2023-07-03 11:13:59 -05:00

14 lines
50 KiB

window.EJS_SHADERS = {
"2xScaleHQ.glslp": "shaders = 1\n\nshader0 = \"2xScaleHQ.glsl\"\nfilter_linear0 = false\nscale_type_0 = source\n",
"4xScaleHQ.glslp": "shaders = 1\n\nshader0 = \"4xScaleHQ.glsl\"\nfilter_linear0 = false\nscale_type_0 = source\n",
"crt-easymode.glslp": "shaders = 1\n\nshader0 = crt-easymode.glsl\nfilter_linear0 = false\nscale_type_0 = source\n",
"crt-aperture.glslp": "shaders = 1\n\nshader0 = crt-aperture.glsl\nfilter_linear0 = false\n",
"crt-geom.glslp": "shaders = 1\n\nshader0 = crt-geom.glsl\nfilter_linear0 = false\nscale_type_0 = source\n",
"crt-mattias.glslp": "\nshaders = 1\nshader0 = crt-mattias.glsl\nfilter_linear0 = false\n",
"2xScaleHQ.glsl": "/*\n2xGLSLHqFilter shader\n\nCopyright (C) 2005 guest(r) - guest.r@gmail.com\n\nThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\nmodify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\nas published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\nof the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\nGNU General Public License for more details.\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\nalong with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\nFoundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n*/\n\n#if defined(VERTEX)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING out\n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying \n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE attribute \n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 VertexCoord;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 COLOR;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 TexCoord;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 COL0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t1;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t2;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t3;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t4;\n\nvec4 _oPosition1; \nuniform mat4 MVPMatrix;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\n\n// compatibility #defines\n#define vTexCoord TEX0.xy\n#define SourceSize vec4(TextureSize, 1.0 / TextureSize) //either TextureSize or InputSize\n#define OutSize vec4(OutputSize, 1.0 / OutputSize)\n\nvoid main()\n{\ngl_Position = MVPMatrix * VertexCoord;\nTEX0.xy = TexCoord.xy;\nfloat x = 0.5 * SourceSize.z;\nfloat y = 0.5 * SourceSize.w;\nvec2 dg1 = vec2( x, y);\nvec2 dg2 = vec2(-x, y);\nvec2 dx = vec2(x, 0.0);\nvec2 dy = vec2(0.0, y);\nt1 = vec4(vTexCoord - dg1, vTexCoord - dy);\nt2 = vec4(vTexCoord - dg2, vTexCoord + dx);\nt3 = vec4(vTexCoord + dg1, vTexCoord + dy);\nt4 = vec4(vTexCoord + dg2, vTexCoord - dx);\n}\n\n#elif defined(FRAGMENT)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\nout vec4 FragColor;\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying\n#define FragColor gl_FragColor\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nprecision highp float;\n#else\nprecision mediump float;\n#endif\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\nuniform sampler2D Texture;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t1;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t2;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t3;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t4;\n\n// compatibility #defines\n#define Source Texture\n#define vTexCoord TEX0.xy\n\n#define SourceSize vec4(TextureSize, 1.0 / TextureSize) //either TextureSize or InputSize\n#define OutSize vec4(OutputSize, 1.0 / OutputSize)\n\nfloat mx = 0.325; // start smoothing wt.\nfloat k = -0.250; // wt. decrease factor\nfloat max_w = 0.25; // max filter weight\nfloat min_w =-0.05; // min filter weight\nfloat lum_add = 0.25; // affects smoothing\nvec3 dt = vec3(1.0);\n\nvoid main()\n{\nvec3 c00 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t1.xy).xyz; \nvec3 c10 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t1.zw).xyz; \nvec3 c20 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t2.xy).xyz; \nvec3 c01 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t4.zw).xyz; \nvec3 c11 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, vTexCoord).xyz; \nvec3 c21 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t2.zw).xyz; \nvec3 c02 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t4.xy).xyz; \nvec3 c12 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t3.zw).xyz; \nvec3 c22 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t3.xy).xyz; \n\nfloat md1 = dot(abs(c00 - c22), dt);\nfloat md2 = dot(abs(c02 - c20), dt);\n\nfloat w1 = dot(abs(c22 - c11), dt) * md2;\nfloat w2 = dot(abs(c02 - c11), dt) * md1;\nfloat w3 = dot(abs(c00 - c11), dt) * md2;\nfloat w4 = dot(abs(c20 - c11), dt) * md1;\n\nfloat t1 = w1 + w3;\nfloat t2 = w2 + w4;\nfloat ww = max(t1, t2) + 0.0001;\n\nc11 = (w1 * c00 + w2 * c20 + w3 * c22 + w4 * c02 + ww * c11) / (t1 + t2 + ww);\n\nfloat lc1 = k / (0.12 * dot(c10 + c12 + c11, dt) + lum_add);\nfloat lc2 = k / (0.12 * dot(c01 + c21 + c11, dt) + lum_add);\n\nw1 = clamp(lc1 * dot(abs(c11 - c10), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);\nw2 = clamp(lc2 * dot(abs(c11 - c21), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);\nw3 = clamp(lc1 * dot(abs(c11 - c12), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);\nw4 = clamp(lc2 * dot(abs(c11 - c01), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);\nFragColor = vec4(w1 * c10 + w2 * c21 + w3 * c12 + w4 * c01 + (1.0 - w1 - w2 - w3 - w4) * c11, 1.0);\n} \n#endif\n",
"4xScaleHQ.glsl": "/*\n4xGLSLHqFilter shader\n\nCopyright (C) 2005 guest(r) - guest.r@gmail.com\n\nThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\nmodify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\nas published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\nof the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\nGNU General Public License for more details.\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\nalong with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\nFoundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n*/\n\n#if defined(VERTEX)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING out\n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying \n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE attribute \n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 VertexCoord;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 COLOR;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 TexCoord;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 COL0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t1;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t2;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t3;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t4;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t5;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t6;\n\nvec4 _oPosition1; \nuniform mat4 MVPMatrix;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\n\n// compatibility #defines\n#define vTexCoord TEX0.xy\n#define SourceSize vec4(TextureSize, 1.0 / TextureSize) //either TextureSize or InputSize\n#define OutSize vec4(OutputSize, 1.0 / OutputSize)\n\nvoid main()\n{\ngl_Position = MVPMatrix * VertexCoord;\nTEX0.xy = TexCoord.xy;\nfloat x = 0.5 * SourceSize.z;\nfloat y = 0.5 * SourceSize.w;\nvec2 dg1 = vec2( x, y);\nvec2 dg2 = vec2(-x, y);\nvec2 sd1 = dg1 * 0.5;\nvec2 sd2 = dg2 * 0.5;\nvec2 ddx = vec2(x, 0.0);\nvec2 ddy = vec2(0.0, y);\nt1 = vec4(vTexCoord - sd1, vTexCoord - ddy);\nt2 = vec4(vTexCoord - sd2, vTexCoord + ddx);\nt3 = vec4(vTexCoord + sd1, vTexCoord + ddy);\nt4 = vec4(vTexCoord + sd2, vTexCoord - ddx);\nt5 = vec4(vTexCoord - dg1, vTexCoord - dg2);\nt6 = vec4(vTexCoord + dg1, vTexCoord + dg2);\n}\n\n#elif defined(FRAGMENT)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\nout vec4 FragColor;\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying\n#define FragColor gl_FragColor\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nprecision highp float;\n#else\nprecision mediump float;\n#endif\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\nuniform sampler2D Texture;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t1;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t2;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t3;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t4;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t5;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 t6;\n\n// compatibility #defines\n#define Source Texture\n#define vTexCoord TEX0.xy\n\n#define SourceSize vec4(TextureSize, 1.0 / TextureSize) //either TextureSize or InputSize\n#define OutSize vec4(OutputSize, 1.0 / OutputSize)\n\nfloat mx = 1.0; // start smoothing wt.\nfloat k = -1.10; // wt. decrease factor\nfloat max_w = 0.75; // max filter weight\nfloat min_w = 0.03; // min filter weight\nfloat lum_add = 0.33; // affects smoothing\nvec3 dt = vec3(1.0);\n\nvoid main()\n{\nvec3 c = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, vTexCoord).xyz;\nvec3 i1 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t1.xy).xyz; \nvec3 i2 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t2.xy).xyz; \nvec3 i3 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t3.xy).xyz; \nvec3 i4 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t4.xy).xyz; \nvec3 o1 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t5.xy).xyz; \nvec3 o3 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t6.xy).xyz; \nvec3 o2 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t5.zw).xyz;\nvec3 o4 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t6.zw).xyz;\nvec3 s1 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t1.zw).xyz; \nvec3 s2 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t2.zw).xyz; \nvec3 s3 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t3.zw).xyz; \nvec3 s4 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Source, t4.zw).xyz; \n\nfloat ko1=dot(abs(o1-c),dt);\nfloat ko2=dot(abs(o2-c),dt);\nfloat ko3=dot(abs(o3-c),dt);\nfloat ko4=dot(abs(o4-c),dt);\n\nfloat k1=min(dot(abs(i1-i3),dt),max(ko1,ko3));\nfloat k2=min(dot(abs(i2-i4),dt),max(ko2,ko4));\n\nfloat w1 = k2; if(ko3<ko1) w1*=ko3/ko1;\nfloat w2 = k1; if(ko4<ko2) w2*=ko4/ko2;\nfloat w3 = k2; if(ko1<ko3) w3*=ko1/ko3;\nfloat w4 = k1; if(ko2<ko4) w4*=ko2/ko4;\n\nc=(w1*o1+w2*o2+w3*o3+w4*o4+0.001*c)/(w1+w2+w3+w4+0.001);\nw1 = k*dot(abs(i1-c)+abs(i3-c),dt)/(0.125*dot(i1+i3,dt)+lum_add);\nw2 = k*dot(abs(i2-c)+abs(i4-c),dt)/(0.125*dot(i2+i4,dt)+lum_add);\nw3 = k*dot(abs(s1-c)+abs(s3-c),dt)/(0.125*dot(s1+s3,dt)+lum_add);\nw4 = k*dot(abs(s2-c)+abs(s4-c),dt)/(0.125*dot(s2+s4,dt)+lum_add);\n\nw1 = clamp(w1+mx,min_w,max_w); \nw2 = clamp(w2+mx,min_w,max_w);\nw3 = clamp(w3+mx,min_w,max_w); \nw4 = clamp(w4+mx,min_w,max_w);\n\nFragColor = vec4((w1*(i1+i3)+w2*(i2+i4)+w3*(s1+s3)+w4*(s2+s4)+c)/(2.0*(w1+w2+w3+w4)+1.0), 1.0);\n} \n#endif\n",
"crt-easymode.glsl": "#if defined(VERTEX)\n\n #if __VERSION__ >= 130\n #define COMPAT_VARYING out\n #define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE in\n #define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\n #else\n #define COMPAT_VARYING varying\n #define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE attribute\n #define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n #endif\n \n #ifdef GL_ES\n #define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n #else\n #define COMPAT_PRECISION\n #endif\n COMPAT_VARYING float _frame_rotation;\n struct input_dummy {\n vec2 _video_size;\n vec2 _texture_size;\n vec2 _output_dummy_size;\n float _frame_count;\n float _frame_direction;\n float _frame_rotation;\n };\n vec4 _oPosition1;\n vec4 _r0005;\n COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 VertexCoord;\n COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 TexCoord;\n COMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\n \n uniform mat4 MVPMatrix;\n uniform int FrameDirection;\n uniform int FrameCount;\n uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\n uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\n uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\n void main()\n {\n vec2 _oTex;\n _r0005 = VertexCoord.x*MVPMatrix[0];\n _r0005 = _r0005 + VertexCoord.y*MVPMatrix[1];\n _r0005 = _r0005 + VertexCoord.z*MVPMatrix[2];\n _r0005 = _r0005 + VertexCoord.w*MVPMatrix[3];\n _oPosition1 = _r0005;\n _oTex = TexCoord.xy;\n gl_Position = _r0005;\n TEX0.xy = TexCoord.xy;\n }\n #elif defined(FRAGMENT)\n \n #if __VERSION__ >= 130\n #define COMPAT_VARYING in\n #define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\n out vec4 FragColor;\n #else\n #define COMPAT_VARYING varying\n #define FragColor gl_FragColor\n #define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n #endif\n \n #ifdef GL_ES\n #ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\n precision highp float;\n #else\n precision mediump float;\n #endif\n #define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n #else\n #define COMPAT_PRECISION\n #endif\n COMPAT_VARYING float _frame_rotation;\n struct input_dummy {\n vec2 _video_size;\n vec2 _texture_size;\n vec2 _output_dummy_size;\n float _frame_count;\n float _frame_direction;\n float _frame_rotation;\n };\n vec4 _ret_0;\n float _TMP30;\n float _TMP29;\n float _TMP28;\n float _TMP13;\n float _TMP32;\n float _TMP11;\n float _TMP10;\n float _TMP31;\n float _TMP9;\n float _TMP8;\n float _TMP15;\n float _TMP14;\n float _TMP33;\n vec4 _TMP34;\n vec4 _TMP27;\n vec4 _TMP25;\n vec4 _TMP23;\n vec4 _TMP21;\n vec4 _TMP26;\n vec4 _TMP24;\n vec4 _TMP22;\n vec4 _TMP20;\n float _TMP4;\n vec4 _TMP3;\n vec4 _TMP2;\n float _TMP19;\n float _TMP18;\n float _TMP17;\n float _TMP16;\n vec4 _TMP1;\n vec2 _TMP0;\n uniform sampler2D Texture;\n input_dummy _IN1;\n float _TMP43;\n float _x_step0044;\n float _curve0044;\n float _a0048;\n float _val0052;\n float _a0052;\n vec4 _TMP57;\n vec4 _x0072;\n vec2 _c0086;\n vec4 _x0088;\n vec4 _x0094;\n vec2 _c0098;\n vec4 _x0100;\n vec2 _c0104;\n vec4 _x0106;\n vec4 _sample_min0110;\n vec4 _sample_max0110;\n vec4 _r0112;\n vec4 _TMP117;\n vec2 _co0124;\n vec2 _c0126;\n vec4 _x0128;\n vec4 _x0134;\n vec2 _c0138;\n vec4 _x0140;\n vec2 _c0144;\n vec4 _x0146;\n vec4 _sample_min0150;\n vec4 _sample_max0150;\n vec4 _r0152;\n vec4 _TMP157;\n float _TMP163;\n float _x_step0164;\n float _curve0164;\n float _a0168;\n float _val0172;\n float _a0172;\n float _TMP183;\n float _TMP189;\n float _x0190;\n float _a0196;\n float _x0198;\n vec2 _x0200;\n float _x0208;\n COMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\n \n uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\n uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\n uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\n void main()\n {\n vec2 _dx1;\n vec2 _dy;\n vec2 _pix_co;\n vec2 _tex_co;\n vec2 _dist;\n vec3 _col2;\n vec3 _col21;\n vec4 _coeffs1;\n float _luma;\n float _bright;\n float _scan_weight;\n vec2 _mod_fac;\n int _dot_no;\n vec3 _mask_weight;\n vec3 _TMP37;\n _dx1 = vec2(1.00000000E+00/TextureSize.x, 0.00000000E+00);\n _dy = vec2(0.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00/TextureSize.y);\n _pix_co = TEX0.xy*TextureSize - vec2( 5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01);\n _TMP0 = floor(_pix_co);\n _tex_co = (_TMP0 + vec2( 5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01))/TextureSize;\n _dist = fract(_pix_co);\n _x_step0044 = float((_dist.x >= 5.00000000E-01));\n _a0048 = 2.50000000E-01 - (_dist.x - _x_step0044)*(_dist.x - _x_step0044);\n _TMP33 = inversesqrt(_a0048);\n _TMP14 = 1.00000000E+00/_TMP33;\n _a0052 = 5.00000000E-01 - _dist.x;\n _val0052 = float((_a0052 > 0.00000000E+00));\n _TMP15 = _val0052 - float((_a0052 < 0.00000000E+00));\n _curve0044 = 5.00000000E-01 - _TMP14*_TMP15;\n _TMP43 = _dist.x + 2.50000000E-01*(_curve0044 - _dist.x);\n _coeffs1 = 3.14159274E+00*vec4(1.00000000E+00 + _TMP43, _TMP43, 1.00000000E+00 - _TMP43, 2.00000000E+00 - _TMP43);\n _TMP1 = abs(_coeffs1);\n _TMP57 = max(_TMP1, vec4( 9.99999975E-06, 9.99999975E-06, 9.99999975E-06, 9.99999975E-06));\n _TMP16 = sin(_TMP57.x);\n _TMP17 = sin(_TMP57.y);\n _TMP18 = sin(_TMP57.z);\n _TMP19 = sin(_TMP57.w);\n _TMP2 = vec4(_TMP16, _TMP17, _TMP18, _TMP19);\n _x0072 = _TMP57/2.00000000E+00;\n _TMP16 = sin(_x0072.x);\n _TMP17 = sin(_x0072.y);\n _TMP18 = sin(_x0072.z);\n _TMP19 = sin(_x0072.w);\n _TMP3 = vec4(_TMP16, _TMP17, _TMP18, _TMP19);\n _coeffs1 = ((2.00000000E+00*_TMP2)*_TMP3)/(_TMP57*_TMP57);\n _TMP4 = dot(_coeffs1, vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _coeffs1 = _coeffs1/_TMP4;\n _c0086 = _tex_co - _dx1;\n _TMP20 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _c0086);\n _x0088 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP20 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP21 = _TMP20*_x0088;\n _TMP22 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _tex_co);\n _x0094 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP22 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP23 = _TMP22*_x0094;\n _c0098 = _tex_co + _dx1;\n _TMP24 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _c0098);\n _x0100 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP24 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP25 = _TMP24*_x0100;\n _c0104 = _tex_co + 2.00000000E+00*_dx1;\n _TMP26 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _c0104);\n _x0106 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP26 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP27 = _TMP26*_x0106;\n _r0112 = _coeffs1.x*_TMP21;\n _r0112 = _r0112 + _coeffs1.y*_TMP23;\n _r0112 = _r0112 + _coeffs1.z*_TMP25;\n _r0112 = _r0112 + _coeffs1.w*_TMP27;\n _sample_min0110 = min(_TMP23, _TMP25);\n _sample_max0110 = max(_TMP23, _TMP25);\n _TMP34 = min(_sample_max0110, _r0112);\n _TMP117 = max(_sample_min0110, _TMP34);\n _co0124 = _tex_co + _dy;\n _c0126 = _co0124 - _dx1;\n _TMP20 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _c0126);\n _x0128 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP20 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP21 = _TMP20*_x0128;\n _TMP22 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _co0124);\n _x0134 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP22 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP23 = _TMP22*_x0134;\n _c0138 = _co0124 + _dx1;\n _TMP24 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _c0138);\n _x0140 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP24 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP25 = _TMP24*_x0140;\n _c0144 = _co0124 + 2.00000000E+00*_dx1;\n _TMP26 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _c0144);\n _x0146 = vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00) + (_TMP26 - vec4( 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00));\n _TMP27 = _TMP26*_x0146;\n _r0152 = _coeffs1.x*_TMP21;\n _r0152 = _r0152 + _coeffs1.y*_TMP23;\n _r0152 = _r0152 + _coeffs1.z*_TMP25;\n _r0152 = _r0152 + _coeffs1.w*_TMP27;\n _sample_min0150 = min(_TMP23, _TMP25);\n _sample_max0150 = max(_TMP23, _TMP25);\n _TMP34 = min(_sample_max0150, _r0152);\n _TMP157 = max(_sample_min0150, _TMP34);\n _x_step0164 = float((_dist.y >= 5.00000000E-01));\n _a0168 = 2.50000000E-01 - (_dist.y - _x_step0164)*(_dist.y - _x_step0164);\n _TMP33 = inversesqrt(_a0168);\n _TMP14 = 1.00000000E+00/_TMP33;\n _a0172 = 5.00000000E-01 - _dist.y;\n _val0172 = float((_a0172 > 0.00000000E+00));\n _TMP15 = _val0172 - float((_a0172 < 0.00000000E+00));\n _curve0164 = 5.00000000E-01 - _TMP14*_TMP15;\n _TMP163 = _dist.y + (_curve0164 - _dist.y);\n _col2 = _TMP117.xyz + _TMP163*(_TMP157.xyz - _TMP117.xyz);\n _luma = dot(vec3( 2.12599993E-01, 7.15200007E-01, 7.22000003E-02), _col2);\n _TMP8 = max(_col2.y, _col2.z);\n _TMP9 = max(_col2.x, _TMP8);\n _bright = (_TMP9 + _luma)/2.00000000E+00;\n _TMP31 = min(6.49999976E-01, _bright);\n _TMP183 = max(3.49999994E-01, _TMP31);\n _x0190 = _bright*1.50000000E+00;\n _TMP31 = min(1.50000000E+00, _x0190);\n _TMP189 = max(1.50000000E+00, _TMP31);\n _a0196 = TEX0.y*2.00000000E+00*3.14159274E+00*TextureSize.y;\n _TMP10 = cos(_a0196);\n _x0198 = _TMP10*5.00000000E-01 + 5.00000000E-01;\n _TMP11 = pow(_x0198, _TMP189);\n _scan_weight = 1.00000000E+00 - _TMP11;\n _x0200 = (TEX0.xy*OutputSize*TextureSize)/InputSize;\n _mod_fac = floor(_x0200);\n _x0208 = _mod_fac.x/3.00000000E+00;\n _TMP32 = floor(_x0208);\n _TMP13 = _mod_fac.x - 3.00000000E+00*_TMP32;\n _dot_no = int(_TMP13);\n if (_dot_no == 0) {\n _mask_weight = vec3( 1.00000000E+00, 6.99999988E-01, 6.99999988E-01);\n } else {\n if (_dot_no == 1) {\n _mask_weight = vec3( 6.99999988E-01, 1.00000000E+00, 6.99999988E-01);\n } else {\n _mask_weight = vec3( 6.99999988E-01, 6.99999988E-01, 1.00000000E+00);\n }\n }\n if (InputSize.y >= 4.00000000E+02) {\n _scan_weight = 1.00000000E+00;\n }\n _col21 = _col2.xyz;\n _col2 = _col2*vec3(_scan_weight, _scan_weight, _scan_weight);\n _col2 = _col2 + _TMP183*(_col21 - _col2);\n _col2 = _col2*_mask_weight;\n _TMP28 = pow(_col2.x, 5.55555582E-01);\n _TMP29 = pow(_col2.y, 5.55555582E-01);\n _TMP30 = pow(_col2.z, 5.55555582E-01);\n _col2 = vec3(_TMP28, _TMP29, _TMP30);\n _TMP37 = _col2*1.20000005E+00;\n _ret_0 = vec4(_TMP37.x, _TMP37.y, _TMP37.z, 1.00000000E+00);\n FragColor = _ret_0;\n return;\n }\n #endif\n",
"crt-aperture.glsl": "\n/*\nCRT Shader by EasyMode\nLicense: GPL\n*/\n/*\n#pragma parameter SHARPNESS_IMAGE \"Sharpness Image\" 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter SHARPNESS_EDGES \"Sharpness Edges\" 3.0 1.0 5.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter GLOW_WIDTH \"Glow Width\" 0.5 0.05 0.65 0.05\n#pragma parameter GLOW_HEIGHT \"Glow Height\" 0.5 0.05 0.65 0.05\n#pragma parameter GLOW_HALATION \"Glow Halation\" 0.1 0.0 1.0 0.01\n#pragma parameter GLOW_DIFFUSION \"Glow Diffusion\" 0.05 0.0 1.0 0.01\n#pragma parameter MASK_COLORS \"Mask Colors\" 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter MASK_STRENGTH \"Mask Strength\" 0.3 0.0 1.0 0.05\n#pragma parameter MASK_SIZE \"Mask Size\" 1.0 1.0 9.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter SCANLINE_SIZE_MIN \"Scanline Size Min.\" 0.5 0.5 1.5 0.05\n#pragma parameter SCANLINE_SIZE_MAX \"Scanline Size Max.\" 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.05\n#pragma parameter GAMMA_INPUT \"Gamma Input\" 2.4 1.0 5.0 0.1\n#pragma parameter GAMMA_OUTPUT \"Gamma Output\" 2.4 1.0 5.0 0.1\n#pragma parameter BRIGHTNESS \"Brightness\" 1.5 0.0 2.0 0.05\n* */\n\n#define Coord TEX0\n\n#if defined(VERTEX)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define OUT out\n#define IN in\n#define tex2D texture\n#else\n#define OUT varying \n#define IN attribute \n#define tex2D texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#define PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define PRECISION\n#endif\n\nIN vec4 VertexCoord;\nIN vec4 Color;\nIN vec2 TexCoord;\nOUT vec4 color;\nOUT vec2 Coord;\n\nuniform mat4 MVPMatrix;\nuniform PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\n\nvoid main()\n{\ngl_Position = MVPMatrix * VertexCoord;\ncolor = Color;\nCoord = TexCoord;\n}\n\n#elif defined(FRAGMENT)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define IN in\n#define tex2D texture\nout vec4 FragColor;\n#else\n#define IN varying\n#define FragColor gl_FragColor\n#define tex2D texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nprecision highp float;\n#else\nprecision mediump float;\n#endif\n#define PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define PRECISION\n#endif\n\nuniform PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\nuniform sampler2D Texture;\nIN vec2 Coord;\n\n#ifdef PARAMETER_UNIFORM\nuniform PRECISION float SHARPNESS_IMAGE;\nuniform PRECISION float SHARPNESS_EDGES;\nuniform PRECISION float GLOW_WIDTH;\nuniform PRECISION float GLOW_HEIGHT;\nuniform PRECISION float GLOW_HALATION;\nuniform PRECISION float GLOW_DIFFUSION;\nuniform PRECISION float MASK_COLORS;\nuniform PRECISION float MASK_STRENGTH;\nuniform PRECISION float MASK_SIZE;\nuniform PRECISION float SCANLINE_SIZE_MIN;\nuniform PRECISION float SCANLINE_SIZE_MAX;\nuniform PRECISION float GAMMA_INPUT;\nuniform PRECISION float GAMMA_OUTPUT;\nuniform PRECISION float BRIGHTNESS;\n#else\n#define SHARPNESS_IMAGE 1.0\n#define SHARPNESS_EDGES 3.0\n#define GLOW_WIDTH 0.5\n#define GLOW_HEIGHT 0.5\n#define GLOW_HALATION 0.1\n#define GLOW_DIFFUSION 0.05\n#define MASK_COLORS 2.0\n#define MASK_STRENGTH 0.3\n#define MASK_SIZE 1.0\n#define SCANLINE_SIZE_MIN 0.5\n#define SCANLINE_SIZE_MAX 1.5\n#define GAMMA_INPUT 2.4\n#define GAMMA_OUTPUT 2.4\n#define BRIGHTNESS 1.5\n#endif\n\n#define FIX(c) max(abs(c), 1e-5)\n#define PI 3.141592653589\n#define saturate(c) clamp(c, 0.0, 1.0)\n#define TEX2D(c) pow(tex2D(tex, c).rgb, vec3(GAMMA_INPUT))\n\nmat3 get_color_matrix(sampler2D tex, vec2 co, vec2 dx)\n{\nreturn mat3(TEX2D(co - dx), TEX2D(co), TEX2D(co + dx));\n}\n\nvec3 blur(mat3 m, float dist, float rad)\n{\nvec3 x = vec3(dist - 1.0, dist, dist + 1.0) / rad;\nvec3 w = exp2(x * x * -1.0);\n\nreturn (m[0] * w.x + m[1] * w.y + m[2] * w.z) / (w.x + w.y + w.z);\n}\n\nvec3 filter_gaussian(sampler2D tex, vec2 co, vec2 tex_size)\n{\nvec2 dx = vec2(1.0 / tex_size.x, 0.0);\nvec2 dy = vec2(0.0, 1.0 / tex_size.y);\nvec2 pix_co = co * tex_size;\nvec2 tex_co = (floor(pix_co) + 0.5) / tex_size;\nvec2 dist = (fract(pix_co) - 0.5) * -1.0;\n\nmat3 line0 = get_color_matrix(tex, tex_co - dy, dx);\nmat3 line1 = get_color_matrix(tex, tex_co, dx);\nmat3 line2 = get_color_matrix(tex, tex_co + dy, dx);\nmat3 column = mat3(blur(line0, dist.x, GLOW_WIDTH),\n blur(line1, dist.x, GLOW_WIDTH),\n blur(line2, dist.x, GLOW_WIDTH));\n\nreturn blur(column, dist.y, GLOW_HEIGHT);\n}\n\nvec3 filter_lanczos(sampler2D tex, vec2 co, vec2 tex_size, float sharp)\n{\ntex_size.x *= sharp;\n\nvec2 dx = vec2(1.0 / tex_size.x, 0.0);\nvec2 pix_co = co * tex_size - vec2(0.5, 0.0);\nvec2 tex_co = (floor(pix_co) + vec2(0.5, 0.0)) / tex_size;\nvec2 dist = fract(pix_co);\nvec4 coef = PI * vec4(dist.x + 1.0, dist.x, dist.x - 1.0, dist.x - 2.0);\n\ncoef = FIX(coef);\ncoef = 2.0 * sin(coef) * sin(coef / 2.0) / (coef * coef);\ncoef /= dot(coef, vec4(1.0));\n\nvec4 col1 = vec4(TEX2D(tex_co), 1.0);\nvec4 col2 = vec4(TEX2D(tex_co + dx), 1.0);\n\nreturn (mat4(col1, col1, col2, col2) * coef).rgb;\n}\n\nvec3 get_scanline_weight(float x, vec3 col)\n{\nvec3 beam = mix(vec3(SCANLINE_SIZE_MIN), vec3(SCANLINE_SIZE_MAX), col);\nvec3 x_mul = 2.0 / beam;\nvec3 x_offset = x_mul * 0.5;\n\nreturn smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - abs(x * x_mul - x_offset)) * x_offset;\n}\n\nvec3 get_mask_weight(float x)\n{\nfloat i = mod(floor(x * OutputSize.x * TextureSize.x / (InputSize.x * MASK_SIZE)), MASK_COLORS);\n\nif (i == 0.0) return mix(vec3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0), vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), MASK_COLORS - 2.0);\nelse if (i == 1.0) return vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);\nelse return vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n}\n\nvoid main()\n{\nvec3 col_glow = filter_gaussian(Texture, Coord, TextureSize);\nvec3 col_soft = filter_lanczos(Texture, Coord, TextureSize, SHARPNESS_IMAGE);\nvec3 col_sharp = filter_lanczos(Texture, Coord, TextureSize, SHARPNESS_EDGES);\nvec3 col = sqrt(col_sharp * col_soft);\n\ncol *= get_scanline_weight(fract(Coord.y * TextureSize.y), col_soft);\ncol_glow = saturate(col_glow - col);\ncol += col_glow * col_glow * GLOW_HALATION;\ncol = mix(col, col * get_mask_weight(Coord.x) * MASK_COLORS, MASK_STRENGTH);\ncol += col_glow * GLOW_DIFFUSION;\ncol = pow(col * BRIGHTNESS, vec3(1.0 / GAMMA_OUTPUT));\n\nFragColor = vec4(col, 1.0);\n}\n\n#endif\n",
"crt-geom.glsl": "\n/*\nCRT-interlaced\n\nCopyright (C) 2010-2012 cgwg, Themaister and DOLLS\n\nThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\nunder the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free\nSoftware Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)\nany later version.\n\n(cgwg gave their consent to have the original version of this shader\ndistributed under the GPL in this message:\n\nhttp://board.byuu.org/viewtopic.php?p=26075#p26075\n\n\"Feel free to distribute my shaders under the GPL. After all, the\nbarrel distortion code was taken from the Curvature shader, which is\nunder the GPL.\"\n)\nThis shader variant is pre-configured with screen curvature\n*/\n/*\n#pragma parameter CRTgamma \"CRTGeom Target Gamma\" 2.4 0.1 5.0 0.1\n#pragma parameter monitorgamma \"CRTGeom Monitor Gamma\" 2.2 0.1 5.0 0.1\n#pragma parameter d \"CRTGeom Distance\" 1.6 0.1 3.0 0.1\n#pragma parameter CURVATURE \"CRTGeom Curvature Toggle\" 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter R \"CRTGeom Curvature Radius\" 2.0 0.1 10.0 0.1\n#pragma parameter cornersize \"CRTGeom Corner Size\" 0.03 0.001 1.0 0.005\n#pragma parameter cornersmooth \"CRTGeom Corner Smoothness\" 1000.0 80.0 2000.0 100.0\n#pragma parameter x_tilt \"CRTGeom Horizontal Tilt\" 0.0 -0.5 0.5 0.05\n#pragma parameter y_tilt \"CRTGeom Vertical Tilt\" 0.0 -0.5 0.5 0.05\n#pragma parameter overscan_x \"CRTGeom Horiz. Overscan %\" 100.0 -125.0 125.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter overscan_y \"CRTGeom Vert. Overscan %\" 100.0 -125.0 125.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter DOTMASK \"CRTGeom Dot Mask Toggle\" 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.3\n#pragma parameter SHARPER \"CRTGeom Sharpness\" 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0\n#pragma parameter scanline_weight \"CRTGeom Scanline Weight\" 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.05\n*/\n\n#ifndef PARAMETER_UNIFORM\n#define CRTgamma 2.4\n#define monitorgamma 2.2\n#define d 1.6\n#define CURVATURE 1.0\n#define R 2.0\n#define cornersize 0.03\n#define cornersmooth 1000.0\n#define x_tilt 0.0\n#define y_tilt 0.0\n#define overscan_x 100.0\n#define overscan_y 100.0\n#define DOTMASK 0.3\n#define SHARPER 1.0\n#define scanline_weight 0.3\n#endif\n\n#if defined(VERTEX)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING out\n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying \n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE attribute \n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 VertexCoord;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 COLOR;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 TexCoord;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 COL0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\n\nvec4 _oPosition1; \nuniform mat4 MVPMatrix;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\n\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 overscan;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 aspect;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec3 stretch;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 sinangle;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 cosangle;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 one;\nCOMPAT_VARYING float mod_factor;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 ilfac;\n\n#ifdef PARAMETER_UNIFORM\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float CRTgamma;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float monitorgamma;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float d;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float CURVATURE;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float R;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float cornersize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float cornersmooth;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float x_tilt;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float y_tilt;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float overscan_x;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float overscan_y;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float DOTMASK;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float SHARPER;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float scanline_weight;\n#endif\n\n#define FIX(c) max(abs(c), 1e-5);\n\nfloat intersect(vec2 xy)\n{\nfloat A = dot(xy,xy)+d*d;\nfloat B = 2.0*(R*(dot(xy,sinangle)-d*cosangle.x*cosangle.y)-d*d);\nfloat C = d*d + 2.0*R*d*cosangle.x*cosangle.y;\nreturn (-B-sqrt(B*B-4.0*A*C))/(2.0*A);\n}\n\nvec2 bkwtrans(vec2 xy)\n{\nfloat c = intersect(xy);\nvec2 point = vec2(c)*xy;\npoint -= vec2(-R)*sinangle;\npoint /= vec2(R);\nvec2 tang = sinangle/cosangle;\nvec2 poc = point/cosangle;\nfloat A = dot(tang,tang)+1.0;\nfloat B = -2.0*dot(poc,tang);\nfloat C = dot(poc,poc)-1.0;\nfloat a = (-B+sqrt(B*B-4.0*A*C))/(2.0*A);\nvec2 uv = (point-a*sinangle)/cosangle;\nfloat r = R*acos(a);\nreturn uv*r/sin(r/R);\n}\n\nvec2 fwtrans(vec2 uv)\n{\nfloat r = FIX(sqrt(dot(uv,uv)));\nuv *= sin(r/R)/r;\nfloat x = 1.0-cos(r/R);\nfloat D = d/R + x*cosangle.x*cosangle.y+dot(uv,sinangle);\nreturn d*(uv*cosangle-x*sinangle)/D;\n}\n\nvec3 maxscale()\n{\nvec2 c = bkwtrans(-R * sinangle / (1.0 + R/d*cosangle.x*cosangle.y));\nvec2 a = vec2(0.5,0.5)*aspect;\nvec2 lo = vec2(fwtrans(vec2(-a.x,c.y)).x, fwtrans(vec2(c.x,-a.y)).y)/aspect;\nvec2 hi = vec2(fwtrans(vec2(+a.x,c.y)).x, fwtrans(vec2(c.x,+a.y)).y)/aspect;\nreturn vec3((hi+lo)*aspect*0.5,max(hi.x-lo.x,hi.y-lo.y));\n}\n\nvoid main()\n{\n// START of parameters\n\n// gamma of simulated CRT\n//\tCRTgamma = 1.8;\n// gamma of display monitor (typically 2.2 is correct)\n//\tmonitorgamma = 2.2;\n// overscan (e.g. 1.02 for 2% overscan)\noverscan = vec2(1.00,1.00);\n// aspect ratio\naspect = vec2(1.0, 0.75);\n// lengths are measured in units of (approximately) the width\n// of the monitor simulated distance from viewer to monitor\n//\td = 2.0;\n// radius of curvature\n//\tR = 1.5;\n// tilt angle in radians\n// (behavior might be a bit wrong if both components are\n// nonzero)\nconst vec2 angle = vec2(0.0,0.0);\n// size of curved corners\n//\tcornersize = 0.03;\n// border smoothness parameter\n// decrease if borders are too aliased\n//\tcornersmooth = 1000.0;\n\n// END of parameters\n\nvec4 _oColor;\nvec2 _otexCoord;\ngl_Position = VertexCoord.x * MVPMatrix[0] + VertexCoord.y * MVPMatrix[1] + VertexCoord.z * MVPMatrix[2] + VertexCoord.w * MVPMatrix[3];\n_oPosition1 = gl_Position;\n_oColor = COLOR;\n_otexCoord = TexCoord.xy;\nCOL0 = COLOR;\nTEX0.xy = TexCoord.xy;\n\n// Precalculate a bunch of useful values we'll need in the fragment\n// shader.\nsinangle = sin(vec2(x_tilt, y_tilt)) + vec2(0.001);//sin(vec2(max(abs(x_tilt), 1e-3), max(abs(y_tilt), 1e-3)));\ncosangle = cos(vec2(x_tilt, y_tilt)) + vec2(0.001);//cos(vec2(max(abs(x_tilt), 1e-3), max(abs(y_tilt), 1e-3)));\nstretch = maxscale();\n\nilfac = vec2(1.0,clamp(floor(InputSize.y/200.0), 1.0, 2.0));\n\n// The size of one texel, in texture-coordinates.\nvec2 sharpTextureSize = vec2(SHARPER * TextureSize.x, TextureSize.y);\none = ilfac / sharpTextureSize;\n\n// Resulting X pixel-coordinate of the pixel we're drawing.\nmod_factor = TexCoord.x * TextureSize.x * OutputSize.x / InputSize.x;\n\n}\n\n#elif defined(FRAGMENT)\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\nout vec4 FragColor;\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying\n#define FragColor gl_FragColor\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nprecision highp float;\n#else\nprecision mediump float;\n#endif\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\nstruct output_dummy {\nvec4 _color;\n};\n\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\nuniform sampler2D Texture;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\n\n// Comment the next line to disable interpolation in linear gamma (and\n// gain speed).\n#define LINEAR_PROCESSING\n\n// Enable screen curvature.\n// #define CURVATURE\n\n// Enable 3x oversampling of the beam profile\n#define OVERSAMPLE\n\n// Use the older, purely gaussian beam profile\n//#define USEGAUSSIAN\n\n// Macros.\n#define FIX(c) max(abs(c), 1e-5);\n#define PI 3.141592653589\n\n#ifdef LINEAR_PROCESSING\n# define TEX2D(c) pow(COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, (c)), vec4(CRTgamma))\n#else\n# define TEX2D(c) COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, (c))\n#endif\n\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 one;\nCOMPAT_VARYING float mod_factor;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 ilfac;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 overscan;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 aspect;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec3 stretch;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 sinangle;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec2 cosangle;\n\n#ifdef PARAMETER_UNIFORM\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float CRTgamma;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float monitorgamma;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float d;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float CURVATURE;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float R;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float cornersize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float cornersmooth;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float x_tilt;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float y_tilt;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float overscan_x;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float overscan_y;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float DOTMASK;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float SHARPER;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float scanline_weight;\n#endif\n\nfloat intersect(vec2 xy)\n{\nfloat A = dot(xy,xy)+d*d;\nfloat B = 2.0*(R*(dot(xy,sinangle)-d*cosangle.x*cosangle.y)-d*d);\nfloat C = d*d + 2.0*R*d*cosangle.x*cosangle.y;\nreturn (-B-sqrt(B*B-4.0*A*C))/(2.0*A);\n}\n\nvec2 bkwtrans(vec2 xy)\n{\nfloat c = intersect(xy);\nvec2 point = vec2(c)*xy;\npoint -= vec2(-R)*sinangle;\npoint /= vec2(R);\nvec2 tang = sinangle/cosangle;\nvec2 poc = point/cosangle;\nfloat A = dot(tang,tang)+1.0;\nfloat B = -2.0*dot(poc,tang);\nfloat C = dot(poc,poc)-1.0;\nfloat a = (-B+sqrt(B*B-4.0*A*C))/(2.0*A);\nvec2 uv = (point-a*sinangle)/cosangle;\nfloat r = FIX(R*acos(a));\nreturn uv*r/sin(r/R);\n}\n\nvec2 transform(vec2 coord)\n{\ncoord *= TextureSize / InputSize;\ncoord = (coord-vec2(0.5))*aspect*stretch.z+stretch.xy;\nreturn (bkwtrans(coord)/vec2(overscan_x / 100.0, overscan_y / 100.0)/aspect+vec2(0.5)) * InputSize / TextureSize;\n}\n\nfloat corner(vec2 coord)\n{\ncoord *= TextureSize / InputSize;\ncoord = (coord - vec2(0.5)) * vec2(overscan_x / 100.0, overscan_y / 100.0) + vec2(0.5);\ncoord = min(coord, vec2(1.0)-coord) * aspect;\nvec2 cdist = vec2(cornersize);\ncoord = (cdist - min(coord,cdist));\nfloat dist = sqrt(dot(coord,coord));\nreturn clamp((cdist.x-dist)*cornersmooth,0.0, 1.0);\n}\n\n// Calculate the influence of a scanline on the current pixel.\n//\n// 'distance' is the distance in texture coordinates from the current\n// pixel to the scanline in question.\n// 'color' is the colour of the scanline at the horizontal location of\n// the current pixel.\nvec4 scanlineWeights(float distance, vec4 color)\n{\n// \"wid\" controls the width of the scanline beam, for each RGB\n// channel The \"weights\" lines basically specify the formula\n// that gives you the profile of the beam, i.e. the intensity as\n// a function of distance from the vertical center of the\n// scanline. In this case, it is gaussian if width=2, and\n// becomes nongaussian for larger widths. Ideally this should\n// be normalized so that the integral across the beam is\n// independent of its width. That is, for a narrower beam\n// \"weights\" should have a higher peak at the center of the\n// scanline than for a wider beam.\n#ifdef USEGAUSSIAN\nvec4 wid = 0.3 + 0.1 * pow(color, vec4(3.0));\nvec4 weights = vec4(distance / wid);\nreturn 0.4 * exp(-weights * weights) / wid;\n#else\nvec4 wid = 2.0 + 2.0 * pow(color, vec4(4.0));\nvec4 weights = vec4(distance / scanline_weight);\nreturn 1.4 * exp(-pow(weights * inversesqrt(0.5 * wid), wid)) / (0.6 + 0.2 * wid);\n#endif\n}\n\nvoid main()\n{\n// Here's a helpful diagram to keep in mind while trying to\n// understand the code:\n//\n// | | | | |\n// -------------------------------\n// | | | | |\n// | 01 | 11 | 21 | 31 | <-- current scanline\n// | | @ | | |\n// -------------------------------\n// | | | | |\n// | 02 | 12 | 22 | 32 | <-- next scanline\n// | | | | |\n// -------------------------------\n// | | | | |\n//\n// Each character-cell represents a pixel on the output\n// surface, \"@\" represents the current pixel (always somewhere\n// in the bottom half of the current scan-line, or the top-half\n// of the next scanline). The grid of lines represents the\n// edges of the texels of the underlying texture.\n\n// Texture coordinates of the texel containing the active pixel.\nvec2 xy = (CURVATURE > 0.5) ? transform(TEX0.xy) : TEX0.xy;\n\nfloat cval = corner(xy);\n\n// Of all the pixels that are mapped onto the texel we are\n// currently rendering, which pixel are we currently rendering?\nvec2 ilvec = vec2(0.0,ilfac.y > 1.5 ? mod(float(FrameCount),2.0) : 0.0);\nvec2 ratio_scale = (xy * TextureSize - vec2(0.5) + ilvec)/ilfac;\n#ifdef OVERSAMPLE\nfloat filter_ = InputSize.y/OutputSize.y;//fwidth(ratio_scale.y);\n#endif\nvec2 uv_ratio = fract(ratio_scale);\n\n// Snap to the center of the underlying texel.\nxy = (floor(ratio_scale)*ilfac + vec2(0.5) - ilvec) / TextureSize;\n\n// Calculate Lanczos scaling coefficients describing the effect\n// of various neighbour texels in a scanline on the current\n// pixel.\nvec4 coeffs = PI * vec4(1.0 + uv_ratio.x, uv_ratio.x, 1.0 - uv_ratio.x, 2.0 - uv_ratio.x);\n\n// Prevent division by zero.\ncoeffs = FIX(coeffs);\n\n// Lanczos2 kernel.\ncoeffs = 2.0 * sin(coeffs) * sin(coeffs / 2.0) / (coeffs * coeffs);\n\n// Normalize.\ncoeffs /= dot(coeffs, vec4(1.0));\n\n// Calculate the effective colour of the current and next\n// scanlines at the horizontal location of the current pixel,\n// using the Lanczos coefficients above.\nvec4 col = clamp(mat4(\n TEX2D(xy + vec2(-one.x, 0.0)),\n TEX2D(xy),\n TEX2D(xy + vec2(one.x, 0.0)),\n TEX2D(xy + vec2(2.0 * one.x, 0.0))) * coeffs,\n 0.0, 1.0);\nvec4 col2 = clamp(mat4(\n TEX2D(xy + vec2(-one.x, one.y)),\n TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, one.y)),\n TEX2D(xy + one),\n TEX2D(xy + vec2(2.0 * one.x, one.y))) * coeffs,\n 0.0, 1.0);\n\n#ifndef LINEAR_PROCESSING\ncol = pow(col , vec4(CRTgamma));\ncol2 = pow(col2, vec4(CRTgamma));\n#endif\n\n// Calculate the influence of the current and next scanlines on\n// the current pixel.\nvec4 weights = scanlineWeights(uv_ratio.y, col);\nvec4 weights2 = scanlineWeights(1.0 - uv_ratio.y, col2);\n#ifdef OVERSAMPLE\nuv_ratio.y =uv_ratio.y+1.0/3.0*filter_;\nweights = (weights+scanlineWeights(uv_ratio.y, col))/3.0;\nweights2=(weights2+scanlineWeights(abs(1.0-uv_ratio.y), col2))/3.0;\nuv_ratio.y =uv_ratio.y-2.0/3.0*filter_;\nweights=weights+scanlineWeights(abs(uv_ratio.y), col)/3.0;\nweights2=weights2+scanlineWeights(abs(1.0-uv_ratio.y), col2)/3.0;\n#endif\n\nvec3 mul_res = (col * weights + col2 * weights2).rgb * vec3(cval);\n\n// dot-mask emulation:\n// Output pixels are alternately tinted green and magenta.\nvec3 dotMaskWeights = mix(\nvec3(1.0, 1.0 - DOTMASK, 1.0),\nvec3(1.0 - DOTMASK, 1.0, 1.0 - DOTMASK),\nfloor(mod(mod_factor, 2.0))\n);\n\nmul_res *= dotMaskWeights;\n\n// Convert the image gamma for display on our output device.\nmul_res = pow(mul_res, vec3(1.0 / monitorgamma));\n\n// Color the texel.\noutput_dummy _OUT;\n_OUT._color = vec4(mul_res, 1.0);\nFragColor = _OUT._color;\nreturn;\n} \n#endif\n\n",
"crt-mattias.glsl": "\n#pragma parameter CURVATURE \"Curvature\" 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.05\n#pragma parameter SCANSPEED \"Scanline Crawl Speed\" 1.0 0.0 10.0 0.5\n#if defined(VERTEX)\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING out\n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying \n#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE attribute \n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 VertexCoord;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 COLOR;\nCOMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 TexCoord;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 COL0;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\n\nvec4 _oPosition1; \nuniform mat4 MVPMatrix;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\n\n#define vTexCoord TEX0.xy\n#define SourceSize vec4(TextureSize, 1.0 / TextureSize) //either TextureSize or InputSize\n#define OutSize vec4(OutputSize, 1.0 / OutputSize)\n\nvoid main()\n{\n gl_Position = MVPMatrix * VertexCoord;\n TEX0.xy = TexCoord.xy;\n}\n\n#elif defined(FRAGMENT)\n\n#ifdef GL_ES\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nprecision highp float;\n#else\nprecision mediump float;\n#endif\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump\n#else\n#define COMPAT_PRECISION\n#endif\n\n#if __VERSION__ >= 130\n#define COMPAT_VARYING in\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture\nout COMPAT_PRECISION vec4 FragColor;\n#else\n#define COMPAT_VARYING varying\n#define FragColor gl_FragColor\n#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D\n#endif\n\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;\nuniform sampler2D Texture;\nCOMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0;\n\n// compatibility #defines\n#define Source Texture\n#define vTexCoord TEX0.xy\n\n#define SourceSize vec4(TextureSize, 1.0 / TextureSize) //either TextureSize or InputSize\n#define OutSize vec4(OutputSize, 1.0 / OutputSize)\n\n#ifdef PARAMETER_UNIFORM\nuniform COMPAT_PRECISION float CURVATURE, SCANSPEED;\n#else\n#define CURVATURE 0.5\n#define SCANSPEED 1.0\n#endif\n\n#define iChannel0 Texture\n#define iTime (float(FrameCount) / 60.0)\n#define iResolution OutputSize.xy\n#define fragCoord gl_FragCoord.xy\n\nvec3 sample_( sampler2D tex, vec2 tc )\n{\n vec3 s = pow(COMPAT_TEXTURE(tex,tc).rgb, vec3(2.2));\n return s;\n}\n\nvec3 blur(sampler2D tex, vec2 tc, float offs)\n{\n vec4 xoffs = offs * vec4(-2.0, -1.0, 1.0, 2.0) / (iResolution.x * TextureSize.x / InputSize.x);\n vec4 yoffs = offs * vec4(-2.0, -1.0, 1.0, 2.0) / (iResolution.y * TextureSize.y / InputSize.y);\n tc = tc * InputSize / TextureSize;\n \n vec3 color = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.x, yoffs.x)) * 0.00366;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.y, yoffs.x)) * 0.01465;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2( 0.0, yoffs.x)) * 0.02564;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.z, yoffs.x)) * 0.01465;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.w, yoffs.x)) * 0.00366;\n \n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.x, yoffs.y)) * 0.01465;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.y, yoffs.y)) * 0.05861;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2( 0.0, yoffs.y)) * 0.09524;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.z, yoffs.y)) * 0.05861;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.w, yoffs.y)) * 0.01465;\n \n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.x, 0.0)) * 0.02564;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.y, 0.0)) * 0.09524;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2( 0.0, 0.0)) * 0.15018;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.z, 0.0)) * 0.09524;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.w, 0.0)) * 0.02564;\n \n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.x, yoffs.z)) * 0.01465;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.y, yoffs.z)) * 0.05861;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2( 0.0, yoffs.z)) * 0.09524;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.z, yoffs.z)) * 0.05861;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.w, yoffs.z)) * 0.01465;\n \n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.x, yoffs.w)) * 0.00366;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.y, yoffs.w)) * 0.01465;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2( 0.0, yoffs.w)) * 0.02564;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.z, yoffs.w)) * 0.01465;\n color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.w, yoffs.w)) * 0.00366;\n\n return color;\n}\n\nfloat rand(vec2 co)\n{\n float a = 12.9898;\n float b = 78.233;\n float c = 43758.5453;\n float dt= dot(co.xy ,vec2(a,b));\n float sn= mod(dt,3.14);\n return fract(sin(sn) * c);\n}\n\nvec2 curve(vec2 uv)\n{\n uv = (uv - 0.5) * 2.0;\n uv *= 1.1;\t\n uv.x *= 1.0 + pow((abs(uv.y) / 5.0), 2.0);\n uv.y *= 1.0 + pow((abs(uv.x) / 4.0), 2.0);\n uv = (uv / 2.0) + 0.5;\n uv = uv *0.92 + 0.04;\n return uv;\n}\n\nvoid main()\n{\n vec2 q = (vTexCoord.xy * TextureSize.xy / InputSize.xy);//fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;\n vec2 uv = q;\n uv = mix( uv, curve( uv ), CURVATURE ) * InputSize.xy / TextureSize.xy;\n vec3 col;\n float x = sin(0.1*iTime+uv.y*21.0)*sin(0.23*iTime+uv.y*29.0)*sin(0.3+0.11*iTime+uv.y*31.0)*0.0017;\n float o =2.0*mod(fragCoord.y,2.0)/iResolution.x;\n x+=o;\n uv = uv * TextureSize / InputSize;\n col.r = 1.0*blur(iChannel0,vec2(uv.x+0.0009,uv.y+0.0009),1.2).x+0.005;\n col.g = 1.0*blur(iChannel0,vec2(uv.x+0.000,uv.y-0.0015),1.2).y+0.005;\n col.b = 1.0*blur(iChannel0,vec2(uv.x-0.0015,uv.y+0.000),1.2).z+0.005;\n col.r += 0.2*blur(iChannel0,vec2(uv.x+0.0009,uv.y+0.0009),2.25).x-0.005;\n col.g += 0.2*blur(iChannel0,vec2(uv.x+0.000,uv.y-0.0015),1.75).y-0.005;\n col.b += 0.2*blur(iChannel0,vec2(uv.x-0.0015,uv.y+0.000),1.25).z-0.005;\n float ghs = 0.05;\n col.r += ghs*(1.0-0.299)*blur(iChannel0,0.75*vec2(0.01, -0.027)+vec2(uv.x+0.001,uv.y+0.001),7.0).x;\n col.g += ghs*(1.0-0.587)*blur(iChannel0,0.75*vec2(-0.022, -0.02)+vec2(uv.x+0.000,uv.y-0.002),5.0).y;\n col.b += ghs*(1.0-0.114)*blur(iChannel0,0.75*vec2(-0.02, -0.0)+vec2(uv.x-0.002,uv.y+0.000),3.0).z;\n \n \n\n col = clamp(col*0.4+0.6*col*col*1.0,0.0,1.0);\n float vig = (0.0 + 1.0*16.0*uv.x*uv.y*(1.0-uv.x)*(1.0-uv.y));\n vig = pow(vig,0.3);\n col *= vec3(vig);\n\n col *= vec3(0.95,1.05,0.95);\n col = mix( col, col * col, 0.3) * 3.8;\n\n float scans = clamp( 0.35+0.15*sin(3.5*(iTime * SCANSPEED)+uv.y*iResolution.y*1.5), 0.0, 1.0);\n \n float s = pow(scans,0.9);\n col = col*vec3( s) ;\n\n col *= 1.0+0.0015*sin(300.0*iTime);\n \n col*=1.0-0.15*vec3(clamp((mod(fragCoord.x+o, 2.0)-1.0)*2.0,0.0,1.0));\n col *= vec3( 1.0 ) - 0.25*vec3( rand( uv+0.0001*iTime), rand( uv+0.0001*iTime + 0.3 ), rand( uv+0.0001*iTime+ 0.5 ) );\n col = pow(col, vec3(0.45));\n\n if (uv.x < 0.0 || uv.x > 1.0)\n col *= 0.0;\n if (uv.y < 0.0 || uv.y > 1.0)\n col *= 0.0;\n \n\n float comp = smoothstep( 0.1, 0.9, sin(iTime) );\n\n FragColor = vec4(col,1.0);\n} \n#endif\n"