
489 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use relm4::prelude::*;
use relm4::component::*;
use adw::prelude::*;
use anime_launcher_sdk::components::*;
use anime_launcher_sdk::anime_game_core::installer::prelude::*;
use anime_launcher_sdk::config;
use anime_launcher_sdk::wincompatlib::prelude::*;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use super::main::FirstRunAppMsg;
use crate::ui::components::*;
fn get_installer(uri: &str, temp: Option<&PathBuf>, speed_limit: u64) -> anyhow::Result<Installer> {
let mut installer = Installer::new(uri)?;
if let Some(temp) = temp {
pub struct DownloadComponentsApp {
progress_bar: AsyncController<ProgressBar>,
wine_combo: adw::ComboRow,
dxvk_combo: adw::ComboRow,
wine_versions: Vec<wine::Version>,
dxvk_versions: Vec<dxvk::Version>,
/// `None` - default,
/// `Some(false)` - processing,
/// `Some(true)` - done
downloading_wine: Option<bool>,
/// `None` - default,
/// `Some(false)` - processing,
/// `Some(true)` - done
creating_prefix: Option<bool>,
/// `None` - default,
/// `Some(false)` - processing,
/// `Some(true)` - done
downloading_dxvk: Option<bool>,
/// `None` - default,
/// `Some(false)` - processing,
/// `Some(true)` - done
applying_dxvk: Option<bool>,
downloading: bool
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum DownloadComponentsAppMsg {
#[relm4::component(async, pub)]
impl SimpleAsyncComponent for DownloadComponentsApp {
type Init = ();
type Input = DownloadComponentsAppMsg;
type Output = FirstRunAppMsg;
view! {
adw::PreferencesPage {
set_hexpand: true,
add = &adw::PreferencesGroup {
set_valign: gtk::Align::Center,
set_vexpand: true,
gtk::Label {
set_label: "Download components",
add_css_class: "title-1"
add = &adw::PreferencesGroup {
set_valign: gtk::Align::Center,
set_vexpand: true,
set_visible: !model.downloading,
wine_combo -> adw::ComboRow {
set_title: "Wine version",
set_model: Some(&gtk::StringList::new(model.wine_versions.iter()
.map(|version| version.title.as_ref())
dxvk_combo -> adw::ComboRow {
set_title: "DXVK version",
set_model: Some(&gtk::StringList::new(model.dxvk_versions.iter()
add = &adw::PreferencesGroup {
set_valign: gtk::Align::Center,
set_vexpand: true,
set_visible: !model.downloading,
gtk::Box {
set_orientation: gtk::Orientation::Horizontal,
set_halign: gtk::Align::Center,
set_spacing: 8,
gtk::Button {
set_label: "Download",
set_css_classes: &["suggested-action", "pill"],
connect_clicked => DownloadComponentsAppMsg::DownloadWine
gtk::Button {
set_label: "Exit",
add_css_class: "pill",
connect_clicked => DownloadComponentsAppMsg::Exit
add = &adw::PreferencesGroup {
set_valign: gtk::Align::Center,
set_vexpand: true,
set_visible: model.downloading,
adw::ActionRow {
set_title: "Download wine",
set_icon_name: match model.downloading_wine {
Some(true) => Some("emblem-ok"),
Some(false) => Some("process-working"),
None => None
adw::ActionRow {
set_title: "Create prefix",
set_icon_name: match model.creating_prefix {
Some(true) => Some("emblem-ok"),
Some(false) => Some("process-working"),
None => None
adw::ActionRow {
set_title: "Download DXVK",
set_icon_name: match model.downloading_dxvk {
Some(true) => Some("emblem-ok"),
Some(false) => Some("process-working"),
None => None
adw::ActionRow {
set_title: "Apply DXVK",
set_icon_name: match model.applying_dxvk {
Some(true) => Some("emblem-ok"),
Some(false) => Some("process-working"),
None => None
add = &adw::PreferencesGroup {
set_valign: gtk::Align::Start,
set_vexpand: true,
set_visible: model.downloading,
gtk::Box {
set_orientation: gtk::Orientation::Horizontal,
set_halign: gtk::Align::Center,
set_spacing: 20,
set_margin_top: 64,
append = model.progress_bar.widget(),
async fn init(
_init: Self::Init,
root: Self::Root,
sender: AsyncComponentSender<Self>,
) -> AsyncComponentParts<Self> {
let model = Self {
progress_bar: ProgressBar::builder()
.launch(ProgressBarInit {
caption: None,
display_progress: true,
display_fraction: true,
visible: true
wine_combo: adw::ComboRow::new(),
dxvk_combo: adw::ComboRow::new(),
wine_versions: wine::get_groups()[0].versions.clone().into_iter().filter(|version| version.recommended).collect(),
dxvk_versions: dxvk::get_groups()[0].versions.clone().into_iter().filter(|version| version.recommended).collect(),
downloading_wine: None,
creating_prefix: None,
downloading_dxvk: None,
applying_dxvk: None,
downloading: false
let wine_combo = &model.wine_combo;
let dxvk_combo = &model.dxvk_combo;
let widgets = view_output!();
AsyncComponentParts { model, widgets }
async fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Input, sender: AsyncComponentSender<Self>) {
match msg {
DownloadComponentsAppMsg::DownloadWine => {
self.downloading = true;
self.downloading_wine = Some(false);
let config = config::get().unwrap_or_default();
let wine = self.get_wine();
let progress_bar_input = self.progress_bar.sender().clone();
std::thread::spawn(move || {
tracing::info!("Installing wine");
// Install wine
match get_installer(&wine.uri, config.launcher.temp.as_ref(), config.launcher.speed_limit) {
Ok(mut installer) => {
// Create wine builds folder
if {
.expect("Failed to create wine builds directory");
installer.install(&, move |update| {
match &update {
InstallerUpdate::DownloadingError(err) => {
let err: std::io::Error = err.clone().into();
tracing::error!("Failed to download wine: {err}");
sender.output(Self::Output::Toast {
title: String::from("Failed to download wine"),
description: Some(err.to_string())
InstallerUpdate::UnpackingError(err) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to unpack wine: {err}");
sender.output(Self::Output::Toast {
title: String::from("Failed to unpack wine"),
description: Some(err.clone())
// Create prefix
InstallerUpdate::UnpackingFinished => sender.input(DownloadComponentsAppMsg::CreatePrefix),
_ => ()
Err(err) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to initialize wine installer: {err}");
sender.output(Self::Output::Toast {
title: String::from("Failed to initialize wine installer"),
description: Some(err.to_string())
DownloadComponentsAppMsg::CreatePrefix => {
self.downloading_wine = Some(true);
self.creating_prefix = Some(false);
let config = config::get().unwrap_or_default();
tracing::info!("Creating wine prefix");
let wine = self.get_wine();
let wine = wine
std::thread::spawn(move || {
match wine.update_prefix( {
// Download DXVK
Ok(_) => sender.input(DownloadComponentsAppMsg::DownloadDXVK),
Err(err) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to create prefix: {err}");
sender.output(Self::Output::Toast {
title: String::from("Failed to create prefix"),
description: Some(err.to_string())
DownloadComponentsAppMsg::DownloadDXVK => {
self.creating_prefix = Some(true);
self.downloading_dxvk = Some(false);
let config = config::get().unwrap_or_default();
let dxvk = self.get_dxvk();
let progress_bar_input = self.progress_bar.sender().clone();
std::thread::spawn(move || {
tracing::info!("Installing wine");
// Install DXVK
tracing::info!("Installing DXVK");
match get_installer(&dxvk.uri, config.launcher.temp.as_ref(), config.launcher.speed_limit) {
Ok(mut installer) => {
let progress_bar_input = progress_bar_input.clone();
let sender = sender.clone();
// Create DXVK builds folder
if {
.expect("Failed to create DXVK builds directory");
installer.install(&, move |update| {
match &update {
InstallerUpdate::DownloadingError(err) => {
let err: std::io::Error = err.clone().into();
tracing::error!("Failed to download dxvk: {err}");
sender.output(Self::Output::Toast {
title: String::from("Failed to download dxvk"),
description: Some(err.to_string())
InstallerUpdate::UnpackingError(err) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to unpack dxvk: {err}");
sender.output(Self::Output::Toast {
title: String::from("Failed to unpack dxvk"),
description: Some(err.clone())
// Apply DXVK
InstallerUpdate::UnpackingFinished => {
_ => ()
Err(err) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to initialize dxvk installer: {err}");
sender.output(Self::Output::Toast {
title: String::from("Failed to initialize dxvk installer"),
description: Some(err.to_string())
DownloadComponentsAppMsg::ApplyDXVK => {
self.downloading_dxvk = Some(true);
self.applying_dxvk = Some(false);
let config = config::get().unwrap_or_default();
tracing::info!("Applying DXVK");
let wine = self.get_wine();
let dxvk = self.get_dxvk();
let wine = wine
std::thread::spawn(move || {
match wine.install_dxvk(, InstallParams::default()) {
// Go to next page
Ok(_) => sender.input(DownloadComponentsAppMsg::Continue),
Err(err) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to apply DXVK: {err}");
sender.output(Self::Output::Toast {
title: String::from("Failed to apply DXVK"),
description: Some(err.to_string())
DownloadComponentsAppMsg::Continue => {
DownloadComponentsAppMsg::Exit => {
// TODO: relm4 has some function for it
impl DownloadComponentsApp {
pub fn get_wine(&self) -> wine::Version {
self.wine_versions[self.wine_combo.selected() as usize].clone()
pub fn get_dxvk(&self) -> dxvk::Version {
self.dxvk_versions[self.dxvk_combo.selected() as usize].clone()