diff --git a/assets/locales/de/general.ftl b/assets/locales/de/general.ftl index 032e7a7..6017ec1 100644 --- a/assets/locales/de/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/de/general.ftl @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ patch-testing-tooltip = Test-Patch ist verfügbar patch-not-applied-tooltip = Patch ist nicht angewendet patch-broken-tooltip = Der aktuelle Patch funktioniert derzeit nicht patch-unsafe-tooltip = Der aktuelle Patch ist derzeit nicht sicher und sollte nicht genutzt werden +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-main-patch = Hauptpatch Anwenden apply-main-patch-description = Experimentell. Wenn Sie diese Option deaktivieren, können Sie das Spiel ausführen, ohne den Patch anzuwenden. Dies könnte möglicherweise nicht funktionieren oder erfordert manuelle Änderungen an den Dateien. Verwenden Sie dies nur wenn Sie wissen was Sie tun. diff --git a/assets/locales/en/general.ftl b/assets/locales/en/general.ftl index 5dd74a1..3198248 100644 --- a/assets/locales/en/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/en/general.ftl @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ patch-testing-tooltip = Test patch is available patch-not-applied-tooltip = Patch is not applied patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-main-patch = Apply main patch apply-main-patch-description = Experimental. Disabling this allows you to run the game without applying the patch. This may not work, or require manual files modifications. Use if you know what you're doing diff --git a/assets/locales/es/general.ftl b/assets/locales/es/general.ftl index f5d5cd3..e96f078 100644 --- a/assets/locales/es/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/es/general.ftl @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ patch-testing-tooltip = Está disponible un parche de prueba patch-not-applied-tooltip = El parche no está aplicado patch-broken-tooltip = La versión actual del parche está rota y no funciona correctamente patch-unsafe-tooltip = La versión actual del parche es insegura y no debería usarse +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-main-patch = Aplicar parche principal apply-main-patch-description = Experimental. Deshabilitar esta opción te permitirá correr el juego sin aplicar el parche. Esto podría no funcionar, o requerir modificaciones manuales a los archivos. Úsalo sólo si sabes lo que estás haciendo diff --git a/assets/locales/fr/general.ftl b/assets/locales/fr/general.ftl index f9e7d16..d48b6ef 100644 --- a/assets/locales/fr/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/fr/general.ftl @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ patch-testing-tooltip = Patch de test disponible patch-not-applied-tooltip = Patch is not applied patch-broken-tooltip = La version actuelle du patch ne fonctionne pas correctement patch-unsafe-tooltip = La version actuelle du patch n'est pas safe, et ne doit pas être utilisée +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-main-patch = Appliquer le patch principal apply-main-patch-description = Expériment. Désactiver cette option permet de lancer le jeu sans le patch. Il n'est pas garanti que cette option marche, et des modifications manuelles seront potentiellement nécessaires. À n'utiliser que si vous savez ce que vous faites diff --git a/assets/locales/hu/general.ftl b/assets/locales/hu/general.ftl index 8b13f4c..f2b76c1 100644 --- a/assets/locales/hu/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/hu/general.ftl @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ patch-testing-tooltip = Teszt patch elérhető patch-not-applied-tooltip = A patch nincs alkalmazva patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-main-patch = Fő patch alkalmazása apply-main-patch-description = Kísérleti opció, a kikapcsolásával futtathatod a játékot patch nélkül. Lehet hogy nem fog működni, vagy a fájlokat manuálisan kell szerkesztened, akkor kapcsold ki ha tudod mit csinálsz. diff --git a/assets/locales/id/general.ftl b/assets/locales/id/general.ftl index 5080974..4b241ef 100644 --- a/assets/locales/id/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/id/general.ftl @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ patch-testing-tooltip = Patch tes tersedia patch-not-applied-tooltip = Patch tidak diterapkan patch-broken-tooltip = Patch versi saat ini rusak dan tidak dapat bekerja dengan semestinya patch-unsafe-tooltip = Patch versi saat ini tidak aman dan sebaiknya tidak digunakan +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-main-patch = Terapkan patch utama apply-main-patch-description = Eksperimental. Menonaktifkan opsi ini akan menginzinkan Anda menjalankan game tanpa menerapkan patch. Hal ini mungkin tidak bekerja, atau membutuhkan modifikasi file secara manual. Gunakan jika Anda tahu apa yang Anda lakukan diff --git a/assets/locales/it/general.ftl b/assets/locales/it/general.ftl index be54953..207f39b 100644 --- a/assets/locales/it/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/it/general.ftl @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ patch-testing-tooltip = La patch di test è disponibile patch-not-applied-tooltip = La patch non è applicata patch-broken-tooltip = L'attuale versione della patch è difettosa e non funziona correttamente patch-unsafe-tooltip = L'attuale versione della patch non è sicura e non dovrebbe essere usata +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-main-patch = Applica la patch principale apply-main-patch-description = Sperimentale. Disabilitandola ti permette di eseguite il gioco senza applicare la patch. Ciò potrebbe non funzionare o richiedere modifiche manuali ai file. Usala se sai cosa stai facendo diff --git a/assets/locales/ja/general.ftl b/assets/locales/ja/general.ftl index 30a12ef..67b7ecb 100644 --- a/assets/locales/ja/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/ja/general.ftl @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ patch-testing-tooltip = テストパッチがあります patch-not-applied-tooltip = パッチが適用されませんでした。 patch-broken-tooltip = 現在のパッチは、壊れているため正しく動作しない場合があります。 patch-unsafe-tooltip = 現在のパッチは、安全ではないので使わないほうが良いでしょう。 +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-main-patch = メインパッチを適用 apply-main-patch-description = 実験的です。これを無効にするとパッチ無しでゲームを起動することができます。これが機能しない場合、手動でパッチを適用する必要があります。これが何を意味するのかを理解できない人は無効にするべきではないでしょう。 diff --git a/assets/locales/ko/general.ftl b/assets/locales/ko/general.ftl index c1ef034..2b96381 100644 --- a/assets/locales/ko/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/ko/general.ftl @@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ patch-preparation-tooltip = 패치가 개발 중입니다 patch-testing-tooltip = 테스트 패치를 사용할 수 있습니다 patch-not-applied-tooltip = 패치가 적용되지 않았습니다 +patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly +patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-main-patch = 메인 패치 적용 apply-main-patch-description = 실험적 기능입니다. 이 옵션을 비활성화하면 패치를 적용하지 않고 게임을 실행할 수 있습니다. 작동하지 않거나 수동으로 파일을 수정해야 할 수 있습니다. 사용법을 알고 있는 경우에만 사용하세요. -disable-mhypbase = mhypbase 비활성화 -disable-mhypbase-description = 실험적 기능입니다. 활성화 된 경우, 런처는 메인 패치 적용 중에 mhypbase.dll을 비활성화합니다. 이는 현재 XLUA 패치와 동일합니다. 성능을 향상시키고 CPU 사용을 줄입니다 - ask-superuser-permissions = 슈퍼유저 권한 요청 ask-superuser-permissions-description = 런처가 이를 사용하여 호스트 파일을 자동으로 업데이트합니다. Flatpak 에디션에서는 필요하지 않습니다 diff --git a/assets/locales/nl/general.ftl b/assets/locales/nl/general.ftl index c96f787..7b1084f 100644 --- a/assets/locales/nl/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/nl/general.ftl @@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ patch-preparation-tooltip = Patch is in ontwikkeling patch-testing-tooltip = Testpatch is beschikbaar patch-not-applied-tooltip = Patch is niet toegepast +patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly +patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-main-patch = Breng de main patch aan apply-main-patch-description = Experimenteel. Als je dit uitschakelt, kun je het spel uitvoeren zonder de patch toe te passen. Dit werkt mogelijk niet, of vereist handmatige bestandsaanpassingen. Gebruik dit als je weet wat je doet -disable-mhypbase = Schakel mhypbase uit -disable-mhypbase-description = Experimenteel. Indien ingeschakeld, zal het opstartprogramma mhypbase.dll uitschakelen tijdens het aanbrengen van de main patch, wat momenteel gelijkwaardig is aan de xlua-patch. Verbetert de prestaties en vermindert het CPU-gebruik - ask-superuser-permissions = Vraag superuser-machtigingen ask-superuser-permissions-description = Launcher zal ze gebruiken om je hosts-bestand automatisch bij te werken. Dit is niet nodig in de flatpak-editie diff --git a/assets/locales/pl/general.ftl b/assets/locales/pl/general.ftl index 05c5e71..a561371 100644 --- a/assets/locales/pl/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/pl/general.ftl @@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ patch-preparation-tooltip = Łatka jest w trakcie opracowywania patch-testing-tooltip = Dostępna jest łatka testowa patch-not-applied-tooltip = Łatka nie jest zastosowana +patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly +patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-main-patch = Zastosuj główną łatkę apply-main-patch-description = Eksperymentalne. Wyłączenie tej opcji pozwoli uruchomić grę bez stosowania łatki. Może to nie działać lub wymagać ręcznych modyfikacji plików. Użyj tej opcji, jeśli wiesz, co robisz. -disable-mhypbase = Wyłącz mhypbase -disable-mhypbase-description = Eksperymentalne. Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, launcher wyłączy plik mhypbase.dll podczas stosowania głównej łatki, co obecnie jest równoważne z łatką xlua. Poprawia wydajność i zmniejsza użycie CPU. - ask-superuser-permissions = Poproś o uprawnienia super użytkownika ask-superuser-permissions-description = Launcher będzie używał ich do automatycznego aktualizowania twojego pliku hosts. Nie jest to wymagane w edycji Flatpak. diff --git a/assets/locales/pt/general.ftl b/assets/locales/pt/general.ftl index 16b9331..82a3e35 100644 --- a/assets/locales/pt/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/pt/general.ftl @@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ patch-preparation-tooltip = Patch está em desenvolvimento patch-testing-tooltip = Patch teste está disponível patch-not-applied-tooltip = Patch não está aplicado +patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly +patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-main-patch = Aplicar patch principal apply-main-patch-description = Experimental. Desativar isso permite jogar o jogo sem aplicar o patch. Isso pode não funcionar, ou requer modificações de arquivo manuais. Use se sabe o que está fazendo -disable-mhypbase = Desative mhypbase -disable-mhypbase-description = Experimental. Se ativado, o launcher ira desativar mhypbase.dll durante a aplicação do patch principal, que é atualmente equivalente ao patch xlua. melhora performance e reduz uso da CPU - ask-superuser-permissions = Pede permissão de superusuário ask-superuser-permissions-description = Launcher irá usa-lo para atualizar automaticamente os arquivos. Isso não é necessário na edição flatpak diff --git a/assets/locales/ru/general.ftl b/assets/locales/ru/general.ftl index 338ac5f..ff222d7 100644 --- a/assets/locales/ru/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/ru/general.ftl @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ patch-testing-tooltip = Доступна тестовая версия патч patch-not-applied-tooltip = Патч не применен patch-broken-tooltip = Текущая версия патча работает неисправно patch-unsafe-tooltip = Текущая версия патча небезопасна и не должна быть использована +patch-concerning-tooltip = У нас есть некоторые беспокойства о текущей версии патча apply-main-patch = Применять основной патч apply-main-patch-description = Экспериментально. Отключение опции позволяет запускать игру без применения патча. Это может не работать или требовать ручного изменения файлов. Используйте если знаете что делаете diff --git a/assets/locales/sv/general.ftl b/assets/locales/sv/general.ftl index 81a323d..f10842b 100644 --- a/assets/locales/sv/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/sv/general.ftl @@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ patch-preparation-tooltip = Patchen är under utveckling patch-testing-tooltip = Test-patch är tillgänglig patch-not-applied-tooltip = Patchen är inte applicerad +patch-broken-tooltip = Current patch version is broken and doesn't work properly +patch-unsafe-tooltip = Current patch version is unsafe and shouldn't be used +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-main-patch = Applicera huvudsaklig patch apply-main-patch-description = Experimentellt. Om du inaktiverar detta kan du köra spelet utan att använda patchen. Detta kanske inte fungerar eller kan kräva manuella filändringar. Använd om du vet vad du gör -disable-mhypbase = Inaktivera mhypbase -disable-mhypbase-description = Experimentellt. Om aktiverad så kommer starthanteraren att inaktivera mhypbase.dll under applicering av huvudsaklig patch, vilket för närvarande är en motsvarighet till xlua-patchen. Förbättrar prestanda och minskar CPU-användning - ask-superuser-permissions = Fråga efter superuser-rättigheter ask-superuser-permissions-description = Starthanteraren kommer att använda dem för att automatiskt uppdatera din hosts-fil. Detta behövs inte i flatpak-utgåvan diff --git a/assets/locales/tr/general.ftl b/assets/locales/tr/general.ftl index 9010302..2d122f6 100644 --- a/assets/locales/tr/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/tr/general.ftl @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ patch-testing-tooltip = Test yaması mevcut patch-not-applied-tooltip = Yama uygulanmamış patch-broken-tooltip = Geçerli yama sürümü bozuk ve düzgün çalışmıyor patch-unsafe-tooltip = Geçerli yama sürümü güvensiz ve kullanılmamalı +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-main-patch = Ana yamayı uygula apply-main-patch-description = Deneysel. Bunu devre dışı bırakmak yamayı uygulamadan oyunu çalıştırmanızı sağlar. Bu çalışmayabilir, ya da elle dosyaları değiştirmeyi gerektirebilir. Ne yaptığınızı biliyorsanız kullanın. diff --git a/assets/locales/vi/general.ftl b/assets/locales/vi/general.ftl index f4f9a85..798e033 100644 --- a/assets/locales/vi/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/vi/general.ftl @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ patch-testing-tooltip = Đã có bản vá thử nghiệm patch-not-applied-tooltip = Bản vá không được áp dụng patch-broken-tooltip = Bản vá hiện tại bị hỏng và không hoạt động bình thường patch-unsafe-tooltip = Bản vá hiện tại không an toàn và không nên sử dụng +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-mfplat-patch = Áp dụng bản vá mfplat diff --git a/assets/locales/zh-cn/general.ftl b/assets/locales/zh-cn/general.ftl index b9d608a..6621607 100644 --- a/assets/locales/zh-cn/general.ftl +++ b/assets/locales/zh-cn/general.ftl @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ patch-testing-tooltip = 有测试版补丁可用 patch-not-applied-tooltip = 补丁未应用 patch-broken-tooltip = 当前补丁版本已损坏,无法正常工作 patch-unsafe-tooltip = 当前补丁版本不安全,不应使用 +patch-concerning-tooltip = We have some concerns about the current patch version apply-main-patch = 应用主补丁 apply-main-patch-description = 实验性功能。禁用此选项可以允许在没有打补丁的情况下尝试运行游戏。此时游戏可能无法正常运行,或者需要手动修改文件。请确保你知道自己在做什么 diff --git a/src/ui/main/mod.rs b/src/ui/main/mod.rs index 6b66662..16d5736 100644 --- a/src/ui/main/mod.rs +++ b/src/ui/main/mod.rs @@ -530,11 +530,13 @@ impl SimpleComponent for App { // TODO: a special tooltip for concerning patch state Some(LauncherState::PatchUnsafe) | - Some(LauncherState::PatchConcerning) | - Some(LauncherState::PredownloadAvailable { patch: JadeitePatchStatusVariant::Unsafe, .. }) | - Some(LauncherState::PredownloadAvailable { patch: JadeitePatchStatusVariant::Concerning, .. }) + Some(LauncherState::PredownloadAvailable { patch: JadeitePatchStatusVariant::Unsafe, .. }) => tr!("patch-unsafe-tooltip"), + Some(LauncherState::PatchConcerning) | + Some(LauncherState::PredownloadAvailable { patch: JadeitePatchStatusVariant::Concerning, .. }) + => tr!("patch-concerning-tooltip"), + _ => String::new() }), diff --git a/src/ui/preferences/general/mod.rs b/src/ui/preferences/general/mod.rs index 0441a34..09a60b3 100644 --- a/src/ui/preferences/general/mod.rs +++ b/src/ui/preferences/general/mod.rs @@ -414,9 +414,7 @@ impl SimpleAsyncComponent for GeneralApp { JadeitePatchStatusVariant::Unverified => tr!("patch-testing-tooltip"), JadeitePatchStatusVariant::Broken => tr!("patch-broken-tooltip"), JadeitePatchStatusVariant::Unsafe => tr!("patch-unsafe-tooltip"), - - // TODO: special tooltip for concerning status - JadeitePatchStatusVariant::Concerning => tr!("patch-unsafe-tooltip"), + JadeitePatchStatusVariant::Concerning => tr!("patch-concerning-tooltip"), _ => String::new() }