diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 4c0e966..b83e449 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -7,14 +7,10 @@ Example page: https://coldcast.org/games/1/Super-Mario-Bros

demo: https://ethanaobrien.github.io/emulatorjs/

-EMULATOR JS PEOPLE - If you want to talk to me about taking this down, you can email me at ethan.a.obrien@gmail.com - -

I have made a google chrome extension using this code here - Does not need webserver. (I dont update this often)

- -Recomended: https://github.com/ethanaobrien/youtube-downloader - A fully featured youtube downloader. 100% client side. No viruses, no malware, no ads! - -

Where did I get this?


So I found this website called emulatorjs and I went into inspect and downloaded the resources. I removed the ad server, and made everything work within your own domain.




(normally this is at the end of the readme, although I think this is the most important part)


All credit on the emulators go to @linuxserver +

Originally I found this website and downloaded all the resources. Now we can (theoretically) just compile everything from here

The emulator is not illegal - the rom is - I am not responsible for what people decide to do with this software.