2021-12-01 11:46:24 -06:00

101 lines
3.7 KiB

fetch('https://raw.githack.com/ethanaobrien/emulatorjs/main/data/version.json').then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
response.text().then(body => {
var version = JSON.parse(body);
var usingVersion = '0.4.24';
if (usingVersion != version.current_version) {
console.log('Using emulatorjs version ' + usingVersion + ' but the newest version is ' + version.current_version + '\n\nopen https://github.com/ethanaobrien/emulatorjs to update');
if (! window.EJS_pathtodata) {
EJS_pathtodata = './'
var path2Send = EJS_pathtodata
var finpath = window.location.pathname.split('/').pop();
var finalpath = window.location.pathname.substring(0, window.location.pathname.length - finpath.length);
var split3 = finalpath.split('/')
var split2 = path2Send.split('/')
var split1 = [ ]
for (var i=0; i<split3.length; i++) {
if (split3[i] != '') {
if (! path2Send.startsWith('/') && path2Send.split('://').length == 1 && path2Send.split('http:').length == 1 && path2Send.split('https:').length == 1) {
for (var w=0; w<split2.length; w++) {
if (split2[w] == '' || split2[w] == '.') {
} else if (split2[w] == '..') {
if (split1.length > 0) {
var split1 = split1.splice(-1,1)
} else {
var path2Send = split1.join('/')
if (! path2Send.startsWith('/')) {
var path2Send = '/' + path2Send
path2Send = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + path2Send
EJS_pathtodata = path2Send
if (EJS_pathtodata.startsWith('/')) {
EJS_pathtodata = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + path2Send
if (!EJS_pathtodata.endsWith('/')) {
EJS_pathtodata = EJS_pathtodata+'/'
console.log('Path to data is set to ' + EJS_pathtodata)
window.readAsBufferrr = function(fileBlob) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = function(e) {
window.EJS_loadStateFromURL = async function() {
if (! window.EJS_loadStateURL) {return}
var a = await fetch(EJS_loadStateURL)
var a = await a.blob()
var a = await readAsBufferrr(a)
var a = new Uint8Array(a)
var emulatorjs = document.createElement('script')
var scriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]
emulatorjs.async = 0x1
emulatorjs.src = EJS_pathtodata + 'emulator.js?v=' + '0.4.24'
scriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(emulatorjs, scriptTag)
emulatorjs.onload = function() {
var config = {};
config.gameUrl = EJS_gameUrl
'undefined' != typeof EJS_biosUrl && (config.biosUrl = EJS_biosUrl)
'undefined' != typeof EJS_gameID && (config.gameId = EJS_gameID)
'undefined' != typeof EJS_gameParentUrl && (config.gameParentUrl = EJS_gameParentUrl)
'undefined' != typeof EJS_gamePatchUrl && (config.gamePatchUrl = EJS_gamePatchUrl)
config.system = EJS_core
config.onsavestate = null
config.onloadstate = null
'undefined' != typeof EJS_onSaveState && (config.onsavestate = EJS_onSaveState)
'undefined' != typeof EJS_onLoadState && (config.onloadstate = EJS_onLoadState)
'undefined' != typeof EJS_lightgun && (config.lightgun = EJS_lightgun)
'undefined' != typeof EJS_mouse && (config.mouse = EJS_mouse)
'undefined' != typeof EJS_multitap && (config.multitap = EJS_multitap)
'undefined' != typeof EJS_playerName && (config.playerName = EJS_playerName)
'undefined' != typeof EJS_cheats && (config.cheats = EJS_cheats)
'undefined' != typeof EJS_color && (config.color = EJS_color)
window.EJS_emulator = new EJS(EJS_player, config)
'undefined' != typeof EJS_onGameStart && EJS_emulator.on('start-game', EJS_onGameStart);