feat(i18n): added translations related to the new patch

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Observer KRypt0n_ 2023-06-15 16:25:20 +02:00
parent 48c94cf5c3
commit b0b7a4e3a6
No known key found for this signature in database
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36 changed files with 119 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ patch-sync-failed = Synchronisierung des Patch-Ordners fehlgeschlagen
patch-state-check-failed = Status des Patchordners konnte nicht überprüft werden
game-patching-error = Spiel konnte nicht gepatcht werden
# Update main patch
main-patch-update-failed = Failed to download latest patch version
# Sandbox
documentation-url-open-failed = Dokumentations-URL kann nicht geöffnet werden

View file

@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ game-outdated = Das Spiel ist zu veraltet und kann nicht mehr aktualisiert werde
player-patch-version = Hauptpatch-Version
player-patch-version-description = Hauptpatch, mit dem Sie das Spiel unter Linux spielen können
xlua-patch-version = zusätzliche Patch-Version
xlua-patch-version-description = Zusätzlicher Patch, der einige Probleme behebt und die Leistung auf Low-End-PCs verbessert
patch-not-available = nicht verfügbar
patch-not-available-tooltip = Patch-Server sind unerreichbar
@ -51,12 +48,12 @@ patch-preparation-tooltip = Patch ist in Entwicklung
patch-testing-tooltip = Test-Patch ist verfügbar
patch-not-applied-tooltip = Patch ist nicht angewendet
patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly
patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used
apply-main-patch = Hauptpatch Anwenden
apply-main-patch-description = Experimentell. Wenn Sie diese Option deaktivieren, können Sie das Spiel ausführen, ohne den Patch anzuwenden. Dies könnte möglicherweise nicht funktionieren oder erfordert manuelle Änderungen an den Dateien. Verwenden Sie dies nur wenn Sie wissen was Sie tun.
apply-xlua-patch = Zusätzlichen Patch anwenden
ask-superuser-permissions = Superuser-Berechtigungen anfordern
ask-superuser-permissions-description = Launcher benötigt Superuser-Zugriff, um Ihre Hosts-Datei automatisch zu aktualisieren. Dies ist in der Flatpak-Edition nicht erforderlich

View file

@ -54,12 +54,15 @@ components-index-updated = Kompontentenverzeichnis wurde aktualisiert
launch = Starten
migrate-folders = Ordner migrieren
migrate-folders-tooltip = Spielordnerstruktur aktualisieren
apply-patch = Patch anwenden
download-wine = Wine Herunterladen
create-prefix = Prefix erstellen
update = Updaten
download = Herunterladen
predownload-update = Vorab-Update von Version {$version} herunterladen ({$size})
download-patch = Download patch
patch-broken = Patch is broken
patch-unsafe = Patch is unsafe
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = Die Patch-Server sind nicht verfügbar und der Launcher kann den Patch-Status des Spiels nicht überprüfen. Sie können das Spiel auf eigene Gefahr spielen.
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = Der Patch ist veraltet oder befindet sich in Vorbereitung und kann daher nicht verwendet werden. Kehren Sie später zurück, um den Status zu sehen.

View file

@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ patch-sync-failed = Failed to sync patch folder
patch-state-check-failed = Failed to check patch folder state
game-patching-error = Failed to patch game
# Update main patch
main-patch-update-failed = Failed to download latest patch version
# Sandbox
documentation-url-open-failed = Failed to open documentation URL

View file

@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ game-outdated = Game is too outdated and can't be updated. Latest version: {$lat
player-patch-version = Player patch version
player-patch-version-description = Main patch that lets you play the game on Linux
xlua-patch-version = Xlua patch version
xlua-patch-version-description = Additional patch that fixes some issues and improves performance on low-end PCs
patch-not-available = not available
patch-not-available-tooltip = Patch servers are unreachable
@ -51,12 +48,12 @@ patch-preparation-tooltip = Patch is in development
patch-testing-tooltip = Test patch is available
patch-not-applied-tooltip = Patch is not applied
patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly
patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used
apply-main-patch = Apply main patch
apply-main-patch-description = Experimental. Disabling this allows you to run the game without applying the patch. This may not work, or require manual files modifications. Use if you know what you're doing
apply-xlua-patch = Apply xlua patch
ask-superuser-permissions = Ask superuser permissions
ask-superuser-permissions-description = Launcher will use them to automatically update your hosts file. This is not needed in flatpak edition

View file

@ -54,12 +54,15 @@ components-index-updated = Components index was updated
launch = Launch
migrate-folders = Migrate folders
migrate-folders-tooltip = Update game folders structure
apply-patch = Apply patch
download-wine = Download wine
create-prefix = Create prefix
update = Update
download = Download
predownload-update = Pre-download {$version} update ({$size})
download-patch = Download patch
patch-broken = Patch is broken
patch-unsafe = Patch is unsafe
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = Patch servers are unavailable and launcher can't verify the game's patching status. You're allowed to run the game on your own risk
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = Patch is outdated or in preparation state, so unavailable for usage. Return back later to see its status

View file

@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ patch-sync-failed = Fallo al sincronizar carpeta del parche
patch-state-check-failed = Fallo al comprobar estado de carpeta del parche
game-patching-error = Fallo al parchear el juego
# Update main patch
main-patch-update-failed = Failed to download latest patch version
# Sandbox
documentation-url-open-failed = Failed to open documentation URL

View file

@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ game-outdated = El juego está demasiado desactualizado y no puede actualizarse.
player-patch-version = Versión del parche del jugador
player-patch-version-description = El parche principal que te permite jugar al juego en Linux
xlua-patch-version = Versión del parche Xlua
xlua-patch-version-description = Parche adicional que arregla algunos problemas y mejora el rendimiento en PCs de gama baja
patch-not-available = No disponible
patch-not-available-tooltip = Los servidores del parche no pudieron contactarse
@ -51,12 +48,12 @@ patch-preparation-tooltip = El parche está en desarrollo
patch-testing-tooltip = Está disponible un parche de prueba
patch-not-applied-tooltip = El parche no está aplicado
patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly
patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used
apply-main-patch = Aplicar parche principal
apply-main-patch-description = Experimental. Deshabilitar esta opción te permitirá correr el juego sin aplicar el parche. Esto podría no funcionar, o requerir modificaciones manuales a los archivos. Úsalo sólo si sabes lo que estás haciendo
apply-xlua-patch = Aplicar parche Xlua
ask-superuser-permissions = Pedir permisos de superusuario
ask-superuser-permissions-description = El launcher usará los permisos para actualizar automáticamente tu archivo hosts. Esto no es necesario en la versión de Flatpak

View file

@ -54,12 +54,15 @@ components-index-updated = Se actualizó el índice de componentes
launch = Iniciar
migrate-folders = Migrar carpetas
migrate-folders-tooltip = Actualizar estructura de carpetas del juego
apply-patch = Aplicar parche
download-wine = Descargar wine
create-prefix = Crear prefijo
update = Actualizar
download = Descargar
predownload-update = Pre-descargar actualización {$version} ({$size})
download-patch = Download patch
patch-broken = Patch is broken
patch-unsafe = Patch is unsafe
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = Los servidores del parche no están disponibles y el launcher no puede verificar el estado de parcheo del juego. Puedes ejecutar el juego bajo tu propio riesgo.
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = El parche está desactualizado o en fase de preparación, por lo que no está disponible para usarse. Vuelve pronto para comprobar su estado.

View file

@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ patch-sync-failed = Impossible de synchroniser le patch
patch-state-check-failed = Impossible de déterminer l'état du patch
game-patching-error = Le patch du jeu a échoué
# Update main patch
main-patch-update-failed = Failed to download latest patch version
# Sandbox
documentation-url-open-failed = Failed to open documentation URL

View file

@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ game-outdated = La version du jeu installée est trop ancienne et ne peut pas ê
player-patch-version = Player patch version
player-patch-version-description = Main patch that lets you play the game on Linux
xlua-patch-version = Xlua patch version
xlua-patch-version-description = Additional patch that fixes some issues and improves performance on low-end PCs
patch-not-available = patch non disponible
patch-not-available-tooltip = Impossible d'accéder aux serveurs de patch
@ -54,8 +51,8 @@ patch-not-applied-tooltip = Patch is not applied
apply-main-patch = Appliquer le patch principal
apply-main-patch-description = Expériment. Désactiver cette option permet de lancer le jeu sans le patch. Il n'est pas garanti que cette option marche, et des modifications manuelles seront potentiellement nécessaires. À n'utiliser que si vous savez ce que vous faites
apply-xlua-patch = Apply xlua patch
patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly
patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used
ask-superuser-permissions = Ask superuser permissions
ask-superuser-permissions-description = Launcher will use them to automatically update your hosts file. This is not needed in flatpak edition

View file

@ -54,12 +54,15 @@ components-index-updated = L'index des composants a été mis à jour
launch = Lancer
migrate-folders = Migrate folders
migrate-folders-tooltip = Update game folders structure
apply-patch = Appliquer le patch
download-wine = Télécharger wine
create-prefix = Créer le préfix wine
update = Mettre à jour
download = Télécharger
predownload-update = Pré-télécharger la mise à jour {$version} ({$size})
download-patch = Download patch
patch-broken = Patch is broken
patch-unsafe = Patch is unsafe
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = Les serveurs de patch ne sont pas disponible, et le launcher ne peut pas vérifier l'état de patch du jeu. Lancez le jeu à vos risques et périls
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = Le patch n'est pas à jour ou encore en train d'être préparé. Il n'est donc pas encore disponible. Revenez plus tard pour voir son état

View file

@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ patch-sync-failed = Patch mappa szinkronizálása sikertelen
patch-state-check-failed = Patch mappa állapota ellenőrzése sikertelen
game-patching-error = Sikertelen játék patchelés
# Update main patch
main-patch-update-failed = Failed to download latest patch version
# Sandbox
documentation-url-open-failed = Failed to open documentation URL

View file

@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ game-outdated = A játékverzió túl régi és nem frissíthető. Legfrissebb:
player-patch-version = Játékos patch verzió
player-patch-version-description = A fő patch amivel játszhatsz Linuxon
xlua-patch-version = Xlua patch verzió
xlua-patch-version-description = Extra patch ami javít pár problémán és jobb teljesítményt nyújt gyenge gépeken
patch-not-available = nem elérhető
patch-not-available-tooltip = A patch szerverek nem elérhetőek
@ -51,12 +48,12 @@ patch-preparation-tooltip = A patch fejlesztés alatt áll
patch-testing-tooltip = Teszt patch elérhető
patch-not-applied-tooltip = A patch nincs alkalmazva
patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly
patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used
apply-main-patch = Fő patch alkalmazása
apply-main-patch-description = Kísérleti opció, a kikapcsolásával futtathatod a játékot patch nélkül. Lehet hogy nem fog működni, vagy a fájlokat manuálisan kell szerkesztened, akkor kapcsold ki ha tudod mit csinálsz.
apply-xlua-patch = Xlua patch alkalmazása
ask-superuser-permissions = Superuser engedély kérése
ask-superuser-permissions-description = A Launcher autómatikusan használni fogja hogy frissítse a hosts fájlodat. A Flatpak verzióhoz nem kell

View file

@ -54,12 +54,15 @@ components-index-updated = A komponens index frissítve lett
launch = Indítás
migrate-folders = Mappák migrálása
migrate-folders-tooltip = Játékmappa struktúra frissítése
apply-patch = Patch alkalmazása
download-wine = Wine letöltése
create-prefix = Prefix létrehozása
update = Frissítés
download = Letöltés
predownload-update = {$version} verzió előtöltése ({$size})
download-patch = Download patch
patch-broken = Patch is broken
patch-unsafe = Patch is unsafe
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = A patch szerverek nem elérhetőek és a launcher nem tudja ellenőrizni a játék patch státuszát. Saját felelősségre futtathatod a játékot
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = A patch jelenleg nem elérhető mert túl elavult, vagy előkészítés alatt áll. Nézz vissza később

View file

@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ patch-sync-failed = Gagal mensinkronisasi folder patch
patch-state-check-failed = Gagal mengecek kondisi folder patch
game-patching-error = Gagal melakukan patch pada game
# Update main patch
main-patch-update-failed = Failed to download latest patch version
# Sandbox
documentation-url-open-failed = Gagal membuka tautan dokumentasi

View file

@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ game-outdated = Versi game terlalu lama dan tidak dapat diperbarui. Versi terbar
player-patch-version = Versi patch
player-patch-version-description = Patch utama yang membuat game bisa dimainkan di Linux
xlua-patch-version = Versi patch Xlua
xlua-patch-version-description = Patch tambahan yang memperbaiki beberapa isu dan meningkatkan performa di PC low-end
patch-not-available = Tidak tersedia
patch-not-available-tooltip = Server patch tidak bisa dijangkau
@ -51,12 +48,12 @@ patch-preparation-tooltip = Patch masih dalam pengembangan
patch-testing-tooltip = Patch tes tersedia
patch-not-applied-tooltip = Patch tidak diterapkan
patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly
patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used
apply-main-patch = Terapkan patch utama
apply-main-patch-description = Eksperimental. Menonaktifkan opsi ini akan menginzinkan Anda menjalankan game tanpa menerapkan patch. Hal ini mungkin tidak bekerja, atau membutuhkan modifikasi file secara manual. Gunakan jika Anda tahu apa yang Anda lakukan
apply-xlua-patch = Terapkan patch xlua
ask-superuser-permissions = Minta izin dari admin
ask-superuser-permissions-description = Launcher akan otomatis memperbarui file hosts Anda. Opsi ini tidak diperlukan jika Anda memakai edisi flatpak

View file

@ -54,12 +54,15 @@ components-index-updated = Index komponen baru saja diperbarui
launch = Luncurkan
migrate-folders = Pindahkan folder
migrate-folders-tooltip = Perbarui struktur folder game
apply-patch = Terapkan patch
download-wine = Unduh wine
create-prefix = Buat prefix
update = Perbarui
download = Unduh
predownload-update = Pra-unduh pembaruan versi {$version} ({$size})
download-patch = Download patch
patch-broken = Patch is broken
patch-unsafe = Patch is unsafe
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = Server patch tidak tersedia dan launcher tidak bisa memverifikasi status patch game. Anda bisa menjalankan game dengan resiko sendiri
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = Patch kadaluarsa atau sedang dalam persiapan sehingga tidak tersedia. Kembali lagi nanti untuk melihat status patch

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@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ patch-sync-failed = Sincronizzazione della cartella della patch non riuscita
patch-state-check-failed = Controllo dello stato della cartella della patch non riuscito
game-patching-error = Patching del gioco non riuscito
# Update main patch
main-patch-update-failed = Failed to download latest patch version
# Sandbox
documentation-url-open-failed = Apertura dell'URL della documentazione non riuscita

View file

@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ game-outdated = La versione del gioco è troppo vecchia e non può essere aggior
player-patch-version = Versione della patch player
player-patch-version-description = Patch principale che ti permette di giocare al gioco su Linux
xlua-patch-version = Versione dell patch Xlua
xlua-patch-version-description = Ulteriore patch che sistema alcuni problemi e migliora le prestazioni su PC di fascia bassa
patch-not-available = non disponibile
patch-not-available-tooltip = I server delle patch sono irraggiungibili
@ -51,12 +48,12 @@ patch-preparation-tooltip = La patch è in sviluppo
patch-testing-tooltip = La patch di test è disponibile
patch-not-applied-tooltip = La patch non è applicata
patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly
patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used
apply-main-patch = Applica la patch principale
apply-main-patch-description = Sperimentale. Disabilitandola ti permette di eseguite il gioco senza applicare la patch. Ciò potrebbe non funzionare o richiedere modifiche manuali ai file. Usala se sai cosa stai facendo
apply-xlua-patch = Applica la patch xlua
ask-superuser-permissions = Chiedi permessi di amministratore
ask-superuser-permissions-description = Il launcher li userà per aggiornare automaticamente il tuo file hosts. Questo non è necessario nell'edizione flatpak

View file

@ -54,12 +54,15 @@ components-index-updated = L'indice dei componenti è stato aggiornato
launch = Lancia
migrate-folders = Migra cartelle
migrate-folders-tooltip = Aggiorna la struttura delle cartelle del gioco
apply-patch = Applica patch
download-wine = Scarica wine
create-prefix = Crea prefisso
update = Aggiorna
download = Scarica
predownload-update = Prescarica {$version} aggiornamento ({$size})
download-patch = Download patch
patch-broken = Patch is broken
patch-unsafe = Patch is unsafe
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = I server delle patch non sono disponibili e il launcher non può verificare lo stato del patching del gioco. Hai la possibilità di eseguire il gioco a tuo rischio
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = La patch non è aggiornata o è in stato di preparazione, quindi non disponibile per l'utilizzo. Torna più tardi per vederne lo stato

View file

@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ patch-sync-failed = パッチフォルダの同期に失敗しました
patch-state-check-failed = パッチフォルダの状態を確認するのに失敗しました
game-patching-error = ゲームのパッチに失敗しました。
# Update main patch
main-patch-update-failed = Failed to download latest patch version
# Sandbox
documentation-url-open-failed = ドキュメントページを開けませんでした。

View file

@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ game-outdated = ゲームが非常に古いためアップデートできませ
player-patch-version = プレイヤーのパッチバージョン
player-patch-version-description = Linuxでプレイするためのメインのパッチです。
xlua-patch-version = Xlua のパッチバージョン
xlua-patch-version-description = これは追加のパッチで、低スペックなPCのパフォーマンスの改善や、いくつかの細かい問題点を修正できます。
patch-not-available = ありません。
patch-not-available-tooltip = パッチサーバーに接続できませんでした。
@ -51,12 +48,12 @@ patch-preparation-tooltip = パッチは開発中
patch-testing-tooltip = テストパッチがあります
patch-not-applied-tooltip = パッチが適用されませんでした。
patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly
patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used
apply-main-patch = メインパッチを適用
apply-main-patch-description = 実験的です。これを無効にするとパッチ無しでゲームを起動することができます。これが機能しない場合、手動でパッチを適用する必要があります。これが何を意味するのかを理解できない人は無効にするべきではないでしょう。
apply-xlua-patch = xluaパッチを適用する
ask-superuser-permissions = スーパーユーザーを尋ねる。
ask-superuser-permissions-description = あなたのホストのファイルを自動更新するために、 これらを利用します。flatpak版では必要ありません。

View file

@ -54,12 +54,15 @@ components-index-updated = コンポーネントインデックスが更新さ
launch = 起動
migrate-folders = 移行ファイル
migrate-folders-tooltip = ゲームフォルダ構成を更新
apply-patch = パッチを適用する
download-wine = ワインをダウンロード
create-prefix = プレフィックスを作成
update = 更新
download = ダウンロード
predownload-update = {$version} の早期アップデート({$size})
download-patch = Download patch
patch-broken = Patch is broken
patch-unsafe = Patch is unsafe
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = パッチサーバーが利用できないため、パッチの状態を確認することができません。リスクを理解した上で実行することができます。
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = パッチは期限切れか準備中のため利用できません。しばらく立ってからパッチステータスを確認してください。

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@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ patch-sync-failed = Ошибка синхронизации папки патч
patch-state-check-failed = Ошибка проверки статуса папки патча
game-patching-error = Не удалось установить патч игры
# Update main patch
main-patch-update-failed = Не удалось скачать последнюю версию патча
# Sandbox
documentation-url-open-failed = Не удалось открыть ссылку с документацией

View file

@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ game-outdated = Версия игры слишком устаревшая и н
player-patch-version = Версия основного патча
player-patch-version-description = Основной патч, позволяющий вам играть в игру на линуксе
xlua-patch-version = Версия патча xlua
xlua-patch-version-description = Дополнительный патч, устраняющий некоторые проблемы и улучшающий производительность на слабых ПК
patch-not-available = недоступен
patch-not-available-tooltip = Серверы патча недоступны
@ -51,12 +48,12 @@ patch-preparation-tooltip = Патч в разработке
patch-testing-tooltip = Доступна тестовая версия патча
patch-not-applied-tooltip = Патч не применен
patch-broken-tooltip = Текущая версия патча работает неисправно
patch-unsafe-tooltip = Текущая версия патча небезопасна и не должна быть использована
apply-main-patch = Применять основной патч
apply-main-patch-description = Экспериментально. Отключение опции позволяет запускать игру без применения патча. Это может не работать или требовать ручного изменения файлов. Используйте если знаете что делаете
apply-xlua-patch = Применять патч xlua
ask-superuser-permissions = Запрашивать права суперпользователя
ask-superuser-permissions-description = Лаунчер будет использовать их чтобы автоматически обновлять ваш hosts файл. Это не требуется при использовании flatpak

View file

@ -60,12 +60,15 @@ components-index-updated = Индекс компонентов был обнов
launch = Запустить
migrate-folders = Переместить папки
migrate-folders-tooltip = Обновить структуру файлов игры
apply-patch = Применить патч
download-wine = Установить Wine
create-prefix = Создать префикс
update = Обновить
download = Установить
predownload-update = Предустановить обновление {$version} ({$size})
download-patch = Скачать патч
patch-broken = Патч недоступен
patch-unsafe = Патч небезопасен
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = Серверы патча недоступны и лаунчер не может проверить статус патча игры. Вам разрешено запустить игру на ваш страх и риск
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = Патч устарел или находится в процессе разработки, поэтому не может быть применен. Возвращайтесь позже чтобы проверить его статус

View file

@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ patch-sync-failed = Yama dosyalarını senkronize etme başarısız oldu
patch-state-check-failed = Yama dosyalarının durumunu kontrol etme başarısız oldu
game-patching-error = Yamayı uygulamada sorun çıktı
# Update main patch
main-patch-update-failed = Failed to download latest patch version
# Sandbox
documentation-url-open-failed = Belgelemenin URL'si açılamadı

View file

@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ game-outdated = Oyun çok eski, bu yüzden güncellenemez. En son sürüm: {$lat
player-patch-version = Ana yama versiyonu
player-patch-version-description = Oyunu Linux'ta oynamanıza izin veren ana yama
xlua-patch-version = Xlua yama versiyonu
xlua-patch-version-description = Eski bilgisayarlarda performansı arttıran ve birkaç sorunu düzelten ekstra yama
patch-not-available = Mevcut değil
patch-not-available-tooltip = Yama sunucularına erişilemiyor
@ -51,12 +48,12 @@ patch-preparation-tooltip = Yama hala geliştiriliyor
patch-testing-tooltip = Test yaması mevcut
patch-not-applied-tooltip = Yama uygulanmamış
patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly
patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used
apply-main-patch = Ana yamayı uygula
apply-main-patch-description = Deneysel. Bunu devre dışı bırakmak yamayı uygulamadan oyunu çalıştırmanızı sağlar. Bu çalışmayabilir, ya da elle dosyaları değiştirmeyi gerektirebilir. Ne yaptığınızı biliyorsanız kullanın.
apply-xlua-patch = Xlua yamasını uygula
ask-superuser-permissions = Yönetici izinlerini sor
ask-superuser-permissions-description = İstemci yönetici iznini hostunuzun dosyalarını güncellemek için otomatik olarak kullanacaktır. Buna flatpak versiyonunda gerek yoktur

View file

@ -54,12 +54,15 @@ components-index-updated = Bileşenlerin dizini güncellendi
launch = Çalıştır
migrate-folders = Dosyaları aktar
migrate-folders-tooltip = Oyun dosyaları yapısını güncelle
apply-patch = Yamayı uygula
download-wine = Wine indir
create-prefix = Prefix oluştur
update = Güncelle
download = İndir
predownload-update = Güncellemeyi önceden indir{$version} ({$size})
download-patch = Download patch
patch-broken = Patch is broken
patch-unsafe = Patch is unsafe
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = Yama sunucuları kullanılamıyor ve istemci, oyunun yama durumunu doğrulayamıyor. Oyunu kendi sorumluluğunuzda çalıştırabilirsiniz
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = Yama güncel değil veya hazırlık aşamasında, bu nedenle kullanım için uygun değil. Durumunu görmek için daha sonra geri dönün

View file

@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ patch-sync-failed = 同步补丁文件夹失败
patch-state-check-failed = 检查补丁文件夹失败
game-patching-error = 应用游戏补丁失败
# Update main patch
main-patch-update-failed = Failed to download latest patch version
# Sandbox
documentation-url-open-failed = Failed to open documentation URL

View file

@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ game-outdated = 游戏版本过旧,无法更新。最新版本: {$latest}
player-patch-version = 主补丁版本
player-patch-version-description = UnitPlayer.dll 的补丁,在 Linux 上运行游戏必备
xlua-patch-version = xLua 补丁版本
xlua-patch-version-description = 额外的补丁,用于修复某些问题以及改善低端 PC 的游戏性能
patch-not-available = 不可用
patch-not-available-tooltip = 无法连接补丁服务器
@ -51,12 +48,12 @@ patch-preparation-tooltip = 补丁还在开发中
patch-testing-tooltip = 有测试版补丁可用
patch-not-applied-tooltip = 补丁未应用
patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly
patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used
apply-main-patch = Apply main patch
apply-main-patch-description = Experimental. Disabling this allows you to run the game without applying the patch. This may not work, or require manual files modifications. Use if you know what you're doing
apply-xlua-patch = 应用 xLua 补丁
ask-superuser-permissions = 请求超级用户权限
ask-superuser-permissions-description = 启动器需要超级用户权限来修改 hosts 文件。flatpak 版无需此权限

View file

@ -54,12 +54,15 @@ components-index-updated = 组件索引已更新
launch = 启动
migrate-folders = 迁移目录
migrate-folders-tooltip = 更新游戏目录结构
apply-patch = 安装补丁
download-wine = 下载 Wine
create-prefix = 创建 Wine prefix
update = 更新
download = 下载
predownload-update = 预下载版本更新 {$version} ({$size})
download-patch = Download patch
patch-broken = Patch is broken
patch-unsafe = Patch is unsafe
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = 补丁服务器不可用,启动器无法验证游戏补丁状态。你可以运行游戏,但是有出问题的风险
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = 补丁版本太旧,新版补丁可能还没制作完成,无法使用。请过段时间再回来查看最新状态

View file

@ -380,12 +380,11 @@ impl SimpleComponent for App {
Some(LauncherState::PatchNotVerified) |
Some(LauncherState::PredownloadAvailable { .. }) => tr("launch"),
// TODO: add localization
Some(LauncherState::PatchNotInstalled) |
Some(LauncherState::PatchUpdateAvailable) => String::from("Download patch"),
Some(LauncherState::PatchUpdateAvailable) => tr("download-patch"),
Some(LauncherState::PatchBroken) => String::from("Patch is broken"),
Some(LauncherState::PatchUnsafe) => String::from("Patch is unsafe"),
Some(LauncherState::PatchBroken) => tr("patch-broken"),
Some(LauncherState::PatchUnsafe) => tr("patch-unsafe"),
Some(LauncherState::WineNotInstalled) => tr("download-wine"),
Some(LauncherState::PrefixNotExists) => tr("create-prefix"),
@ -443,9 +442,8 @@ impl SimpleComponent for App {
set_tooltip_text: Some(&match &model.state {
Some(LauncherState::GameOutdated { .. }) => tr("main-window--version-outdated-tooltip"),
// TODO: add localization
Some(LauncherState::PatchBroken) => String::from("Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly"),
Some(LauncherState::PatchUnsafe) => String::from("Current patch version is unsafe and should not be used"),
Some(LauncherState::PatchBroken) => tr("patch-broken-tooltip"),
Some(LauncherState::PatchUnsafe) => tr("patch-unsafe-tooltip"),
_ => String::new()

View file

@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ pub fn update_patch(sender: ComponentSender<App>, progress_bar_input: Sender<Pro
if let Err(err) = result {
tracing::error!("Failed to download latest patch");
tracing::error!("Failed to download latest patch version");
sender.input(AppMsg::Toast {
title: String::from("Failed to download latest patch"), // TODO: add localization
title: tr("main-patch-update-failed"),
description: Some(err.to_string())

View file

@ -322,10 +322,8 @@ impl SimpleAsyncComponent for GeneralApp {
set_tooltip_text: Some(&match model.main_patch.as_ref() {
Some((_, status)) => match status {
JadeitePatchStatusVariant::Unverified => tr("patch-testing-tooltip"),
// TODO: add localizaion
JadeitePatchStatusVariant::Broken => String::from("Current patch version doesn't work"),
JadeitePatchStatusVariant::Unsafe => String::from("Current patch version is unsafe to use"),
JadeitePatchStatusVariant::Broken => tr("patch-broken-tooltip"),
JadeitePatchStatusVariant::Unsafe => tr("patch-unsafe-tooltip"),
_ => String::new()