[![Badge License]][License] Self-hosted **Javascript** emulation for various system.
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> [!NOTE] > **As of EmulatorJS version 4.0, this project is no longer a reverse-engineered version of the emulatorjs.com project. It is now a complete re-write.** > [!WARNING] > As of version 4.0.9 cores and minified files are no longer included in the repository. You will need to get them separately. You can get the from [releases](https://github.com/EmulatorJS/EmulatorJS/releases) or the * new CDN (see [this](#CDN) for more info). There is also a new version system that we will be using. (read [here](#Versioning) for more info). > > The history of the project has been rewritten and force pushed. You will likely need to redo any active commits you have. Sorry for the inconvenience. > [!TIP] > Cloning the repository is no longer recommended for production use. You should use [releases](https://github.com/EmulatorJS/EmulatorJS/releases) or the [CDN](https://cdn.emulatorjs.org/) instead.
### Ads *This project has no ads.*
*Although, the demo page currently has an ad to help fund this project.*
*Ads on the demo page may come and go depending on how many people are*
*funding this project.*
*You can help fund this project on* ***[patreon]***
### Issues *If something doesn't work, please consider opening an* ***[Issue]***
*with as many details as possible, as well as the console log.*
### Versioning There are 3 different version name that you need to be aware of: 1. **stable** - This will be the most stable version of the emulator both code and cores will be tested before release. It will be updated every time a new version is released on GitHub. This is the default version on the Demo. 2. **latest** - This will contain the latest code but use the stable cores. This will be updated every time the *main* branch is updated. 3. **nightly** - This will contain the latest code and the latest cores. The cores will be updated every day, so this is consiterd alpha. ### CDN There is a new CDN that you can use to get any version of the emulator. The cdn is `https://cdn.emulatorjs.org/`. You can use this to get the stable, latest, nightly and any other main version by setting your `EJS_pathtodata` to `https://cdn.emulatorjs.org//data/`. ### Extensions  **[GameLibrary]**    *A library overview for your **ROM** folder.*
### Development: *Run a local server with:* ``` npm i npm start ```
**>> When reporting bugs, please specify that you are using the old version**

Supported Systems

### Nintendo **[Game Boy Advance][Nintendo Game Boy Advance]**   |  **[Famicom / NES][NES / Famicom]**   |  **[Virtual Boy][Virtual Boy]** **[Game Boy][Nintendo Game Boy]**   |  **[SNES]**   |  **[DS][Nintendo DS]**   |  **[64][Nintendo 64]**

### Sega **[Master System][Sega Master System]**   |  **[Mega Drive][Sega Mega Drive]**   |  **[Game Gear][Sega Game Gear]** **[Saturn][Sega Saturn]**   |  **[32X][Sega 32X]**   |  **[CD][Sega CD]**

### Atari **[2600][Atari 2600]**   |  **[5200][Atari 5200]**   |  **[7800][Atari 7800]**   |  **[Lynx][Atari Lynx]**   |  **[Jaguar][Atari Jaguar]**

### Commodore **[Commodore 64]** | **[Commodore 128]** | **[Commodore Amiga]** **[Commodore PET]** | **[Commodore Plus/4]** | **[Commodore VIC-20]**

### Other **[PlayStation]**   |  **[Arcade]**   |  **[3DO]** **[MAME 2003]** | **[ColecoVision]**

[License]: LICENSE [Issue]: https://github.com/ethanaobrien/emulatorjs/issues [patreon]: https://patreon.com/EmulatorJS [GameLibrary]: https://github.com/Ramaerel/emulatorjs-GameLibrary [Configurator]: https://emulatorjs.org/editor [Contributors]: docs/Contributors.md [Website]: https://emulatorjs.org/ [Legacy]: https://coldcast.org/games/1/Super-Mario-Bros [Usage]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/ [Demo]: https://demo.emulatorjs.org/ [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/nintendo-game-boy-advance [Nintendo Game Boy]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/nintendo-game-boy [Nintendo 64]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/nintendo-64 [Nintendo DS]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/nintendo-ds [Sega Master System]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/sega-master-system [Sega Mega Drive]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/sega-mega-drive [Sega Game Gear]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/sega-game-gear [Sega Saturn]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/sega-saturn [Sega 32X]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/sega-32x [Sega CD]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/sega-cd [Atari Jaguar]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/atari-jaguar [Atari Lynx]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/atari-lynx [Atari 7800]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/atari-7800 [Atari 2600]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/atari-2600 [Atari 5200]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/atari-5200 [NES / Famicom]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/nes-famicom [SNES]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/snes [PlayStation]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/playstation [Virtual Boy]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/virtual-boy [Arcade]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/arcade [3DO]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/3do [MAME 2003]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/mame-2003 [ColecoVision]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/colecovision [Commodore 64]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/commodore-64 [Commodore 128]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/commodore-128 [Commodore Amiga]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/commodore-amiga [Commodore PET]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/commodore-pet [Commodore Plus/4]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/commodore-plus4 [Commodore VIC-20]: https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems/commodore-vic20 [Badge License]: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPLv3-blue.svg?style=for-the-badge [Button Configurator]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Configurator-992cb3?style=for-the-badge [Button Contributors]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Contributors-54b7dd?style=for-the-badge [Button Website]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Website-736e9b?style=for-the-badge [Button Legacy]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Legacy-ab910b?style=for-the-badge [Button Usage]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Usage-2478b5?style=for-the-badge [Button Demo]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Demo-528116?style=for-the-badge [Button Beta]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Beta-bb044f?style=for-the-badge