using Gtk 4.0; using Adw 1; Gtk.Box page { orientation: vertical; hexpand: true; Adw.PreferencesPage { Adw.PreferencesGroup { Gtk.Label { label: "Downloading finished!"; margin-top: 64; styles ["title-1"] } Gtk.Label { label: "All the basic components were downloaded. Now you can restart the launcher and download the game. Welcome to our club!"; wrap: true; justify: center; margin-top: 32; } } Adw.PreferencesGroup { vexpand: true; valign: center; Gtk.Box { orientation: horizontal; spacing: 8; halign: center; Gtk.Button restart_button { label: "Restart"; styles ["suggested-action"] } Gtk.Button exit_button { label: "Exit"; } } } } }