Add ability to customize virtual gamepad. Fix shader not set on start.

This commit is contained in:
Ethan O'Brien 2022-08-18 08:40:50 -05:00
parent 018c39d406
commit 2fd0f54528
4 changed files with 519 additions and 154 deletions

View file

@ -3460,102 +3460,464 @@ window.EJS_main = function(_0xa88a13, _0x17edbf, _0x2c1832) {
'toggleVirtualGamepad': function(_0x1ed80b) {
var _0xa88a13 = this;
if (null === _0x378b5c.virtualGamepadContainer) {
_0x378b5c.virtualGamepadContainer = _0x428003('div', {
'class': _0x449eac({
'ejs-virtual-gamepad': true
'hidden': ''
var blockCSS = 'height:31px;text-align:center;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:5px;line-height:31px;';
var html = '';
if (['snes', 'nds'].includes(_0xa88a13.system)) {
var elements = {
order: ['X','Y','A','B'],
orderCSS: ['left:40px;', 'top:40px;', 'left:81px;top:40px;', 'left:40px;top:80px;'],
LandR: true
} else if (['gba', 'gb', 'vb', 'nes'].includes(_0xa88a13.system)) {
var elements = {
order: ['B','A'],
orderCSS: ['left:-10px;top:70px;', 'left:60px;top:70px;'],
LandR: (_0xa88a13.system === 'gba')
} else if (['n64'].includes(_0xa88a13.system)) {
var elements = {
order: ['B','A'],
orderCSS: ['left:-10px;top:95px;', 'left:40px;top:150px;'],
LandR: true
} else {
var elements = {
order: ['Y','X','B','A'],
orderCSS: ['left:40px;', 'top:40px;', 'left:81px;top:40px;', 'left:40px;top:80px;'],
LandR: true
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'virtual-gamepad': true})+'" style="display: block;">';
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'top': true})+'">';
if (elements.LandR === true) {
if (_0xa88a13.system === 'n64') {
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'buttons': true,'b_l': true})+'" style="left:10px;top:-40px;'+blockCSS+'">L</div>';
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'buttons': true,'b_z': true})+'" style="left:10px;'+blockCSS+'">Z</div>';
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'buttons': true,'b_r': true})+'" style="right:10px;top:-40px;'+blockCSS+'">R</div>';
} else {
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'buttons': true,'b_l': true})+'" style="left:10px;'+blockCSS+'">L</div>';
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'buttons': true,'b_r': true})+'" style="right:10px;'+blockCSS+'">R</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'left': true})+'"></div>';
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'center': true})+'">';
if (_0xa88a13.system === 'n64') {
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'buttons': true,'b_start': true})+'" style="left:40px;">'+_0xa88a13.localization('Start')+'</div>';
} else {
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'buttons': true,'b_start': true})+'" style="left:60px;">'+_0xa88a13.localization('Start')+'</div>';
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'buttons': true,'b_select': true})+'" style="left:-5px;">'+_0xa88a13.localization('Select')+'</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'right': true})+'">';
if (_0xa88a13.system === 'n64') {
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'buttons': true, 'b_cu': true})+'" style="left:25px;top:-65px;"></div>';
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'buttons': true, 'b_cd': true})+'" style="left:25px;top:15px;"></div>';
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'buttons': true, 'b_cl': true})+'" style="left:-15px;top:-25px;"></div>';
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'buttons': true, 'b_cr': true})+'" style="left:65px;top:-25px;"></div>';
for (var i=0; i<elements.order.length; i++) {
var opts = {'buttons': true};
opts['b_'+elements.order[i].toLowerCase()] = true;
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac(opts)+'" style="'+elements.orderCSS[i]+'">'+elements.order[i]+'</div>';
html += '</div></div>';
_0x378b5c.virtualGamepadContainer.innerHTML = html;
var _this = this;
if (null !== _0x378b5c.virtualGamepadContainer) {
_0x132da7(_0x378b5c.virtualGamepadContainer, !_0x1ed80b);
_0x378b5c.virtualGamepadContainer = _0x428003('div', {
'class': _0x449eac({
'ejs-virtual-gamepad': true
'hidden': ''
var blockCSS = 'height:31px;text-align:center;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:5px;line-height:31px;';
var html = '';
var info;
if (_this.config.VirtualGamepadSettings && function(set) {
if (!Array.isArray(set)) {
console.warn("Vritual gamepad settings is not array! Using default gamepad settings");
return false;
if (!set.length) {
console.warn("Vritual gamepad settings is empty! Using default gamepad settings");
return false;
for (var i=0; i<set.length; i++) {
if (set[i].type === 'zone') continue;
if (!set[i].location) {
console.warn("Missing location value for button "+set[i].text+"! Using default gamepad settings");
return false;
} else if (!set[i].type) {
console.warn("Missing type value for button "+set[i].text+"! Using default gamepad settings");
return false;
} else if (!set[i].id) {
console.warn("Missing id value for button "+set[i].text+"! Using default gamepad settings");
return false;
} else if (!set[i].input_value) {
console.warn("Missing input_value for button "+set[i].text+"! Using default gamepad settings");
return false;
return true;
}(_this.config.VirtualGamepadSettings)) {
info = _this.config.VirtualGamepadSettings;
} else if (['gba', 'gb', 'vb', 'nes'].includes(_this.system)) {
info = [
type: "button",
text: "B",
id: "b",
location: "right",
left: -10,
top: 70,
input_value: 0
type: "button",
text: "A",
id: "a",
location: "right",
left: 60,
top: 70,
input_value: 8
type: "zone",
location: "left",
left: "50%",
top: "50%"
type: "button",
text: "Start",
id: "start",
location: "center",
left: 60,
input_value: 3
type: "button",
text: "Select",
id: "select",
location: "center",
left: -5,
input_value: 2
if (_this.system === 'gba') {
type: "button",
text: "L",
id: "l",
block: true,
location: "top",
left: 10,
top: -40,
input_value: 10
type: "button",
text: "R",
id: "r",
block: true,
location: "top",
right: 10,
top: -40,
input_value: 11
} else if (_this.system === 'n64') {
info = [
type: "button",
text: "B",
id: "b",
location: "right",
left: -10,
top: 95,
input_value: 0,
input_new_cores: 1
type: "button",
text: "A",
id: "a",
location: "right",
left: 40,
top: 150,
input_value: 8,
input_new_cores: 0
type: "zone",
location: "left",
left: "50%",
top: "50%"
type: "button",
text: "Start",
id: "start",
location: "center",
left: 30,
top: -10,
input_value: 3
type: "button",
text: "L",
id: "l",
block: true,
location: "top",
left: 10,
top: -40,
input_value: 10
type: "button",
text: "R",
id: "r",
block: true,
location: "top",
right: 10,
top: -40,
input_value: 11
type: "button",
text: "Z",
id: "z",
block: true,
location: "top",
left: 10,
input_value: 12
type: "button",
text: "",
id: "cu",
location: "right",
left: 25,
top: -65,
input_value: 23
type: "button",
text: "",
id: "cd",
location: "right",
left: 25,
top: 15,
input_value: 22
type: "button",
text: "",
id: "cl",
location: "right",
left: -15,
top: -25,
input_value: 21
type: "button",
text: "",
id: "cr",
location: "right",
left: 65,
top: -25,
input_value: 20
} else if (['snes', 'nds'].includes(_this.system)) {
info = [
type: "button",
text: "X",
id: "x",
location: "right",
left: 40,
input_value: 9
type: "button",
text: "Y",
id: "y",
location: "right",
top: 40,
input_value: 1
type: "button",
text: "A",
id: "a",
location: "right",
left: 81,
top: 40,
input_value: 8
type: "button",
text: "B",
id: "b",
location: "right",
left: 40,
top: 80,
input_value: 0
type: "zone",
location: "left",
left: "50%",
top: "50%"
type: "button",
text: "Start",
id: "start",
location: "center",
left: 60,
input_value: 3
type: "button",
text: "Select",
id: "select",
location: "center",
left: -5,
input_value: 2
} else {
info = [
type: "button",
text: "Y",
id: "y",
location: "right",
left: 40,
input_value: 9
type: "button",
text: "X",
id: "X",
location: "right",
top: 40,
input_value: 1
type: "button",
text: "B",
id: "b",
location: "right",
left: 81,
top: 40,
input_value: 8
type: "button",
text: "A",
id: "a",
location: "right",
left: 40,
top: 80,
input_value: 0
type: "zone",
location: "left",
left: "50%",
top: "50%"
type: "button",
text: "Start",
id: "start",
location: "center",
left: 60,
input_value: 3
type: "button",
text: "Select",
id: "select",
location: "center",
left: -5,
input_value: 2
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'virtual-gamepad': true})+'" style="display: block;">';
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'top': true})+'">';
for (var i=0; i<info.length; i++) {
if (info[i].location === 'top' && info[i].type === 'button') {
var opts = {'buttons': true};
opts['b_'+info[i].id.toLowerCase()] = true;
var style = '';
if (info[i].left) {
style += 'left:'+info[i].left+'px;';
if (info[i].right) {
style += 'right:'+info[i].right+'px;';
if (info[i].top) {
style += 'top:'+info[i].top+'px;';
if (info[i].block) {
style += blockCSS;
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac(opts)+'" style="'+style+'">'+info[i].text+'</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'left': true})+'">';
for (var i=0; i<info.length; i++) {
if (info[i].location === 'left' && info[i].type === 'button') {
var opts = {'buttons': true};
opts['b_'+info[i].id.toLowerCase()] = true;
var style = '';
if (info[i].left) {
style += 'left:'+info[i].left+'px;';
if (info[i].right) {
style += 'right:'+info[i].right+'px;';
if (info[i].top) {
style += 'top:'+info[i].top+'px;';
if (info[i].block) {
style += blockCSS;
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac(opts)+'" style="'+style+'">'+info[i].text+'</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'center': true})+'">';
for (var i=0; i<info.length; i++) {
if (info[i].location === 'center' && info[i].type === 'button') {
var opts = {'buttons': true};
opts['b_'+info[i].id.toLowerCase()] = true;
var style = '';
if (info[i].left) {
style += 'left:'+info[i].left+'px;';
if (info[i].right) {
style += 'right:'+info[i].right+'px;';
if (info[i].top) {
style += 'top:'+info[i].top+'px;';
if (info[i].block) {
style += blockCSS;
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac(opts)+'" style="'+style+'">'+info[i].text+'</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac({'right': true})+'">';
for (var i=0; i<info.length; i++) {
if (info[i].location === 'right' && info[i].type === 'button') {
var opts = {'buttons': true};
opts['b_'+info[i].id.toLowerCase()] = true;
var style = '';
if (info[i].left) {
style += 'left:'+info[i].left+'px;';
if (info[i].right) {
style += 'right:'+info[i].right+'px;';
if (info[i].top) {
style += 'top:'+info[i].top+'px;';
if (info[i].block) {
style += blockCSS;
html += '<div class="'+_0x449eac(opts)+'" style="'+style+'">'+info[i].text+'</div>';
html += '</div></div>';
_0x378b5c.virtualGamepadContainer.innerHTML = html;
_0x132da7(_0x378b5c.virtualGamepadContainer, !_0x1ed80b);
var _0x2c1832 = _0x449eac({
'virtual-gamepad': true
_0x2ec721 = _0x449eac({
'touch': true
if (! _0x59aa33.isIos) {,, '.' .concat(_0x2c1832)), 'touchmove', function(event) {
var zone;
for (var i=0; i<info.length; i++) {
if (info[i].type === 'zone') {
zone = info[i];
if (zone) {
var opts = {};
opts[info[i].location.toLowerCase()] = true;
var _0x17edbf = _0x3a58c8.a.create({
'zone':, '.' .concat(_0x449eac({
'ejs-virtual-gamepad': true
}), ' .').concat(_0x449eac({
'left': true
}), ' .').concat(_0x449eac(opts))),
'mode': 'static',
'position': {
'left': '50%',
'top': '50%'
'left': zone.left,
'color': 'red'
function inputs() {
if (_0xa88a13.system === 'n64') {
if (_this.system === 'n64') {
var inputLocation;
if (_0x2593da && typeof _0x2593da.getCoreOptionsValues == 'function') {
inputLocation = _0x2593da.getCoreOptionsValues()['joystick-input'];
@ -3590,62 +3952,55 @@ window.EJS_main = function(_0xa88a13, _0x17edbf, _0x2c1832) {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, inputs()[7], 0);
}, 0x1e);
var _0x2c1832 = _0x449eac({
'virtual-gamepad': true
_0x2ec721 = _0x449eac({
'touch': true
if (! _0x59aa33.isIos) {,, '.' .concat(_0x2c1832)), 'touchmove', function(_0x2ae626) {
var keys = [];
for (var i=0; i<info.length; i++) {
if (info[i].type === 'zone') continue;
var opts = {};
opts['b_'+info[i].id.toLowerCase()] = true;
var value;
if (_this.newCores === 2 && info[i].input_new_cores) {
value = info[i].input_new_cores;
} else {
value = info[i].input_value;
var keys = [
{id: {"b_a":true},number: 8},
{id: {"b_b":true},number: 0},
{id: {"b_x":true},number: 9},
{id: {"b_y":true},number: 1},
{id: {"b_l":true},number: 10},
{id: {"b_z":true},number: 12},
{id: {"b_r":true},number: 11},
{id: {"b_start":true},number: 3},
{id: {"b_select":true},number: 2},
{id: {"b_cu":true},number: 23},
{id: {"b_cd":true},number: 22},
{id: {"b_cl":true},number: 21},
{id: {"b_cr":true},number: 20}
if (_0xa88a13.system === 'n64') {
keys[0].number = 0;
keys[1].number = 1;
keys.forEach((a) => {,, '.'.concat(_0x2c1832, ' .').concat(_0x449eac(,
'touchstart touchend', function(e) {
['touchend'].includes(e.type) ? (_0x3a8e2f(, _0x2ec721, false), window.setTimeout(function() {
keys.push({id: opts, number: value});
keys.forEach((a) => {
var element =, '.'.concat(_0x2c1832, ' .').concat(_0x449eac(;
if (!element) return;, element, 'touchstart touchend', function(e) {
if (e.type === 'touchend') {
_0x3a8e2f(, _0x2ec721, false);
window.setTimeout(function() {
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, a.number, 0);
}, 30)) : (_0x3a8e2f(, _0x2ec721, true), _0x378b5c.syncInput(0, a.number, 1)), e.stopPropagation();
var menuButton = _0x428003('div', {
'class': _0x449eac({
'ejs__widget': true,
'ejs__widget_controls_toggle': true
}, '');
menuButton.innerHTML = '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M0 96C0 78.33 14.33 64 32 64H416C433.7 64 448 78.33 448 96C448 113.7 433.7 128 416 128H32C14.33 128 0 113.7 0 96zM0 256C0 238.3 14.33 224 32 224H416C433.7 224 448 238.3 448 256C448 273.7 433.7 288 416 288H32C14.33 288 0 273.7 0 256zM416 448H32C14.33 448 0 433.7 0 416C0 398.3 14.33 384 32 384H416C433.7 384 448 398.3 448 416C448 433.7 433.7 448 416 448z"/></svg>';, ".".concat(_0x449eac({ejs__widgets: true}))).appendChild(menuButton);
var hideTimeout;, menuButton, 'mousedown touchstart', function(e) {
_0x3a8e2f(, _0x2ec721, true);
clearTimeout(hideTimeout);, true);
hideTimeout = setTimeout(function() {, false);
}, 5000)
} else _0x132da7(_0x378b5c.virtualGamepadContainer, !_0x1ed80b);
}, 30)
} else {
_0x3a8e2f(, _0x2ec721, true);
_0x378b5c.syncInput(0, a.number, 1)
var menuButton = _0x428003('div', {
'class': _0x449eac({
'ejs__widget': true,
'ejs__widget_controls_toggle': true
}, '');
menuButton.innerHTML = '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M0 96C0 78.33 14.33 64 32 64H416C433.7 64 448 78.33 448 96C448 113.7 433.7 128 416 128H32C14.33 128 0 113.7 0 96zM0 256C0 238.3 14.33 224 32 224H416C433.7 224 448 238.3 448 256C448 273.7 433.7 288 416 288H32C14.33 288 0 273.7 0 256zM416 448H32C14.33 448 0 433.7 0 416C0 398.3 14.33 384 32 384H416C433.7 384 448 398.3 448 416C448 433.7 433.7 448 416 448z"/></svg>';, ".".concat(_0x449eac({ejs__widgets: true}))).appendChild(menuButton);
var hideTimeout;, menuButton, 'mousedown touchstart', function(e) {
_0x3a8e2f(, _0x2ec721, true);
clearTimeout(hideTimeout);, true);
hideTimeout = setTimeout(function() {, false);
}, 5000)
'setup': function() {
var _0xa88a13 = this;
@ -3834,12 +4189,10 @@ window.EJS_main = function(_0xa88a13, _0x17edbf, _0x2c1832) {
_0x378b5c.setVariable = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('set_variable', 'null', ['string', 'string']);
_0x378b5c.simulateInput = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('simulate_input', 'null', ['number', 'number', 'number']);
_0x378b5c.simulateInputFn = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('simulate_input', 'null', ['number', 'number', 'number']);
_0x378b5c.simulateInput = function(_0x249751, _0x480d05, _0x50f784) {
_0x378b5c.disableInput || _0x378b5c.simulateInputFn(_0x249751, _0x480d05, _0x50f784);
_0x378b5c.syncInput = _0x378b5c.simulateInput;
window.simulateInput = _0x378b5c.simulateInput;
var _0x762355 = _0x27f4c4.Module.cwrap('shader_enable', 'null', ['number']);
@ -4961,16 +5314,24 @@ window.EJS_main = function(_0xa88a13, _0x17edbf, _0x2c1832) {
var _0xa88a13 = this,
_0x17edbf = this,
_0x2c1832 = {};
_0x2c1832.orientation ='orientation'), _0x2c1832.shader ='shader'), _0x17edbf.touch ? (_0x2c1832['virtual-gamepad'] ='virtual-gamepad'),, _0x17edbf.elements.container, 'start-game', function() {
_0x2c1832.orientation ='orientation');
_0x2c1832.shader ='shader');
_0x17edbf.touch ? (_0x2c1832['virtual-gamepad'] ='virtual-gamepad'),, _0x17edbf.elements.container, 'start-game', function() {
('enabled' === _0x2c1832['virtual-gamepad'] || _0x1e2c68.empty(_0x2c1832['virtual-gamepad'])) &&, true);
})) : delete _0x7f9f36.normalOptions['virtual-gamepad'],, _0x7f9f36.normalOptions, _0x2c1832),, _0x17edbf.elements.container, 'start-game', function() {
})) : delete _0x7f9f36.normalOptions['virtual-gamepad'];, _0x7f9f36.normalOptions, _0x2c1832);, _0x17edbf.elements.container, 'start-game', function() {
var shader ='shader');
if (shader !== 'disabled') {
var _0x2c1832 = _0xa88a13,
_0x42a7b1 = {};
_0xdcec2a.getGameCoreOptions && _0xdcec2a.getGameCoreOptions().split('\n').forEach(function(_0x4a987e, _0x10bd7a) {
var _0x2c1832 = _0x4a987e.split('; '),
_0x1ddc5f = _0x2c1832[0x0];
if (0x0 === _0x1ddc5f.indexOf('fba-dipswitch-')/* || _0x17edbf.coreVer === 2*/) {
var _0xbd808 = _0x2c1832[0x1].split('|'),
_0x1ddc5f = _0x2c1832[0];
if (0 === _0x1ddc5f.indexOf('fba-dipswitch-') || _0x17edbf.coreVer === 2) {
var _0xbd808 = _0x2c1832[1].split('|'),
_0x3c4b1a = _0x1ddc5f.split("|")[0].replace(/_/g, ' ').replace(/.+\-(.+)/, '$1');
_0xbd808.slice(1, -1);
if (_0xbd808.length === 1) return;
@ -4983,9 +5344,12 @@ window.EJS_main = function(_0xa88a13, _0x17edbf, _0x2c1832) {
var _0x27d859 ='core-options');
_0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues = _0x27d859 || {},, _0x42a7b1, _0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues), Object.keys(_0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues).forEach(function(_0x51fc4e, _0x4b3613) {
_0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues = _0x27d859 || {};, _0x42a7b1, _0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues);
Object.keys(_0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues).forEach(function(_0x51fc4e, _0x4b3613) {, _0x51fc4e, _0x7f9f36.coreOptionsValues[_0x51fc4e]);
}), 'nds' == _0x17edbf.system && (_0x27f4c4.Module._fast_forward_2 ? _0x27f4c4.Module._fast_forward_2(0x1) : _0x27f4c4.Module._fast_forward && _0x27f4c4.Module._fast_forward(0x1));
'nds' == _0x17edbf.system && (_0x27f4c4.Module._fast_forward_2 ? _0x27f4c4.Module._fast_forward_2(1) : _0x27f4c4.Module._fast_forward && _0x27f4c4.Module._fast_forward(1));
'updateCoreOptionMenuItems': function() {
@ -5964,7 +6328,7 @@ window.EJS_main = function(_0xa88a13, _0x17edbf, _0x2c1832) {
return path
this.version = '2.2.9';
this.version = '2.3.0';
this.system = '';
this.adUrl = null;
this.gameName = null;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(async function() {
var VERSION = 2.9;
var VERSION = 3;
if ((window.location && ['localhost', ''].includes(location.hostname)) ||
'undefined' != typeof EJS_DEBUG_XX && true === EJS_DEBUG_XX) {
fetch('').then(response => {
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
'undefined' != typeof EJS_loadStateURL && (config.loadStateOnStart = EJS_loadStateURL);
'undefined' != typeof EJS_language && (config.lang = EJS_language);
'undefined' != typeof EJS_noAutoCloseAd && (config.noAutoAdClose = EJS_noAutoCloseAd);
'undefined' != typeof EJS_VirtualGamepadSettings && (config.VirtualGamepadSettings = EJS_VirtualGamepadSettings);
'undefined' != typeof EJS_oldEJSNetplayServer && (config.oldNetplayServer = EJS_oldEJSNetplayServer);
'undefined' != typeof EJS_Buttons && (config.buttons = EJS_Buttons);
'undefined' != typeof EJS_Settings && (config.settings = EJS_Settings);

View file

@ -1 +1 @@
{ "current_version": 2.9 }
{ "current_version": 3 }