class EmulatorJS { createElement(type) { return document.createElement(type); } downloadFile(path, cb, progressCB, notWithPath, opts) { const basePath = notWithPath ? '' : this.config.dataPath; path = basePath + path; let url; try {url=new URL(path)}catch(e){}; if ((url && ['http:', 'https:'].includes(url.protocol)) || !url) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (progressCB instanceof Function) { xhr.addEventListener('progress', (e) => { const progress = ? ' '+Math.floor(e.loaded / * 100).toString()+'%' : ' '+(e.loaded/1048576).toFixed(2)+'MB'; progressCB(progress); }); } xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.readyState === xhr.DONE) { let data = xhr.response; try {data=JSON.parse(data)}catch(e){} cb({ data: data, headers: { "content-length": xhr.getResponseHeader('content-length'), "content-type": xhr.getResponseHeader('content-type'), "last-modified": xhr.getResponseHeader('last-modified') } }); } } xhr.responseType = opts.responseType; xhr.onerror = () => cb(-1);, path, true); xhr.send(); } else { (async () => { //Most commonly blob: urls. Not sure what else it could be if (opts.method === 'HEAD') { cb({headers:{}}); return; } let res; try { res = await fetch(path); if (opts.type && opts.type.toLowerCase() === 'arraybuffer') { res = await res.arrayBuffer(); } else { res = await res.text(); try {res = JSON.parse(res)} catch(e) {} } } catch(e) { cb(-1); } if (path.startsWith('blob:')) URL.revokeObjectURL(path); cb({ data: res, headers: {} }); }) } } constructor(element, config) { this.setElements(element); this.started = false; this.listeners = []; this.config = config; this.canvas = this.createElement('canvas'); this.canvas.classList.add('ejs_canvas'); this.bindListeners();"ejs_game"); this.createStartButton(); console.log(this) } setElements(element) { = document.querySelector(element); this.elements = { main:, parent: } this.elements.parent.classList.add("ejs_parent"); } addEventListener(element, listener, callback) { element.addEventListener(listener, callback); this.listeners.push({cb:callback, elem:element, listener:listener}); } // Start button createStartButton() { const button = this.createElement("div"); button.classList.add("ejs_start_button"); button.innerText = this.localization("Start Game"); this.elements.parent.appendChild(button); this.addEventListener(button, "click", this.startButtonClicked.bind(this)); } startButtonClicked(e) { e.preventDefault();; this.createText(); this.downloadGameCore(); } // End start button createText() { this.textElem = this.createElement("div"); this.textElem.classList.add("ejs_loading_text"); this.textElem.innerText = this.localization("Loading..."); this.elements.parent.appendChild(this.textElem); } localization(text) { //todo return text; } checkCompression(data, msg) { if (msg) { this.textElem.innerText = msg; } //to be put in another file function isCompressed(data) { // //todo. Use hex instead of numbers if ((data[0] === 80 && data[1] === 75) && ((data[2] === 3 && data[3] === 4) || (data[2] === 5 && data[3] === 6) || (data[2] === 7 && data[3] === 8))) { return 'zip'; } else if (data[0] === 55 && data[1] === 122 && data[2] === 188 && data[3] === 175 && data[4] === 39 && data[5] === 28) { return '7z'; } else if ((data[0] === 82 && data[1] === 97 && data[2] === 114 && data[3] === 33 && data[4] === 26 && data[5] === 7) && ((data[6] === 0) || (data[6] === 1 && data[7] == 0))) { return 'rar'; } } const createWorker = (path) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.downloadFile(path, (res) => { if (res === -1) { this.textElem.innerText = "Error"; = "red"; return; } const blob = new Blob([], { 'type': 'application/javascript' }) const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); resolve(new Worker(url)); }, null, false, {responseType: "arraybuffer", method: "GET"}); }) } const decompress7z = (file) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const files = {}; const onMessage = (data) => { if (! return; // 4=progress, 2 is file, 1 is zip done if ( === 4 && msg) { const pg =; const num = Math.floor(pg.current / * 100); if (isNaN(num)) return; const progress = ' '+num.toString()+'%'; this.textElem.innerText = msg + progress; } if ( === 2) { files[] =; } if ( === 1) { resolve(files); } } createWorker('compression/extract7z.js').then((worker) => { worker.onmessage = onMessage; worker.postMessage(file); //console.log(file); }) }) } async function decompressRar() { } const compression = isCompressed(data.slice(0, 10)); if (compression) { //Need to do zip and rar still return decompress7z(data); } else { return new Promise(resolve => resolve(data)); } } downloadGameCore() { this.textElem.innerText = this.localization("Download Game Core"); this.downloadFile('cores/'+this.getCore()+'', (res) => { if (res === -1) { this.textElem.innerText = "Error"; = "red"; return; } this.checkCompression(new Uint8Array(, this.localization("Decompress Game Core")).then((data) => { //console.log(data); let js, wasm; for (let k in data) { if (k.endsWith(".wasm")) { wasm = data[k]; } else if (k.endsWith(".js")) { js = data[k]; } } this.initGameCore(js, wasm); }); }, (progress) => { this.textElem.innerText = this.localization("Download Game Core") + progress; }, false, {responseType: "arraybuffer", method: "GET"}); } initGameCore(js, wasm) { this.initModule(wasm); let script = this.createElement("script"); script.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([js], {type: "application/javascript"})); document.body.appendChild(script); } getCore() { const core = this.config.system; //switch case or an object holding this data if (core === 'nes') { return 'fceumm'; } } downloadRom() { this.textElem.innerText = this.localization("Download Game Data"); this.downloadFile(this.config.gameUrl, (res) => { if (res === -1) { this.textElem.innerText = "Error"; = "red"; return; } this.checkCompression(new Uint8Array(, this.localization("Decompress Game Data")).then((data) => { FS.writeFile("/game", data); this.startGame(); }); }, (progress) => { this.textElem.innerText = this.localization("Download Game Data") + progress; }, true, {responseType: "arraybuffer", method: "GET"}); } initModule(wasmData) { window.Module = { 'TOTAL_MEMORY': 0x10000000, 'noInitialRun': true, 'onRuntimeInitialized': this.downloadRom.bind(this), 'arguments': [], 'preRun': [], 'postRun': [], 'canvas': this.canvas, 'print': function(msg) { if (window.EJS_DEBUG_XX === true) { console.log(msg); } }, 'printErr': function(msg) { if (window.EJS_DEBUG_XX === true) { console.log(msg); } }, 'totalDependencies': 0, 'monitorRunDependencies': () => {}, 'locateFile': function(fileName) { console.log(fileName); if (fileName.endsWith(".wasm")) { return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([wasmData], {type: "application/wasm"})); } }, 'readAsync': function(a, b, c) { console.log(a, b, c) } }; } startGame() { this.textElem.remove(); this.textElem = null;"ejs_game");; const args = []; if (window.EJS_DEBUG_XX === true) args.push('-v'); args.push('/game'); Module.callMain(args); Module.resumeMainLoop(); this.started = true; Module.setCanvasSize(800, 600); let i=0; // this needs to be fixed. Ugh. let j = setInterval(function() { // some cores have a messed up screen size on load (for example - gba) if (i>20) clearInterval(j); i++; Module.setCanvasSize(800, 600); }, 100) } bindListeners() { this.createContextMenu(); //keyboard, etc... } createContextMenu() { this.elements.contextmenu = this.createElement('div'); this.elements.contextmenu.classList.add("ejs_context_menu"); this.addEventListener(, 'contextmenu', (e) => { if (this.started) { = "block"; = e.offsetX; = e.offsetY; } e.preventDefault(); }) this.addEventListener(this.elements.contextmenu, 'contextmenu', (e) => e.preventDefault()); this.addEventListener(this.elements.parent, 'contextmenu', (e) => e.preventDefault()); this.addEventListener(, 'mousedown', (e) => { = "none"; }) let contextHtml = [''] let contextFunctions = [] const addButton = (title, hidden, functi0n) => { if (functi0n instanceof Function) { contextFunctions.push(functi0n); } else { contextFunctions.push(() => {}); } let i = contextHtml.length - 1; if (hidden) { contextHtml.splice(i, 0, ''); } else { contextHtml.splice(i, 0, '
  • '+title+'
  • '); } } addButton("test 1", false, () => console.log("1")); addButton("test 2", false, () => console.log("2")); addButton("test 3", false, () => console.log("3")); addButton("test 4", false, () => console.log("4")); this.elements.contextmenu.innerHTML = contextHtml.join(''); let buttons = this.elements.contextmenu.getElementsByTagName('li') for (let i=0; i