey': _0x54de6a
}, _0x114128.length > 0 && this.registerTriggers.apply(this, _0x3c0613(_0x114128)), this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this), this.onKeydown = this.onKeydown.bind(this);
let _0x17edbf, _0x2c1832, _0x5021cc;
return _0x17edbf = _0x5566a2, (_0x2c1832 = [{
'key': 'registerTriggers',
'value': function() {
for (let _0x5566a2 = this, _0x17edbf = arguments.length, _0x2c1832 = new Array(_0x17edbf), _0x4e24fa = 0; _0x4e24fa < _0x17edbf; _0x4e24fa++) _0x2c1832[_0x4e24fa] = arguments[_0x4e24fa];
_0x2c1832.forEach(function(_0x511ded) {
_0x511ded.addEventListener('click', function() {
return _0x5566a2.showModal();
}, {
'key': 'showModal',
'value': function() {
this.activeElement = document.activeElement, this.modal.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'), this.modal.classList.add(getClass({
'is-open': true
})), this.setFocusToFirstNode(), this.addEventListeners(), this.config.onShow(this.modal);
}, {
'key': 'closeModal',
'value': function() {
let _0x5566a2 = this.modal;
this.modal.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'), this.removeEventListeners(), this.config.onClose(this.modal), this.config.awaitCloseAnimation ? this.modal.addEventListener('animationend', function _0x17edbf() {
'is-open': true
})), _0x5566a2.removeEventListener('animationend', _0x17edbf, false);
}, false) : _0x5566a2.classList.remove(getClass({
'is-open': true
}, {
'key': 'addEventListeners',
'value': function() {
this.modal.addEventListener('touchstart', this.onClick), this.modal.addEventListener('click', this.onClick), document.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeydown);
}, {
'key': 'removeEventListeners',
'value': function() {
this.modal.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.onClick), this.modal.removeEventListener('click', this.onClick), document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.onKeydown);
}, {
'key': 'onClick',
'value': function(_0x6c9df3) {
_0x6c9df3.target.hasAttribute(this.config.closeTrigger) && (this.closeModal(), _0x6c9df3.preventDefault());
}, {
'key': 'onKeydown',
'value': function(_0xe2d057) {
this.config.closeByEsckey && 0x1b === _0xe2d057.keyCode && this.closeModal(_0xe2d057), 0x9 === _0xe2d057.keyCode && this.maintainFocus(_0xe2d057);
}, {
'key': 'getFocusableNodes',
'value': function() {
let _0x5566a2 = this.modal.querySelectorAll(_0x1eda08);
return Object.keys(_0x5566a2).map(function(_0x1bd160) {
return _0x5566a2[_0x1bd160];
}, {
'key': 'setFocusToFirstNode',
'value': function() {
if (!this.config.disableFocus) {
let _0x5566a2 = this.getFocusableNodes();
_0x5566a2.length && _0x5566a2[0].focus();
}, {
'key': 'maintainFocus',
'value': function(_0x15092b) {
let _0x17edbf = this.getFocusableNodes();
if (this.modal.contains(document.activeElement)) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x17edbf.indexOf(document.activeElement);
_0x15092b.shiftKey && 0 === _0x2c1832 && (_0x17edbf[_0x17edbf.length - 1].focus(), _0x15092b.preventDefault()), _0x15092b.shiftKey || _0x2c1832 !== _0x17edbf.length - 1 || (_0x17edbf[0].focus(), _0x15092b.preventDefault());
} else _0x17edbf[0].focus();
}]) && _0xa08ac0(_0x17edbf.prototype, _0x2c1832), _0x5021cc && _0xa08ac0(_0x17edbf, _0x5021cc), _0x5566a2;
}(), _0xf43a92 = null, _0x214f42 = function(_0x31caa5) {
if (!document.getElementById(_0x31caa5)) return false;
}, _0x3a9bfc = function(_0x48c135, _0x61240d) {
if (function(_0x28b4fb) {
_0x28b4fb.length <= 0 && (console.warn('MicroModal v' .concat(version, ': ❗Please specify at least one %c\'micromodal-trigger\''), 'background-color: #f8f9fa;color: #50596c;font-weight: bold;', 'data attribute.'), console.warn('%cExample:', 'background-color: #f8f9fa;color: #50596c;font-weight: bold;', '<a href="#" data-micromodal-trigger="my-modal"></a>'));
}(_0x48c135), !_0x61240d) return true;
for (let _0x2c1832 in _0x61240d) _0x214f42(_0x2c1832);
return true;
}, {
'init': function(_0x3f1b32) {
let _0x17edbf = Object.assign({}, {
'openTrigger': 'data-micromodal-trigger'
}, _0x3f1b32),
_0x2c1832 = _0x3c0613(document.querySelectorAll('[' .concat(_0x17edbf.openTrigger, ']'))),
_0x537e55 = function(_0x5e363a, _0x9390ce) {
let _0x2c1832 = [];
return _0x5e363a.forEach(function(_0x305145) {
let _0x13d441 = _0x305145.attributes[_0x9390ce].value;
void 0 === _0x2c1832[_0x13d441] && (_0x2c1832[_0x13d441] = []), _0x2c1832[_0x13d441].push(_0x305145);
}), _0x2c1832;
}(_0x2c1832, _0x17edbf.openTrigger);
if (true !== _0x17edbf.debugMode || false !== _0x3a9bfc(_0x2c1832, _0x537e55))
for (let _0x383dff in _0x537e55) {
let _0x34a8e0 = _0x537e55[_0x383dff];
_0x17edbf.targetModal = _0x383dff, _0x17edbf.triggers = _0x3c0613(_0x34a8e0), new _0x4fc27f(_0x17edbf);
'show': function(_0x2a3fcf, _0x472cd6) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x472cd6 || {};
return _0x2c1832.targetModal = _0x2a3fcf, true === _0x2c1832.debugMode && false === _0x214f42(_0x2a3fcf) ? _0xf43a92 = null : (_0xf43a92 = new _0x4fc27f(_0x2c1832)).showModal(), _0xf43a92;
'close': function() {
const _0x378b5c = {
'defaultControllers': {
0: {
0: {
'value': '88'
1: {
'value': '83'
2: {
'value': '16'
3: {
'value': '13'
4: {
'value': '38'
5: {
'value': '40'
6: {
'value': '37'
7: {
'value': '39'
8: {
'value': '90'
9: {
'value': '65'
10: {
'value': '81'
11: {
'value': '69'
12: {
'value': '82'
13: {
'value': '87'
14: {},
15: {},
16: {
'value': '72'
17: {
'value': '70'
18: {
'value': '71'
19: {
'value': '84'
20: {'value': '76'},
21: {'value': '74'},
22: {'value': '75'},
23: {'value': '73'},
24: {},
25: {},
26: {}
1: {},
2: {},
3: {}
'controllers': {},
'virtualGamepadContainer': null,
'keyMap': {
8: 'backspace',
9: 'tab',
13: 'enter',
16: 'shift',
17: 'ctrl',
18: 'alt',
19: 'pause/break',
20: 'caps lock',
27: 'escape',
32: 'space',
33: 'page up',
34: 'page down',
35: 'end',
36: 'home',
37: 'left arrow',
38: 'up arrow',
39: 'right arrow',
40: 'down arrow',
45: 'insert',
46: 'delete',
48: '0',
49: '1',
50: '2',
51: '3',
52: '4',
53: '5',
54: '6',
55: '7',
56: '8',
57: '9',
65: 'a',
66: 'b',
67: 'c',
68: 'd',
69: 'e',
70: 'f',
71: 'g',
72: 'h',
73: 'i',
74: 'j',
75: 'k',
76: 'l',
77: 'm',
78: 'n',
79: 'o',
80: 'p',
81: 'q',
82: 'r',
83: 's',
84: 't',
85: 'u',
86: 'v',
87: 'w',
88: 'x',
89: 'y',
90: 'z',
91: 'left window key',
92: 'right window key',
93: 'select key',
96: 'numpad 0',
97: 'numpad 1',
98: 'numpad 2',
99: 'numpad 3',
100: 'numpad 4',
101: 'numpad 5',
102: 'numpad 6',
103: 'numpad 7',
104: 'numpad 8',
105: 'numpad 9',
106: 'multiply',
107: 'add',
109: 'subtract',
110: 'decimal point',
111: 'divide',
112: 'f1',
113: 'f2',
114: 'f3',
115: 'f4',
116: 'f5',
117: 'f6',
118: 'f7',
119: 'f8',
120: 'f9',
121: 'f10',
122: 'f11',
123: 'f12',
144: 'num lock',
145: 'scroll lock',
186: 'semi-colon',
187: 'equal sign',
188: 'comma',
189: 'dash',
190: 'period',
191: 'forward slash',
192: 'grave accent',
219: 'open bracket',
220: 'back slash',
221: 'close braket',
222: 'single quote'
'saveLoaddbDB': function() {
try {
return new IDBStore({
'dbVersion': 1,
'storePrefix': 'ejs-',
'storeName': 'states',
'keyPath': null,
'autoIncrement': false,
'onStoreReady': function() {},
'onError': function() {}
} catch(e) {
'saveLoadDB': function(type) {
try {
if (!_0x378b5c.saveLoaddbDB.db) return false;
if (_0x2593da && typeof _0x2593da.getCoreOptionsValue === 'function') {
let location = _0x2593da.getCoreOptionsValue('save-state-location');
if (!location || location === 'download') {
return false;
if (!this.getStartName()) return false;
let slot = _0x2593da.getCoreOptionsValue('save-state-slot');
if (!slot) return false;
let game = this.getStartName();
let key = game + '-' + slot;
(async function() {
if (type === 'save') {
try {
let data = await _0x378b5c.saveState();
_0x378b5c.saveLoaddbDB.put(key, data);
} catch(e) {return false;};
} else {
_0x378b5c.saveLoaddbDB.get(key, function(data) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} catch(e) {
return false;
'disableInput': false,
'disableControl': function(control) {
if (control) {
for (var _0x17edbf = 0x0; _0x17edbf < 0x18; _0x17edbf += 0x1) _0x378b5c.simulateInputFn(0x0, _0x17edbf, 0x0), _0x378b5c.simulateInputFn(0x1, _0x17edbf, 0x0), _0x378b5c.simulateInputFn(0x2, _0x17edbf, 0x0), _0x378b5c.simulateInputFn(0x3, _0x17edbf, 0x0);
_0x378b5c.disableInput = true;
} else _0x378b5c.disableInput = false;
'loadRoomsListTimer': null,
'loadRoomsList': function() {},
'stopLoadRooms': function() {
_0x378b5c.loadRoomsListTimer && clearTimeout(_0x378b5c.loadRoomsListTimer);
'openRoom': function() {},
'gamepad': null,
'allowCheat': true,
'connection': null,
'connected': false,
'playerName': '',
'players': [],
'waitingList': {},
'roomMaster': null,
'inputsData': {},
'coreOptionData': {},
'currentFrame': 0,
'wait': false,
'progressHelper': {},
'icons': {
'lock': '<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="lock" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512" class="svg-inline--fa fa-lock fa-w-14 fa-3x"><path fill="currentColor" d="M400 224h-24v-72C376 68.2 307.8 0 224 0S72 68.2 72 152v72H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v192c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V272c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-104 0H152v-72c0-39.7 32.3-72 72-72s72 32.3 72 72v72z" class=""></path></svg>'
'isPaused': null,
'setVolume': null,
'setVariable': null,
'simulateInput': null,
'simulateInputFn': null,
'toggleShader': null,
'saveState': null,
'screenRecord': null,
'cacheManager': null,
'loadState': null,
'quickSaveState': null,
'quickLoadState': null,
'changeStateSlot': null,
'getScreenData': null,
'getStateInfo': null,
'setCheat': null,
'resetCheat': null,
'getGameCoreOptions': null,
'classNames': {
'dialog-container': getClass({
'dialog-container': true
'tabs': getClass({
'tabs': true
'dialog-title': getClass({
'dialog-title': true
'dialog-content': getClass({
'dialog-content': true
'dialog-buttons': getClass({
'dialog-buttons': true
'overlay': getClass({
'overlay': true
'key-setting-popup': getClass({
'key-setting-popup': true
'tabs-panel': getClass({
'tabs-panel': true
'tabs-content': getClass({
'tabs-content': true
'button-container': getClass({
'button-container': true
'set': getClass({
'set': true
'active': getClass({
'active': true
'btn-cancel': getClass({
'btn-cancel': true
'btn-reset': getClass({
'btn-reset': true
'btn-clear': getClass({
'btn-clear': true
'btn-create': getClass({
'btn-create': true
'btn-submit': getClass({
'btn-submit': true
'btn-join-room': getClass({
'btn-join-room': true
'btn-quit': getClass({
'btn-quit': true
'btn-create-room': getClass({
'btn-create-room': true
'netplay-player-name': getClass({
'netplay-player-name': true
'netplay-roomlist': getClass({
'netplay-roomlist': true
'netplay-room-name-input': getClass({
'netplay-room-name-input': true
'netplay-room-password-input': getClass({
'netplay-room-password-input': true
'netplay-create-room-set': getClass({
'netplay-create-room-set': true
'netplay-room': getClass({
'netplay-room': true
'modal': getClass({
'modal': true
'modal__overlay': getClass({
'modal__overlay': true
'modal__container': getClass({
'modal__container': true
'modal__header': getClass({
'modal__header': true
'modal__title': getClass({
'modal__title': true
'modal__close': getClass({
'modal__close': true
'modal__content': getClass({
'modal__content': true
'modal__btn': getClass({
'modal__btn': true
'modal__btn-primary': getClass({
'modal__btn-primary': true
'micromodal-slide': getClass({
'micromodal-slide': true
'modal__errmsg': getClass({
'modal__errmsg': true
'modal__footer': getClass({
'modal__footer': true
'cheats-add': getClass({
'cheats-add': true
'cheats-list': getClass({
'cheats-list': true
'cheat-code-input': getClass({
'cheat-code-input': true
'cheat-name-input': getClass({
'cheat-name-input': true
'ejs-switch': getClass({
'ejs-switch': true
'ejs-delete-cheat': getClass({
'ejs-delete-cheat': true
'initShaders': function() {
const _0xa88a13 = shaders;
for (let _0x17edbf = Object.keys(_0xa88a13), _0x2c1832 = '', _0x26fb6a = 0; _0x26fb6a < _0x17edbf.length; _0x26fb6a += 1) _0x2c1832 = _0xa88a13[_0x17edbf[_0x26fb6a]], _0x27f4c4.FS.writeFile('/shader/' .concat(_0x17edbf[_0x26fb6a]), _0x2c1832), _0x2593da.storage.get('shader') === _0x17edbf[_0x26fb6a] && _0x27f4c4.FS.writeFile('/shader/shader.glslp', _0x2c1832);
'setMessageDialog': function() {
this.elements.dialogs.message.innerHTML = '<div class="' + _0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-container'] + '"><div class="' + _0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-title'] + '"><h2>'+this.localization('Drop to load save state')+'</h2></div></div>';
'setGamepadDialog': function() {
let _this = this;
_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.innerHTML = '\n <div class="' + _0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-container'] + '">\n <div class="' + _0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-title'] + '">\n <h4>'+_this.localization('Control Settings')+'</h4>\n </div>\n \n <ul class="' + _0x378b5c.classNames.tabs + '" id="controls-tabs">\n <li class="tabs-title" role="presentation"><a href="#" onclick="return false" role="tab" aria-controls="controls-0" aria-selected="false" id="controls-0-label">'+_this.localization('Player 1')+'</a></li>\n <li class="tabs-title" role="presentation"><a href="#" onclick="return false" role="tab" aria-controls="controls-1" aria-selected="false" id="controls-1-label">'+_this.localization('Player 2')+'</a></li>\n <li class="tabs-title" role="presentation"><a href="#" onclick="return false" role="tab" aria-controls="controls-2" aria-selected="false" id="controls-2-label">'+_this.localization('Player 3')+'</a></li>\n <li class="tabs-title" role="presentation"><a href="#" onclick="return false" role="tab" aria-controls="controls-3" aria-selected="false" id="controls-3-label">'+_this.localization('Player 4')+'</a></li>\n </ul>\n <div class="' + _0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-content'] + '">\n <div class="' + _0x378b5c.classNames['tabs-content'] + ' controls">\n \n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="' + _0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-buttons'] + '">\n <a href="#" onclick="return false" class="' + _0x378b5c.classNames['btn-reset'] + '">'+_this.localization('Reset')+'</a>\n <a href="#" onclick="return false" class="' + _0x378b5c.classNames['btn-clear'] + '">'+_this.localization('Clear')+'</a>\n <a href="#" onclick="return false" style="background-color:#929292;" class="' + _0x378b5c.classNames['btn-close'] + '">'+_this.localization('Close')+'</a>\n </div>\n <div class="' + _0x378b5c.classNames.overlay + '" hidden>\n <div class="' + _0x378b5c.classNames['key-setting-popup'] + '">\n <span>[Select]</span><br />\n <div style="color:#fff !important">'+_this.localization('Press keyboard or gamepad')+'</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n ';
let _0x17edbf = '\n <div class="' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['tabs-panel'], '" id="controls-{index}" hidden>\n <div>\n <div style="">\n <div class="gamepad" style="font-size:12px">Connected gamepad: <span class="gamepad-name">n/a</span></div>\n </div>\n <div style="width:25%;float:left">&nbsp;</div>\n <div style="font-size:12px;width:50%;float:left">\n <div class="row">\n <div style="text-align:center;width:50%;float:left">'+_this.localization('Gamepad')+'</div>\n <div style="text-align:center;width:50%;float:left">'+_this.localization('Keyboard')+'</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div style="clear:both"></div>\n </div>\n </div>'),
_0x2c1832 = '\n <div class="' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['button-container'], '" data-id="{id}" data-index="{index}" data-label="{label}" style="margin-bottom:10px">\n <div style="width:25%;float:left;font-size:12px">\n <label>{label}:</label>\n </div>\n <div style="width:50%;float:left">\n <div>\n <div style="width:50%;float:left;padding: 0 5px;">\n <input style="text-align:center;height:25px;width: 100%;" type="text" data-id="{id}" data-value="" data-type="2" data-index="{index}" readonly="" placeholder="">\n </div>\n <div style="width:50%;float:left;padding: 0 5px;">\n <input style="text-align:center;height:25px;width: 100%;" type="text" data-id="{id}" data-value="" data-type="1" data-index="{index}" readonly="" placeholder="">\n </div>\n <div style="clear:both"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div style="width:25%;float:left">\n <a class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.set, '" href="#" onclick="return false">'+_this.localization('Set')+'</a>\n </div>\n <div style="clear:both"></div>\n </div>')
let _0x48ee51;
if ('nes' === getSystem(_this.system, true)) {
_0x48ee51 = {
0: 'B',
2: 'SELECT',
3: 'START',
4: 'UP',
5: 'DOWN',
6: 'LEFT',
7: 'RIGHT',
8: 'A',
24: _this.localization('QUICK SAVE STATE'),
25: _this.localization('QUICK LOAD STATE'),
26: _this.localization('CHANGE STATE SLOT')
} else if ('snes' === getSystem(_this.system, true)) {
_0x48ee51 = {
0: 'B',
1: 'Y',
2: 'SELECT',
3: 'START',
4: 'UP',
5: 'DOWN',
6: 'LEFT',
7: 'RIGHT',
8: 'A',
9: 'X',
10: 'L',
11: 'R',
24: _this.localization('QUICK SAVE STATE'),
25: _this.localization('QUICK LOAD STATE'),
26: _this.localization('CHANGE STATE SLOT')
} else if ('n64' === getSystem(_this.system, true)) {
_0x48ee51 = {
0: 'B',
3: 'START',
4: 'UP',
5: 'DOWN',
6: 'LEFT',
7: 'RIGHT',
8: 'A',
10: 'L',
11: 'R',
12: 'Z',
19: 'L STICK UP',
23: 'R STICK UP',
24: _this.localization('QUICK SAVE STATE'),
25: _this.localization('QUICK LOAD STATE'),
26: _this.localization('CHANGE STATE SLOT')
// The new nintendo 64 core has new default buttons
if (_this.coreVer === 2) {
_0x48ee51[0] = 'A';
_0x48ee51[1] = 'B';
delete _0x48ee51[8];
} else if ('nds' === getSystem(_this.system, true)) {
_0x48ee51 = {
0: 'B',
1: 'Y',
2: 'SELECT',
3: 'START',
4: 'UP',
5: 'DOWN',
6: 'LEFT',
7: 'RIGHT',
8: 'A',
9: 'X',
10: 'L',
11: 'R',
14: 'Microphone',
24: _this.localization('QUICK SAVE STATE'),
25: _this.localization('QUICK LOAD STATE'),
26: _this.localization('CHANGE STATE SLOT')
} else {
_0x48ee51 = {
0: 'B',
1: 'Y',
2: 'SELECT',
3: 'START',
4: 'UP',
5: 'DOWN',
6: 'LEFT',
7: 'RIGHT',
8: 'A',
9: 'X',
10: 'L',
11: 'R',
12: 'L2',
13: 'R2',
14: 'L3',
15: 'R3',
19: 'L STICK UP',
23: 'R STICK UP',
24: _this.localization('QUICK SAVE STATE'),
25: _this.localization('QUICK LOAD STATE'),
26: _this.localization('CHANGE STATE SLOT')
if (['arcade', 'mame'].includes(getSystem(_this.system, true))) {
_0x48ee51[2] = _this.localization('INSERT COIN');
if (_this.statesSupported === false) {
delete _0x48ee51[24];
delete _0x48ee51[25];
delete _0x48ee51[26];
for (let _0x501790 = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 9, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 18, 17, 16, 23, 22, 21, 20, 24, 25, 26], _0x50fd12 = function(_0x88827f) {
_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['tabs-content'])).innerHTML += _0x17edbf.replace(/{index}/g, _0x88827f), _0x501790.forEach(function(_0x1bf162) {
_0x48ee51[_0x1bf162] && (_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('#controls-' .concat(_0x88827f)).innerHTML += _0x2c1832.replace(/{index}/g, _0x88827f).replace(/{id}/g, _0x1bf162).replace(/{label}/g, _0x48ee51[_0x1bf162]));
}), _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="16"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')) && (_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="16"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')).style.backgroundColor = '#ccc'), _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="17"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')) && (_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="17"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')).style.backgroundColor = '#ccc'), _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="18"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')) && (_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="18"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')).style.backgroundColor = '#ccc'), _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="19"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')) && (_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="19"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')).style.backgroundColor = '#ccc'), _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="20"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')) && (_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="20"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')).style.backgroundColor = '#ccc'), _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="21"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')) && (_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="21"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')).style.backgroundColor = '#ccc'), _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="22"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')) && (_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="22"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')).style.backgroundColor = '#ccc'), _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="23"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')) && (_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="23"][data-index="' .concat(_0x88827f, '"][data-type="2"]')).style.backgroundColor = '#ccc');
}, _0x3f0824 = 0; _0x3f0824 <= 3; _0x3f0824 += 1) _0x50fd12(_0x3f0824);
Object.keys(_0x378b5c.controllers).forEach(function(_0x23d419) {
_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x23d419] && Object.keys(_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x23d419]).forEach(function(_0x21e62d) {
let _0x294e35 = _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="' .concat(_0x21e62d, '"][data-index="').concat(_0x23d419, '"][data-type="1"]')),
_0x1849bc = _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="' .concat(_0x21e62d, '"][data-index="').concat(_0x23d419, '"][data-type="2"]'));
if (!_0x294e35 || !_0x1849bc) return false;
let _0x19d43b = _0x378b5c.controllers[_0x23d419][_0x21e62d];
_0x19d43b && (_0x19d43b.type && 1 !== parseInt(_0x19d43b.type, 0xa) ? _0x1849bc.value = '' : _0x19d43b.value && (_0x294e35.value = _0x378b5c.keyMap[_0x19d43b.value] || '', _0x294e35.setAttribute('data-value', _0x19d43b.value)), _0x19d43b.value2 && (_0x1849bc.value = isNaN(_0x19d43b.value2) ? (_0x19d43b.value2) : ('button ' .concat(parseInt(_0x19d43b.value2, 0xa) + 1)), _0x1849bc.setAttribute('data-value', _0x19d43b.value2)));
}), _0x1093f4.call(this, _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-close'])), 'click', function(_0x5f19bd) {
let _0x2c1832 = _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelectorAll('input'),
_0x2844f7 = {};
return Array.from(_0x2c1832).forEach(function(_0x33c024) {
let _0x5f19bd, _0x2c1832 = _0x33c024.getAttribute('data-index'),
_0x124d0a = _0x33c024.getAttribute('data-value');
2 === parseInt(_0x33c024.getAttribute('data-type'), 0xa) && (_0x5f19bd = _0x33c024.getAttribute('data-value'));
let _0x54b9af = _0x33c024.getAttribute('data-id');
_0x2844f7[_0x2c1832] || (_0x2844f7[_0x2c1832] = {}), _0x2844f7[_0x2c1832][_0x54b9af] || (_0x2844f7[_0x2c1832][_0x54b9af] = {}), _0x124d0a && (_0x2844f7[_0x2c1832][_0x54b9af].value = _0x124d0a), _0x5f19bd && (_0x2844f7[_0x2c1832][_0x54b9af].value2 = _0x5f19bd);
}), _0x2593da.storage.set({
'controllers': _0x2844f7
}), _0x378b5c.controllers = _0x2844f7, _0x132da7(_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad, true), _this.elements.container.focus(), _0x5f19bd.stopPropagation(), false;
}), _0x1093f4.call(this, _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-reset'])), 'click', function(_0x5f19bd) {
_0x378b5c.controllers = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_0x378b5c.defaultControllers))
let _0x2c1832 = _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelectorAll('input')
for (let i=0; i<_0x2c1832.length; i++) {
let player = _0x2c1832[i].getAttribute('data-index')
let controlOrGamepad = _0x2c1832[i].getAttribute('data-type')
let buttonId = _0x2c1832[i].getAttribute('data-id')
let a = (controlOrGamepad == 1) ? 'value' : 'value2'
if (_0x378b5c.defaultControllers[player] && _0x378b5c.defaultControllers[player][buttonId] && _0x378b5c.defaultControllers[player][buttonId][a]) {
if (controlOrGamepad == 1) {
_0x2c1832[i].value = _0x378b5c.keyMap[_0x378b5c.defaultControllers[player][buttonId][a]]
} else {
_0x2c1832[i].value = 'button ' + (parseInt(_0x378b5c.defaultControllers[player][buttonId][a])+1)
_0x2c1832[i].setAttribute('data-value', _0x378b5c.defaultControllers[player][buttonId][a])
} else {
_0x2c1832[i].value = ''
_0x2c1832[i].setAttribute('data-value', '')
}), _0x1093f4.call(this, _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-clear'])), 'click', function(_0x5f19bd) {
let c = {0:{}, 1:{}, 2:{}, 3:{}};
for (let k in _0x48ee51) {
c[0][k] = {};
c[1][k] = {};
c[2][k] = {};
c[3][k] = {};
_0x378b5c.controllers = c
localStorage.setItem(_0x2593da.storage.key, JSON.stringify({controllers: _0x378b5c.controllers}))
let _0x2c1832 = _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelectorAll('input')
for (let i=0; i<_0x2c1832.length; i++) {
_0x2c1832[i].value = '';
_0x2c1832[i].setAttribute('data-value', '');
}), Array.from(_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelectorAll('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.tabs, ' li'))).forEach(function(_0x523f7b) {
_0x1093f4.call(_this, _0x523f7b, 'mousedown', function(_0xa99a78) {
_0x3a8e2f(_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelectorAll('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.tabs, ' li')), _0x378b5c.classNames.active, false);
_0x3a8e2f(_0x523f7b, _0x378b5c.classNames.active, true);
let _0xb8a227 = _0x523f7b.querySelector('a').getAttribute('aria-controls');
Array.from(_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelectorAll('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['tabs-content'], ' .').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['tabs-panel']))).forEach(function(_0x1c29a4) {
_0x132da7(_0x1c29a4, true);
_0x132da7(_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['tabs-content'], ' #').concat(_0xb8a227)), false);
return false;
}), _0xbae705.call(_this, _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[aria-controls="controls-0"]').parentNode, 'mousedown');
let _0x11b11a = _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.overlay));
_0x1093f4.call(_this, _0x11b11a, 'mousedown', function(_0x15c7de) {
_0x132da7(_0x11b11a, true), _0x15c7de.stopPropagation();
}), Array.from(_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelectorAll('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['button-container']))).forEach(function(_0x16f092) {
_0x1093f4.call(_this, _0x16f092, 'mousedown', function(_0xdb1c93) {
_0xbae705.call(_this, _0x16f092.querySelector('a.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.set)), _0xdb1c93.type, true, {});
}), Array.from(_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelectorAll('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['tabs-panel'], ' a.').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.set))).forEach(function(_0x397818) {
_0x1093f4.call(_this, _0x397818, 'mousedown', function(_0x1e1d79) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x397818.parentNode.parentNode,
_0x4e649c = _0x2c1832.getAttribute('data-id'),
_0x431719 = _0x2c1832.getAttribute('data-index'),
_0x4a6f6f = _0x2c1832.getAttribute('data-label');
_0x132da7(_0x11b11a, false), _0x11b11a.setAttribute('data-id', _0x4e649c);
_0x11b11a.setAttribute('data-index', _0x431719);
let _0x179623 = '[ ' .concat(_0x4a6f6f, ' ]');
_0x378b5c.gamepad.gamepads[_0x431719] && _0x4e649c < 16 ? _0x179623 += '<br /><span style="font-size:12px">Gamepad:' .concat(_0x378b5c.gamepad.gamepads[_0x431719].id, '</span><br />'+_this.localization('Press keyboard or gamepad')+'<br/>'+_this.localization('Press escape (esc) to clear')) : _0x179623 += '<br />Press keyboard<br/>'+_this.localization('Press escape (esc) to clear'), _0x11b11a.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['key-setting-popup'])).innerHTML = _0x179623, _0x1e1d79.stopPropagation();
'setCacheDialog': function() {
let _this = this;
_this.elements.dialogs.cache.innerHTML = '\n <div class="'+_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-container']+'">\n <div class="'+_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-title']+'">\n <h4>'+_this.localization('Cache Manager')+'</h4>\n </div>\n <div class="'+_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-content']+'">\n\n </div>\n <div class="'+_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-buttons']+'">\n <a href="#" onclick="return false" class="'+_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-clear-all']+'">'+_this.localization('Clear All')+'</a>\n <a href="#" onclick="return false" class="'+_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-cancel']+'">'+_this.localization('Close')+'</a>\n </div>\n </div>\n ';
_0x1093f4.call(this, _this.elements.dialogs.cache.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-cancel'])), 'click', function(_0x5d6721) {
return _0x132da7(_this.elements.dialogs.cache, true), _this.elements.container.focus(), _0x5d6721.stopPropagation(), false;
_0x1093f4.call(this, _this.elements.dialogs.cache.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-clear-all'])), 'click', function(_0x5d6721) {
return _0x27f4c4.romdb && (_0x27f4c4.romdb.clear(), _this.elements.dialogs.cache.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-content'])).innerHTML = '<div style="text-align:center">'+_this.localization('Empty')+'</div>'), _0x46992d.stopPropagation(), false;
_0x1093f4.call(this, _this.elements.dialogs.cache.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-title'], ' a')), 'click', function(_0x46992d) {
return _0x27f4c4.romdb && (_0x27f4c4.romdb.clear(), _this.elements.dialogs.cache.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-content'])).innerHTML = '<div style="text-align:center">'+_this.localization('Empty')+'</div>'), _0x46992d.stopPropagation(), false;
'showLoading': function(_0x108b55) {
_0x4d8495.show('modal-6ed698f3d04061f5', {
'closeByEsckey': false
}), _0x108b55 && console.log(''), _0x132da7(this.elements.dialogs.loading, false);
'hideLoading': function() {
_0x4d8495.close(), _0x132da7(this.elements.dialogs.loading, true);
'setLoadingDialog': function() {
this.elements.dialogs.loading && (this.elements.dialogs.loading.innerHTML = '\n <div class="' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal, ' ').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['micromodal-slide'], '" id="modal-6ed698f3d04061f5" aria-hidden="true">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__overlay, '" tabindex="-1">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__container, '" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-labelledby="modal-6ed698f3d04061f5-title">\n '+this.localization('Loading')+'...\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>'));
'setCheatDialog': function() {
let _this = this;
if (_this.elements.dialogs.cheat) {
_this.elements.dialogs.cheat.innerHTML = '\n <div class="' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-container'], '">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-title'], '">\n <h4>Cheats</h4>\n </div>\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-content'], '">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['cheats-list'], '">\n \n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-buttons'], '">\n <a href="#" onclick="return false" class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['cheats-add'], '">'+_this.localization('Add Cheat')+'</a>\n <a href="#" onclick="return false" class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-cancel'], '">Close</a>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n \n\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal, ' ').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['micromodal-slide'], '" id="modal-85cd7a1c543a484b" aria-hidden="true">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__overlay, '" tabindex="-1" data-modal-close>\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__container, '" style="width:100%" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-labelledby="modal-85cd7a1c543a484b-title">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__header, '">\n <h2 class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__title, '" id="modal-85cd7a1c543a484b-title">\n '+_this.localization('Add Cheat Code')+'\n </h2>\n <button class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__close, '" aria-label="Close modal" data-modal-close></button>\n </div>\n <main class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__content, '" id="modal-85cd7a1c543a484b-content">\n\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__errmsg, '"></div>\n <strong>'+_this.localization('Code')+'</strong><br />\n <textarea style="width:100%;height:80px;" class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['cheat-code-input'], '"></textarea><br />\n <strong>'+_this.localization('Description')+'</strong><br />\n <input type="text" class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['cheat-name-input'], '" /><br />\n\n </main>\n <footer class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__footer, '">\n <button class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__btn, ' ').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['modal__btn-primary'], '">'+_this.localization('Submit')+'</button>\n <button class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__btn, '" data-modal-close aria-label="Close">'+_this.localization('Close')+'</button>\n </footer>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n ');
let _0x17edbf = _this.elements.dialogs.cheat.querySelector('#modal-85cd7a1c543a484b');
_0x1093f4.call(this, _this.elements.dialogs.cheat.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['cheats-add'])), 'click', function(_0x2a74b5) {
return _0x4d8495.show('modal-85cd7a1c543a484b', {
'closeTrigger': 'data-modal-close'
}), false;
let _0x2c1832 = _this.elements.dialogs.cheat.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['cheats-list']));
_0x1093f4.call(this, _0x17edbf.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['modal__btn-primary'])), 'click', function(_0x1c01ce) {
let _0x184e2c = _0x17edbf.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['cheat-name-input'])).value,
_0x15ccbb = _0x17edbf.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['cheat-code-input'])).value;
if (_0x184e2c && _0x15ccbb) {
let _0x2c3108 = _0x2c1832.querySelectorAll('input:checked');
_0x17edbf.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['cheat-name-input'])).value = '', _0x17edbf.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['cheat-code-input'])).value = '', _0x4d8495.close();
let _0x5b2cff = _this.cheats.length;
_this.cheats.push([_0x184e2c, _0x15ccbb]), _0x2c1832.innerHTML += '<div class="' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['ejs-switch'], '">\n <input type="checkbox" value="').concat(_0x5b2cff, '" id="ejs-cheat-switch-').concat(_0x5b2cff, '">\n <label for="ejs-cheat-switch-').concat(_0x5b2cff, '">').concat(_0x184e2c, '</label>\n <a href="#" data-idx="').concat(_0x5b2cff, '" onclick="return false" class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['ejs-delete-cheat'], '">&times;</a>\n </div>'), _0x2c3108.forEach(function(_0x1fb248, _0x7bb84b) {
_0x2c1832.querySelector('#ejs-cheat-switch-' .concat(_0x7bb84b)).setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
if ('localStorage' in window && _this.getStartName()) {
localStorage.setItem('' .concat(_this.system, '-').concat(_this.getStartName(), '-cheats'), JSON.stringify(_this.cheats));
return false;
let _0x257001 = function() {
if ('localStorage' in window && _this.getStartName()) {
let _0x17edbf = localStorage.getItem('' .concat(_this.system, '-').concat(_this.getStartName(), '-cheats'));
try {
_0x17edbf = JSON.parse(_0x17edbf);
} catch (_0x101b3e) {}
_0x17edbf && (_this.cheats = _0x17edbf);
_0x2c1832.innerHTML = '';
if (_this.cheats && Array.isArray(_this.cheats)) {
_this.cheats.forEach(function(_0x245035, _0x116996) {
let _0x4ac35a = _0x245035[0];
_0x2c1832.innerHTML += '<div class="' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['ejs-switch'], '">\n <input type="checkbox" value="').concat(_0x116996, '" id="ejs-cheat-switch-').concat(_0x116996, '">\n <label for="ejs-cheat-switch-').concat(_0x116996, '">').concat(_0x4ac35a, '</label>\n <a href="#" data-idx="').concat(_0x116996, '" onclick="return false" class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['ejs-delete-cheat'], '">&times;</a>\n </div>');
_0x1093f4.call(_this, _0x2c1832, 'click', function(_0x576733) {
if (_0x576733.target && _0x576733.target.classList.contains(_0x378b5c.classNames['ejs-delete-cheat']) && _0x576733.target.getAttribute('data-idx')) {
let _0x5b10b7 = _0x576733.target.getAttribute('data-idx');
_this.cheats.splice(_0x5b10b7, 1);
if ('localStorage' in window && _this.getStartName()) {
localStorage.setItem('' .concat(_this.system, '-').concat(_this.getStartName(), '-cheats'), JSON.stringify(_this.cheats));
let _0x557895 = [];
_0x2c1832.querySelectorAll('input').forEach(function(_0xab0ba8, _0x1f3597) {
_0x557895[_0x1f3597] = !!_0x2c1832.querySelector('#ejs-cheat-switch-' .concat(_0x1f3597, ':checked'));
}), _0x557895.splice(_0x5b10b7, 1), _0x257001(), _0x557895.forEach(function(_0x2e22be, _0x2247c4) {
_0x2e22be && _0x2c1832.querySelector('#ejs-cheat-switch-' .concat(_0x2247c4)).setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
return _0x576733.stopPropagation(), false;
}), _0x1093f4.call(_this, _this.elements.container, 'start-game', function(_0x4c266e) {
}), _0x1093f4.call(this, _this.elements.dialogs.cheat.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-cancel'])), 'click', function(_0x5785f6) {
_0x2c1832.querySelectorAll('input:checked').forEach(function(_0xeb7426, _0x45b02d) {
let _0x27e2c1 = _this.cheats[_0xeb7426.value];
_0x27e2c1 && _0x378b5c.setCheat(_0x45b02d, 1, _0x27e2c1[1]);
_0x132da7(_this.elements.dialogs.cheat, true);
return false;
}), 'arcade' !== getSystem(_this.system, true) && 'mame' !== getSystem(_this.system, true) && 'mame2003' !== getSystem(_this.system, true) && 'mame2010' !== getSystem(_this.system, true) || (_0x1e2c68.element(_this.elements.buttons.cheat) && _0x132da7(_this.elements.buttons.cheat, true), _0x378b5c.allowCheat = false), _0x378b5c.setCheat || (_0x132da7(_this.elements.buttons.cheat, true), _0x378b5c.allowCheat = false);
'setNetplayDialog': function() {
var _0xa88a13 = this,
_0x17edbf = this;
if (_0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.netplay) {
_0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.netplay.innerHTML = '\n <div class="' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-container'], '">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-title'], '">\n <h4>'+_0x17edbf.localization('Netplay')+'</h4>\n </div>\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-content'], '">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-roomlist'], '" hidden>\n <strong>'+_0x17edbf.localization('Rooms')+'</strong>\n <table style="width:100%" cellspacing=0>\n <thead>\n <tr>\n <td>'+_0x17edbf.localization('Room Name')+'</td>\n <td>'+_0x17edbf.localization('Players')+'</td>\n <td></td>\n </tr>\n </thead>\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td></td>\n <td></td>\n <td></td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n </div>\n\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-room'], '" hidden>\n <strong>'+_0x17edbf.localization('Room Name')+'</strong>\n <div data-room-password>'+_0x17edbf.localization('Password')+': <span></span></div>\n <table style="width:100%" cellspacing="0">\n <thead>\n <tr>\n <td>'+_0x17edbf.localization('Player')+'</td>\n <td>'+_0x17edbf.localization('Name')+'</td>\n <td></td>\n </tr>\n </thead>\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td>1</td>\n <td>'+_0x17edbf.localization('Name')+' 1</td>\n <td></td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>2</td>\n <td>'+_0x17edbf.localization('Name')+' 2</td>\n <td></td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>3</td>\n <td>'+_0x17edbf.localization('Name')+' 3</td>\n <td></td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>4</td>\n <td>'+_0x17edbf.localization('Name')+' 4</td>\n <td></td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-buttons'], '">\n <a href="#" onclick="return false" class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-quit'], '">'+_0x17edbf.localization('Quit Room')+'</a>\n <a href="#" onclick="return false" class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-create-room'], '">'+_0x17edbf.localization('Create a Room')+'</a>\n <a href="#" onclick="return false" class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-cancel'], '">'+_0x17edbf.localization('Close')+'</a>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n \n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal, ' ').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['micromodal-slide'], '" id="modal-9de6c4e9ce2b9361" aria-hidden="true">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__overlay, '" tabindex="-1">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__container, '" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-labelledby="modal-9de6c4e9ce2b9361-title">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__header, '">\n <h2 class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__title, '" id="modal-9de6c4e9ce2b9361-title">\n '+_0x17edbf.localization('Set Player Name')+'\n </h2>\n </div>\n <main class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__content, '" id="modal-9de6c4e9ce2b9361-content">\n\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__errmsg, '"></div>\n <strong>'+_0x17edbf.localization('Player Name')+'</strong><br />\n <input type="text" maxlength="10" class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-player-name'], '" /><br />\n\n </main>\n <footer class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__footer, '">\n <button class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__btn, ' ').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['modal__btn-primary'], '">'+_0x17edbf.localization('Submit')+'</button>\n </footer>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal, ' ').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['micromodal-slide'], '" id="modal-85cd7a1c543a484a" aria-hidden="true">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__overlay, '" tabindex="-1" data-modal-close>\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__container, '" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-labelledby="modal-85cd7a1c543a484a-title">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__header, '">\n <h2 class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__title, '" id="modal-85cd7a1c543a484a-title">\n '+_0x17edbf.localization('Create a Room')+'\n </h2>\n <button class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__close, '" aria-label="Close modal" data-modal-close></button>\n </div>\n <main class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__content, '" id="modal-85cd7a1c543a484a-content">\n\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__errmsg, '"></div>\n <strong>'+_0x17edbf.localization('Room Name')+'</strong><br />\n <input type="text" maxlength="10" class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-room-name-input'], '" /><br />\n <strong>Max Players</strong><br />\n <select data-max-players>\n <option value="2">2</option>\n <option value="3">3</option>\n <option value="4">4</option>\n </select>\n <br />\n <strong>'+_0x17edbf.localization('Password (optional)')+'</strong><br />\n <input type="text" maxlength="10" class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-room-password-input'], '" /><br />\n\n </main>\n <footer class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__footer, '">\n <button class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__btn, ' ').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['modal__btn-primary'], '">'+_0x17edbf.localization('Submit')+'</button>\n <button class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__btn, '" data-modal-close aria-label="Close">'+_0x17edbf.localization('Close')+'</button>\n </footer>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal, ' ').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['micromodal-slide'], '" id="modal-5aa765d61d8327de" aria-hidden="true">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__overlay, '" tabindex="-1" data-modal-close>\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__container, '" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-labelledby="modal-5aa765d61d8327de-title">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__header, '">\n <h2 class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__title, '" id="modal-5aa765d61d8327de-title">\n '+_0x17edbf.localization('Password')+'\n </h2>\n <button class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__close, '" aria-label="Close modal" data-modal-close></button>\n </div>\n <main class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__content, '" id="modal-5aa765d61d8327de-content">\n\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__errmsg, '"></div>\n <input type="text" maxlength="10" class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-room-password-input'], '" /><br />\n\n </main>\n <footer class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__footer, '">\n <button class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__btn, ' ').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['modal__btn-primary'], '">'+_0x17edbf.localization('Submit')+'</button>\n <button class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__btn, '" data-modal-close aria-label="Close">'+_0x17edbf.localization('Close')+'</button>\n </footer>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n \n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal, ' ').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['micromodal-slide'], '" id="modal-7d8fd50ed642340b" aria-hidden="true">\n <div class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__overlay, '" tabindex="-1" 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return _0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.netplay, true), _0x378b5c.disableControl(!0x1), _0x378b5c.stopLoadRooms(), _0x3d4554.stopPropagation(), _0x17edbf.elements.container.focus(), !0x1;
}), window.setInterval(function() {
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_0x378b5c.players.forEach(function(_0x20c45e, _0x14d0b2) {
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_0x20c45e ? (_0x378b5c.connection.peers[_0x20c45e] ? _0x57ec9c = _0x378b5c.connection.peers[_0x20c45e].extra : _0x378b5c.connection.userid === _0x20c45e && (_0x57ec9c = _0x378b5c.connection.extra), _0xa88a13 += '<li>' .concat(_0x14d0b2 + 0x1, '. ').concat(_0x57ec9c.name, '</li>')) : _0xa88a13 += '<li>' .concat(_0x14d0b2 + 0x1, '. </li>');
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_0x325651 = _0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.netplay.querySelector('#modal-5aa765d61d8327de'),
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_0x378b5c.connection.extra = {
'name': _0x378b5c.playerName,
'game_id': _0x17edbf.config.gameId,
'browser_name': _0xda20e9.name,
'room_name': ' ',
'domain': document.domain
_0x378b5c.connection.socketMessageEvent = 'netplay';
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_0x378b5c.connection.enableLogs = true;
_0x378b5c.connection.session = {
'data': true
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'OfferToReceiveAudio': false,
'OfferToReceiveVideo': false
_0x378b5c.connection.onclose = function() {};
_0x378b5c.connection.iceServers = window.EJS_TURN_URLS;
_0x378b5c.connection.maxParticipantsAllowed = 4;
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Module.postMainLoop = function() {
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})), _0x1eb137 = 0x0, _0x378b5c.currentFrame % 0x64 == 0x0 && Object.keys(_0x378b5c.inputsData).forEach(function(_0x3125e4, _0x31ea67) {
_0x3125e4 < _0x378b5c.currentFrame - 0x32 && (_0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x3125e4] = null, delete _0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x3125e4]);
else {
if (_0x378b5c.coreOptionData[_0x378b5c.currentFrame]) {
var _0x2c1832 = _0x378b5c.coreOptionData[_0x378b5c.currentFrame].key,
_0x4fd0cc = _0x378b5c.coreOptionData[_0x378b5c.currentFrame].value;
_0x2593da.updateCoreOptions.call(_0x17edbf, _0x2c1832, _0x4fd0cc), delete _0x378b5c.coreOptionData[_0x378b5c.currentFrame];
if (_0x378b5c.currentFrame <= 0x0 || _0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x378b5c.currentFrame]) _0x378b5c.wait = !0x1, _0x378b5c.systemPause(0x0), _0x27f4c4.Module.resumeMainLoop(), _0xa88a13 = _0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x378b5c.currentFrame], _0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x378b5c.currentFrame] = null, delete _0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x378b5c.currentFrame], _0xa88a13 || (_0xa88a13 = []), _0xa88a13.forEach(function(_0x4bb42f, _0x28928a) {
_0x4bb42f.index >= 0x0 && _0x378b5c.simulateInputFn(_0x4bb42f.index, _0x4bb42f.key, _0x4bb42f.status);
else {
_0x378b5c.wait = true, _0x378b5c.systemPause(0x1), _0x27f4c4.Module.pauseMainLoop();
var _0x3a10d1 = !0x1,
_0x42763c = Object.keys(_0x378b5c.inputsData);
0x0 == _0x42763c.length && (_0x3a10d1 = true);
for (var _0x58af15 = 0x0; _0x58af15 < _0x42763c.length; _0x58af15 += 0x1) {
if (_0x42763c[_0x58af15] > _0x378b5c.currentFrame) {
console.log('lost', _0x378b5c.currentFrame), _0x3a10d1 = true;
_0x3a10d1 ? _0x378b5c.wait || (!_0x52eb7d || _0x52eb7d < new Date().valueOf() - 0xbb8) && (_0x378b5c.inputsData = {}, _0x52eb7d = new Date().valueOf(), _0x378b5c.connection.send(JSON.stringify({
'act': 'sync-mem',
'value': _0x378b5c.connection.userid
}), _0x378b5c.roomMaster)) : (_0x378b5c.wait = true, _0x378b5c.systemPause(0x1), _0x27f4c4.Module.pauseMainLoop());
_0x378b5c.currentFrame % 0x64 == 0x0 && Object.keys(_0x378b5c.inputsData).forEach(function(_0x3aa393, _0x3a7829) {
_0x3aa393 < _0x378b5c.currentFrame - 0x32 && (_0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x3aa393] = null, delete _0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x3aa393]);
_0x378b5c.connection.onopen = function(_0x4b10d6) {
_0x378b5c.connected = true, _0x378b5c.connection.isInitiator && (-0x1 === _0x378b5c.players.indexOf(_0x4b10d6.userid) && (_0x378b5c.players.filter(function(_0x3eafb3, _0xabd7b7) {
return null == _0x3eafb3;
}).length > 0x0 ? _0x378b5c.players.forEach(function(_0xbf0f19, _0xa9d540) {
null != _0xbf0f19 || _0x378b5c.players.includes(_0x4b10d6.userid) || (_0x378b5c.players[_0xa9d540] = _0x4b10d6.userid);
}) : _0x378b5c.players.push(_0x4b10d6.userid)), _0x378b5c.connection.send(JSON.stringify({
'act': 'get-players-result',
'value': _0x378b5c.players,
'coreOptions': _0x2593da.coreOptionsValues,
'newuser': _0x4b10d6.userid,
'master': _0x378b5c.connection.userid
}))), _0x2593da.updateCoreOptionMenuItems.call(_0x17edbf);
_0x378b5c.connection.onFileStart = function(_0x50eb3a) {
var _0x2c1832 = _0x50eb3a.name.split('-');
'reset' !== _0x2c1832[0x0] && 0x0 != _0x2c1832[0x0] || (_0x378b5c.inputsData = {}, _0x378b5c.disableControl(true)), _0x378b5c.progressHelper[_0x50eb3a.remoteUserId] = {}, _0x378b5c.progressHelper[_0x50eb3a.remoteUserId].max = _0x50eb3a.maxChunks, _0x378b5c.showLoading.call(_0x17edbf), _0x378b5c.connection.isInitiator ? (_0x378b5c.wait = true, _0x378b5c.systemPause(0x1), _0x27f4c4.Module.pauseMainLoop()) : _0x378b5c.inputsData = {};
_0x378b5c.connection.onFileProgress = function(_0x44a04b) {
var _0x17edbf = _0x378b5c.progressHelper[_0x44a04b.remoteUserId];
_0x17edbf.current = _0x44a04b.currentPosition || _0x44a04b.maxChunks || _0x17edbf.max;
_0x378b5c.connection.onFileEnd = function(_0x45d454) {
var _0x2c1832 = _0x45d454.name.split('-'),
_0x3795d9 = _0x2c1832[0x0] >> 0x0;
'reset' === _0x2c1832[0x0] ? (_0x3795d9 = 0x0, _0x378b5c.connection.isInitiator ? (_0x378b5c.systemPause(0x0), _0x378b5c.disableControl(!0x1), _0x17edbf.playing = true, _0x27f4c4.Module.resumeMainLoop()) : _0x550f17.a.get(_0x45d454.url, {
'responseType': 'arraybuffer'
}).then(function(_0x37db4c) {
_0x378b5c.inputsData = {};
var _0x2c1832 = new Uint8Array(_0x37db4c.data);
_0x378b5c.loadState(_0x2c1832, _0x3795d9), _0x378b5c.wait = !0x1, _0x378b5c.systemPause(0x0), _0x378b5c.disableInput = !0x1, _0x17edbf.playing = true, _0x27f4c4.Module.resumeMainLoop();
})) : 'game.state' === _0x2c1832[0x1] && (_0x378b5c.connection.isInitiator ? (_0x378b5c.openRoom(_0x17edbf), _0x378b5c.wait = !0x1, _0x378b5c.systemPause(0x0), _0x27f4c4.Module.resumeMainLoop()) : (_0x378b5c.netPlayInitFrame = _0x3795d9, _0x550f17.a.get(_0x45d454.url, {
'responseType': 'arraybuffer'
}).then(function(_0x4d241b) {
var _0x2c1832 = new Uint8Array(_0x4d241b.data);
_0x378b5c.loadState(_0x2c1832, _0x3795d9), _0x378b5c.wait = !0x1, _0x378b5c.disableInput = !0x1, _0x378b5c.connection.send(JSON.stringify({
'act': 'wait-end',
'value': _0x378b5c.connection.userid
})), _0x378b5c.hideLoading.call(_0x17edbf), _0x17edbf.playing = true, _0x27f4c4.Module.resumeMainLoop();
}))), _0x378b5c.connection.isInitiator || console.log('recv mem end', _0x378b5c.currentFrame, _0x45d454.name);
var _0x3bdb35 = !0x1;
_0x378b5c.connection.onmessage = function(_0x32e81a) {
var _0x2c1832, _0x2dca58 = _0x32e81a.data || _0x32e81a;
try {
_0x2c1832 = JSON.parse(_0x2dca58);
} catch (_0x3fb9cc) {
_0x2c1832 = null;
if (_0x2c1832) {
if ('room-master' === _0x2c1832.act && (_0x378b5c.roomMaster = _0x2c1832.value), _0x2c1832.act, 'short-pause' === _0x2c1832.act && (_0x3bdb35 || (_0x378b5c.systemPause(0x1), _0x27f4c4.Module.pauseMainLoop(), _0x3bdb35 = true, _0x378b5c.wait = true, setTimeout(function() {
_0x378b5c.systemPause(0x0), _0x27f4c4.Module.resumeMainLoop(), _0x378b5c.wait = !0x1, _0x3bdb35 = !0x1;
}, 0x30))), 'sync-control' === _0x2c1832.act) {
var _0xb051c1 = _0x2c1832.value;
_0x17edbf.playing || _0x378b5c.wait;
var _0x2ef644 = _0x378b5c.connection.userid;
_0x378b5c.connection.isInitiator, _0xb051c1.forEach(function(_0x308105, _0x383237) {
var _0x2c1832 = _0x308105.split('|'),
_0x25a5c4 = _0x2c1832[0x0] >> 0x0,
_0x2b3afd = _0x2c1832[0x1] >> 0x0,
_0x4f5761 = _0x2c1832[0x2] >> 0x0,
_0x249303 = _0x2c1832[0x3] >> 0x0,
_0x54e0fd = _0x378b5c.currentFrame;
_0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x249303] || (_0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x249303] = []), -0x1 !== _0x25a5c4 && _0x249303 === _0x54e0fd && _0x378b5c.simulateInputFn(_0x25a5c4, _0x2b3afd, _0x4f5761), _0x378b5c.connection.isInitiator ? _0x25a5c4 >= 0x0 && (_0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x54e0fd] || (_0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x54e0fd] = []), -0x2 != _0x2b3afd && (_0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x54e0fd].push({
'index': _0x25a5c4,
'key': _0x2b3afd,
'status': _0x4f5761,
'frame': _0x54e0fd
}), _0x378b5c.simulateInputFn(_0x25a5c4, _0x2b3afd, _0x4f5761)), _0x3bdb35 || _0x54e0fd - 0xa >= _0x249303 && (_0x378b5c.systemPause(0x1), _0x27f4c4.Module.pauseMainLoop(), _0x3bdb35 = true, _0x378b5c.wait = true, setTimeout(function() {
_0x378b5c.systemPause(0x0), _0x27f4c4.Module.resumeMainLoop(), _0x378b5c.wait = !0x1, _0x3bdb35 = !0x1;
}, 0x30))) : ('' !== _0x25a5c4 && _0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x249303].push({
'index': _0x25a5c4,
'key': _0x2b3afd,
'status': _0x4f5761,
'frame': _0x249303
}), _0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x378b5c.currentFrame] && _0x27f4c4.Module.resumeMainLoop(), _0x54e0fd + 0xa <= _0x249303 && _0x249303 > _0x378b5c.netPlayInitFrame + 0x64 && _0x378b5c.connection.send(JSON.stringify({
'act': 'short-pause',
'value': _0x2ef644
}), _0x378b5c.roomMaster));
if (_0x2c1832.act, _0x2c1832.act, 'update-core-option' === _0x2c1832.act && (_0x378b5c.connection.isInitiator || (_0x378b5c.coreOptionData[_0x2c1832.frame] = {
'key': _0x2c1832.key,
'value': _0x2c1832.value
})), 'restart-game' === _0x2c1832.act && (_0x378b5c.inputsData = {}, _0x378b5c.connection.send(JSON.stringify({
'act': 'sync-mem',
'value': _0x378b5c.connection.userid
}), _0x378b5c.roomMaster)), 'pause' === _0x2c1832.act && _0x27f4c4.Module.pauseMainLoop(), 'resume' === _0x2c1832.act && _0x27f4c4.Module.resumeMainLoop(), 'wait' === _0x2c1832.act && (_0x378b5c.wait = true, _0x378b5c.systemPause(0x1), _0x2c1832.value !== _0x378b5c.connection.userid && (_0x378b5c.waitingList[_0x2c1832.value] = 0x1), _0x378b5c.disableControl(true)), 'wait-end' === _0x2c1832.act && (_0x378b5c.waitingList[_0x2c1832.value] && delete _0x378b5c.waitingList[_0x2c1832.value], 0x0 === Object.keys(_0x378b5c.waitingList).length && (_0x378b5c.wait = !0x1, _0x378b5c.systemPause(0x0), _0x378b5c.disableInput = !0x1)), 'sync-mem' === _0x2c1832.act) {
_0x378b5c.wait = true, _0x378b5c.systemPause(0x1);
var _0x2a5bce = _0x2c1832.value;
_0x378b5c.disableControl(true), _0x378b5c.connection.send(JSON.stringify({
'act': 'wait',
'value': _0x2a5bce
(async () => {
const state = await _0x378b5c.saveState();
_0x27f4c4.FS.createDataFile('/', 'game.state', state, true, true);
_0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('load_state', 'number', ['string', 'number'])('game.state', 0);
_0x378b5c.inputsData = {};
const file = new File([state], '0-game.state', {
'type': '',
'lastModified': new Date()
_0x378b5c.connection.shareFile(file, _0x2a5bce);
if (_0x2c1832.act, 'get-players-result' === _0x2c1832.act && (_0x378b5c.players = _0x2c1832.value, _0x378b5c.roomMaster = _0x2c1832.master, _0x2c1832.newuser === _0x378b5c.connection.userid)) {
var _0x418ccb = _0x2593da.coreOptionsValues;
_0x2c1832.coreOptions && Object.keys(_0x2c1832.coreOptions).forEach(function(_0x3f4c8f) {
_0x418ccb[_0x3f4c8f] !== _0x2c1832.coreOptions[_0x3f4c8f] && _0x2593da.updateCoreOptions.call(_0x17edbf, _0x3f4c8f, _0x2c1832.coreOptions[_0x3f4c8f]);
}), _0x378b5c.showLoading.call(_0x17edbf), _0x378b5c.disableControl(true), setTimeout(function() {
'act': 'sync-mem',
'value': _0x378b5c.connection.userid
}), _0x378b5c.roomMaster);
}, 0x1), _0x378b5c.roomMaster && _0x378b5c.connection.peers[_0x378b5c.roomMaster] && (_0x378b5c.connection.extra.room_name = _0x378b5c.connection.peers[_0x378b5c.roomMaster].extra.room_name, _0x378b5c.connection.updateExtraData()), _0x378b5c.connection.peers[_0x378b5c.roomMaster] && (_0x3d0d28 = _0x378b5c.connection.peers[_0x378b5c.roomMaster].extra), _0x378b5c.openRoom(_0x17edbf);
}, _0x378b5c.connection.onUserStatusChanged = function(_0x4188ba) {
if ('offline' === _0x4188ba.status) {
var _0x17edbf = _0x378b5c.players.indexOf(_0x4188ba.userid);
_0x17edbf >= 0x0 && (_0x378b5c.players[_0x17edbf] = null);
}, _0x378b5c.connection.onExtraDataUpdated = function(_0x20ce61) {
_0x20ce61.userid === _0x378b5c.connection.userid && (_0x378b5c.connection.extra = _0x20ce61.extra);
}, _0x378b5c.connection.onleave = function(_0x30ebc6) {
if (_0x30ebc6.userid) {
var _0x2c1832 = _0x378b5c.players.indexOf(_0x30ebc6.userid);
_0x2c1832 >= 0x0 && (_0x378b5c.players[_0x2c1832] = null);
_0x378b5c.waitingList[_0x30ebc6.userid] && delete _0x378b5c.waitingList[_0x30ebc6.userid], _0x378b5c.connection.isInitiator && 0x0 === Object.keys(_0x378b5c.waitingList).length && _0x378b5c.wait && (_0x378b5c.wait = !0x1, _0x378b5c.systemPause(0x0), _0x378b5c.disableInput = !0x1, _0x378b5c.connection.send(JSON.stringify({
'act': 'wait-end',
'value': _0x378b5c.connection.userid
}))), _0x378b5c.openRoom(_0x17edbf), _0x378b5c.inputsData = {}, _0x378b5c.hideLoading.call(_0x17edbf);
var _0x2fba43 = function() {
try {
} catch (_0xac619d) {}
_0x378b5c.connected = !0x1, _0x378b5c.connection.password = null, _0x378b5c.players = [], _0x378b5c.connection.peersBackup = [], _0x378b5c.waitingList = {}, _0x378b5c.inputsData = {}, _0x378b5c.hideLoading.call(_0x17edbf), _0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.buttons.restart, !0x1), _0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.buttons.loadState, !0x1), _0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.buttons.saveState, !0x1), _0x378b5c.allowCheat && _0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.buttons.cheat, !0x1), _0x132da7(_0x2593da.contextMenu.querySelectorAll('ul li').item(0x2), !0x1), _0x132da7(_0x2593da.contextMenu.querySelectorAll('ul li').item(0x3), !0x1), Array.from(_0x17edbf.elements.buttons.play).forEach(function(_0x3d296d) {
_0x132da7(_0x3d296d, !0x1);
}), _0x2593da.updateCoreOptionMenuItems.call(_0x17edbf);
_0x378b5c.connection.close = _0x2fba43, _0x378b5c.connection.disconnect = _0x2fba43, _0x378b5c.connection.leave = _0x2fba43;
var _0x3f9c57, _0x10c0ad = function(_0x42ff74, _0x306f0b, _0x345d4d) {
_0x378b5c.hideLoading.call(_0x17edbf), _0x42ff74 ? (_0x378b5c.stopLoadRooms(), _0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.buttons.restart, true), _0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.buttons.loadState, true), _0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.buttons.saveState, true), _0x378b5c.resetCheat(), _0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.buttons.cheat, true), _0x132da7(_0x2593da.contextMenu.querySelectorAll('ul li').item(0x2), true), _0x132da7(_0x2593da.contextMenu.querySelectorAll('ul li').item(0x3), true), Array.from(_0x17edbf.elements.buttons.play).forEach(function(_0x2911fb) {
_0x132da7(_0x2911fb, true);
}), _0x378b5c.connection.socket && _0x378b5c.connection.socket.on('set-isInitiator-true', function(_0x31da46) {
_0x31da46 === _0x378b5c.connection.sessionid && (_0x378b5c.connection.socket.emit('extra-data-updated', _0x378b5c.connection.extra), _0x378b5c.connection.send(JSON.stringify({
'act': 'room-master',
'value': _0x378b5c.connection.userid
})), _0x378b5c.roomMaster = _0x378b5c.connection.userid, _0x378b5c.systemPause(0x0), _0x27f4c4.Module.resumeMainLoop(), _0x2593da.updateCoreOptionMenuItems.call(_0x17edbf), _0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.buttons.restart, !0x1), _0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.buttons.loadState, !0x1), _0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.buttons.saveState, !0x1), Array.from(_0x17edbf.elements.buttons.play).forEach(function(_0x132034) {
_0x132da7(_0x132034, !0x1);
})) : (_0x4d8495.close(), _0x5289c1.querySelector('#modal-7d8fd50ed642340b-content').innerHTML = _0x345d4d, _0x4d8495.show('modal-7d8fd50ed642340b', {
'closeTrigger': 'data-modal-close'
_0x1e0cdb = function(_0x5b3f13) {
if (window.EJS_TURN_URLS === null || !window.EJS_TURN_URLS || window.EJS_TURN_URLS.length === 0) {
_0x5289c1.querySelector('#modal-7d8fd50ed642340b-content').innerHTML = (window.EJS_TURN_URLS === null || window.EJS_TURN_URLS.length === 0) ? 'Netplay Currently Unavailable' : 'Netplay initializing';
_0x4d8495.show('modal-7d8fd50ed642340b', {
'closeTrigger': 'data-modal-close'
_0x378b5c.connection.iceServers = window.EJS_TURN_URLS;
var _0x2c1832 = _0x5b3f13.target.getAttribute('data-id');
if ('Y' === _0x5b3f13.target.getAttribute('data-password')) _0x4d8495.show('modal-5aa765d61d8327de', {
'closeTrigger': 'data-modal-close'
}), _0x325651.setAttribute('data-id', _0x2c1832);
else {
_0x378b5c.showLoading.call(_0x17edbf), _0x378b5c.connection.userid = _0x378b5c.connection.token();
try {
_0x378b5c.connection.join(_0x2c1832, _0x10c0ad);
} catch (_0x2767b9) {
_0x378b5c.hideLoading.call(_0x17edbf), _0x5289c1.querySelector('#modal-7d8fd50ed642340b-content').innerHTML = 'Error', _0x4d8495.show('modal-7d8fd50ed642340b', {
'closeTrigger': 'data-modal-close'
return _0x5b3f13.stopPropagation(), !0x1;
_0x378b5c.loadRoomsList = function() {
_0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.netplay.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-roomlist'])), !0x1), _0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.netplay.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-room'])), true), _0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.netplay.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-create-room'])), !0x1), _0x132da7(_0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.netplay.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-quit'])), true);
var listUrl = _0x17edbf.listUrl
if (! listUrl.endsWith('/')) {
listUrl += '/';
var _0x2c1832 = _0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.netplay.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-roomlist'])).querySelector('tbody'),
_0x5cf2be = [listUrl, 'list?game_id=', _0x17edbf.config.gameId, '&domain=', window.location.hostname, '&coreVer=', _0x17edbf.coreVer].join('');
_0x550f17.a.get(_0x5cf2be, {}).then(function(_0x37c60b) {
if (_0x37c60b.data) {
var _0x4782da = [],
_0x28e87d = [];
_0x2c1832.querySelectorAll('tr').forEach(function(_0x1e5a22) {
}), Object.keys(_0x37c60b.data).forEach(function(_0x47ae0e) {
var _0x4a8f4c = _0x37c60b.data[_0x47ae0e];
if (_0x4782da.push(_0x47ae0e), _0x28e87d.includes(_0x47ae0e)) {
var _0x2d672f = _0x2c1832.querySelector('tr[id="' .concat(_0x47ae0e, '"]'));
var _0x295f41 = document.createElement('tr');
_0x295f41.setAttribute('id', _0x47ae0e);
var _0xa2ea61 = _0x4a8f4c.password ? _0x378b5c.icons.lock : '',
_0x5452b6 = _0x4a8f4c.password ? 'Y' : 'N',
_0xb3121d = _0x4a8f4c.current < _0x4a8f4c.max ? '<span data-id="' .concat(_0x47ae0e, '" data-password="').concat(_0x5452b6, '" class="').concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-join-room'], '">Join</span>') : '',
_0x5c8146 = _0x4a8f4c.country ? _0x4a8f4c.country : '?';
_0x295f41.innerHTML = '<td>[' .concat(_0x5c8146, '] ').concat(_0xa2ea61, ' ').concat(_0x4a8f4c.room_name, '</td><td>').concat(_0x4a8f4c.current, '/').concat(_0x4a8f4c.max, '</td><td>').concat(_0xb3121d, '</td>'), _0x1093f4.call(_0xa88a13, _0x295f41.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-join-room'])), 'click', _0x1e0cdb), _0x2c1832.appendChild(_0x295f41);
}), _0x2c1832.querySelectorAll('tr').forEach(function(_0x24dcf7) {
_0x4782da.includes(_0x24dcf7.id) || _0x2c1832.removeChild(_0x24dcf7);
_0x378b5c.loadRoomsListTimer = setTimeout(_0x378b5c.loadRoomsList, 0x7d0);
}).catch(function(_0x227055) {
console.log('Network Error', _0x227055), _0x378b5c.loadRoomsListTimer = setTimeout(_0x378b5c.loadRoomsList, 0x7d0);
}, _0x378b5c.openRoom = function(_0x10625f) {
_0x132da7(_0x10625f.elements.dialogs.netplay.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-roomlist'])), true);
_0x132da7(_0x10625f.elements.dialogs.netplay.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-room'])), !0x1);
_0x132da7(_0x10625f.elements.dialogs.netplay.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-create-room'])), true);
_0x132da7(_0x10625f.elements.dialogs.netplay.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-quit'])), !0x1);
_0x132da7(_0x10625f.elements.buttons.cheat, true);
var _0x17edbf = _0x10625f.elements.dialogs.netplay.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-room'])),
_0x2c1832 = _0x17edbf.querySelector('[data-room-password]');
null === _0x378b5c.connection.password ? _0x132da7(_0x2c1832, true) : (_0x132da7(_0x2c1832, !0x1), _0x2c1832.querySelector('span').innerText = _0x378b5c.connection.password);
var _0x18c1cb = _0x17edbf.querySelector('tbody');
_0x18c1cb.innerHTML = '', _0x17edbf.querySelector('strong').innerText = _0x3d0d28.room_name, _0x378b5c.players.forEach(function(_0x938d55, _0xf3d39a) {
var _0x2c1832 = null;
if (_0x938d55 && (_0x378b5c.connection.peers[_0x938d55] ? _0x2c1832 = _0x378b5c.connection.peers[_0x938d55].extra : _0x378b5c.connection.userid === _0x938d55 && (_0x2c1832 = _0x378b5c.connection.extra), _0x2c1832 && _0x2c1832.name)) {
var _0x564064 = document.createElement('tr');
_0x564064.innerHTML = '<td>' .concat(_0xf3d39a + 0x1, '</td><td>').concat(_0x2c1832.name, '</td><td></td>'), _0x18c1cb.appendChild(_0x564064);
}, _0x1093f4.call(this, _0x325651.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['modal__btn-primary'])), 'click', function(_0x9ac969) {
var _0x2c1832 = _0x325651.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-room-password-input'])).value;
_0x378b5c.showLoading.call(_0x17edbf), _0x378b5c.connection.password = _0x2c1832;
var _0xcf7207 = _0x325651.getAttribute('data-id');
_0x378b5c.connection.join(_0xcf7207, function(_0x1a0deb, _0x1ef6c8, _0x1ad18e) {
_0x10c0ad(_0x1a0deb, 0x0, _0x1ad18e), _0x1a0deb && _0x325651.classList.remove(_0x449eac({
'is-open': true
}), _0x9ac969.stopPropagation();
}), _0x1093f4.call(this, _0x2c1832.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['modal__btn-primary'])), 'click', function(_0x43f795) {
var _0x17edbf = _0x2c1832.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-player-name'])).value;
_0x17edbf = _0x17edbf.replace(/<|>/g, ''), _0x2c1832.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__errmsg)).innerHTML = '', _0x17edbf.trim() && (_0x378b5c.playerName = _0x17edbf.trim(), _0x378b5c.connection.extra.name = _0x17edbf.trim(), _0x4d8495.close()), _0x43f795.stopPropagation();
}), _0x1093f4.call(this, _0x36bde0.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['modal__btn-primary'])), 'click', function(_0x202cf6) {
var _0x2c1832 = _0x36bde0.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-room-name-input'])).value;
_0x2c1832 = _0x2c1832.replace(/<|>/g, '');
var _0x3510ed = _0x36bde0.querySelector('select[data-max-players] option:checked').value;
_0x3510ed < 0x2 && (_0x3510ed = 0x2), _0x3510ed > 0x4 && (_0x3510ed = 0x4);
for (var _0x1264b2 = 0x0; _0x1264b2 < _0x3510ed; _0x1264b2++) _0x378b5c.players[_0x1264b2] = null;
_0x378b5c.connection.maxParticipantsAllowed = _0x3510ed;
var _0x140bcf = _0x36bde0.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['netplay-room-password-input'])).value;
_0x36bde0.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__errmsg)).innerHTML = '', _0x2c1832.trim() ? (_0x378b5c.connection.extra.room_name = _0x2c1832.trim(), '' !== _0x140bcf.trim() && (_0x378b5c.connection.password = _0x140bcf.trim()), _0x378b5c.showLoading.call(_0x17edbf), _0x378b5c.connection.open(_0x378b5c.connection.token(), function(_0x3c6c26, _0x203288, _0x210547) {
_0x378b5c.hideLoading.call(_0x17edbf), _0x3c6c26 ? (_0x378b5c.players[0x0] = _0x378b5c.connection.userid, _0x378b5c.roomMaster = _0x378b5c.connection.userid, _0x3f9c57.closeModal(), _0x378b5c.stopLoadRooms(), _0x3d0d28 = _0x378b5c.connection.extra, _0x378b5c.openRoom(_0x17edbf), _0x132da7(_0x2593da.contextMenu.querySelectorAll('ul li').item(0x2), true), _0x132da7(_0x2593da.contextMenu.querySelectorAll('ul li').item(0x3), true)) : _0x36bde0.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.modal__errmsg)).innerHTML = _0x210547;
})) : _0x3f9c57.closeModal(), _0x202cf6.stopPropagation();
}), _0x1093f4.call(this, _0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.netplay.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-create-room'])), 'click', function(_0x48cb26) {
if (window.EJS_TURN_URLS === null || !window.EJS_TURN_URLS || window.EJS_TURN_URLS.length === 0) {
_0x5289c1.querySelector('#modal-7d8fd50ed642340b-content').innerHTML = (window.EJS_TURN_URLS === null || window.EJS_TURN_URLS.length === 0) ? 'Netplay Currently Unavailable' : 'Netplay initializing';
_0x4d8495.show('modal-7d8fd50ed642340b', {
'closeTrigger': 'data-modal-close'
_0x378b5c.connection.iceServers = window.EJS_TURN_URLS;
return _0x3f9c57 = _0x4d8495.show('modal-85cd7a1c543a484a', {
'closeTrigger': 'data-modal-close',
'onClose': function() {
}), _0x48cb26.stopPropagation(), !0x1;
}), _0x1093f4.call(this, _0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.netplay.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['btn-quit'])), 'click', function(_0x68459d) {
return _0x378b5c.connection.close(), _0x378b5c.stopLoadRooms(), _0x378b5c.loadRoomsList(), _0x378b5c.inputsData = {}, _0x68459d.stopPropagation(), !0x1;
window._0x378b5c = _0x378b5c;
'initKeyboard': function() {
let _this = this,
_0x17edbf = this,
_0x2c1832 = this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.overlay));
_0x1093f4.call(this, document.body, 'keydown keyup', function(_0x459b32) {
if (_0x459b32.which >= 0x70 && _0x459b32.which <= 0x7b);
else {
let _0x335c01 = !_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.hidden && !_0x2c1832.hidden,
_0x2eb03e = 'keydown' === _0x459b32.type;
if (_0x2eb03e && _0x335c01) {
let _0x1a3a47 = _0x2c1832.getAttribute('data-index'),
_0x1394cb = _0x2c1832.getAttribute('data-id'),
_0x2c8fd1 = null;
if (_0x459b32.key && _0x378b5c.keyMap[_0x459b32.keyCode] === 'escape') {
(_0x2c8fd1 = _0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="' .concat(_0x1394cb, '"][data-index="').concat(_0x1a3a47, '"][data-type="1"]'))).setAttribute('data-value', '')
_0x2c8fd1.value = ''
(_0x2c8fd1 = _0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="' .concat(_0x1394cb, '"][data-index="').concat(_0x1a3a47, '"][data-type="2"]'))).setAttribute('data-value', '')
_0x2c8fd1.value = ''
_0x132da7(_0x2c1832, true);
_0x1a3a47 = _0x2c1832.getAttribute('data-index');
_0x1394cb = _0x2c1832.getAttribute('data-id');
_0x2c8fd1 = null;
_0x459b32.key && ((_0x2c8fd1 = _0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="' .concat(_0x1394cb, '"][data-index="').concat(_0x1a3a47, '"][data-type="1"]'))).setAttribute('data-value', _0x459b32.keyCode), _0x2c8fd1.value = _0x378b5c.keyMap[_0x459b32.keyCode]), _0x132da7(_0x2c1832, true);
} else Object.keys(_0x378b5c.controllers).forEach(function(_0x3863d2) {
Object.keys(_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x3863d2]).forEach(function(_0x509939) {
if (parseInt(_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x3863d2][_0x509939].value, 0xa) === _0x459b32.keyCode && ['24', '25', '26'].includes(_0x509939) && _0x459b32.type == 'keydown' && ! _0x459b32.repeat) {
if (_0x509939 == '24') {//save
} else if (_0x509939 == '25') {//load
} else if (_0x509939 == '26') {//load
// quick save/load button
parseInt(_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x3863d2][_0x509939].value, 0xa) === _0x459b32.keyCode && (_0x2eb03e ? _0x509939 >= 0x10 && _0x509939 <= 0x17 ? _0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x3863d2, _0x509939, 0x7fff) : _0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x3863d2, _0x509939, 1) : _0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x3863d2, _0x509939, 0));
}), document.body.addEventListener('keydown', function(_0x14d612) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x14d612.keyCode ? _0x14d612.keyCode : _0x14d612.which;
[0x20, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b].includes(_0x2c1832) && _0x14d612.srcElement === _0x17edbf.elements.container && _0x14d612.preventDefault(), _0x14d612.srcElement.className.split(/ +/).includes(_0x378b5c.classNames.set) && _0x14d612.preventDefault();
'initGamepad': function() {
let _this = this,
_0x17edbf = this,
_0x2c1832 = this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames.overlay));
let gamepad;
try {
gamepad = new _0x4ad1c6();
} catch(e) {
console.warn('gamepad not supported');
_0x378b5c.gamepad = gamepad;
gamepad.on('buttondown', function(event) {
if (!_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.hidden && !_0x2c1832.hidden) {
let _0x387018, _0xdd4205 = parseInt(_0x2c1832.getAttribute('data-index'), 0xa),
_0x1f4ee2 = _0x2c1832.getAttribute('data-id');
if (event.gamepadIndex === parseInt(_0xdd4205, 0xa)) {
let _0x126d2d = null;
(_0x126d2d = _0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="' .concat(_0x1f4ee2, '"][data-index="').concat(_0xdd4205, '"][data-type="2"]'))).setAttribute('data-value', event.index), _0x126d2d.value = 'button ' .concat(event.index + 1), _0x132da7(_0x2c1832, true);
} else Object.keys(_0x378b5c.controllers[event.gamepadIndex.toString()]).forEach(function(_0x3cf4d3) {
let _0x5cf388 = event.gamepadIndex.toString();
if (parseInt(_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x5cf388][_0x3cf4d3].value2, 0xa) === parseInt(event.index, 0xa) && ['24', '25', '26'].includes(_0x3cf4d3)) {
if (_0x3cf4d3 == '24') {//save
} else if (_0x3cf4d3 == '25') {//load
} else if (_0x3cf4d3 == '26') {//load
parseInt(_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x5cf388][_0x3cf4d3].value2, 0xa) === parseInt(event.index, 0xa) && parseInt(_0x5cf388, 0xa) === parseInt(event.gamepadIndex, 0xa) && _0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x5cf388, _0x3cf4d3, 1);
gamepad.on('buttonup', function(event) {
Object.keys(_0x378b5c.controllers).forEach(function(_0x302c3e) {
Object.keys(_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x302c3e]).forEach(function(_0x14eb8a) {
parseInt(_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x302c3e][_0x14eb8a].value2, 0xa) === parseInt(event.index, 0xa) && parseInt(_0x302c3e, 0xa) === parseInt(event.gamepadIndex, 0xa) && _0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x302c3e, _0x14eb8a, 0);
gamepad.on('axischanged', function(event) {
let value = function(value) {
if (value > 0.5 || value < -0.5) {
return (value > 0) ? 1 : -1;
} else {
return 0;
if (!_this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.hidden && !_0x2c1832.hidden) {
if (value !== 0) {
let _0x1f4ee2 = _0x2c1832.getAttribute('data-id'),
_0xdd4205 = parseInt(_0x2c1832.getAttribute('data-index'), 0xa);
let _0x126d2d = _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('[data-id="' .concat(_0x1f4ee2, '"][data-index="').concat(_0xdd4205, '"][data-type="2"]'))
_0x126d2d.setAttribute('data-value', event.axis + ':' + value)
_0x126d2d.value = event.axis + ':' + value
_0x132da7(_0x2c1832, true)
} else {
if (! _0x378b5c.prevButtons) {
_0x378b5c.prevButtons = {}
let quit = false
let _0x5cf388 = event.gamepadIndex.toString();
if (! _0x378b5c.prevButtons[_0x5cf388]) {
_0x378b5c.prevButtons[_0x5cf388] = {}
if (! _0x378b5c.prevButtons[_0x5cf388][event.axis]) {
_0x378b5c.prevButtons[_0x5cf388][event.axis] = 0
if (! _0x378b5c.prevButtons[_0x5cf388].buttonID) {
_0x378b5c.prevButtons[_0x5cf388].buttonID = 0
for (let w=0; w<Object.keys(_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x5cf388]).length; w++) {
let _0x3cf4d3 = Object.keys(_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x5cf388])[w]
if (! _0x378b5c.controllers[_0x5cf388][_0x3cf4d3].value2) {
if (_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x5cf388][_0x3cf4d3].value2.split(':')[0] === event.axis && parseInt(_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x5cf388][_0x3cf4d3].value2.split(':')[1]) === value && ['24', '25', '26'].includes(_0x3cf4d3)) {
if (_0x3cf4d3 == '24') {//save
quit = true
} else if (_0x3cf4d3 == '25') {//load
quit = true
} else if (_0x3cf4d3 == '26') {//load
if (value === 0) {
// button up
if (_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x5cf388][_0x3cf4d3].value2.split(':')[0] === event.axis) {
_0x378b5c.prevButtons[_0x5cf388][event.axis] = value
_0x378b5c.prevButtons[_0x5cf388].buttonID = _0x3cf4d3
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x5cf388, _0x3cf4d3, 0)
} else {
//button down
if ((1 === _0x378b5c.prevButtons[_0x5cf388][event.axis] && value === -1) ||
(-1 === _0x378b5c.prevButtons[_0x5cf388][event.axis] && value === 1)) {
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x5cf388, _0x378b5c.prevButtons[_0x5cf388].buttonID, 0)
if (_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x5cf388][_0x3cf4d3].value2.split(':')[0] === event.axis && parseInt(_0x378b5c.controllers[_0x5cf388][_0x3cf4d3].value2.split(':')[1]) === value) {
_0x378b5c.prevButtons[_0x5cf388][event.axis] = value
_0x378b5c.prevButtons[_0x5cf388].buttonID = _0x3cf4d3
quit = true
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x5cf388, _0x3cf4d3, 1)
if (quit) {
if (! _this.elements.dialogs.gamepad.hidden && !_0x2c1832.hidden) {
Math.abs(event.value) <= 0.1 && (event.value = 0);
let _0x17edbf = event.gamepadIndex;
let coreVer = _this.coreVer;
if (event.axis === 'LEFT_STICK_X') {
if (event.value > 0) {
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 16, 0x7fff * event.value);
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 17, 0);
} else {
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 17, -0x7fff * event.value);
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 16, 0);
} else if (event.axis === 'LEFT_STICK_Y') {
if (event.value > 0) {
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 18, 0x7fff * event.value);
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 19, 0);
} else {
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 19, -0x7fff * event.value);
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 18, 0);
} else if (event.axis === 'RIGHT_STICK_X') {
if (event.value > 0) {
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 20, 0x7fff * event.value);
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 21, 0);
} else {
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 21, -0x7fff * event.value);
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 20, 0);
} else if (event.axis === 'RIGHT_STICK_Y') {
if (event.value > 0) {
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 22, 0x7fff * event.value);
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 23, 0);
} else {
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 23, 0x7fff * event.value);
_0x378b5c.simulateInput(_0x17edbf, 22, 0);
gamepad.on('disconnected', function(event) {
[0, 1, 2, 3].forEach(function(_0x429f30) {
let _0x2c1832 = gamepad.gamepads[_0x429f30];
_0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('#controls-' .concat(_0x429f30, ' .gamepad-name')).innerHTML = _0x2c1832 ? _0x2c1832.id : 'n/a';
gamepad.on('connected', function(event) {
Object.keys(gamepad.gamepads).forEach(function(_0x327c74) {
let _0x2c1832 = gamepad.gamepads[_0x327c74];
_0x17edbf.elements.dialogs.gamepad.querySelector('#controls-' .concat(_0x327c74, ' .gamepad-name')).innerHTML = _0x2c1832 ? _0x2c1832.id : 'n/a';
'setShader': function(_0x4cbec3) {
if ('disabled' === _0x4cbec3) _0x27f4c4.FS.unlink('/shader/shader.glslp', ''), _0x378b5c.toggleShader && _0x378b5c.toggleShader(0);
else {
_0x378b5c.toggleShader && _0x378b5c.toggleShader(0);
let _0x17edbf = '/shader/' .concat(_0x4cbec3);
_0x27f4c4.FS.writeFile('/shader/shader.glslp', _0x27f4c4.FS.readFile(_0x17edbf));
_0x378b5c.toggleShader && _0x378b5c.toggleShader(1);
'toggleVirtualGamepad': function(_0x1ed80b, forceUpdateHTML) {
let _this = this;
if (_0x378b5c.virtualGamepadContainer && !forceUpdateHTML) {
_0x132da7(_0x378b5c.virtualGamepadContainer, !_0x1ed80b);
if (!_0x378b5c.virtualGamepadContainer) {
_0x378b5c.virtualGamepadContainer = _0x428003('div', {
'class': getClass({
'ejs-virtual-gamepad': true
'hidden': ''
let blockCSS = 'height:31px;text-align:center;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:5px;line-height:31px;';
let html = '';
let info;
if (_this.config.VirtualGamepadSettings && function(set) {
if (!Array.isArray(set)) {
console.warn("Vritual gamepad settings is not array! Using default gamepad settings");
return false;
if (!set.length) {
console.warn("Vritual gamepad settings is empty! Using default gamepad settings");
return false;
for (let i=0; i<set.length; i++) {
if (!set[i].type) continue;
try {
if (set[i].type === 'zone' || set[i].type === 'dpad') {
if (!set[i].location) {
console.warn("Missing location value for "+set[i].type+"! Using default gamepad settings");
return false;
} else if (!set[i].inputValues) {
console.warn("Missing inputValues for "+set[i].type+"! Using default gamepad settings");
return false;
if (!set[i].location) {
console.warn("Missing location value for button "+set[i].text+"! Using default gamepad settings");
return false;
} else if (!set[i].type) {
console.warn("Missing type value for button "+set[i].text+"! Using default gamepad settings");
return false;
} else if (!set[i].id.toString()) {
console.warn("Missing id value for button "+set[i].text+"! Using default gamepad settings");
return false;
} else if (!set[i].input_value.toString()) {
console.warn("Missing input_value for button "+set[i].text+"! Using default gamepad settings");
return false;
} catch(e) {
console.warn("Error checking values! Using default gamepad settings");
return false;
return true;
}(_this.config.VirtualGamepadSettings)) {
info = _this.config.VirtualGamepadSettings;
} else if (['gba', 'gb', 'vb', 'nes'].includes(getSystem(_this.system, true))) {
info = [{"type":"button","text":"B","id":"b","location":"right","right":-10,"top":70,"bold":true,"input_value":0},{"type":"button","text":"A","id":"a","location":"right","right":60,"top":70,"bold":true,"input_value":8},{"type":"dpad","location":"left","left":"50%","right":"50%","joystickInput":false,"inputValues":[4,5,6,7]},{"type":"button","text":"Start","id":"start","location":"center","left":60,"fontSize":15,"block":true,"input_value":3},{"type":"button","text":"Select","id":"select","location":"center","left":-5,"fontSize":15,"block":true,"input_value":2}];
if (getSystem(_this.system, true) === 'gba') {
} else if (getSystem(_this.system, true) === 'n64') {
info = [{"type":"button","text":"B","id":"b","location":"right","left":-10,"top":95,"input_value":0,"bold":true,"input_new_cores":1},{"type":"button","text":"A","id":"a","location":"right","left":40,"top":150,"input_value":8,"bold":true,"input_new_cores":0},{"type":"zone","location":"left","left":"50%","top":"100%","joystickInput":true,"inputValues":[16, 17, 18, 19]},{"type":"zone","location":"left","left":"50%","top":"0%","joystickInput":false,"inputValues":[4,5,6,7]},{"type":"button","text":"Start","id":"start","location":"center","left":30,"top":-10,"fontSize":15,"block":true,"input_value":3},{"type":"button","text":"L","id":"l","block":true,"location":"top","left":10,"top":-40,"bold":true,"input_value":10},{"type":"button","text":"R","id":"r","block":true,"location":"top","right":10,"top":-40,"bold":true,"input_value":11},{"type":"button","text":"Z","id":"z","block":true,"location":"top","left":10,"bold":true,"input_value":12},{"fontSize":20,"type":"button","text":"CU","id":"cu","location":"right","left":25,"top":-65,"input_value":23},{"fontSize":20,"type":"button","text":"CD","id":"cd","location":"right","left":25,"top":15,"input_value":22},{"fontSize":20,"type":"button","text":"CL","id":"cl","location":"right","left":-15,"top":-25,"input_value":21},{"fontSize":20,"type":"button","text":"CR","id":"cr","location":"right","left":65,"top":-25,"input_value":20}];
} else if (['snes', 'nds'].includes(getSystem(_this.system, true))) {
info = [{"type":"button","text":"X","id":"x","location":"right","left":40,"bold":true,"input_value":9},{"type":"button","text":"Y","id":"y","location":"right","top":40,"bold":true,"input_value":1},{"type":"button","text":"A","id":"a","location":"right","left":81,"top":40,"bold":true,"input_value":8},{"type":"button","text":"B","id":"b","location":"right","left":40,"top":80,"bold":true,"input_value":0},{"type":"zone","location":"left","left":"50%","top":"50%","joystickInput":false,"inputValues":[4,5,6,7]},{"type":"button","text":"Start","id":"start","location":"center","left":60,"fontSize":15,"block":true,"input_value":3},{"type":"button","text":"Select","id":"select","location":"center","left":-5,"fontSize":15,"block":true,"input_value":2}];
} else {
info = [{"type":"button","text":"Y","id":"y","location":"right","left":40,"bold":true,"input_value":9},{"type":"button","text":"X","id":"X","location":"right","top":40,"bold":true,"input_value":1},{"type":"button","text":"B","id":"b","location":"right","left":81,"top":40,"bold":true,"input_value":8},{"type":"button","text":"A","id":"a","location":"right","left":40,"top":80,"bold":true,"input_value":0},{"type":"zone","location":"left","left":"50%","top":"50%","joystickInput":false,"inputValues":[4,5,6,7]},{"type":"button","text":"Start","id":"start","location":"center","left":60,"fontSize":15,"block":true,"input_value":3},{"type":"button","text":"Select","id":"select","location":"center","left":-5,"fontSize":15,"block":true,"input_value":2}];
info = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(info));
let dataHTML = {
top: '',
left: '',
center: '',
right: ''
let leftHandedMode = false;
if (_0x2593da && typeof _0x2593da.getCoreOptionsValue === 'function') {
leftHandedMode = _0x2593da.getCoreOptionsValue('left-handed-mode')==='on';
for (let i=0; i<info.length; i++) {
if (info[i].type !== 'button') continue;
let opts = {'buttons': true};
if (leftHandedMode && ['left', 'right'].includes(info[i].location)) {
info[i].location = (info[i].location==='left') ? 'right' : 'left';
const amnt = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(info[i]));
if (amnt.left) {
info[i].right = amnt.left;
if (amnt.right) {
info[i].left = amnt.right;
opts['b_'+info[i].id.toLowerCase()] = true;
let style = '';
if (info[i].left) {
style += 'left:'+info[i].left+(typeof info[i].left === 'number'?'px':'')+';';
if (info[i].right) {
style += 'right:'+info[i].right+(typeof info[i].right === 'number'?'px':'')+';';
if (info[i].top) {
style += 'top:'+info[i].top+(typeof info[i].top === 'number'?'px':'')+';';
if (!info[i].bold) {
style += 'font-weight:normal;';
} else if (info[i].bold) {
style += 'font-weight:bold;';
info[i].fontSize = info[i].fontSize || 30;
style += 'font-size:'+info[i].fontSize+'px;';
if (info[i].block) {
style += blockCSS;
if (['top', 'center', 'left', 'right'].includes(info[i].location)) {
dataHTML[info[i].location] += '<div class="'+getClass(opts)+'" style="'+style+'">'+info[i].text+'</div>';
html += '<div class="'+getClass({'virtual-gamepad': true})+'" style="display: block;">';
html += '<div class="'+getClass({'top': true})+'">';
html += dataHTML.top;
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="'+getClass({'left': true})+'">';
html += dataHTML.left;
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="'+getClass({'center': true})+'">';
html += dataHTML.center;
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="'+getClass({'right': true})+'">';
html += dataHTML.right;
html += '</div></div>';
_0x378b5c.virtualGamepadContainer.innerHTML = html;
_0x132da7(_0x378b5c.virtualGamepadContainer, !_0x1ed80b);
let _0x2c1832 = getClass({
'virtual-gamepad': true
_0x2ec721 = getClass({
'touch': true
if (! _0x59aa33.isIos) {
_0x1093f4.call(this, _0x530042.call(this, '.' .concat(_0x2c1832)), 'touchmove', function(event) {
function createDPad(config) {
let _0xb30294 = config.container,
_0x46ee07 = config.event;
if (typeof _0x46ee07 !== 'function') (_0x46ee07 = function () {});
let _0x2af034 = _0x428003('div', {class: getClass({"dpad-bg": true})}),
_0x573eda = _0x428003('div', {class: getClass({"dpad-front": true})});
function _0x12b76b(event) {
let _0x243fd0 = event.targetTouches[0];
if (_0x243fd0) {
let _0x30ad4f = _0x573eda.getBoundingClientRect(),
_0x3f2d89 = _0x243fd0.clientX - _0x30ad4f.left - _0x573eda.clientWidth / 2,
_0x23d024 = _0x243fd0.clientY - _0x30ad4f.top - _0x573eda.clientHeight / 2,
_0x10098e = 0,
_0x419bd0 = 0,
_0x21a1ad = 0,
_0x1f5439 = 0,
_0x4fda8c = Math.atan(_0x3f2d89 / _0x23d024) / (Math.PI / 180);
_0x23d024 <= -10 && (_0x10098e = 1);
_0x23d024 >= 10 && (_0x419bd0 = 1);
_0x3f2d89 >= 10 && (_0x1f5439 = 1, _0x21a1ad = 0, (_0x4fda8c < 0 && _0x4fda8c >= -35 || _0x4fda8c > 0 && _0x4fda8c <= 35) && (_0x1f5439 = 0), _0x10098e = _0x4fda8c < 0 && _0x4fda8c >= -55 ? 1 : 0, _0x419bd0 = _0x4fda8c > 0 && _0x4fda8c <= 55 ? 1 : 0);
_0x3f2d89 <= -10 && (_0x1f5439 = 0, _0x21a1ad = 1, (_0x4fda8c < 0 && _0x4fda8c >= -35 || _0x4fda8c > 0 && _0x4fda8c <= 35) && (_0x21a1ad = 0), _0x10098e = _0x4fda8c > 0 && _0x4fda8c <= 55 ? 1 : 0, _0x419bd0 = _0x4fda8c < 0 && _0x4fda8c >= -55 ? 1 : 0);
_0x2af034.classList.toggle(getClass({"dpad-right": true}), _0x1f5439);
_0x2af034.classList.toggle(getClass({"dpad-left": true}), _0x21a1ad);
_0x2af034.classList.toggle(getClass({"dpad-up": true}), _0x10098e);
_0x2af034.classList.toggle(getClass({"dpad-down": true}), _0x419bd0);
_0x46ee07(_0x10098e, _0x419bd0, _0x21a1ad, _0x1f5439);
function _0x320749(event) {
_0x46ee07(0, 0, 0, 0);
_0x2af034.classList.toggle(getClass({"dpad-up": true}), false);
_0x2af034.classList.toggle(getClass({"dpad-down": true}), false);
_0x2af034.classList.toggle(getClass({"dpad-right": true}), false);
_0x2af034.classList.toggle(getClass({"dpad-left": true}), false);
_0x2af034.innerHTML = '<div class="'.concat(getClass({"dpad-1": true}), '"><div class="').concat(getClass({"dpad-1-bg": true}), '"></div></div>\n <div class="').concat(getClass({"dpad-2": true}), '"><div class="').concat(getClass({"dpad-2-bg": true}), '"></div></div>');
_0x1093f4.call(_this, _0x573eda, 'touchstart touchmove', _0x12b76b);
_0x1093f4.call(_this, _0x573eda, 'touchend touchcancel', _0x320749);
info.forEach((dpad, index) => {
if (dpad.type !== 'dpad') return;
let opts = {};
if (leftHandedMode && ['left', 'right'].includes(dpad.location)) {
dpad.location = (dpad.location==='left') ? 'right' : 'left';
const amnt = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(dpad));
if (amnt.left) {
dpad.right = amnt.left;
if (amnt.right) {
dpad.left = amnt.right;
opts[dpad.location.toLowerCase()] = true;
const parent = _0x530042.call(this, '.'.concat(getClass({
'ejs-virtual-gamepad': true
}), ' .').concat(getClass(opts)));
opts['dpad_'+index] = true;
const elem = _0x428003('div', {
'class': '.'.concat(getClass({
'ejs-virtual-gamepad': true,
'dpad-container': true
}), ' .').concat(getClass(opts))
let style = '';
if (dpad.left) {
style += 'left:'+dpad.left+';';
if (dpad.right) {
style += 'right:'+dpad.right+';';
if (dpad.top) {
style += 'top:'+dpad.top+';';
elem.style = style;
createDPad({container: elem, event: function(up, down, left, right) {
if (dpad.joystickInput) {
if (up === 1) up=0x7fff;
if (down === 1) up=0x7fff;
if (left === 1) up=0x7fff;
if (right === 1) up=0x7fff;
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, dpad.inputValues[0], up);
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, dpad.inputValues[1], down);
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, dpad.inputValues[2], left);
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, dpad.inputValues[3], right);
if (this.zoneObj) {
this.zoneObj.forEach((zone) => {
this.zoneObj = [];
let zone;
info.forEach((zone, index) => {
if (zone.type !== 'zone') return;
let opts = {};
if (leftHandedMode && ['left', 'right'].includes(zone.location)) {
zone.location = (zone.location==='left') ? 'right' : 'left';
const amnt = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(zone));
if (amnt.left) {
zone.right = amnt.left;
if (amnt.right) {
zone.left = amnt.right;
opts[zone.location.toLowerCase()] = true;
const parent = _0x530042.call(this, '.'.concat(getClass({
'ejs-virtual-gamepad': true,
}), ' .').concat(getClass(opts)));
opts['zone_'+index] = true;
const elem = _0x428003('div', {
'class': '.'.concat(getClass({
'ejs-virtual-gamepad': true,
}), ' .').concat(getClass(opts))
const zoneObj = _0x3a58c8.a.create({
'zone': elem,
'mode': 'static',
'position': {
'left': zone.left,
'top': zone.top
'color': 'red'
zoneObj.on('end', function(_0x27f006, _0x1fb527) {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[0], 0);
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[1], 0);
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[2], 0);
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[3], 0);
zoneObj.on('move', function(_0x1b060e, _0x4ae7d6) {
const degree = _0x4ae7d6.angle.degree;
const distance = _0x4ae7d6.distance;
if (zone.joystickInput === true) {
let _0x4773fe = 0, _0x4c3bc7 = 0;
if (degree > 0 && degree <= 45) {
_0x4773fe = distance / 50;
_0x4c3bc7 = -0.022222222222222223 * degree * distance / 50;
if (degree > 45 && degree <= 90) {
_0x4773fe = 0.022222222222222223 * (90 - degree) * distance / 50;
_0x4c3bc7 = -distance / 50;
if (degree > 90 && degree <= 135) {
_0x4773fe = 0.022222222222222223 * (90 - degree) * distance / 50;
_0x4c3bc7 = -distance / 50;
if (degree > 135 && degree <= 180) {
_0x4773fe = -distance / 50;
_0x4c3bc7 = -0.022222222222222223 * (180 - degree) * distance / 50;
if (degree > 135 && degree <= 225) {
_0x4773fe = -distance / 50;
_0x4c3bc7 = -0.022222222222222223 * (180 - degree) * distance / 50;
if (degree > 225 && degree <= 270) {
_0x4773fe = -0.022222222222222223 * (270 - degree) * distance / 50;
_0x4c3bc7 = distance / 50;
if (degree > 270 && degree <= 315) {
_0x4773fe = -0.022222222222222223 * (270 - degree) * distance / 50;
_0x4c3bc7 = distance / 50;
if (degree > 315 && degree <= 359.9) {
_0x4773fe = distance / 50;
_0x4c3bc7 = 0.022222222222222223 * (360 - degree) * distance / 50;
if (_0x4773fe > 0) {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[0], 0x7fff * _0x4773fe);
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[1], 0);
} else {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[1], 0x7fff * -_0x4773fe);
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[0], 0);
if (_0x4c3bc7 > 0) {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[2], 0x7fff * _0x4c3bc7);
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[3], 0);
} else {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[3], 0x7fff * -_0x4c3bc7);
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[2], 0);
} else {
if (degree >= 30 && degree < 150) {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[0], 1);
} else {
window.setTimeout(function() {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[0], 0);
}, 30);
if (degree >= 210 && degree < 330) {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[1], 1);
} else {
window.setTimeout(function() {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[1], 0);
}, 30);
if (degree >= 120 && degree < 240) {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[2], 1);
} else {
window.setTimeout(function() {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[2], 0);
}, 30);
if (degree >= 300 || degree >= 0 && degree < 60) {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[3], 1);
} else {
window.setTimeout(function() {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, zone.inputValues[3], 0);
}, 30);
let keys = [];
for (let i=0; i<info.length; i++) {
if (info[i].type !== 'button') continue;
let opts = {};
opts['b_'+info[i].id.toLowerCase()] = true;
let value;
if (_this.newCores === 2 && info[i].input_new_cores) {
value = info[i].input_new_cores;
} else {
value = info[i].input_value;
keys.push({id: opts, number: value});
keys.forEach((a) => {
let element = _0x530042.call(_this, '.'.concat(_0x2c1832, ' .').concat(getClass(a.id)));
if (!element) return;
_0x1093f4.call(_this, element, 'touchstart touchend touchcancel', function(e) {
if (e.type === 'touchend' || e.type === 'touchcancel') {
_0x3a8e2f(e.target, _0x2ec721, false);
window.setTimeout(function() {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, a.number, 0);
}, 30)
} else {
_0x3a8e2f(e.target, _0x2ec721, true);
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, a.number, 1)
if (!forceUpdateHTML) {
const menuButton = _0x428003('div', {
'class': getClass({
'ejs__widget': true,
'ejs__widget_controls_toggle': true
}, '');
menuButton.innerHTML = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M0 96C0 78.33 14.33 64 32 64H416C433.7 64 448 78.33 448 96C448 113.7 433.7 128 416 128H32C14.33 128 0 113.7 0 96zM0 256C0 238.3 14.33 224 32 224H416C433.7 224 448 238.3 448 256C448 273.7 433.7 288 416 288H32C14.33 288 0 273.7 0 256zM416 448H32C14.33 448 0 433.7 0 416C0 398.3 14.33 384 32 384H416C433.7 384 448 398.3 448 416C448 433.7 433.7 448 416 448z"/></svg>';
_0x530042.call(this, ".".concat(getClass({ejs__widgets: true}))).appendChild(menuButton);
let hideTimeout;
_0x1093f4.call(this, menuButton, 'mousedown touchstart', function(e) {
_0x3a8e2f(e.target, _0x2ec721, true);
_0x5ab74d.toggleControls.call(_this, true);
hideTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
_0x5ab74d.toggleControls.call(_this, false);
}, 5000)
'setup': function() {
let _this = this;
if (!this.game) {
console.warn('No game element found!');
_0x378b5c.playerName = _this.config.playerName;
_0x3a8e2f(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.type, true);
this.elements.container.setAttribute('tabindex', '0');
if (this.color) {
let _0x17edbf = function(_0x175d8e) {
let _0x17edbf = _0x175d8e.toLowerCase();
if (_0x17edbf && /^#([0-9a-fA-f]{3}|[0-9a-fA-f]{6})$/ .test(_0x17edbf)) {
if (0x4 === _0x17edbf.length) {
for (let _0x2c1832 = '#', _0x4c881f = 1; _0x4c881f < 0x4; _0x4c881f += 1) _0x2c1832 += _0x17edbf.slice(_0x4c881f, _0x4c881f + 1).concat(_0x17edbf.slice(_0x4c881f, _0x4c881f + 1));
_0x17edbf = _0x2c1832;
let _0x5ac4ff = [];
for (let _0x324169 = 1; _0x324169 < 0x7; _0x324169 += 2) _0x5ac4ff.push(parseInt('0x' .concat(_0x17edbf.slice(_0x324169, _0x324169 + 2)), 0x10));
return _0x5ac4ff;
return null;
_0x17edbf && this.elements.container.setAttribute('style', '--ejs-primary-color: ' .concat(_0x17edbf[0], ', ').concat(_0x17edbf[1], ', ').concat(_0x17edbf[2]));
this.elements.wrapper = _0x428003('div', {
'class': this.config.classNames.video
_0x580edd(this.game, this.elements.wrapper);
if ('video' !== _this.game.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase()) {
let _0x2c1832 = this.config.volume;
Object.defineProperty(_this.game, 'volume', {
'get': function() {
return _0x2c1832;
'set': function(_0x4cca18) {
_0x2c1832 = _0x4cca18, _0xbae705.call(_this, _this.game, 'volumechange');
let _0x541fe1 = _this.storage.get('muted');
Object.defineProperty(_this.game, 'muted', {
'get': function() {
return _0x541fe1;
'set': function(_0x54b6e0) {
let _0x2c1832 = !!_0x1e2c68.boolean(_0x54b6e0) && _0x54b6e0;
_0x541fe1 = _0x2c1832, _0xbae705.call(_this, _this.game, 'volumechange');
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function(_0x34b11a) {
if (_this.started && _this.getStartName()) {
_0x27f4c4.FS.syncfs(function() {});
_0x27f4c4.FS.syncfs(function() {});
}, true);
//Wille save savefiles to indexeddb
window.saveSaveFiles = function() {
if (!_this.getStartName()) return;
console.log('saving save files');
_0x27f4c4.FS.syncfs(false, function() {});
setInterval(function() {
if (_this.started) {
}, 60000) //60000 = 1 minute
'listeners': function() {
let _this = this;
const elem = _0x530042.call(_this, '.' .concat(getClass({
'ejs__dialogs': true
let counter = 0;
_0x1093f4.call(_this, elem, 'dragenter', function(e) {
_0x132da7(_this.elements.dialogs.message, false);
_0x1093f4.call(_this, elem, 'dragover', function(e) {
_0x1093f4.call(_this, elem, 'dragleave', function(e) {
if (counter === 0) {
_0x132da7(_this.elements.dialogs.message, true);
_0x1093f4.call(_this, elem, 'dragend', function(e) {
counter = 0;
_0x132da7(_this.elements.dialogs.message, true);
_0x1093f4.call(_this, elem, 'drop', function(e) {
_0x132da7(_this.elements.dialogs.message, true);
counter = 0;
const items = e.dataTransfer.items;
let file;
for (let i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].kind !== 'file') continue;
file = items[i];
if (!file) return;
const fileHandle = file.getAsFile();
fileHandle.arrayBuffer().then(data => {
_0x378b5c.loadState(new Uint8Array(data), 0);
_this.elements.buttons.restart && _0x1093f4.call(_this, _this.elements.buttons.restart, 'click', function(_0x5cfc51) {
_0x378b5c.inputsData = {};
if (_0x378b5c.connected && _0x378b5c.connection.isInitiator) {
(async () => {
const state = await _0x378b5c.saveState();
const file = new File([state], '0-game.state', {
'type': '',
'lastModified': new Date()
_0x378b5c.inputsData = {};
_0x378b5c.wait = true;
_this.elements.buttons.screenRecord && _0x1093f4.call(_this, _this.elements.buttons.screenRecord, 'click', function(_0x5cfc51) {
if (! _this.recordData) {
_this.recordData = {started:false, data:[], stopped: false};
if (! _this.recordData.started) { //start recording
let options;
if (MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported('video/webm; codecs=h264')) {
options = {mimeType: 'video/webm; codecs=h264'};
} else if (MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported('video/webm; codecs=H264')) {
options = {mimeType: 'video/webm; codecs=H264'};
} else if (MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported('video/webm; codecs=vp9')) {
options = {mimeType: 'video/webm; codecs=vp9'};
} else if (MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported('video/webm; codecs=vp8')) {
options = {mimeType: 'video/webm; codecs=vp8'};
} else if (MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported('video/webm; codecs=avc1')) {
options = {mimeType: 'video/webm; codecs=avc1'};
} else if (MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported('video/webm; codecs=vp9.0')) {
options = {mimeType: 'video/webm; codecs=vp9.0'};
} else if (MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported('video/webm; codecs=vp8.0')) {
options = {mimeType: 'video/webm; codecs=vp8.0'};
} else {
options = {};
function gotStreams(stream) {
'ejs__tooltip': true
}))).innerHTML = _this.localization('Stop Screen Recording');
_this.recordData.stream = stream;
_this.recordData.recorder = new MediaRecorder(_this.recordData.stream, options);
_this.recordData.recorder.ondataavailable = function(e) {
if (e.data.size > 0) {
if (_this.recordData.stopped) {
let a = document.createElement("a")
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(_this.recordData.data, {type: "video/webm"}))
let aname;
if (typeof _this.gameName == 'string') {
aname = _this.gameName
a.download = aname ? '' .concat(aname, '-recording.webm') : 'record.webm';
delete _this.recordData
'ejs__tooltip': true
}))).innerHTML = _this.localization('Start Screen Recording');
_this.recordData.started = true
if (window.navigator && navigator.mediaDevices && typeof navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia === 'function') {
_this.playing = false;
alert('Please check "share system audio" to have audio in the recording. We only need the audio stream so your entire screen will not be recorded');
let time = setTimeout(function() {
_this.playing = true;
}, 20000);
audio: true, //we only need the audio, we dont use the video stream at all
video: {mediaSource: "screen"}
}).then(function(stream) {
let canvasStream = _0x27f4c4.Module.canvas.captureStream(30);
try {
let audio = stream.getAudioTracks();
for (let i=0; i<audio.length; i++) {
_this.playing = true;
} else {
let canvasStream = _0x27f4c4.Module.canvas.captureStream(30);
} else if (_this.recordData.started) { //stop recording
_this.recordData.stopped = true
_this.elements.buttons.cacheManager && _0x1093f4.call(_this, _this.elements.buttons.cacheManager, 'click', function(_0x5cfc51) {
if (_0x27f4c4.romdb) {
_0x132da7(_this.elements.dialogs.cache, false);
let _0x3360eb = _this.elements.dialogs.cache.querySelector('.' .concat(_0x378b5c.classNames['dialog-content']));
_0x3360eb.innerHTML = '<div>'+_this.localization('Loading')+'</div>';
_0x27f4c4.romdb.getAll(function(_0x43586d) {
if (_0x43586d) {
let _0x275730 = _0x428003('table', {
'style': 'width:100%;padding-left:10px;text-align:left'
_0x1ab9e9 = _0x428003('tbody');
_0x43586d.length > 0 ? (_0x3360eb.innerHTML = '', _0x43586d.forEach(function(_0x32b0b7, _0x2d0e11) {
if (_0x32b0b7.key && !/-part-\d+$/ .test(_0x32b0b7.key)) {
let _0x277c67 = [_0x32b0b7.key];
for (let _0x3360eb = Math.ceil(_0x32b0b7.filesize / 0x6400000), _0x3edb35 = 1; _0x3edb35 < _0x3360eb; _0x3edb35 += 1) _0x277c67.push('' .concat(_0x32b0b7.key, '-part-').concat(_0x3edb35));
let _0x3e31f6 = _0x428003('tr'),
_0x5b75bd = _0x428003('td'),
_0x227405 = _0x428003('td'),
_0xac150b = _0x428003('td');
_0x5b75bd.innerHTML = _0x32b0b7.filename, _0x227405.innerHTML = function(_0x1858c1) {
let _0x2d0e11 = -1;
do {
_0x1858c1 /= 0x400, _0x2d0e11++;
} while (_0x1858c1 > 0x400);
return Math.max(_0x1858c1, 0.1).toFixed(1) + [' kB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'][_0x2d0e11];
}(_0x32b0b7.filesize), _0xac150b.innerHTML = '<a href="#" onclick="return false">Remove</a>', _0x3e31f6.appendChild(_0x5b75bd), _0x3e31f6.appendChild(_0x227405), _0x3e31f6.appendChild(_0xac150b), _0x1ab9e9.appendChild(_0x3e31f6), _0xac150b.querySelector('a').onclick = function(_0x16f22a) {
try {
} catch (_0x353628) {}
return _0x16f22a.stopPropagation(), false;
}), _0x275730.appendChild(_0x1ab9e9), _0x3360eb.appendChild(_0x275730)) : _0x3360eb.innerHTML = '<div style="text-align:center">'+_this.localization('Empty')+'</div>';
} else _0x3360eb.innerHTML = '<div style="text-align:center">'+_this.localization('Empty')+'</div>';
}, function() {});
return false;
_this.elements.buttons.play && Array.from(_this.elements.buttons.play).forEach(function(_0x24495b) {
_0x1093f4.call(_this, _0x24495b, 'click', function(_0x966382) {
if (_this.playing) {
_this.playing = false;
if (_0x378b5c.connected && _0x378b5c.connection.isInitiator) {
'act': 'pause'
_0xbae705.call(_this, _this.elements.container, 'pause', false, {
'pause': true
} else {
_this.playing = true;
if (_0x378b5c.connected && _0x378b5c.connection.isInitiator) {
'act': 'resume'
_0xbae705.call(_this, _this.elements.container, 'pause', false, {
'pause': false
}), _this.elements.buttons.netplay && _0x1093f4.call(_this, _this.elements.buttons.netplay, 'click', function(_0x2317b9) {
if (window.EJS_TURN_URLS !== null && !window.EJS_TURN_URLS) {
(async function(server) {
try {
let resp = await fetch(server + 'webrtc');
window.EJS_TURN_URLS = JSON.parse(await resp.text());
} catch(e) {
window.EJS_TURN_URLS = null;
console.warn("Could not contact netplay server", e);
_0x132da7(_this.elements.dialogs.netplay, false);
if (_0x378b5c.players.length > 0) {
} else {
if (!_0x378b5c.playerName) {
_0x4d8495.show('modal-9de6c4e9ce2b9361', {
'closeByEsckey': false
}), _this.elements.buttons.cheat && _0x1093f4.call(_this, _this.elements.buttons.cheat, 'click', function(_0x44b01a) {
_0x132da7(_this.elements.dialogs.cheat, false);
_this.game.stateloadField = _0x428003('input');
_this.game.stateloadField.type = 'file';
_this.game.stateloadField.onchange = function _0x17edbf(_0xcd4599) {
let _0xfd246e, _0x3fdd71 = _0xcd4599.target.files;
_0x3fdd71.length > 0 && ((_0xfd246e = new FileReader()).file_name = _0x3fdd71[0].name, _0xfd246e.onload = function() {
EJS_loadState(new Uint8Array(_0xfd246e.result));
}, _0xfd246e.readAsArrayBuffer(_0x3fdd71[0])), _this.game.stateloadField = _0x428003('input'), _this.game.stateloadField.type = 'file', _this.game.stateloadField.onchange = _0x17edbf;
_0x1093f4.call(_this, _this.elements.container, 'loadstate', function(_0x13504c) {
if (_0x378b5c.saveLoadDB.call(_this, 'load')) {
_0x1e2c68.function(_this.config.onloadstate) ? _this.config.onloadstate.call(null, _this.loadState) : _this.game.stateloadField.click(), _this.elements.container.focus();
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function() {
'hidden' === document.visibilityState ? console.log('hidden') : console.log('active');
'bindFunction': function() {
let _this = this,
_0x17edbf = getSystem(_this.system, true);
if (_0x27f4c4.Module && _0x27f4c4.Module._set_volume) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('set_volume', 'null', ['number']);
_0x378b5c.setVolume = function() {
let _0x17edbf = 0;
_this.volume < 1 && (_0x17edbf = 0 === _this.volume ? -0x50 : 0x1e * _this.volume - 0x1e, _0x2c1832(_0x17edbf)), _this.muted && (_0x17edbf = -0x50), _0x2c1832(_0x17edbf);
if (_0x27f4c4.Module._save_file_path) {
_0x378b5c.getSaveFilePath = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('save_file_path', 'string', []);
} else {
_0x378b5c.getSaveFilePath = () => null;
// Returns a Uint8Array of the save file
_0x378b5c.readSaveFile = function() {
return FS.readFile(_0x378b5c.getSaveFilePath());
_0x378b5c.setVariable = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('set_variable', 'null', ['string', 'string']);
_0x378b5c.simulateInputFn = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('simulate_input', 'null', ['number', 'number', 'number']);
let _0x2c63cc = {
0: null,
1: null,
2: null,
3: null,
4: null,
5: null,
6: null,
7: null,
8: null,
9: null,
10: null,
11: null,
12: null,
13: null,
14: null,
15: null,
16: null,
17: null,
18: null,
19: null,
20: null,
21: null,
22: null,
23: null,
24: null,
25: null,
26: null,
27: null,
28: null,
29: null,
30: null,
31: null
_0x378b5c.simulateInput = function(player, index, value) {
if (_0x378b5c.connected) {
if (_this.playing && !_0x378b5c.disableInput) {
var _0x35b9c1 = _0x378b5c.connection.userid,
_0x4d96ad = _0x378b5c.roomMaster === _0x35b9c1,
_0xf1bb97 = _0x378b5c.players.indexOf(_0x35b9c1),
_0x52e1f4 = _0x378b5c.currentFrameNum();
player >> 0x0 == 0x0 && (_0x2c63cc[index] !== value && (_0x4d96ad ? (_0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x52e1f4] || (_0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x52e1f4] = []), _0x378b5c.inputsData[_0x52e1f4].push({
'index': _0xf1bb97,
'key': index,
'status': value,
'frame': _0x52e1f4
}),_0x378b5c.simulateInputFn(_0xf1bb97, index, value)) : _0x378b5c.connection.send(JSON.stringify({
'act': 'sync-control',
'value': ['' .concat(_0xf1bb97, '|').concat(index, '|').concat(value, '|').concat(_0x52e1f4)]
}), _0x378b5c.roomMaster)), _0x2c63cc[index] = value);
} else _0x378b5c.disableInput || _0x378b5c.simulateInputFn(player, index, value);
_0x378b5c.syncInput = _0x378b5c.simulateInput;
window.simulateInput = _0x378b5c.simulateInput;
_0x378b5c.toggleShader = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('shader_enable', 'null', ['number']);
if (_this.coreVer !== 2) {
_0x378b5c.getStateInfo = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('get_state_info', 'string', []);
} else {
_0x378b5c.getInfoOfState = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('get_state_info', 'string', []);
_0x378b5c.getStateInfo1 = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('save_state_info', 'null', []);
_0x378b5c.getStateInfo = function() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
let a = _0x378b5c.getInfoOfState();
if (a) {
let b = setInterval(function() {
a = _0x378b5c.getInfoOfState();
if (a) {
}, 50)
_0x378b5c.saveState = async function() {
let _0xa88a14;
let _0x17edbf;
if (_this.coreVer !== 2) {
_0x17edbf = _0x378b5c.getStateInfo().split('|');
} else {
_0x17edbf = (await _0x378b5c.getStateInfo()).split('|');
let _0x2c1832 = _0x17edbf[0] >> 0;
if (_0x2c1832 > 0) {
_0xa88a14 = new Uint8Array(_0x2c1832);
for (let _0x2ef6be = _0x17edbf[1] >> 0, _0x3cc34b = 0; _0x3cc34b < _0x2c1832; _0x3cc34b++) _0xa88a14[_0x3cc34b] = _0x27f4c4.Module.getValue(_0x2ef6be + _0x3cc34b);
return _0xa88a14;
let _0x25a7a2 = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('load_state', 'number', ['string', 'number']);
_0x378b5c.loadState = function(_0x4389ae, _0x1d4918) {
let _0x91cd69;
_0x91cd69 = _0x4389ae;
try {
} catch(e){}
_0x27f4c4.FS.createDataFile('/', 'game.state', _0x91cd69, true, true);
null === _0x1d4918 && (_0x1d4918 = 0);
if ('arcade' === _0x17edbf) {
setTimeout(function() {
_0x25a7a2('game.state', _0x1d4918);
}, 0xa)
} else {
_0x25a7a2('game.state', _0x1d4918);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100)
if (_0x378b5c.connected && _0x378b5c.connection.isInitiator) {
(async () => {
const state = await _0x378b5c.saveState();
const file = new File([state], '0-game.state', {
'type': '',
'lastModified': new Date()
_0x378b5c.inputsData = {};
_0x378b5c.wait = true;
_0x27f4c4.Module._set_cheat && (_0x378b5c.setCheat = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('set_cheat', 'number', ['number', 'number', 'string']));
_0x27f4c4.Module._reset_cheat && (_0x378b5c.resetCheat = _0x27f4c4.Module._reset_cheat);
_0x378b5c.quickSaveState = async function() {
if (_this.started && !_0x378b5c.connected) {
if (_this.statesSupported === false) {
_0x378b5c.doMessageTransition('CANNOT CURRENTLY LOAD STATE');
let slot;
if (_0x2593da && typeof _0x2593da.getCoreOptionsValue == 'function') {
slot = _0x2593da.getCoreOptionsValue('save-state-slot');
if (! slot) {
slot = 1;
} else {
slot = 1;
let name = slot + '-quick.state';
try {
} catch (_0x4b4d4c) {}
try {
let _0x17edbf = await _0x378b5c.saveState();
_0x27f4c4.FS.createDataFile('/', name, _0x17edbf, true, true);
_0x378b5c.doMessageTransition('STATE SAVED TO SLOT ' + slot);
} catch(e) {
_0x378b5c.doMessageTransition('FAILED TO SAVE STATE TO SLOT ' + slot);
_0x378b5c.saveMsgTransitions = null;
_0x378b5c.doMessageTransition = function(message) {
_this.elements.widgets.stateInfoDiv.innerText = message;
_0x378b5c.saveMsgTransitions = setTimeout(function() {
_this.elements.widgets.stateInfoDiv.innerText = '';
}, 1500)
_0x378b5c.quickLoadState = function() {
if (_this.started && !_0x378b5c.connected) {
if (_this.statesSupported === false) {
_0x378b5c.doMessageTransition('CANNOT CURRENTLY LOAD STATE');
let slot;
if (_0x2593da && typeof _0x2593da.getCoreOptionsValue == 'function') {
slot = _0x2593da.getCoreOptionsValue('save-state-slot');
if (! slot) {
slot = 1;
} else {
slot = 1;
let name = slot + '-quick.state';
let success = true;
try {
_0x25a7a2(name, 0);
if ('arcade' === _0x17edbf) {
setTimeout(function() {
_0x25a7a2(name, 0);
}, 0xa);
} catch (_0x4ee386) {
success = false;
if (! success) {
_0x378b5c.doMessageTransition('FAILED TO LOAD STATE FROM SLOT ' + slot);
} else {
_0x378b5c.doMessageTransition('LOADED STATE FROM SLOT ' + slot);
_0x378b5c.changeStateSlot = function(e) {
let slot;
if (_0x2593da && typeof _0x2593da.getCoreOptionsValue == 'function') {
slot = _0x2593da.getCoreOptionsValue('save-state-slot');
if (!slot) {
slot = 1;
let newSlot;
if (typeof e != 'number') {
newSlot = slot + 1;
} else {
newSlot = e;
if (newSlot > 9) {
newSlot = 1;
_0x7f9f36.updateCoreOptions.call(_this, 'save-state-slot', newSlot);
_0x378b5c.doMessageTransition('SET SAVE STATE SLOT TO ' + newSlot);
window.EJS_loadState = function(data) {
_0x378b5c.loadState(data, 0);
setTimeout(() => {
if (_0x378b5c.connected) {
var file = new File([data], '0-game.state', {
'type': '',
'lastModified': new Date()
_0x378b5c.inputsData = {};
_0x378b5c.wait = true;
}, 0x1e);
window.EJS_saveState = function() {
return _0x378b5c.saveState();
let _0x840cf4 = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('cmd_take_screenshot', '', []);
_0x378b5c.getScreenData = function() {
return _0x27f4c4.FS.readFile('screenshot.png');
_0x378b5c.restartGame = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('system_restart', '', []);
_0x378b5c.currentFrameNum = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('get_current_frame_count', '', []);
_0x378b5c.saveSavFiles = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('cmd_savefiles', '', []);
_0x27f4c4.Module._get_core_options && (_0x378b5c.getGameCoreOptions = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('get_core_options', 'string', []));
_0x378b5c.systemPause = function(e) {
return false;
_0x378b5c.controllers = _0x2593da.storage.get('controllers');
_0x378b5c.controllers || (_0x378b5c.controllers = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_0x378b5c.defaultControllers)));
let _0xdcec2a = _0x378b5c;
function _0x5005e6(_0x7f3270, _0x477158) {
return function(_0x20890f) {
if (Array.isArray(_0x20890f)) return _0x20890f;
}(_0x7f3270) || function(_0x557107, _0x409476) {
let _0x2c1832 = [],
_0x488a47 = true,
_0x34f76e = false,
_0x19606f = undefined;
try {
for (let _0x328f4d, _0x4d9086 = _0x557107[Symbol.iterator](); !(_0x488a47 = (_0x328f4d = _0x4d9086.next()).done) && (_0x2c1832.push(_0x328f4d.value), !_0x409476 || _0x2c1832.length !== _0x409476); _0x488a47 = true);
} catch (_0x13c09a) {
_0x34f76e = true, _0x19606f = _0x13c09a;
} finally {
try {
_0x488a47 || null == _0x4d9086.return || _0x4d9086.return();
} finally {
if (_0x34f76e) throw _0x19606f;
return _0x2c1832;
}(_0x7f3270, _0x477158) || function() {
throw new TypeError('Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance');
const _0x7f9f36 = {
'storage': null,
'coreOptionsValues': {},
'contextMenu': null,
'normalOptions': {
'shader': {
'label': 'Shader',
'options': {
'disabled': 'Disabled',
'2xScaleHQ.glslp': '2xScaleHQ',
'4xScaleHQ.glslp': '4xScaleHQ',
'crt-easymode.glslp': 'CRT easymode',
'crt-aperture.glslp': 'CRT aperture',
'crt-geom.glslp': 'CRT geom',
'crt-mattias.glslp': 'CRT mattias'
'default': 'disabled'
'virtual-gamepad': {
'label': 'Virtual Gamepad',
'options': {
'disabled': 'Disabled',
'enabled': 'Enabled'
'default': 'enabled'
'defaultCoreOptionsValues': function() {
let _0xa88a13 = {};
if (this.coreVer === 2) {
return {};
switch (this.system) {
case 'pce':
_0xa88a13 = {
'pce_nospritelimit': 'enabled'
case 'jaguar':
_0xa88a13 = {
'virtualjaguar_doom_res_hack': 'enabled'
case 'psx':
_0xa88a13 = {
'pcsx_rearmed_memcard2': 'enabled'
case 'nds':
_0xa88a13 = {};
return _0xa88a13;
'getCoreOptionsValues': function() {
if (_0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues));
let _0xa88a13 = _0x7f9f36.storage.get('core-options');
_0x1e2c68.empty(_0xa88a13) && (_0xa88a13 = {});
return _0xa88a13;
'getCoreOptionsValue': function(key) {
if (_0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues) {
let rv = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues))[key];
if (rv) return rv;
let _0xa88a13 = _0x7f9f36.storage.get('core-options');
_0x1e2c68.empty(_0xa88a13) && (_0xa88a13 = {});
return _0xa88a13[key];
'getCoreOptions': function() {
let _0xa88a13 = {};
switch (this.system) {
case 'nes':
_0xa88a13.fceumm_palette = {
'label': this.localization('Color Palette'),
'options': {
'default': this.localization('Default'),
'asqrealc': 'asqrealc',
'nintendo-vc': 'nintendo-vc',
'rgb': 'rgb',
'yuv-v3': 'yuv-v3',
'unsaturated-final': 'unsaturated-final',
'sony-cxa2025as-us': 'sony-cxa2025as-us',
'pal': 'pal',
'bmf-final2': 'bmf-final2',
'bmf-final3': 'bmf-final3',
'smooth-fbx': 'smooth-fbx',
'composite-direct-fbx': 'composite-direct-fbx',
'pvm-style-d93-fbx': 'pvm-style-d93-fbx',
'nescap': 'nescap',
'ntsc-hardware-fbx': 'ntsc-hardware-fbx',
'nes-classic-fbx-fs': 'nes-classic-fbx-fs',
'wavebeam': 'wavebeam'
'default': 'default'
}, _0xa88a13.fceumm_nospritelimit = {
'label': this.localization('No Sprite Limit'),
'options': {
'enabled': this.localization('Enabled'),
'disabled': this.localization('Disabled')
'default': 'disabled'
}, _0xa88a13.fceumm_sndquality = {
'label': this.localization('Sound Quality'),
'options': {
'Low': this.localization('Low'),
'High': this.localization('High'),
'Very High': this.localization('Very High')
'default': 'Low'
}, this.lightgun || (_0xa88a13.system_type = {
'label': this.localization('4 Players Support'),
'options': {
'nes': 'NES',
'famicom': 'Famicom'
'default': 'nes'
}), _0xa88a13.fceumm_turbo_enable = {
'label': this.localization('Turbo Enable'),
'options': {
'None': this.localization('None'),
'Player 1': this.localization('Player 1'),
'Player 2': this.localization('Player 2'),
'Both': this.localization('Both')
'default': 'None'
}, _0xa88a13.fceumm_region = {
'label': this.localization('Region'),
'options': {
'Auto': this.localization('Auto'),
'PAL': 'PAL',
'Dendy': 'Dendy'},
'default': 'Auto'
case 'snes':
_0xa88a13 = {
'snes9x_next_overclock': {
'label': this.localization('SuperFX Overclock'),
'options': {
'disabled': this.localization('Disabled')+'(10MHz)',
'40MHz': '40MHz',
'60MHz': '60MHz',
'80MHz': '80MHz',
'100MHz': '100MHz'
'default': 'disabled'
case 'snes2002':
case 'snes2005':
case 'snes2010':
_0xa88a13 = {};
case 'gb':
_0xa88a13 = {
'gambatte_gb_colorization': {
'label': this.localization('GB Colorization'),
'options': {
'disabled': this.localization('Disabled'),
'auto': this.localization('auto'),
'internal': this.localization('internal')
'default': 'disabled'
'gambatte_gb_internal_palette': {
'label': this.localization('Internal Palette'),
'options': {
'GBC - Blue': this.localization('GBC - Blue'),
'GBC - Brown': this.localization('GBC - Brown'),
'GBC - Dark Blue': this.localization('GBC - Dark Blue'),
'GBC - Dark Brown': this.localization('GBC - Dark Brown'),
'GBC - Dark Green': this.localization('GBC - Dark Green'),
'GBC - Grayscale': this.localization('GBC - Grayscale'),
'GBC - Green': this.localization('GBC - Green'),
'GBC - Inverted': this.localization('GBC - Inverted'),
'GBC - Orange': this.localization('GBC - Orange'),
'GBC - Pastel Mix': this.localization('GBC - Pastel Mix'),
'GBC - Red': this.localization('GBC - Red'),
'GBC - Yellow': this.localization('GBC - Yellow')
'default': 'GBC - Blue'
case 'gba':
_0xa88a13 = {
'mgba_solar_sensor_level': {
'label': this.localization('Solar sensor level'),
'options': ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10'],
'default': '0'
'mgba_frameskip': {
'label': this.localization('Frameskip'),
'options': ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10'],
'default': '0'
case 'vbanext':
_0xa88a13 = {
'vbanext_turboenable': {
'label': this.localization('Enable Turbo Buttons'),
'options': {
'disabled': this.localization('disabled'),
'enabled': this.localization('enabled')
'default': 'disabled'
'vbanext_turbodelay': {
'label': this.localization('Turbo Delay in frames'),
'options': ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15'],
'default': '2'
case 'n64':
_0xa88a13 = {
'glupen64-aspect': {
'label': this.localization('Aspect Ratio (Need to refresh page)'),
'options': ['4:3', '16:9'],
'default': '4:3'
'glupen64-43screensize': {
'label': this.localization('4:3 Resolution'),
'options': ['320x240', '640x480', '960x720', '1280x960'],
'default': '320x240'
'glupen64-169screensize': {
'label': this.localization('16:9 Resolution'),
'options': ['640x360', '960x540', '1280x720'],
'default': '640x360'
'glupen64-pak1': {
'label': this.localization('Player 1 Pak'),
'options': {
'none': this.localization('none'),
'memory': this.localization('memory'),
'rumble': this.localization('rumble')
'default': 'none'
'glupen64-pak2': {
'label': this.localization('Player 2 Pak'),
'options': {
'none': this.localization('none'),
'memory': this.localization('memory'),
'rumble': this.localization('rumble')
'default': 'none'
'glupen64-pak3': {
'label': this.localization('Player 3 Pak'),
'options': {
'none': this.localization('none'),
'memory': this.localization('memory'),
'rumble': this.localization('rumble')
'default': 'none'
'glupen64-pak4': {
'label': this.localization('Player 4 Pak'),
'options': {
'none': this.localization('none'),
'memory': this.localization('memory'),
'rumble': this.localization('rumble')
'default': 'none'
case 'nds':
_0xa88a13 = {
'desmume_screens_layout': {
'label': this.localization('Screen layout'),
'options': {
'top/bottom': this.localization('top/bottom'),
'bottom/top': this.localization('bottom/top'),
'left/right': this.localization('left/right'),
'right/left': this.localization('right/left'),
'top only': this.localization('top only'),
'bottom only': this.localization('bottom only'),
'quick switch': this.localization('quick switch'),
'hybrid/top': this.localization('hybrid/top'),
'hybrid/bottom': this.localization('hybrid/bottom')
'default': 'top/bottom'
'screen_rotation': {
'label': this.localization('Screen Rotation'),
'options': {
0: '0°',
90: '90°',
180: '180°',
270: '270°'
'default': 0
'desmume_frameskip': {
'label': this.localization('Frameskip'),
'options': ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'],
'default': '0'
}, _0x2d904a.wasm || delete _0xa88a13.screen_rotation;
case 'vb':
case 'pce':
_0xa88a13 = {};
case 'segaMS':
case 'segaGG':
case 'segaMD':
case 'segaCD':
_0xa88a13 = {
'genesis_plus_gx_no_sprite_limit': {
'label': this.localization('No Sprite Limit'),
'options': {
'disabled': this.localization('disabled'),
'enabled': this.localization('enabled')
'default': 'disabled'
'genesis_plus_gx_overclock': {
'label': this.localization('CPU speed'),
'options': ['100%', '125%', '150%', '175%', '200%'],
'default': '100%'
'genesis_plus_gx_sound_output': {
'label': this.localization('Sound output'),
'options': {
'stereo': this.localization('stereo'),
'mono': this.localization('mono')
'default': 'stereo'
case 'sega32x':
_0xa88a13 = {
'picodrive_sprlim': {
'label': this.localization('No sprite limit'),
'options': {
'disabled': this.localization('disabled'),
'enabled': this.localization('enabled')
'default': 'disabled'
case 'segaSaturn':
_0xa88a13 = {
'yabause_frameskip': {
'label': this.localization('Frameskip'),
'options': {
'disabled': this.localization('disabled'),
'enabled': this.localization('enabled')
'default': 'disabled'
case 'msx':
_0xa88a13 = {
'bluemsx_nospritelimits': {
'label': this.localization('No Sprite Limit'),
'options': {
'OFF': this.localization('OFF'),
'ON': this.localization('ON')
'default': 'OFF'
case 'ws':
case 'ngp':
_0xa88a13 = {};
case 'jaguar':
_0xa88a13 = {
'virtualjaguar_usefastblitter': {
'label': this.localization('Fast Blitter'),
'options': {
'disabled': this.localization('disabled'),
'enabled': this.localization('enabled')
'default': 'disabled'
'virtualjaguar_bios': {
'label': this.localization('Bios'),
'options': {
'disabled': this.localization('disabled'),
'enabled': this.localization('enabled')
'default': 'disabled'
case 'psx':
_0xa88a13 = {
'pcsx_rearmed_frameskip': {
'label': this.localization('Frameskip'),
'options': [0, 1, 2, 3],
'default': 0
'pcsx_rearmed_memcard2': {
'label': this.localization('Enable second memory card'),
'options': {
'disabled': this.localization('disabled'),
'enabled': this.localization('enabled')
'default': 'enabled'
'pcsx_rearmed_pad1type': {
'label': this.localization('Pad 1 Type'),
'options': {
'default': this.localization('default'),
'none': this.localization('none'),
'standard': this.localization('standard'),
'analog': this.localization('analog'),
'negcon': this.localization('negcon')
'default': 'default'
'pcsx_rearmed_pad2type': {
'label': this.localization('Pad 2 Type'),
'options': {
'default': this.localization('default'),
'none': this.localization('none'),
'standard': this.localization('standard'),
'analog': this.localization('analog'),
'negcon': this.localization('negcon')
'default': 'default'
'pcsx_rearmed_pad3type': {
'label': this.localization('Pad 3 Type'),
'options': {
'default': this.localization('default'),
'none': this.localization('none'),
'standard': this.localization('standard'),
'analog': this.localization('analog'),
'negcon': this.localization('negcon')
'default': 'default'
'pcsx_rearmed_pad4type': {
'label': this.localization('Pad 4 Type'),
'options': {
'default': this.localization('default'),
'none': this.localization('none'),
'standard': this.localization('standard'),
'analog': this.localization('analog'),
'negcon': this.localization('negcon')
'default': 'default'
'pcsx_rearmed_vibration': {
'label': this.localization('Enable Vibration'),
'options': {
'disabled': this.localization('disabled'),
'enabled': this.localization('enabled')
'default': 'enabled'
'pcsx_rearmed_neon_interlace_enable': {
'label': this.localization('Enable interlacing mode(s)'),
'options': {
'disabled': this.localization('disabled'),
'enabled': this.localization('enabled')
'default': 'disabled'
'pcsx_rearmed_neon_enhancement_enable': {
'label': this.localization('Enhanced resolution (slow)'),
'options': {
'disabled': this.localization('disabled'),
'enabled': this.localization('enabled')
'default': 'disabled'
'pcsx_rearmed_neon_enhancement_no_main': {
'label': this.localization('Enhanced resolution speed hack'),
'options': {
'disabled': this.localization('disabled'),
'enabled': this.localization('enabled')
'default': 'disabled'
case 'arcade':
case 'fba0.2.97.29':
_0xa88a13 = {
'fba-aspect': {
'label': this.localization('Aspect ratio'),
'options': ['DAR', 'PAR'],
'default': 'DAR'
'fba-frameskip': {
'label': this.localization('Frameskip'),
'options': ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'],
'default': '0'
'fba-cpu-speed-adjust': {
'label': this.localization('CPU overclock'),
'options': ['100', '110', '120', '130', '140', '150', '160', '170', '180', '190', '200'],
'default': '100'
'fba-diagnostic-input': {
'label': this.localization('Diagnostic Input'),
'options': ['None', 'Hold Start', 'Start + A + B', 'Hold Start + A + B', 'Start + L + R', 'Hold Start + L + R', 'Hold Select', 'Select + A + B', 'Hold Select + A + B', 'Select + L + R', 'Hold Select + L + R'],
'default': 'None'
'fba-neogeo-mode': {
'label': this.localization('Force Neo Geo mode'),
'options': ['MVS', 'AES', 'UNIBIOS', 'DIPSWITCH'],
'default': 'MVS'
case 'mame2003':
case 'mame2010':
case 'mame':
_0xa88a13 = {};
case 'dos':
_0xa88a13 = {};
_0xa88a13 = {};
const _this = this;
if (this.coreVer === 2) {
_0xa88a13 = {};
_0xa88a13['fps'] = {
'label': this.localization('FPS'),
'options': {
'show': this.localization("show"),
'hide': this.localization("hide")
'default': "hide"
if (_0xdcec2a && (_0xdcec2a.virtualGamepadContainer != 'undefined' || _0xdcec2a.virtualGamepadContainer !== null)) {
_0xa88a13['left-handed-mode'] = {
'label': this.localization('Left Handed Mode'),
'options': {
'on': this.localization('On'),
'off': this.localization('Off')
'default': 'off'
if (this.statesSupported === true) {
_0xa88a13['save-state-slot'] = {
'label': this.localization('Save State Slot'),
'options': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
'default': 1
if (this.statesSupported === true && window.indexedDB && this.getStartName()) {
_0xa88a13['save-state-location'] = {
'label': this.localization('Save State Location'),
'options': {
'download': this.localization('download'),
'keep in browser': this.localization('keep in browser')
'default': 'download'
try {
_0xdcec2a.getGameCoreOptions && _0xdcec2a.getGameCoreOptions().split('\n').forEach(function(_0x2bef5a, _0x49b64b) {
let _0x5995db = _0x2bef5a.split('; '),
_0x16274c = _0x5995db[0];
if (0x0 === _0x16274c.indexOf('fba-dipswitch-') || _this.coreVer === 2) {
let _0x757776 = _0x5995db[1].split('|'),
_0x1f895e = _0x16274c.split("|")[0].replace(/_/g, ' ').replace(/.+\-(.+)/, '$1');
_0x757776.slice(1, -1);
if (_0x757776.length === 1) return;
let options = {};
for (let i=0; i<_0x757776.length; i++) {
options[_0x757776[i]] = _this.localization(_0x757776[i]);
_0xa88a13[_0x16274c.split("|")[0]] = {
'label': _this.localization(_0x1f895e),
'options': options,
'default': (_0x16274c.split("|").length > 1) ? _0x16274c.split("|")[1] : _0x757776[0].replace('(Default) ', '')
} catch(e) {};
return _0xa88a13;
'supportNetPlay': function() {
if (this.coreVer === 2) return false;
if (!this.listUrl || !this.socketUrl) return false;
if (this.lightgun || this.mouse) return false;
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_0x17edbf = window.mozRTCIceCandidate || window.RTCIceCandidate,
_0x2c1832 = window.mozRTCSessionDescription || window.RTCSessionDescription;
return !!(_0xa88a13 && _0x17edbf && _0x2c1832) && !!(_0xa88a13 && 'createDataChannel' in _0xa88a13.prototype);
'isNetPlay': function() {},
'findElements': function() {
try {
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'play': _0x23ffa1.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.play),
'pause': _0x530042.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.pause),
'restart': _0x530042.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.restart),
'mute': _0x530042.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.mute),
'settings': _0x530042.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.settings),
'fullscreen': _0x530042.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.fullscreen),
'saveState': _0x530042.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.saveState),
'cacheManager': _0x530042.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.cacheManager),
'screenRecord': _0x530042.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.screenRecord),
'loadState': _0x530042.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.loadState),
'gamepad': _0x530042.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.gamepad),
'netplay': _0x530042.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.netplay),
'cheat': _0x530042.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.cheat)
}, this.elements.inputs = {
'volume': _0x530042.call(this, this.config.selectors.inputs.volume)
}, true;
} catch (_0x527381) {
return this.debug.warn('It looks like there is a problem with your custom controls HTML', _0x527381), false;
'createIcon': function(_0x43d42f, _0x42a597) {
let _0x2c1832 = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg');
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'createLabel': function(_0x185043) {
let _0x17edbf = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {},
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'createBadge': function(_0x415aef) {
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'class': this.config.classNames.menu.badge
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'createButton': function(_0x427a85, _0x493eb2) {
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'type' in _0x183584 || (_0x183584.type = 'button');
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case 'play':
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case 'mute':
_0x2ca20d = true, _0x2c1832 = 'mute', _0xcb618b = 'unmute', _0x325832 = 'volume', _0x25c678 = 'muted';
case 'fullscreen':
_0x2ca20d = true, _0x2c1832 = 'enterFullscreen', _0xcb618b = 'exitFullscreen', _0x325832 = 'enter-fullscreen', _0x25c678 = 'exit-fullscreen';
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return 'true' === _0xb8fbbd.getAttribute('aria-checked');
'set': function(_0x2da7f0) {
_0x2da7f0 && Array.from(_0xb8fbbd.parentNode.children).filter(function(_0x480c16) {
return _0x13f491(_0x480c16, '[role="menuitemradio"]');
}).forEach(function(_0x363b12) {
return _0x363b12.setAttribute('aria-checked', 'false');
}), _0xb8fbbd.setAttribute('aria-checked', _0x2da7f0 ? 'true' : 'false');
let _0x449ec7 = _0x7f9f36.getCoreOptions.call(this);
this.listeners.bind(_0xb8fbbd, 'click keyup', function(_0x270d0d) {
_0x1e2c68.keyboardEvent(_0x270d0d) && 0x20 !== _0x270d0d.which || (_0x270d0d.preventDefault(), _0x270d0d.stopPropagation(), _0xb8fbbd.checked = true, Object.keys(_0x7f9f36.normalOptions).includes(_0x57313b) && _0x7f9f36.updateNormalOptions.call(_0x17edbf, _0x57313b, _0x2c1832), Object.keys(_0x449ec7).includes(_0x57313b) && (_0x449ec7[_0x57313b].netplay && _0xdcec2a.connected ? _0xdcec2a.connection.isInitiator && (_0x7f9f36.updateCoreOptions.call(_0x17edbf, _0x57313b, _0x2c1832), _0xdcec2a.connection.send(JSON.stringify({
'act': 'update-core-option',
'key': _0x57313b,
'value': _0x2c1832,
'frame': _0xdcec2a.currentFrame
}))) : _0x7f9f36.updateCoreOptions.call(_0x17edbf, _0x57313b, _0x2c1832)), _0x7f9f36.showMenuPanel.call(_0x17edbf, 'home', _0x1e2c68.keyboardEvent(_0x270d0d)));
}, _0x57313b, false), _0x7f9f36.bindMenuItemShortcuts.call(this, _0xb8fbbd, _0x57313b), _0x231912.appendChild(_0xb8fbbd);
'updateVolume': function() {
_0x1e2c68.element(this.elements.inputs.volume) && _0x7f9f36.setRange.call(this, this.elements.inputs.volume, this.muted ? 0 : this.volume), _0x1e2c68.element(this.elements.buttons.mute) && (this.elements.buttons.mute.pressed = this.muted || 0 === this.volume);
'setRange': function(_0x1c075b) {
let _0x17edbf = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0;
_0x1e2c68.element(_0x1c075b) && (_0x1c075b.value = _0x17edbf, _0x7f9f36.updateRangeFill.call(this, _0x1c075b));
'updateRangeFill': function(_0x2dbde1) {
let _0x17edbf = _0x1e2c68.event(_0x2dbde1) ? _0x2dbde1.target : _0x2dbde1;
if (_0x1e2c68.element(_0x17edbf) && 'range' === _0x17edbf.getAttribute('type')) {
if (_0x13f491(_0x17edbf, this.config.selectors.inputs.volume)) {
let _0x2c1832 = 0x64 * _0x17edbf.value;
_0x17edbf.setAttribute('aria-valuenow', _0x2c1832), _0x17edbf.setAttribute('aria-valuetext', '' .concat(_0x2c1832.toFixed(1), '%'));
} else _0x17edbf.setAttribute('aria-valuenow', _0x17edbf.value);
_0x59aa33.isWebkit && _0x17edbf.style.setProperty('--value', '' .concat(_0x17edbf.value / _0x17edbf.max * 0x64, '%'));
'toggleMenuButton': function(_0x249814, _0x2948e9) {
_0x132da7(this.elements.settings.buttons[_0x249814], !_0x2948e9);
'updateNormalOptions': function(option, value) {
this.elements.settings.buttons[option].querySelector('.' .concat(this.config.classNames.menu.value)).innerHTML = _0x7f9f36.normalOptions[option].options[value];
let _0x2c1832 = {};
_0x2c1832[option] = value;
'shader' === option && _0xdcec2a.setShader(value);
'virtual-gamepad' === option && _0xdcec2a.toggleVirtualGamepad.call(this, 'enabled' === value);
'updateCoreOptions': function(_0x41c4ad, _0x15823e) {
if ('nds' === getSystem(this.system, true) && !_0x2d904a.wasm) return true;
_0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues[_0x41c4ad] = _0x15823e;
if ('psx' === getSystem(this.system, true) && _0x27f4c4.Module.pauseMainLoop(), _0xdcec2a.setVariable(_0x41c4ad, _0x15823e), 'psx' === getSystem(this.system, true) && (setTimeout(function() {
}, 0x64), setTimeout(function() {
}, 0xc8)), 'nds' === getSystem(this.system, true) && _0x2d904a.wasm) {
let _0x2c1832 = this.elements.wrapper.querySelector('canvas');
if ('screen_rotation' === _0x41c4ad) switch (_0x2c1832.style.transform = 'rotate(' + _0x15823e + 'deg)', _0x15823e) {
case '0':
_0xdcec2a.setVariable('desmume_input_rotation', '0');
case '90':
_0xdcec2a.setVariable('desmume_input_rotation', '270');
case '180':
_0xdcec2a.setVariable('desmume_input_rotation', '180');
case '270':
_0xdcec2a.setVariable('desmume_input_rotation', '90');
if ('arcade' === getSystem(this.system, true) || 'fba0.2.97.29' === getSystem(this.system, true)) {
let _0x567ccc = this.elements.wrapper.querySelector('canvas');
_0x567ccc.height = 'fba-aspect' === _0x41c4ad && 'PAR' === _0x15823e ? _0x567ccc.width / 0x10 * 0x9 : _0x567ccc.width / 4 * 3;
let _0x31bdec = _0x7f9f36.getCoreOptions.call(this),
_0x3efd0b = _0x7f9f36.storage.get('core-options');
if (_0x1e2c68.empty(_0x3efd0b) && (_0x3efd0b = {}), _0x3efd0b[_0x41c4ad] = _0x15823e, _0x7f9f36.storage.set({
'core-options': _0x3efd0b
}), this.elements.settings.buttons[_0x41c4ad]) {
let _0xe95e6a = this.elements.settings.buttons[_0x41c4ad].querySelector('.' .concat(this.config.classNames.menu.value));
_0x1e2c68.object(_0x31bdec[_0x41c4ad].options) ? _0xe95e6a.innerHTML = _0x31bdec[_0x41c4ad].options[_0x15823e] : _0xe95e6a.innerHTML = _0x15823e;
if (_0x41c4ad === 'left-handed-mode') {
_0xdcec2a.toggleVirtualGamepad.call(this, true, true);
'setOptionMenuItem': function(_0x2f0e6a, _0x85969e) {
let _0x2c1832 = this,
_0x549dac = this.elements.settings.panels.home.querySelector('[role="menu"]'),
_0x43777f = this.elements.settings.popup.children[0];
Object.keys(_0x2f0e6a).forEach(function(_0x4fcbcf) {
let _0x177975 = _0x4fcbcf,
_0x5f3e0f = _0x428003('button', _0x5dc0c0(_0xa949a8(_0x2c1832.config.selectors.buttons.settings), {
'type': 'button',
'class': getClass({
'ejs__control': true,
'ejs__control--forward': true
'role': 'menuitem',
'item': _0x4fcbcf,
'aria-haspopup': true
_0x1093f4(_0x5f3e0f, 'click', function() {
_0x7f9f36.showMenuPanel.call(_0x2c1832, _0x177975, false);
let _0x1d5857, _0x1838f9 = _0x428003('span', null, _0x2f0e6a[_0x4fcbcf].label),
_0x455b20 = _0x428003('span', {
'class': _0x2c1832.config.classNames.menu.value
_0x1e2c68.object(_0x85969e) && (_0x1d5857 = _0x85969e[_0x177975]), _0x1e2c68.empty(_0x1d5857) && (_0x1d5857 = _0x2f0e6a[_0x177975].default), _0x1e2c68.object(_0x2f0e6a[_0x177975].options) ? _0x455b20.innerHTML = _0x2f0e6a[_0x177975].options[_0x1d5857] : _0x455b20.innerHTML = _0x1d5857, _0x1838f9.appendChild(_0x455b20), _0x5f3e0f.appendChild(_0x1838f9), _0x549dac.appendChild(_0x5f3e0f);
let _0x3f3775 = _0x428003('div', {
'data-pane': escape(_0x177975),
'hidden': ''
_0x288440 = _0x428003('button', {
'type': 'button',
'class': getClass({
'ejs__control': true,
'ejs__control--back': true
_0x288440.appendChild(_0x428003('span', {
'aria-hidden': true
}, _0x2f0e6a[_0x4fcbcf].label)), _0x288440.appendChild(_0x428003('span', {
'class': getClass({
'ejs__sr-only': true
}, _0xb9b2ff.get('menuBack', _0x2c1832.config))), _0x1093f4(_0x3f3775, 'keydown', function(_0x462a4d) {
0x25 === _0x462a4d.which && (_0x462a4d.preventDefault(), _0x462a4d.stopPropagation(), _0x7f9f36.showMenuPanel.call(_0x2c1832, 'home', true));
}, false), _0x1093f4(_0x288440, 'click', function() {
_0x7f9f36.showMenuPanel.call(_0x2c1832, 'home', false);
}), _0x3f3775.appendChild(_0x288440), _0x3f3775.appendChild(_0x428003('div', {
'role': 'menu'
})), _0x43777f.appendChild(_0x3f3775), _0x2c1832.elements.settings.buttons[_0x177975] = _0x5f3e0f, _0x2c1832.elements.settings.panels[_0x177975] = _0x3f3775;
let _0x2c172f = _0x3f3775.querySelector('[role="menu"]');
!function(_0x301c01) {
if (_0x1e2c68.element(_0x301c01))
for (let _0x85969e = _0x301c01.childNodes.length; _0x85969e > 0;) _0x301c01.removeChild(_0x301c01.lastChild), _0x85969e -= 1;
_0x1e2c68.object(_0x2f0e6a[_0x4fcbcf].options) ? Object.keys(_0x2f0e6a[_0x4fcbcf].options).forEach(function(_0x281296) {
_0x7f9f36.createMenuItem.call(_0x2c1832, {
'value': _0x281296,
'list': _0x2c172f,
'type': _0x177975,
'title': _0x2f0e6a[_0x4fcbcf].options[_0x281296],
'badge': null,
'checked': Boolean(_0x1d5857 === _0x281296)
}) : _0x1e2c68.array(_0x2f0e6a[_0x4fcbcf].options) && _0x2f0e6a[_0x4fcbcf].options.forEach(function(_0x28a341) {
_0x7f9f36.createMenuItem.call(_0x2c1832, {
'value': _0x28a341,
'list': _0x2c172f,
'type': _0x177975,
'title': _0x28a341,
'badge': null,
'checked': Boolean(_0x1d5857 === _0x28a341)
'setNormalOptionsMenu': function() {
let _this = this,
_0x2c1832 = {};
if (this.config.defaultMenuOptions && this.config.defaultMenuOptions.length === undefined) {
_0x2c1832 = this.config.defaultMenuOptions;
_0x2c1832.orientation = _0x7f9f36.storage.get('orientation');
_0x2c1832.shader = _0x7f9f36.storage.get('shader') || _0x2c1832.shader;
if (_this.touch) {
_0x2c1832['virtual-gamepad'] = _0x7f9f36.storage.get('virtual-gamepad') || _0x2c1832['virtual-gamepad'];
_0x1093f4.call(_this, _this.elements.container, 'start-game', function() {
('enabled' === _0x2c1832['virtual-gamepad'] || _0x1e2c68.empty(_0x2c1832['virtual-gamepad'])) && _0xdcec2a.toggleVirtualGamepad.call(_this, true);
} else {
delete _0x7f9f36.normalOptions['virtual-gamepad'];
_0x7f9f36.setOptionMenuItem.call(this, _0x7f9f36.normalOptions, _0x2c1832);
_0x1093f4.call(_this, _this.elements.container, 'start-game', function() {
let shader = _0x7f9f36.storage.get('shader');
if (shader !== 'disabled') {
let _0x42a7b1 = {};
_0xdcec2a.getGameCoreOptions && _0xdcec2a.getGameCoreOptions().split('\n').forEach(function(_0x4a987e, _0x10bd7a) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x4a987e.split('; '),
_0x1ddc5f = _0x2c1832[0];
if (0 === _0x1ddc5f.indexOf('fba-dipswitch-') || _this.coreVer === 2) {
let _0xbd808 = _0x2c1832[1].split('|'),
_0x3c4b1a = _0x1ddc5f.split("|")[0].replace(/_/g, ' ').replace(/.+\-(.+)/, '$1');
_0xbd808.slice(1, -1);
if (_0xbd808.length === 1) return;
let options = {};
for (let i=0; i<_0xbd808.length; i++) {
options[_0xbd808[i]] = _this.localization(_0xbd808[i]);
_0x42a7b1[_0x1ddc5f.split("|")[0]] = {
'label': _this.localization(_0x3c4b1a),
'options': options,
'default': (_0x1ddc5f.split("|").length > 1) ? _0x1ddc5f.split("|")[1] : _0xbd808[0].replace('(Default) ', '')
let _0x27d859 = _0x7f9f36.storage.get('core-options');
_0x27d859 = _0x27d859 || {};
_0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues = _0x27d859;
_0x7f9f36.setOptionMenuItem.call(_this, _0x42a7b1, _0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues);
Object.keys(_0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues).forEach(function(_0x51fc4e, _0x4b3613) {
_0x7f9f36.updateCoreOptions.call(_0x2c1832, _0x51fc4e, _0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues[_0x51fc4e]);
'nds' == getSystem(_this.system, true) && (_0x27f4c4.Module._fast_forward_2 ? _0x27f4c4.Module._fast_forward_2(1) : _0x27f4c4.Module._fast_forward && _0x27f4c4.Module._fast_forward(1));
'updateCoreOptionMenuItems': function() {
let _0xa88a13 = this.elements.settings.panels.home.querySelector('[role="menu"]'),
_0x17edbf = _0x7f9f36.getCoreOptions.call(this);
_0xdcec2a.connected && !_0xdcec2a.connection.isInitiator ? Object.keys(_0x17edbf).forEach(function(_0x480587) {
_0x17edbf[_0x480587].netplay && _0xa88a13.querySelector('[item="' .concat(_0x480587, '"]')).setAttribute('disabled', '');
}) : Object.keys(_0x17edbf).forEach(function(_0x20e093) {
_0xa88a13.querySelector('[item="' .concat(_0x20e093, '"]')).removeAttribute('disabled');
'setCoreOptionsMenu': function() {
this.elements.settings.panels.home.querySelector('[role="menu"]'), this.elements.settings.popup.children[0];
let _0xa88a13 = _0x7f9f36.getCoreOptions.call(this),
_0x17edbf = _0x7f9f36.storage.get('core-options');
_0x17edbf = _0x17edbf || {}
if (this.config.defaultMenuOptions && this.config.defaultMenuOptions.length === undefined) {
for (let k in this.config.defaultMenuOptions) {
if (!_0x17edbf[k]) {
_0x17edbf[k] = this.config.defaultMenuOptions[k];
_0x2c1832 = this.config.defaultMenuOptions;
if ('undefined' != typeof EJS_DEBUG_XX && true === EJS_DEBUG_XX) {
console.log('Available core options: ', _0xa88a13);
_0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues = _0x17edbf, _0x7f9f36.setOptionMenuItem.call(this, _0xa88a13, _0x17edbf);
'checkMenu': function() {
let _0xa88a13 = this.elements.settings.buttons;
!_0x1e2c68.empty(_0xa88a13) && Object.values(_0xa88a13).some(function(_0x200331) {
return !_0x200331.hidden;
_0x132da7(this.elements.settings.menu, false);
'focusFirstMenuItem': function(_0x303d68) {
let _0x17edbf = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1];
if (!this.elements.settings.popup.hidden) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x303d68;
_0x1e2c68.element(_0x2c1832) || (_0x2c1832 = Object.values(this.elements.settings.panels).find(function(_0xe94c5e) {
return !_0xe94c5e.hidden;
let _0x2f3a13 = _0x2c1832.querySelector('[role^="menuitem"]');
_0x31cc23.call(this, _0x2f3a13, _0x17edbf);
'toggleMenu': function(_0x28d6c6) {
let _0x17edbf = this.elements.settings.popup,
_0x2c1832 = this.elements.buttons.settings;
if (_0x1e2c68.element(_0x17edbf) && _0x1e2c68.element(_0x2c1832)) {
let _0x614270 = _0x17edbf.hidden,
_0x14f1b5 = _0x614270;
if (_0x1e2c68.boolean(_0x28d6c6)) _0x14f1b5 = _0x28d6c6;
else if (_0x1e2c68.keyboardEvent(_0x28d6c6) && 0x1b === _0x28d6c6.which) _0x14f1b5 = false;
else if (_0x1e2c68.event(_0x28d6c6)) {
let _0xcf75ac = _0x17edbf.contains(_0x28d6c6.target);
if (_0xcf75ac || !_0xcf75ac && _0x28d6c6.target !== _0x2c1832 && _0x14f1b5) return;
_0x2c1832.setAttribute('aria-expanded', _0x14f1b5);
_0x132da7(_0x17edbf, !_0x14f1b5);
_0x3a8e2f(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.menu.open, _0x14f1b5);
_0x14f1b5 && _0x1e2c68.keyboardEvent(_0x28d6c6) ? _0x7f9f36.focusFirstMenuItem.call(this, null, true) : _0x14f1b5 || _0x614270 || _0x31cc23.call(this, _0x2c1832, _0x1e2c68.keyboardEvent(_0x28d6c6));
'getMenuSize': function(_0x55fe13) {
let _0x17edbf = _0x55fe13.cloneNode(true);
_0x17edbf.style.position = 'absolute';
_0x17edbf.style.opacity = 0;
let _0x2c1832 = _0x17edbf.scrollWidth,
_0x5edd1b = _0x17edbf.scrollHeight;
return _0x12a55d(_0x17edbf), {
'width': _0x2c1832,
'height': _0x5edd1b
'showLoadStatePanel': function() {},
'showMenuPanel': function() {
let _this = this,
_0x17edbf = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : '',
_0x2c1832 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1],
_0x7f4281 = _0x530042.call(this, '[data-pane="' .concat(escape(_0x17edbf), '"]'));
if (_0x1e2c68.element(_0x7f4281)) {
let _0x3d6729 = _0x7f4281.parentNode,
_0x381f57 = Array.from(_0x3d6729.children).find(function(_0x57c652) {
return !_0x57c652.hidden;
if (_0x2d904a.transitions && !_0x2d904a.reducedMotion) {
_0x3d6729.style.width = '' .concat(_0x381f57.scrollWidth, 'px');
_0x3d6729.style.height = '' .concat(_0x381f57.scrollHeight, 'px');
let _0x29dd37 = _0x7f9f36.getMenuSize.call(this, _0x7f4281),
_0x37447f = function _0x17edbf(_0x40854f) {
_0x40854f.target === _0x3d6729 && ['width', 'height'].includes(_0x40854f.propertyName) && (_0x3d6729.style.width = '', _0x3d6729.style.height = '', _0x20109b.call(_this, _0x3d6729, _0x5a2767, _0x17edbf));
_0x1093f4.call(this, _0x3d6729, _0x5a2767, _0x37447f), _0x3d6729.style.width = '' .concat(_0x29dd37.width, 'px'), _0x3d6729.style.height = '' .concat(_0x29dd37.height, 'px');
_0x132da7(_0x381f57, true);
_0x132da7(_0x7f4281, false);
_0x7f9f36.focusFirstMenuItem.call(this, _0x7f4281, _0x2c1832);
'setLoadState': function(_0x526828, _0x2ce330) {
_0x526828.appendChild(_0x7f9f36.createButton.call(this, 'load-state', {
'aria-haspopup': true,
'aria-expanded': false
let _0x2c1832 = _0x428003('div', {
'class': getClass({
'ejs__dialog': true,
'ejs__load-state__container': true
'hidden': ''
_0x2e5e96 = _0x428003('div');
_0x530042.call(this, '.' .concat(getClass({
'ejs__dialogs': true
this.elements.dialogs.loadState = _0x2c1832;
'setScreenRecord': function(_0x4c3fdd, _0x289259) {
if (!window.MediaRecorder) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x7f9f36.createButton.call(this, 'screen-record', {
'aria-haspopup': true,
'aria-expanded': false,
'style': 'margin-right:auto;'
let _0x13c0e4 = _0x428003('div', {
'class': getClass({
'ejs__dialog': true,
'ejs__screenRecord__container': true
'hidden': ''
_0xe2c02a = _0x428003('div');
_0x530042.call(this, '.' .concat(getClass({
'ejs__dialogs': true
this.elements.dialogs.screenRecord = _0x13c0e4;
'setCacheManager': function(_0x4c3fdd, _0x289259) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x7f9f36.createButton.call(this, 'cache-manager', {
'aria-haspopup': true,
'aria-expanded': false,
'style': 'margin-right:auto;'
let _0x13c0e4 = _0x428003('div', {
'class': getClass({
'ejs__dialog': true,
'ejs__cacheManager__container': true
'hidden': ''
_0xe2c02a = _0x428003('div');
_0x530042.call(this, '.' .concat(getClass({
'ejs__dialogs': true
this.elements.dialogs.cacheManager = _0x13c0e4;
'setGamepad': function(_0x4c3fdd, _0x289259) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x7f9f36.createButton.call(this, 'gamepad', {
'aria-haspopup': true,
'aria-expanded': false,
'style': 'margin-right:auto;'
let _0x13c0e4 = _0x428003('div', {
'class': getClass({
'ejs__dialog': true,
'ejs__gamepad__container': true
'hidden': ''
_0xe2c02a = _0x428003('div');
_0x530042.call(this, '.' .concat(getClass({
'ejs__dialogs': true
this.elements.dialogs.gamepad = _0x13c0e4;
'setMessage': function(_0x4c3fdd, _0x289259) {
let _0x13c0e4 = _0x428003('div', {
'class': getClass({
'ejs__dialog': true
'hidden': ''
_0xe2c02a = _0x428003('div');
_0x530042.call(this, '.' .concat(getClass({
'ejs__dialogs': true
this.elements.dialogs.message = _0x13c0e4;
'setCheat': function(_0x328075, _0x21ca37) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x7f9f36.createButton.call(this, 'cheat', {
'aria-haspopup': true,
'aria-expanded': false,
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_0x17edbf = _0x1a0e98(_0x17edbf, '{' .concat(_0x47c2ec, '}'), _0x547588);
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'set': function() {
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function _0x238270() {
if (this.enabled) {
let _0xa88a13 = this.player.elements.buttons.fullscreen;
_0x1e2c68.element(_0xa88a13) && (_0xa88a13.pressed = this.active), _0xbae705.call(this.player, this.target, this.active ? 'enterfullscreen' : 'exitfullscreen', true), _0x59aa33.isIos || _0x5e0c7d.call(this.player, this.target, this.active);
function _0x3c983f() {
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function _0x1339df(_0x5f19c6) {
let _0x2c1832 = this;
! function(_0x143a8a, _0x32a0a1) {
if (!(_0x143a8a instanceof _0x32a0a1)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function');
}(this, _0x1339df), this.player = _0x5f19c6, this.prefix = _0x1339df.prefix, this.property = _0x1339df.property, this.scrollPosition = {
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'y': 0x0
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}), this.update();
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'key': 'native',
'get': function() {
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'get': function() {
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'key': 'property',
'get': function() {
return 'moz' === this.prefix ? 'FullScreen' : 'Fullscreen';
_0x2c1832 = [{
'key': 'update',
'value': function() {
this.enabled, _0x3a8e2f(this.player.elements.container, this.player.config.classNames.fullscreen.enabled, this.enabled);
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'key': 'enter',
'value': function() {
this.enabled && (_0x1339df.native ? this.prefix ? _0x1e2c68.empty(this.prefix) || this.target['' .concat(this.prefix, 'Request').concat(this.property)]() : this.target.requestFullscreen() : _0x3c983f.call(this, true));
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'key': 'exit',
'value': function() {
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document['' .concat(this.prefix).concat(_0x17edbf).concat(this.property)]();
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'key': 'toggle',
'value': function() {
this.active ? this.exit() : this.enter();
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'key': 'enabled',
'get': function() {
return _0x1339df.native;
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'key': 'active',
'get': function() {
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'key': 'target',
'get': function() {
return _0x59aa33.isEdge ? this.player.game : this.player.elements.container;
_0x28bdca(_0x17edbf.prototype, _0x2c1832)
_0x50d347 && _0x28bdca(_0x17edbf, _0x50d347)
return _0x1339df;
function _0x42b437(_0x458e02, _0x5729e1) {
if (Array.isArray(_0x458e02)) return _0x458e02;
let _0x2c1832 = [],
_0x2e7aa7 = true,
_0x393a5f = false,
_0x3b4eca = undefined;
try {
for (let _0x1aca09, _0x1bb8de = _0x458e02[Symbol.iterator](); !(_0x2e7aa7 = (_0x1aca09 = _0x1bb8de.next()).done) && (_0x2c1832.push(_0x1aca09.value), !_0x5729e1 || _0x2c1832.length !== _0x5729e1); _0x2e7aa7 = true);
} catch (_0x190997) {
_0x393a5f = true, _0x3b4eca = _0x190997;
} finally {
try {
_0x2e7aa7 || null == _0x1bb8de.return || _0x1bb8de.return();
} finally {
if (_0x393a5f) throw _0x3b4eca;
return _0x2c1832;
let _0x37093c = function() {
function _0x31e271(_0x948a97) {
! function(_0x3adedc, _0x5952e9) {
if (!(_0x3adedc instanceof _0x5952e9)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function');
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toggleMenu: function(_0x3156ad) {
_0x2593da.toggleMenu.call(this.emulator, _0x3156ad);
firstTouch: function() {
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_0x17edbf = _0x31e271.elements;
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setTabFocus: function(_0x20bf1f) {
let _0x17edbf = this.emulator,
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'keydown' === _0x20bf1f.type && (this.lastKeyDown = _0x20bf1f.timeStamp);
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('focus' !== _0x20bf1f.type || _0x967a30) && (_0x27d4ad = _0x48d087.config.classNames.tabFocus, _0x3a8e2f(_0x23ffa1.call(_0x48d087, '.' .concat(_0x27d4ad)), _0x27d4ad, false), this.focusTimer = setTimeout(function() {
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_0x2c1832.container.contains(_0x20bf1f) && _0x3a8e2f(document.activeElement, _0x48d087.config.classNames.tabFocus, true);
}, 0xa));
global: function() {
let _0x31e271 = !(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0]) || arguments[0],
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_0x2c1832 = _0x17edbf;
_0x1ef215.call(_0x2c1832, document.body, 'click', this.toggleMenu, _0x31e271), _0x455c85.call(_0x2c1832, document.body, 'touchstart', this.firstTouch), _0x1ef215.call(_0x2c1832, document.body, 'keydown focus blur', this.setTabFocus, _0x31e271, false, true), _0x1093f4.call(_0x2c1832, document.body, 'keyup', function(_0x4e289a) {
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container: function() {
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let _0x3953b5 = _0x2c1832.controls;
_0x3953b5 && 'enterfullscreen' === _0x1ac81c.type && (_0x3953b5.pressed = false, _0x3953b5.hover = false);
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if (['touchstart', 'touchmove', 'mousemove', 'start-game'].includes(_0x1ac81c.type)) {
if (getSystem(_0x17edbf.system, true) === 'nds' && getSystem(_0x17edbf.system, _0x17edbf.coreVer) !== 'melonds' && _0x1ac81c.type == 'mousemove' && _0x27f4c4 && _0x27f4c4.Module && _0x27f4c4.Module.canvas && (document.pointerLockElement === _0x27f4c4.Module.canvas || document.mozPointerLockElement === _0x27f4c4.Module.canvas)) {
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_0x5ab74d.toggleControls.call(_0x45d275, true);
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return _0x5ab74d.toggleControls.call(_0x45d275, false);
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_0x2c1832.controls.setAttribute('data-timer', _0x31e271);
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_0x43a16d.style.maxHeight = '' .concat(_0x17edbf - 0x5f, 'px'), _0x43a16d.style.overflow = 'auto';
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'portrait': true
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'portrait': true
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try {
if (_0x45d275.coreVer === 2 && _0x27f4c4.Module) {
let repeat = 50;
setFullscreenInterval = setInterval(function() {
_0x27f4c4.Module.setCanvasSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
if (repeat < 0) {
}, 100)
setTimeout(function() {
_0xbae705.call(_0x45d275, window, 'resize');
}, 0x12c);
}), _0x1093f4.call(_0x45d275, _0x45d275.elements.container, 'exitfullscreen', function(_0x4de2f3) {
if (_0x27f4c4.isMobileDevice && window.screen && screen.orientation && typeof screen.orientation.unlock == 'function') {
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try {
if (_0x45d275.coreVer === 2 && _0x27f4c4.Module) {
_0x27f4c4.Module.setCanvasSize(800, 600);
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_0xbae705.call(_0x45d275, window, 'resize');
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_0x17edbf.initUIEvent('resize', true, false, window, 0), window.dispatchEvent(_0x17edbf), _0x3a8e2f(_0x45d275.elements.container, getClass({
'game-started': true
}), true);
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_0x17edbf.contains(document.activeElement) || _0xbae705.call(_0x45d275, _0x45d275.elements, 'blurgame');
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let _0x17edbf = _0xe0dee3.currentTarget;
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_0x17edbf.contains(document.activeElement) && _0xbae705.call(_0x45d275, _0x45d275.elements, 'focusgame');
}, 0);
media: function() {
let _0x31e271 = this.emulator,
_0x17edbf = _0x31e271.elements,
_0x2c1832 = _0x31e271;
_0x1093f4.call(_0x2c1832, _0x2c1832.game, 'volumechange', function(_0x3099fe) {
return _0x2593da.updateVolume.call(_0x2c1832, _0x3099fe);
}), _0x1093f4.call(_0x2c1832, _0x17edbf.container, 'contextmenu', function(_0x5c22bc) {
_0x2c1832.touch || _0x2c1832.lightgun || _0x2593da.toggleContextMenu.call(_0x2c1832, _0x5c22bc, true);
}, false), _0x1093f4.call(_0x2c1832, _0x17edbf.container, 'mousewheel', function(_0x49c974) {
}, false), _0x1093f4.call(_0x2c1832, _0x17edbf.container, 'mousedown', function(_0x53ee35) {
if (getSystem(_0x31e271.system, true) === 'nds' && getSystem(_0x31e271.system, _0x31e271.coreVer) !== 'melonds' && _0x27f4c4 && _0x27f4c4.Module && _0x27f4c4.Module.canvas && ! _0x27f4c4.isMobileDevice && !(document.pointerLockElement === _0x27f4c4.Module.canvas || document.mozPointerLockElement === _0x27f4c4.Module.canvas) && _0x31e271.started && !_0x31e271.connected) {
setTimeout(function() {
if (_0x31e271.onButtonDiv !== true) {
_0x27f4c4.Module.canvas.requestPointerLock = _0x27f4c4.Module.canvas.requestPointerLock || _0x27f4c4.Module.canvas.mozRequestPointerLock;
_0x31e271.onButtonDiv = false
}, 100)
_0x2c1832.touch || _0x2593da.toggleContextMenu.call(_0x2c1832, _0x53ee35, false);
}, false), _0x1093f4.call(_0x2c1832, _0x2c1832.game, 'volumechange', function() {
'volume': _0x2c1832.volume,
'muted': _0x2c1832.muted
}), _0xdcec2a.setVolume && _0xdcec2a.setVolume();
let _0x38e17f = _0x2c1832.config.events.concat(['keyup', 'keydown']).join(' ');
_0x1093f4.call(_0x2c1832, _0x2c1832.game, _0x38e17f, function(_0x38e438) {
let _0x2b4804 = _0x38e438.detail,
_0x1bfeb2 = void 0 === _0x2b4804 ? {} : _0x2b4804;
'error' === _0x38e438.type && (_0x1bfeb2 = _0x2c1832.game.error), _0xbae705.call(_0x2c1832, _0x17edbf.container, _0x38e438.type, true, _0x1bfeb2);
proxy: function(_0x52d0c2, _0x500f90, _0x175ce5) {
let _0x4bb44e = this.emulator,
_0x584a64 = _0x4bb44e.config.listeners[_0x175ce5],
_0x5269fd = true;
_0x1e2c68.function(_0x584a64) && (_0x5269fd = _0x584a64.call(_0x4bb44e, _0x52d0c2)), _0x5269fd && _0x1e2c68.function(_0x500f90) && _0x500f90.call(_0x4bb44e, _0x52d0c2);
bind: function(_0x4a8d46, _0x8f91ad, _0x2affda, _0x41dfb1) {
let _0x1363b1 = this,
_0x53b9a1 = !(arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4]) || arguments[4],
_0x5209a5 = this.emulator,
_0x27b738 = _0x5209a5,
_0x5d89ff = _0x27b738.config.listeners[_0x41dfb1],
_0x100c9f = _0x1e2c68.function(_0x5d89ff);
_0x1093f4.call(_0x27b738, _0x4a8d46, _0x8f91ad, function(_0x5a03ac) {
return _0x1363b1.proxy(_0x5a03ac, _0x2affda, _0x41dfb1);
}, _0x53b9a1 && !_0x100c9f);
controls: function() {
let _0x31e271 = this,
_0x17edbf = this.emulator,
_0x2c1832 = _0x17edbf.elements,
_0x127f22 = _0x59aa33.isIE ? 'change' : 'input';
if (this.bind(_0x2c1832.buttons.mute, 'click', function() {
_0x17edbf.muted = !_0x17edbf.muted;
}, 'mute'), this.bind(_0x2c1832.buttons.fullscreen, 'click', function() {
}, 'fullscreen'), this.bind(_0x2c1832.buttons.gamepad, 'click', function() {
_0x5ab74d.toggleControls.call(_0x17edbf, false), _0x132da7(_0x2c1832.dialogs.gamepad, false);
}, 'mute'), this.bind(_0x2c1832.buttons.saveState, 'click', function() {
(async function() {
_0xbae705.call(_0x17edbf, _0x17edbf.elements.container, 'savestate-start', false, {});
let _0x31e271 = await _0xdcec2a.saveState(),
_0x2c1832 = _0xdcec2a.getScreenData();
if (_0x378b5c.saveLoadDB.call(_0x17edbf, 'save')) {
if (_0x1e2c68.function(_0x17edbf.config.onsavestate)) _0x17edbf.config.onsavestate.call(null, {
'screenshot': _0x2c1832,
'state': _0x31e271
else {
let name = _0x17edbf.getStartName(true).split('/').pop();
let data = new Blob([_0x31e271]);
if (name.includes('.')) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length-name.split('.').pop().length-1);
if (typeof _0x17edbf.gameName == 'string') {
name = _0x17edbf.gameName
let _0x49f6b6 = name ? '' .concat(name, '.state') : 'game.state';
let a = document.createElement('a');
a.download = _0x49f6b6;
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(data);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
}, 'mute'), this.bind(_0x2c1832.buttons.loadState, 'click', function() {
_0xbae705.call(_0x17edbf, _0x17edbf.elements.container, 'loadstate', false, {});
}, 'mute'), this.bind(_0x2c1832.buttons.settings, 'click', function(_0x1396ee) {
_0x1396ee.stopPropagation(), _0x2593da.toggleMenu.call(_0x17edbf, _0x1396ee);
}), this.bind(_0x2c1832.buttons.settings, 'keyup', function(_0x454936) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x454936.which;
[0xd, 0x20].includes(_0x2c1832) && (0xd !== _0x2c1832 ? (_0x454936.preventDefault(), _0x454936.stopPropagation(), _0x2593da.toggleMenu.call(_0x17edbf, _0x454936)) : _0x2593da.focusFirstMenuItem.call(_0x17edbf, null, true));
}, null, false), this.bind(_0x2c1832.settings.menu, 'keydown', function(_0x40072c) {
0x1b === _0x40072c.which && _0x2593da.toggleMenu.call(_0x17edbf, _0x40072c);
}), _0x59aa33.isIos) {
let _0x4bd188 = _0x23ffa1.call(_0x17edbf, 'input[type="range"]');
Array.from(_0x4bd188).forEach(function(_0x345e4c) {
return _0x31e271.bind(_0x345e4c, _0x127f22, function(_0x58e6a9) {
return _0x2b30e0(_0x58e6a9.target);
_0x59aa33.isWebkit && Array.from(_0x23ffa1.call(_0x17edbf, 'input[type="range"]')).forEach(function(_0x45c503) {
_0x31e271.bind(_0x45c503, 'input', function(_0x436691) {
return _0x2593da.updateRangeFill.call(_0x17edbf, _0x436691.target);
}), this.bind(_0x2c1832.inputs.volume, _0x127f22, function(_0x42307e) {
_0x17edbf.volume = _0x42307e.target.value;
}, 'volume'), this.bind(_0x2c1832.controls, 'mouseenter mouseleave', function(_0x10170b) {
'mouseleave' === _0x10170b.type && null === _0x10170b.toElement ? _0x2c1832.controls.hover = true : _0x2c1832.controls.hover = !_0x17edbf.touch && 'mouseenter' === _0x10170b.type;
}), this.bind(_0x2c1832.controls, 'mousedown mouseup touchstart touchend touchcancel', function(_0x4bfb22) {
if (['mousedown', 'touchstart'].includes(_0x4bfb22.type)) {
_0x2c1832.controls.pressed = true;
let _0x17edbf = _0x2c1832.controls.getAttribute('data-timer2');
} else {
let _0x29ba04 = setTimeout(function() {
_0x2c1832.controls.pressed = false;
}, 0xfa0);
_0x2c1832.controls.setAttribute('data-timer2', _0x29ba04);
}), this.bind(_0x2c1832.controls, 'focusin focusout', function(_0x54e607) {
let _0x466a37 = _0x17edbf.config,
_0x2ab6f3 = _0x17edbf.elements,
_0x5f0669 = 'focusin' === _0x54e607.type,
_0x11de96 = _0x2ab6f3.controls.getAttribute('data-timer');
if (_0x3a8e2f(_0x2ab6f3.controls, _0x466a37.classNames.noTransition, _0x5f0669), _0x5ab74d.toggleControls.call(_0x17edbf, _0x5f0669), _0x5f0669) {
setTimeout(function() {
_0x3a8e2f(_0x2ab6f3.controls, _0x466a37.classNames.noTransition, false);
}, 0);
let _0x314d11 = _0x31e271.touch ? 0xbb8 : 0xfa0;
clearTimeout(_0x11de96), _0x11de96 = setTimeout(function() {
return _0x5ab74d.toggleControls.call(_0x17edbf, false);
}, _0x314d11), _0x2ab6f3.controls.setAttribute('data-timer', _0x11de96);
}), this.bind(_0x2c1832.inputs.volume, 'wheel', function(_0x28b2d2) {
let _0x2c1832 = _0x28b2d2.webkitDirectionInvertedFromDevice,
_0x12883c = _0x42b437([_0x28b2d2.deltaX, -_0x28b2d2.deltaY].map(function(_0x1ce956) {
return _0x2c1832 ? -_0x1ce956 : _0x1ce956;
}), 2),
_0x247794 = _0x12883c[0],
_0x5dcee2 = _0x12883c[1],
_0x5691ae = Math.sign(Math.abs(_0x247794) > Math.abs(_0x5dcee2) ? _0x247794 : _0x5dcee2);
_0x17edbf.increaseVolume(_0x5691ae / 0x32);
let _0x47df17 = _0x17edbf.game.volume;
(0x1 === _0x5691ae && _0x47df17 < 1 || -0x1 === _0x5691ae && _0x47df17 > 0) && _0x28b2d2.preventDefault();
}, 'volume', false), this.bind(_0x2c1832.controls, 'contextmenu', function(_0x1db0c5) {
}), this.bind(_0x2c1832.contextMenu, 'contextmenu', function(_0x37851d) {
return _0x31e271;
function _0x1a3a6c(_0x5a5a15, _0x4e2d69) {
for (let _0x2c1832 = 0; _0x2c1832 < _0x4e2d69.length; _0x2c1832++) {
let _0x2e1c57 = _0x4e2d69[_0x2c1832];
_0x2e1c57.enumerable = _0x2e1c57.enumerable || false, _0x2e1c57.configurable = true, 'value' in _0x2e1c57 && (_0x2e1c57.writable = true), Object.defineProperty(_0x5a5a15, _0x2e1c57.key, _0x2e1c57);
let _0x3dbc76 = function() {
function _0x6954aa(_0x28cce1, _0x2ba0e6) {
return new Promise(async function(resolve, reject) {
let _0x5938bc = this;
let _0x2136bc = function(path, isDirectory) {
let finpath = window.location.pathname.split('/').pop();
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let split3 = finalpath.split('/')
let split2 = path.split('/')
let split1 = [ ]
for (let i=0; i<split3.length; i++) {
if (split3[i] != '') {
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if (split2[w] == '' || split2[w] == '.') {
} else if (split2[w] == '..') {
if (split1.length > 0) {
split1 = function(origpath) {
if (origpath === '/') {
return '/'
} else {
return origpath.substring(0, origpath.length - origpath.split('/').pop().length);
} else {
path = split1.join('/')
if (! path.startsWith('/')) {
path = '/' + path;
path = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + path;
if (path.startsWith('/')) {
path = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + path;
if (! path.endsWith('/') && isDirectory) {
path = path + '/';
return path
this.localization = e => {return e};
this.version = '3.1.6';
this.system = '';
this.adUrl = null;
this.gameName = null;
this.loadStateOnStart = false;
this.statesSupported = true;
this.mameCore = null;
this.startOnLoad = false;
this.dataPath = '';
this.customPaths = null;
this.hash = '';
this.lightgun = false;
this.mouse = false;
this.multitap = false;
this.ready = false;
this.paused = true;
this.started = false;
this.touch = _0x2d904a.touch;
this.game = _0x28cce1;
_0x1e2c68.string(this.game) && (this.game = document.querySelectorAll(this.game));
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this.game = this.game;
this.game.innerHTML = '';
this.config = _0x5dc0c0({}, _0x39ca5e, _0x6954aa.defaults, _0x2ba0e6 || {});
if (this.config.settings && this.config.settings.volume) _0x39ca5e.volume = this.config.settings.volume;
if (this.config.settings && this.config.settings.defaultControllers) _0x378b5c.defaultControllers = this.config.settings.defaultControllers;
this.coreVer = 1;
this.lightgun = this.config.lightgun;
this.loadStateOnStart = this.config.loadStateOnStart || false;
this.adUrl = this.config.adUrl || null;
_0x1e2c68.string(this.config.gameName) && (this.gameName = this.config.gameName || null);
this.mouse = this.config.mouse;
this.multitap = this.config.multitap;
this.cheats = this.config.cheats;
this.cheats || (this.cheats = []);
let server = function(newServer) {
if (typeof newServer === 'string') {
if (!newServer.endsWith('/')) newServer+='/';
return newServer;
} else {
return null;
this.listUrl = server;
this.socketUrl = server;
this.mameCore = this.config.mameCore || null;
this.color = this.config.color;
this.startOnLoad = this.config.startOnLoad || false;
this.statesSupported = this.config.statesSupported || true;
this.customPaths = function(paths) {
if (! paths) return {};
let newPaths = {};
for (let k in paths) {
if (typeof paths[k] == 'string') {
newPaths[k] = _0x2136bc(paths[k]);
return newPaths;
this.dataPath = function(path) {
if (typeof path != 'string') {
return function(origpath) {
let fullrequestpath = origpath
let finpath = fullrequestpath.split('/').pop()
let finalpath = fullrequestpath.substring(0, fullrequestpath.length - finpath.length)
if (origpath == '/') {
return window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + '/';
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if (finalpath.startsWith('/')) {
finalpath = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + finalpath;
if (! finalpath.endsWith('/')) {
finalpath = finalpath + '/';
return finalpath
return _0x2136bc(path, true);
this.localization = await (async function(dataPath, customPath, lang) {
let localJson = {};
if (lang && typeof lang == 'string' && lang !== 'en-US') {
let url = (customPath && typeof customPath[lang+'.json'] == 'string') ? customPath[lang+'.json'] : dataPath+'localization/'+lang+'.json';
try {
let res = await fetch(url);
let text = await res.text();
let localJson = JSON.parse(text);
_0x39ca5e.i18n = localJson.i18n;
_0x7f9f36.normalOptions = localJson.normalOptions;
} catch(e) {
console.warn('error setting localization', e);
return function(engText) {
if (typeof localJson[engText] == 'string') {
return localJson[engText];
if (lang && lang !== 'en-US' && ('undefined' != typeof EJS_DEBUG_XX && true === EJS_DEBUG_XX)) {
console.warn('Missing translation for "'+engText+'". Language is set to "'+lang+'"')
return engText;
}(this.dataPath, this.customPaths, this.config.lang));
this.config = _0x5dc0c0({}, _0x39ca5e, _0x6954aa.defaults, _0x2ba0e6 || {});
Object.keys(this.config.classNames).forEach(function(_0x1d6b41) {
let _0x28cce1 = _0x5938bc;
if (_0x1e2c68.object(_0x28cce1.config.classNames[_0x1d6b41])) Object.keys(_0x28cce1.config.classNames[_0x1d6b41]).forEach(function(_0x42f7f2) {
let _0x2ba0e6 = {};
_0x2ba0e6[_0x5938bc.config.classNames[_0x1d6b41][_0x42f7f2]] = true, _0x5938bc.config.classNames[_0x1d6b41][_0x42f7f2] = getClass(_0x2ba0e6);
else {
let _0x2ba0e6 = {};
_0x2ba0e6[_0x5938bc.config.classNames[_0x1d6b41]] = true, _0x5938bc.config.classNames[_0x1d6b41] = getClass(_0x2ba0e6);
this.config.selectors.controls.wrapper = '.' .concat(getClass({
'ejs__controls': true
this.config.selectors.container = '.' .concat(getClass({
'ejs': true
this.system = this.config.system;
this.elements = {
'container': null,
'buttons': {},
'display': {},
'inputs': {},
'settings': {
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'menu': null,
'panels': {},
'buttons': {}
'dialogs': {
'gamepad': null,
'loading': null,
'netplay': null
'widgets': {}
this.fullscreen = {
'active': false
this.config.mute = true;
this.eventListeners = [];
this.listeners = new _0x37093c(this);
this.storage = new _0x2f61ba(this, 'ejs_settings');
this.game.emulator = this;
_0x1e2c68.element(this.elements.container) || (this.elements.container = _0x428003('div'), _0x580edd(this.game, this.elements.container));
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'class': getClass({
'ejs__widgets': true
let _0x32c8af = _0x428003('div', {
'class': getClass({
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let _0x17edbf, _0x2c1832, _0x423c42;
_0x17edbf = _0x6954aa, _0x423c42 = [{
'key': 'setup',
'value': function(_0x3bb461) {
let _0x2c1832 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {},
_0x3eda14 = null;
return _0x1e2c68.string(_0x3bb461) ? _0x3eda14 = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(_0x3bb461)) : _0x1e2c68.nodeList(_0x3bb461) ? _0x3eda14 = Array.from(_0x3bb461) : _0x1e2c68.array(_0x3bb461) && (_0x3eda14 = _0x3bb461.filter(_0x1e2c68.element)), _0x1e2c68.empty(_0x3eda14) ? null : _0x3eda14.map(function(_0x176f95) {
return new _0x6954aa(_0x176f95, _0x2c1832);
}], (_0x2c1832 = [{
'key': 'restart',
'value': function() {
this.currentTime = 0;
}, {
'key': 'increaseVolume',
'value': function(_0x2881c7) {
let _0x17edbf = this.game.muted ? 0 : this.volume;
this.volume = _0x17edbf + (_0x1e2c68.number(_0x2881c7) ? _0x2881c7 : 0);
}, {
'key': 'decreaseVolume',
'value': function(_0x492b2e) {
}, {
'key': 'toggleControls',
'value': function(_0x1c82b4) {
if (this.started) {
let _0x17edbf = void 0 === _0x1c82b4 ? void 0 : !_0x1c82b4,
_0x2c1832 = _0x3a8e2f(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.hideControls, _0x17edbf);
return _0x2c1832 && _0x2593da.toggleMenu.call(this, false), !_0x2c1832;
return false;
}, {
'key': 'getStartName',
'value': function(force) {
let rv;
const invalidCharacters = /[#<$+%>!`&*'|{}/\\?"=@:^\r\n]/ig;
if (this.startName && (force === true || this.startName !== 'rom')) {
rv = this.startName;
} else if (_0x1e2c68.string(this.config.gameUrl) && !this.config.gameUrl.startsWith('blob:')) {
rv = this.config.gameUrl.split('/').pop().split('?')[0].replace(invalidCharacters, '');
} else if (this.gameName) {
rv = this.gameName.replace(invalidCharacters, '')+'.'+this.system;
} else if (this.config.gameId) {
rv = this.config.gameId+'.'+this.system;
} else if (_0x1e2c68.string(this.config.gameUrl) && force === true) {
rv = this.config.gameUrl.split('/').pop().split('?')[0].replace(invalidCharacters, '');
} else if (force === true) {
rv = 'rom';
return rv;
}, {
'key': 'loadState',
'value': function(_0x3c6414) {
_0xdcec2a.loadState(_0x3c6414, 0);
}, {
'key': 'on',
'value': function(_0x44ca1b, _0x2e6552) {
_0x1093f4.call(this, this.elements.container, _0x44ca1b, _0x2e6552);
}, {
'key': 'once',
'value': function(_0x9f0e03, _0x44b98a) {
_0x455c85.call(this, this.elements.container, _0x9f0e03, _0x44b98a);
}, {
'key': 'off',
'value': function(_0x343615, _0x2023ff) {
_0x20109b(this.elements.container, _0x343615, _0x2023ff);
}, {
'key': 'playing',
'set': function() {
let _0x6954aa = !(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0]) || arguments[0];
Array.from(this.elements.buttons.play || []).forEach(function(_0x4a27d3) {
_0x4a27d3.pressed = _0x6954aa;
}), this.paused = !_0x6954aa;
'get': function() {
return Boolean(this.ready && !this.paused);
}, {
'key': 'volume',
'set': function(_0x52441c) {
let _0x17edbf = _0x52441c;
_0x1e2c68.string(_0x17edbf) && (_0x17edbf = Number(_0x17edbf)), _0x1e2c68.number(_0x17edbf) || (_0x17edbf = this.storage.get('volume')), _0x1e2c68.number(_0x17edbf) || (_0x17edbf = this.config.volume), _0x17edbf > 1 && (_0x17edbf = 1), _0x17edbf < 0 && (_0x17edbf = 0), this.config.volume = _0x17edbf, this.game.volume = _0x17edbf, !_0x1e2c68.empty(_0x52441c) && this.muted && _0x17edbf > 0 && (this.muted = false);
'get': function() {
return Number(this.game.volume);
}, {
'key': 'muted',
'set': function(_0x218306) {
let _0x17edbf = _0x218306;
_0x1e2c68.boolean(_0x17edbf) || (_0x17edbf = this.storage.get('muted')), _0x1e2c68.boolean(_0x17edbf) || (_0x17edbf = this.config.muted), this.config.muted = _0x17edbf, this.game.muted = _0x17edbf;
'get': function() {
return Boolean(this.game.muted);
_0x1a3a6c(_0x17edbf.prototype, _0x2c1832)
_0x423c42 && _0x1a3a6c(_0x17edbf, _0x423c42)
return _0x6954aa;
_0x3dbc76.defaults = {};
_0x17edbf.default = _0x3dbc76;