# Usage *For questions please use the* ***[Issue]*** *tab.*
## Setup 1. Download this repository.
*`Code ➞ Download As Zip`* 2. Use a **WebServer** to host the emulator. 3. Use your **Browser** to navigate to `localhost`
## ROMs **ROMs** can be used as `zip` / `rar` / `7z` archives.
## Netplay By default **Netplay** is ***disabled***,
to enable it, add the following: ```js // ID in your website, required for netplay. Each game in your site should have a different ID EJS_gameID = 1; ```
by default, the netplay server url will be `emuserver.emulatorjs.ga`, but to default to the default `ws.emulatorjs.com` server add the following line ```js EJS_oldEJSNetplayServer = true; ```
*To self host:* 1. Download the **[Server]**. 2. Specify the servers address with: ```js EJS_netplayUrl = 'http://localhost:3000/'; // Absolute Url To Your Netplay Server ```
## Custom Save Filename To customize the filename of save states
simply add the following lines of code. ```js EJS_gameName = 'Game Name'; ``` **➞ Save Filename:** `Game Name.state`
## AD To place an advertisement in front of the
`play now` screen, include the following line: ```js EJS_AdUrl = 'URL'; ```
## Interface Color To use a different color for the emulator interface, use: ```js EJS_color = '#FF0000'; // Hex Color Code ```
## Direct Start To start the emulator immediately, add this line: ```js EJS_startOnLoaded = true; ``` *For audio to play the user still*
*needs to interact with the page.*
## Custom Paths Paths to emulator files can be customized with: ```js EJS_paths = { 'fileName' : '/somepath', 'emulator.js' : 'https://example.com/emulator.js', 'n64-asmjs.data' : '/asdfds.data' }; ``` *If a file is not defined, the default is used.*
## Localization Please see [the localization README].
## Using MAME To use the **MAME** system you will have to add: ```js EJS_core = 'mame'; EJS_mameCore = '' // mame core options (example: '4|0') ``` to your code. Set the mame core value to the mame core number ( `1` - `6` ) + `|` + save states supported ( `0` or `1` ) [Issue]: https://github.com/ethanaobrien/emulatorjs/issues [Server]: https://github.com/ethanaobrien/emuserver/releases [the localization readme]: data/localization/