use gtk::prelude::*; use gtk::{CssProvider, StyleContext, STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION}; use gtk::gdk::Display; use gtk::glib; use gtk::glib::clone; use std::path::Path; use std::fs; pub mod ui; pub mod lib; use ui::*; pub const APP_ID: &str = ""; pub const APP_VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); pub const APP_DEBUG: bool = cfg!(debug_assertions); fn main() { adw::init().expect("Libadwaita initialization failed"); // Register and include resources gtk::gio::resources_register_include!(".assets.gresource") .expect("Failed to register resources"); // Set application's title glib::set_application_name("An Anime Game Launcher"); glib::set_program_name(Some("An Anime Game Launcher")); // Create app let application = gtk::Application::new( Some(APP_ID), Default::default() ); application.add_main_option( "run-game", glib::Char::from(0), glib::OptionFlags::empty(), glib::OptionArg::None, "Run the game", None ); let run_game = std::rc::Rc::new(std::cell::Cell::new(false)); application.connect_handle_local_options(clone!(@strong run_game => move |_, arg| { if arg.contains("run-game") { run_game.set(true); } -1 })); // Init app window and show it application.connect_activate(move |app| { // Apply CSS styles to the application let provider = CssProvider::new(); provider.load_from_data(include_bytes!("../assets/styles.css")); StyleContext::add_provider_for_display( &Display::default().expect("Could not connect to a display"), &provider, STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION ); // Create default launcher folder if needed let launcher_dir = lib::consts::launcher_dir().expect("Failed to get launcher dir"); if !launcher_dir.exists() || launcher_dir.join(".first-run").exists() { fs::create_dir_all(&launcher_dir).expect("Failed to create default launcher dir"); fs::write(launcher_dir.join(".first-run"), "").expect("Failed to create .first-run file"); let first_run = FirstRunApp::new(app).expect("Failed to init FirstRunApp");; } else { let config = lib::config::get().expect("Failed to load config"); // Create wine builds folder if !Path::new(& { fs::create_dir_all( .expect("Failed to create wine builds directory"); } // Create DXVK builds folder if !Path::new(& { fs::create_dir_all( .expect("Failed to create DXVK builds directory"); } // Set game edition anime_game_core::genshin::consts::set_game_edition(config.launcher.edition.into()); // Load main window let main = MainApp::new(app).expect("Failed to init MainApp"); // Load initial launcher state let awaiter = main.update_state(); if !run_game.get() {; } else { use lib::launcher::states::LauncherState; awaiter.then(move |state| { let mut state = state.as_ref().expect("Failed to load launcher state"); #[allow(clippy::or_fun_call)] if let LauncherState::PredownloadAvailable { game, voices } = state { if let Ok(config) = lib::config::get() { let mut predownloaded = true; let temp = config.launcher.temp.unwrap_or("/tmp".into()); if !temp.join(game.file_name().unwrap_or(String::from("\0"))).exists() { predownloaded = false; } else { for voice in voices { if !temp.join(voice.file_name().unwrap_or(String::from("\0"))).exists() { predownloaded = false; break; } } } if predownloaded { state = &LauncherState::Launch; } } } match state { LauncherState::Launch => { main.update(ui::main::Actions::PerformButtonEvent).unwrap(); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(5)); std::process::exit(0); } _ => } }); } } }); // Flush config from the memory to the file before closing the app application.connect_shutdown(|_| { lib::config::flush().expect("Failed to save config file"); }); // Run app; }