appearance = Appearance modern = Modern classic = Classic update-background = Update background picture update-background-description = Download official background picture for the launcher. You can disable it to use your custom image instead launcher-language = Launcher language launcher-language-description = Applies after restart game-edition = Game edition global = Global china = China game-environment = Game environment game-environment-description = Get specific features like additional payment methods game-voiceovers = Game voiceovers game-voiceovers-description = List of downloaded game voiceovers. You can select them in the game settings english = English japanese = Japanese korean = Korean chinese = Chinese migrate-installation = Migrate installation migrate-installation-description = Open special window where you can change your game installation folder repair-game = Repair game status = Status game-version = Game version game-not-installed = not installed game-predownload-available = Game update pre-downloading available: {$old} -> {$new} game-update-available = Game update available: {$old} -> {$new} game-outdated = Game is too outdated and can't be updated. Latest version: {$latest} player-patch-version = Player patch version player-patch-version-description = Main patch that lets you play the game on Linux patch-not-available = not available patch-not-available-tooltip = Patch servers are unreachable patch-outdated = outdated ({$current}) patch-outdated-tooltip = Patch is outdated: {$current} -> {$latest} patch-preparation = preparation patch-preparation-tooltip = Patch is in development patch-testing-tooltip = Test patch is available patch-not-applied-tooltip = Patch is not applied apply-main-patch = Apply main patch apply-main-patch-description = Experimental. Disabling this allows you to run the game without applying the patch. This may not work, or require manual files modifications. Use if you know what you're doing disable-mhypbase = Disable mhypbase disable-mhypbase-description = Experimental. If enabled, launcher will disable mhypbase.dll during the main patch applying, which is currently an equivalent to the xlua patch. Improves performance and reduces CPU usage ask-superuser-permissions = Ask superuser permissions ask-superuser-permissions-description = Launcher will use them to automatically update your hosts file. This is not needed in flatpak edition launcher-behavior = Launcher behavior launcher-behavior-description = What should launcher window do when it starts the game wine-tools = Wine tools command-line = Command line registry-editor = Registry editor explorer = Explorer task-manager = Task manager configuration = Configuration debugger = Debugger