welcome = Welcome welcome-page-message = Hi there! Welcome to the An Anime Game Launcher We need to prepare some stuff and download default components before you could run the game tos-violation-warning = ToS violation warning tos-violation-warning-message = This launcher is an unofficial tool, in no way related to {company-name} nor {company-alter-name}. This tool is designed to facilitate playing {game-name} on Linux, and was built with the sole purpose of installing and running the game with less hassle. It does so by using existing components and making the experience simple for the user. However, some components used here likely break the {company-name} Terms of Service for {game-name}. If you are using this launcher, your player account could become identified as TOS-non-compliant by {company-name}/{company-alter-name}. If this happens, as your account would be disobeying TOS, {company-name}/{company-alter-name} are free to do what they want. Including banning. If you understand the risk of trying to play the game in an unofficial capacity, press OK and let's go researching the world of Teyvat! dependencies = Dependencies missing-dependencies-title = You're missing some dependencies! missing-dependencies-message = You must install some packages to your system before continue installation process default-paths = Default paths choose-default-paths = Choose default paths show-all-folders = I know what I'm doing show-all-folders-subtitle = Show additional path selection settings. Do as I say... runners-folder = Runners folder dxvks-folder = DXVKs folder wine-prefix-folder = Wine prefix folder global-game-installation-folder = Global game version installation folder chinese-game-installation-folder = Chinese game version installation folder fps-unlocker-folder = FPS Unlocker folder components-index = Components index patch-folder = Patch folder temp-folder = Temp folder migrate = Migrate select-voice-packages = Select voice packages download-components = Download components download-dxvk = Download DXVK apply-dxvk = Apply DXVK finish = Finish finish-title = Everything's done! finish-message = All the basic components were downloaded. Now you can restart the launcher and download the game. Welcome to our club!